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We need to make an video hosting archive site, to save all these files so that goyim can see the truth about israel. I downloaded them all with a bulk file downloader extension, so that we can upload them all
> Clip From the Tantura Documentary About the 1948 Nabka

Here's the full documentary video link:

You can download the mp4 version from the nitter link
WE NEED TO MAKE MORE CLIPS FROM THIS DOCUMENTARY, It's absolutely horrifying to see how psychopathically evil those IDF and israeli's truly are
Do you have that webm where someone asks what Israel did wrong and then it lists all the Mossad shit?
It's like the Boston tea party
File: 11111111111989803.webm (2.72 MB, 1280x720)
2.72 MB
2.72 MB WEBM
OP is a deceiver, change my mind
File: part 1.webm (5.94 MB, 720x405)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
Testing file size, so that I can upload large chunks of Tantura

Part 1
5:00 duration of 94 minutes
Both the talmud and the torah say that when the messiah comes, goyim will willingly become slaves to the jews, because jews are here to serve the messiah and the world. So, the goyim will want to be slaves to the jews, per the jew
Bill Maher debates a jewish ex-CIA agent who was head of the Bin Laden unit, that says he doesn't think it's worth it to lose countless American lives for israel, let alone waste a penny giving money to israel, against USA interest. Simply so that Israel doesn't have to use their own jewish IDF soldiers, and lose jewish lives. To instead give free money to israel for something that harm's USA's national security and interests, costing taxpayers money. As well as pointlessly killing American goyim, who have absolutely nothing to do with israel at all.
These American goyim therefore have absolutely no reason to sacrifice their own lives and safety, for a random different country, that's unwilling to risk their own jewish soldiers to fight their own war. If it was important enough to israel, if it was truly a threat and not simply a wish list item, they'd use jewish lives like they're doing currently doing to genocide innocent Palestinian civilians.

> Bill Maher's stance may stem from the jewish mindset of war, which is to have goyim fight wars for them, and not have any jews fight in war. See the historical WW2 document in the top right image in the collage picrel >>>/pol/467991348 . Which states that jews should not fight wars, and should instead have goyim fight the wars for them instead, while profiting from the war. It says that the board of jewish doctors will fake the military medical exams and help make sure that no jews have to fight in the war. The document states that jews reading the document, should deny the existence of the document and mandate within, and lie even in court under perjury, as the talmud requires jews to do. The document has an entire section that jews need to lie about it, and cites the talmud.
They do just like their god, the Prince of Lies does. They seek to deceive, dominate, and destroy.
File: how bout that 911.webm (3.92 MB, 640x360)
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3.92 MB WEBM
A video that highlights all the inconsistencies in the official 9-11 narrative, which don't make any sense at all
Daniella Weiss, head of a Zionist settler movement, says Israel will not stop the war on Gaza until 'resettling the entire area of Gaza by Jews'. She sent a direct message to Genocide Joe
Wow 94 minute! One second, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Vidrel: Jewish shill organizations created a commercial, for their jewish shilling app. Many of the jewish shills that troll you are using this app


Most jewish shill can be proven to be liars by a simple yandex or google search. For clips from larger videos & silent videos: You can take a screenshot of the first frame or iconic parts: Then do a reverse image search using google or yandex.to find full audio videos on youtube, twitter, etc
> Whenever they claim a specific video is lying or misrepresented, it means that it has VERY INCRIMINATING against israel or jews. When they call out videos, it's to your benefit to do more research, since these are essentially always MUCH MUCH WORSE than the clip posted makes it seem. Kind of like how jewish shills always love to claim the talmud memes are fake, when in fact if you lookup the full text excerpt of the citations the full text except is always 100x worse than the meme made it sound

> That's why they're so desperate to convince anons not to watch them, nor believe the video
So, ALWAYS WATCH those videos that the jewish shills target. Then, do additional research into the topic:To find out that it's even worse than the video implies
Jew Shill Companies wouldn't waste money & time on nothingburgers
File: part 2 .webm (5.99 MB, 685x385)
5.99 MB
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> Tantura part 1- First 5 minutes of documentary

Part 2 of the documentary Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> Tons of very intense redpills in this documentary
>>5550388 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2

Part 3 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
File: part 3a.webm (5.97 MB, 685x385)
5.97 MB
5.97 MB WEBM
>>5550388 (You)# Part 1
>>5550423 (You)# Part 2

Part 3 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
File: part 4.webm (6 MB, 600x338)
6 MB
>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3

Part 4 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

Peview Link:
>>5550023 Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians

Full Documentary link if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments
File: part 5.webm (5.94 MB, 600x338)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3
>>5550564 Part 4

Part 5 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

Peview Link:
>>5550023 Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians

Full Documentary link if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments
File: part 6.webm (5.98 MB, 600x338)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3
>>5550569 Part 4
>>5550569 Part 5

Part 6 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

>>5550023 Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians

FULL DOCUMENTARY LINK, if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments
File: part 7.webm (5.96 MB, 600x338)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3
>>5550569 Part 4
>>5550569 Part 5

Part 7 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

>>5550023 Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians

FULL DOCUMENTARY LINK, if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments
File: part 8.webm (5.96 MB, 600x338)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3
>>5550569 Part 4
>>5550569 Part 5
>>5550573 Part 6
>>5550592 Part 7

Part 8 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

>>5550023# Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians

FULL DOCUMENTARY LINK, if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments
File: part 9.webm (5.97 MB, 600x338)
5.97 MB
5.97 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3
>>5550569 Part 4
>>5550569 Part 5
>>5550573 Part 6
>>5550592 Part 7
>>5550593 Part 8

Part 9 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

>>5550023# Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians

FULL DOCUMENTARY LINK, if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments
File: part 10.webm (5.99 MB, 600x338)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3
>>5550569 Part 4
>>5550569 Part 5
>>5550573 Part 6
>>5550592 Part 7
>>5550593 Part 8
>>5550595 Part 9

Part 10 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

>>5550023 Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians

FULL DOCUMENTARY LINK, if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments
File: part 11.webm (5.99 MB, 600x338)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
>>5550281Part 1
>>5550423Part 2
>>5550457Part 3
>>5550569Part 4
>>5550569Part 5
>>5550573Part 6
>>5550592Part 7
>>5550593Part 8
>>5550595Part 9
>>5550602 Part 10

Part 11 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

>>5550023#Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians

FULL DOCUMENTARY LINK, if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments
File: part 12.webm (5.98 MB, 600x338)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
>>5550281Part 1
I won't be linking all the parts anymore, since the list is getting too long to post each time.
When I get to the last file, I'll post a complete list of links

Part 12 Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
File: part 13.webm (5.97 MB, 600x338)
5.97 MB
5.97 MB WEBM
>>5550281 (You)#Part 1
I'll post a complete list of links, when posting the last file

Part 13 Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
File: part 14.webm (5.98 MB, 600x338)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
All the posts will be linked to Part 1. So, until I post the full link list at the end, you can either use the replied to links on post 1. Or,

Part 14 Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
File: part 15.webm (5.94 MB, 600x338)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
complete link list will be posted at end

Part 15 Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
File: part 16.webm (5.99 MB, 600x338)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
complete link list will be posted at end

Part 16 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
File: part 17.webm (5.96 MB, 600x338)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
complete link list will be posted at end

Part 17 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
The final redpill is this canned response to any criticism of Israel.
>Doesn't Israel have the right to defend itself?
The natural response to this statement is to ask 'defend itself from what?' 70% of the infrastructure is gone, most of the victims have been noncombatants.
And then you realize that this isn't a question, but a threat against anybody who would pose a theoretical danger to Israel. Actual dangers to Israel don't matter anymore. They are willing to kill anybody that could potentially hurt them in the future, because they don't see the lives of all human beings as inherently equal.
File: part 18.webm (5.98 MB, 600x338)
5.98 MB
5.98 MB WEBM
>>5550281 Part 1
complete link list will be posted at end

Part 18 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are
>>5550281 Part 1
>>5550423 Part 2
>>5550457 Part 3
>>5550569 Part 4
>>5550569 Part 5
>>5550573 Part 6
>>5550592 Part 7
>>5550593 Part 8
>>5550595 Part 9
>>5550602 Part 10
>>5550607 Part 11
>>5550637 Part 12
>>5550642 Part 13
>>5550647 Part 14
>>5550653 Part 15
>>5550718 Part 16
>>5550723 Part 17
>>5550771 Part 18

Final file: Part 19 of Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> This documentary will shock almost any anon on /pol/, regardless of how redpilled they are

>>5522941 Evil psychopathic ex-IDF soldiers laughing and smiling when recounting their genicidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians
>>5550023 Ex-IDF soldiers talking about their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians
>>5522937 Fought civilian villages one by one until they fled, then stole the homes and land
>>5522935 Ben Gurion had an understanding to ethically cleanse palestine, as it was better for jews to eliminate all Arabs to creat a large jewish state with only jews

FULL DOCUMENTARY LINK, if you don't want to watch it in 5min segments:
> You can save the full movie mp4 using the nitter link
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
>criticism of Israel

Bunch of arab 'witnesses' being interviewed, sounds very staged, I dozed off after 18 minutes, nice try goy.

yeah, this app is not on apple store? is this a sketch
Thanks bro
>hey, is that a dead baby?
>yeah, but have you heard about the Balfour Declaration?
you should have just posted a couple webms with a link at the start anon like this you are killing discussion. The clips speak for themselves ex IDF have always been monster that don't care about anything its a given since they never had to be judged for their crimes.
Which webms are misleading or lies?
File: hoWwTvDbTRwy.webm (1.83 MB, 480x480)
1.83 MB
1.83 MB WEBM
List of AIPAC donation recipients and the amounts they got.
It's 100% real, you can check their website.
It's likely in the israel app stores. For outside of israel, they don't want goyim to know about it, so you likely have to get the app install files from them and then side install it
Some of us anons should probably sign up for it from the website, explain our "jewish" heritage and why we're so desperate to be a troll for israel. Then get approved and install it, so we have an insider in the group to know what they're doing
jewish israeli children yell death to arabs
> They teach them young in israel, to hate all goyim- as they're subhuman beast animals
> Both the torah and talmud say to kill all christians, let alone all goyim too
Jewish Senator Chuck Fleishmann aggressively states that he will never support Palestine or Palestinians, and that he will always do what's best for israel and will never stop [genociding the goyim]
ITV captured footage of unarmed civilians gunned down by evil Israeli Jews while carrying white flag in Gaza.
Jewish Central Banking is the greatest evil inflicted upon mankind
jew says it's racist for white people to want to date white people. That they need to date other races. Talks about it as if she's white. Then she gets married to a jew and officiated by a rabbi.
Michael Jones- History of jews in Poland- exploited goyim via usury, used alcohol as a cultural weapon, owned the aristocracy via usury and aristocrats essentially became their slaves. When poland ended due to a war, they became russian and lost all their special privileges that goyim didn't have


Michael Jones- History of jews in Russia: Exploited goyim via usury, used alcohol as a cultural weapon, became russian when poland ended. Russia didn't give them a special status in Russia, so the jews were pissed. Not only weren't they granted special privileges, they had less than a goyim. So, they started bootlegging, smuggling, starting revolution, killed a Russian, elite, and then started the Russian revolution to hurt the goyim. They even starved countless millions of slavs, by diverting ukrainian grain from food to alcohol production- which was more profitable, while also causing countless millions of slavs to die of starvation

Holy shit anon, I had no idea when I posted them. Thanks for the heads up fren
> I just assumed since he was talking shit about the jews by highlighting all the bad things that they did, that he was anti-jew. I had no idea that he was simply boasting about those things as good events, proud that jews did them

Is he a jew?
>Is he a jew?
I don't think so, just another useful idiot.
ABC morning show holocaust
> ann frank stepsis admits the holohoax was fake.

All of the videos and pictures they showed of how horrible it was during liberation, were filmed waaaaay after the fact, by bringing in actors and dressing them up in costimes
On the day of liberation, there was a foot of snow per the nazi work camp survivor. But, when the footage was filmed, there was not a speck of snow. Her friends in the russian embassy confirmed that it was all faked for propaganda purposes, to make germans look bad. Since Russians lost almost all of their males in the war, and were furious that it was by a past ally that turned on them. So, they wanted to demonize germany and make them suffer, and the best way to do this was with false propaganda. Remember, Russian was ruled by jews till at least 1947, when jews had genocided at least 60m-90M goyim in USSR from 1917-1947 by the bolshvik dictators that were all jewish. Bolshevik elites were 92% jewish, despite USSR only having a couple percent jews at the most.
Group of minorities is asked a question by an viewer, that if he got kicked out of 109 bars, are the bars the problem or is it him?
Everyone said the person was the problem. Told they're antisemitic, and they're confused as hell why.
White puts jew in his place, for attacking whites only & requiring only whites to lose their genetic purity, land, etc. Jew tries to deflect by saying "the holocaust"
> The idiot forgot to bring up that black slavery was done almost exclusively by jews, especially among the higher levels such as slave traders, slave auctions, slave ships, etc.
> 40% of jews at the peak of slavery owned slaves
> Over 75-80% of slaves owned in the biggest 5 slave cities at the peak of slavery, such as Savannah Georgia, were owned by jews
> Cotton plantations in most of the south were wholly owned by jews at all levels
> Over 85% of south American slaves were owned by jews
> If a slave auction fell on a jewish holiday, it was rescheduled
> The first synagogue in USA was in Newport Rhode Island, in a super mega millionaire area. They made their money via the slave trade
> Almost all slave ships were owned by jews
> Most slave auctions were owned by jews
> Most slave traders were jews
It was 0.35% of white families that owned slave, but 40% of jew families owned slaves = Jews were 114.3x more likely to own slaves vs whites

ACTUAL Archival footage of Auschwitz
> It's amazing how it's absolutely nothing like the false propaganda against germany to make them look bad

Concentration Camp Amenities Given To The Jews
uh, don't they realize we have cameras? That can't be wise.
>70% of the victims
More. They're counting all dead adult men as valid targets/combatants in that statistic, which is pure absurdity.
The famous jewish Hollywood director Wilder, claims that he wasn't even there at the fake concentration camp propaganda movie shoots...and yet, videos show that he was not only there, but he was the one that was directing it

> Jews always film fake propaganda to sway the world opinion to make jews look good, and goyim look bad.
>> Not unlike how they had jews in Hollywood, film fake propaganda movies and pics of the concentration camp liberation, with actors dressed up in costumes, etc
>> Not unlike how they had jews in Hollywood, film fake propaganda movies in the 1948 Nabka in which IDF and jews genocided innocent Palestinian civilians & caused the rest to flee their homes and land or be brutally murdered . They did this by filming a fake version of the war, 3 days after the war had ended in 1948, to make jews look ethical and moral. To hide their genocidal war crimes, and make it look like the Palestinians left the land out of free will, doing it willingly. They destroyed all evidence showing the truth, and didn't allow any film or pictures to leave with the Palestinians. They then showed this fake newsreel to the world, to lie and convince the world that jews were great ethical and moral people...rather than the psychopathic genocidal war criminals that they really are... SEE THIS DOCUMENTARY >>5550792 ABOUT THE 1948 NABKA, WHICH EXPLAINS HOW THE FAKE PROPAGANDA MOVIE WAS FILMED AND USED HOLLYWOOD
The Brother Nathaniel Foundation:
Answers the question: Why Do People Hate Jews? Well... I wont's ruin it with spoilers, but his videos are always megabased
Holy shit, gigabased and redpilled
Saved and I've been sending it to ALL my normie friends, since this morning. Lets just say that their reactions have been a bit over the top in response. Even a super pro-israel evangelist friend of mine, who was essentially un-redpillable, regardless of what I had sent her. Never wavering in her support of israel and her hate of Hamas. Well...guess who suddenly apologized to me today, and expressed her sympathy to the Palestinian people? I honestly thought that she was just unfixable, but apparently it was simply finding something that was said by jewish people so that she couldn't claim it was antisemitic, like she has done with almost all my redpills in the past. Always claiming that they were lies, and that they simply hated the jews. Well, now she suddenly not only has sympathy for the innocent Palestinian civilians, she even views Hamas as a good thing for saving the lives of Palestinians

Over half of my normie friends that were still pro-israel, suddenly had an epiphany, since they saw all the parallels with this documentary and the current gaza war. I suspect that most, if not all of the friends that haven't switched sides yet, simply haven't watched the videos yet but claimed to (I had 1 friend just message me 20min ago, which is what got me to write this reply. He said that he watched it by 4pm today, and still said he was pro-israel. But another of my friends that actually watched it, started discussing it with him and explaining the movie. So, he watched it around 9-10pm, and just messaged me when he finished watching it
Even 1 of my jewish friends god redpilled after watching it, but the problem being that he still supports israel anyway. But, at least he now ALSO supports the Palestinian people and now understands things from the other side. He said that he'll no longer donate money to israel via his synagogue, and will tell other jews

So glad this thread exists. I was really worried Muslims weren't being defended.
Yep, and a certain someone has been bumping every one of the jew/israel threads in /wsg/ when they hit page 8-9, to make sure they never get pruned, twice per day, in morning and night.
Even the anti-hitler, pro israel/jew threads I bump, since organic goyim anons hijacked the jewish shill threads, and made them into pro-hitler, anti-israel threads.
Brother Nathaniel Foundation:
He says that he never heard about gas chambers, holocaust or 6M as a child, no one ever uttered those words ever. What he actually did always hear though, was simply about 'work camps' only. That it's all lies put out by communist jews, since they hated having to work, since work is only for goyim to do while serving the jew. He says that they never worked people to death, since they were too efficient for that, and it defeated the purpose of having free labor if you're killing them for no reason. It's to the benefit of the nazi's to keep the jew workers alive for as long as possible, since it was free labor and food didn't cost much vs the labor the jews provided

That it wasn't until the 1960's when jews took over the media in the USA, which was formerly German controlled. They then started playing the victimization card. Elie Wiesel changed his German book that only mentioned crematoriums, to an English book and started replacing crematorium with gas chambers. Elie Weisel has admitted that he lied in the book, without saying the word lies
He changed things in the book when translating it from German to English, to play the victimization card as a jewish activist. To make millions of dollars on a book that sold gorillions of copies, and is mandated in many schools around the county. Thereby making millions in royalty payments alone from school children being forced to buy his book, and have the high school English teachers pushing fake fictional jewish propaganda. He also wrote all the lies in the book, to push the victimization card for jews as a people, and help force laws, funding, donations, etc to help the jews. This is a man WITHOUT AN ARM SERIAL NUMBER TATTOO, so it's almost impossible for him to even have been in the nazi work camps, as EVERY jew & goyim had tattoo's in the work camps

"Holocaust" survivor explained that Nazi camp showers were actually soap and water, explaining that the gas chambers were actually delousing rooms. Due to all the lice causing typhus which caused diarrhea, malnutrition and extreme weight loss (which looked like starvation).

She explains that the "gas chamber" hoax was made up by Russian propaganda to demonize Germans, due to Germans killing off 2/3 of their males in the war, after betraying them by switching from an ally to an enemy. She explains that everyone saying the gas chamber hoax is a liar.

Holohoax survivor proven to be a liar in court
File: holohoax.webm (2.46 MB, 640x360)
2.46 MB
2.46 MB WEBM

>>5551985 Part 1

PART 2: in court, the book writer was proven a liar again in tons of his claims in his book. That the eyewitnesses simply assumed things, but had no way knowing if anything was true. That there was more likely alternatives to these false theories, which were ignored. The book writer admitted that his book was exaggerations, and it was a book of dramatic fictitious literature and not a book of historical fact

> No reports or proof of gas chambers
> Proven that the crematorium was actually to burn the bodies that had died of diseases, to prevent the spread of fatal infections
> The killing capacity of Auschwitz was doubled from 6k after released from the work camp, to 12k in the book, as an intentional fictitious exaggeration of events, as an "artistic picture of events", and not historical fact
> Other holohoax lies proven as hoaxes, and simply a fake fictitious artistic literature exaggeration to sell books
File: gas chamber water.webm (2.14 MB, 960x720)
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2.14 MB WEBM
>Brother Nathaniel, former jew turned Christian clergy, says there was never a mention of gas chambers, crematoriums to kill jews, 6M killed, etc until the 1960's, to play the victimization card to help israel pass laws, get money/funding, etc.
>That they were simply called work camps, and Russian jews resented having to work, let alone for free
>Holohoax survivor upset that jews lied about the delousing shower rooms being gas chambers to kill jews. That it was simply Russian propaganda to demonize Germans

>>5551985 Part 1 of trial of holohoax book writer
>>5551997 Part 2 of trial of holohoax book writer

Holohoax survivor jew says that she went to the gas chambers, and by a miracle it was just water
>ignore them
I have no intention of debating with that scum, but you better believe I'm going to talk shit. They can go tell on me to Satan or whatever.
if they didn't want the aid to reach the palestinians then why not just take it? it's food and medicine they could benifit from taking it why fucking destroy it like stupid animals lol
>*like* stupid animals
Cmon, they have no problem claiming that's what we are. Don't pull punches.
They think the Palestinians are the animals which probably means the aid they receive isn't kosher.
Nah, they think all goyim are human-shaped animals. That's how they justify all acts of extreme brutality. They just think of it like burning ants with a magnifying lens. As long as it's not against other Jews, everything is okay by them.
not all Jews are like that, hating Jews is just repeating history, the problem is that Jews have always been discriminated, what you don't understand is that most have been brainwashed by Zionism which has filled them of nice words making them believe they are special and have been educated to hate, hate which then fuels more hate,
but not all Jews are like that, there are Jews who have opened their eyes and who are not blind from the Israeli hasbara and who are against Zionism and Israel, there are Jews even in the kessnet who are not crazy Zionists, the point is that every attempt they make to improve things is then sabotaged by the Israeli government or by the Zionists (and this also happens outside of Israel), in any case the Jews are simply another cattle in the hands of those in control ready to be sacrificed if necessary, just see what is happening now.
the point is that the more you hate them, the more reason you give Zionism to exist, because Zionism feeds on hatred of the Jews.

remember, repeating history will not solve the problem, the threat is the people who are in power, hating Jews only makes Zionists more powerful

Wrong. The hate is artificially suppressed via artificial means, such as laws, cancel culture, social acceptances of norms, etc. It keeps building, until it can't be held back anymore, and then the floodgates open, like they are right now. We're currently living in Weimar era, and the entire west is shifting to the right really fast and hard. The next step as we know what history has taught us, will be Nazi era, where it's not just accepted, it's promoted. We know what history has taught us, and it was supposed to lead to jews migrating from israel to khazaria, to be back in their actual ethnic homeland around ukraine/russia. The problem being that putin was too successful, and ukraine keeps losing more and more of khazaria, land that was meant to be for the jews. The plans failed, and now there's no plan B currently. It was so important, that 6yrs ago yahoo and his minions put boots on the ground in ukraine to make it happen. As they know that no jewish state has lasted more than 8 decades, due to the curse of the 80yo jewish state, which yahoo and minions are unironically kvetching about to no end

Jews screwed up their 4D chess, with the other players enacting moves that were not expected. Yahoo had expected an all out war on Iran by now, and the entire region. So that israel could steal land from all the surrounding countries and remove yet another regime that isn't pro-israel. Yahoo has been pushing for over 4 decades to go to war with Iran, the top of their mideast war wishlist, which had artificially installed regimes in each mideast country that would do israel's bidding

The end is near for the jews, and it's going to be fun watching all the unforced errors unfold in the coming 4 yrs, as the curse of the 80yo jewish state hits the final expiration date. Jews are very superstitious about prophesies, which is unironically the reason for both the ukraine and gaza war, for the messianic war prophesies. Zelly and Yahoo see it as a messianic war
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Don't forget that besides jewish shills using the act.il app and website, and other jewish shill NGO's. Many are also in JIDF or Unit 8200, both which troll goyim, to
> Sway general opinion via countless goyim sockpuppets
> Downplay or discredit legitimate events which are unironically horrible for jews or israel,
> Demoralize anons that are onto something big, to claim it's a nothingburger. That the anon shouldn't begin or continue their campaign against them.
> Divide and conquer by getting goyim to hate each other from within, such as getting women and men to hate each other, black/hispanic vs white, white vs asian, and so on.
>And many more tricks and tactics
Mohammed Hadid, Gigi's father talks bout how home was stolen by jews that he took in to help as a baby when he was born

His parents took in a jewish family that had been displace after the holohoax. Feeding, housing and supporting them for years, with nothing in return. Feeding off Hadid's excessive empathy, exploiting every drop. Then his mother went to give birth to Mohammed Hadid in Bethlehem. When she returned to their home, she was locked out and the locks were changed. The jews that they had excessively helped out for years, had stolen their home. They refused to even give her a blanket for her baby, who was freezing in the cold.
>That's jewish gratitude for you. They're unironically empathy vampires, exploiting every drop they can steal from goyim
Modern Israel isn't even real Jews. They're imposters who call themselves Jews to gain the support of Christians who haven't bothered to get educated. The result is a nation of the most abusive, greedy, lying assholes the world has ever seen. Fuck Israel. Glass the entire Middle East.
>palestine starts it
>israel retaliates
>somehow it's "genocide" because israel killed more
>what hamas did to israel somehow isn't "genocide"

Here's an even better response to you "free palestine" faggots: WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE UNLESS YOU'RE A MUSLIM PRETENDING TO BE WHITE?

Seriously, WHY would ANYONE EVER support either side? If you side with EITHER of them then YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
>itt: muslims

You faggots are fooling NO ONE.
I'm surprised they haven't moved to letting bots do this for them.
Nah, fuck the "religion of peace" and their kid fucking prophet. Fuck the fake Jews and their fake claim to a chunk of land. Fuck the lot of them for constantly being a problem for the world. Stay in your sandbox.
aren't you tired of being banned jew boi
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Because Israel isn't only targeting Gaza. They attack anybody who could hypothetically hurt them, even Americans who speak out against them. There were literally IDF soldiers assaulting college students at the university protests here in the states, and our government is now trying to ban christian worship in public spaces because congress has officially labeled it antisemitic (H.R.6090).

These people aren't defending themselves. They cry-bully every other nation into submission and threaten consequences against anybody who refuses to obey. This includes the American fucking government. /pol/ was right, again.
Yeah, this thread is literally one muzznigger samefagging to himself trying to garner sympathy for muslims, they all type a certain way and the one in this thread has shit English too. They operate like insidious rats just like the jews currently giving them a taste of their own historical medicine.
They are the ones who act like below animals, they act the same way as goyim.
>because Zionism feeds on hatred of the Jews
More like it feeds on American taxpayer money
> "So these guys with machine guns killed prisoners contained by barbed wire and these guys with flame throwers started roasting random people running away..."
> "So this, it's forbidden to talk about, so i won't talk about it, even though i just talked about it, and there would be a scandal if i talked about it, so i won't talk about it"
> "But yeah, it happened."
> *laughs knowing that his wrinkly ass won't see a day in prison for his crimes*

Not human.
>American citizens being brutally attacked by Israeli soldiers on American soil
>still send billions of dollars to Israel
There's being cucks and then there's this.
Meanwhile, I don't spend all my time wishing for the death of others while destroying everything that isn't of my own nation. If they'd just fuck off, nobody would care that they existed.
The thing of it is though, these people only claim to be Jews. There is no reason to believe that claim, though, considering that they are a gnostic group that was founded in the middle ages. People who think that claim is true have been subverted from the beginning.
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History of ZIonism
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here's what all of those GoFundMe's and all the money people were shilling to get to the Palestine orgs on Twitter got them...
except a few more followers.
It turns out that the problem wasn't the absence of aid in Palestine but the presence of Jews there all along.
why previous #2 get deleted but 1 still up?
sorry i thought theres only reply bump limit i just found out theres image limit too

> Archives For Thread #1 & EVERY Completed Thread Will Also Have Its Own Off-Site Archive

> So That It Will ALWAYS Be Up, And Available For Anons To Download

> It Even Keeps The Original Filenames Given By Each Anon That Posted The WEBM
> It Downloads ALL Files Passively, With Just A Few Clicks

> If You See DownThemAll As The Top Result In Your Browser Add-On Store, You Searched Correctly: It Has The Most Downloads Of Any Of These Add-Ons

> To Redpill The Normies On Israel And Jews.
> Since Simply Telling People Is Ineffective: Instead, You Must Show Them

> Use Your Intense Power Of Redpilling & Online Reach. Redpill The World On The Psychopathic Evil, Better Known As Israel
> Use Sockpuppet Accounts If Needed: Just As Israel Unironically Uses Sockpuppets To Influence Goyim
>> (Via Unit 8200 of the IDF Psychological Warfare Division, aka PSYOPS)
>land theft

what is the ottoman empire for $200, Alex
> Oy Vey Goyim! Stop Noticing
> Hurr Durr.... Someone else did it hundreds of years ago too, goyim. So stop noticing us and get distracted by someone else that doesn't even exist anymore

What is Deflection by jewish shills for $100, Alex?
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so, no rebuttal, many such cases.
Unironically this. No goyim is stupid enough to believe jewish shills anymore. It's simply pathetic, let alone that they send their F-Team of indian females to simp for isael
Lmao is the samefagging muslinigger still bumping this dead thread of his? Maybe they do deserve a total kike conquest after all.
Black girl wakes up and gets redpilled
She Notices that all those "white" people supporting BLM were jews, which is why it felt disingenuous
I hope this goes thermonuclear-tier viral
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VIDREL: The History of Jews Running Hollywood

>Smart black girl "notices" that all the disingenuous virtue signaling "whites" were jews
>I hope this goes thermonuclear-tier viral
We need to spread it like fire on social media. Make black sockpuppet accounts, that appear real in all aspects. Likes, retweets, bio, pic, account name, etc.
> Post things like Greg Lewin a "white" jew being the real head running BLM, with many of the powerful blacks in BLM being black jews
> Along with the role of Jews in the black slave trade & black slave owners

Post it in the replies sections of influential blacks with lots of followers. in big view count tweets
The Real Reason Jews 'dominate' Hollywood

Milchan israeli spy was recruited from hollywood to help the israeli nuclear program. Otherr jews are also recruited from hollywood

Hollywoodism - Jew says that the American dream was invented by jews. That it was all fake and that jews invented it, which forced it into the real America
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Hollywood is Jewish
Ex-director of Mossad, says providing aid to Al-Nusra Front may have had tactical considerations. That he sees no conflict with being allied to the U.S., terrorists, etc
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Star Trek Explaining Jews and Israel
Somebody smarter than me ought to use AI to apply fitting speech and mouth movements to create this scene. It would be a banger!
It's hilarious how the IDF is desperately trying to slide these threads.
make this with an AI voice, tis amazing
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Bibi threatens to kill Chief Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court on Good Morning America on the morning of May 22nd

Netanyahu Hitler Didnt Want to Exterminate the Jews, he just wanted them to leave due to ruining his country, the economy, German society, etc
Biden whispering on a hot mic, that he had a talk with netanyahu and said he was going to have a ''come to jesus talk'' with netanyahu
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak believes Netanyahu is under influence of ministers

Benjamin Netanyahu: The secret is that we have America
US senator faces backlash: Schumer calls Netanyahu 'major obstacle' to peace
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Wow, what happened to that Alex Jones?
Netanyahu candidly saying that he's going to attack any goyim countries that he wants. That Americans are delusional, since they support israel for no good reason. So that he can get away with anything he wishes, including genocide
Netanyahu mocking and taunting goyim, that boycotting israeli businesses won't work.
Since he "had" [forced] the USA create laws which make stopping doing business with israel illegal. To make those goyim suffer, if they dare try to deprive israeli's of making a profit off of the goyim
Jesus. Can you imagine if like, 80% of US media just happened to be run by Chinese Americans, and they just happened to push pro-Chinese narratives, and have dual-citizenships with China, and the guests on their TV shows and podcasts just happened to consist of a grossly disproportionate percentage of Chinese nationals who are really interested in talking about US politics. But they never invite any Indian-Americans for some reason, and no Japanese pig-dogs or Koreans; well maybe a few North Koreans ;)
>Hey, any of you guys notice this?"
"y-you you anti-sinoite!!!"
>Hey, anyone else feel like this overrepresentation from this 1 highly insular group of people could lead to a misrepresentation of issues that are not in the best interests of the average American?
"anti-sinoite! anti-sinoite!"

Some clown world shit.
Netanyahu lying about Iraq:
To trick the useful idiots in the west (goyim,) into fighting israel's enemy, Iraq. So that jewish lives would die fighting the war, and goyim would fight the war for them & spend their own money on weapons, salaries, etc.
> Israel unironically controls USA's Mideast policy, with the powerful jewish lobby AIPAC doing the bribing and blackmailing, to put the interests of israel before that of USA.
>> There was even an incident, when a congressman forgot to take AIPAC's name off of the letter that he submitted under his name, despite AIPAC writing it for him to submit.
> USA simply fights the wars from israel's Mideast war wish list, and the neocons simply wait till there's some event to justify something that they had been plotting and planning for years
> Neocons (all jewish- so in washington, they claim it's antisemitic to attack neocons) do the bidding for israel, and put their interests first over the USA's, regardless of the costs and harms done to the USA.
> Neocons had been trying since at least 1996 to start a war with Iraq. They failed for 5yrs, until 9/11 happened. Although Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, nor did they have any gas chambers for all jews, nor any weapons of mass destruction, nor any real reason to start the war.
>>Except for the fact that israel wanted the war, to get a regime change, that was friendly to israel. Just as they have done in many Mideast countries, such as installing the jewish Salman royal family in Saudi Arabia (supposedly converted to Islam, but does everything to protect Israel, and has laws to protect the jews). Or Egypt, Jordan, etc.

Many call the goyim in the west, "useful idiots"
> Netanyahu - When talking about evangelist support for zionism
> Greenblatt of ADL - In a leaked conference call recording, when talking about the generational divide in support of israel
> The Centeral Conference of American Rabbis
They got him by the balls after the Bohemian Grove incident
Kek good analogy
Man it would be good if you could provide mp4 links to entire segment.
Yeah, it would be.
Too bad I got almost all of them from here on chan, so I only have the webm's
I also didn't upload them all, lots of anons have helped out
>(even the ones that look like my formatting)

Even this thread #3 was posted by another anon, since I had taken too long to start a new thread
>(Time as been hectic recently, and didn't have time to watch and then rename random number filenames & sort them. Since I wanted to post 50 vidrels at once, without any replies from shills in between) I have about 400 israel/jew vidrels left to do this with, possibly more)

> Take a screenshot of the first frame, or sometimes iconic moments in it
> Then do a reverse image search in yandex, but google often works for many too
> You'll then get linked to the streaming video site that it was hosted on.

> Both allow you to download mp4 versions of the links, for twitter or youtube respectively
> If it's a different site that doesn't allow downloading, then you'll need to use a streaming video downloader browser extension. Of which, there are many available to install

Voila- You now have MP4's for clearer vidrels to upload to social media and share and redpill friends and family with
> Please redpill as much as possible, share to the point of almost spamming. As you'll be changing the world, perceptions, and ushering in a more honest life in which people actually have a grasp on reality for the first time, rather than lies that we have been told via countless propaganda
> Use sockpuppets as needed for social media, simply doing exactly what Unit 8200 of the IDF (PSYOPS), the Pentagon, and many other IDF, JIDF, and US Govt agencies to bluepill the world with false propaganda

Going forward, I'll try to save all my mp4's. As I've been hoarding mp4's of content not yet on chan, which I'll be converting and uploading in the near future.
watch birth of isreal a bbc documentry, there whole plan was to be brutal as much as posible to make them run away. It's some sick shit
do westeners understand the jewish isrealis are killing christians?
looking by the last 2000 years, they were right
israeli saying it's permissible to kill goyim children
Jewish Rabbi says worshiping Jesus is the most Jewish thing you can do
USA history of immigration with jews pushing for it and with no limits
Negro Calls out Jews for their Bullshit
Zionist agent Avi Yemini interviewed an Australian Nationalist
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Orthodox jew being absolutely obnoxious and like a 2yo throwing a tantrum. Upset about the situation, he starts screaming "we killed Jesus" and "we killed Jesus" and some more "we killed Jesus" and so on...like a totally mature not racist , not jewish supremacist, not batshit crazy freak of nature
IDF soldiers celebrating after shooting Palestinian child
The israel first fratboys
> The MSM will try to tell you that it's patriotic white males, holding up an american flag
> In reality they're jews, who put israel first by their own admissions, and simply had the american flag for optics, along with their israeli flag
Evangelicals are completely delusional, detached from reality and facts, and make shit up that sounds good if it's something that israel and jews would approve of

Evangelical documentary maker says, Palestinian Christian priest is theological antisemitism, since god promised the land to jews. Falsely claims Muslims worship a diff god. Says Palestinians must leave despite it being their land, simply because a fictional book says that and most Christian publishers were purchased by jews, so that they could edit out anything that sounded bad to the jews, or for self benefit.
> Case in point, the Schofield Bible, written by jews, funded by jews, and pushed by a conman. aka It's a fake bible that removed the parts about jews killing Jesus, and put that Christians should worship jews and willingly be their slaves
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Bernie Sanders EXPOSED
> Wants to go to war with whites and patriotic americans, especially white patriotic americans
>Is israel first, and doesn't want palestinians to have their own country, nor does he want them to have equal rights and representation in israel as a 1 state equal solution.
> Proves everything he says to voters is just virtue signaling, and really despises palestinians
american students are spying for israel
a jew admits that jews are trying to remove whites and the power from whites, as the jewish plan for the future
Time for a palate cleanser.

Black guy has empathy and tries to cheer up a little orthodox jew. Tells him that he must have amazing hair, and says great things about him. But explains that it's his parents fault for taking it all away from him
"I would be crying if i looked like that too"
Jewish anti-white anti santa jewish movie- reviews are all about jews
Dennis Prager admits it. They can say it... But we can't
Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum says 'there are no churches in Gaza' and 'there are no Christians in Gaza
> This is a complete lie. They often persecute and torture the Christians in Gaza, even worse than they do to Muslims
> If the Christians didn't exist, there never would have been a massive scandal, on the news in israel for weeks. Regarding how jews couldn't stop spitting on Christians.
>>An israeli govt official defended the jews, claiming that it was an ancient talmudic ritual- which it is, since judaism is anti-Christian, and the torah says to kill Christians for worshipping a false idol, that it's the godly thing to do (kill all Christians)
Yes, he tried that on gif, total loser
The israeli jew that pretends to be palestinian, and plays many roles
> Not unlike arab looking rabbi ettinger, who got exposed as a rabbi after posing as palestinians to make them look bad
no, i am referring to the fact that OP the loser trying to pretend to be medical professional, but could not back up his claims
The guilt of the holocaust and its memory are fading
> Jonathan Greenblatt Director of the ADL freaks out that the deflection by using the holocaust card is fading, and that jews are losing power as a result
National Socialism was a reaction to communism and degenerate, gayness
> The pendulum swings in the opposite direction, after it is pushed too far. Just like how we are swinging right, and far right fast, as we were pushed too far to the left in Weimar like conditions
Hate speech by jews against Muslims. This is technically jews being antisemitic, since Muslims are a Semitic race.
>That being said, DNA testing has proven that the original israelites, etc have died off. What remains are european converts from christianity
Daughter Of A rabbi Part.1
>Describes how horrible it is to be the daughter of a jewish rabbi. The horrible things that they did to her, shame her, etc. They play on guilt and make your life miserable according to her

Daughter Of A rabbi Part.2
>Describes how horrible it is to be the daughter of a jewish rabbi. The horrible things that they did to her, shame her, etc. They play on guilt and make your life miserable according to her
lmao samefagging jew boi begging for attention
Michael Scheuer on Israel
Israeli's protest, and their biggest fear is racemixing.
They denigrate any female jew that has sex with a goyim. They claim that racemixing is 1000x worse than anything Hamas can do to jews
"I'm not white, I'm jewish"
The anti-white hate pushed by jews, demonstrating their hypocrisy
The unholy "war" genocide in Gaze:
The basic rule of this current holy war is not to spare the life of any goyim
Alan Dershowitz
He says to bankrupt anyone who says anything remotely antisemitic. To hurt them financially and ruin their lives
Nick Fuentes:
jews need a multicultural country to be safe. So that no group can hold values, that could be used against jews
It's a shame that it isn't every thread until people actually start doing something.
lmao it's literally just you seething in every thread, you stick out like a sore thumb jew boi
>every thread

so the jew boi is right about the numerous jew hate threads, since if the message was so great, you would need one, but no, must use propaganda, hmmm very nazi like. see that, i notice 'it'

t. rando
you're so new you can't even shill right it's hilarious
kek you're mad at it because you're getting a taste of your medicine from muslims and your own people's leftist goylems
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idc, not my fight, but it's weird posting political crap on wsg when there's a board specifically for low life scum like you.

this is my thread here >>5536230

i live in the real world, and if i found out my neighbor or a mutual acquaintance was spreading jew hate online like you, you would be made to stand by your words in real life, eh coward.
hi, idf shill / newfag / "rando", i don't care. this is 4chan, we are antisemitic here, get used to it. better yet, try to understand why. let me assure you, this is not without reason. for what it's worth, i strongly believe in the power of jews to look in the mirror. many have done so before, ron unz and norman finkelstein for instance. surely many more can do likewise. i also think it's required to avoid anudda shoah, you know, be real and have a conversation instead. i have great respect for self-reflective jews.

btw with the rise of antisemitic threads here, i have also observed a rise of coomer threads i.e. slidethreads.
>you hate people because they leech nations dry
>i hate people because they ride bikes
>this makes me better than you
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>we are

sure, schizo

>bike hate
>another schizo

that is not a bike hate thread, it's about real world safety, tricks, experience etc people can post whatever bike related webms
Your first post is some dumbass running into a post.
you got nothing else to say here? hm ok.
That was a trick, he failed but exciting nonetheless

fuck off samefag, i don't have time for your personality disorder
Israeli's pouring cement into the water sources of innocent Palestinian civilians, to harm survival. To prevent them from having water sources required to live
>Israel won't even allow Palestinian civilians to collect rain water, and they only have access to water that is brought into Palestine weekly, for very short periods, and 1/3 to 1/2 is usually lost in the transit
Barbara Spectre talking about immigration, the jews, Europe, etc. That jews are pushing immigration in Europe
An israeli girl is interviewed by a journalist in Manhattan, NY (NYC) on September 11th. She is very happy that 9-11 had just happened. She says it's a good thing, since now Americans can know what it feels like to be attacked. So that we know what israelis go though. So to her, it's a good thing that thousands of Americans died that day.
- She couldn't wipe that smile off her face, the entire interview, absolutely gleaming. Not even a trace of compassion or sorrow for the thousands of people who just lost their lives
The BDS movement vs Israel
(Mossad Intelligence Propaganda Infiltration)
The BDS movement was started on college campuses, and so israel infiltrates the groups to gather as much intel as possible. Then, they attack the messenger to discredit the message, even though the college student was speaking the truth
UN Security Council veto power of USA for israel.
To veto anything that israel doesn't want to pass. Providing israel with complete immunity to do anything they wish, including to continue genocide is various countries. While the USA gets nothing in return except for tragedies.
>idc, not my fight, but it's weird posting political crap on wsg when there's a board specifically for low life scum like you
what makes you think "political crap" isn't supposed to be posted here newfag? this board is free for all as long as you don't break the rules, you're kvetching because you don't want people to see what's been happening in palestine and wake up to the jewish lobbies in their countries
>you would be made to stand by your words in real life, eh coward
lmaoooo barely a couple of posts in and you're already begging the goyim for help, fucking shameless kike rat
too bad for you i'm self-employed and your whining can't get me fired, most people i know also aren't zogbots they couldn't care less about your victim playing
>self employed
ok terminally online retard
>barely a couple of posts in
>begging the goyim for help
debunked. everything is archived.
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>blames little old lady for opening a jewish school learning center in 2000 sweden

heh, sweden 2023.
LOL so easily tracked the 'self-employed'

Stop replying to the jewish shill. She's been trying to bait people for attention for a while now. Everyone knows that she's a jewish shill, and nobody believes her. Just ignore her like everyone else has been doing, otherwise you're simply giving her a platform , ie. you're giving her exactly what she wants.
She's trying to slide the thread, distract from actual discussion, flood the board with messages, etc. Just ignore her like everyone else does, otherwise you're just going to see a lot more of her, and inflate her paychecks for shilling

Proverbs 28:1
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
lol what are those links even supposed to prove schizo? you don't actually think i'm the only one who uses those words here do you?
Revelation 2:9
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
how do you know it's female?
Anyone knows where to find whole interview?
>blasphemy of them which say they are Jews

kek, neoDUMBnazis love that one, but it's related to you dummy, you're the useful tool of the devil to deceive others (poltards), and oppress and destroy 'the' good people. and you continue to lose, proof? 8+ anti jew hate threads on WSG, double kek
Just boycott baby torture rituals such as circumcision like they were human sacrifice rituals (they are actually worse).
Matthew 27:25
Then answered all the (((people))), and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
They fly the Star of Remphan, lie about who they are, enslave nations, and then claim that they're the victim in all this. It's exactly as it says. They're not even Jews, but rather serve Satan and those under him. By the way, you ever heard of what magic is? It's favors from demons. Blood is currency, and the more pure the sacrifice, the higher the value. Jews are known to cast spells, despite their own teachings condemning such practice. Everything they do is evil.
If for whatever reason, you had ever wanted to hear the 6 genders of the talmud, in song form. Sung by a jewish woman who used face paint to stress her religious views.
- Many genders is one of the things that they teach people in the west, as part of woke culture.
Michael Scheuer says that an attack on Iran will kill US citizens at home. Details topics such as AIPAC, and an attack not being in the best interest of USA, nor americans

Another vidrel from this smart girl
She also got redpilled on The Samson Option. She discusses how if israel loses the war, how israel is going to nuke western cities in retaliation for not helping israel even more. That it's the fault of israel's allies, if israel loses. She says that israel equates losing the war to Palestine, with israel no longer existing

>>>/pol/468774039 Samson Option Collage Picrel Infographic
Nixon Interview:
He states that American jews support israel. They believe that helping israel first is not putting America 2nd, but viewed as helping America first too. Since they view helping israel, as going hand in hand with helping America, despite it just not being true. That as a good POTUS, he needs to listen to Americans, but also do what's best for America
- Jews blame a chicken for their own sins. They then transfer their sins to the chicken, by waving the chicken over their own heads. In a later step NOT SHOWN, they then brutally murder the chicken in this jewish ritual, and give the dead chicken cadaver to someone needy to eat. This is a jewish ritual that is performed for Yom Kippur.
- However in areas such as Crown Heights, Brooklyn in NYC: There's often newspaper articles stating that it's a massive unsanitary ordeal every year for NYC Sanitation. As the dead chicken cadavers are not taken and donated to the needy, but instead left outside to rot in the heat.
- I would assume that this might have to do with a NYC health codes on how food meat is prepared, and I would HIGHLY doubt that NYC would allow chickens from this outdoor jewish ritual to then be eaten, due to possibility of food bourn illness.

>This VIDEO is SAFE TO WATCH for the squeamish. They DO NOT show the part, when the chickens are brutally murdered by jews performing this important jewish ritual.


you should see what the islamic do for a week during their Eid al-Adha. they twist the story of abraham who was going to sacrifice his son, but was stopped by god. meanwhile, the islamic go ahead and sacrifice animals anyway
Behold the worldly power of aligning with the king of this world. Satan was dumped here so hard that he fell like fucking lightning. He wanted a kingdom, and he got one. Of course, Earth is destined to serve as Hell. Serve that kingdom at your own peril.
Man predicting in 2004, that in 20yrs jews will leave israel to go to russia. Since USA has no future, due to too many minorities that they intentionally flooded into the west

This is coming true due to a combination of the curse of the 80yo jewish state. In which jewish prophesy had noticed that no jewish state has ever existed for more than 80 years, during the entire history of jews. This is why netanyahu and others in the jewish government of israel had put boots on the ground in ukraine 6yrs ago, to setup khazaria as their plan B exit strategy for when israel inevitably collapses.
Zelly said that ukraine will be "a big israel after the war"
This jewish rabbi Elhanan Beck is pro-Palestine and makes it known. This rabbi makes it clear that "zionism is against the almighty" and contradicts the word of God. That israel should not exist, and that the land should be given back to the Palestinians, who owned it before it was violently stolen from them by UK, USA and then the jews.

Jewish Rabbi Beck states that zionism is causing antisemitism & harming and endangering jews around the world. The rabbi states that the only way to have peace is to give the land back to the Palestinians, "From The River To The Sea." That when the countries were under Muslim control, jews were able to live there peacefully with every other religion. That only when the land was under jewish control did it cause a state of war and genocide.
Are pro-Palestine Jews harrassed by Zionists? You rarely hear about them.
VIDREL: Press being shown one of the countless mass graves of innocent Palestinian civilians in Gaza, brutally slaughtered in a genocide by israel's military IDF. Israel has done this countless times in the past century. Let alone the most infamous genocide and mass graves by israel, in the 1948 Nakba- Where the IDF went from civilian village to civilian village, brutally slaughtering, raping and killing unarmed innocent Palestinian civilians. Anyone that didn't flee was abused and slaughtered, they didn't take prisoners, they simply killed everyone.

1948 NAKBA
>>5550792 has detailed info about the 1948 Nakba, from the honest israeli documentary Tantura.
It has video clip highlights, the full documentary split into 5 minute webm clips, and a link to watch or download the full documentary via nitter & twitter. Youtube & Youchube links below

https://youchu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY - Non-Google & Download MP4
Not saying he's wrong, but it sounds like usual modern pastor-speak to try to appeal to his target audience.
That was such an amazing time. Never forget. And never let others forget, either. No more rug sweeping!
>Are pro-Palestine Jews harrassed by Zionists? You rarely hear about them

Have you not been paying attention to the violent protests in israel by jews?
Which were really bad before the war, on the verge of a civil war. but have only gotten bigger and more violent since then. In the past week, israeli's took to the streets around the underground IDF headquarters, completely blocking streets jam packed like sardines, with israeli civilians for many blocks. This prevented IDF from getting to the airport, battle lines, or anywhere else. So now, instead of IDF commanders being safe underground while planning at their headquarters, they're commanding straight from the battle lines on the borders, completely exposed to the resistance fighters
>The 12+ different tribes of jews always fight with each other, even during times of peace. They'll say things about them, that if any goyim repeated would be called an antisemite. They bitterly hate each other, since they're forced to live near and deal with them 24/7.

The pro-palestine protesters in the USA however, many are simply paid shills for israel. SEE VIDREL >>5527794
>To make the pro-palestine protestors look bad. The jewish pro-palestine protesters are the ones that block roads and become violent, to attempt getting normies to get annoyed and dislike the pro-palestine protestors. The real pro-palestine protesters are peaceful and non-violent.

As well to have fake pro-palestine jews infiltrate the groups and spy on them from the inside, to then report back to israel, ADL, AIPAC and others. SEE VIDREL
>So that they're always aware of what's going to happen, and often try to push the pro-palestine groups in a direction that helps israel. Jonathan greenblatt head of ADL always talks about having jews infiltrating all the pro-palestine groups, chatrooms, and protesters, when he speaks candidly in the leaked audio recordings of his conference calls
>blames little old lady
More like citing her claim as evidence of Jewish efforts being largely responsible for making Europe into the "melting pot" hellhole that it's become.
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>Are pro-Palestine Jews harrassed by Zionists?
Probably. It's like how we had a massive pushback against Feminisn with thousands and thousands of women speaking out against it or holding signs with "I don't need Feminisn, because..." and now we don't. They got bullied into silence and then into compliance (unless they stayed underground).
Attached is the closest I have on hand.

Here's a vidrel of Greenblatt of the ADL at a conference, saying that everything true that jews do, is a far right white conspiracy theory. It then has a compilation of jews saying we need mass migration to get rid of whites and get a multicultural society in the west

Opinions are facts? lol nice try stoopidneonazi

And you know what, I welcome migration, why? THE FOOLS (so called aryans) who wanted to play god during WW2 destabilized the world, and when THE FOOLS were eliminated, ALL PEOPLE who were affected and their future offsprings have the absolute right to live ANYWHERE in the modern NEO LIBERAL world. Change my mind.
Here’s Why U.S. Elites Support Israel No Matter What
- Extensive video about vetoes, attacks, etc
- It explains why ZOG exists
Jews essentially founded the porn industry since its inception with photos in the 1800's, well before video existed. With video pornography they intentionally used jewish males and roman catholic females to intentionally denigrate goyim females, embarrass them, show jew domination of goyim, mock goyim, humiliate goyim, and make them look inferior, etc

> Al Goldberg was a famous porn director of videos. He intentionally did it to harm Christian values, since he hated Christians the most, especially Roman Catholics. So, he pushed degeneracy, to harm Christian values and force them into sin and become degenerate on purpose
See PICREL in >>>/pol/469271863
Dennis Prager of Prager U claims that bisexuality, not heterosexuality, is the norm. That straight heterosexual people are the abnormal ones...

Holocaust survivor says gas chamber shower heads sprayed water, not gas.
This is confirmed by many concentration camp prisoners, from the forced work camps such as Auschwitz. They were simply used to delouse the residents of the camps. due to rampant lice on new arrivals, which spread typhoid- which causes malnutrition and excessive weight loss due to extreme diarrhea. Anne Frank died of typhoid a few months before the end of the war, due to the allies bombing the supply routes of germany, which brought in the delousing agents and food
jews pretend to be of the host ethnicity in public, of the country that they currently live in, to protect their tribe
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A list of jews with their name changes to appear white european, alone with their photo
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Netanyahu refers to non-jews as "goyim", which to jews is seen as an insult to non-jews. Non jews don't realize that it's used as a derogatory term by jews
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>>5563812 Part 1
> A list of jews with their name changes to appear white european, alone with their photo

Part 2
Christians on a tour in Israel are attacked by little jewish kids
If he's legit, he's one of the few Jews I actually have any respect for. His words sound righteous and fair. I have nothing for or against Palestine, but I do think they're being treated exceptionally unfairly. This is from somebody who thinks Islam blows donkey nuts.
Lmfao, epic.
Fight to the death, winner gets told to fuck off anyway.
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>how israel helped build hamas
>muh muh name change

neon*ziscum are getting desperate, and what was the fuhrer actual name? Schicklgruber. LOLLLLLLL
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Annnnnd he's lost all credit!
Look at the little gremlins go! They think they're better than the rest of the people on the planet, and this is the kind of behavior they use.
The term Nazi and Nazism were slanders created by a jewish journalist, and a member of the competing party, to slander National Socialists
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A compilation fast slide show of israel's warcrimes, along with other redpill facts, set to music
James Traficant ex-congressman: Says that israel controls congress, the media, domestic and foreign policy, our wars, etc. If you speak, they will put you in jail or kill you, to silence you and as a warning to others..
He spoke out, and they put him in jail. After this interview when James went into detail, he magically died from a "tractor accident" on Just as another who spoke out, was killed in a "plane accident" with his family
FROM >>5564754
The Trafficant wikipedia article is quite funny, in a pol is always right kind of way.
>Post-prison life
>Traficant began a grassroots campaign in July 2014, Project Freedom USA,[45][better source needed] to, among other things, put pressure on Congress to get rid of the IRS and "divorce" the Federal Reserve.[46][better source needed] He continued to live on the farm that he had purchased in 1987.[47]
immediately followed by
>Accident and Death:
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The “most moral army in the world”
> History of jewish terrorists
> Irgun was a jewish terrorist group, later absorbed into the IDF
> The first terrorist attacks against civilians in history
> Coined Offensive defense attacks- Destroy your enemy and make them weak through offensive attacks, so that they're incapable of being strong enough to attack you back
>don't want goyim to know
Nigger, it's on their website. There were dozens of users last time I checked. OH NO.

Do /pol/nigs get dumber each year, or have they always been this retarded?
lol, how embarassing

>okay we gave some of them heckin wholesome amenities after confiscating their property, throwing them in prison, and killing a bunch of them
Who are the /pol/nigs trying to convince?
There are Jews??? IN HOLLYWOOD!?

OY VEY, the /pol/niggers are onto us.
You don't have to explain to me that Irguns are bad dudes, man.
What was the first terrorist attack against civilians and who did it?
> The answer might surprise normies, but not anons from /pol/
Helpful tip on how to trick God: jewish loopholes
> Since the omnicent and omnipotent God is apparently stupid compared to the jew humans that he created. To the point that jews use loopholes to trick god, since god despite knowing everything and everyone's thoughts, somehow is fooled by the extra clever jews
Israel false flag on Lebanon with USA weapons
> I can easily name 10 israel false flags, just off the top of my head without thinking about it, and I know that there's waaaaaaay more than just 10

In 2010 israel destroyed 58,000 Palestinian homes and slaughtered man civilians. Israel then attacked a flotilla of turkish aid, executing 9 unarmed humanitarian aids after using tear gas on unarmed turk civilians
So that's why they're so good at loopholing laws and regulations. Their entire "faith" and way of life is built around how to circumvent a rule despite technically following it
Normies discover and comment on the absurdity of the ethno-supremacism of evil Israeli Jews when it comes to organ transplants, harvested from Goyim cattle
> Israeli's are given automatic visas to burgerland, and then get free healthcare in burgerland. They jump the list, and take the human organs who were waiting years for a transplant, and take them instead.
> So, foreigners from israel are taking human organ transplants without waiting, rather than giving it to the goyim that had been waiting years for it, and will likely die from not getting it in time. Expecially since so many israeli's do this, so tons of goyim are suffering and dying, so that jews from israel can live
> Let alone that they're taking organs that goyim deserved and waited for, these foreigners from another country aren't even paying a dime- Burgerland is footing the bill, so that means that ever burger is paying taxes to save jewish lives and kill goyim
Good grief, they're so fixated on the details that they forgot the intention. It's like getting around a bike helmet requirement by making a helmet out of paper cups. They're still wearing helmets, but then die when they wreck.
jews arrested for organ trafficking in NJ
Mein Kampf Excerpt over a video collage:
Multiculturalism Will Fail part one
The Conference of European Rabbis:
They're moving from London to Munich, because they can no longer control Europe from London, ever since Brexit occurred.

So they're moving to the city of Hitler's rise to power, to be close to the European Union Headquarters. So that they can control and manipulate Europe via more "political influence" (aka. bribes) of powerful EU politicians. To get their way, and control the goyim via seizing control of the EU, just as they did to the USA congress. Especially since they can get more aid sent to israel, wage war on Mideast countries from their war wish list, and simply put, control and rule Europe.
>Not unlike how jews believe due to the historical religious jewish texts, such as the talmud and torah, that goyim only exist to serve the jews. That the subhuman beast animals only have the appearance of humans, so as to not offend the jew while serving them.
>They believe that they must rule over all goyim, control them, and have the goyim do their work and bidding, as their slaves. Even Haaretz and other israeli media openly discuss this aspect of jewish supremacy in their publications. Saying that jews always believed they should rule over goyim, but up until now didn't have a mechanism to do so SEE PICREL: >>>/POL/469675467.
>>Which isn't completely true, since 92% of bolsheviks were jewish, despite the USSR jewish population of only a few percent. They used their power to genocide the white christians. Killing off at least 60M-90M goyim, via various means, across the USSR via jewish dictators
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They get rewarded for (You)s so your shit talking is directly what they’re after
It’s like watching the ads on a youtube channel you want to talk shit to
>ITT JIDF calling anons tacky shit like “muzznigger” for noticing and calling gentiles goyim like it doesn’t out them
>“Surely nobody who can see Israel committing heinous crimes against humanity could not be an arab muslim, goy, quit trying to think for yourself it will hurt your goyish brain”
You aren’t invisible you’re just transparent
maybe don't spam shit webms and hit limit so soon, moron
I don't understand how jews can be as evil as they are. I guess they don't follow the bible at all, and only follow the talmud and torah
They hate the Bible and the hate Jesus to this day. Of course they don't follow the teachings of either.
a conquest by war, that was labeled as such.
can you really say that western media views what's going on in palestine as a "conquest" in the same was as the ottomans
God they're evil! (and I mean our real god, not their fake god of evil) Before this thread, due to my church always praising israel and jews, I was brainwashed by all this false propaganda. Now I know that was all a lie, I assume likely due to that fake schofield bible, written by jews and financed by jews, with a conman as the front man that pushed it as a new translation. God was I brainwashed. I knew something wasn't right, with the way this war had been going. I always thought it seemed evil that they'd genocide a people despite being told that the civilians, including babies and 2yo's were all Hamas operatives complicit or killing jews. Nothing ever made sense to me, and it drove me nuts. Thank god for 4chan (the real god, not moloch or satan that they apparently worship), as I became what you guys call "redpilled" I think the term is

How could I have been so blind?! This is so infuriating. I really thought that my church would be teaching me the truth, not false propaganda pushed about people that literally hate us. How can these people possibly be this evil, to hate all goyim and want to genocide all goyim?! All this propaganda pushed upon them since childhood, and all this propaganda pushed on me since childhood, all to protect and help a people that literally hate and want to kill me and all goyim! Of all the polar opposites that exist between propaganda and reality, this has to be the worst case that I've ever come across in my entire life. I feel like my entire life was a lie, and now can't even trust the church to be honest with me to tell the truth

I'm going to need to download all these files and send them to both my parents and my 3 siblings, as well as my cousins and my friends from church. Since if I were to tell them any of this stuff, there's no way that they'd believe me. They'd simply call me antisemitic for not praising israel & jews if I simply told them. I must show them this, as it's the only way for them to believe me. Thank got for chan
Why do it that way?!?
Gasoline and fire is way quicker plus you destroy the vehicles.
>wE hAvE BEen FirMLy oN rECoRd
My man sounds like he's about to cry lol
Their average IQ is 92.
>Change my mind.
Now, I understand my answer may surprise you, but: no.
Eh, the idea that rhe US supports Israel because the latter is a puppet state doesn't actually explain why our politicians have to swear lpyalty oaths, visit the wall, and why their people have so much sway over our people. It's safe to say we're both using each other, though.
Not really. It's just pointing out that these people are hiding their Jewishness, specifically. Also, show any proof that Adolf was Jewish. Otherwise, that's not any sort of gotchya to say his dad changed his last name.
And yet, there's nothing stopping them from talking shit on us, claiming we're not even properly human.
I actually feel her. I also enjoy bad things happening to the people since my life is hell and them everybody being okay with everything until injustices hits themselves and they sperg about it is extremely funny and satisfying.
I also feel her...

...while she sleeps.

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