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Thread for posting and discussing the DPRK and it's culture
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Wow, is there more of this guy? He has a very interesting perspective
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I'd like to hear why exactly he chose to defect
And yet he defected.
I was there in 2019 on a tour with Young Pioneer Tours. Every restaurant (and mall foodcourt) had their own little microbrewery going on.

Let me fucking tell ya, that was some of the best tasting beer I've ever had in my life. Every place better than the last. God, if North Korea ever fell and those recipes got out, they'd be world class competitive shit.
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>"This is how they live in modern-day America. The poor, the cold, the lonely, and the homosexual"

holy kek
well, they're not wrong... if you don't work for the Feds, you're pretty much fucked.
lmao... at 3:15 that's Blaha Lujza underpass in Budapest and I recognize the format of that Dell Inspiron advert, it's Hungarian.
eww how westernized south korean language is :(
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>in other parts of america, often disguised as foreign countries in Europe
I know this is a meme phrase now, but this is literally 1984
This is my favorite song, this and Modern talking's "brother louie" cover
I love this song so much bros
North Korea is a hole...
I really like the way "휘파람" is written in the beginning. It's give's a very 80s retro aesthetic.
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Check. Who's buying? How much was is?
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>Again there is no bird in the trees apart from these... which would be eaten on Thursday. They are yummy.
Cats on suicide watch.
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maybe defectors are just visitors who were held back
You would tooif you were on vacation in another country and the Police of your country were searching for you.
>Propaganda Car Korea >:(
>Propaganda Car Japan :0
Well, I bought the beer? It was beer I bought for myself? As for price, I think my cheapest pint was at the mall where it was maybe 50 cents? They only Yuan, US Dollars, and Euros at the exchange place, and my idea of currency rates kinda fell apart when I was trading dollars and Euros and what change I had in Yuan for NK Won.

You're not supposed to leave the country with their money, so I shoved it in my underwear and forgot about it until I got back to China and had to take a poop and there was money stuck to my balls.
I really have a lot of respect for the cuban and korean comrades. They were the only ones who kept their dignity and didn't gave themeselves to revisionism like China and Vietnam.
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Glory to the DPRK, I refuse to let US narratives dictate my perspective of this resilient nation.
It sounds like the DPRK news lady talking
song name?
Bellows - Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble
Wouldn't be surprised if he hate the current Kim, while he idolized his father
They can spend their entire days doing nothing in cool uniforms? There's worse jobs
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Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment
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These songs are actually catchy wtf
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'I Want to Break Free' (Queen) Performed In North Korea
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south korean just "koreanises" english, whereas north korean made their own words. for instance, in south korean cellphone is "handuponu" (handphone)
rather, idolising Kim Il-Sung and understandably hated Kim Jong-Il - thus far Kim Jong-Un has been decent.
I lift to this:
There is a difference between a dictatorship doing it for suppression, and a fringe opposition party's candidate doing it to get attention.
>just people trying to not look unhappy to avoid getting killed
i remember back in like 2015-ish coming across some G+ account spamming a half-hour documentary. funny time ngl
shitty brainrot sfx slapped in it
right into the trash
man, that shits hilarious.
makes me think why wouldn't NK's think.... these are the fuckwits who are "threatening us"?
they have nothing.
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thats not fucking real
this is very 40k
this is national socialism dressed up as communism
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If North Korea wants to convince the world of their ideology they really just have to make more vaporwave
>white juice
>yellow juice
back to fucking reddit, fag
wtf, where are the tanks
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Isn't this video not made in the DPRK?
not dprk made

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It sounds like Attack on titan opening
You can see video of warbler. Or whatever his name is. When he was "released". He looked like a zombie. I don't think he lived long.
Democracy is dictatorship too.
For a country to small to sacrifice everything to be independent, and to achieve it, that indeed is a glorious and beautiful thing. Long live the DPRK, and God bless comrade Kim Jong Un
based thread
Guys.. I think I just found a video of OP
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You'd change your mind about how awesome communism is is you ever lived with it. Just saying.
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Ewww, English is way too frenchanized.
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The dehumanizing effect of Western Propaganda.
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Why did Best Korea removed all references to Marx and Communism from their constitution in 2009? What did they mean by this?

Because moving towards full communism in the short term is impossible for a small state under siege by basically the entire world. Kim still mentions communism in his speeches and it is mentioned in their media too.
There are other examples of Marxist-Leninist states which did not have the word "communism" in the constitution. Albanian constitution did not mention it until 1976, despite being controlled by communists starting in 1944.
Also the Washington Post article is just another example of repeating nonsense made up by southern NGOs.
How many years do we give South Korea
>"Kim Jong Un gave top officials in North Korea copies of Adolf Hitler's autobiography, Mein Kampf, as gifts on his birthday last January, according to a report in New Focus International"
>a newspaper written largely by North Korean defectors

>North Korea condemns Hitler Mein Kampf report

It might unironically be less than 5 years. If South Korea gets involved in the Taiwan war, and it likely will if it happens in the first place, they are goners. The west doesn't have enough weapons to keep DPRK and China at bay even alone, nevermind the same time.
>the daily Two Minutes Hate in NK
a. the US empire collapses
b. the international revolution is completed and the communal society and the abolition of the state is reached
Of course b implies a but vice-versa is not true. Until the US and the "international community" continue to exist, her colonies, such as South Korea and Israel, will continue to exist as well to protect her interests around the globe.
So I'll give another 100 years to South Korea
First of all it’s important to note that the constitution of the DPRK never mentioned Communism, or even Socialism until 1972.
These were the changes that occurred concerning Communism:

(Pre-2009 version of Article 29)
Socialism and Communism are built by the creative labour of the working masses, who have been freed from exploitation and oppression. The State renders the labour of our working people, who do not worry about unemployment.

(Modern Version of Article 29)
Socialism is built by the creative labour of the working people. Labour in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is independent and creative labour of the working people, freed from exploitation and oppression. The State renders the labour of our working people, to whom unemployment is unknown, more joyful and worthwhile.

(Pre-2009 Version of Article 40)
The DPRK shall, by carrying out a thorough cultural revolution, train the working people to be builders of Socialism and Communism equipped with a profound knowledge of nature and society and a high level of culture and technology, thus making the whole of society intellectual.

(Modern Version of Article 40)
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall, by carrying out a thorough cultural revolution, train all the people to be builders of Socialism equipped with a profound knowledge of nature and society and a high level of culture and technology, thus making all the people well-versed in science and technology.

(Modern Version of Article 43)
The State shall embody the principles of socialist pedagogy so as to raise the rising generation to be genuine patriots who will fight for society and collective, for the country and the people, to be pillars of Socialism who are knowledgeable, morally sound and physically healthy.

Those were the only mentions of Communism that existed in the entire constitution.

I Love Pyongyang 평양을 나는 사랑해
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"When Stalin was alive, everything was going well in the Soviet Union. But after Khrushchev came to power, things started to go wrong. Modern revisionism appeared in the Soviet Party and the Soviet people began to suffer from ideological diseases. He forgot the care his leader had taken in his upbringing: he vilified Stalin under the pretext of the cult of personality, expelled all senior revolutionaries loyal to Stalin from the Political Bureau of the Party and stripped them of their Party membership. Once, while visiting the Lenin Mausoleum, Rim Chun Chu met Molotov on Red Square in Moscow after his dismissal. Molotov advised him to faithfully carry forward the ideology and achievements of his leader without succumbing to revisionism, taking into account the precedent of the Soviet Party. At that time, Rim Chun Chu understood very well that if the question of succession was not properly resolved, both the revolution and the Party would perish. As the bitter lessons of history have taught us, the essential quality of a successor is loyalty and moral duty to the leader and his cause. Loyalty to the leader cannot be separated from moral obligation. Loyalty to the leader and moral duty are the first and most important qualities a successor must possess."
I someday hope to visit Pyongyang and pay my respect to the Korean people and give them my cordial salutation and admiration for surviving the difficult conditions they have been put under by an evil capitalist empire that is on its way down.
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Currently, I read a Facebook story from someone who just came back from traveling in North Korea, and found out that North Korea is aware of the outside world through smuggled media from South Korea. But the reason mass fleeing never happened is that they are aware that they won't fit in the new hyper-capitalistic, hyper-competitive society, especially aged people.
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>defect to South Korea
>get raped
nothing personal kid
Welcome the to western civilization

Reminds of the uncontacted tribes doc where the dude who leaves the tribe for the civilization gets married and cheated on in less than a week
Chad DPRK citizens on defectors like Yenomi Pork
south korean christians are fucked up, man
What can you expect from a CIA run church, let alone one that circumcises men at 18? Literally Spaniard tier colonization.
So, how do people justify North Korea abducting Japanese citizens?
Japan raped, murdered, and enslaved Koreans for decades and to this day refuses to admit any fault in that, and yet we're supposed to cry rivers about a handful of Japs (literally a dozen or so, not the multiple hundreds that the Japanese invented) getting interned? Japan is so fucking ridiculous when it comes to playing the victim in every scenario, they rape and genocide their way through China, and people like you will cry about poor Japan being a victim of the war.
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Who took a video of me
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We all know who he considered to be the true successor to Stalin.
>the virgin dengist handshake meme vs. the chad DPRK royal welcome
Every side was doing this in the cold war + Japanese media exaggerated it and marked hundreds of people went missing or died in Japan as abducted + some were actually voluntary defectors + Kim Jong Il admitted and apologized for the few legitimate cases in 2002 (blaming it on some people in security services acting against orders) and returned those who wanted to return.

I heard they sold them to russia, kek
So South Korea was the real surveillance state this whole time.
If the DPRK is trying to not look like it was run by a totalitarian government with a massive boner for their cult of personality, this video isn't helping beat the allegations
anyone have that webm of the electrified fences to keep citizens in?
It seems like NK has predicted accurately on the average day in current blue states before it had even happened.
No, this is not nk made video, it's from a new zealand filmmaker who uploaded this short on youtube

when will korea be liberated
As soon as South Korea collapses
>So, how do people justify North Korea abducting Japanese citizens?
I personally don't. In what context?
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thoughts ?

this is the document btw:
It's funny how liberals will see this and think how oppressive the dprk is for trying to stop people from illegally entering other countries, but when the US does similar shit with people from mexico (Immigration detention centers and separating children from their families, barbed wire, electric fences, tightly secured border) that's perfectly a-okay, and even push for it to be more strict.

>Andrei Lankov
He's a post-Soviet anti-communist academic who repeatedly spreads nonsense. The private economic activity that does exist is mostly an illegal black market and this is a consequence of the crisis of the 90s and the continued sanctions afterwards. This is always exaggerated in western media to seem like DPRK is going to privatize at any moment for the last 30 years.
kek, this retard doesn't know the difference of defector (nk) vs immigrant (mexicans), double kek
>"a person who has abandoned their country or cause in favor of an opposing one."
It's literally the same thing? What the fuck are on right now?
don't care
didn't watch
won't watch
can smell the liberal on him through my screen

anybody who talks ANY amount of shit about the DPRK without pointing out that the situation was created by US intervention needs to get mocked into the shadow realm and have their reputation ruined as a white supremacist.
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ooooooooooh a water park! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

>"YouTube Stars Are Now Being Used for North Korean Propaganda"
Based Roket enjoyer
Preventing emigration (turning your country into a jail) is quite different from preventing immigration (protecting your people).
Socialist states don't first and foremost think about protecting their people: they want to stop them from running away.
thats whats up
>private markets make up 30-50% of the DPRK economy
That's an overestimate
>it's good btw because liberalizing economy
No it's not good and taean work system is best cuz worker democracy anyway
look how the anti-communists continue to believe in their own propaganda, like what you're doing right now.
This side of North Korea showing just normal people having fun looks great a shame a lot of our Media in the collective West don't allow us to see this
Imagine being a North Korean. Your country has been under sanctions by the western empire your whole life. And yet you still gotta deal with British tourists.
4+ minutes rambling nonsense, doesn't even compare the same type of satellite image.

This can be debunked so easily, how? If the slaves, ermm I mean the nk citizens had smartphones and they could record nighttime life and upload it to youtube, twitter, facebook etc. oh wait a minute, they are not allowed to access the internet, kek
South Korea has double the population and an economy maybe a 100 times bigger, North Korea is still a somewhat agrarian country that depends on food aid, whose economy is heavily impaired by American, EU, Russian and UNSC sanctions, that is spending most available resources on the military.
They just don't have the capacity to generate near the amount of electricity the south or China do, it's frankly ridiculous to say NASA is conspiring to make NK look bad, Chinese and Russian pictures would show the same thing NASA pictures show.
>2019 video

there is something weird about that video, and i could not point it out, except that i was thinking are these people all short? and then i saw it, far more adults than kids!

this same loser who makes those failed 'modern dystopia' threads, but never posts videos of actual theme or nk videos, kek
Kim's speeches can get a little wet around the eyes. Like he'll say something about people making sacrifices for the country and things like that. I don't think this is anything unusual.
Adam Johnson's North Korea's law of journalism in action

meant for >>5569749
>there is something weird about that video, and i could not point it out, except that i was thinking are these people all short?
South Koreans and North Koreans are on average the same height, but go off I guess.
>making sacrifices for the country

yes, eat your pets


eat swans now



Eating dogs and swans is legal in the united states and isn't that unusual compared to other countries, so I don't know what point you're trying to make exactly.
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These threads glow so hard during burger hours jesus christ.
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Good post agent stein. For that one, whole shekel has been added to your account.
How can I get deeper into DPRK is a secret paradise rabbit hole
keep watching dprk produced content and visit pyongyang ASAP.
Why doesn't Korea undermine the West by hosting a mega pirate bay server with all that juicy western media on it?
Meanwhile: South Korea still has the lowest birth rate in the world, and has kept that record for many years already.
>We all know who
>Why did Best Korea removed all references to Marx and Communism from their constitution in 2009?
Proofs? Also imagine taking Western MSM reporting about Best Korea at face value.

They made an entire movie about one of these traffic ladies, here it is with English subs. Pretty based, honestly

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North Korea: Residents tell BBC of neighbours starving to death
>no actual video/audio testimony


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