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post your aesthetic germanias you formed in vic2
Based, fuck trannietors
lovely geraniums, I personally like to see the Swiss destroyed tho
Deja vu, I feel like I've been in this place before...
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He got mogged by superior Germanies and deleted his thread out of frustration.
>no Elsaß-Lothringen
0/10 would not vgh at
show cores
>wanting dirty als*tians in your großpreußens
alsatians are honorary prussian
>Prussorcs can't stop committing white genocide
1945 best day of my life. I just wish Israel could have been formed on top of East Prussian ruins.
you were born in 2006, alice
2006 peoples are 18 now
>that little part of Belgium on the other side of the river
Basic GrossGermaniums is superior anyway, this one is just too long
So sieht's aus
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this thread
the amount of seethe in this thread. RENT fucking FREE
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why do you think I'm seething? I was just pointing out that this is the exact same thread as before
It makes more sense for Germany to incorporate the Lowlands and Switzerland before Slav lands and the Baltic.
cool shark bro
Do you think people are literally getting mad at Epic Germania for being too Gross and Based? Are you autistic?
I wish germany was real
mein nigger, half of your land is inhabited by slavs and slav-likes
heh got another one
no they are actually 17
you will never be white or german eslnigger
idk about anyone else but ur definitely mad
germans are esl...
Im VGH'ing so hard rn.
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the funniest thing about telling ESLs they’re not white is that it makes them want to kill themselves
This shit is funny as hell, if you call Germaniums gay then a horde of fat autists crawl out the woodwork to call you mad
i dont belive you sorry
The world has moved past the need for Poland
lmfao imagine suddenly deciding to use punctuation so you can LARP as a different poster
terminal autism
>"superior" race
>start and lose both world wars ruining Europe forever
nobody that speaks english as its first language is white
kys you worthless mutt
what about the la manche islanders?
this but unironically
>going slow about world destruction
Uhhhhhh, anglo/jew/chink/slav/med/muttfags, your response?!?!?
third world subhuman lol
based checked and kek'd
nice dubs, and germania also
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Germany crushed into a geopolitical pulp as it should
While I agree with the sentiment, the existence of German states offends me.
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>no luxembourg
>bavarian land west of france's natural borders
>blobbing into britain instead of recreating Napoleon's based empire
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Leaving this here
>changing the tag on glorious grosssshweden
If you or someone you know has been victimised by gross germania, you maybe entitled to revanche.
Please dial 1800-ENTENTE today
i know it's crimeamod but did you just lose to the ai as france?
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>you will never be white or german eslnigger
i got invaded by italy at the same time the germans invaded me
Yeah me too. Just mobilise.
Is that austria or did europe devolve into colonizable territory
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Montenegro > Germany
swiss are the mountain jews so does that mean montenegrin are the mountain niggers?
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well it wouldn't be a shame for the places south of frankfurt, but no, that's austria.
LOL it looks like someone dabbing
germany dabbing on grob germania haters
you will never be black or slav you eflcracker.
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This. As soon as I posted Chadmany in the last thread OP rushed to delete the thread in a panic.
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For reference. FYI as long as you stay allied to Netherlands, France won't do shit about Elsace-Lorraine.
7/10 germaniums
8/10 prussiums
1/10 frankiums
8/10 Hanseatic-prussiums
8/10 germaniums
5/10 germaniums
9/10 germaniums
I'm actually OP (didn't create this thread) but some janny deleted the original afaik. I was banned for a bit. Some other guy took the pic and recreated the thread.
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Let the people have thier fun, you autist.
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I gave TGC a try. In some ways, I like it - it's like GFM but without the hysterical jewish kvetching. But in other ways, I dislike it - because it has ungodly amounts of event spam and runs like shit. Once Project Alice is further along it'll probably make TGC better since PA lets you set auto responses and runs way faster.

But overall I think I still prefer EEM.
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current game, AI did it all by itself
speer'd itself up to no1 spot, utterly dominating uk, france, and russia
>2K (2000 2 0 0 0) industry in 1890 with that much land
way to expose yourself as a pleb
Nice, I scored highest.
Fr*nce annexing Luxembourg is honestly a Chad move that I've never seen before.
Perhaps (((someone))) is afraid of my vision of a united Chadmany and hastily deleted the thread...
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These + Austria, Czechia, Slovenia and a Netherlands puppet are the true perfect borders for reference.
Mods that incorporate the Napoleon / French Empire stuff include an option for Napoleon III to try to buy Luxemburg.
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lol how did france end up controlling half of britain?
lmao post chins you incels
She makes my germ groB haha
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nigga was focusin too much on chinmaxxing that he forgot to foreheadmaxxing
I look like this
Now reform to EU
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Unironically thought this was one of mine from back in the day until I saw that German Egypt
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AI formed GrossGermany. Dumb AI always need big strong human to maintain the balance of power
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>calling ANY of these Groß when they don't even include Neuchatel
ah yes, let me blob into some random swiss canton full of frenchmen just because a hohenzollern had ruled it once
instead of taking the german parts of schweiz
why not just take all of switzerland
because i like its borders when it's indep
What's the difference?
>No Alsace
>This close and yet this far from Adriatic
>In fact, literally Gross H*ngary
this is the best one of the thread, needs to puppet Netherland and Denmark tho
lol Germonkeys will never have those
Where is a good place to start as a complete newbie to vic2?
usa is super easy
usa also doesn't teach you anything about the game — you don't fight real wars and the economy is very hands off
you don't learn anything if you don't jump in deep water, who cares if you lose a war or two as prussia
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not in my germaniums thread
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Grøss Prøysen
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>kleindeutsche solution
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Mein Führer... I KNEEL!
B-b-based. Sein Vaterland muss größer sein!
Latest Germany game around 1894
ugly blob apply yourself
Literally every post thus far has been an ugly blob in some way or another
And yet your shapeless oval takes the cake, funny.
I don't think that's true
You don't do much thinking in general, do you?
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I was born in Germany, my ancestors are German, my first language is German, my hair blonde, my eyes are blue, I'm 6'2 and I'm looking at my German passport as I'm typing this
spoiler: you're actually a wend
Predictable swarthoid/Jew cope. Other than German I just have a little a Scandinavian :)
>I'm looking at my German passport as I'm typing this
You mean EU passport?
>noooooo, you have to be a kike to accept the facts austrians and east germans in general are of slavic ancestry
me, i'm so white my arm hair is blonde
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>"I'm German."
Post jawline, at least, then. You're not simultaneously doughy and a lanklet, are you?
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>n-no y-you...
Post hand
Why would I do that? I'm not the one trying to ""flex"".
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this you?
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>a German chimps out about his white skin
>the thread devolves into shitflinging about race
As much as i enjoy forming Grossgermanias I sure do hate Germans on the internet. Why are they so autistic?
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you guys don't go groß enough
Because they're not Germans, they're 1/16th German Americans who feel insecure about their ancestry
unfortunately Großbritannien blobbed into China and built literally millions of slave soldiers
build a hochseeflote
those millions of chinks don't matter if they just drown in the atlantic, med or north sea lmao
botes increase your military score hugely
i know lmfao
Incorrect, the thing you need to know about German Americans is unless they are Amish, they likely are 48'ers that fled Germany. These are some of the most Chuddy of Germans, Saxons who even other Germans always considered backwards and too xenophobic for their tastes.
They are the same stock that thought Generalplan Ost was a great idea and overrided the concerns of Prussian/Baltic-German nobles, then later threw those same people under the bus when it all went wrong.

tl;dr: Benjamin Franklin was unironically correct about Germans in America
I don't give a shit about Yankees I was talking about real Germans you fucking nigger.
I think vicky 2 might be too old for my computer. It's pretty choppy and sometimes crashes when I alt tab
It's from 2010...
holy shit I am hard
He looks like a regular dude other than the political shirt.
>48'ers that fled Germany. These are some of the most Chuddy of Germans, Saxons who even other Germans always considered backwards and too xenophobic for their tastes.
Weren't they pro-revolutionaries who wanted to transform Germany into a Republic at a time when revolutions were sweeping Europe? How was that viewed as backwards?
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What about German Catholics? My ancestors are German Catholics.
shut up you bore
What's a bore?
many monarchs wanted to sit in their castle and do nothing towards unification (even the prubian kaiser dismissed the crown for united germany because muh gutter)
this is your average 48er https://youtu.be/-9OUJcbgnXg
Meant for >>1679162
>nein nein nein
>das Germanium muB groBer sein
VGHHHHHHHHH mein ancvestor....
Why is it always Germany and never France? Is Napoleon larp that rare?
They've had multiple big ass empires.
dogshit language
I love victoria threads
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Started as Bavaraia.
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what happens here?
Lake Krakov
It’s literally just thinly veiled antisemitism, similar to those people weirdly obsessed with Rhodesia who really just hate black people. I know this post will catch shit but everyone knows it’s true. If Germany never went after Jews like they did nobody would care.
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Kaiser Wilhelm, my favourite antisemite.
>implying he wasn't one
Then why did the jews hold so many positions of power in his so-called monarchy?
This is an anglo website, anglotards feels closer to their barbaric g*rms cousins, not to superior latin civilization
>It’s literally just thinly veiled antisemitism
How would you explain Russia then?
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>100+ infamy
good luck defending that
Is there any mod that lets Austria reform the HRE?
best i can do is german bund
but there is that divergences mod where czechs can reform the holy roman empire
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Okay there, Freud.
Because Germans are a race of autists, and as such they attract the attention other autists.
Tourist go home
But France was conquered by the Franks a Germanic tribe when Rome fell to them. Hence the name. In German the country is called Frankreich (Reich of the Franks). But admittedly the Franks were just the upper class and got diluted and not much remains of them or their language.
Are you retarded?
Imperial Germany was one of the most pro-jew nations of its era. Do you learn nothing about history besides
>Hitler hated the jews for no reason at all because he was evil and then murdered them
The jews which were treated well attempted to revolt when Germany started losing, and then were given control over the government by the allies. This "Stab in the back" was the entire basis for the holocaust.
Chinlet general
I am surprised this thread has stuck around as long as it did.
Proves my theory that Germany is indeed the biggest seethe exporter of the world and the secret antihero protag of world history.
all it proves is that its technically on topic plus vst is a slow board

whats really impressive is how jews and BBC send people into a virginous rage despite having no active threads to speak of
Old meme.
see what i mean? instantly mad
I'd love to see a Big Poland in one of these threads one of these days.

It's a shame that you can't play as a Yiddish speaking Carpathian Judenstaat.
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final result
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what happens here?
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Transilvanian nationalist rebels have risen in Hungary.
pepe the meme frog
it is an old meme tho
yet it makes you mad every time
Kekistan annexing Normistan
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VGH, Preußen... das Vaterland...
show cores
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because i've done a game like that once, just in crimeamod and i've managed to core all of kleingermanium
unifying Germany militarily under Prussia is far easier in HPM than vanilla if anything
because after researching nationalism Prussia and Austria get a casus belli to annex German states when at war with them
oh wow that's cheating
here i had to go over the infamy limit to do so
historically correct though. Prussia annex the north German states it fought during the seven weeks' war
just imagine what abominations will arise from french controlled bongland, the German Vaterland looks swell tho
that is fucking TASTY
>just imagine what abominations will arise from french controlled bongland
we don't have to imagine
>GrossGermanien for the umpteenth time
Us real kids boot up ToK for GROOTNEDERLAND
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wtf are you doing nigger?
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>Bohemian Austria
>In north Italy
sorry wrong reply
anyone have that pic of a "greater germanic multiverse cluster"
it was really funny but i forgot to save it
1: generaplan ost was fake as fuck
2: 48’rs were libtards, not chudcels
French are gay with a gay language and gay aesthetics, Germans are cool with a cool language and cool aesthetics. It’s that simple you autistic idiot.

Also France after ww1 and ww2 are remembered as cowardly losers who suck at fighting, even though Germany lost the world wars back to back, they are remembered as invincible conquerors who needed the entire world United agaisnt them to even have a chance of losing
>the Frankish empire
The Frankish empire was just German reich 0
this, Napoleon also was Italian making the only "French" empire the one of the sun king
It was still an empire of the French though, it counts regardless of napoleon being French ethnically or not.

The Frankish empire was completely run by Germans, German military, all nobles were German, literally everyone of note was German. Napoleons empire was entirely French other then nappy himself
wtf happened to the alice threads. i checked those to see the latest relevant news on alice and openvic
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I was too distracted with balkanizing Anglo-Saxons, and hoarding Rubber.
>Germany thread turns into a /pol/ cesspit
I mean, it was predictable.
it archived, i would make one but im afraid that it will get filled with lunatics like the other one
bumping this classic
Have you never been in a /gsg/ thread before?
sorry, meant to reply to this guy>>1694136

Well, that gives the term "Weisswurstäquator" a whole new dimension.
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>thinly veiled antisemitism
I just love Germany,like France,dislike marxist Jews and hate niggers.
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John Madden?
i'm hard
vgh... groBrussland... (velikoRosiya)
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>Big Poland
I'll say that as a ouiaboo but German WW1 and WW2 aesthetics are top notch, nothing ever came close to the german reactionary futurist architecture adorned with those swastika flags, and it was their goal, and they nailed it.
It just went too hard and edgy boys like you and me just stick to it

Anons here always say French is an ugly language spoken by nosy faggots but the truth is it is also the case for literally every single important European nation, be it Germany, England, the netherlands, Italy. That's just how it is.
Nations of autistic nosy faggots who go hard once in a blue moon and end up conquering half the world just for said empire to fall just as fast, only leaving behind VGH autists yearning for the return of those times.
The Rome of the North...
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>Playing Japan game
>Look back at Europe
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How did I do, fellow Germans?
warsaw when?
what cultures did you manage to accept?
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>warsaw when?
what cultures did you manage to accept?
Apparently all of them.
I saved scum a little to get most of the important ones.
Got the Czech via a decision, only 25 prestige.
Romanians and Polish... no idea how they got there. They explicitly rejected the confederation when I did the event chain.
>Romania existing
You have Romanian accepted, you need to liberate the Romanians from Romania!
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>play bohemia to HRE in DoD
>it's 1862 and I still havent gotten the Bohemia revolt event
>when you form germany/HRE you miss out on blobbing because you lose the -0.50 infamy reduction
I guess no greater HRE for me
Good luck taking it down.
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Vanilla 1870 German is still peak aesthetic for me, look at those curves. German in any other era is either too thick or too thin. This is why I don't actually like trying to get Gross Germanium. The map becomes this obese round thing

Other map states that I also prefer
> Netherlands > Gross Netherlands
The symmetry is horribly broken when adding Belgium
> Tang > PRC >> Qing
> Peak PLC
> Charlemagne's Francia
> Ottoman around 1520s before adding those Hungarian things.
> and of course, peak Roman Empire
It's only missing Austria and the rest of Poland.
Greater Germany without Bohemia proper (but with the Sudetenland) is also pretty aesthetic. The absence of Bohemia breaks up the blob silhouette and kind of echos the shape of the historical German Empire.
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Correct about Tang, looks so fucking cool. I like china's that generally stay in that little circular section ("China proper") and then have the tail coming out the back.
I agree. Besides you can still blob in Africa.
The real problem is the fact that Austria will start hating you due to Vic 2 mechanics.
lmao git gud
Angloid seething kek
best germaniums in the thread
just putting this out there bc I don’t think there is a crimea mod discord
playing as Imperial Japan in crimeamod
you are railroaded into the meiji restoration and the boshin war through events
those said events such as emperor meiji will not appear if you become free or a great power
that is very easy to do as I was able to westernize by 1855~ and almost immediately become a GP
this breaks the progression of the events, doesn’t give you certain modifiers which you need like emperor meiji
said events you need for certain decisions and events popping up in the future
basically if you play Japan in crimeamod don’t speed run GP or you’ll bug your run
Top kek
>phone filename
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>big buff nigger good
>little white kid bad
this pic always makes me laugh. shit i've never played a single paradox game in my life but just about everything you /gsg/ schizos do makes me laugh
This is basically perfect Euro---

>sees turks still exist

How the fuck is it 1902 and kebab hasn't even been removed yet?
Where are the groBerzherzogtumsosterreichs
Also checked
wish i could contribute but haven't played germany yet
is the AI supposed to chudmaxx? because on every single game germany goes full retard on russia, france and austria
Dog whistles are not real. The fascists do not live in your walls. Take your medication.
only a chicano or macaco could write something like this
>france controls alsace-lorraine and has annexed luxembourg somehow
total german humiliation
What's the least AIDS version of DoD? And what are the most fun countries to play? I want to try it now that I've gotten my feet wet with a couple of HPM games.
big germany
the less bloated are the ones people use for MP, here is the one i use, works just fine in singleplayer https://github.com/SuperPotat/Femboy-DoD---Multiplayer-DoD-Remake-/releases
Appreciation of France requires appreciation of pre-napoleon and Louis-Napoleon era.
It has femboy in the name so most likely is pozzed, avoid
i haven't seen anything pozzed nor jewish but okay i also know of this one.
7/10 GroBbyzantiums
>Japanese Tunis
I think I just threw up.
What more could you want?
>brown eyes
1836 Austria is peak.
>projection into the Alps and Italian lands
>round outcropping in Bohemia perfectly balanced by Galicia
>border in the south along the Carpathians and the Danube
>dalmatian coastline completing the look
Perfectly balance map, just screams "ancient land power"
Ancient forged documents power
IMO it looks best once it's gained Bosnia and gotten rid of Lombardia. Taking the rest of Romania and getting a little coastline in the Black Sea also looks nice.
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Hot off the presses
tf is this
germany in victoria 2 is very strong and fun to form
Eu4 - V2 megacampaign
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First time I've ever seen Prussia shit itself this hard without me doing anything to it, for some reason every campaign in which I play as a shithole always has wacky things happening like this.

This would actually make for a fun "modern day" scenario
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>This would actually make for a fun "modern day" scenario
It took me something like 5 dismantlements to liberate all of Africa and India under glorious peasant communism, after which they promptly went fascist along with Russia, Spain and Britain
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Guess who's back
Back again
>Guess who's back
Back again
what mod is best for Krakow runs? Im trying crimeamod now and its just not fun and there doesn't seem like there a good amount of flavor for poland but i could be wrong
>get Sicily as a puppet abusing Austria alliance
>infinitely spawning independence rebels in my puppet
>AI seems worse, just has better tech
>conquer haiti
>try a million times and finally eek a tiny win against china and get a province
>event pops up limiting me to a port
im giving it 15 more years and then im going back to vanilla
i hate it, all the mod options seem like they are for bugmen, either adding trans rights or adding hispanic nazi larp
>adding trans rights
Elaborate, I thought Crimeamod was made by some anon
Crimeamod is made by a ziggerfaggot serbroach.
cool shark
Krakow doesn't get flavor because it requires insane asspulls to get off the ground, but Poland does get flavor in all of the regular flavor mods like GFM or HPM. You're better off waiting for Poland to pop up from an event, or releasing it yourself then switching. Forming it the hard way is insane. Polish-Lithuanian-Commowealth, which can form biiiiiig Poland, is a strong nation in Divergence of Darkness with flavor if you're ok with alt history.
why was this post deleted?
i was finally able to go from krakow to PLC by going in and changing the HPM files to let me cheese the game like in vanilla
ty for the DOD recc, i usually hate alt history but might check it out
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Accept nothing but the best quality of posters and content
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VGH... Lebensraum... Urheimat...
hyperborea realized
You know the person who made this is brown
>fuck grobgermania memes!
>plays le epic ottoman empire conquest all of india spain and austria for the 20th time
>weirdly coded AI colonization behaviour makes it possible for me (Mexico) to get both Oregon and Oklahoma and delay the US so long in Idaho that I am able to build enough ports to compete with them over Washington and cause a colonial crisis just 5 years into the game
>they pussy out after the UK sides with me
heh, nothing personal, amerifats
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If can somehow find yourself being insulted by this, anon, you're taking things too seriously
>if can somehow
good morning esl
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Fuck, I've lost this battle by forgetting to include a (You)!
yep always thought tang looked pretty cool
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cry more whitoid
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Kill yourself unfunny /gsg/ nigger and fuck off back to /vg/
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>Kill yourself unfunny /gsg/ nigger and fuck off back to /vg/
this shit is peak leddit no matter what country you side with
>no /gsg/ memes about GROBROME/GROBITALIUM
romanCHADS just keep on winning
Luckily it's just one failed abortion.
>text text text
the left can't meme
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>this shit is peak leddit no matter what country you side with
i'll stop saying it when it stops being true.
post more big germanies just to make the schizo seethe
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I have the strangest feeling you wouldn't complain if someone said the right can't meme.
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>post more big germanies just to make the schizo seethe
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I bet the guy above looks 10 times better than you do
Gran Iberia chad btw
This is the kind of stuff your shitty board will always be remembered for
No one will ever take you seriously and you will always be seen as /vst/'s autistic (not in a good way) and reddit-esque knockoff
but almost all /vg/ generals have nothing to do with strategy games
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i don't like this
Germany isn't assimilating fast enough the other pops
also the reactionary pop bros dissapear despite of having a functional and comfy goverment.
Oh no. Some tranny got so offended by something it saw on a /vg/ general it spent years of it's life making low quality 9gag memes and screeching about said /vg/ general on every board. How will /vg/ general ever recover bros?
I only make the finest of Imperia Rhomaion, making sure proud greeks free our persian brothers from Arab yoke
Why are /gsg/fags so obsessed with fantasizing about underages playing vicky 2? Are they perhaps pedos?
I do all of this but as Italy.
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>I only make the finest of Imperia Rhomaion, making sure proud greeks free our persian brothers from Arab yoke
i dont play krautniggers
this is the proof that /gsg/ is 99% about discord-tier shitposting ang 1% about games
I wonder why 4chins never made a rule against raids from other boards
Then where is /qa/?
>/gsg/ is 99% about discord-tier shitposting ang 1% about games
gee, you think? It's almost like /gsg/ is populated by the same turboautistic group of people who don't talk about games, with 1 or 2 people in there actually posting about their current run which is usually exclusive to ck2, they never use the reply function, you have avatarfags like the guy who just posts pictures of otters, or the guy that posts "niggers" 5-10 times in every thread.
At this point the only people left over there use it like some personal circlejerk chat. Really only a couple steps away from being a D*scord server.
/gsg/ is not like that anymore. These days it's being raided with nonsense posts 24/7.
>it isn't like that anymore
>it's worse
Yes, it's worse because of external forces, not through the fault of /gsg/ and its posters. Shows that no matter how bad things get they can always get worse.
Would you mind elaborating on who these external forces are?
Yes, I would mind.
Could it be that they're a splinter of /gsg/ or something
Because I don't know who it is. All I know is that over the last week the traffic increased greatly and certain style of posts appeared.
I ate it
Describe the taste.
It tasted like sproke, bugs and meds
>over the last week
Aha, so you're using this week long raid as an excuse to not admit that /gsg/ is a shithole.
It's you isn't it. Epic troll extraordinaire.
It wasn't a shithole before that. Now you have "people" posting literal gibberish.
I'm playing as the USA in the Ending Extension Mod and apparently the "Conservative & Reactionary coalition" keeps getting 100% of the vote even though I'm trying to go Anarcho-Liberal.
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Are some of those screenshots from East vs West?
lmao kevin spacey why the fuck do these memes always have the most random shit in them?
Open borders for israel
best one
Stop having fun.
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I said stop it you stupid fucking chud.
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>stop using a better moderated board, plaese come back to our wonderful dead redditscord infested general
this is the most pathetic one you've posted so far lmao
does vic2 have music?
cute samefag but you can do cuter
its not but boy does that cement how dead it is in here
seconding this ask
These borders are criminal.
is this the power of better moderation???
fuck off back to /vg/
>its like twitch chat but now you wait a week+ for the copy pasted semi-gibberish
what did he mean by this?
based East vs West chad
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And then I made Germany (with its capital in Wien as is proper) bigger.
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mid playthrough
>Not making the capitol Aachen
>I like sucking COCK
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bought this game on sale a few days ago
i think i'm getting the hang of it? probably not. i skipped the tutorial since it seemed boring. playing as sweden, went to war with sokoto and annexed all of it, got gp, sphered denmark and formed scandinavia, eventually colonized some areas around sokoto, other than that mostly been chilling and making money but probably not as much as I could since I only have two factories and not really sure how to get more. I should also probably train more troops and navy but I have a million dollars and I'm afraid of losing it all. eventual goal i guess is somehow go to war with russia to liberate finland, but no one ever accepts my alliance requests.
Any tips n tricks?
You have to encourage capitalists in your most populated states and also lower taxes on capitalists unless doing so will cause you to go bankrupt, raise tariffs before raising taxes in that case.
>not a single actual supreme groBgermanium has been posted itt
I really have to do everything myself huh
>Kiev not called Kyiv
>perfectly distributed meta armies
>clean borders without tiny non countries
8/10 pretty good
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this anon here, i managed to make sweden bigger (by allying with half of europe and having them fight russia for me)
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the AI has made a pretty big germany
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Game over, what country should I play next
Probably gonna use mods next time, HPMP seems good
>Austria-Hungary without any of Hungary and barely enough of austria
France getting buttfucked is nicetho
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USA was probably the worst-looking nation on this run. What the fuck is this
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Korea also did this while I wasn't looking. No idea how.
That's 99/100 games of the British ai being too busy having to manage a gorillion things (including a usual war to defend Belgium from the Netherlands) due to having a massive empire - before it can dedicate its allocated processing power to colonization.
Play fhe heavenly kingdom
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Time for a Vic2 rorsach test.
What does this map of Europe make you think of?
Killing myself, wtf are these aids borders?
What's the worst part?
RIP Italy and Austria.
Giga turkroaches for one
This isn't EU4
it sounds like youre just talking out of your ass but i dont know enough about coding to disagree with you
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guys you like my germany?
>also most of saudi arabia
Not nice.
>no big German Empire
>no Germany at all
0/10 needs more VGH
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i fucking hate hpm, and it hates me
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Just posting here something that i found, you can core most of africa in hpm with ARU.
Nice prestige there faglord
A bunch events about ancient civlizations, canals, olympiads, and so on, and wars, lot of wars with fucking england.
don't let talex see this or he'll "fix" it
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this thread should be pinned
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My Mexico play looked like this.
After annexing Texas and cutting off the US in Idaho, I basically had free reign in Canada, since the Anglos were busy elsewhere as always.
The US finally got a whiff of the Pacific Ocean when buying Lasker from the Russians, making North Muruk even less aesthetic.
>This at 1842 with no infamy
lol yeah sure
>Poverty mod
You pause the game as soon as you settle peace with everyone at the same time. That gives you like 30+ infamy. You then release nations to drop the infamy to zero. Note how I released all of southwest Austrian Empire.

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