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Speedruns, smash tournaments, conventions and the autistic/cringe shit associated with them
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dios mio
thats a tranny 100%
that's jellybeannose/jellybeanasmr
I grew up with a few girls like this, always wanted to game with the boys instead of doing girl shit. One friend moved with his family from England, always got made fun of for his accent and social awkwardness but he was the only boy around that got Mario Party when it released on N64 and when we went over we discovered he had a fucking hot twin sister that had big tits and ass but was being home schooled instead. Fucking dummies at school were bullying this guy when he had a super hot sister he would bully in between Mario Party minigames; so you get the sick ass minigames with a bro and the occasional pantie shot when those two started wrestlin, shit was good platinum evening entertainment. Another girl i knew in middle school had massive fucking tits and ass and her mom was a fucking stripper that would buy her daughter in middle school heels and skirts and my friend would try on different outfits and strut around her moms apartment in heels for me, i jokingly asked to try them on one time and fucking nearly snapped my foot off, spent the whole day laying on her bed while big tiddy friend held ice on my ankle and teased me while we played her moms Dreamcast. For some reason this stripper single mom would want to play Soul Calibur after she got done shanking her tits and holes for dudes at the club.
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>autistic/cringe shit
Old school speedrunning conventions were the best you'll ever experience.
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Kids these days are getting gayer and gayer, I'd be overflowing with confidence for the rest of my life if I managed to make a 24 year old cutie fall I love with me at 14.
gus my hero
>You guys say rape all the time
He was right. I mean, Mango was spelling out "Ahh rape" with dollar bills. Funny that Chillin is just making a random guest appearance in this.
I expected this run to be good after this moment, but it was just a massive wet fart

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I wonder how much autistic pussy this guy gets at these things?
He shoos away the tranny and pulls the hot woman. Based
Man I don't laugh at, or even feel cringe watching these things anymore. I just feel bad for these people. Like they spent so little time with other humans they don't know how to interact.
Also fits in my theory that trannies aren't entirely off mentally. Just loners that have questions on fitting in and been given the wrong answer. Sad
She totally wanted to fuck the white passing guy.
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Sound warning on this one
tom the cat having a mental breakdown
Huh? Is there a story for this?
What a drama queen
Good old Tuna melt-chan

Yeah, she was arrested for sexually assaulting that same boy. Hope she got the death penalty.
None, he got banned for being a creepy cunt.
To the untrained eye this might not look like much, but there's a lot of things that could go wrong if you sell the wrong items or mess up the gear/skill equipping
more story behind this?
How are you now, is the lucky pervert streak still going?
6'3 and white, so yeah things are going great, toured Asia for 7 years and did the typical white sexpat thing. Currently i play League back in the USA and fuck big titty sluts i meet in ARAM games.
>If you're blind, you could make mistakes.

Thanks pal, as a deaf guy, I'd like to say: dwsjsfdjfsd fkljfsjfsak ejje jfjfskf
NTA, but you missed the point.
It's not about the fact that mistakes can happen while doing things blindly, it's about the meaning or the repercussions behind making such accidental mistakes.
Yea, he was being really creepy, you might even say kind of a creepy cunt. He ended up getting banned for it in the end.
Hope this helps
Thank you, i was hopping to find this gem.
In other words, fake story until proven otherwise
>Mistakes made during a speedrun can ruin the speedrun
You think?
FF9 speedruns have a snowball effect where if 1 thing goes wrong it usually branches off into more little things going wrong
Pulling off that menu without missing 1 little thing is important because pretty much the entire previous 8 hours of the speedrun is a buildup to that menu which sets you up for the final hour of the run
also it's not just the fact that he didn't make a mistake, but most people who've run that game cannot do that menu that quickly even while using their eyes
That's all self evident if you're even passingly familiar with speedruns.
>blind speedrun of fucking FF
lol whats the point
Are we arguing?
such a fucking emotional race of people like relax it's not that serious, eternal victims.
Doing that menu blindfolded is kind of a novelty thing but being able to do it that quickly and accurately in a live run at GDQ without botching it is kind of cool. He did it again a year later for an FF8 speedrun at gdq but he had the blindfold on for about 7 minutes for that one - it didn't look as a quick and snappy as the FF9 one but it looked way more confusing.
>Sound warning on this one
fucker wasn't lying
Hbox is based
Watch the emplemon vid on him
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1 of the funniest parts of this clip is it even has the fucking speedrun timer
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highly based behaviour
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Physical pain
So what you're saying is he was smashing mad gash until some tranny got crass he wouldn't touch his ass.
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They are off mentally. If you think you need to change yourself in extreme ways to fit you're off
Luzbelheim is a great speedrunner. Why he sold out to go to a tranny event is beyond me
That's horrible they are of different life phases. What did they even have to talk about?
the nigger is obviously a queer that wants to keep it on the dl
lol, big fat babby, "i worked hard at vidya!"
so, 100% then, aspie faggots
This is why we can't have a functioning society
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I really like it when they say the quiet part out loud.
"ladies and gentlemen, it happened. we have a new dingle do 3 stage 14 world record"
only good run from that event. Those zoomers had infectious energy
100% Troon BTFO'd
brutally hard to watch
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I'm waiting for one of these clips to end with a gunshot
Like most of the things on the speedrun iceberg, this is real, surprisingly
I recognize this from the "webcam" instantly

This is impressive. I like when there's unorthodox stuff like this. There was a FF run at the most recent event where they fucked up a softlocked themselves on a fight in FF6 or something, and it was cool watching them route their way out of the fight live. It took like 40 minutes but they did it.
does it mention the part where he cheats on his fiance?
A friend and I still quote that. "Stop cryin'. That's not real nigga shit." "I'm not a real nigger."
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based s3rl easter egg cameo
>They're giggling
When was this? Surely this has to be pre-2016 given people don't immediately spaz out when they hear nigger.
The nig is 100% in the right here. People like the guy on the left touch others when talking because they want their undivided attention. I'm as white as snow and that behaviour is my biggest pet peeve. Anyone defending that squirmy weirdo is just like him.
Who's the one in the left (white shirt)? She seems really familiar but I can't place her.
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spoilers: [spoiler] they all are [/spoiler]
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Can I get a round of applause for this thread? Thanks for sharing your collection of speedrunning gems.
Respect to the guys in the back
kek, dudes aren't trying to fuck you just because they're touching you for two seconds
what even happened here?
he clearly was at full health, but i noticed the cap disappeared

Here's the point at which this 3 hour 45 minute long video explains that glitch. The entire video is worth watching if you like SM64 speedrunning.

Shit, why must I fall in love whenever I see some slut smiling at me and juggling it boobies. I curse god for my nature and genes.
It really is a curse
I mean, the criticisms of the previous posts aren't wrong but I would be annoyed at that little stuttering sperg too
>Girls do this and it's a good excuse to show my balls
You can't tell me he didn't walk off that stage with a raging hardon
That dude was, for sure.
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No. You just wants to scare me, anon
>This took place before most 4chin posters were born.
Depressing. We made fun of this back in the day but these were the last of the good times.
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I don't know anything about this, and it's for the better since there's so many fucking trannies. Goddamn, this shit is truly for the mentally ill.
Oh Farquad, what did the Discord groomers do to you...
fuckin brutal lmao. women hahaha
Well done Keith Woods.
i need the "burn the witch" video
>Racism defeated in the front as a greater threat looms in the back
this thread is like a glass of water in the fucking desert. I have been browsing that dogshit livestreamfail forum on reddit every week or so hoping for actual fucking videogame fails but it has been completely overtaken by some retarded livestreaming clique. I fucking hate the demographic shift that has taken place on the websites I used to enjoy. Thanks.
Is this why punchy is banned from ESA, for not playing along with annoying GDQ-style meme shit? I don't know if this is posted to make him look dickish, but I think he was pretty justified to be annoyed here. That shit is not funny. Bit unfair to take it on on the ESL host, but like he said, he was genuinely pissed off.
I still remember when it happened, nerds were simping over her...
...until anon posted the images of the day
the close ups
of the horrendously greasy spotty hairy stinkfest that she was.
many vomit.jpgs were posted that day.
See that other guy's post for the longer explanation, but basically it's a glitch that caused the guy to technically be out of bounds, which instantly killed him.
Red guy was a total bitch honestly. It's fast paced game; you're gonna talk over each other.
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peak veronica belmont.
the spirit of oneshota lives within this one.
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thats probably his sister or some shit
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>asks for context
>repeats himself
Lying moron.
who was they one retarded guy who was always there constantly that they banned
Why bother coming to do a speedrun at one of these events? Did he expect pure silence then thunderous applause when he was finished? Narcissism incarnate.
Beautiful woman
it would be equally hot
Do you mean blueglass? Or yellowe shirt guy (YSG)? dont know if he was ban thou
is cosplay ok?
Troon patrol. Speed running suicide
>be a gamer
>become a tranny
why are they like this?
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Shadow the Hedgehog can explain it better than I can
Luckily not, her tag is Cakes
Chillin and Chudat always won the Xanadu PM weeklies. I used to watch all the time. Crazy to think local streams used to be so popular. Now nobody is watching that shit.
good boy didn't relax
All timer
The thing is the video purposely stretches the truth for the narrative emp wants
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its not. look up cinnpie, she actually molested him
Insanely nuts that all of you have these trans totems to make you feel like you are still justified wasting your damned youth on video games.
This is hilarious. What was even the point of the marching band and the chainsaw when it was just about the taste of cum in his mouth?
>default defensiveness is calling someone gay
anon was right
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What a fat bitch.
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what would you do if you saw your opponent do this?
The awkward silence ruined it, this wasn't even that big of a deal until they overreacted.
>I've never SEEN a 1:13 and I never fucking will
>1:12 baby! Till the day I fucking die!
what a classic
Huh. Apparently he said she sucked his dick.
>I have never forced another person to be in a sexual or romantic relationship with me in anyway,
She didn't even say she didn't do it. She just said he didn't say no.
Werster is hilarious
This doesn't make sense. Some of these guys could make a shitton of money if they invested even a fraction of the time they put into speedrunning.
>"yep, he's gonna shoot all of us in here."
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just a game, bro
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AIDS train
Even more cursed over time after everything thats happened with cosmo
They are mentally ill but you're right. The cringe losers at these conventions are all some combination of autistic, socially awkward, timid, overly-sensitive, and nerdy. All of these things aren't just tolerated in women, they're considered attractive. For men these traits destroy your entire life. If only they could just flip a switch to be a girl, then they wouldn't be such freaks anymore. The reality is...well we've all seen what disgusting abominations these freaks become.

With women, you have them being told their entire life that if they were a man they'd just automatically get a billion dollars and never have any hardships in life because men have it so easy. Then they get a swift kick in the cunt when they discover that being a 5'3" man is going to get you far more oppressed than being a woman ever will.

People are convinced that all of their problems will disappear if they can just somehow magically change genders. They cling to this delusion so desperately they'll screech and cry at any common sense or logic that tells them they can't.
Tuna Chan!
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We'll never get funny smash moments like we used to because everyone either got cancelled or is deathly afraid of being cancelled. Even the venue in this video dropped smash because of some extremely petty shit that the smash community tried to cancel the tournament organizer over. It's mostly just a sign of the times we're living in. The internet and twitter ruined everything.
Makes me a little sad knowing the girl who filmed this got enough views to kickstart her tiktok career.
Dang, he had a chance not to be a raging faggot.
Haha, CF's face kills me!
it's krazam
woman moment
God I wish that were me
what is wrong with me when i 100% unironically mean, i would do them all at the same time
I think that means you're a faggot.
>you know this your first time commentating
kek, both of these faggots are losers. bro takes himself way too seriously.
why's this closet gay nigga being sperging over being touched for 2 seconds by some anxious pencilneck nerd faggot?
most of them did
some one tell black man abt 'yes and' when on stage
Laugh, just like the white dude is doing.
God why can’t she groom me
He’s closeted gay like a high percentage of black men. It’s in their dna from being buck broken
That's a FNAF scream if I've ever heard one.
This thread has shown me that if you don't put your kids into sports early on, you're a bad parent

How much damage have nintendo and anime done to developing minds, I wonder
I fucking love that game
obligatory edit
This is the reason I stick around!
This is the best content? Who is that anyway?
it's 1 of those things that fits so perfectly I feel like the speedrunner was trying to emulate her scream on purpose
Anon, I will never put my kids into sports ever. The weekly penis inspections from coach are worse than vidya.
>They do move in herds
Well yeah, no one else wants to be anywhere near them.
Is that Blueglass? I think he handled that well enough.
Bosses get the 7777 thing?
So all these people are transgender today
u r gae
Wow I just understood this webm
>girl thinks her boyfriend (probably the guy behind) is beside her and goes for a kiss
>he's not there, but some other girl
>too late she already has committed to it
>other girl kisses her anyways either to spare her the embarrassment, for fun, or on some sort of lesbian impulse
>guy behind is probably a boyfriend of one of the girls and looks confused and betrayed
>the two girls probably scissored eachother later that night behind cuckboy

I have ascended from autism. I am going to make it
haha loud = funny! XD
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'jak him
I think the guy is just an unrelated party that is bewildered some girls just kissed right in front of him
its to do with conditioning. Read some self help books that focus on changing your thinking and behaving habits
I'm so confused. Is it even possible to hear what he was responding to? And how is the yelled "okay" anywhere near as bad as the "you fucking shut your whore bag piece of shit cocksucking mouth".
What's really impressive in this is that he did make input mistakes, but instantly corrected them. If he wasn't looking down I would have severely questioned if the blindfold was actually legit.
Well, I questioned it enough to watch the mistakes in half speed multiple times regardless. Each mistake effectively had a sound cue, or rather a different sound fx than the expected fx. But because his reaction was so fast he was able to fix the mistake by walking back only the last 1-2 inputs, adding in the input he must have dropped, and then redoing the inputs he walked back before continuing as normal.
Those corrections are the type of muscle memory course corrections that show he's encountered those mistakes while blindfolded many times, that show how much he has practiced.
does anyone have that one video of a speedrunning event (I don't think it was GDQ) where they read a donation that goes kinda like "I'm watching this with my wife's boyfriend's son" and the people on cam playing the game almost burst out laughing
A king, a legend and a true soldier of the light.
He will be remembered as the man that resisted the temptation of the thot and still received divine female blessing of sniff.
this is all i know her from. its not porn, i just dont know how to shrink gifs.
ugly bitches really do get a lot of mileage out of having breasts.
He's not sniffing the chair, he dropped something and was too awkward to take while she was there, also not much space and he would probably had to talk to her and be in a weird position to get it from the floor
i dont understand why everyone is giving the black guy shit for telling the guy not to touch him, i guess he could've said it better but still
I'm face-blind when it comes to Chillin and Game Dude
it aint no noisier then the source video
in the speedrun there's a boss called Materia Keeper where the runner sets the boss up with poison and intentionally chips its health down to 7777 with very specific attacks so the poison ticks for 7777damage and the boss essentially 1 shots itself
You can tell a biological male from a biological female if you really look, no matter how fucked up their hormones are. And that is 100% a woman
Wtf is her problem
No they just did it for attention and the guy just some fanboy fag, you're still autistic.
Non chad
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They asked the donation reader to read in a funny voice
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What happened to Tuna Chan?
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LOL. What was this sperg trying to say? Or did he say it right, but it just sounded like nigger?
What am I missing?
Based Autist
Pure Kino
became an auto mechanic.
it was silent because they kicked off the announcer that brought up young link
kek, that kid probably had autism and they let him down
He could have just said “please don’t touch me” once and moved on. He acted like the guy had reached down to touch his balls.
kek'd and checked
Thank you, hardy chuckles had
that's what a chair sniffer would say to cover it up
I know what this feels like, there was a kid who did this all the time to me and we werent even friends and I felt like punching him
>you're compliment was sufficient, banjotooie.
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I'm surprised this one hasn't been posted yet.
Did anon donate?
who is this person
>you can beat his ass another time
>no this is tournament!
>for what?!
the contrast between a smash autist and a normal human being.
>my turn to play a youtube video at the party
>everyone else is putting on hip shit like obscure music videos
>put this on and don't explain why
Me and fuckin Marc Rutzou...
>me every time i see a filthy zoomie that thinks they're a gamer when i lived through the later 80s and 90s when gaming peaked and my opinion matters and is correct and i already know anything they have to say will be wrong
>Be the cancer of melee
>Get crabs thrown at you
>in the fighting/martial art community everyone makes Rick Flair "woooo" calls when someone gets slapped or lightly hit
>every single serious fighter hates it and says "pls stahp take me seriously"
>gamers make gamer noises
>non gamers have the exact same feels as multimillion dollar prize fighters
Humans are awesome, we need more documentaries on humans and our behavior. There's ancient books from five thousand years ago detailing this shit. People go to school to degrees in deciphering dick jokes from ancient Egyptian and Greek pictographs chiseled into rocks. They made up gods that jizz on each other and piss on each other and people nowdays are taking it just as serious as the gamer rager and the fighter rager.
>normies worry about what to do with their hands while people are talking
>gamers know exactly what the fuck to do with their hands while performing multiple quarter of a milisecond window operations and combinations but worry about what to do with their entire body while people are talking
Gamers. Rise up.
Two different females had sex with that disgusting BROWN person while there are countless white gamer virgins.
I never respect women even from the young age of 3, but multiple women having sex with that creature is the nail in the coffin for women having rights.
are you sure thats a woman? "she" has the shork plushie
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anyone got that webm of that pokestreamer flopping his arms around when he sees a shiny pokemon in lets go pikachu/eevee?
been searching for it for a while
He's right. Speedrunners are fucking losers.
Her reddit. She's still gross and even older.
>me in the white hoodie
thanks <3
Your theory seems to be legit, see the way he looks twice at the same spot as if he's looking down at something to pick it up. Too bad the clip misrepresents this. I wouldn't have noticed unless you mentioned it. Thank u for blessing the human race.
Law of attraction fetish manifested. They wanted it irl, they got it.
>I am the only non-npc in this room
Interesting I think you are right. Would have never guessed.
Relate to that nigger. I had this short Asian putting his hands on me in my Catholic parish group and holy shit that made me uncomfortable
Get in the robot shinji
Beta artists who get no pussy and have to sleep with tranny's getting jelly of Chad autist who they are smarter than, so they gatekeep him out of the event and gossip about him.
Kek. Shuttup gay boy and stop touching other guys
Quit porn immediately
how does not a single person see him do this stupid shit?
These things make me want to never leave my house.
but why?
If you say so, seat sniffer
But I'm not a pornstar
yup. You didn't see his happen to nerds in the 80s or 90s.
They shouldn't have forced memes into the run but he shouldn't have been so hostile to the whole event
This is actually a great way to release tension from your muscles
lmao this is great.
lol wtf.. isn't that a bit much?
bro just remembered he can do whatever he wants lmao
Yeah and the other cohost just continues.
Fuck these horrendous cowards.

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