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Cute Maid Edition

Old Thread: >>85518482

>Randon Neuring:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RandonNeuring
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/randon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Randonneuring
Unlisted VOD Archive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLusIngCXpffwTq9z0ic0mRC79ILfgH4Tf

>Caspurr Catacini:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CaspurrCatacini
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/caspurrvt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaspurrCatacini

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i either trim & convert with ffmpeg or use an online converter
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took a while but feels like everything is coming up milhouse
don't jinx it

This thread is about VSPO! & vtubers that play a lot of FPS & participate in FPS tournaments/events (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v & professional e-sports players are common, so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, Riddle, Zeta, KNR, 芸人旅団, GETI, JP FPS Streamers etc.) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>85387579

VSPO! is:

Official Goods Links:

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>all of tumuo's friends leaving the server before the last day
tumuo... she's going to be all alone at the end...
was yuuhi really setting up a free flower stall alone when everyone's already quitting
kinda sad and cute
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Welcome to V&U + Korean VTubers General, a thread for discussion of Virtual & Universe, as well as other Korean VTubers.

>V&U Website: https://vnuentertain.com/
>V&U Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/VNUofficial
>V&U Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@VNUEntertain
>V&U Schedules:

Symphoria Original Song "Crown US":
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zBTSD__c-k [Embed]
Solstice Original Song "Wild Things":
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuaHq2HmzKk [Embed]
Gens 1-3 Original Song "We Are Traveling":

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this goblin is pretty cute. love the contrast between that deep, smokey singing voice and her scratchy, bratty speaking voice.
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Elephants & Dino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzyJVIss2lY
rowa corporate brainrot...
Her original song popped up in my reccs not too long ago, I liked it
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Taut Hatihttps://youtu.be/qTr2x78_u4k
Who’s Toxic? It's (You)https://youtu.be/PFoGNZ05CJw
Perisai Jituhttps://youtu.be/LXRSp8QbOeg
High Tidehttps://youtu.be/stmZAThUl64
Ai no Chiisana Utahttps://youtu.be/q4N7EhUWOAA
>Orbiture EP

>Music Playlist

Karaoke/3D archives, clips, autism:

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Nice view
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moon moon

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Vtubers who make you sob!

Previous: >>85183009
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Sure, why not
ur not him
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I'm not posting my real account on 4chan
send an email to areyouahorse@horsefucker.org

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Thread for avant-garde/alternative/horror/weird indie Vtubers!

>VTuber list

>Question of the thread
How did you get into liking this genre?

Previous Thread:
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>>85616666 (me)
currently downloading her streams and videos.
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thank you anon
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Would you guys be interested in making some sort of good bye present for her? Like a community canvass or something? I doubt she knew that she was loved here in the west and it'd probably make her really happy.
It might boost the moral of the other sandbags as well.
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I was already planning to draw something for her but this idea sounds super lovely.
that would be great!
I love this art. This is a Yu Yu Hakusho reference right?

Shiori Novella feels like that girl I met in middle school and high school.
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I wish I did
I'm Asian, I have small eyes so I don't bother with high res images
It doesn't matter anymore anyways, because I have a fiance now. I can't really afford to pay more attention and money to VTubers.

arranged marriage
Yeah, me.

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We love Pink Woman!

idol edition!

Welcome to /pink/! A place where you can discuss pink-themed chuubas from different companies. Discussion of any Pink Chuuba is welcome here no matter which language they speak!

>Extensive List of pink chuubas:

Have some pink chuubas that aren't on the rentry? post them in the thread and they will get added.

Because for some reason pink chuubas are very popular and we love pink women, Pink unity!

>But X chuuba is bad!

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holy pink!
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/pink/ love!
It's just PES doing PES things so it's not your fault.
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What did she mean by this?
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no real way to know until she shows up again, like Aqua.
I hope for the sake of the teammates that she shows up again, but if she does, the longer it takes, fewer people will show up.
If she fucks off like Sana from streaming as a whole, that's that.
Cover offered other talents opportunities to re-appear in public, and they have no reason not to continue to be able to use the character.
So presumably Aqua didn't want it.
That's not how contract works usually goes; while she likely can't use Cover equipment to stream, including her model, Cover would actually have to pay for exclusivity.

Since Cover probably doesn't want to pay for her to not stream, that exclusivity probably isn't included.
Amelia Watson isn't a vtuber anymore, but she's still Amelia Watson.

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>what is /pcgia/?
/pcgia/ is a thread for Phase Connect’s Second Generation and Invaders.

▼Phase Connect Links
Official Website:
Official Schedule:
Official Twitter:
Official Character References:
Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:

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get used to it. there's gonna be a lot of long days for me over the next month and a half
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Here, have this ultra rare(?) super powerful(?) card for your troubles.
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the coconut nut is a giant nut
if you eat too much you get very fat
I swear it's not fake

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This thread is for the discussion of vtuber wrasslin' feds, official vtuber streams of wrestling content, and the various fan projects they inspire.

HoloFightZ, the original fan project to bring Hololive to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/holofightz
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgJUUcCCg5dzRkyG8-fNBw
>Archive Magnet Links - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13yW33SdapXW5GEuKu4uFFjM3bH-cr0dUSr0jLjhZQfE/edit#gid=0
>Music Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPVRBbmPJfj21iujCdCYLRW6LkzymhskT
>Website - https://holofightz.surai.xyz/
>Latest Stream - Stream 66
>Upcoming Stream - Saturday, September 21st, at 10am CT

HFZ Dark, the DEFINITELY CANON story of the Holo fans, the Holostars, graduated Hololive talents, and the stories that bind them together.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/hfzdark

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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Must Protecc!! Edition
Previous Thread: >>85476114

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts |Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive| vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

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Goodnight bro! love your stuff
NTA but LOL, I can dig it

Ayo this goes kinda hard

Glad you enjoyed!
The nipples look pretty good.
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Yeah AI music is pretty fun

Seems pretty cool, shame you can't seem to feed it pre-written bars but I suppose that opens a whole can of worms on their end.

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

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second for bumping my shorts!
Threadly reminder that YNGMI~!
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hi asp what are you working on today
I want to baby her and also give her a baby.
my mascot

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>Who is Yozora Mel?
Yozora Mel was a part of the first generation of Hololive. Who was known for ASMR, singing and a tensai.
>Channel archive
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbg76STDxV0QwlvKfrMLFbg (Youtube Topic channel)
https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCD8HOxPs4Xvsm8H0ZxXGiBw (Streams + Livechats)
https://nyaa.si/view/1768718 (Public streams torrent)
https://hololivevideos.download/channel/yozoramel (Some older videos that were purged)
>Last song

>Who is Yuzuki Choco?

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Matsuri already lived through that in the last VCR GTA.
Is that really a "rule"? I've seen a handul of them mention it in pinned chat messages but I always got the impression it was more because they want to avoid getting backseated. So they mostly don't read chat and then have that up there so people don't wonder why they're being ignored

(^・ω・^§)ノ おはこぉーん
Previous: >>85243312

>YT Channel
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami ZOID
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
Buy: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/comfyfoxinn_asmrvoice

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I really do wonder how her modern workload compares to how it was when she took the forced break. I get they're a bigger company but it's kinda absurd how much she works even if she's always been a workaholic.
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