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Trunks are the coolest dexterous appendage besides the human hand.
those are some big tusks, majestic animal.
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>that elephant has a fucking gun
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>that woman screaming "fucking animal" at the elephant as it's shot to death
Shame it didn't crush her to death
>Double tusked Alpha mocks beta's single horn
>Alpha confronts beta and establishes dominance
>Beta snaps and tries to intimidate alpha
>Alpha tells him to gtfo
Truly the gock is mightier than the sword.
Who the fuck do you think you are?! Fucking scumbag
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>"elephants will never be balling!"
>look at me with my single big horn jutting from my head, look how dumb I look
I hope we eventually give elephants, other great apes (maybe not chimps), cetaceans, or corvids the ability to speak complexly and understand complex speech eventually. It would be so cool to have another terragen sapient to dab on the lifeless, expansive void of the universe with.
where do prööts typically fall on the animal intelligence spectrum? they look like they're comparable to orcas
they would be racist
seeing this makes me wonder if elephants enjoy doing circus tricks provided the environment isn't a hellish prison
Nah, man. If anything it would be an exercise in egalitarianism. The willful creation of a racial difference to surpass all racial differences and in so doing force ourselves to acknowledge that we are all alike and united, that the real enemy is and always was the lifeless universe of rocks and gas simultaneously mocking us and bidding us upward.
Go back.
Not as cool as tentacles that taste smell and touch
They make annual trips to the graves of dead friends(famous story about a guy who saved a tribe from poachers or something) and relatives to pay respect, they are fairly high on the intelligence spectrum
Close, the enemy is entropy, the lifeless matter is the part of us (the universe) that has yet to be assimilated into life.
But you have the right general idea, we are all one, our differences are nothing.
They are almost as smart as great apes, but nowhere comparable to orcas, orcas are as smart as a human teenager

man i wish i didnt see that. very tragic.

*tips fedora*
they swim now?
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which asshole rotated his tusks out of alignment?
>Dumbass tourist
>Makes retarded comment about elephants drinking alcohol
When will all the boomers be gone??
Someone double crossed him
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I just got FUCKING banned for my elephant thread on /v/
I dream of the same, but would go even further by uplifting many other species. We should have continued the eugenics meme with chimps and bonobos right when it fell out of fashion with humans and we would've allready achieved something better than the overhyped and somewhat fallacious koko.
The face rhino makes at the end is priceless.
The problem with that is that life increases entropy. We are therefore the enemy with your interpretation.
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I feel I could actually beat one with my bare fists, I mean think about it, what hat can an elephant actually do? If you hug its hind legs it can't reach you with its truck, and its too sluggish to get away while you repeatedly pommel it from behind. If you stand to the side of its hind legs then it won't even be able to hit you with a back kick. If it raises its leg to perform a stomp then all you have to do is back off until it finishes its slam, then move back in to continue punching.
Lol. When you can't reach that itchy spot.
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I feel like I've read this before so it must be pasta.
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Testing the fences for weaknesses systematically
GTFO with this incel bullshit
i was at the zoo with my daughter a few days ago and they were watering the elephants with a hose. the zoo worker was just spraying the water towards each elephant and they were catching the spray in their trunks and then drinking it. pretty neat.
shut up fool
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they sure are
>t. rhino
Phants are cool but they're also pretty freaky. if I saw one of those things crawling under my house I'd piss myself.
Somewhere, someone is thinking to themselves,
>Fucking elephants
You could probably teach an elephant to throw a spear. Or at least a shuriken or something.
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now post the one where the poo gets smashed
why does my subconscious label the elephant as white and the rhinos as niglets
Elephants are too based for that cesspit of a board, you should have known better
>for no reason
I hate leftoids so much.
The fact that they've chosen to intentionally be disgusting creatures and enjoy being hated does not change the fact I hate them
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>even the elephants are polite in japan
>Casually balances the stick on its head and displays it to the loser rhino.
What a fucking chad.
This live-action remake of Dumbo is scary
because you'd rather think in terms of good/bad instead of feelings like fear and needs like safety/security.
the former (supposedly) works like this
>cuts you off in traffic
>lean out window, 'asshole!'
>other driver 'oh noes, I've been a(bad) asshole, at this point, I repent'
>retards: *thinks in good/bad terms*
>midwits: feelings like fear and needs like safety/security
>smart people: *thinks in good/bad terms*
>where do prööts typically fall on the animal intelligence spectrum? they look like they're comparable to orcas
They're one of the few animals which pass the mirror test:
since you've said midwits, smart and retard, then thats not different than thinking in good/bad and win/lose.
If my only option is not winning then I must lose under your worldview
Average elephant in india
Fucking hell. They're sentient and intelligent beings not too far from humans. That last action collecting the remaining hose, that's not something you could train for. He fucking knew what he was doing. God dammit I don't want to feel this way about animals.
they would HATE us. With a burning passion.
if that's all they've ever known, yes, probably. if they are captures from the wild they would probably be miserable.
that sneaky little rascal
LOL that goofy little guy
this is my thinking about them as well. I think they have a limited degree of both sentience and sapience.
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more like LELephants!
Maybe you are projecting.
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lads i love prrts so much. they have more soul than any other species.
Is this why elephant feet are extremely radioactive?
It's a false charge. They do that even without the elephant Magneto act
>orcas are as smart as a human teenager
No wonder they are massive cunts
Where's the one of the elephant slapping the thot? You disappoint me.
They already are. Why do you think they capsize migrant boats? They know the Eternal Kike is to blame for polluting the waters.
I genuinely think the 10% smartest elephants must be smarter than at least 60% of humans.
Well, that's a nice bit of sadness to start my morning
geeze those haradrim treat thier Mûmakil like shit
no wonder he went ape shit mister frodo
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i really dont understand why some birds annoy other creatures... like sure if a goose attacks humans for no reason there's a big chance we dont kill it then and there but in the wild what reason do they have to be assholes? they're just going to end up dead
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fr fr
that elephant is smart as hell, he knows thatd the cleanest source of water in all of india
Cause you're racist??
For what it's worth, I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with black people. As a white dude with a few cool black friends, I've actually had the most problems with Islandic people, weirdly enough. Only took like 1 really bad experience to start hating their culture as a whole. It's scary how easily racism manifests. Gotta keep that bias in check.
>God dammit I don't want to feel this way about animals.
for one, why not? fuck is wrong with you?
for two, humans are animals, jackass.
You keep stating things and then saying they're wrong without explaining why
ok but why do they have to come into our countries by the millions
Asian Elephants can swim, African ones cannot (because they're black.)
why'd he do it?
I rate this post very highly.
I mean, we do have SOME immigration policies
This would be >>5484654
Elephants kill more people>>5477301
that they don't abuse.
I'm looking forward to them all being abused in the retirement homes they actually thought we'd pay for kek.
trained to do it by the pajeet owner
that shot of her eye gets me every time
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>your hat has been blessed, it shall bring you good fortune all your days and if it is lost it will return to its master
She killed only 1 person (her handler), but she did injure 13 others to varying degrees
>Non-western children do not pass the mirror test
Holy shit
I like to think she's shouting that at the pigs shooting
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wtf is wrong with you
>hurr durr loogamee i'm a human haha just kidding
i wish that was my trunk
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fucking hell 10/10
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You can't even afford rent. Nobody is expecting anything from generation zoom zoom except more tranny suicides.
Niggers are animals you goober.
The Beta Elephant vs the Chad Hawaiian with a Winchester.
Its trying to dig its shit out. Elephants have a terrible digestion system, a lot of what they eat is straight roughage and clogs their shit hole.
Struck a nerve, grandpa?
>tfw the only way you can unclog your ass is to dig out the poo with your nose

Elephants have got it hard.
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Indian street food?
Spicy forbidden nuggets
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>"Are you having a giggle m8?"
>"Wait, you really wanna scrap?"
and the rhino backs away lmao
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that looks so fuckign weird
ok that's pretty good
Your worldview isn't 'wrong' its just fixed on _only_ right and wrong, when theres more nuance to human life than this.
if you have time to kill, google nvc san fran workshop(dont use youtubes own search, its trash) to find the 3+ hour discussion on the explanation why.
if you have a critique of it afterwards, I'm all ears
silly pig, why does he do it?
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he just does
>three hour video that could be summed up in 10 minutes
NVC does nothing but explain emotional nuance to midwits, narcissists, and people on the spectrum so that they can feel special about their new "superpower" pinpointing what people want out of a conversation. For those of us not on the spectrum, we use the term "active listening".
>Fuckin shit hawks Ran!
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what a shitty way to die
are orcas superior to dolphins?
oh god now I can't unsee it
>can't afford to pay for the house he owns if he had to buy it today
Very impressive. Enjoy the house your children will never visit you in lmao
Tell me, why does he wear the stick?
I wonder if intelligent animal fall in love with each other, I wish someone would fall in love with me.
Not possible. We've been trying for centuries, but they're all way too bad at things that just come naturally to us. It's like asking an octopus to teach a person how it changes colors. Our brains are really unique in the animal kingdom. Maybe because we are the only great apes that eat primarily meat
Now if only we could do that for black people
Gay propaganda.
Fuck man that last part is brutal and full of cope. I can't even.
You just know
Rhinos are dumb as fuck and have terrible vision. It understood none of the elephants higher intellect attempts at mockery. It just saw a big black blob animal walking towards it and got aggressive. Elephants are genuinely as intelligent as human toddlers.
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>midwits, narcissists, and people on the spectrum
>all these wrong things people are that I don't like, because wrong and right is all I comprehend
and if you were already employing active listening, you'd be using it now lol
>There is not a single animal on earth whose life is more important than any human's. Including niggers.
Wrong on both counts, you worthless faggot.
Guys I think elephants are becoming my favorite animals.
ai generated garbage. he's got 5 fucking legs, lmao
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Elephants can recognize humans by the smell of the village they come from, and hold grudges for past misdeeds associated with them.
No one cared who he was until he put on the stick.
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Become elephantpilled
At times zoo keepers try to assist - at the risk of being buried in poo when the avalanche goes.
fake and gay
That elephants are one of the few mammals with paired breasts in the same place as humans?
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>my species should get away with anything, it should never improve!
Nobody who actually loves humanity would think this.
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Your metric for improvement is pointless self-sabotaging altruism.
My metric for improvement is uncompromising domination over my environment.

We are not the same.
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It is true, elephants can get airborne: https://youtu.be/j2u8_ug1WmQ?feature=shared&t=204
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Dogs, cats, and any endangered species are worth more than any human except whites.
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I was having a pretty tough time calming myself after going a bit sideways on a mushroom trip.
This thread really helped me get back on track.
Cheers lads.
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Good. You should stay on track.
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Speed up the video
They still believe that they are dinosaurs.
I love reading about Famoud elephants from india. Like all things poo related its quite the ride.
> Rakshababalong is a famous and beloved temple elehant in designataba temple. In his 20 years of service he has trample 40 people to death during routine holiday celebrations
posturing is worth alot. its all about effort vs reward. getting into fights is very dangerous for both sides, so scaring without actually touching is very valuable and energy wise very efficient
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Elephants are pretty clever. You'd think he'd learn his lesson about stepping in poo.
When theres so much it basically becomes impossible
don't elephants observe funerals? burial and syuff like that is among the first signs of sapience in our species
8 billion of us and what of them? Maybe 50,000? And we were the indirect cause of many of their deaths before. Humans are worthless by number.
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Based animal. I would rather accept indian elephants than indians.
One Elephant
every single animal life in the world is worth more than any human,I love watching pitbulls killing children
begone eldritch jew abomination, your kind of unthinkable horrors will not be accepted in this dimension
>orcas are as smart as a human teenager
I know orcas are smart but that seems an exaggeration. Yes yes we've all seen the video where they use waves to push a seal but they're still just ocean elephants
cool read. Was the movie any good?
>nonwestern children
>mentions niglets
So what, do Japanese children fail the test too, what about slavic ones? Or is "nonwestern" just a polite way of saying something else
Where's the rest where the guy grabs the biggest stick and starts bashing it's eyes and face to show who's the Alpha?
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yo i thought elephants only had 1 trunk but this one has 2
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Who else are you supposed to piss?
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Kek 10/10 post!
so cozy :)
Orcas are dolphins anon, when people say dolphins are the second smartest animal they don't mean bottlenoses they mean orcas
>haha we made it so our own children cant afford a place to live because we're retarded fat fucks
>w-what do you mean I will spend the last 20 years of my life completely alone getting beaten up by a sheboon
For me, it's the jackass that tries to keep the chain-link gate closed.
I laughed a couple of years ago when I first saw it too.
It works in most cases.
Except this stupid bird tried it on a fucking elephant.
Bird brain for a reason.
Shut up filthy kike, we are enjoying elephants. Go worship your niggers in other threads.
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>that one dumb fucker thinking a chain link gate can hold a fucking elephant
They probably do if they're not in chains 17 hours a day
There was no going back for her after a rampage like this anons. Be glad we have guns which are a great equalizer of these events
This webm is taken from PETA. I smell bullshit on the "abused for years" given that its PETA
Pretty sure he's just a border inspector.
>they're just going to end up dead
Animals in nature aren't that much different than humans when it comes to confrontation.
Sure, we handle it differently, but we still like to avoid it as much as possible.
Even if you manage to kill 3 geese without any issue, only one of them needs to peck out your eye to cripple you for life. And most animals are short enough compared to geese that they actually have to worry about something getting that close to their face.
Oh just flush him down the toilet.
There's a common phrase among National Park employees, that the problem with designing bear-proof trashcan is that there's a heavy overlap between your smartest bears and your dumbest humans.
like a 350 lb. puppy
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>throws stick behind the rhino
Based elephant rectifying the balance of the abusive foreign types, rip.
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