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Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years? I just realized I have RoC+TFT discs from more than 15 years ago yet haven't played the game except for a few matches at an internet cafe.
yes .you were missing out. go play it. you wont regret it.
No OP don't play it Blizzard will install vespene gas if you insert the disc into your computer

If you love the warcraft lore. It still holds up til this day.
its one of if not the best singleplayer rts campaigns ever made, and I don't even give a shit about Warcraft. A shame that it wasn't really copied after its release.
byw you can redeem those cdkeys on battlenet yeah you will get reforger (not hd thing since you have to pay for it)
>A shame that it wasn't really copied after its release.
Spellforce is a pretty shameless ripoff.
If there's a RTS campaign worth playing, it's Warcraft III. Even if you're not into the lore, the campaign has great pacing, has a bunch of unique fun levels and the difficulty is nice.
>spellforce is essentially warcraft because uh... orcs
these settings and games are so vastly different you successfully baited me into replying. Here's your (you). Couldn't be more different unless spellforce was in space, then it could be even more different.
I meant gameplay wise. How many other hero led fantasy RTS are there? There's warlords battlecry, maayyybee TW:W. What else?
they're still very different gameplay-wise. Saying all these games are ripping each other off just because there are heroes alongside normal units is absurd reductionism. Spellforce, warlords battlecry, warcraft, even TWW are all very different games with very different mechanics that happen to have hero units and fantasy settings.
I fucking wish someone ripped any of these good games off in current year. I wish even half the ambition and scope was attempted
Battle Realms
Spellforce 3 is a thing.
thanks sir, i redeemed
Warcraft 3 campaign are gold, really fun to play in hard with the greatest ending I ever saw in a rts campaign, Frozen Throne campaigns are good too but RoC are superb
Thoughts on this?

Quite a lot of traction for a 20+ year old RTS game.
Play this game NOW. Fantasy, RTS games, media as a whole peaked with this game
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Why did WC3 die but AoE2/SC2 survived?

Reforged killed it.
it was alive until reforged killed it. they even fucked up the multiplayer by removing the already existing ladder and waiting 2 years to replace it with a barely functioning ladder system
what was he doing durning Scourge crisis and Demons invasion on Lordearon? How did Capital City fall?
probably positioned to some backwater outpost and thats how he ended up as the highest rank commander left alive
Blizzard murdered it.
I'm not sure about Sc2.
AoE2 and Broodwar had solid life throughout, and then AoE2 got a boost with the HD edition and broodwar got a boost with the remaster.
Reforged is fine for WC3/TFT vanilla custom games, but the poorly thought-out campaign unification and Reforged graphics suck. It's a mix of people being too stupid to play classic WC3 and Blizzard being stupid.
>Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years?
Don't play the reforged version.

Do custom games still disconnect or is it fine now? I haven't play reforged since it was released.
I've played Reforged for the first time last December and I've had no issues with custom games whatsoever. I only use it for custom games, though. If I want to play campaign I do it on another copy of WC3, the last version before Reforged or whatever.
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THE singularely best single player campagne in any game ever and thats not even controversial.
He's literally a Bandit Lord who got into the military because Humans were so desperate.
His father was a noble though
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illidan is out there, somewhere....
why the akatsuki cloak doe
they killed the game
Because it looks like Maiev's cloak
The real answer is WoW.
>Kisame, we are leaving
Holy fuck what a sweaty game. Just got finished with 2v2 thinking id shake off some rust with a friend and all 8 games exactly the same; demon hunter > siren harass by mana spam and picking off units 1 by 1 if hero gets low tp, if unit gets low tp. Its just fucking gay to be playing lowest bracket and you can literally smell 40 year old autism through the screen.
This happens in every game when the meta is solved and most of the casual players leave. It's the rts equivelant of an old shooter game where everyone left is either really good or cheating.
Battle Mages, Battle Realms, Battle for the Middle-Earth, both Dawn of Wars (space fantasy in practice), Rise of Legends, Stronghold Legends
focus fire the dh, use multiple cc abilities spaced out (hex stun net consistent slow surrounds burst) etc
nelf army thrives from skirmishing and doesnt have a truly solid frontliner outside a dh/pit lord till bears come out; and even bears arent a really solid tank though they do have good utility since they are also casters
do you guys take goblin shredders with orcs/humans/undead?
I try to take one early if possible with orcs at the very least. Understandably the other two have a bit less of a need (even though they are more wood heavy overall I think)
me in the back
broke: Play Warcraft III

Woke: Play Warcraft II
Did they unfuck the vanilla version?
>>poorly thought-out campaign unification
For classic WC3? Or reforge changes something?

Would of liked another human campaign with jianas fleeing to Kalimdor
It was having somewhat of a resurgence before Reforge came out
Reforged changes the vanilla WC3 campaign to use all of TFT's mechanics, which fucks up some missions, some are too easy, some are too hard.
Yes. I've played the RoC campaign for the firs time this week. It plays nice, some very small difficulty spikes here and there but overall it was a very enjoyable experience. There are some stuff I didn't like that much though:
Human, orcs and night elves all have similar story development. There's always the less reasonable voiced main character that does a very unreasonable thing and is now corrupted by demonic powers. Arthas was already poorly handled scenaristically, basically doing a Anakin where he goes from vengeful and stupid paladin to fully evil Darth Vader in the undead campaign, with most of his character development offscreened in four lines of text. The trope becomes stale by the end of the Illdan chapter (which is hilarious, Tyrande releases him, and he instantly fucks it up).
Friendly unit collisions. I can understand body blocking enemies but watching as my 10-men army die because of trafic congestion really annoyed me. It's just terrible and bring nothing to the gameplay. Either keep it and make every map more open (though it will still probably happen even then) or just turn on soft collisions for allies.Since Starcraft 2 has it, I guess it was an engine limitation.
incorrect. He was some noble sent from Storwind to oversee to alliance matters in the region. he was not a native of lordearon.
Yeah, Warcraft is shit.
>but watching as my 10-men army die because of trafic congestion really annoyed me. It's just terrible and bring nothing to the gameplay. Either keep it and make every map more open (though it will still probably happen even then) or just turn on soft collisions for allies.
Good god, no.
Unit collisions are great and fundamental to the game. Removing them would also fuck up 90% of the custom maps.
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>fundamental to the game
I struggle to see why. "Muh positioning" is dumb when units getting evaporated is enough of a punition. Ah yes let me fiddle with my army one unit at a time so the hero can access an item. Ah yes, I love losing fights because my hero cannot access the frontline because a support unit 3 times its size is stuck in melee. I'm not saying it should be gone entirely, just made more forgiving for the player's own units. This is probably one of the only thing SC2 handled better. You can still get screwed by bad positioning but it doesn't feel like a chore to play.
>its one of if not the best singleplayer rts campaigns ever made
I'd agree with this if Wings of Liberty didn't exist
>TFT's mechanics
Haven't played in 10 years, what are you referring to ?
is there ANYONE here or elsewhere who enjoys the current iteration of the game? Does everyone just play bootleg versions of the old game?
While I wish Wc3 had more "Stick in this formation you sons and daughters of bitches" mechanics, The collision and positioning is pretty fundamental to WC3, both in the skirmish maps, as well as custom campaigns. Everything was designed with it in mind, even though it dforces focus on having fewer well positioned troops, more than I'd like.

>While I wish Wc3 had more "Stick in this formation you sons and daughters of bitches" mechanics, The collision and positioning is pretty fundamental to WC3. Everything was designed with it in mind,
I still don't see how and why (at least in vanilla). You just keep repeating "trust me, unfathomably annoying ally bodyblocking is vital to the game". Could you provide actual examples ?
It's just part of how the ranged/melee units, as well as auras and aoe are balanced, I can't explain it to you if you don't play the game. It annoys you, but it's just as different as not having active pause. It would be a different game, maybe one you'd like, but not Warcraft 3
>I can't explain it to you if you don't play the game
I finished the RoC campaigns and am almost done with the TFT elves campaign. Even with taking melee/ranged and support games I don't see why allied units couldn't have softer collisions, with which you could still get bodyblocked to some extent but not outright causing trafic congestion.
the game is what it is man. sc2 has far better collision mechanics for example but it was created with that in mind. body blocking and abusing creep/pathing ai in general is part of the hidden mechanics of the game
>Still no arguments or examples provided
You could just admit you don't have a clue and prefer it that way because you never thought about how it could be otherwise
NTA but many things have splash/aoe damage, and a good part of it doesn't discriminate between friend or foe. It would all be busted against clumped up enemies and feel terrible when you can easily do so much damage to your own stacked up troops.
when you get better, your army and you ally army "become one" in your mind. At the start of the game, every player usually shares control, so you can micro his wounded hero back if he fails to do so. That, or just not run in with your hero like a retard if you dont have the means and tankyness to keep him alive.
this game is the ultimate filter
i tried watching someone else play it with the english voice acting and it sounds so cringe, the actors were casted semi-randomly, i dont believe almost anyone of them, ruzzian one is so much better with the actual soul put in to their work.
one the best gaming experiences I've ever had was beating Frozen Throne on max difficulty
Changes to the way damage and resistances work.
I just play it for the custom games.
Hi FBI, I'm requesting that you ban and oppress this poster
I'm sick of dumb ESL faggots claiming an originally english production is missing some indescribable "soul" quality when compared to the drunken mumble language they consumed as an impressionable child.
Regards, Boris Jonson
unironically british acting is superior in every way to the american one
hasnt been that way since before marge pissed off the miners up north blimey
i will get it now.
There was an online crack of this and Frozen Throne, not reforged, but I lost the link.
Anyone have it?
Just download a backup from Hiveforge and register a CD-key. Any will do, they're very easy to find.
Shame You can't play the last Horde campaign connected to every other with the items and shit, like you (sorta) could in the demo. It's not needed, and you're not supposed to, but it's fun when what you do, or share in one campaign has at least token connection to the other. And yet the last missions are just cut off to introduce you to the custom game system, leaving rexxar out to dry.
TFT is entirely a setup for WoW's godawful stories.
I was talking about the little thing that I liked that made all the campaign feel connected in the moment you are playing them, neither judging nor justifying the lore.
Sides that, while Wow steries never were the cream of the crop, the "World" did feel like "Warcraft" early on, like you're actually in the world after the game, before most of the silly business started.
Some may love Arthas to Lich King Arc, some may hate it, but it was memorable.
>This whole thread must be purged



Anon, those spoons aren't hard to find, the game was popular for a very long time, there's really no need for you to look for handouts here, even google isn't fucked enough (yet) for you to not find it on second or third page.
>Kel'Thuzad died with literally 00:01 left on the timer
sorry but wc 3 has some of the best voice acting ever. you're mentally handicapped
AoE2 died and then was revived
I agree just not in the english version
AoE2 never died because of custom scenarios, and since you have the entire human experience from 400 to 1500 to draw inspiration from, it never really died
it never died, it was kept alive on voobly. Only later someone at M$ noticed the re-sale potential of re-releasing titles
i have a zip of warcraft 3 with all the patches before they pozzed the game and added the tranny demon hunter and death knight. 1.29.2 version. here's the upload, the game is pre-installed. just extract to a folder and play.
this upload link will only last for 30 days...
Dolphin porn
Real dolphin porn or just the blow job set on repeat?
It is still hilarious to me how Blizzard managed to prove Garithos and Admiral Proudmoore right with their shitty writing.
it is the legit thing, dont make zoomers shit their pants now...
>I'm not sure about Sc2.
It's doing fine currently. The fact that Blizz is content to basically just leave it alone while keeping the servers up means it's still one of the most-played RTS out there
Why no console port? Are dev lazy clown?
It's a good story if you are 13 years old.
His father was a Lordaeronian noble ruling the barony of Blackwood.
I don't know where you got all this from
>act like a retard burning alliances in the face of a complete collapse by endless hordes
>allies with an undead

Yeah he got what he fuckn deserved.
Non canon.
what's a good story for an adult, anon? Name the game.
I found WC3 and TFT disc for $5 will it work on modern PC's?
>barony of Blackwood.
and where the fuck is that? dont quote me nu-lore by current year blizzard. thats all fanfiction...
Don't trust or reply to that guy, he likes the last of us part 2 and thinks Neil druckmann is a godlike writer.
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I've had the 1.29.2 W3 version for a year or so, I replayed the campaign a few months ago and so was thinking about.
Anyway, I start it for a cheeky Stratholme defense before bed and I get a fucking windows popup asking permission for Battlenet to access shit.

Fucking Blizz glowies spying on my activities.
NTA but that sounds more reasonable than being stupid enough to bring up Blizzard's Stormwind retcon. There wasn't even anyone living there before WoW and suddenly it's a super force.
OP here, surprised this thread is still up. Finally got through all the campaigns. It was... excellent.
That's every video game with an allegedly good story. No serious adult takes video game writing seriously.
Sorry I'm a zoomer I just like saying it's dolphin porn unfortunately I came at a time it's never actually dolphin porn
Based. I would highly recommend having a look at Abelhawk's videos on youtube about how many secrets are hidden in the campaign, I never realised until I watched them
So does anyone else go 10peons only 2 grunts fast tech? I think in maps with a close/quickly clearable goblin lab is very viable. 2 grunts with sh/fs ensures decent creeping, even without needing shop while still teching up quickly enough, following it with mill extra burrows after wards for a few additional grunts and then headhunters.
Am I supposed to think Jaina was doing the right thing in the bonus campaign?
You are supposed to keep in mind that Theramore ended up getting nuked by orcs and is now literally an irradiated ruin, while the orcs have the gall the claim that they din do nuffin, it was all the Brown Hitler Orc...
It didn't really die, even after reforged, there's still a solid playerbase and esports scene
>thread almost 100 days old
holy shit cant resist posting
yeah its still good, you might have to use wayback for patches tho. for some reason i couldnt get my CD games on official bnet/launcher and didnt feel like rebuying them. just replayed them with a lot of fucking fun even all single player.

when playing custom comp i cant resist doing stupid shit like building nothing but ranged units and following around my comp teams. watching fucking volleys of arrows/guns/beetles/spears follow up their forces is great. even start doing stupid shit like making small squads of 6 to not get in one anothers way

thinkin about starcraft now
Reforged. The game crashes so fucking much now it's unreal. No way any normal person would play this shit.
>played through WC3
>then played through the custom maps
>the last map, frozen throne took fucking 2 hours on 3v3v3v3
>feel good after eventually finishing them all
>fire up FT
>realize some of the story missions kinda drag on and get bored
>then find a fucking folder of new custom maps in the FT folder
>feel a sense of wonder and excitement
pillage is broken as fuck on large maps btw. nothing but grunts and raiders with some shaman fucking around with secondary bases raking in cash
>The game crashes so fucking much now it's unreal.
You have a third world computer perhaps? Because for my 900$ computer it never crashed even once...
i wish that the campaigns had more missions that gave you access to the full arsenal of your factions. like, theres a progression where you only have access to a few things in the first missions, but by the last mission you have 90% or more. however, you never have EVERYTHING for multiple missions where the scenario or objectives change, and you either need to figure out the best approach or you can just win how you want. progression is cool and all, but let me PLAY with it.
One of things that Sc2 WL did well: you had the time to have nearly everything by the last few missions, especially the last 3
Drip feeding you units was something it did terribly
Maybe we could have gotten a few key units a bit faster, but overall the non linear mission design was good. I strongly disagree about the drop feeding units. Not all missions need to be "just macro up your endgame comp asap"
The missions were already designed in a way where you have to strike early and can't just turtle up until you get your ultimate army. Being artificially barred from units just meant you couldn't tech up and progress over the course of the mission and had less variety of strategies.
It's called progression and replayability
>wah, I didnt have my whole tech tree for the medivac drop cores!
Please. Early missions literally dont need extra units with one or two singular exceptions:
Vikings for welcome to the jungle (goliath terrazine mission vs protoss) and siege tanks arguably for dead of night original (hellion infested mission)
Even then, you can actually delay and do those mission that way if you focus on the tosh missions and the marauder missions as well as the first horner mission
>It's called progression and replayability
Something you already get through the between-mission upgrades the campaigns provide. They even have unique units.

Don't know where you get off thinking that having different unit comps available is a strictly bad thing. I don't want to be bottlenecked into a single one and I don't care about whatever meta you're citing.
Do people still create maps and custom campaigns for this or is it completely dead?
Getting drip fed units is generally a staple.
Most WoL are smash and grab or timed sieges to begin with, not great variety to speak off
Some people can see it as a challenge to tackle certain missions while lacking upgrades/units
Note: just get the 2nd burrow fast, then add 3rd grunt and additional peons to have 5g 7w standard. Why isnt this the meta? The faster burrow prevents typical burrow harass timings by archmage or keeper of the grove or even dk+ghouls. And the faster grunts translate to great creeping. The only that suffers is the teching which isnt that slow. You can probably even do a tavern hero opening like this with 2 grunts/3 headhunters+ quick 2nd burrow
Yeah so what if my computer is ancient?
>get bored playing FT online in 4v4s
>one day just start building sorcs and nothing but sorcs with archmage hero
youd be shocked at how much ragequitting happens when the battlefield is poly'd
>losing against comps
>buy mercs
>comp ally carrying me
>come in with merc cavalry
>send whisps to other merc camps
>find out that an unfinished/finished building can be considered a nearby patron for merc camp and start setting up moonwells
>priestess with trueshot and command aura drums
>buy ranged mercs
>instant army
>harpies fly over shit and move at a fast pace
>just start assassinating high value targets with regular harpies and witch harpies
>lose harpies? nearby merc camp and buy more on the fly and click over to others to buy more
>start fucking up critters for more gold between skirmishes with 2 squads of harpies
>end match winning with just one hero and like 30-40 harpies
which maps allow you to buy harpies as mercs?
The barrens looking ones? Also
>losing against computers

Polymorph will be castable against heroes soon. But why didnt your enemies have dispel casters?
barrens maps
How the fuck do you finish the last mission in frozen throne without cheats?
>constantly attacked
>split forces means not enough to attack
>go attack anyways
>enemy suddenly and literally instantly respawns and goes for an objective across map or attacks base
>have 2 necro alters and 2 slaughterhouses 4 crypts up and still cant keep up
I don't know, but it took me about a decade to beat that mission on normal difficulty.
>being this much of a shitter
Stay no upkeep, spam towers, move heroes to defend only for a long while. Dont bother to attack or hold multiple obelisks at the start until you lvl both heroes.
Upgrade, move out with max army once fully upgraded and have enough of a bank.
Learn how to turtle with undead.
As a precautionary measure, you did gather the gold crates that were given in the azjol nerub missions right anon? You did get the items that were given right?
no because im starting from the mission select directly
>Blonde haired blue eyed prince gets corrupted by demons and ends up slaughtering his kingdom of white people and turning them from happy medieval europe land into mutilated and undead freaks
I seriously doubt the likely liberal devs intended it but if Warcraft was released today people would definitely seethe that this was right wing propaganda or some shit. Also there was the Rousseuan noble savage stuff.
jesus fucking christ clear your cookies once in awhile to reset your algorithms
you are so fucking indoctrinated
Chill your shit, troon
go get fed more shit because its in your internet history
I knew my post was a little politics brain rotted but it was on my mind so I posted it idc

Also the modern internet is a lot more political. You just gotta accept it. There’s no way that if WC3 was released today people WOULDNT bring that up.
i literally just described algorithms to you and you still think whats being fed to you is the majority?
Fed more shit? What am i, Robert "Beta" Orourke's wife?
>added the tranny demon hunter and death knight
I played it recently. RoC campaign is fun but piss easy except for a few missions on Hard. But even those are trivialized if you know what to do. FT has some missions are the are a bit more difficult though still fairly easy. A good enough way to start playing though.
Two BASED and REDPILLED men who knew better than to trust an Elf who were killed off by the writers because of their globohomo agenda.
Well that sucks a bit but still, take one singular obelisk, expand and def with heroes and towers with no upkeep until you have upgrades and a solid bank.
Then start taking obelisks asap and keep spamming towers and necrowagons plus aboms for siege push and def
It's a literal fall of the hero archetypical story
You would think the names Arthur and Uther would give it a way. Ehm I mean arthas.
Wc3 is still alive. There is not shortage of custom games. Just don't run reforged mode or even get reforged.
>WC3 Undead:
step 1: get death kngiht
step 2: mass crypt fiends
step 3: mass frost worms
step 4: ?
step 5: win
Even in campaign frost wyrms suck
lost my battlenet account and couldn't recover it
so I guess all my games and stuff are just gone
Try recovering and contacting blizzard again
I did
I lost access to the e-mail I used for it and nothing I did recovered it
I e-mailed them multiple times but the problem is the "questions" all pertained to WoW and Hearthstone (accounts and stuff). I had WC3, Diablo 2, Starcraft 2, e.t.c man. I did my best but it wanted questions like where I lived ?? years ago when I bought X game as well. Guess what I sent wasn't accurate enough. Now its just fully locked.
Ah fuckk that kind of automated system
I've lost an email and access associated to for Facebook and a tarkov account
yeah. Well, it sucks but that's how it goes I guess.
finally did it, i swear losing some spires is scripted shit thats 100% unavoidable at first
>went for gold mines asap(north of spawn and other at south spire and eventually naga bases east of spawn)
>took the losses as they came
>6-8 ziggs at every point/base to buy time
>built 5 vaults this time to load myself with orbs
>6 or so gargs to defend points/bases only to target the siege units
>used scarabs to distract/buy time. attack illidan and run the fuck away
>said fuck strategy and mass produced gargs with 6 fucking crypts
>2 squads of gargs targeting female naga because of their ice armor
>arthas healed self eating scarabs or gargs
>once initial wave at a base died just capped the point, threw down a blight item and built zigs on it
You aren't supposed to blitz the mission it's literally impossible
That's what we all said man
Take one obelisk then hard turtle till you can constantly clear the spires
>he's not using them to nuke enemies
They really only suck in 1v1 where they're too slow and expensive to come out. They are supreme in any other mode when used correctly.
>train 4 shades
>surround illidan when he's at an obelisk so he can't movie
>naga ai breaks and now you have unlimited time to clear out kael's and vashj's bases
I wanted to write that down but people will complain that it's ai abuse/exploit.
Actually considering how much of a shitter the average vstardian is I imagine they would complain more about it needing "too high apm"
If you try to play it conventionally isn't the last Undead mission incredibly hard compared to most other missions in all the other campaigns? Especially considering the last two Arthas missions were no-build missions, one of them not even having a timer, then you're suddenly in a race against the clock versus three opponents, two of them playing bullshit naga #fuckroyalguards
>turtling with 2 undead heroes that will scale to lv10 and already have solid items is le hard
jej. even if you try to play the mission "cold" without the prior gold caches or items, you still do the same, it's just that arthas is a bit more vulnerable at the start.
This mission is peak comfy if you dont try to be a smartass and attempt to blitz it.
You could alternatively use the shade surround on Illidan which will at least take one headache away but it still, it's all about being methodical
Wc3 is famous for good story and easy campaigns
>Friends map
what the fuck is going on? my partner locks up and a few other pairs lock up as well. no gold harvesting at all and the ones that do "work" use the others gold mine
Still a great campaign. Though damn everytime I get to the 3 high elf missions in the scourge campaign I kinda check out. Dunno why, they just don't really draw me in. Just power through and I'm back in to the good times
Blizzard restored the original?
Why would you want a downgrade?
I needed 6 shades to stop him but damn it worked. blocking them + taking down the blood elves first really helped out
best tavern heroes?
All of them except for Firelord are good, hell, even he has his uses.
Explaining them all would take ages, just watch Grubby's video tier list for Heroes.
TLDR: pick Panda if you need a frontliner, Sylvanas if you need utility, Naga if you need to delete a hero and Beastmaster if you need bodies in the field pronto.
>on hellscreams 15k lumber mission
>wiped out most of the elves and if i go any further the mission will complete
>14k lumber and have access to 3 or 4 goldmines
>start executing some units
>train peons
>start building walls of watchtowers around remaining elf bases
>down to 9k lumber
>not enough
>start building more watchtowers in randomass spots
>5k lumber
>take out the elves
>11k lumber
>more goldmines
>start building even more watchtowers
>map is 50% watchtowers
>execute all units but hellscream and make more peons
>use watchtowers to attack a stronghold
>peon repair
>eventually 0 lumber
>use 85 peons to harvest
>done in like 5 minutes
peak boredom, cant even take a screenshot because of an oldass filetype
So what's the best way to play the campaigns? Is Reforged fixed yet?
co-op with a friend on voice and on insane difficulty
Firelord can creep fast and and lvl up incinerate especially if you got agility tomes/items and or gloves of haste. Works even better with orc or elf, but is really a viable scaling hero going 1st as orc
Go double burrow before teching up with delayed altar since tavern hero, and you will have 2 grunts and burrows and firelord with a still decent teching time. The faster 2nd burrow allows us for faster units and creeping and is secured against early am/kotg harass
The firelord with firespawn also provided a ranged dps part to complement early grunts for creeping and skirmishing

Anon just kill the special trees of life, they give you like 3k wood each. And get a fucking shredder. The map does take some time but only if you do it like that on purpose.
Surrounding ememy units to block their movement and kill them is fundamental to WC3. Watch some pro games (or grubby) to see how its done.
>slowly going through all warcraft3/ft solo custom maps
>6v6s down to 3v3s
>6v6s were longass battles that ended up being fun as fuck using high tier units all the time and plenty of resources and shit to constantly upgrade
>even had time to visit goblin merchants for circlets of nobilities for everyone
>but 3v3s happen way too fucking fast but i got better over time
>just follow my comp allies and micromanage elsewhere
>but rarely able to finish get to tier2s before map completes
everything comes to an end
as a teenager i thought who the fuck would ever need Backpack
as an adult im micro managing like 1-3 units buying shit to hand off to a hero all the fucking time
>There's always the less reasonable voiced main character that does a very unreasonable thing and is now corrupted by demonic powers.
>he has just realized blizzard wrote the same story in 7 different games and 10 different expansions
i dont know if this was a patched thing but i didnt know you can sell stuff in the original wc3
Any got a download of 1.31 they're willing to post? Somehow deleted it my off my laptop and I'm not giving blizzard a dime for reforged
1.30+ is the reforged team
1.20(26?)something was the last patch before reforged
best i can google for you, dont be a cunt
>Wc3 is still alive. There is not shortage of custom games. Just don't run reforged mode or even get reforged.
So what's the best, most alive way to play this game without Reforged?
>Just don't run reforged mode or even get reforged.
That doesn't answer anything
kys then incompetent economist
You mean items? pretty sure you could but I havent played Roc in a while
in frozen throne you can train backpack from your starting building. while the units can carry items they cant use them. using a fast moving unit to buy from a goblin merchant/base store to carry to a hero really helps a lot
That's not what we are discussing.
>awakening of stormrage on hard
how tf did i beat this one as a teenager
i just built nothing but archers
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Thoughts on this custom campaign?
No, it's dogshit. It wasn't even good back when it was released.
bro wc3 is absolutely bussin i played it for the first time like two years ago and ong it's dope af deadass made me like the horde which i never did in wow and so true they did illidan dirty in tbc a king deserved better fr
I just finished the first campaign of Spellforce and the whole time it just made me want to restart Warcraft 3. The gameplay really felt like W3 but worse.
It's obviously inspired by Warcraft III in the best way possible. They liked W3, they probably liked the Exodus of the Horde, wanted more of it and made a cool game. It's not a ripoff though, more like a son of W3 just like DOTA.
>stall games so goblin vendors can restock circlets
does anyone really train a second or third hero in custom maps?
x2 badassery
I can get a match in seconds on "gold/plat".
But my favorite streamer doesn't play it so that means it's dead
I've replayed the campaigns recently and loved it. I usually play SC2 but am interested in doing WC3 ladder. Is it possible to get into as a new player or will it be like Brood War where all I can do is get stomped by people who have been playing for 20 years?
>co-op with a friend on voice and on insane difficulty
How the hell can you manage that? I can easily beat insane AI in 1v1s etc but the co-op campaign was kicking our asses on hard. I can't think of any amount of extra micro or macro that would save us on insane difficulty in the harder missions of Frozen Throne.
Understandable. My favorite streamer plays it so it's a pretty good game.

Ass. I hate the World of Warcraft artstyle. It looks nothing like WC2. The voice acting and focus on story revamp is very cringe. Should have just tried to do a straight up port. Those Warcraft 2 winter maps are comfy as fuck.
its on steamunlocked
Is Lordearon still destroyed?
you think it would be rebuilt by now
Blizzard did to WCIII what Frostmorne did to Arthas
More like the community went full blue ball after all the sex mods cannot worked anymore.
>best tavern hero
>assumes orc
th-thanks anon. really helpful
are you niggas serious about using backpack? i took 1v1 pretty seriously and NEVER used that. not even watching replays of pros or anything did i see someone use it either.
I am not sure what you are trying to say

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