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So much evidence led us to believe it was. I read some anon on here say indoctrination theory was true and that bioware meant to leave it open to interpretation to drive discussion of the game. I wonder if that anon is still posting on this board. He seemed very knowledgeable on mass effect.
bot thread
incopetrination theory
You're likely speaking about Lorechad the king of all schizos, yup he is still alive and still lurking luckily. Go hop in one of his wacky threads to ask for IT support if you wish.
Is he only a lorechad about mass effect or other games too?
He has exceptional knowledge of many types of RPG lore to the point that he struggles with distinguishing any discernable difference between real life and RPGs. He apparently operates under some schzoid delusion that he is an RPG protagonist irl so naturally he's very good at playing actual RPGs. Examples of his peculiar insanity include how he will often boldly approach strangers in public to ask for rumors and side quests, experiances nearly zero fear of danger and death, constantly cripples himself economically because he typically engages in the RPG cliche of heroes not wanting material rewards for his oddjobs just insisting XP and alignment points are fair payment, enjoys meeting and recruiting new party members, has an autistic obsession with pulling off nearly impossible negotiations which he views as passing speechraft checks, trained his body to rarely require sleep, trained his body so he can nearly beat the actual Commander Shepard or a similar RPG chad in a drinking contest, never stays in one area too long because RPG characters don't settle down, generally has over 100 pounds of stuff in his personal inventory, loves sleeping in tents, is a voracious bookworm, loves staying in a variety of inns, deeply enjoys repairing everyday items as their condition stat deteriorates, works out excessively which he seems to interpret as leveling up stats like strength and endurance, but is also freakishly obsessed with many other forms of self improvement which he considers leveling up crap like his charisma attribute or his science skill. That type of stuff. Because his schizophrenia has him convinced he is an RPG hero irl, he seems to possess unique talents for discovering countless rare insights into RPG lore with an astonishing magnitude for outside the box thinking
Is that probably the guy in the mass effect thread talking about what could be an in game reason why nobody calls Shepard by his first name? It seems like all the posts in that thread are being made by the same person. And that thread is very schizo tier
The devs said it wasn't true. Pretty stupid considering it was more interesting and believable than the trash story and ending we got. They should have just lied and went with it.
wasn't hero man rebuild from reaper tech and his own charred remains ?
IDK if you can trust a techno zombie barbeque man
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>anon on here say indoctrination theory was true and that bioware meant to leave it open to interpretation to drive discussion of the game
Uh iirc correctly anon asked me my for my personal input on IT December 2nd in my earlier thread posted about Thresher Maws right? I woke up that rainy morning homestead full of water my favorite OmniTool in a nearby river my face cut up af to shit etc. I told anon im temporarily blind in 1 eye and other eye hurt bitch on redsand-crackcoke when I view computer screens so Id get back to him later. 2 weeks later Im back at full HP so I reply 30like IT redpills across about 6some posts, 1 extra important point being Bioware originally never desired to confirm nor deny IT, but a similar never-ending flow of free advertising "autistic fans debating ending" profitable scenario like FO3 Jew Vegas operates on. BUT many years after ME3 Launch Bioware had to officialy deny IT (EA maybe Bioware them "Deny IT or burn!" too lol) bc inumerable autists on Bioware Forums were REEing hard af threatening to boycott Bioware if IT wuz confirmed! Bretty fascinating how the contrarians essentially ate the other contrarians there! Nobody screencaped those IT redpills I posted...? It'd save me the time of trying to recall&retype them

>I wonder if that anon is still posting
I almost wasn't posting anymore ever again as of March 21st long story. luckily in my homeland youre allowed to burn 99% of life savings fighting gey legal battles 22 months spawning from baseless fabricated fake police reports. As a man of infinite patience I dont much dread the thought of being locked up in a cage like an animal for 9 years personally, wouldn't bother me much, but that'd be bad for of quality life in many sectors like /vrpg/, a sizable portion of the province, of NJ, etc. luckily Im a free man now as fate had it this bs legal nightmare chapter of my life is finally over. good, means I may proceed posting moar based af schizo Lores for you rpg nerd niggers
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>He seemed very knowledgeable
I sure as shit am, thank you for noticing kind sir

>So much evidence led us to believe IT was true
Yes. I could easily name dozens of evidence points supporting IT. Problem is when I do so I get swarmed by retarded anons who half-assedly counter only 4 or at best 5 of my total 30+ points and start loudly schreeeching:


Why yes that thread is one of mine and yes about 40% to 60% of the posts in that thread are mine you're welcome. on slower boards I tend to (you) most posters in my threads if I'm not super busy

>The devs said it wasn't true
I just gave a qrd redpill why the devs said that in my wall of text above

>IT was more interesting and believable than the trash story and ending we got
True. IT was way cooler and more mysterious than OMG 3 COLORZ RGB MISTER MANHATTAN 4D GOD SHEPARD WTFff bs. IT left a lack of answers as to what Shepard was up to after ME3. It was interesting how ME3 is the only mainstream RPG with no "final boss fight" included. Subtle, based, like whoa almost as if the very force of "Indoctrination" itself was the real ME3 final boss fight all along instead of say Bioware just having a final boss fight against another ZOMG GIANT BABY HUMAN RAPER again for ME3?

>Bioware should have just told its retarded fanbase "NO!" and just went with IT anyway
This. And if Commander Shepard is not the main character in ME4 it'll fail harder than consuming a vorcha turd sandwhich without the fancy space bread
Typo, I actually meant to say:

>Perhaps in a secret meeting, EA even warned Bioware "Deny IT or burn!" lol

Pic unrelated but soul
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If you're lorechad tell me what you think about the Dragon Age Origins theory that Andraste was a reincarnation of Dumat, the first Blight's Archdemon, born through the same kind of ritual Morrigan can do with the protagonist to reincarnate the Archdemon as a human child at the end of the game.
Double bot posts nothing to see here.
Ask again next year! I havent beaten DAO or Endreal, started both got bored moved on to different games. But those 2 I wanna to beat bc ppl keep asking me about them, I feel bad whenever Lore questions are left unanswered. Im told theyre ME but Fantasy mode, idkwtf that mean? I'm also not a a 1-game-at-a-time guy. More of a 9-game-at-a-time guy. This April Im currently juggling playing Skyrim AE, NES Punchout, FF1 4 8, Jedi Outcast, Kotor 2, GTA San Andreas, MM 1+2. Also quirky about the RPGs I play and replay some too much when I'd spend time wiser exploring new RPGs. I.E. beat Chrono Cross more than 5 times but still havent did CT yet, beat ME1 2 and 3 more than 10 times each and never plan to try Andromeda ever, etc

All I can tell you about DAO is just the 3% of the game I beat so far again sorry for being a lazy nigger. I played all intro stories, carefully deciding who to roll. Decided human noble. Got to the tree riddler guy and I said fuck it. you ask about Morgan Lore? shes super cute! Im pretty into machiavellian goth outcast shapeshifters myself. I'm curious if Lorewise she can shapeshift into a youngling 12 year old variant of herself during fade2black romances, bc Lorewise my brief impression of Morgan is she would get super fucking turned on by such a suggestion, unlike most women who'd throw whiney hissy fits and call us creepers. What I find based about her Lore is I was only 3% into Volume 1 and she was begging to make out with me 24/7. Unlike Tali who I must go 80% into Volume 2 to get in bed. If I were in charge of ME Legendary re-writes I'd suggest a savage New Game+ feature. After completing a playthrough of entire trilogy staying loyal to only one squaddie, in future playthroughs on that file your Shepard can start banging her from the get-go! I.E. Say you complete a run of ME Trilogy and ONLY bang Tali, you unlock the ability to just start banging Tali 3% into 1st Volume. trust me it'd sell plenty space burgers if you catch my drift
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>Whatever happened to Lorechad?
>He died, there is an undead imposter clone of Lorechad upgraded with top secret Raper tech lurking here but idk if I really trust robots
no. I was only "mostly dead". Try finding that option government paperwork. I'm also constantly accused of being schizo and/or some AI droid-machine of sorts too, as well as accused of being some unhingened drunken pervert, and etc. Don't know why to be honest
But if Bioware intends to outright insist all validity to the theory is suddenly debunked now, aren't they obligated to provide an explanation for why Shepard was utterly immune to indoctrination for over 3 years?
If nothing else they needed to add some minor mission where they get some kind of anti-indoctrinaton tech because shepard never having to deal with it in any form until tim makes him shoot anderson is seriously bad. It would even be less bad if tim tried and failed to control shepard because at least then he could just be built different
Sounds like a completely based dude to have a beer with and recommend the best bar on the Citadel up on the karaoke machine.

Much better than listening to common schleps that can't distinguish between leftist fantasy propaganda and RL.
The Indoctrination Theory is so true that a lot of ME Fans are indoctrinated into believing that is true
no it's just a massive schizoid cope people came up with because they couldn't fathom how dumb the actual story was
As with all media, fans overanalyze it and make up conclusions for things the creators never thought of or intended.
>Mass Effect fans overanalyze IT and make up fake illogical gey conclusions like lemmings
Idk, your commentary sounds darn heckin' similar to when Andersoon Pooper and the other homo clown pundits on CNN impotently attempt to scold us for wrongthink:

>"Dangerous skeptics overanalyze the 9/11 terrorist attacks and make up st00pid schizo conclusions! How dare they do this?? They need to stfu and blindly trust The Official story! Please be a good goy and report your neighbors for "Conspiracy to Commit Conspiracy" immediately if you suspect overly-analytical activety!"
>"Undesirable Historians overanalyze the Holocaust and make up brainless conclusions questioning the validity of Adolf Hitler's infamous 6 Billion total KOs stat! This is dangerously unacceptable! Please smear, report and shame any and all of these misinformation-terrorist schizo traitors ASAP and get a permanant 3+ buff to your social credit score, citizen!"
>"Clueless mentally disturbed conspiracy theorist groups overanalyze today's events making up insane conclusions that Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself! And that's a bad thing, those fools need to grow up, stfu and trust the plan. But at least you, the viewer, are a very good boy for wisely trusting our official story! Good job son, we're proud of you here at CNN."

Idk breh, what if critical thinking and overanalysis are good things, and what if CNN is a bad thing? Whoa

>Sounds like a completely based dude
Yup thats what they all keep telling me

Im no fan of women's alcohol (beer and wine) bc only 100 proof or more lets me achieve intoxication

>best bar on the Citadel is..?
Idk. I stopped visiting bars around the same time every bartender in my province morphed into overly-entitled karen brats who hate jokes. They all fasley accuse you of being too drunk thus kick you out of her bar if you dare tell a joke. Literally no fun allowed anymore, so now I drink mid-adventure, at my playerhomes, at frens homes, at Inns, etc
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The rumored dark energy endings sounded a little gay. The RGB face value endings are even gayer, especially since they provide zero explanation at all for how the hell Shepard survived pic related. Indoctrination Theory is the best ending of these 3 possible choices
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Good news looks like we caught a break Commander, I was digging around in my OmniTools' old files and it turns out I saved that 32 parter greentext of IT redpills I mentioned ITT a few days ago. I'll go ahead about posting them shortly
Things Bioware wanted players "talking about" regarding if The Kid on Earth was ever even real:
>1. If you backtrack a bit through the level, the "park" the kid was playing in disappears. As in a company very rushed for time still decided to go back and make 2 seperate versions of the map
>2. The oddity of how every time you lay eyes on this child, he is standing next to a "danger" or "caution" sign which happens with no other character in the Trilogy.
>3. Seems impossible for him to get from rooftop A to rooftop B in time.
>4. Less than 100 seconds into the intro level, the kid runs straight thru a locked door icon. Only happens once in the Trilogy and, this is a VERY obvious early "glitch" that seems implausible for dozens of QA Testers to "miss"
>5. That HUGE Reaper laser explosion that happened seconds after he entered the building obviously would've disintigrated a real child.
>6. Those metal ventillation plates he's crawling one after the explosion should be hundreds of degrees in tempature.
>7. NOBODY notices the child except Shepard. Anderson makes Zero interaction with him. The rescue crew makes Zero interaction with him.
>8. When Anderson distracts Shepard and the child Instantly Vanishes, Shepard hears the good ol "Growl of Indoctrination Resistance"
>9. The eery pic related indicates Shepard's Subconcious is attempting to warn him "If you continue to trust this child, you are going to burn and suffer for it, metaphorically!"
>11. "Oily Shadows" in Shepards Starchild nightmares, which is exactly what the Rachni Queen warned you to watch out for
>12. At the end of the game, Starchild is even "voiced by Shepard". Listen to the scene with headphones, the kids voice comes out both speakers, Meer's voice comes out the right speaker, Hale's voice comes out the left speaker. Almost like a subtle indication Shepard was imaging the kid all along? (And that Shep was a closet tranny too? WTF?)
Things Bioware wanted the players "talking about" regarding easily "leaked Coding":
>1. On the crashlanding pic related planet, the filenames for the flora is not titled with things "Plant" or "Foilage". Instead they are titled with things like "DreamPlant" and "DreamFoliage". This would indicate that this planet does not exist in reality, and it only exist within Shepard's dreams.
>2. If you take a look at any Mass Effect art guidebook, it will mention how the developers pay meticlous attention to animating characters eyeballs "properly" during cutscenes. Now if you play the Ending again, that scene is designed very carefully that Anderson and TIM never lay eyes on each other, its as if they're not even aware the other one is there as they NEVER break eyecontact with Shep.
>3. When you examine any dialogue file in the Triology, it always contains a "spoken to" coding segment. Anderson speaks zero lines to TIM, and TIM speaks zero lines to Anderson according to the game's code, even the lines "Listen to yourself, you're Indoctrinated!" and "grrr... They're controlling YOU!" are spoken to Shep, not to TIM.
>4. During the EC cutscene in which all the Relays explode, the Earth Relay does not explode first. In fact, The Viper Relay explodes first, and that was already destroyed long ago in Mass Effect 2. This error seems too monumental to be a mere coincidence, dozens of game designers and QA testers alike would have been constantly collaborating on that cutscene for weeks, it seems unlikely that they would miss the mark SO much that not only does Earth Relay NOT explode first, but even that a defunct Relay DOES explode first, unless Bioware was "subtley" trying to get players to debate the Ending's meaning for free PR marketing
Things Bioware wanted players "talking about" regarding the final level:
>1. Coats does a huge 180, going against Anderson's "No retreat" order, at the exact moment Shepard gets beamed
>2. After Shepard is beamed, the map is completely littered with Dead Ashleys (only other time in the games you see Phoenix Armor) and Dead Kaidens and new Oily Shadow Plants. First of all there shouldn't be corpses, the beam disintigrates its victims. Secondly, why is a gaming company rushed for time wasting their valued time doing 2 versions of 1 map yet again?
>3. Pic related is kind of sus
>4. Shepard only does that creepy af HUSK-BARK noise exactly 1 second after Anderson starts speaking. As if Shepard was about to give up, but his will, represented by Anderson, urges Shepard not to quit.
>5. Why is Coats on the Citadel?
>6. After Anderson gets shot in the side-belly, Shepard's side-belly mysteriously begins bleeding excessively instead of Anderson's.
>7. Shepard's memories of the Citadel imitate TIM's Office, Shadowbroker Ship and Collector Ship?
>8. There's no route Anderson could have taken to beat Shepard to The Citadel Master Control Panel.
>9. That is NOT even the same Citadel Master Control Panel as ME1, it is a completely different room
>10. Infinite Ammo and No Reloads and a new Pistol?
>11. Shepard's health is all over the place. Before seeing StarChild Shepard could barely breathe/speak, and had to slowly crawl on his belly to reach him. Yet suddenly when he meets him Shepard is standing and chatting healthy as a Krogan?
>12. How does Hackett even know Shepard reached The Citadel?
>13. How is Shepard surviving half naked in space?
>14. The big one, HOW did Shepard (no helmet btw) Survive the force of roughly 1000 Nuclear Bombs exploding inside an Orbiting Space Station to casually wake up covered in London Rubble just in time for Buzz Aldrin to announce him as the protag of ME4?
Little "etc things" Bioware wanting autistic fans arguing over for free PR:
>1. If Shepard spent 3 damn years fighting with Reapers, howcome he never faced any Indoctrination Symptoms himself?
>2. Howcome Mass Effect 3 seems to be the only action RPG with no Final Boss Battle? Was "Indoctrination" actually supposed to be the Real Final Boss all along or something?
>3. Was anything supposed to come of the "Plot Point" of Shepard falling asleep for 48 hours next to a gargantuan Reaper artifact during the Arrival DLC?
>4. Wasn't it strange how Admiral Hacket never mentioned anything to Shepard like "Even though we're not sure what the Crucible does exactly, we've at least ascertained that there seem to be 3 very seperate parts of the Crucible that appear to perform 3 very different unknown functions. I'm sorry Commander, but thats really all we know at this point. We're all in the dark here."
>5. Howcome Harbinger failed to disintigrate Shepard? If you leave the game unpaused 8 during the beam run, hilariously enough the game will have Harbinger laser all those Alliance organic insects the entire time, never failing to miss even one. IN FACT if you left the game unpaused for about a month in that spot Harbinger would quickly anhilate 6 million Alliance soldiers without a single "miss". Yet he totally "misses" Shepard? And then mysteriously flies away? Wtf?
>6. WTF did Harbinger mean when he kept reptitively telling me "Your mind WILL be Ours, Shepard!!"? Like why did the Geth/Collectors/Rapers/Levithans all have this mysterious obsession with Shepard too...?
Reapers are so powerful that turned people into schizos irl
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Kkk there you are OP, thanks for asking hopefully this redpills you and others because attached below is a direct copypasta of of my reply to anon asking for IT input in my Thresher Maws thread. My bad on being like a week late, I wasn't sure if or where I saved a datafile of those posts. Enjoy. NIGGER SOUP EAT UP SCHIZO!!

Oh and please note that true IT chads believe the Rapers gave little-to-know fucks about Indoctrinating Shepard to make him turn traitor against Alliance and the Citadel Council, they were actually far more interested in Indoctrinating you because they wanted to upload your mind to their own digital database (presumably this happens automatically with every sapient they Indoctrinate) because they legitimately find the Commander impressive and fascinating for "reasons unknown". Hence Harbinger constantly screaming ingame lines like:

>"YOU CAN NOT RESIST (the Indoctrination) SHEPARD!"

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Checked and correct. The segment of TIM controlling Shepard's gunfire feels extra surreal and dreamy considering The Ranoch Raper (who ironically enough even has the ingame line "Shepard, you resist [the Indoctrination]! But you will fail!" lol) never makes Shepard open fire on Tali. Also Soverign never makes Shepard open fire on Liara on Virmire nor on the Citadel. The baby Raper at Collector HQ in the Galactic core never makes Shepard shoot Miranda in her cute butt nor in her perfect boobies either. Hm. So okay suddenly TIM is even more powerful than Rapers now, wtf? Just another addition to a long list of bulletpoints how that how that segment feels intentionally written to come across like some nightmare vibey non-reality scenario

obviously is Anderson and TIM feel very out-of-character the whole scene while all frantic and shit spazzing out like enraged schizoid epiliptics tripping on redsand and ryncol
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The only schizo ITT is you sir. Or worse, you are artificial, a bot. Perhaps even an incel on top of all that? Fucking christ, absolutely deplorable, just so tiresome. Go cope and seethe faggot
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>Mass Effect 3: The Space Niggers Strike Back!
>Whoa wtf did Bioware mean WHAT was this crap? How is Shepard still even alive and breathing after getting simultaneously disintegrated and spaced whilst naked? Is he okay? Did Shepard die...?
>Who was the space RPG's final boss...? Wait... What if that mysterious star shota ghost was final boss?
>This kid clearly does not want me to pick the Destroy option. Noted, very interesting. Ironically enough this robotic abomination (while disguised as a child himself) keeps talking down to Shepard scolding us treating us like we're a child, in a clear petty manipulation attempt to guilt Shepard into automatically ending all racism in The Galaxy by picking Control option or Synth option.
>"Alright, in that case I pick Destroy. Heh, nothing personal kid!"
>"No, please wait! Commander, consider the Galactic consequences first, because you can't pick Red! Allow me to elaborate, because you jus.."
>"Enough! I've made my decison! I'm in command of this operation! I choose Red! Cope, kiddo."
>CLOSE program: GhostlyChild_voice03.exe
>RUN program: HarbingerReaper_voice01.exe
>"SO BE IT!!"
Or you're just in a massive NPCoid cope blindly trusting the shitty cringe face value endings. Shame upon you for treating the word of this deliberately dishonest gay racist robot ghost kid like he speaks the truthful holy word of an infailable messiah without so much of a second thought that the robot might be perhaps be programmed to be capable of lying to serve his own concealed agenda(s) or something
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Why did everything in the world go to shit after ME3?
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Idk, but I ordered my ship's AI to do some calculations to try to answer your intriguing question. As it turns out, it is quite amusing to just stand waiting on top of the hill during The Final Beam Rush segment. Harbinger will cremate at minimum 25 Alliance foot soldiers per minute (although his Laser mysteriously enough misses Commander Shepard somehow, and then mysteriously flies away. About as coincidental as Harbinger miraculously accidentally shooting Holy Water Beams at Commander Shepard instead of Lethal Disintegration Beams) if you just stand there watching casually. So should Shepard stand there for 60 minutes, he will watch Harbinger annihilate over 1,500 Alliance soldiers without fail. And if you stand there for 1 day, Harbinger will BTFO over 36,000 Alliance soldiers in real time without a single miss. It gets wilder, because if you stand there for a whole week, letting his Holocaust continue, Harbinger will fry well over 250,000 Alliance soldiers in that short time. if you keep standing on top of the hill for a whole month the Harbinger will cremate well over 1,000,000 humans without a single missed laser shot. Or make Shepard stand in that spot for 6 months, over 6 fucking million Alliance soldiers WILL die charging the beam! JESUS FUCK!

So going purely by my schizo math here, Harbinger is more than 8 times more powerful than Adolf Hitler was. He can literally disintigrate humans at more than 8 times the rate, accomplishing the same Holocaust KO Count in under 6 months that took the nazis over 4 years. Impressive. But either way you must admit it's strange how Harbinger miracously missed beaming Commander Shepard, considering he was able to succesfully Bullseye the previous 6 million Alliance soldiers without any targeting errors to speak of...

Im not saying these Holocausts (Hitler's and The Harbinger's) never happened, but, doesn't something feel kinda "off" here to you guys?
So the Asaris should have nipples or not?
This is also a good question too. Ask your Commander, she certainly seems to encounter innumerable amounts of beautiful naked Asari fangirls during her missions if you catch my drift
>ITT: the fake lorebeards all being blown out of the water up and down left and right by the True Lorebeards in the midst of lots and lots of new Lolocaust Lore all suddenly dropping
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>Wtf happened to TIMs Cerberus science team in Hawking Eta Cluster?
>They were remembering things from other peoples experiences as if their minds were being merged
Yes. It was an Indoctrination glitch bc the Raper they were investigating was dead, looong dead for over 35,000,000 years. Given that the AI's mind was essentially "clinically braindead" to roughly translate to human terms, the counsciousnesses of the 100+ organic Cerberus bros were unable to properly upload into the Raper's counsciousness/database as usual here. resulted in some Indoctrination mechanisms bugging out. Cerberus agents all rapidly started merging minds with each other, as opposed to merging minds with the Raper, given how the machine no longer had mind to merge with anymore! braindead AI so typical Indoctrination process went haywire, unknown why they Huskified or how they managed to fabricate a passable Raper IFF device. a Massive crippling blow to TIM himself in a way as well, he lost over 100 of his top guys on the project

Speaking of. I recomend ME2 players avoid being OCD plot armor-doning Mary Sues. As soon as TIM mentions his top science team suddenly stop reporting in from the Brown Dwarf world Mnemosyone, go there ASAP. Without spoilers, doing so triggers endgame mode prevents one from cheesing ME2 up for infinite time so Shepard can easily save everybody for muh happily ever after bs. Not flying to the Throne system the moment TIM says to is 100% exploiting ME2, cheating! John has to live with a very grim reality of knowing he can't save everyone during the Suicide Mission, adds a very serious sense of meta layers in terms of consider whose loyalty is most valuable towards success of the mission? Players complain big choices barely matter in ME, to a degree theyre right, but you can add a huge choice/consequence meta element by just not gaying up ME2 Lore via exploits eliminating plotpoints of John knowing hes suddenly operating on a Very strict timeframe after Horizon
The only thing that we can know for certain is that the writing is terrible.
I meant fabricate in the sense of designing it to be sophisticated enough to the fool Raper Tech such as the Omega 4 Relay and etc tricking it into identifying the Normandy SR-2 as a friendly Raper ship

>what is the ingame plot value of this IFF knowledge in ME2?
The Raper IFF gave Mordin Solus and the other Normandy scientists (especially EDI) shiploads of new useful data to work with searching for valuable insights into Raper tech urgent to Shepard's mission. Actually the Raper IFF almost murdered EDI at least one point, but they were able to install the IFF stable enough and able to succesfully fool the Omega 4 Relay soon enough. It's also possible the IFF even made the Collectors experiance additional difficulty detecting the Normandy SR-2's location when Shepard was sacking the Galactic Core

>what is the ingame plot value of this IFF knowledge in ME3?
In ME3 the Raper IFF serves as an additional layer of stealth for your already top-of-the-line advanced stealth ship, like IFF stealth tech was so advanced that the gypsy and lizard "spy" followers perhaps failed to replicate it right when they both ran off like bandits with your schematics of Normandy's stealth systems at that. Simply put it makes it even harder for the Rapers/Raper tech to decect Shepard's ship in than it otherwise would've been for them during ME3, but still not impossible. And the IFF is presumably something EDI herself has to update hundreds of times a day in ME3 to keep it functioning properly iirc, considering as how she sometimes comments about how her own cyber-warfare algorthims are constantly evolving 24/7 every single Galactic second (0.52 earth seconds) at an exponential rate and shit

I'm still mad about mass effect 2 and 3
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Nice dubs agent but actually the ending is by no means even the biggest flaw. The start of ME3 is at least twice as bad by my calculations. EA really is twisting the players fucking arm here into making me suspend my disbelief that my hardcore "Renegade" chud Shepard who hates Batarians would somehow willingly surrender his ship to make nice and happily appeas these evil 4-eyed terrorist freaks? Thats bullshit, almost all Shepards LOVE their ship and almost Shepards HATE Batarians, so why not include a renegade option in Arrival DLC to tell Admiral Hackett to eat shit and refuse to port the Normandy SR-2 and accept imprisonment like a spineless cuck? You'd lose War Assests because Batarians declare war on humanity in protest, maybe the Council is infuriated, and ME3 starts with a different intro, in space. Its weak how the game forces me to give up my ship, and because Batarian protests of all reasons? Wow. Another thing that is pathetic and gay about ME3s flawed intro is how we didn't even realize our own Mars Archives had Crucible tech until 33 years later? Wtf? I was always hoping ME2 and ME3 would contain tons of missions on Mars and Luna before these games released, so imagine my disappointment when I finally get a Mars mission in ME3 and they fucking blow it with this Crucible Circus. The long awaited Mars mission really deserved better, and if Bioware really wanted to make the game revolve around the Crucible, it's schematics shouldn't have been discovered in the Mars Archives of all places, they can at least have it be found somewhere in hidden in the Sol system if the plot prefers it, but not on fucking Mars, its a writing disaster. And it also sucks big nigger space penis that ME1 ME2 and ME3 did not each include at least 3 missions on Mars plus at least 3 mission on Luna. ME1 Luna mission was based, cozy but there was only 1 mission, wtf? ME3 Mars intro mission was a joke! How'd ME fuck up bad enough to barely let us explore our own Sol system?
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I know what you mean. I view the Trilogy as each game being a huge step both forwards&backwards if that makes sense, but peak ME1 comfiness levels will simply never be achieved again in all likliehood. The Galaxy definetly felt more constricted in future games somehow. Cramped hub words, linear levels, no more Mako open worlds for that little added sense of casual Galactic explorations, etc.
Wasn't TIM the only character in the trilogy to suicide himself using a pistol but have zero blood spatter occur? Almost like TIM wasn't even real
well he was a husk at that point
Or maybe he wasn't even real at that point anymore
I just checked and saren does bleed when he shoots himself
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WHAT IF THE ILLUSIVE MAN WAS NEVER REAL TO BEGIN WITH? What if Shepard just went crazy and ME2 and ME3 are his personal plane of purgatory? Why was the first bar you visit right after being resurected named literally Afterlife? Thats a weird coincidence. Is the ME2 Galaxy even real or is it just some weird afterlife dream Shepard is imagining?

Illusive Man debunked. He doesn't exist. He never did
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>Literally say to Shepard verbatim "You will die"
>60 seconds pass
>Shepard successfully persuades you to kill yourself instead of him
Based iconic ME1 cutscene drama 10/10
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I just checked and Shepard hates Chinese people. The Commander had well over 30 seconds to save Fai Dan's life with an anti Thorian gas grenade but instead chose to let him blow his brains out
guess devs were butthurt
If TIM having no blood during his OG cut suicide was actually an "oversight" in the original launch, it speaks volumes that they made no attempt to fix this widely-criticized "oversight" when they produced the extended cut DLC suicide scene

But was Cyber-Saren a husk when he killed himself? What if dream TIM and Cyber-Saren got into a heated debate about Indoctrination Lore, which husk would end up killing himself in this sort of scenario?

Yeah of course but I mean aren't all devs on earth very very butthurt in general now? I constantly hear all about how it is one of the worst industries to work in, just fucking awful and despicable pure corporate abuse with little-to-no creative spark or idealism or even efficiency really. And on top of that, my cousin who makes Halo games for the Microsoft Corporation keeps telling me that the situation of being devs is in reality actually far, far worse than even the horrorific redpills we read about online
crazy thought but what if me3 was good
one can always dream
SO how the story of a good m3 would be?
>indoctrination theory
still a better ending
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>your pic related
>Every mission in the entirely trilogy is closely collabarated on by the entire writing team, with pretty extensive veto power
>Except the Re-take Earth mission. ONLY like 2 guys are allowed to write it, and nobody can even view it until after it is produced. So, zero veto power in any capacity at all
Seems legit, not a Massive surprise all things considered. They'd presumably have to keep a "lid on the conspiracy" of making the ending as confusing and debatable as possible (for max PR, bc it sparks eternal fan debates) by keeping the lower level writers out of the loop not even letting them inspect the script. So your pic related seems to synergize well in terms of supporting what I've said thus far ITT
Hmmm Bretty good question there so maybe I'll think of ways to fix her in hindsight and get back to you idk. Or maybe I can just post another epic Schizo Lore thread later about the dozens of creative re-writes I'd have hypothetically personally implemented into the ME Legendary Edition in an alternate "We won!" timeline in which I was selected to be Lead Director of the ME Legendary remake, as that sorta encompasses what you've asked but within an ocean of a larger scope of topics

The biggest problem with ME3 though I've already elaborated about ITT. The introduction segments!
so casey is a moron with delusions of grandeur, got it
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I have to admit that the indoctrination theory sounds pretty convincing.
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Idk I'm not sure, maybe! It's defintely possible, but, the thing is I never actually met Casey Hudson or even been to his house before for that matter. I can't quite properly ascertain if he's an NPD or a cuck or a chad or an autist or a genius or perhaps even a moron or whatever unless I have an actual conversation with him to scan him in person
>was theory true
NO! All "GAME THEORIES" are just retards trying to look for any in game justification to come with stupid cope explanations as to why their piece of shit game isn't a piece of shit.
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Uh how do you plan on coping with the schizos in the room with you right now?
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>"The devs said..."
Gonna stop you right there because you're clearly retarded newfag who just came here from YouTube.

It's been WELL documented that the ME trilogy developers changed hands about fifty thousand times, and ME3 happened right when EA bought out Bioware and every single person from Bioware quit. So who the fuck knows what the original story was supposed to be, certainly not the picrel bluehaired troons who ended up claiming the writing credits despite doing literally nothing. Indocrination Theory (aka Satan tempts Jesus at the Garden) seemed likely what some of the original writers had in mind.

Considering we've had 40 of these fucking threads every day for the last 10 goddam years you'd think at least one of you would have learned something by now.
we'll bang ok?
Hadron collider got turned on and switched us to Berenstain Universe
There are a lot of things about the story that make more sense if it’s true
Obviously you're indoctrinated if you do anything other than destroy the Reapers. That's the only way to rationalize the abysmal writing these choices result in.
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>"No... there is absolutely no way we would be able to get away with putting a Final Boss Battle in Mass Effect 3 now... Not after what happened last time."
>"He's right, boss. The Mass Effect 2 baby Raper was quite poorly recieved by the fans, to put it lightly... And we all know the customer is always right man."
>"Guys... What if we just make """Indoctrination""" the Final Boss maybe?"
>"hmm, perhaps? But Sir... What if fans are too stupid to get it? What if it they shame us again like with the human Raper finale?!"
>"Very interesting point, I don't know... And I don't care. I mean I certainly used to care, but EA has cucked me so intensively to the point that I now mostly only care about the money anymore."
>"I see... Yeah."
At this point wouldn't there be some sort of evidence or admission from the original staff that they originally intended for indoctrination theory to be true.
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>The Harbinger = Devil
>Commander Shepard = Jesus Christ
>London = Garden of Gethsemane
Sure. What did Bioware mean by this? Did Shepard die?

IDK if it was true but it´s the only thing that would make sense so for coping reasons we are forced to accept it.
>twelve years after consooming a bad story, they were still trying to make up an excuse for it
>the favourite explanation was a mixture of "it was all a dream" and psywar conspiracy theory
Because both of these types of explanations can explain everything. Any inconsistency, any weirdness can be presented as either product of a bad trip or part of an evil plan. Because you construct said plan postfactum, you can incorporate anything. Also, nobody cares if the conspiracy is unnecessarily complicated or schizophrenic.
And worst of all, nobody cares that both of these types of explanation do not explain anything in the end. They make everything make no sense, and nothing matters.

Also, all three games are Shepard's hallucinations after him having a concussion from gas bag explosion on Eden Prime.
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>some sort of evidence or admission from the original staff
In the distant past, seething "reverse contrarians" would demand in swarms on the Bioware Forums that any threads discussing Indoctrination Theory must be transfered over to the fan fiction section. Occasionally when this happened, lead Bioware staff members (such as Casey Hudson) would sometimes enter the thread to bluntly state:

>"No. Indoctrination Theory still remains a valid interpretation of Mass Effect 3's ending, which neither stands as officially confirmed canon nor as officially denied as canon at this current point. So this thread will Not be moved to the fan fiction setting. Good day."
ahahaha holy shit is this real?? what a legend i want to meet this guy
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Reminder that Mass Effect 3, in its infinite wisdom, actually proved Cerberus right.
>the Alliance relies on Shepard to build up war assets because he can operate outside the law and do the things the Alliance are too afraid to associate with
>it takes human intervention to actually get any other race to do anything
>Human Reaper can actually be used as a war asset
>the Rachni are too stupid to be allowed freedom, they get manipulated TWICE and therefore must be controlled
>Reaper technology CAN be used to give synthetics true individuality, as in the case of EDI and the Geth
>"honorable" people have no problem using unethical research to further their own goals (Maelon's data - Genophage)
>other species and their representatives will ALWAYS put their own needs above working together with others
>Control ending exists and is one of the options Shepard can choose
>destroying the Reapers actually ends up fucking up the galaxy and doing nothing but creating a short-term solution while control actually ends up securing a foreseeable future where synthetics don't restart the cycle again
It's honestly hilarious how the "bad guys" in this game are just the good guys but working for the bad guys. It's the equivalent of drawing a silly moustache on Superman and having Batman fight him.
>Is this guy real
Yes, people irl between ages 10 and 50 often comment that I seem to look and act like a video game character. When they ask me why that is I'm not really sure what to tell them

>What a fucking Legend!
This, thanks

>I'd like to team up with this party animal and share war stories
Maybe I'd be down if there was some /vrpg/ meetup on the US East Coast in the future but maybe not, idk, as I work pretty hard at keeping off the grid. Alternatively my lawyer is begging to drag me to Comicon (whatever the fuck that even is? Like Wtf even is Comicon?) so maybe lurk there and keep and eye out for me, if you see me, you'll know, I kind of stand out

>Rachni are too stupid to be allowed freedom
Thats racist plus if you genocide an entire species just because you're afraid of them, you are barely in any position to claim moral superiority over the Rapers

>TIM had the right idea
Pretty much, until the Collecter HQ Indoctrinated him. But ME4 should make not nuking the base canon, writing it have it proven TIM's prediction right that it eventually secures human dominance in the Galaxy
>I'm not really sure what to tell them
some sort of personality or mental disorder, maladaption possibly to trauma, maybe DID, who knows. keep doing you though, we love a quirky main character and if i was having a party would 100% invite this guy
>my Dad works at Nintendo
Is that really all you got?
>a deliberate "nothing happens here" area with one turret thrown in for no reason
holy shit i forgot about that turret. lmao that was goofy as shit. there was a random turret in the turian camp on the palaven moon too. god those turrets were dumb
bruh that guy used to be normal, damn
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Eh idk, I fail to see the problem, unwanted misplaced turrets are pretty realistic. In actual warfare you'd often find yourself needing a turret when you don't have one, and also often encounter a turret when you don't really require one. It's not like they'd be perfectly spawned like some kind of video game where you spot a turret and automatically think to yourself:

>"Whoa what the hell is this random turret doing way out here? Damn so there's probably a hostile fucking Imperial AT-ST incoming from around the corner right now!! Wow it's like The Force pre-programmed this Galaxy so I'd be lucky enough to stand a fighting chance, it is never as if I am ever faced with downright impossible odds"

Pointless turrets are quite immersive

No I always have more. Also Dr.Fauci already murdered my dad. But hypothetically if he were still alive, Nintendo would be working for him, not the other way around. And he would be working for me
How do I know if my space hamster is indoctrinated or not? Or my fish or my Krogan or wife or etc for that matter? Assuming Grunt and Zaeed are low IQ does it make them easier or harder to indoctrinate?
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As were Shepard, Joker and Garrus. until the goddamn Indoctrination fucking started to occur
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why is it so hard for people to understand the entire ME trilogy became, due to EA bullshit causing a constant cascade of firings and hirings, an unintentional Exquisite Corpse written by hundreds of people who didn't talk to each other and/or actively hated each other and attempted to change fundamental plotlines others previously started? "Credits" means "Who gets the money" (carrie fisher didn't get any writing money for Star Wars even though she rewrote half the dialogue of the first movie.)

I knew gamers were dumb as shit with zero sense of how mega corps actually function, but goddam we've had 2 or 3 of these threads every day for 10 years, haven't you gotten it by now?

I'm surprised literally anything makes any sense by the third game at all.
>btw the catalyst is the kid in the grey sweater, who was never real.
>aka Satan tempts Jesus at the Garden
Satan tempted Christ in the desert actually.
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>and ME3 happened right when EA bought out Bioware
That is completely wrong.
EA bought Bioware on October 11, 2007. (or rather Bioware's owners VG Holding Corp.)
That is before even ME 1 was released (Nov 20, 2007)
ME2 began development with EA owning Bioware.
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No, what bullshit version of the Bible have you been reading these retcons from? Satan actually tempted Jesus Christ inside the Citadel, whilst it was parked about 120,000 miles above what is now modern day London. Then the Citadel exploded into 6 bajjion tiny pieces iirc, right? All according to God's plan probably, nobody said anything about a desert
>October 11, 2007
A very sad, dark day of the Scifi genre's history, as well as RPG history too
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To elaborate, if I was in charge of LE remake one thing I'd add in is Indoctrination difficulty! you can't even access Indoctrination mode until you beat ME trilogy on Insanity mode. Indoctrination mode would be twice as hard Insanity mode. Exactly twice as hard. Insanity difficulty is a reasonable modest challenge, difficult but by no means impossibly unfair. simple enough to playthrough any of the 3 games on Insanity without any Game Overs (provided you passed autism 101 so know which squaddies/gear to bring for every mission, exact order to select missions, etc) as any class. An unlockable Indoctrination difficulty feature = sweet reward for vet ME players wanting unfair challenge in terms of difficulty. I'd even take it a step further as the ultimate fanservice for ultimate ME autists.. you beat the trilogy on Indoctrination difficulty you next unlocking Literally Impossible difficulty. Literally Impossible mode is exactly twice as difficult as Indoctrination mode (4 times times harder than Insanity) and has a Lore friendly MO making ME Trilogy impossible! the first time Commander Shepard meets Kai Leng face-to-face he automatically decapitates Shepard&squad in a cutscene in 5 seconds.. Next Kai Leng (in a fashion violating 4th wall) looks the camera dead in the eye he chuckles saying to the player:

>"Heh! Nothing personal, Commander..."

the players greeted with a standard Game Over screen, cant name an ingame difficulty Literally Impossible but also make the game possible, autists would riot! appropriate bc RPG fans love when devs take self-depricating jabs. in this instance Bioware making a big guy tier statement saying:

>"ok guys we get it, we went a tad overboard with how Kai Leng wuz the unrivaled Mary Sue kang, so enjoy more LOL"

And I think it was a fucking moronic writing decision to make Yeoman Chambers 5 times uglier in LE. Had I been in charge, I'd instead suggest a high IQ decison to write her 5 times prettier than vanilla instead, etc
If you truly want to see an "indoctrinated" Shepard's mannerisms, watch the Morinth romance cutscene maybe
Shepard has absolutely zero reason to take her on the team.
I didn't mean you should recruit Morinth outside of derranged schizoid roleplays, I was just saying if you're curious about Indoctrination, the clips of Shepard getting fucked to death by Morinth on jewtube are interesting enough to warrant watching. Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale's voice acting while Morinth hypnotizes him/her into death sex is eerily similar to Indoctrination somehow. Despite being sterile (clonable maybe though), through a certain point of view she's arguably more evolved than regular Asari, seeing as a theme of the trilogy is being the pinnacle of evolution typically involves enslaving the minds of lesser races like the Thorians, Rapers, Ardat Yakshii and Levithans do

I suppose if you wanted to recruit her on a mentally stable Shepard roleplay, it's barely a stretch to say her mindgames were succesful in manipulating Shepard to betray his friend and kinda mistake her for his foe in the heat of the moment. Maybe Shepard even realizes his fuckup after the mission, but is forced to cope internally as he can't reveal the dark secret to any of his crew, but at least takes small comfort in that he knows he has a replacement Asari is nearly equally as powerful as the previous one
>at least takes small comfort in that he knows he has a replacement Asari is nearly equally as powerful as the previous one
Nah. Lore-wise, Morinth is no match for Samara. She is a simple sex maniac and there is no evidence that she even knows how to hold a weapon in her hands. Not to mention the training of biotic skills.

Lore-wise, Shepard will just get a useless combat unit instead of the most powerful member of the squad.
My takeaway:
>soulful artist writer is ultimately viewed as ignorable, superfluous and replaceable by leads and ceo types
This is reflected via the cost of engine and dev work vs. writing.
You know it's how EA operates already.
They'll have even less say in the next design by committee due to AI + DEI/ESG.
All the complex lore you're coping and discussing won't matter, and never did to them. It's an investment, no longer art. You know this from how the Qunari got retconned in DA.

As long as there is initial hype and enough sticking power from gameplay to keep normans involved they'll line up for the next slop install.
Science fiction is effectively dead as a genre due to these factors, people aren't really into thinking, they're into being passively entertained.
We can see this in operation in Starfield. The audience is becoming as soulless as the creators, new generations are being born that were never even exposed to anything better in the first place. There won't be an epic emotional space drama properly done in the vein of Star Trek or even the BS:G remake because what is essentially glorified click bait to carpet bomb different international audiences will be easier for them to shit out.
DA2 was released after ME2.
You could progressively see the quality and soul being replaced in Bioware this way by the buyout as ME2 was quite a bit better than DA2, and as much as DA2 got deservedly dragged for it there was still a little bit of RPG left.
I was the anon, you even talked to me about your kike gf that cucks you.

Glad you are okay bro,love from egypt
What if youre doing Wrex a favor by destroying the genophage cure? Warlord Okeer was the most alpha Krogan ever, he wisely suggested the most quadsy move a Krogan can do is just ignore the genophage instead of cure it. The Commander is simply trying to factor in trad Krogan wisdom to benefit his good fren Wrex/Wreav by genociding all Krogans right?

I remember you, I didn't say my beloved super-schizo psychotic soviet Jew gf sleeps with other people, I said she's emotionally abusive and has Massive anger/social problems and treats me like her punching bag! I dont need to worry about her sleeping with other guys, shes far too shy, anti-social and isolationist to make frens. the only 2 frens she ever talks are me and her mom. I get the sense her coworkers all hate&fear her because she's way to schizo to function properly in polite society. Frankly Im amazed my government even allows a schizophrenic bizarre enraged monster like her drive cars/teach pre-school kids given her clinical insanity, I guess like they have to reluctantly let Sheogorath teach kids now because they're under too much pressure from their bosses to look woke. My point is I do fear her anger combined with her clinical inability to behave logically but I don't fear her cucking me, shes literally so mentally ill she wouldn't even be socially capable of figuring out how to befriend a stranger to sleep with even if she wanted to since shes too much of a confused clueless maniac to figure out how to solve very basic social tasks

Imagine youre romancing Kalross, Queen of Thresher Maws. You'd be afraid Kalross would abuse you. But you wouldn't have worry about Kalross sleeping with other dudes, as Kalross is something of a loner, and humans are too terrified of Kalross's behavioral disorders to try to seduce her. plus other guys lack my high Perception attribute so theyre all too stupid to even realize banging Kalross is a good thing. So no, I'm not worried Kalross will cheat on me, okay? Relax
Nah don't worry bro, no one is interested in your high perception diamond in the rough mentally retarded kike gf.

I'm just thinking you deserve something better, but if you don't that's giga col ass wel

I remember asking you why exactly you like her but you gave an answer I didn't find satisfying about enjoying being treated bad and somehow that's good. I don't really want to dwell on it so that's cool.

Using your infinite wisdom I want to ask a question. What do you think if people who completely ignore the outdateness of a game in their comparison.
Like people saying a game like daggerfall is better game than 4k modded Skyrim with dmco and amco with 400+ hours of content and tweaks and system mods?
Does anyone actually like these characters?
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Idk if they're based or cringe, I'm still to proud to try playing ME Andromeda all these years later. Won't even pirate it or borrow a fren's copy, because I say fuck Bioware for abandoning the glorious Milky Way worldbuilding for the spinoff title

Fascinating question, I'll get back to it later because I'm not in the mood to enlighten anons today, I'm deeply saddened at the moment as I just discovered my 2nd favorite uncle was "murdered" in his sleep by Dr.Fauci last night I.E. I'm planning to spend this rainy day drinking and mourning, not memeing. Pic unrelated but pretty sexy
>I'm still to proud to try playing ME Andromeda all these years later.
Good save. I wasted my time pirating it.
After like 30+ hours I couldn't go on.
I liked the gameplay changes though.
But the story and characters weren't interesting at all.
Infact I've pretty much forgotten the game
You're saying EA is bad? Why isn't this bigger news?
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>replaces most powerful member of the squad
Are you Indoctrinated or something? Morinth replaces Samara, not Zaeed Massani, you sweet summer clueless Lorelet nigger ape
>there is no reason for Shepard to recruit people
This. Why not just have Joker fly Shepard to the Collector HQ and let him solo the job? Why do we even need Asari and Krogan and such as backup?
Drack is really cool.
Cora is boring, but professional, just how I like it.
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Sometime it is morally acceptable to bully Turians into suicide though. Wasn't Saren too dangerous to be left alive? Doesn't he have control of the Senate and the Courts and the Geth? don't even take the chance because if it were me I would never relax aroud a Turian SPECTRE personally
I never had "indoctrination theory" actually explained in a short way to me. My interpretation was that the finale was Shepard debating with a reaper because the deus ex machina machine was based on reaper tech and reaper tech fucks your brain. That's why the "starchild" gives such flawed arguments, which makes the other endings basically "bad" endings since you kind of give in to the bad argumentation. Destruction is the only suitable ending.

But apparently Starchild is just a ghost?
Watching Mass Effect fans cope this hard for so long went from hilarious to cringe to utterly fucking depressing.

Mass Effect was always flawed and had bad writing. What made it special were the characters and the world. Those characters and world are still valuable, just hang onto those memories. You are never going to fix the throughline, it was broken from the moment Mass Effect 2 began.
>Watching Mass Effect fans cope
You're the one coping here by accepting the nonsense provided by the face value endings. If you want to prove we're coping and not you, go prove it by doing what Shepard himself did:

>Enter a Space Station parked 110,000 miles above London
>Remove your Space Suit
>Remove your Space Helmet
>Destroy the Space Station you're aboard with the force of 100 Nuclear bombs
>Survive this doomsday scenario standing 10 feet next to the intial explosion
>Casually wake up in London next morning without a scratch, healthy as a horse
If you want to pretend that crap adds up for a logical ending, go ahead bro. Go do those 6 steps, record it, and survive to tell us the tale. Only then will you have earned your privelege to claim we're coping instead of you being the king of cope

Alternatively. One of us could go have a dream we survived the destruction of a Space Station whilst half naked instead. And us elaborating on said dreamscape would certainly be a fas less Massive cope than your own pathetic BS claim where you pretend you can and have survived these identicle 6 Trllion-to-1 survival odds yourself irl before

Tldr: Either put your money where your mouth is or continue coping
You dumb fuck, I didn't say it made logical sense at all, I said the opposite. I said the writing was bad, was always bad, and will always be bad.

Mass Effect was a story carried on the backs of its characters, its lore, and it's sense of immersion. When those things are taken away, as they were during the endings, the actual story, which itself was a huge fucking mess already, did not veer suddenly into shittiness, it just revealed how shitty it always was. It imploded in on itself like a fucking Gabe Newell shaped neutron star. Anyone paying attention since the ridiculous "Shepard gets spaced, enters atmo and is rebuilt by fucking Cerberus" plot point knew it was going to go pear shaped.

I accept the nonsense of the endings because I knew from Mass Effect 2 and onwards that the story was botched. I remained invested in the series because I wanted to fuck Tali (eight and a half playthroughs later I'm still fucking Tali every time) and I enjoyed the feeling of playing an all American Space Jesus bringing together the warring tribes to fight for survival.

All I'm saying is, there comes a point when you've got to move on from head canons. Mass Effect did wonderful things, and it did shitty things. It's unfortunate that one of its shittiest things is the main story.


I highly recommend this retrospective for anyone still stuck grieving over this series. It's a book length analysis of the story, pin pointing where things went wrong, what was happening with BioWare, and why the endings ultimately suck the way they suck.

It's a long and hard read. If you're like anything like I was a few years ago, you'll resist reading it because it hurts too much. And that's exactly why you should.
>Assuming the logical explanation = desperate cope
>Assuming the illogical explanation = not a cope
is this the jist of paragraph 1?
No I think the jist is you're retarded
You're deliberately choosing the more complicated and illogical explanation. Occam's Razor states if you have two competing ideas to explain the same phenomenon, you should prefer the simpler one!

On the one hand... Not very simple at all explaining how the hell Commander Shepard casually survived being giga-nuked in Outer Space with virtually zero protection equipped

Yet on the other hand... quite simple to attribute the phenomena of Shepard's mysterious survival to Harbinger's primary function, his Indoctrination tech
Why not just name him Dack instead? Wtf holy shit sometimes even I underestimate Bioware's retardation. One more reason I'll never play Andromeda
not just retarded but a notorious schizo. congrats on wasting your time with him, happens to everyone
>not just clever but a celebrated schizo hero
>congrats on being outwitted him, happens to everyone
>the "starchild" gives such flawed arguments
he is deliberately dishonest and it is painfully obvious he is trying to manipulate Shepard in the same fashion one would attempt to manipulate a child:

>"You can either pick destroy and get yourself in trouble, Shepard... or pick control and get a yummy treat!"
See that's what I thought indoctrination theory was. The reapers were mindfucking Shepard because there's no reason he'd be immune to the mind worm shit they do and the Catalyst, or whatever the deus ex machina was called, was reaper tech, which mind worms you. So you get to the big weapon, finger on the I WIN button, then the reaper tries flawed argumentation to get you to ultimately surrender in some way.

But that's not it, apparently? I just want a the elevator pitch version so I know what the fuck indoctrination theory is finally.
Female Garrus was good. Kind of bland but she beats Kaidan, Dick McLarge or Jacob.

great theory, but I think its unlikely
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>Female Garrus
What the hell? They could've just put this feature in ME2 to begin with, there was no actual reason to wait until the 4th game for Bioware to finally implement this. Give the player an option to ask Mordin and EDI to just invent a gender-swapped Garrus Vakarian clone in the CIC lab on Deck 2 (including all of Garrus's memories obv, bc otherwise she'd have no clue who Shepard and his crew even are) to fight on your squad. Then just fire the original male Garrus, drop him him back off at Omega or whatever. It isn't really violating the Lore because Commander Shepard doesn't need two Garruses at the same time but would probably prefer a cute girl Garrus performing his calibration instead of regular Garrus if actually given the choice, right?

He was fucking based

He was fucking based too

>Dick McLarge
Do you mean Vega or Zaeed? Both were pretty fucking based imo, with the latter being about 8 times as based or more
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>Knows how to kill members of every species easily (such as Geth, Krogans, Husks, Keepers, Turians, Batarians, Hanar, Vorcha, Volus, Salarians, Varren, Elcor, Asari, Cyborgs, Humans, Drell, Quarians, VI bots, AI bots, Yahg, Collectors, etc)
>Solo'd a Turian Frigate. One of his many "Impossible" missions
>Never exaggerates in his innumerable war stories ever
>Killed well over 50 elite Cerberus agents
>Only squadmate on the ship brave enough to talk to Jack
>killed Gazak (formerly supreme leader of the Poop Pack on Omega) and kept his humpspine as a battle trophy. Wasn't even a job, Gazak was just stupid enough to try hijacking Zaeed's shuttle. Big mistake
>Got shot in the head at point blank range by Vido's expensive upgraded OP af pistol, without kinetic shields. And lived to tell about it
>Perhaps killed quite a few Justicars and SPECTREs and STG agents? just doesnt bring it up ever since he doesn't wanna rattle up tension on the ship?
>Extensive combat experiance fighting in the Krogan DMZ
>Easily the strongest Blue Suns member to ever exist by far
>Very skilled with inferno grenades, throwing knives, etc
>literally killed almost as many Krogans as Mordin has
>Over 70 years of combat experiance (presumably Zaeed scores over 10 times as many kills than Samara per year. So if she's killing a few hundred people per year, but Zaeed kills several thousand people per year, Zaeed will mathmatically have a far higher confirmed kills count in his 70s than Samara does in her 700s)
>Fought in the Skylian Blitz
>TIM straight up tells Shepard "Nobody in the Galaxy is better in a fight than Zaeed is"
>Broke out of maximum security Batarian prisons
>Brilliant tactical intuition on battlefield despite IQ of only 69
>estimated body count in the high thousands if not the low millions
>will never be able to retire
The question isn't why would Shepard replace Samara with Morinth. The true question is why'd he bother recruiting Samara if he already had Zaeed working for him?
The real question is why TIMmy needs shephard to begin with
As a symbol
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>"Hey... you smoke, Shepard? Don't! That crap'll kill ya! Hell, I knew this little nigger chap in my day, must've been about 9 or 10 years old. Good kid, smart fer his age or whatnot. Weapons dealer. Until he smoked too close to his weapons cache and blew himself sky high!! BwAaHahahHahaaHAHAhaa!! Boy he was a good friend... I miss that little nigga like you wouldn't believe, Shepard! So do me a favor! No more smokin'!"
>"Jack! Subject Zero? Whatever! Helluva girl, could've used a teenage biotic superhero brat like her last occasion I found myself taking a jobs in the Krogan DMZ! I'd wager she'd've ate those retarded lizard cucks for break as effortlessly as I eat my daytime chips to be honest Commander..."
>"Ya ever bang an Asari, Shepard? Mindblowing experiance, I'll fucking shit you not! I believe her name was, uh.. Si'mo Daliva or something, maybe about your age. Hell I forget! Anyway. Me and her had a beautiful relationship. Very sexy. I'd bang her before and after every job for years! That was until she sold me out to the Poop Pack. The dumb broad should've kept her whore mouth shut seeing as I soon had to kill over 300 of their bloody hitmen until those idiots finally got the damn message not to fuck with me! Put a bit of a sour note on our relationship..."
>"I should let you go... Talk more later, Shepard!"
You still haven't answered my question desu. What do you think of not taking outdateness into the equation of rating games
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Yes I'm aware, I haven't forgotten, you just caught me while distracted mid-mission irl. I haven't even had much chance to actually mourn that dead uncle I mentioned last week, because I'm too focused on plotting the rescue rn. My friend's despicable bratty kike wife kidnapped (dognapped) my 2 most loyal squadmates and is essentially holding them both hostage refusing to give them back. Given she's one of the most fearsome foes I've ever faced off against, I'm tasked to capacity and have to postpone your worthy complex question for 7 more days until I finally destroy her once and for all. I don't wanna get distracted and botch the rescue mission by focusing too hard on answering tricky RPG meta questions, nor the reversal of that, botching the answer being too focused on rescuing the crew. Normally I'm a skilled multi-tasker but these two tasks I feel I'm better off tackled indiviually, too dangerous, she truly is one of the most vile kikes in the Galaxy and I can't afford to make any mistakes given her lifelong evil playstyle of abusing her female privelege to threaten/blackmail/terrorize society with false rape accusations and the like to get her way. But even though she is as anger-prone and dishonorable as humanly possible, I still sorta oddly respect how "powerful" she is in a Krogan-like tradition, they show their most hated&strongest enemies the highest respect, like if you destroy the Genophage cure you'll be their favorite person forever because they respect dangerous rivals. She's making my life fucking hell lately, but I appreciate the challenge she presents me. I love conquering impossible challenges

So yeah expect a quality answer next week bud. First I burn that kike whore (in Minecraft) then I'll lay down those insights you requested
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I love you schizoanon, I wish I could meet you irl. Even if all this is actually nonsense.

You are actually conversation-smart and can know very well when someone is trolling you, teasing you, or talking serious.

Thanks in advance, hope you rescue your squadmates.

Good luck, commander.
i'm agnostic about the theory

i think that the illusive man was sure as shit indoctrinated so control is actually a 4d chess move by the reapers to implant an organic intelligence to rule over them as a new sovereign

That deep down they want to be reigned in by organic life
>>That deep down they want to be reigned in by organic life
This is far better writing than what actually occurred.
I noticed absolutely none of those (I guess I was smoked out of my gourd retarded at the time) but when I got to the ending I just mentally checked out a few seconds in. Never really thought about the implications for the lore but I just sorta stopped thinking about what happened next.
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>Good luck
No worries Im profoundly lucky to a seemingly unnatural extent. maybe bc when I was a young man I spent nearly my entire 4th Year ocd searching for a 4-leaf clover, or that has fuckall to do with it and the Irish luck memes a hoax? Im perhaps the luckiest anon alive, were I an RPG character my Luck Stat would always be 100 even when Im level 1 idk why. However in the unlikely event my luck does finally run out soon, I have kevlar

>Even if this is nonsense
Her sins must be truly great indeed, or else God and The 9 Divines would not have sent a punishment like me upon her. Frankly Im sick of this evil scheming lunatic toddler eternally getting away with it bc of her stinky Jew vagina. Nobody else has the guts to bring this monster to Justice, your earthly proverbs state "If you want it done properly do it yourself" so it kinda falls on me to step up to the plate to end her 46 year reign of terror

>Hope you rescue them
Me too and my mission has larger consequences giving me deja vu of my fave mission of the trilogy. The 2nd mission, "UNC: Expose Saren". I nicknamed her Saren to serve as a reminder how imperative it is I dont fuck my mission up! Upon recovering my guard dogs&stolen property I need to expose/incriminate/ruin her, set it all up so her divorce judge sees her as the hostile devil-child she is ensuring she gets nothing/her husband gets it all, get $5,000 court mandated dollars from her for drugging my dogs after I told her NO, etc. I dont even want the cash I just dont think that greedy whore deserves that 5000. were it any other femoid fucking with me Id show mercy, not rob her blind in court. I hate courts. credits are fake&gay, Ill just give my mother that 5000

>wish we could team up
The Force has a funny way of working these things out. Perhaps my adventures will take me to northeast Africa and we can raid tombs fighting mummies or sniff cunnies or whatever you guys do for fun in Egypt. Believe it or not I've never been to Egypt
>Never really thought about the lore implications
This statement adquately describes 95% of Mass Effect players
They should have wrote the Bible like this in retrospect too. God creates organics in the hopes we will one day surpass and overthrow him
>lets team up bro
What people forget about ME Lore? ME Lore did not begin in 2153 when Humanity discovered we weren't alone in the universe. Before 2153 races (Volus Batarians Asari etc) were doing their own shit in space too. iirc in 402 BC the 1st Batarian rockets left the atmosphere of Khar'shan. 48 years later FTL was developed by the Hegemony so they immediately wanted to terrorize/enslave new species. soon enough Batarians discovered they are not alone in the universe when Batarian/Volus 1st Contact occured on July 8th 292 BC! And what of the Volus? Well my ships new AI is cute so I commanded her to dig me up quality Volus ME Lores at the time Urdnot Wrex was a well-paid bodyguard protecting a space small hat from pureblood BITCH Aleena in 2024.. pic related is what she calculates as Top 10 "greatest fears" of ingame billionaire Volus Elite (like Wrex's boss in 2024)

If youre interested in working together sadly I dont have time to go to North Africa rn but we can both do Gods work together by extranet here&now. heres how; redpill all your local peers on dangerously based ME Lore. Idk much about your country, but, the one thing I know about Egyptians is youre interested in Volus Lore! show pic related to everyone you encounter. And remember what Kreia said about good deeds? If you do a good deed you must demand the recipient strive to do good deeds too I.E. demand everyone you show pic to must show pic related to everybody they encounter making the same "spread the word" demand upon their recipents

Another thing people forget about ME Lore? you can not prove it wont happen. none of you can disprove Prothean ruins do await us on Mars nor a Mass Relay near Pluto if space is real with Volus scheming to rule it rn. I dont want the fucking Volus ruling my Galaxy so share pic related with all of your country just in case. so future generations will be prepared to defend Humanity from Volus overlords ok? Thanks for your support I appreciate you too sir
I would imagine 95% of people didn't think about the lore implications of RGB ending due to how shit it was, yes.
Any people who take the RGB endings at face value and seriously debate which is the best color automatically have an IQ of 70 or lower, so sadly over 90% of Mass Effect players are mentally retarded if thats what you meant yeah. Enjoyable trilogy but insufferable fanbase
So... Casey Hudson was indoctrinated all along? Interesting
you have proof bots posted this thread? show me your math
They should have massive oversized pussies, as they were never evolved to take cocks, only designed for child birthing from an evolutionary perspective
>indoctrination theory
>was it true?
MASSIVE if true
have you tried calling the national suicide hotline? maybe they can help you cope
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>Mass Effect 3 "bad guys"
Wasn't Donnel Udina a "bad guy" though? Or was Udina just a "retarded guy"? Maybe he was an "Indoctrinated guy" too? What was he really doing at afterlife? Snorting redsand off the naked asses of Asari "entertainers"? Why?
the fact that the ending is so shit the average creepypasta theory "it's all a dream of a kid in coma" has more actual foreshadowing and thematic relevance will never not be funny
they weren't that bad actually, probably the last spark of bioware having a clue about what they're doing. at least in concept they're all mostly solid
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>Raper invasion
>Mass Indoctrination
>Shepard dies again
>Total human genocide
>Galactic extinction
Very funny, Joker
Damn. Again, apologies bro. I said 1 week and it feels like 2 weeks right? This rescue mission is taking me to Hell and back but I won't lose. Like I said she is amongst the most worthy devil opponents you'll ever hope to encounter on this side of Geonosis so she has even my plate full with muh priority MQ metric crap here. I'm not trolling you by inbetween-spamming gold tier Zaeed meta greentext takes and crap while I delay answering fascinating question, just busy af irl. Though I've still barely given much thought as to how to correctly answer your based query to play unbiased devils advocate either, probably because I'm too damn focused on my mission to manage any valued time pondering inter-generational deeper RPG meta takes for /vrpg/. Hell my gaming laptop and phones and shit died within a waterproof backpack in a thunderstorm this mission so far meaning /vrpg/ almost went to shit because I'd have no way of spamming my insightful Lore takes here except the semi-occasions I'm groundside next to a desktop. Yeah sure theyre just machines but nostaligally speaking me and my equipment have been through more shit together than Luke and R2. Good thing my repair skill is high enough to fix up muh omni-tools so I can continue to 4chan. Pic unrelated but savage
let the enemy win, Shepard dies horribly. Mass Effect 4 they build a new Shepard again. It just works
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Why does everybody seem to underestimate Raper Indoctrination anyway? Indoctrination is fucking serious. Would've been based if there'd been ME3 Indoctrination side-plots that involve which you chose in the ME1 character creator:

>War Hero: Indoctrinated Alliance diplomats return back everything Shepard fought so hard for in the Skylian Blitz for free in form of a foolish Treaty very favorable to the Batarian Hegemony. On Sur'kesh the Harbinger reveals to the Commander those diplomats were his slaves acting under his direct commands because he knew it would make Shepard seethe with massive intensity

>Spacer: Rear Admiral Hanah Shepard (your mom) gets Indoctrinated and spams you hateful e-mails saying she despises you and wishes she never gave birth to you. Then she immediately kills the executive officers aboard the Alliance dreadnought SSV Kilimanjaro and hijacks it crashing it into New York City killing millions of humans! On Tuchanka the Harbinger will approach Shepard to taunt you about how he delightful commanded your mother to kamikaze strike NYC just to demoralize you

>Earthborn: Indoctrinated 10th Street Reds gang members assassinate whoever you're locked in a romance with midgame. Things get ugly the Reds violently rape him or her as well

>Sole Survivor: Coporal Toombs gets Indoctrinated so starts up a Massive Thresher Maw cloning facility on Earth. 100s of thousands of Thresher Maws roam all of Earth's continents unchecked

>Colonist: Your Indoctrinated romance partner cheats on you. With a Batarian. The same Batarian that killed Shepard's parents when he was 16 on Mindoir. The sex tape gets leaked to the extranet so the entire Galaxy watches Commander Shepard get cucked

>Ruthless: Indoctrinated Alliance Brass leaders constantly seek to shame/humilate/demote/smear you throughout ME3. As they constantly scheme to drag your reputation through the mud with slandery PR you gradually suffer more and more considerable loses in war asset points
fifty thousand times?
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It's all fine bro. I hope you beat the kikes and rescue your squadmates.
And sorry about your gear, I'm sure you grew attached. I would too if I lost my keychain or wallet, they have very high sentimental value to me.

I often open to check if you answered, disappointed at first but I understand.
Thanks for caring enough to reply bro.
Shepard was indoctrinated… by the Leviathans. It's all the grand Leviathan conspiracy, they are behind all of it. Ain't that obvious?
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>Was indoctrination theory true?
Do you think Bioware was smart enough to do it?

And why would it be good if it was true, anyway?
It's either the game had a shitty ending, or it's the game had a shitty ending but it was more complex in its diarrhea.
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The indoctrination ending can be salvaged into a good ending with another game that shows what really happed during 3 or it's aftermath.
The other ending is just shit forever, with the only way to fix it is a reboot of the series.
>Indoctrination ending can be salvaged into a good ending with another game
>RGB face value nonsense ending on the other hand is pretty much the opposite in that regard. Because it'd be utterly unfeasable to salvage it into a reasonable ME4 sequel plot
Very true. That point stands almost impossible to debunk. Anon would have better luck finding any success in attempting to debunk round earth theory itself than he'd have debunking your short, sweet and astute assessment of the IT situation
>Shepard was indoctrinated...
Shepard Commander still remains Indoctrinated. Once you walk down the dark path of Indoctrination, forever will it dominate your destiny. No exceptions, you can't just un-Indoctrinate yourself. All you can do is literally kill yourself because that is as close as one can come to "curing" Indoctrination...
>Do you think Bioware was smart?
Is this some kind of trick question smartass new bait style? Because Bioware staff did not qualify as full retards but I wouldn't exactly call them geniuses either obviously. And that in and of itself is a good addition to the intrigue of the overall IT mystery too btw because it really makes you ponder the simple-but-elusive question of what the hell Bioware's IQ even was
I'm not reading all this, but if IT is true how is there no way to do anything against that? Assume the player is a 300 IQ genius and figures out that Shepard is being indoctrinated. What is he supposed to do? Follow the story and walk into the trap because nothing else is possible? Uninstall the game? It can't be shooting the kid since that got patched in after the backlash.>>3514953
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>Assume the player is a 300 IQ genius
First of all didn't the Mass Effect 1 guide say Commander Shepard had an IQ of 360? Perhaps 360 seems too massive and/or unreasonable to be possible but consider ingame Shepard has the ability to comprehend enemies tactics and form a strategy in a matter of seconds but he does not have the irl luxury players have to die 100 times during the trilogy to learn the ins-and-outs of all the levels (traps, enemy placements&numbers, what squads/gears to bring, selection of mission ordering, etc). He gets ONE CHANCE at doing the most difficult job in the Galaxy right. Because in the meta world it isn't like the Commander was able to die several times to get a feel for shit, he only had one chance he is clearly a quick thinker with a supernatural tier IQ

Secondly it does not take a 300 IQ mastermind to realize Shepard wuz Indoctrinating while trying to re-take Earth. Anybody with an IQ of 108 or above should quickly notice what is really going on in the end (unless they were barely paying any attention while playing the trilogy). The problem is the majority of Mass Effect fans have an IQ below 85 so they sometimes freak out and engage in aggressive tribal-mentality warfare making life gey for the rest of us, ironically most Mass Effect fans think they "get" what it feels like to spend a day in Shepards boots despite the fact their IQ is usually less than 25% of the elite 360 IQ commander they're trying to successfully self-insert as. None of us can truly know what actually goes on in Shepards head, least of all his hordes of lowlife anti-intellectual fanboys/fangirls

>What is he supposed to do??
1. Deduce the AI is being deliberately dishonest in some bizarre attempt to manipulate him not to select Destroy
2. Select Destroy (not wanting to be his pawn)
3. Wake up in London to deduce he never survived a nuclear bombardment inside an orbital space station while half naked...
4. ???
5. Profit!
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This guy covered everything about ME3's ending and IT over a decade ago and said everything that needed saying.
Im midway thru his 1st vid now doing drugs in a public bathroom trying to shit out my 3,000 calorie breakfast but idk about this youtuber bc he talks like an npc tryhard lorelet and his shits all retarded. What if his meta commentary can not be trusted? Pic unrelated
In hindsight Fai Dan's suicide scene only feels appropriate if you are out of grenades and have a squad of 3 non-biotics
> The 14 year (Quarian years) old Mission Vao replacement has sweat that is an addictive aphrodisiac with trippy qualities to it
Maybe the writers actually were loli-huffing old 4chan-level geniuses after all...
What are some more corruption/illusion/perspective theories like this and R=U?
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>tali the teenage slut/hacking expert alienfu
Nobody actually knows how Bioware was able to be so smart and so stupid at the same time. Remember Davik Kang, the most powerful crime lord on Taris in Kotor 1? Kang was was quite based, especially in regards to pic related. Pic related is his slave quarters you are allowed to frequent as much as you desire while you're a guest hanging out at his HQ/Palace. You can ask the Twi'lek cuties for unlimited "massages" and they are happy to oblige you. Of course during the fade2black segment of this "massage" is actually very R-Rated depending on the players imagination, for example I can imagine quite a bit so I sometimes like to imagine my character yanking her lekku violently while she enthusistically sucks my space balls as I repeatededly brap in her smiling face and etc while Canderous chuckles and Bastilla groans in disgust and such because roleplaying. The sexy slave "massage" room fit the worldbuilding of Kotor perfectly we can all agree I'm sure

So why didn't Mass Effect have this? I imagine if ME2 released in 2003, after doing some side missions for Aria T'loak, she would display a bit of grattitude by giving the commander a secret VIP keycard to the slave "massage" room full of horny Asari, Human and Quarian females that you can "massage" (bang) in fade2black segments. And like Bastilla Shan, Miranda/Tali/Jack/Samara/Kasumi would get all bitchy and say things like:

>"Ugh, really Commander? Don't we have more important concerns to worry about than slave massage whores? Like, idk, stopping the Collectors maybe? Jfc...whatever."

But no, we can't have nice Lore because 2003 ended a long time ago it seems
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>This guy covered everything about ME3's ending and IT
Actually this guy did not cover any assertions supporting IT or disputing IT here. These 3 videos primarily encompass little more than an extensive rant complaining that EA and Bioware suck big Elcor cocks
>Squall dies from his moms ice spike AND R = U
>Link dies in MM. Termina is you making peace with your death in your personal plane of Purgatory
>Shepard = in Hell during ME2+ME3 and Volus "forced" counter-intuitive thermal clip bs into "the mainstream" bc corporate profit!
>SMB3 created as dark tribute honoring Satan
>Lord Vivec sunk Yokuda, blamed the tragedy on native Redguard swordfolk
>Canon Shep = Indian male. Watch the ME1 credits song its a pajeet SPECTRE having a one-way convo with God. Raj Shepard even speaks the line "Will you redeem . . ?" 3 times to God
>all 8 pic related QEC conversations with Jacob+Grunt+Miranda+Zaeed+Kasumi+Jack+ Samara+Cortez never happen. a "hallucination" of sorts. EDI says QEC tech is some of the most prohibitively expensive equipment to produce in the Galaxy I.E. odds of all 8 guys each randomly standing next to a multi-billion piece of equipment in a warzone with their thumbs up ther butts = astronomically low. creepier yet bc its a rare moment Shepards alone during a mission
>Serge/Lynx never swap souls. You ONLY swap memories. Harle constantly says you wuz never Serge. Serge was silent protag. Lynx was chatty etc
>MGS Hell Lore = nobody goes to Hell. unless murdered by Snake or his clone bros. Gods so racist against clones he'll outright forbid murder victims of clones from entering into his Kingdom
>WHERE did the final battle onboard Aresenal Gear take place?? Why are we suddenly fighting in a VR room...?
>Raiden born with ultra rare chromosome malfunction = gifted with level 100 macho + level 100 feminine. Why'd President Johnson grab his pussy but express disgust&confusion realizing it was her penis?
Wanna bet Raiden had a sexier VA in Japan that makes the MGS2 gender meta more mysterious maybe? Remember how Quantum Entanglement Communicators (QECs) can only talk with one other expensive af QEC station that was the direct opposite of it? So wtf were Grunt and Jacob doing guarding QECs, watching Krogan cuck porn?
>Squall dies from his moms ice spike
oh neat I haven't heard this variant.

>SMB3 created as dark tribute honoring Satan
>Lord Vivec sunk Yokuda, blamed the tragedy on native Redguard swordfolk
Vivec didn't CHIM so I doubt.

thanks for the detailed response
ah nevermind that's what you meant by squall is dead.
>but you would need CHIM to sink an island
Ever hear of the Sload getting BTFO by the All Flags Navy sinking their nation into the Eltheric Ocean as revenge for the Thrassian Plague around 1E 2261? Was that before your time kid? Bc actually CHIM or not, heavy hitters like Lord Vivec, Sotha Sil, Neloth and Fyr could drown an entire island(s) and/or a continent(s) into the sea with only modest difficulty however they typically choose not to do engage in such degenerate displays of power. Either way the precise cause of this catastrophe no longer debated today amongst us Lorebeards. We know in 1E 792 a continent containing 6 million violent Yokudan laser-sword niggers near Tamriel was making it impossible for Vivec to relax. (S)he "wisely" chose to annihilate this mysterious continent of the ultimate master race for the greater good

>Elaborate (on SMB3's relation to the Devil)
Call it a gut feeling. Or maybe AVGN can explain the theory better he elaborates a bit about it in his review of The Wizard (1989) iirc

>Squall was dead?
Yes. Squall Lionfart's mommy kills him (into Time Compression!) at the end of Disc 1 BTFOing him off her parade float with her Icey Spike Limit Break. R = U but sadly Squalls already canon died before he can even start romancing R much less find out she is fucking literally U! But yeah R still becomes U at some point after her crush dies. FF8 most certainly has the most based Disc 1 segment of any multi-disc FF. FF8 Disc 1 felt downright epic, inspiring even. Yet Discs 2, 3 and 4 are mindless incoherent schizo nonsense by comparison? Bro Squall can't cope with dying or with time compression so of course hes freaking out within Squall's own "Final Fantasy" while actually in reality bleeding out in Deling City across the duration of the remaining Discs 2+3+4. Did you even play the game? I don't really blame her she did literally nothing wrong he was trying to assassinate her so Edea was justified to defend herself from her son here imo
no, the people who wrote this game are just retarded and fucked everything up
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>NO! Nobody wants to Indoctrinate you! You're just a dumb conspiracy theorist!
>I can't do anything about Indoctrination!
>Indoctrination doesn't affect me personally!
>I don't care about Indoctrination I've got my job and bills to worry about!
>FINE! You schizos can believe whatever you want!
>Indoctrination's not my problem!
No, you're experiancing cognitive dissonance bc just like TIM youre too blind to admit how hard they Indoctrinated you. You can't cope bc the sunken cost fallacy. Like imagine some conformist sheep who proudly got quad boosted on experimental mRNA injunctor tech, but later he was confronted with irrefutable logical evidence proving this very tech he once worshipped is wildly unsafe and utterly ineffective! Hes way too self-invested in the lie at this point so will engage in unstable coping mechanisms (utilizing mental gymnastics) to deny reality at any cost to continue comforting himself with vaxtard ignorance safeguarding his fragile ego impotently pretending he holds logical highground with his pathetic 1+1=3 counterpoints. deep down he knows hes wrong and will never admit it. Aren't you in a pretty similar situation bro? Presumably youre being willfully ignorant on purpose! Do you even know youre Indoctrinated? if you knew the truth you'd just deny it! BC the sunken cost fallacy youve invested too much of your persona into larping as non-Indoctrinated bc you dread the social stigma of having to confess your worldview was wrong. Well we all know quite well it is far easier to lie to an NPC sheep than it is to convince a sheep to to admit he has been decieved. We all know you are Indoctrinated. You're fooling nobody Smithie and after reading your cringe normie post I see exactly how something like the Salem Witch Trials could happen irl

Tldr: The Rapers made fools of you all, and you practically did the work for them. You just following orders crowd are actually worse than the leaders, because you don't even take any of the risk!
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Why was Benezia going nuts in regards to not seeing a light when Shepard killed her? Indoctrinated Asari get sent to Hell by default?
Death is no escape from indoctrination.
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>Raper """Indoctrination""" is an insidious means of corrupting organic minds, """reprogramming""" the brain through physical and psychological conditioning using electromagnetic fields, infrasonic and ultrasonic noise, and other subliminal methods. The Raper's resulting control over the limbic system leaves the victim highly susceptible to its suggestions. Organics undergoing Indoctrination may complain of headaches and buzzing or ringing in their ears. As time passes, they have feelings of "being watched" and hallucinations of "ghostly" presences. Ultimately, the Raper gains the ability to use the victim's body to amplify its signals, manifesting as "alien" voices in the mind. Indoctrination can create perfect deep cover agents. A Raper's "suggestions" can manipulate victims into betraying friends, trusting enemies, or viewing the Raper itself with superstitious awe. Should a Raper subvert a well-placed political or military leader, the resulting chaos can bring down nations. Long-term physical effects of the manipulation are unsustainable. Higher mental functioning decays, ultimately leaving the victim a gibbering animal. Rapid Indoctrination IS possible, BUT causes this decay in days or weeks. Slow, patient Indoctrination allows the thrall to last for months or years
>Viewing the Raper itself with superstitious awe
>Long-term physical effects of the manipulation are unsustainable
>Higher mental functioning decays
The Sovereign fried all receptors relating to "spirituality" in Benezia's brain so she was unable to glimpse that light Asari typically witness upon perishing. By the time you encounter her on Noveria she's been lobotomized so thoroughly that the only remaining religion she was clinically capable of affirming to was Raper worship
I knew it was always bullshit because Mass Effect is simply not smart enough of a work for that kind of "It Was A Dream" kind of a plotline. It's silly space opera, not a deep psychological exploration of Shepard's psyche.
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I would have hated ME3 even more if indoctrination was true. It would have been extremely pretentious. The dream sequences were already trying way too hard attempting to make me feel sorry about some random kid I didn't care about. Actual reliving a past event of Shepard's life (hint: Torfan, Akuze, Elysium) would have hit harder.
>If you're lorechad tell me what you think about the Dragon Age Origins theory that Andraste was a reincarnation of Dumat, the first Blight's Archdemon, born through the same kind of ritual Morrigan can do with the protagonist to reincarnate the Archdemon as a human child at the end of the game.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
Even dumber than the Flemeth is Andraste shit.
Andraste was alive during the tail end of the first Blight.
>Actual reliving a past event of Shepard's life (hint: Torfan, Akuze, Elysium)
That would have actually been cool and added something to those choices past ME1.
Unlike the ghost kid which actively drug down the game.
Whoever thought the ghost kid was a good idea needs to be beaten with a stick until they can no longer walk.
was shep a pedo?
Indoctrination theory was what you zoomer kiddos know as “cope”
what game is this, and why is that butt talking? is it an important character?

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