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>life sucks, then you die
get a helmet
Very kino game isn't it?
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>then it still sucks
-25 AC is never worth it. Also
>naming a Contestant after a character with wildly different biography
Did you congratulate SeraBuru with its 20th birthday yet?
No way really? This is one of my favorite jrpgs

It was on 15th
The ending of this game had me so fucked up
I wish there were more independent games like this
what game
Seraphic Blue
Where do you even dl the english translation of this game?
Just look up 'Seraphic Blue english' and you'll find it, here's a link though:
It's also on gamejolt
Btw to anyone curious of trying it the translation isn't perfect but it gets the job done. I imagine it was a hard game to translate since it has so much text and also even its article on wikipedia states Japanese readers had a hard time understanding the game's text at times.
Nah, rpgmaker.net is dead and gone. Very likely to stay that way too. It had a good run but it seems like fate for every rpg maker fansite to bite the bullet.
How is Seraphic Blue so high quality?
Themes, story, atmosphere and OST are AAA RPG level.

Don't forget that the dude alone made it in mere two years (not counting the artists ofc)
Dude probably used the remaining of his lifeforce for that game. After releasing Seraphic Blue, he talked about his next game which would even more bleak and depressing, then he disappeared from the internet.
I wouldn't be surprised if the guy killed himself
More like he got married and lost his edge/spare time.

You can't just ignore games you made for the whole 20+ years. If he was still alive he would've appeared somewhere at some point, just like Demonophobia dev.
Salaryman life is blue.
the game starts with series of insanely pretentious monologues, should I push through either way?what am I getting?
>30 minutes of cutscenes
niggers actually play this shit??
You don't cringe that much when a game not independently published does that
Yes, they all payoff very well considering how fucked the story goes.

Yes, not a problem for me. The japanese fan remix has an option to skip them but that ain't translated and probably never will.
>what am I getting?
But it's also worth mentioning that the gameplay itself is very good. The combat is challenging, the equipment system offers lots of viable options, and the Supplement system (auto-healing after each battle that has a set amount, gets refilled at inns/healing points) is a great quality of life feature that moves the game along nicely.
It's a rpgmaker game with all the limitations. But if you can overlook the engine problems and absurdly long cutscenes. If you can embrace the edge and pretentiousness then it's one of the classics.
Better than any JRPG in the past two decades.
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>what am I getting?
nuanced debates that bare the nature of man
>this is peak nihilism according to /vrpg/

Just stop, it's not worth it to get more ameritards into the fandom
>he doesn't like insanely pretentious monologues
No thanks I'm not ten.
Games like this further justify my belief that the rpg maker community is just retarded underage ESLs that cannot be trusted to identify quality.
I absolutely love how masterfully this game filters smallbrain zoomers/vtubers/snobby overeducated old farts, leaving only simple, pleasant in communication, and dedicated public. No wonder the dev liked the second disc of Xenogears so much.
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Vene look like that?
The intro is cringe........I don't want to be cringe I want to be based...
Superior seraph genes
It's cringebased like Catcher in the Rye.
Spent probably five consecutive hours trying to beat Meatlicious and his pack of cannibalistic goons afterwards. Glad I suffered through that supremely mind-numbing encounter since that's more or less when the story kicks into high gear and holds your attention the entire way through right up until the end.
Phenomenal game if you don't mind retranslating parts of the script in your head.

Afaik only the mansion owner recollection part was translated absolutely incorrectly, other than that the rest was more or less okay, if a bit clumsy.
>trying to look for more English Seraphic Blue videos
>"The dev is a nazi bc the MC is killing black demons!"

It's all so tiresome ...
>mansion owner recollection part was translated absolutely incorrectly
What was incorrect about it?

In the original text he talked about how he burnt the money he got for his research work, while in the translation he said that he invented a lighter.
appreciate the fansub but we need a professional sub for this edgy gem
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>save point in the middle of an exposition dump
it's okay when kojimbo does it
Just like Xenogears
only game where you have a level 100 prostitute in your party by endgame
Level 100 is too low and Foxey is one of the best characters for how rounded out her stats and skills are
Doesn't life fuck over everyone in this game?
Nobody is as constantly miserable as Vene who has nothing to live for
>Reflections on war, one's justification of combat and how it compounds their worldview, a literal combat between science and spirit involving angels.
>"Haha... Wow. This angsty teenager likes killing monsters. Erm... This sucks."
>Game about mere interpersonal flailing and that it's okay to be borderline intolerable and mentally ill because society shelters you from any real conflict aside from worrying about friends.
>"Wow this helped me cope with my daughter's suicide :D"
I know the feeling...
If its on a console its mature and artistic and if its RPG Maker its edgy amateur crap because uhhhhhh
She had Lake.
You mean Fritz
>"Nah, rpgmaker.net is dead and gone."
>it's real
The fuck did those clowns do with the degicabucks? There's so much on that site that's gone for good, fucking Playism all over again.

You mean this one?
What does the Blue in Seraphic Blue symbolize?
The color of your balls while waiting for the cutscenes to finish so you can play the game again
Do elemental attack spheres affect your basic physical attacks?
How comes the game's manual translated to Russian but not to English?
The beginning of this game is brutal, how are you supposed to solo the dungeons with just Lake?

Use skills on poisonous enemies because skills never miss. Also, buy healing bottles and upgrade them
Friendly reminder that some autist extracted and compiled all the story text including the discarded happy ending

Iirc no, except for weapons that has attributes on them.
>discarded happy ending
Why would this possibly be a good idea with how the rest of the game is
There are plenty of games to coddle you with the saccharine shit, let bad ends happen.
There's always a playtester who whines when they got get their "happy" ending. Some people cannot handle it.
They even resort to fanfiction that destroys the themes of the original work. Which makes you wonder why they even bothered with the original work.
Don't tell them about black creature genocide in Sonic.

Because it's more fitting considering the story and the mc motivation?
Because the game is a bout muh suffering, life sucks, justifying abortion and other bullshit typical of a cuck. What did you expect? Play other games if you want non shitty endings.
Do people really consider this game edgy? Have they ever played drakengards or, I dunno, demonophobia? Dogma series?
The shitty ending is the main character deciding to have children when the have spent the entire game hating their life and both her and her partner have had miserable lives that stunted them developmentally (as the game itself states). The ending the game actually has is a happy ending, where Vene is at least trying to have a life
MC starts as a edgy emo teen despite being an adult and becomes more hopeful and optimistic over the game.
The other characters start more cheerful and steadily get ground down by the world.
oh my god this fucking 7-headed serpent
I don't think you paid attention to the game
>implying he made it past the third episode
Its not surprising but disappointing that he says Lake is just an emo teen when there are numerous scenes dedicated to asking what the fuck is wrong with him
>foxey offers sex
>lake refuses
>his life gets steadily worse
Lake would've been happier if he was a coomer.

>Lake is a horny murderhobo
>rapes unconscious Vene
>Vene is pregnant now
>Woops turns out she's his mommy
>In the end Vene has a child that's most likely will either be born as retarded as Doris, or just abused to the core by schizo mama Vene

Would be Kino, unironically
>bosses immune to status effects
why bother using that sphere, why are japs so allergic to status effects lmao even the indie ones are like this
There are bosses who can be affected by status effects tho
That is a common criticism of the game but I personally don't find it to be an issue, since the fights still require a good amount of strategy.
Also, the status effects would be way too OP on bosses. I suppose a workaround the author could've done is to make them have lessened effects on bosses but I guess he didn't feel like bothering with it.
Isn't it just the one dude who you pretty much have to use poison to kill? I don't remember any others.
The status effects are too powerful on bosses. They're meant to punish the player.
the game's take on status inflicted on players is good enough that i can ignore this
i like how punishing some of them are, how they stack, and that they just stick to you even when you're fucking dead (clear on death would be too strong to be fair given how disposable lives are with revive accessibility)
it's pretty thematically fitting
nocturne rebirth handled player-inflicted status well imo
He should've made status effects affect bosses with weaker effects or unique effects per boss.
But he's gone now.
>get cucked by Ewan
>get cucked by Fritz
>give up everything for her
>she barely cares about you

She did care though in the moment he died.
>equips all green
She knows how fucked up it is
Who is really at fault? Gaia?
Gaia Prophets simple as
Why did they even create Fezzite when it explicitly went against Gaia's providence? I know this game was impressive for a one designer + one artist + one composer work, but there a serious plot holes.
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It was Gaia's will. Katherine was the first sera human with the knowledge of Benedicta specifically so she could create Fezzite and the artificial sera humans so that eventually Seraphic Blue and the rule breaking power it possesses will activate Gaia's Rebirth and wipe out all Gaia Cancers all at once. Gaia can't interact outside of controlling the flow of souls so it had to have humans act on its behalf while Gaia Cancers have bodies. Even then things didn't work how they were supposed to, Lake being born was supposed to trigger rebirth but Ende and the primary Gaia Cancers suppressed it
>one composer
>one artist

But Gaia cancers were created by humanity's negative thoughts, why didn't Gaia remove humanity for creating the cancer?

Cancer existed on Gaia all the time in smaller forms, just like cancer cells appear all the time in human body. They became stronger by creating Ende as a countermeasure for their kind being destroyed by humans.
Why did Lake die a virgin, unloved except for unconditional paternal love,and forgotten?

1. No sexual education (bc Ground is a pretty much Soviet Union tier dump)
2. He didn't take showers/didn't have a drip, so girls didn't like him.
3. Vene is a frigid bitch
4. Foxie should've tried another time.
5. Daddy gave him bad kamikaze example.
Does this game has any porn? How comes I've never seen any r34 of it?
The game has zero themes of environmentalism and none of the antinatalism message involves any cuckery about humans being bad so they should die
>cuckery about humans being bad so they should die
Literally the real MC's personal struggle.

Vene didn't hate humans though (except for Gaia Prophets and Fesc, perhaps), she was just tired of living.
>she was just tired of living
Her time with Lake renewed her.

She just felt responsible to carry on their wish for her to win, that's pretty much the most fucked part of the story. And that's why she continue living in such a vegetable state, too.
Would it have been better if she sacrificed her and Lake lived to finish the fight? Why didn't she do that?
She's a dazed schizo most of the time and Lake at that point was decisive because of learning the truth behind everything and deciding that Vene was worth living for
>deciding that Vene was worth living for
>worth living for
This is why being a virgin is frowned upon for men.

This would never happen bc Vene wasn't willing to sacrifice herself (see her dialogue with Kursk family on Disastia Hill).
>Vene wasn't willing to sacrifice herself
She put herself on the line to save Lake against Ende.

That was a necessary risk, otherwise they both would be dead. Also, mommy instinct in action
>otherwise they both would be dead
The prophets would've intervened.
Also, her mommy instincts didn't kick in when Lake off'ed himself.
Vene did not deserve to live while Lake died.
>The prophets

Why do you think she survived the blast? The thing is, Lake most likely wouldn't carry on with the mission to the end bc he didn't need the world without Vene.
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Lake would probably be able to be guilt tripped considering Ofa was still alive

Lake would rather destroy the whole Garden with Siegbert for what they did to Vene, just like he slaughtered all the LAJ dudes.
Sad how everyone barely remembers Lake in the epilogue. Especially his own not-mother.

Lake is a underrated character overall.

>being mocked as an edgy emokid by tumblr troons
>doesn't get even 1% as much praise as Vene, Er, or Kursk family
>but actually grows up throughout the story
>unstable, but has his own ideals
>has balls of steel and sense of responsibility
>ask questions about all kinds of stuff, doesn't lock himself up in "whatever" mode
>virgin, but can control his dick
Heroism is unrewarded.
He's not heroic dude he's just fixated on vene for a variety of reasons
>failed to escape!
>failed to escape!
this shit gets annoying really fast, on top of the stupid forced fights, i get why it is like that but shit like the CMGC headquarters rooms look the same besides the lasers
Lake is the embodiment of true heroism.
It's fitting his soul gets cleansed of it's sins by Gaia at the end through transmigration, while Vene retires suffering lifetime depression.
>The fuck did those clowns do with the degicabucks?
>streamer getting filtered by anti-streaming game

don't run nigger, fight
Vene is going to have twins put into her by me personally
Fritz is already gorilla pounding her in the ending.
Scrapped ending chuddy, the real ending is that Fritz is her tard handler who is becoming depressed himself because of her constant suicide attempts and episodes
If Gaia theory is true and Gaias wipes away pain as your soul is recycled then why doesn't Vene off herself instead of pretending to do so for attention?

Lake doesn't allow her, he's way too much into ntr and he likes watching Vene being dual shock dick assault'd by Fritz from inside of her.
Friendly reminder to anon who promised to draw Doris gangbang, we're still waiting!
Any recommendations for games like this? I played about a year ago and still can't seem to scratch the itch. I miss the rollercoaster of a story, the deep combat, the carefully curated soundtrack. Sure, the exposition sucks hairy balls and eplipswich's translation leaves a lot to be desired, but what else is there?

Amongst others, I've played Black Souls, Standstill Girl, Dhux's Scar and find these to be the most similar experiences but they still leave a lot to be desired. I have Tempura/Sakaki's previous, untranslated games and am thinking about running them through MTL, but I imagine that won't be very engaging or fun. What do?

Your best bet is World Piece & Peace, however it's untranslated.

Prayer of the Faithless comes pretty close too (still not as much though), also Labyrinth of Refrain/Galleria.
Explain world piece and peace

Use deepl, Luke
Like this, as in rpgmaker or Tempura's magnum opus? Nothing else like it if you're looking for Tempura's style.

Stardust Blue doesn't feel like SeraBlue at all. Apart from the characters and blue-colored design, it feels like it was made by a completely different person.
>game gating puzzle is in japanese
What a broken translation.
What happened to the rpgmaker version?

Do you mean the laboratory one? You can switch between jap/en keyboards in there.
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Minerva is the best
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Sex with crying Vene

Iirc it's either with arrows or one of those options in right lower corner

Have some dolphin porn, anon
ok why
I imagine Fritz has emotionless sex with Vene while she thinks of Lake.
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>explains everything in a few paragraphs
This is a good game?
>plotdumps bad unless it square game
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Great game.
The gameplay did not disappoint. The ending did not disappoint.
Some parts of the sound design could be improved but this was better than any FF game.
>this was better than any FF game.
Should I play this game if I feel like shit recently? Or will it drive me to suicide? I feel like this question applies to most of my backlog
It's an rpg maker game bro
Those are good at making me sad though
There's a bunch of sad stuff where the characters do not cope in a healthy way and just repress and get worse
It's sad but not utterly soul crushing.
It's about triumphing over nihilism.
>triumphing over nihilism

Lake settles his inner demons and finds meaning in life. In the ending he's happy.
Vene even says she won't say goodbye, implying she wishes to see him again someday.

She says the same to Ofa that disappears without a trace.
Saying goodbye to Ofa implies suicide.

I'd say Seraphic Blue is just more down to earth and more appealing to standard 4chan user because most of its characters are mentally or physically weak (damn, it even has a genuinely retarded maho shoujo), power of friendship mostly doesn't work, and the only char that is both smart, charismatic, and 10000% self-confident is old schizo pedo oligarch.

You'll unironically off yourself at the end just like the dev did.
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Georgbros we won
> is old schizo pedo oligarch
He's an idiot who was manipulated by his betters.

He's literally the only guy in the game who built and enjoyed his life from beginning to the very death while directly affecting the fate of the world, unlike so called "betters" who manipulated him.
Any similar games?
>that world weary 14 year old stare
>hair swept forward to cover the five head that resulted the stress of a life no one else can understand
Chilling, but do not steal his original angst.

Did Lake suffer more than Vene?
No, he was just an edgy orphan. The orphanage had no signs of abuse and his foster mother loved him.
pretentious 2deep4u edgelord teenangst deviantartranny piece of shit just like xenogears, 4chan niggers have the worst fucking taste of all time

Thanks for a bump lmao
its funny af how much seethe this game makes from one or two guys
Xenogears disk 2 was and still is good.
fuck the meatball
Nice word salad

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