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Post em
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As real as troons being women kek
Hyperboria is real and yes i am a woman
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would like to know what variant of Numb this is
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>Hyperborea wembs were only good when the song was little dark age, not the rest of this nigger trite rap shit. kys
What was this song called? I had it saved on my last hdd before it went boom.
this is one of my favorites. is there more to this one? Seems to cut off abruptly
what are those guys? the fucking rakkasans?
Does anyone else feel like these videos last a really long time? Probably because they flash a hundred images really fast. But I'm always surprised they are only 30 seconds because you really get sucked in and feel like it's been at least a couple of mins.
Arc North - Numb (Linkin Park Tribute)
Serebro - Malo tebya (Hardstyle Remix)
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Thank you.
Anyone has the Nietzsche one please? And does anybody know where the animation in it is from? Thanks.
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This one?
I was thinking about the one with the narrated passage from The Antichrist, "the weak and the botched shall perish", etc. The video/animation was black and white footage of classical architecture and such.
File: Hyperboreans.webm (5.86 MB, 800x800)
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That's the one, thank you. Any idea where the video is from?
No idea
I recognise one of the buildings
0:41 Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana
Must be a showcase of Italian fascist era architecture
>I recognise one of the buildings
So do I, but with the guy walking at the end I assumed it's from a movie or something.
>tfw I already had every video in this thread saved on my computer
Glowing hard fedbois
Imagine some zog bots spent time making this shit at some fuckin airbase man
Youre very stupid anon
opposite is true
hyperborea works best when the absurdism is too high to confuse normies and glowies
>rap? hitler? a quote from bowden? twerking thors?

its like a filter where only true chuds know what the message really is
Anyone have the William Luther Pierce speech "Our Purpose" but with high quality video? The webm I have is pixelated as shit
I dunno where the video footage used in it is from, but the webm was made by an anon here who used AI to copy the narrators voice from Berserk 1997 anime adaptation, reading that Nietzsche line
first edits with little dark age wer kino for sure, but it's way overdone by now
Glowin, starting a hyperborea thread with trash is sus.
If you think that's trash then post something that you think 'isn't'.
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I have a Nietzsche one or two if that helps
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Actually only had one Nietzsche related one but I got a couple others, granted they lean more into the modern pagan side of things
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the first time ur brain processes a piece of information it perceives time slower bcuz science bro!
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...this one?
why do you faggots always use the SHITTIEST music
every fucking time
>Youre stupid
They do this on purpose. It’s well poisoning. They know how many gems anons have made. They are terrified of what anons are capable of. So they spam us with schizophrenic edits and wigger music edits. The hyperborea threads have some of most inspirational, emotional and interesting videos on the internet.
Paid thinkers can never match up to passionate free thinkers in contest.
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Imho the higher the absurdism, the better
just cooked this, first one though
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does this edit refers to Yamnaya culture
sorry i didn't see the repost
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anyone know the song
Song name?
Good video also
Retarded faggot
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Anyone have the Telsa one?
We know where Hyperborea really is.
Honor - Narodowy Socjalizm
shit, you were asking about OP
Cayman Cline - Tongue Tied
like this edit, but Napoleon was not white power.
i wasn't
thank you anyway
Very nice
This one is relaxing and uplifting and I’m not even Irish
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terence mckenna is a cia stooge, paul stamets is a literal jew.
I would appreciate this webm with out the cia kikes, thanks

if you can't understand WHY they push psychedelics then you have more understanding to do..
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music on this one?
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nice, it'd be cooler without the fucked edited/color scheme
IX (Beware of My Love) - clair

psychedelics exposes your deeper self to your consciousness, if you get weird insights or can't control it you're not white or you're a shudra.
Gruppo di Ur also used some psychedelics and it's part of the whole schyzo hyperborea aesthetic. Btw I never found anything about McKenna and CIA, maybe provide some links or kindly fuck off, McKenna is a great guy and is whiter than 99% of the population.
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Yeah, fry your brain because Joe Rogan told you to. Very based.
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>psychedelics exposes your deeper self to your consciousness, if you get weird insights or can't control it you're not white or you're a shudra.
>Gruppo di Ur also used some psychedelics and it's part of the whole schyzo hyperborea aesthetic
So, I'd like for you to explain to me, as >>5539076 points out... why do (you) think (((they))) push psychedelics? I've got my opinion. but i'd like to here your excuse/'rationalization' of going along the obvious soft promotion of DMT/psychedelics.
>Btw I never found anything about McKenna and CIA, maybe provide some links or kindly fuck off, McKenna
call it a joke if you want, all jokes have a kernel of truth.
Faggot posting from Israel
Nobody pushes psychedelics, at least in Europe, idk about Muttland. And as I already said, psychedelics aren't some mind virus that will turn you to a nigger, quite the opposite.
I would be much more critical of them pushing weed which turn people into zombies, but strangely everyone is so much more scared of LSD once every other year which actually give precious insights.
Regarding McKenna, I could understand your message if it was directed toward Leary, who had niggerish behaviour, who promoted, I agree with you (probably) an african mindset and was actually related to them. But McKenna promoted rare doses of psychedelics so you could align better with yourself, which would help 99% of modern white men who can't achieve anything.

There are jews who are more aryan than you, muttoid.
File: juice them all.webm (5.52 MB, 720x720)
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On the nose shit is boring and lame. Absurd shitpost with encoded messaging? Just ironic enough to lull the normies? That's the stuff.
Giga based anon.
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I've been searching for this one for a while thanks anon.
i want the name of the song so bad. i was able to find a rap song where someone uses the beat but not the beat itself.
Those are all 3+ year old edits newfaggot

Those go so fucking hard, thx
this is anecdotal but every time I've taken psyches ive come out of the trip even more racist than when I went in
Some people it creates a "oneness" other times it just confirms our beliefs.
name/link of this version of zombie pls?
One heavy trip I did years ago showed me that I would end up my life in a vibrant grassy field living of my culture of the soil. This impacted my life in a great way and I started taking much more attention to nature, animals, and so on. WAGMI.
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OC.. please rate, fed
Digging it, can you catbox the original less compressed version?
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Lowered resolution and upped the bitrate because it looked horrible...
>>5542939 Yes, see >>5542950. I just have slow internet :(
Perhaps it's much smaller than it really is, but why is the modern far right so Roehmisch?
anyone got the alex jones and joe rogan one where joe talks about seeing his ancestors lives, witnessing their children starve to death
Nice, softer on my eyes than most
And they all suck
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its happening
Aryans are NOT the good guys. I repeat NOT THE GOOD GUYS.
The Mormon Church is the house of the Antichrist
Erm I'm aryan doe, so like I cant be bad mkay?
(Fr fr what are you yapping about(Please expand sir))
Nice, keep it up anon!
>try to post either of my OC
>duplicate file exists
feels good man

I think he said this in Egypt, in reference to why he was executing prisoners of war who were middle eastern whereas he would have spared them if they were fellow europeans.
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use E Nomine for hyperborean clips you fags, music literally made for this
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Here's the full version
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I like this.
>use christcuck music for hyperborean clips
fuck off
File: sadshower.webm (5.59 MB, 1152x648)
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>christian flat earth edit
gay and jewish shit
forced meme
Anyone who uses the term "Christcuck" is either morbidly obese or some faggot weak fedora tipper. Which are you?
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Heil fellow puritans!
Where might I find more truth pills on our culture?
I like this
ofc it's real anon
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i'm looking for the one that starts with the guy drinking a beer during a thunderstorm, if any anon here has it
Anybody got the edit that starts with the “I have a question for the men, what the fuck do you want” bitch, lots of drifting cars n shit. Cheers and if you find it i’ll give you gold and updoots.
I felt an abudance of vril flow through me while watching this
>nigger music
you understand the greatness of these webms my aryan brother
found the seething christcuck
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red5 makes some good shit
Post physique
high quality stuff dude where are these from? who is this red5 and where can i find him
twitter. i think his @ is at the end of the video.
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>P-Post physique
More the Corded Ware culture and it's descendants the Germanic, Scythian, and Celtic peoples
Song sauce please
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>>>>>>>Hyperboria translates to beyond where the cold winds blow, and is described as the Baltic sea.
These videos are a lot more interesting and inspiring without all that (((Robert Sepehr))) Alex Jones and Kabbalah shit about flat/hollow earth schizo druggy Noric-alien FSB disinfo... and trying to destroy Tesla's work by making it retarded.
When Hyperboria threads first started it was about the far North and nostalgia for an unknown past, not fake ass Atlantis or Annunaki Kabbalah history. Even the silly zoomer ones >>5532194 are better than that.

Case in point this trash >>5539363 >>5544993 >>5545229 All this trash came later and they always attach themselves to history threads too. They don't want you to know history or science; they want you hypnotized and abused through what Russians called "Psychopolitics". They ruin all the fun that is 4chan.

Based noticer and educator.
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>not fake ass Atlantis
everything you said up till that was 100% correct. BUT, Mid-Atlantic ridge is there anon. memes aside, Randall carlson (((Freemason))). but if you look him up on yidtube, he speaks extensively on it. I think its real, not because I want it to be, or need it to be. But because it makes sense. The ice caps were MASSIVE just 13 thousand years ago.
whats the effect of that on the water levels?
>it lowers
what is the effect on the mid-atlantic ridge?
>eustatic and isostatic pressure basically causing it to bend out like a bow.

either way. Also, (((robert))) is 100% doing his shtick for shekels, that also doesn't mean everything he says is wrong, there is some truth mixed into it. but don't swallow his horseshit without question. because at the end of the day he's literally a kike. same goes for randall, he's a (((freemason)))
File: atlan2.webm (6 MB, 1280x720)
6 MB
also, more specifically the Azores Triple Junction one of the most volatile plate junctions on earth
Ok fat faggot. Imagine thinking you have one chance at life and then choosing to be fat. Lmao
>his christcuck general is so dead he needs to come here to bitch about his fat fedora bogeymen
kek i almost feel sorry for you kike worshipers, it's not your fault your parents brainwashed you as a child
Making effeminate brown bois squel is extremely Will-To-PowerPilled
>>>>>>>>Hyperboria translates to beyond where the cold winds blow, and is described as the Baltic sea.
I disagree about the baltic sea part.

The ancient greeks wrote of hyperborea as being a place where the sun never set. In the vedas, they describe the homeland of the Aryans as being very far north, where the sun did not set for 10 months of the year. The only place with such long days today; would be around the arctic circle during the summer months.

The only way to have eternal daylight would be if the earths axial tilt was zero. There would no seasons either. And the glaciers would extend far more southward. The entire arctic itself may be ice free and the ice would start from the arctic circle and go southwards until it meets the modern day tropics.

The same could be true for the south pole. But less likely because the south has the antarctic landmass that does not melt ice fast as sea ice does.
Real religion and real gods are based on your tribe and blood. It is the metaphysical higher consciousness of your people as a whole. To find god you have to accept that you are a part of the people. A single divine spark of the higher consciousness. The metaphysical hive mind of the race is what pagans used to worship as the gods. We are only cells within the ethnic group yet part of something greater. Therefore each ethnic group has a religious pantheon composed of the metaphysical higher consciousness.
Including (((them))).
It would have the same characteristics as they do.
Killing, raping, lying, tricking normies, sacrificing children and babies, stealing wealth(life) and living as parasites. Pretty much satan/moloch.

Morality is part of the social hierarchy. It is the biological inclination of individuals to follow rules and orders from leadership casts. This is the origin of the normie. The social consensus filter.
Some play the part of the brain and some play the role of the muscle.

Normies are followers in the social hierarchy who view the world through a social consensus filter. Therefore they have a need for a religion and moral guide for them to be able to carry out their function as the muscles of the ethnic group. The best of each cast must also be rewarded with rights to reproduce to improve/refine the metaphysical body. Should the least capable: the lazy, deformed, cowardly, unwilling, degenerate or abnormal breed. The metaphysical body will degrade.
A morality system must account for this. As the good of the greater body is the highest morality.
>The metaphysical hive mind of the race is what pagans used to worship as the gods. We are only cells within the ethnic group yet part of something greater. Therefore each ethnic group has a religious pantheon composed of the metaphysical higher consciousness. Including (((them))). It would have the same characteristics as they do. Killing, raping, lying, tricking normies, sacrificing children and babies, stealing wealth(life) and living as parasites. Pretty much satan/moloch.
This is very accurate and their ancient literature attests to it. Yahweh was a jealous god of fire and revenge because they were shoved around by every other nation they came across, so their collective consciousness evolved accordingly. Even the desire to crush their enemies' children can already be found in their songs.
That is why they despise their metaphysical consciousness. Why they try to trick their god. When they die they go to hell.
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They'll be back my man.
NTA, but I think its multiple locations. and I think more specifically, its a people. because for one, thats just how people thought back then. I'm paraphrasing now...
but plato said there are no borders... Hellas(greece) is where the Hellenic (greek) begin and end.
Also, they describe western features and outright name celtic people in a few sources, with water while in some sources. HOWEVER, some sources mention more mountainous regions with no mention of oceans...

a new interesting location i ran across is the Dzungarian Gate/Altai Gap (western china/south siberia/north of tarim basin). the one thing this has in common is eruopid admixture from west china to europe. So more or less, I believe this to be ANE (ancient north eurasian) admixture. They 100% went to north america ~20k years ago, and if they went east they also went west.
altai gap is world famous for its constant cold winds, massive wind farms today unfortunately.
why then races didn't came across until the 18 century?

The Roman empire wasn't set on race, it got the entire mediterranean region and if you watch for example the Nerva-Antonine dynasty it wasn't about blood at all, in Roman right the adoption was as strong as natural children.
I don't watch Robert Sepehr but for you to write all this and then post a clip with that Argentinian Ziotrash is cognitive dissonance on another level. Sepehr does goofy vids on Atlantis, crying Milei bows at the Jewish wall with his kippah on. Not even comparable.
>When Hyperboria threads first started it was about the far North and nostalgia for an unknown past
post some
Tribe/Ethnic group. People of shared blood. If Germanic tribes united, are they not an ethnic group?
With Roman expansion beyond Italy, Latin colonies were also founded outside Italy, e. g. Carteia (contemporary San Roque), which was founded in Hispania in 171 BC and was the first Latin colony outside of Italy. In 122 BC, the plebeian tribune Gaius Gracchus introduced a law which extended the ius Latii to all other residents of Italy. This reflected the increasing ties between Rome and the Italic peoples through trade and the ties between the leading families in the Italian towns and patrician families in Rome.[7] In 44 BC, Julius Caesar granted the ius Latii to all free-born Sicilians.

Livy records that in 171 BC, the Roman Senate was petitioned by a group of Romano-Spanish people, the sons of Roman soldiers and Spanish women. Although they were of Roman descent they were not regarded as Roman citizens, nor were they allowed to marry Roman citizens. The Senate responded by elevating Carteia to the status of a colonia (Roman colony) and granting around 4,000 Romano-Spanish people the right to live there and receive a grant of land on a similar basis to Roman colonists.

The existing inhabitants were permitted to remain there, while all of the inhabitants were given the right to marry Roman citizens and to carry on trade with Romans. This marked a significant innovation for Rome's overseas colonies; the Carteians were the first outside Italy to receive a civic status known as the Latin Rights, halfway between being a non-citizen provincial and a full Roman citizen. Other cities in Spain were later granted a similar status.
In AD 123, the emperor Hadrian made a key modification to Latin rights. He introduced Latium maius ("greater Latin [rights]"), which conferred Roman citizenship on all the decurions of a town, as distinguished from Latium minus, which conferred it only on those who held a magistracy
Fits with the theory of social hierarchy.

Social class in ancient Rome was hierarchical, with multiple and overlapping social hierarchies. An individual's relative position in one might be higher or lower than in another, which complicated the social composition of Rome.
The priesthoods of most state religions were held by members of the elite classes. There was no principle analogous to separation of church and state in ancient Rome. During the Roman Republic (509–27 BC), the same men who were elected public officials might also serve as augurs and pontiffs. Priests married, raised families, and led politically active lives. Julius Caesar became pontifex maximus before he was elected consul.

The augurs read the will of the gods and supervised the marking of boundaries as a reflection of universal order, thus sanctioning Roman expansionism and foreign wars as a matter of divine destiny. The Roman triumph was at its core a religious procession in which the victorious general displayed his piety and his willingness to serve the public good by dedicating a portion of his spoils to the gods, especially Jupiter, who embodied just rule. As a result of the Punic Wars (264–146 BC), when Rome struggled to establish itself as a dominant power, many new temples were built by magistrates in fulfillment of a vow to a deity for assuring their military success.

As the Romans extended their dominance throughout the Mediterranean world, their policy in general was to absorb the deities and cults of other peoples rather than try to eradicate them,[3] since they believed that preserving tradition promoted social stability.[4] One way that Rome incorporated diverse peoples was by supporting their religious heritage, building temples to local deities that framed their theology within the hierarchy of Roman religion. Inscriptions throughout the Empire record the side-by-side worship of local and Roman deities, including dedications made by Romans to local gods.
Does any have the moomin hyperborea video?
Look at the Roman laws in regards to pagan rights. The decline of Roman religion coincides with the decline of Roman leadership casts.

Decurions were the most powerful political figures at the local level. They were responsible for public contracts, religious rituals, entertainment, and ensuring order. Perhaps most importantly to the imperial government, they also supervised local tax collection.

Under the Dominate (284 and later), when the empire's finances demanded more draconian tax collection measures, the position of decurion ceased being a status symbol and became an unwanted civil service position.[4] It was still limited to the aristocracy, but the primary emphasis was clearly on tax collection, and decurions were expected to make up any shortfall in the local tax collection out of their own pockets. Many decurions illegally left their positions in an attempt to seek relief from this burden; if caught, they would be subject to forfeiture of their property or even execution.[7]

When thinking of it as a pyramid structure. At the top you have the leadership types such as nobles and priesthood/druids. Below you have trad normies who act as the warrior cast and as enforcers of tradition and below that you have the trend normies who act as labourers that learn trades from druids.

Social parasites have evolved to give birth to higher ratios of leadership types such as nobles and priesthood(druids) who travel to large metas and take them over by replacing the leadership (brains) of the meta. The new (((priesthood))) force a religion on the population. Christianity, communism, materialism, feminism, ect. The normies are biologically inclined to follow the orders of the leadership class.
The first followers of Jesus were essentially all ethnically Jewish or Jewish proselytes. Jesus was Jewish, preached to the Jewish people, and called from them his first followers. According to McGrath, Jewish Christians, as faithful religious Jews, "regarded their movement as an affirmation of every aspect of contemporary Judaism, with the addition of one extra belief – that Jesus was the Messiah."

Italy's Jews came directly from the Holy Land before the Diaspora, first arriving in Rome in the second century BC as esteemed envoys (hoping to establish business ties) and then, after Rome invaded Judaea in the first century AD, as POWs sold into slavery. These first Jews lived, like other foreigners, outside the city — across the river, in Trastevere.

Look at the dates for silver debasement in Rome.
>We all know where Hyperborea really is
Maybe Hyperborea was the friends we made along the way
Really hope this zoomer posts more gold. Seemed like a good lad in the original thread
Before I lost my old phone any my account on my computer was deleted that was literally every hyperborea thread for me
I like this one because the Wojak got a gf in the end
KEK Hitler here looks like Zelensky
You should use the name of the rap song to find the beat of its been sampled.
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>The ancient Greeks wrote of hyperborea as being a place where the sun never set. In the vedas, they describe the homeland of the Aryans as being very far north, where the sun did not set for 10 months of the year. The only place with such long days today; would be around the arctic circle during the summer months.

The reason the Hyborian cartoons and that map that is always shown has a center island with four directions is because that's how it was described as with multiple seas around it. There is a sunken Baltic Island according to Norse tales (not mythology but accounts) where they name and describe a normal kingdom (see videos by language professor https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonCrawford); It could also just be the entire peninsula or a smaller island that still exists.
But Hyperboria are Hellenist descriptions so more than likely it wasn't exactly accurate; hence why the sun may stay up 24hr for awhile but "the sun never sets" would be an exaggeration by the author. And it would only make sense for them to mention the importance if you consider the Nordic Bronze Age and how it established global trade routes.
>The Nordic Bronze Age maintained close trade links with Mycenaean Greece, with whom it shares several striking similarities. Some cultural similarities between the Nordic Bronze Age, the Sintashta/Andronovo culture and peoples of the Rigveda have also been detected.
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>see videos by language professor https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonCrawford
Which video? I don't see one that mentions hyperborea
What I am trying to say is that: there is certainly a sentiment of belonging but the connection within blood is quite liable.
>The Roman empire wasn't set on race
holy shit, what a dumbshit you are. I know you're a shitskin. Imagine effort posting this...
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NTA, but no. towards the end of every civilization (even western civilization) we go through the final phase of losing the connection of the blood. but the very genesis of everything is recognizing a homogenized ethnic mythos.
romulus/remus/trojans etc... anglosaxon founding fathers usa.. etc. But I know you're a retarded shitskin as I said earlier. so no point in going further trying to explain something your small brain can't comprehend
An anon called out the schizo posters as juden.
The historian Appian of Alexandria (95–165 AD) lamented that “the city masses are now thoroughly mixed with foreign blood, the freed slave has the same rights as a native-born citizen, and those who are still slaves look no different from their masters.” Scipio Aemilianus (185–129 BC), a statesman and general of the famed clan of the Aemilii, called these heterogeneous subjects “step-children of Rome.”

One hundred and fifty years later, Horace (65–8 BC) wrote in Book III of the Odes:
Our grandfathers sired feeble children; theirs
Were weaker still — ourselves; and now our curse
Must be to breed even more degenerate heirs.

The last Roman writers therefore came to see their own people as both morally and physically degenerate. The subtext of Tacitus’ (56-117 AD) ethnological treatise Germania is a longing for the northern vigor and purity the Romans had lost. He saw the Gauls and Germans as superior to the Romans in morals and physique, and Roman women shared this admiration. Blond hair became the rage, and German and Gaulic slave women were shorn of their blond or reddish-brown hair to make wigs for wealthy women. By the time of Tertullian (160-225 AD), so many Roman women were dying their hair that he complained, “they are even ashamed of their country, sorry that they were not born in Germany or Gaul.” In the early second century AD, the satirist Juvenal complained of the dwindling stock of “the bluest patrician blood,” which is a figurative phrase for the nobility, whose veins appear blue through their light skin.
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>satirist Juvenal
his shit rings true today.
>Since the dawn of history, greed and fiscal corruption have never been worse
>The past cannot be worse than the present – yet one should only satirize the dead if they wish to live in safety.
>I get an itch to run off beyond the Sarmatians and the frozen sea, every time those men who pretend to be old-time paragons of virtue and live an orgy, dare to spout something about morals.
>Pathetic men that pretend to be moral exemplars are much worse than those who are open about their proclivities.
>Effeminate dress is the gateway to complete gender inversion
>A noble man, Gracchus, marries another man – but such brides are infertile no matter what drugs they try or how much they are whipped in the Lupercalia.
>The ghosts of great Romans of the past would feel themselves contaminated when such Romans descend to the underworld.

>There is no Room in Rome for a Roman
>What could I do at Rome? I don't know how to lie;
>If a book is bad, I am unable to praise it and ask for one;
>nobody is going to be a thief with me as his accomplice,
>and that right there is why I'm going in no governor's entourage
>– I’m like a cripple, a useless body with a dead right hand.

>Virtue and lack of pretension is only to be found outside the City; at Roma everything is expensive, pretentious, and bought on credit.
>he describes the ancient shrine of Egeria being put up for rent to Jews and polluted by marble.
>People learn to be Jewish from their parents
(some things never change)

>The Greeks and their ways are flowing like pollution into Roma, and they are so adept at lying flattery that they are achieving more social advancement than real Romans
>The dregs of society so long as they are wealthy lord it over real Romans; there is no hope for an honest man in court if he is poor.
>The patron gets a lobster, and you get a crayfish; he gets a Corsican mullet, and you get a sewer-fish.
character limit, but there is so many more....
Source on this version of moi lolita?

I wrote out some of my thoughts in regards to social hierarchy, social parasitism and human evolution. Feel free to criticise.
Does anyone know the song it's hard to find songs that don't have any lyrics.
Nvm I found it.
For anyone interested.
friendly reminder that there is an entire universe out there to conqure and explore. an infite vast of systems enough to give everyone a world of their own to do as they see fit.
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>A noble man, Gracchus, marries another man – but such brides are infertile no matter what drugs they try or how much they are whipped in the Lupercalia.
Fucking kek, I thought no way he wrote that, it's literally ywnbaw, but he did.
Basically enumerating the symptoms of a declining civilization.
Many such cases.
Herodotus recounted an incident that happened in Asia Minor. This was an appeal from King Croesus, the king of Lydia to the Persian King. The Persian king wanted to kill all the males to keep them from revolting and what the defeated king proposed was to inculturate softness in order to make the people docile and servile; effeminacy was seen as the mark of a slave. These men are to be softened:
"But let the Lydians be pardoned; and lay on them this command, that they may not revolt or be dangerous to you; then, I say, and forbid them to possess weapons of war, and command them to wear tunics under their cloaks and buskins on their feet, and to teach their sons lyre-playing and song and dance and huckstering (the word "retail" in one translation). Then, O King, you will soon see them turned to women instead of men; and thus you need not fear lest they revolt." (The Histories, Herodotus, trans. Robin Waterfield, Oxford University Press, NY, 1998. Book I, 155–157; pg 69)
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Does anyone have the top left edit without glorious osaka? Asking for a friend.
>that they may not revolt or be dangerous to you; then, I say, and forbid them to possess weapons of war
I agree.
>founding fathers
shit i never realized how right you are. i guess there is still hope for this country as long as people still fight over them.
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>worst video ever posted in 4chan
zoomers are actually fucking retarded, they've conditioned themselves into thinking that ai songs with after effects greenscreen is something original and good. More like goo to me. Eating gobbledy goo gulping down gallons and gallons of thick disgusting goo. Creamy thick watery gobbledy goo going in their throats and they say "kino". Kill yourself googgy
NTA, but you're over exaggerating. I hate tranime and its not THAT bad. at least its not nigger rap
I found a yt vid that's basically everything you need to know about hyperborea
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Thank you
it unironically is. It's Vril, which you can experience in a Männerbund
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OC I started making a long time ago and have worked on in short bursts but never finished.
I accept your concession.
Please do finish
song name?
Delicious finally some good fucking OC
This is great, keep creating anon.
I would say the contrary instead, is when we have lost the blood connection that we've become so powerful.
Always in ancient civilization, colonialism in the modern era is completely different. Take for example the Roman Empire against the Barbarian tribes in Germany and France, the reason why they have been kept under control until the coming of the Unnis is exactly caused by their systems based on a type of endogamy that limited the grow of technology and also if you want of the population
>Appian of Alexandria (95–165 AD) lamented...
We don't have a context, it could also be a foreign invasion, in that case "blood" is not relevant about a race but about an enemy people.
>One hundred and fifty years later, Horace (65–8 BC) wrote in Book III of the Odes:
i don't see a connection with race
well i think it might be referring about the loss of values that romans couldn't keep, like the mos maiorum etc...
well tertullian is certainly right, the trends are murderers lol, but we must consider that in time of tertullian the roman empire would be expanding and thus taking "exotic" trends of clothes.
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Rough draft but at least it's new
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If you want to use the height of rome as an example, you should read some of the quotes from an actual roman at that time, see >>5547331 (50-100AD) this is the same date when they were invading britain too.
So I suggest you recognize the difference between a powerful state ≠ happy powerful natives. In the end the native romans are not going to enjoy this empire, they will have foreigners flock their lands for cheap labor causing social stratification between the plebian and the elite, their culture is going to be nearly completely displaced with foreign customs even (((paul/saul))) was a immigrant from judea. Its similar to... why would YOU fight for your country which has an open border and willingly lets foreigners come in granting them the same rights as you. The social elites could no longer appeal to the natives and had to utilize germans to fulfil the civic duty the plebeians were no longer willing to do.
This is effectively the 'selling out your people' that leads to the end. Diversity has most certainly NEVER been a strength for the common people. Its the result of the elite taking short term profits rather than looking long-term.

which is why we will continue to see problems in the future from here on out in all western countries. Let us remember the foundation that built every western nation was not cheap foreign labor, mexican tacos, turkish kebabs, chinese buffets. it was a homogenized racial mythos. the slow and steady growth ALWAYS beats the quick temporary gains of foreign migrations..
when the romans accepted germans into the military it transformed into a mercenary army with no real loyalty to rome. is it any wonder why germans are able to sack rome later? lol.

Anyways there is no real debate to be had here. there isn't some relative perspective. since from the beginning diversity has never been a strength, you were lied to just like the romans were (considering you aren't the very invader/foreigner i'm talking about)
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This one needs to be redone. The beginning is perfect, then it goes to long cut videos of tigers fighting an shit. Ruins the pacing. Should stay fast paced.

Is the original poster on here? Can you redo it, otherwise I will do it this weekend.
Must've been nice back when german women were this pretty

Now they're overweight or turkish
post hand
no more brother wars
some of the clips in this vid are from this channel:

> https://www.youtube.com/@ThunderboltsProject/featured

it's the redpill on earth/solar system cosmology, check out the feature docus and discourse playlist for a good starting point for knowledge and visuals. there is also a gaia series by the same group that's on many streaming platforms, previews and info @

> https://www.gaia.com/series/electric-universe/season-1

the gaia series has great visualizations that would mix well with hyperborea content, just clip what you like and speed it up, it's presented ancient aliens style and has planets and historical cultural symbols. i've upload'd the full series from tpb to mega @

> https://mega.nz/folder/e0txBZIB#3wDfxuimUlEW88DxtA9jZQ

enjoi the saturn pill and remix as you like. this is the true black sun, for those how know. for a complete overview of saturn theory content check the link below, it has many more links to other sites and channels at the bottom of the page.

> cosmicaxis.net
The energy of this video and the sequence of the images is no accident. It is absurd to think that such a simple thing would change the course of a nation's history. The energy this man carries is beyond human.
Hitler will rightly be remembered as a mythological figure.
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Hail Victory
If you do can you get rid of the hollow metal statue at 0:10 it looks odd. Maybe use an image of a renaissance sculpture.
That statue is of king Arthur, whom beheld the grail. Do not remove his honor.
Wrong, that's the best part. It creates contrast with the fast speed, especially the planes.

When its just shit flying by really fast it looks like some low effort CapCut edit.
Do you know that the grail was a later addition? The addition of the quest for the holy grail was a Christian bastardisation of the original Celtic tale.
Song source? Neither Shazam nor AHA catches it.
nvm, found it:
here's a video i made with clips from ep4 of the electric universe series:

> Electric_Feel_Birth_of_Venus.mp4 (200MB, ~4.5 mins)
> https://mega.nz/file/6oNTDTaL#vrZFYRy6Ea7q1akTe_oPi8GIAcpb9kFUhn88ybp4QgA

> Discover why Venus has fascinated storytellers for generations. The electric universe theory may help explain changes in the solar system, the downfall of the ancient world, and some of our current customs.

feel free to re-enocode/remux to webm for the thread in full or cutting the last section loop, etc. it's great visuals imo. i'm going to try another on tonight about mars with little dark age music ofc. enjoi!
oh fug i missed a frame of wal thorhill interview @ 03:46-03:48, please clip that out before muxing to webm or whatever, its in the last part with when the music track loops. all the other footage looks okay, thanks anons.
this is the next vid about mars the warrior:

> Little_Mars_Age.mp4 (135 MB, 5 mins)
> https://mega.nz/file/ahVjGayK#34vgOh7OehPOD4WtEmqfzeVU5Z_ddebNzlbd12KIAwA

> Memories of Mars. Delve into the turbulent history of Mars as described in mythology and electric universe theory. This new perspective explains our deep-seated fear of the aggressive red planet.
does anyone have the wormpilled one?
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Saw someone post a link to an imgur folder or something of all these images. Does anyone have something similar to that? I would like to download all of this.
ok this is finale edit of the venus video, the old mega link is deleted, new link below:

> Electric_Feel_Birth_of_Venus.mp4 (200MB, ~4.5 mins)
> https://mega.nz/file/T5NGgCgJ#o5AEG7MLsWWUXHdEHT-XCfFNWook47D0TDCPy1oGJas

i'll try to make a couple more edits of the vids with different aspect ratios to hide the hard subs. then maybe a full schizo blitz vid of all episode content including saturn jupiter, earth, etc. @ high speed 8x + 4x mix. the last two vids are @ 4x speed. take the saturn pill anon! enjoi!
the random roasties ruin the edit
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ah yes, i too, prefer the golden one shirtless posing like a greek statue uwu. wymyn are DISGUSTING
i like the paintings and statues, random modern liberated cum dumpsters ruin it
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>you just know shes a whore!
>just look at her!
>shes too hot to not be a whore!
>what a slutty way to tie your hair up!
you may have coombrain, anon
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Is it anger? resentment? denial? fear?
lets explore why you have negative reactions to white women, anon. I have a sneaking suspicion you've been exposed to trauma inducing jewish propaganda.
you're posting tiktok brained ig models who fuck exclusively rich and equally famous gigachads
you're a normie at best posting here, you're not touching any of these "quality" women. And they're all liberated feminsits with bodycounts. simp
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>you're posting tiktok brained ig models who fuck exclusively rich and equally famous gigachads
ah yes, see I knew it
> I have a sneaking suspicion you've been exposed to trauma inducing jewish propaganda.
every time.
every woman in these edits and who you post is a liberated feminist with a bodycount, you, a normie, will never even get to touch a woman this pretty anyway
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lets take your demoralization to its end conclusions
>exactly! you might as well become a homosexual!
you have no argument you know im right that's why you cant address it and strawman instead
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>says every women he's never met is a whore
>accuses me of strawmanning
so you are literal kike,
sorry shlomo.... not every woman is a whore.
no more (you)s I'm giving (((you)))
You just strawmanned again, you gynocentric simp. They're all feminists, they all have bodycounts. You're a beast of burden, 99% of men are same like you.
What is your solution? Do you have, or plan to have a family?
Any man that marries is a cuck/retard, i don't need kids to fullfill my life im Nietzschean unironically. In Ancient Greece men married to build clan ties, wtf kind of clan are you gonna build, whitecel? Your kids are destined to be attention whores and/or ignoble simps/jestermaxxers
> Do you have, or plan to have a family?
of course he doesn't. he may lie just to argue. I actually have a white wife and two kids. one boy, one girl. It's best not to entertain shills like that faggot. he's just here to demoralize you and either tell you to become an incel, or fuck gook whores
Go back to your family, boomer. You're posting on nazi edit thread on 4chan
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I'm actually doing more than you are. A real 'nazi' has a family, kike
tradcuck beast of burden
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Haha. Imagine typing this and not thinking you're a jew. Yeah kill your bloodline bro. I hope you get better if you really aren't jewish.
That's awesome. Wish you and you're family the best.
Your mind is stuck in low iq 4chan rhetoric dualism, if im not a tradcuck i must be a jew, just fucking lol. You live in a gynocracy and you married in a gynocracy. Talking about muh white race and nazism,what a fucking joke
What does Nietzsche say - if you cannot live proudly, die proudly. I am not a beast of burden, 99% of men are.
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Thanks anon, you too. WGMI. ignore the demoralizing jew. don't feed him (you)s its how he gets paid
99% of men are by biology predetermined to be beast of burden to women. It is your programming
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cares so much about being based he ceases to exit. unlike you, I embrace the natural order of things.
You misunderstand completely, i accept 95-99% of men are destined to be beast of burden
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>95-99% of men are love women
It's bad insofar that you live in gynocracy, you're a simp, a beast of burden, extremely low iq to marry in this climate, Even in ancient Greece when men had cheap whores and women had no rights men were reluctant to marry because it meant obligations, it meant becoming beast of burden, but men back then were bronze age mindset, you're a completely domesticated and buckbrocken variant of these men. Nietzsche rightly says domestication is the greatest sin towards something. I see the married men in my personal life and they're ALL ignoble, they're all beast of burden, beta buxxers
I hope you realize BAP is a literal kike, just like you. you sound like you watch (((andrew tate))) too. its okay to be a nonwhite browncel. but get the fuck out of this thread then
Married cucks acting superior is hilarious, go back to your family boomer. I instantly lose respect for a man tied to a bitch.
and you just keep pretending you're a philosophical guru following kikes (BAP), glowniggers (tate), and nietzsche who objectively lived a miserable life if you actually look at him.
>Extremely low iq to marry in this climate
Will it be a bad decision for your descendants in 1,000 years? 10,000? You are so high IQ that you cannot see a generation into the future. You think worse than a nigger from a Nietzschean standpoint. A nigger at least has the animalistic impulse to breed, giving him more power and influence on the world. You would rather end your entire bloodline (and thus your power/influence) forever because you don't like most modern women. Very Will to Power pilled!
I think in this one point, we shouldn't be concerned about this faggot. the world is better if he doesn't breed. he falls too easily to jewish demoralization.
You're a house negro your life purpose is fullfilled in the gynocracy. I don't deny you this.
I reject this low iq dualism between tradcuck and jew. You can only think in 4chan memes, it's time to log off and go to your famliy
You have never read and never understood Nietzsche, stop pretending like you do. You're tradcuck nothing more and nothing less
okay here is the finale video mix for the series:

> Saturn_Theory_Cosmic_Love.mp4 (190MB, ~4 mins)
> https://mega.nz/file/f50TGLBC#QR6c-A9PNfEVjy0z5DkceOYpdAziheHKtkDeDthQKBc

> Saturn and the Cosmic Tale of Humanity.
> Explore the ancient myths and symbols of dragons, serpents, looping circles, stars, and crosses that mimic electrical interactions with plasma and tell the forgotten tales of a prehistoric golden age.

that's all the material i could clip from ep4,5&7, the rest was too boring for mixing imo. y'all can watch the series for context, links in original reply, the series is called 'electric universe', its on on some streaming services if u want to try to get HD stills/clips without subtitles. feel free to remux to webm and downsize to 720p and/or blur out the hardsubs, add sonnenrad spinnrz, wojakz, etc.

i can't get ffmpeg to make it small enough as a webm for the 6MB limit on this board, anything below 0.5MB/s looks like bit slop. can some anon please convert these three vids to webm and post in the thread?
Based fuck simps. They are the equivalent of the temporarily embarrassed millionaire. In their minds all of these girls are just waiting for a chance to meet them to start a trad lifelong relationship.
/r/equest vid with "winter boys summer" (or similar name) on main screen and nazi troops on snow on the background and some chill deep house playing, this one its old and i never seen this again here
Carpenter Brut - Hang'em All
idiot argument, just because society is a gynocracy rn, does not mean every human living in it is supporting it. We are here posting nazi edits("hate speech"), that must mean in some corner of society there is also good women left.
assuming same guy(same writing style), you are just blackpilled and on the path to kill your own bloodline. you are a mouthbreather who at least won't pollute the genetics pool in the future.

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