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goofy little guys
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these are opossums doe.
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dont they all have rabies or something ?
>Why hedgehog bite?
Nah, they're pretty much immune to rabies because they have a lower body temperature than other animals
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The thumbnail of this looks like a spooky skull with nostrils
possum meat is good to eat
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he attac
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Where are the Australian possums?
look at im go!!
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Yeah okay but they can still be carriers
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one time I beat an opossum to death with a rake while my dogs threw it in the air. I should kms
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>you just know
Right, so the answer to the question "don't they all have rabies" is "nah"
Fuck man, a possum was going under my deck, and i wanted to spook them away because of my dogs.
I threw a shovel at the hole he was running towards, just wanting him to run away from it, but i accidentally threw it like a spear and nailed the poor bastard in the head. Ruined my week.
Is this some weird new sort of beta male attention seeking?
oh so you're a pedantic autist ok
self-absorbed roastie
I had a baby one of these guys sneak into my house yesterday. We baited, captured him, and then released him by a nearby creek.
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Ever since I learned that they kill a shitload of ticks I like the lil guys a lot more.
It's funny because they have very soft bellies that are close to the ground, so it's tick bait. But they have opposable thumbs so they can just grab anything decently sized of that area and eat it.
Listen lady first you tell us we can't do roving warbands and territorial skirmishes, now we can't do stupid tiktoks. what are men supposed to do
I feel like humans need to be nicer to all of our opposable thumbs bros, when you think about it it's a really small club
more adorable with sound
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Took me a sec, looks like a grey alien
i think thats a mouse
Opossum: True Facts
Basically no, Possums are very hard to infect with rabies, it can happen, but as low body temperature marsupials with very strong immune systems, they are one of the most rabies-resistant warm blooded land animals

Without an infection rabies dies, it being carried is when it has managed to infect something while being asymptomatic, in possums, the infection typically just doesn't happen, their biology is not great for the virus, and their immune system is capable of dealing with surviving pathogens

This myth comes from possums foaming at the mouth when playing dead, this is just something they do, you can do it too by pushing your saliva through your teeth a bit then laying down and pretending to be dead
>you can do it too by pushing your saliva through your teeth a bit then laying down and pretending to be dead
not trying that, even alone, I can do without the mental damage
one time when i was young my dad captured a giant possum in a trash can, it was so damn big it filled the entire thing, we drove it a couple miles away from the house my dad said had to get it away or it would just come back it was like a redneck fairytail
I love this woman
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MEpearl is great
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You vill eat ze bugz
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Possum makes good food
cute varmint
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they aren't varmint...
Now I can’t unsee it lol
That dude is proof that you don't have to be black to be a nigger
good meat to eat
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big Alaskan polar bear mommy
>ask a question
>receive an answer
>"you're an autist"
>dishonestly witholding relevant information about what happened
anon asked if possums all carry rabies, other anon answered and you got pissy.
what am I leaving out?
the fact you replied like a pedantic autist
then we're done
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