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File: sniffsnoff.webm (1.36 MB, 320x568)
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Opossums are appreciated
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What's he looking at?
it's a she and it's my dick
What an autistic looking cat.
Damn. She's really not happy with what's she's seeing then
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That's called a sable
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File: Flatatouille.webm (1.8 MB, 640x640)
1.8 MB
Ah there's an instagram tag there:
Seems to be this animal too: >>5536302
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Is it a groundhog or a marmot?
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>how do you do, fellow cats?
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Can birds be critters?
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That's the last of it from me
No wait I also have a funny animals gifs folder
What a threatening LARGE DOG
That's a coyote and a badger.
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He keeps BOOFING at me, how can I have children visit me with such a LARGE DOG next door?
this is guy is such a fucking idiot.
>"he's actually a lizard expert"
still a fucking idiot
Nnnooooo, stalker child. you WILL clean up the LARGE DOG shit after it BOOFS on your property. Enjoy prison.
those are REALLY fucking good animatronics, need to oil the gears or something though, grinding with each move means they will probably break down constantly
i read the filename as
>squirrel bites dog's nuts
The next morning he was stuck there again, for the umpteenth time
Both of those are prairie dogs.
Are weezels a type of bear or dog?
what a stupid creature, lmao
Based Joshua Conner Moon enjoyers
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what can you expect from mainstream media...
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Needs rocky music.
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when my ex and I were together, about a year into our relationship she found an abandoned newborn opossum on her property, we thought it got separated from its mother during a storm that had happened recently prior to that. She kept the opossum for about a week, seemed fine and active during that time, then one day she woke up and found the little guy dead in his bed. Can anyone help me with what might have happened? Just want to know in case I get my own chance to save a little dude.
Not once in my life have I ever heard anyone describe cows as "critters"
Might have fed him something he couldn't digest. I learnt this from having rabbits, their digestive systems are extremely picky, they cannot digest starch for example so bread, corn, potatoes are off limits. Certain plants that look almost exactly like other, non-toxic plants are toxic to them. I had to research each plant in my yard before I could let my rabbits walk around because they will eat anything, even the poisonous ones. If you don't pay attention, it's very easy to poison your critter
Something about the channel the Dodo strikes me as off. Like I can tell they are real animal lovers but sometimes I worry they promote untrained people or improper contexts of taking in wild animals in a domesticated setting. I'm all for shelters and rescues for animals who can't survive alone in the wild due to conditions like health or loss of functionality, but people who organize those needs to be professionals and with the right equipment, otherwise you are no better than PETA taking in what you'll eventually need to euthanize for lack of ability to care for them, or worse treating it like an exotic pet.
A lot of this is assumptions on me, I can tell the people who run the channel and who submit their stories that are shown on the channel care about animals and love them, but a proper deed needs more education and preparation than only love can provide.
They are in the dog-like suborder like dogs and bears.
Their closest relatives are racoons
then skunks
then seals and walrusses
then bears
then dogs
me on the right
You from the city or something?
Isn't crazy that literally every animal likes being petted like that, and only humans can do it.
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>How it feels to chew 5 gum
high ping :(
its really cute, but doesnt this behaviour only happen to abused chimps?
Theoretically all primates can do it, but humans certainly do it best due to our superior dexterity.
Don't ask so many questions. Just browse the thread and get excited for the next thread!
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that's a man!
Unfortunate reality is it's next to impossible to become a "professional" because there is no money in it. Most of the internships for such a career are unpaid and many require a degree to boot. Really the only way to get good at it, like anything, is to do it and fuck it up and learn from it.
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why though?
He is actually a lizard expert
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but of course
No it doesn't, they would be scared and hide their faces, they are kissing
Me when burrito
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What's the name of the song the little lettuce guy at 0:10 is singing?
a regional dialect
they're a content farm. that's what seems off about them.
they over glorify the smallest of good deeds and make every single person who has ever even given a bit of water to a thirsty animal out to be a """""hero""""".
that's the danger in their marketing, make people crave that dopamine hit from being so virtuous to animals.
hence why there are so many indian channels of people that happen to come by an animal in a bad situation, usually one that the channel creator put them in to farm views.
he's actually a lizard expert
ahhh, the average UK family.
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>sadly it has also been heard mimicking foresters and their chainsaws
cry me a fucking river.
It's not about being for the environment. It's about being anti human.
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You can't break that leash
i like that they have completely different personalities
I don't
Anybody save >>5529122 from a couple threads ago? Frog exiting a pipe, been thinking about the guy..
That's not a Lizard
if you put that in boiling water would the entire thing be edible (guts and organs aside)
Read the filename
>Not naming it Saddlerhampster.gif
I think you meant to say US
>because it's there
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I have one.
I think those are stoat
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what kind of dog is this?
And just like that, you realize why rabbits have so many damn offspring.
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i can juggle better than that
>infantry armour
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>woman angry at the animal she ripped from its mother and natural environment for view on tiktok
Look I'm as much a Kazakhstani as the next guy but we don't know anything about this webm, she might have found the little guy abandoned somewhere by the road
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I bet he hasn't seen his dick in ages
>clean it up jannie
>Like I can tell they are real animal lovers
No lol, it's 100% cynical marketing and social media clickmining. They promote whatever retarded old women will watch ads for, regardless of whether it harms the animal, promotes lies, or anything else immoral. Fuck them.
he got his camera man killed because he likes to fuck around with snakes

also, he managed to stop some animal traffic operation with some important people involved and as a revenge, his wife was arrested on the airport with an incredibly small ammount of cocaine and spent years in prison
I should have specified the stories are from people who love the animals. IDK what the channel believes, though I'm also suspecting its just to turn a buck
Dodo are huge shitbull apologists, but yeah they primarily only get by on out-of-context cute clips.
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>he was mean to m'lady
shut up faggot
Can confirm - and adolescents or young adults.
>I just need you to hold it bro. I was never here.
don't do that
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god I fucking hate journalists
He's the best there is at what he does.
Fucking leave them in the wild. Idiots.
This isn't helping them.
Trips from hell
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lmao holy shit
If only rats didn't have a lifespan of 2 years.
those are toads fuckwit
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Things aren't beautiful because they last, Anon. The fact that you have a limited time here just means you can enjoy it all the more
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The will to dominate.
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wtf is this real?
Have you never dated the dreaded Asian Animal Girl? They go through a cute rodent on the weekly. They all get names, too. That's the weird part. It totally seems like they have empathy until they throw the pet in the garbage to make room for a new one.
Imagine fucking up bad enough in life to be reincarnated as a petshop hamster.
At least your stay in hell would be short.
White women do the same thing but with designer dog breeds.
Hence why I've ended up with two doodles and an ex girlfriend.
Oh, god, thy stair is so great and my paws are so small
Yep, 's how I got my dog. But white wimmin will say like, "we're having a dog together" and romanticize shit for a while before dumping the dog in a place (you) she thinks it'll be safe. I dated this Chinese chick who would BOND with guinea pigs for months, then just drown them because they became annoying. Shit was jarring. It amazes me women insist on voting when they KNOW they're like this.
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>giving a female the benefit of the doubt

>expecting western women to have empathy
They throw away baby's like tampons you expect them to give a shot abt animals.
??? Zero people in this thread have said women have empathy.
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