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People were laughing at Kaiserreich being stuck in dev hell for so long while saying TNO is gonna take its spot and revolutionize the modding scene.

Now look how the tables have turned.

The Troon Order is essentially abbandonware while Kaiserreich finished its biggest rework and now drops content patch after content patch with Russia on the horizon.
Paradox's game are made for trans and faggots anyway
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ukrops lost
>Kaiserreich finished its biggest rework
That's the 3I rework, dumbass.
Any news on the Russia rework? I started playing Kaiserreich again only recently and have been out of touch with dev news
it was years ago wasn't it?
>le 3I is more important than Germany, the main country of the mod
they stopped giving estimates years ago after the Austria Hungary and original Russia fiascos but going by the dev logs it's basically guaranteed to release this year
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>king of HOI4 mods
Where? I can't see EaW in your pic.
It reworks 2 countries, so yes, it's a bigger rework.
It's going to be pozzed cringefest and without any references to Z or what compelled current modern day Russia to this ideology.
Only people I know who play this are trans
This. Actually fun mod instead of
>70 days
>Lose 150 pp
>70 days
>Gain 150 pp
As well it should, HIV is geographically limited to Subsaharan africa during the mod's timeframe.
how many trannies do you know
> Kaiserreich finished its biggest rework
and it's still not on the same level as EaW, KX, Pax Britannica and Red Flood
all unfinished and/or low quality crap
you will not get a more balanced and quality controlled paradox experience than kaiserreich
You know what? Yes, I'm going to have to hand it to the KR devs. I don't agree with all their decisions, and I still personally prefer KX -- BUT, you guys are actually updating at a reasonable pace again, putting you in the top 90 percentile of Hoi4 mods.

That being said, too much GUI bloat
it's one of the least GUI bloated mods out there
they keep the vanilla aestethic
>too much GUI bloat
What? If anything there's not enough unique mechanics. Schleicher's path for example should've had a map GUI showing the ongoing centralization of the Empire.
None of those feature mah boi von Kleist-Schmenzin, so I don't care.
Good old red flood, deleting content because it's le hecking unrealistic and not releasing an update for five years.
>Any news on the Russia rework? I started playing Kaiserreich again only recently and have been out of touch with dev news
Have an Ireland rework instead
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>Pax Britannica
Easily the most fun I've had with Hoi4 in ages. Can't wait for the Russia update in 8 to 20 months. Electric West goes hard.
KX, Pax Britannica and Red Flood are all HOI4 2010s mods like that gay fallout mod. They are unfinished with bare bones content and no serious work put into them. EaW is approaching Kaiserreich, but with the most recent update Kaiserreich has taken back the limelight. You can say that you don't like Kaiserreich, but you can't argue that they put in the work and eventually delivered, and what they delivered was objectively good. TNO is still riding the high from its initial release three years ago. Compare TNO then and TNO now and barely anything has changed, in fact, you could argue that the mod has become worse. The only decent thing is the economy, in three years! Kaiserreich has revolutionized itself in three years, become a totally different mod. They planned the rework and actually did it. TNO has been reworking the rework to rework the rework for three years.
Is there any minor country that's fun and is not a snoozefest to play as?
I've played only major countries and minors that can become majors, like the italies or chinese cliques
Romania. Pure action start to finish.
KR still uses the same ugly vanilla UI, the same ugly vanilla icon artstyle, the same lame design of a shit ton of generic military focuses and not enough wartime domestic policy focuses, and the same boring mechanic design of using deccats instead of unique GUIs. It's a mod perpetually stuck in 2018.
Have you tried the game? It's Vanilla+
I don't want every single mod to be a fucking tabletop RPG with predetermined outcomes.

HOI4 is a war game. It will never be a politics simulator. Not even TNO simulates any politics. The underlying scripts are surprisingly simple. The same criticism you level at HOI4 you can also level at Pax, at KX, Red Flood. They have a different aesthetic, but they do not to the degree of TNO or EaW diverge from Vanilla HOI4. Most of their divergences are more so accidental due to the nature of assets used than by design. You can't commend a trendy accident without loosing your position any and all objectivity.

It's so weird that the pony mod remained fun and still runs well after all of this years while KR turned itself into yet another railroaded snoozefest with dogshit performance because someone decided that every irrelevant shithole should have a focus tree and at least 7 civil war happening at any moment of the game.
This guy must have a GUI fetish, he always says the same shit about EAW too
>muh vanilla GUI
>muh vanilla focus icons

Thank god, every time that a mod tries to improve the base UI you end up with garbage like TNO or Red Flood, at this point not doing anything graphics-wise is probably their smartest idea
Fuck Ukraine
If this garbage mod was any good it wouldn't have been bumped off the board last time it was made.
Higher quality autistic barrier imo.
With other mods you have retards that wish to satiate their narcissism and desire for attention, push their fetishes or alt-hist wish fulfillment.
Pony fags are just: pony = cool
As a consequence you end up with more coherent vision that focuses more on gameplay. Well and the whole factor of people not touching it because the mod contains ponies.
Doesn't hurt that the setting helps with suspension of disbelief fore the more wacky shit.
Pipe the FUCK down with PB, I will defend that mod to my grave, TNO can go to realism hell, Red Flood can stagnate, and KX will always be a road to 56' Chinese edition mod. PB Mogs everything, from Victoria going from cyborg to robot to IMMORTAL, British, French, Russian, and American creating Yorha androids who find war preferable to peace, Russian's creating a telephone to speak to FUCKING GOD, Americans trying to achieve IMMORTALITY before having that be taken and used on Victoria herself. Everything in PB Mogs Kaiserreichs nerdy what if Germany survived WW1
>B-but it's unfinished!
Hold the phone nigger, even in it's current state, one red button holds more flavor than the lines of text kaiserreichs realism has, I can genocide fucking anything, while kraut bootlickers have to wait for a "secret event" to claim something I could've called Germany minutes before the game starts.
Jimmy for the love of God please spend less time shilling your mod on forums and more time on trying to lose your virginity.
Sci-Fi>"Realism". Read a book.
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>all unfinished and/or low quality crap
EaW and KX have more content then KR
EaW even has interesting lore and unique focus trees for the 2-3 state backwater shithole on it's map
Pax Britannica is quality over quantity
plus there is all the unique tech and new features in Pax Britannica and EaW
meanwhile kaisertrannys basedjack over broken decision mechanics and focus trees that take 3 years to make something interesting happen
kx is for spastic ESLs, literally nobody plays it except gormless annoying retards from third world countries
because the EaW dev team and it's fanbase doesn't consist of pretentious fags who want a in-game visual novel to spread their retarded ideas
KX is choke full of poorly written ESL garbage meme paths and extremely unbalanced gameplay wise.
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>choke full of poorly written ESL garbage
Whatever happened to Rise of Evil?
I really find it extremely ironic that the only non-bullshit mod that's also actually fun in the age of SoI4 is a ponyfag creation.
show me a good mod UI and tell my why it's better.
nice projection
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No it's actually much worse than I thought.
You made me look at some of the paths in that mod and it's utter retardation.
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All based
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I'm sure there are people that basedface when they see these but I am not one of them.
I'd prefer if you didn't let every 15 year old Polish teenager add his epic hilarious OC into your mod.
TNO's: Same style as other Cold War games like Defcon or Terminal Conflict, so it's a tried and true design choice for a mod set in that era.
Red Flood's: Art Deco style gives it a very unique look and it's thematically appropriate for a mod focused on artistic movements gaining political traction.
TFR's: The minimalistic style gives the UI a clean and modern look that is pleasant to look at. Also fits the era as it's all about minimalism nowadays.
They're not perfect but Vanilla's way worse as while it kinda works at first glance, it doesn't fully commit to the theme it's going for at times. This problem is accentuated in total conversion mods that don't change it as the artstyle fits the "vibe" of the mod even less.
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We are reaching levels of cringe that should not be possible.
>you can't have joke paths that never happen without game rules because... YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY?!
I'm sorry your content is shit pal, maybe one day it'll get better, just make sure to put in work. :^)
you have to be 18 to post here
KR isn't even KR anymore. The HOI4 version already wasn't the old KR, and now they've changed so many devs and plot points it is again a different mod. Because there is no unified vision and the dev turnover is higher than at Bioware (the very same Russia rework you mentioned got abandoned like two times already) the new guys will just keep remaking the mod to align closer to their tastes over and over again until HoI5 comes out, and the final result will feel as complete (or incomplete) as the first version did.
You know it's bad when bronies are the most sensible guys in the scene
EAW is pretty shit. Each area is completely isolated from the other, there's no cohesion. You can tell each part was developed independently of the rest. Also, it hasn't been keeping regular updates like Kaiserreich.
Sounds like every other mod/TC
That's fine honestly. Equestria (in its current form) should be a total war and zebrica is so big that regions are inevitably going to be self contained. Griffonia is the odd one out, because you have these huge power blocs (empire, aquileia, wingbardy, riverfed) that barely interact outside of wars (that have far less flavor than the great war and the north zebrican war). You can blob into griffonstone and nobody really cares, steal tarrin from the pact with a border conflict, the continent is packed with possible communist states that nobody seems to react to and the riverfed is just a big blob of boredom unless hellquill gets the plague off and even then there are no long term consequences.
imo since the griffonian empire is basically the HRE, I think the western part of the continent would be a natural fit for an aristocrat concert of europe style system, that encourages blobbing outside of the system and limited wars inside it. Current major events like the aquileian or brodfeld revolutions shake up the status quo too much for the lack of reaction they get. Other things like falcor surrendering/committing suicide with the junta or sicameon dogpiling cyanolisia for minotaur revanchism is just dumb. You have this strongly monarchic political landscape but most of it is swept away within a few years and none of the surviving monarchs are very interested in restorations and characters like the king of brodfeld or the aquileian royal family just vanish if they lose their war.
your whole mode is the joke
Literally everything is an improvement.
The new writing is leagues above what used to be here, even disregarding that it's good enough to stand on its merits.
The new focus trees are well thought out and planned gameplay-wise while still making use of every vanilla system. The old Kaiserreich trees were bare bones shit akin to old vanilla focus trees.
The war is very well balanced and you playing well on a minor nation, or winning some of the proxy wars is enough to tip it to your side.
The "release occupied territory as puppet" decision that every country takes is honestly so fucking amazing, the best feature ever added to anything. It fixes so much border gore and makes the world look that much more believable.

I just love this mod so much, I think it's got the ideal gameplay to story ratio figured out. And the gameplay is just so strong, the Weltkrieg mogs vanilla World Wars.
>I think it's got the ideal gameplay to story ratio figured out.
A complain I have is that the story part takes a dive when ww2 starts. At least some city capture events would be nice.
Yes that is true actually.
And post-war as well. Things should wind down and settle back into peace but it's stuck doing the vanilla thing where the AI just fights forever.
>KX is choke full of poorly written ESL garbage meme paths
that's why it's fun amerimutt
imagine being a MPfag in a map game
fun kino
redditors can't comprehend this
>The new writing is leagues above what used to be here,
>all moderate socialist turn their countries into utopias
>all NatPops are evil

>The new focus trees are well thought out and planned gameplay-wise
bloated garbage that takes way to long to get to the fun stuff

>in a map game
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Go back to your kx discord, loserfag
>posting KX's hungary focus tree like it's a win
i like KX and that shit is quite literally some of the oldest content in the mod
>The new writing is leagues above what used to be here, even disregarding that it's good enough to stand on its merits.
You mean writing like:
>Hey we just realized not even leftards like cringicalism so let's nerf, blackwash or remove the most popular radsoc and totalist leaders, that will make people love cringicalism!
>Also let's remove literally the first and oldest event in the mod going all the way back to pre-KR All the Little Russias lore because we didn't make it clear enough that Savinkov is literally Hitler and he's a big deal
When is he dinosaur cloning path available
Man that was a fun game.
What do you mean was? I played it yesterday with like 12 other people.
EAW is still better. Kaiserreich is still good though. Is Redux worth playing over it?
Depends on the country. For Natfrance, Canada, Mexico or the US? Definitely.
redux's good countries are great but the meh ones are really meh
the really good ones off the top of my head are
I heckin love the Klansman imperium of EVROPA so based and redpilled.
one shitty meme path that outdates most active devs (who all hate it) does not make every other splinter tag in the US bad anon
oh I guess the communist technocracy invoking a gestalt consciousness to lead their armies must not be a memepath then
or the native American tomahawk-wielding "hordes" conquering North America
or Benny from Fallout New Vegas taking over the Syndicates to turn it into a mobster state
those are all serious
Wasn't there also a Lovecraft path for New England?
For every meme path there's 5 normal/democratic paths. Stop cherripicking.
The one and only.
Last times I checked I never found any servers with more than 4 people.
So obviously I wrote it of as dead, bit like with MWLL.
Yeah, trust the plan, two more weeks
Slava Z!
you say that like it's a good thing
when your approach to modding is letting everyone have a go throwing shit at the wall with no quality control sense or consistency to it you're gonna end up with a shit mod
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If you like the game, a couple of friends and I set up games every saturday night at 10pm EST. Server is Dinotown, also has a discord with it (shows the link when you first enter) where the games are announced, but it's not required to join.

I am also working on more maps for it.
Oh neat, guess I might have to install the game again
>think about playing Germany
>remember that awful card game minigame for the economic crisis
>"b-but you can disable it!"
>not if you want to minmax
They ruined Germany.
Leaving the card game aside, I really don't care to much about the paths germany has.
just like reduce the speed
You don't even need to, just remember to check the tab whenever the round is gonna end.
I hate how TNO popularized this fucking shit so much. It makes it so fucking tedious and annoying to play on repeat playthroughs.
The problem isn't the concept of minigames, it's how they're designed. A good mechanic should be very dynamic and have multiple win and fail states and ways to achieve them. This makes them actually engaging to replay, at least the first few times. The BM mech fails to do that because the gameplay loop is just
>spam cards until you meet the objective
>hope RNG doesn't screw you over
>repeat ad nauseam
>do the debt focus if debt is too high
And winning or losing isn't even that consequential. Germany is so powerful consumer goods and production efficiency penalties are not that big of a deal.
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Fuck yea.
but all these paths are fun so where is the problem
Is hungary ever getting content?
smooth move
DH KR >>>> GOI4 KR
do you have a single argument to support aside from >old good new bad?
as far as I know the DH version has a lot of the dumber writing the mod used to have like China or the Don Kuban existing
Opinion immediately disregarded.
Are you so fucking new that you don't even know that the hoi4 version had Kuban for more years than it didn't? Also Kuban comes straight from real German plans for partioning Russia, might as well complain about UBD.
It was not in Brest-Litovsk?
And Germany did not even control that land during WW1.
And the Whites (whom the Kuban Rada swore loyalty to) won the Russian civil war.
And proper Cossack nationalist movements didn't emerge until during and after WW2, when the old Tsarist atamans died off and their sons decided to play "oppressed nation" in Washington D.C.

But even discounting the fact that its existence is very unrealistic it also created problems gameplay-wise. Germany would either be forced to sit in the corner drooling as Russia invaded it or they immediately joined the Reichspakt at the beginning of the game in which case the Ostwall became so OP they were defeating Russia on their own.

And also from a thematic point of view it just made Russia feel too weak to pose a realistic threat to Germany.
Found a Redditor who explains it more in-depth:

Because it made no sense. The lore for establishing the Don-Kuban union was that the four Cossack hosts (armies) of the region - Don, Kuban, Astrakhan and Terek - formed a union led by White army (and Cossack) general Pyotr Krasnov, allied with Kolchak against Kerensky's government. After the Kolchak coup fails, Krasnov (for some reason) becomes a German-aligned separatist nation in the South of Russia. Not only does this no longer fit with the new Russia lore, as Kerensky never rules Russia after the Civil War (as he was widely despised) and Kolchak doesn't attempt a coup, but it never made sense for two reasons:

1 - Pyotr Krasnov, despite being a Cossack, was a Russian nationalist and monarchist. He even wrote a book about a Tsarist Russia being resurgent even after a Soviet victory. Despite a reputation of being an opportunist, he ideologically was aligned with Russia, and would not attempt to seek secession. The old lore had him as a Cossack separatist, a very minor and fringe ideology that never took on except in exile circles (and the Cossacks don't get exiled in KR, because they help win the Civil War).

2 - Cossacks were very loyal to the White movement and to the Tsar. Although the Tsar/a Tsar isn't restored in KR, the Cossacks were still an instrumental part of the White movement, particularly the Don (Don Republic) and Kuban (Kuban People's Republic) Hosts, and they wouldn't have seceded, not in any meaningful way. They were the basis for the army that wins the Civil War in KR, and honestly have no reason to be independent.

Which is why the Russian devs for KR have removed the DKU.
In the earliest versions of hoi4 kr and the darkest hour version Don Kuban was a separate country. You can definitely start a war with germany over it in '37 if they decide to side with the Kubans especially if you go Syndie or democratic where theyll ask the reichspakt for protection.
The earlier versions from 2011 have Syndie japan as well as that special Communist france path which got cut
I think he was asking you for proof on the "German plans for partitioning Russia" bit.
Everyone knows it was in the mod, it only got removed like a year ago.
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>>1755000 (checked)
That's like saying the pope is catholic. Of course DH KR is the version that was the most fun.

Nta but at most one could argue based on the Septemberprogramm. But afaik that at most may have contained the consideration of a caucasian buffer state. Considering that the program was never an official political plan and its goals were never set in stone it's of little relevance.
>It was not in Brest-Litovsk?
Brest-Litovsk wasn't the full German victory KR was.
>And also from a thematic point of view it just made Russia feel too weak to pose a realistic threat to Germany.
It's weak and irrelevant either way. Russia gets stalled by minors without German help. The main threat to Germany is meant to be 3I anyway. It's retarded, but that's the core idea of the mod. Get rid of that, it's no longer the same thing.
>muh Krasnov
Krasnov was such a Russian patriot he worked for the Nazis, something Denikin famously refused to do. Granted Krasnov doesn't have to be in charge of Kuban either way.

If you wanna nitpick countries being unrealistic, how about Canada becoming a GP and being gung-ho about helping a bunch of losers forcefully retake power in UK? That's very realistic.
>Russia gets stalled by minors without German help.
Umm no?
Literally my last game the Russians were running a train on Germany while the 3I was struggling to survive.
They took Berlin early 1943.
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Look at the fucking Ireland tree. Shit's HUGE.
DH >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GOI4
Simple. As.
DH is outdated crap compared to HOI4. I loved the game as a kid, but 4 is so much better.
*wholesome feminist imperial germany fucks ur bum*
"wholesome" and "feminist" do not go together.
>this qualifies for a huge focus tree to kaiserfags
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There's also this gorgeous artwork.
Cry about it faggot, the TNO UI fits its setting and if you can't handle it maybe go back to Supremacy 1914 or some other shit mobile game.
>Cry ab-AAAAACK!!
No adequate response; no right to speak.
He's right, you know.
Just had a Bulgaria game and the Russians took Berlin in 1941 with a Weltkrieg start in 1940
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>with Russia on the horizon.
It's been "on the horizon" for years. Just play Kaiserredux.
Many arguments have been presented inside this thread as to why Kaiserredux is a piece of shit.
If you want Russia content then play Kaiserredux or keep waiting until the heat death of the universe.
Nah it's unironically coming out this year.
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what the fuck is his deal
Vote Schleicher and you'll never have to vote again!

Btw is Russia fun in kaiserredux?
Extremely, if you want to play KR Russia but literally better then I recommend it.
populist centralist militarist dictator
you can choose how hard you want to lean on populism (juntaist democracy) or militarism (dictatorship)
he's fun but god the bavarian nullification shit sucked

KX russia is one of the best nations in that mod
there is almost no reason to play KR russia over it unless you for some reason cannot stand playing KX at all
Well I played a Kerensky run, while it wasn't stellar I really liked the mechanics, while I don't really like KX the Russia they have is very cool, I think I'll play another couple of paths
>Still no Russia rework
>Still no India rework
>Still no Iran rework
>Still no Austria-Hungary rework
>And some more I forgot/don't care about...
Sadly I've noticed a bit of a change here, with Kiria for example being way too TNO visual novel like for my tastes - although I have seen there being some pushback, I think I saw a dev saying Kiria went "too far" in that direction.
kys retard
watching people suddenly pretend to be against communism solely because the ziggers use communist symbols is fucking hilarious
its a fun mod yeah. i daresay its better than most
certainly much more fun than that autistic black ice
KR peaked with China rework.
The China rework was dogshit. I remember then they said they're removing Khan Ungern but you don't have to worry, because the crazy and wacky Dogmeat general, the real star, is coming! Then it turned out his entire focus tree was fucking around with 8 provinces and selling his ass to Westerners, that's it (back then you couldn't unify as every Chinese tag). The crazy and wacky guy...just sat on his ass and made some money.
Is there any submod or compatible vanilla mod that lets you change your puppet's ideologies?

It kinda bugs me if I'm playing like a natpop and the guy my country puts in charge of our puppet is the ultranationalist racism CEO that wants to exterminate us.
Or when you're a democracy and all your puppets are also immediately released as democracies even though that should take time.
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I will forever hate Kaiserniggers for making early 20th century Chinese history no longer *my* niche subject of history
I'm unironically really glad Transamur is getting removed. I think it's a great decision.
>remove everything interesting
t-thanks, just what i wanted
Aside from it not being part of the lore anymore (for good reason) it was shit gameplay-wise. The AI couldn't deal with the Siberian 0-supply cancerslog so Russia would be stuck vs them even going into 1946 sometimes.
The new German-backed revolt they are adding in Southern Russia will fill the void left by the removal of Transamur and Don Kuban without compromising this image of Russia as a rising world power the Germans are terrified of.
Played Germany for the first time in a while, what the fuck did I come back to? What autist wrote all of this?
Have Kaiserfags not heard of "show not tell"? If you're going to make a visual novel mod at least do it right, this is Red Poop tier writing.
word much bad :[
Books were invented long before HoI4 VNs, if I wanted to read a billion fucking short stories I would just go to the library.
Kaiserreich is very gameplay-heavy
you are literally playing a world war
playing is a stretch. moving my eyes rapidly back and forth to read a 9 paragraph event in order to make a decision isn't really "gameplay"
you are moving your toy soldiers on the ground and the objective is to capture the enemy capital
the toy soldiers are filler. some VNs do this where there is some minuscule puzzle element you have to work through to get to the next event.
moving the toy soldier into the capital just allows me to get the next 9 paragraph event and continue the story.
base HOI4 is just not a game then I guess
it's the same filler but without any event at the end
>base HOI4 is just not a game then I guess
Any game requires reading to be comprehended, your point is retarded therefore invalid.
a game requires reading but a game is not only reading. Visual novels are not games.
>every irrelevant shithole should have a focus tree and at least 7 civil war happening at any moment of the game.
Can happen in EaW too, but it still runs on an absolute toaster.
>muh visual novels
thanks for pointing out the visual novels for anons here. they don't belong on /vst/
I think you're on the spectrum
thank you. on the color spectrum i see myself as a Honeydew green. reminds me of a crisp spring morning reading the daily times newspaper, (not a visual novel mind you).
then playing a good game of chess (also not a visual novel) under my sturdy oak tree that has grown for one hundred and fifty five summers.
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>flavor is... LE BAD
I don't understand what sort of person would be like this. Just ignore it.
Congrats anon, you got the whole thread laughing
people are laughing at kaiserreich because it is a retarded incel fantasy piece of shit not because it was in dev hell
visual novels on /vst/ aren't funny retard
power fantasy of what
kys tnotroonoid
people laugh at tno for the same thing. literal pedo made his nazi fantasy. (pinkpanzer is a real woman now lmao)
Both TNO and kaiserreich are chud wet dreams but TNO mogs kaiserreich in world building
Nazis > Kaiserboos
Both mods are made by commie simps. In both settings Nazis and Kaiserreich only exist to fall apart.
power fantasy of germany collapsing, communism taking over the west, russia being balkanized
>commie simps
ThePinkPanzer hates commies, look at xer twitter, constant seething about Ruzzia bad
I hate this trend in the past 1-2 years that every rework consists of watching-paint-dry politics. Reworks used to be fun, like Romania. Now they're full of the most inane politic bullshit around, see commie China, Ukraine, Germany, Ireland, etc.
>adhd kiddo got filtered
>TNO mogs kaiserreich in world building
>most non-liberals are evil lunatics
>liberals and moderate socialists are hecking wholesome and will free the world
So like real life...?
For me, it's Edward VIII.
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>t. speaking out of my ass
>implying Kaiserreich isn't the same
Guys, why is russia/austria rework needed?

I don't play germany or ottomans because too much shit is happening all at once. I enjoy austria and russia for their simplicity: Go through a few events, go down your desired focus path, pick who to ally and who to go to war with, and enjoy the war. I think some simple nations are a good thing for noobs like me
Austria i agree, the content is right even if you have few options. russia however sux, the political trees are all incredibly short and not particularly fun, they feel all the same
holy shit this ukraine rework is fucking BLOATTTTTTTTTT
i cant manually build factories I have to patiently wait for mana and spend it on land reforms AND industrialization AND political fuckery
russia just gonna obliterate my boipussy by the end of 39 since its havent been overhauled yet
>dosent know how to play the mod award
it's not that hard at some point you start snowballing with all the bonuses you just gotta spend dat pp
Welp, I couldn't be bothered reading all that political stuff. Didn't spend a single mana to sway the other parties and... basically, nothing happened. I put all my pp into industrializing, which was kinda anticlimactic as well. But since France didn't attack until late 40, I had time to crank out 50 well-equipped 18W divisions with all kinda support battalions. Now, I'm holding down the whole country plus Belarus. Guess its gonna b more interesting once they rework Russia.
i guess it didnt go so bad? now you gotta build some offensive units and the game is basically done (if Germany holds)
>if Germany holds
Lmao, can't wait to see Britain pull up with their navy and snag Hamburg, while Austria keeps getting wrecked on the Italian front for the 5th game straight.. Can the AI even deal with the new Germany setup?
im not sure actually, in my games they dont always get trainwrecked, but when they do it's impossible to recover.
Due to how AI operates, DU Germany is the weakest, while Schleicher's is the strongest.
I'm gonna be honest, the USA content for Pax Britannica...sucked
Kaissereich is garbage now. They removed everything fun.
the theings they removed are in KX and they're not even that good
they removed everything shit

Devs go back thnx
>Russia rework
I'll believe it when I see it.
The only good rework was LKMT and those devs are gone.
what's the difference between kaiserreich and kaiserreich redux
They're effectively entirely different, just with the same base lore. Kaiserredux has a lot of schizo kino (Julius Evola forming Hyperborea, Lovecraftian New England, etc.)
List five fun things they removed, aside from Sternberg becoming genghis khan II
I bet you can't
KDX is a fork of an early version of Kaiserreich that got it's origins on restoring beloved but unrealistic content when the KR devs wanted to take the mod in a more plausible direction. it's since evolved into it's own thing sharing just the base lore at this point, riddled with memery and extremism. some of it fun some of it just stupid.
Not unrealistic
>wanted to take the mod in a more plausible direction
Not "more plausible"
Romania was amazing.
Less content, much optimised. But they're adhering to these bug free releases everytime to the detriment of delaying and polishing releases (which is a good thing imo)

More "content", more bloat, less optimized to the point that endgame lag is harsh and certain paths are outright broken and will break in some rare occassions that may result in crashes
that only applies for the newer paths, there's even an option ingame that disables all the flavor if you don't want to be pestered with that shit.
the authors in KX also don't seem to adapt everything to each other's content
I saw a youtube video where a guy essentially got locked out of his own nation's tree because another one had won that wasn't supposed to
yeah. that was frustrating too
i was playing a test run as japan and all of a sudden transamur just went full on commie and i never even had events or news pop ups telling me about that. All of my shit was basically on southeast asia and china and i got trolled really hard i never had a chance to redeploy my troops to the manchurian frontier. That three front war shit literally derailed my run even so when the PSA came in rolling with the entente in '43 which was the nail in the coffin for me.
They're still working on China though.
This mod does have a problem in that its attracted a very large following of unironic tankies and they've increasingly been able to influence development
god i wish those tranny devs would remove tank and airplane designers like in world ablaze
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>Pony fags are just: pony = cool
Remind me the last time the namesake nation of the mod got content.
Better tankies than modern day neolibs LARPing as Communists
The ACW dev team is basically all tankies now, with a mandated minimum 40% avg win rate for the CSA
I haven't played this yet but it comes off as kind of cringe the way it treats anarcho-syndicalism as a real ideology
Like okay MAYBE if the USSR fell early then there would be some alternate ideas on the path socialism would take. But it kind of feels fan-fictiony/autistic fixation-like the way it's so prominent in the game.
Define fun.

dont forget
- super OP russian expansionist paths that basically give you cores on Manchuria and Poland for free
- Germany being able to core bohemia and the baltics if they chose to go with the german settler route
- Ungern's wild Mongol Empire ride (even better than KX does as it gives you cores on all extant historical mongol empire land)
- being able to claim canada as any US ACW winner for free
- Italian NatPop Papacy
- Fully formable Scandinavia with Finland (thru conquest too, not locked via events or certain conditions)
that is retarded
For me, its the old Tian Empire path in China
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The war in Europe had lasted until 1946. Millions had died. The treacherous Japanese undoubtedly expected the Kaiserreich to either fall to its enemies or even in the event of their victory become so war wearied that they would accept any peace settlement with Japan.

But no settlement came.
The Reichspakt had long ago convened and made the decision that the war would continue until total victory was achieved against all of Germany's enemies.

So it was that the Imperial Navy, still fresh from the battle of Britain, turned eastward.

Ceylon, Singapore, Malacca, Indonesia all fell. By late 1947 Taiwan was in German hands and the Imperial Navy was operating unimpeded next to Japan's coasts. Japanese cities were facing constant Luftwaffe bombardment.

It was at this time that Germany's final demand was made: the dismantlement of all Japanese armed forces, annexation of all its colonies into German East Asia, indefinite German military occupation of mainland Japan and the arrest of the emperor. This was accompanied by a warning that if the Japanese were to refuse Germany would immediately commence unrestricted use of all weapons within its arsenal.

In a true display of suicidal defiance, the Japanese leadership refused and vowed that all of Japan would live or die by the emperor's side... and die they did. Germany's armies made landfall first in Kyushu and then again South of Osaka. 20 atom bombs were dropped over the course of the ensuing campaign. Japan's population dropped by nearly 20 million.

The syndicalists in America that had bravely decided to sit the war out and leave their comrades in Europe to their own devices were now decrying the horrors of what would come to be known as the Rape of Japan.

But they could do little else for in truth there was no military force left on the planet that could pose a realistic challenge to the Germans. The "world under the jackboot" that French statesmen had lamented decades ago had well and truly manifested into reality.
>20 nukes
i wonder what kind of degenerate anime this timeline produces

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