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/wsg/ - Worksafe GIF

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Post cute furries and furry memes, keep it sfw
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this video made me angry
But I want the lewds!
Why would it?
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Why did janny delete the previous one?
It's a rogue janny
These threads don't break any rules though, so nobody can get banned for them
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hai fuwwies
I wish i had a longer version of this
Wheres my Averi hyperborea edit faggots?
what the fuck is with the influx of furries on this site recently?
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Now imagine how based this would be if it was a female and not a faggot
i thought furry threads were restricted to >>>/b/
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Only furry porn I guess? Last couple threads just died of inactivity.
this video made me happy
i figured furry threads in general were restricted to >>>/b/
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I'm not a mod anon idgk what they're doing.
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I miss this shit like you wouldn't believe
It's pretty normal for the mods to enforce some rules selectively, like racism outside of /pol/. Board culture is not as volatile about fur and pony stuff anymore so that's probably why those rules aren't enforced strictly now. Still feels weird though.
Global Rule 3 only applies to furry porn, not all furry content in general.
If jannies were removing non-explicit furry content before under global rules, they were doing it based on a personal agenda.

>3. You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:
>Troll posts
>Anthropomorphic ("furry") pornography
>Grotesque ("guro") images
>Loli/shota pornography
>Dubs or GET posts, including 'Roll for X' images
Should be noted that specifically /mlp/ content does have its own rule banning both safe and pornographic content everywhere including /b/ under rule 15:

>15. All pony/brony threads, images, Flashes, and avatars belong on /mlp/.
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They will be forever broken from those years.
I really fucking wish they would enforce the racism ban desu, and not even for ideological reasons.
It's just annoying especially on blue boards, where someone will inevitably start whining about jews or black people and completely derail the thread.
Instigating a flamewar is still bannable tho, at least in most blue boards
>>5552775 (me)
I'm gonna be honest I haven't looked at the rules in years and I didn't even bother before making that post.

Me too, but not as a strict ban. Just go back to using it as a reason to ban people for being autistic about it.
Literal groomer meme
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Try to not die
Clit cam?
same janitor that """works""" on /co/ and deletes Out Of Placers threads
Don't forget about >>>/trash/ newfag
This video made me indifferent
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Be glad that's all I posted, I have way worse.
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So do I. Doesn't mean you have to.
Where is the call from Goku?
>fursona with piercings
it's so over
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furries shouldn't be allowed to like what i like
So you want more rock furries?
Imagine animating this unironically
I love this video. What the fuck happened to my sexuality?
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i made this autistic webm but didnt have an excuse to post it. but now i do
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pretty autistic/10
Wasn't there a version of this that had a bigger resolution?
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Yeah but it's too fat for 4chan
what mod, nigger.
I dunno, saw the vid posted in /chic-fil-a/ and reposted here. Does seem pretty awesome though
I want to fuck Diane
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well I don't like when people misuse car horns
it's nigger behavior
Memories broken the truth goes unspoken...
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>le race is about le skin color
a pibble with the same color as the other dogs would be more fitting

fucking normalfags think I hate nigger because they are black
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Technically anthro
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It's just juice
then try to fix them and tell me >:c
well that was a trip down the memory lane
i should have cut the black frame in the beginning but didnt realise it was there before i uploaded so ehhhh
can you convert some retarded animal babies
god getting old sucks
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im not a furry, i don't know what that is and only reason i posted in this thread is because i remembered those two animations. so no, sorry
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last month i got banned from all boards for 3 days for "furry pornography outside of /b/" because i posted this same webm >>5552784 in a Roxanne wolf thread on /v/
jannies are the biggest faggots on this planet and i wish them a painful death
>systemic racism
>nothing happened to the nigdog
Was the creator of this Straussian?
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This animation style is disgusting.
does anyone have that dumb hot dog song?
oo spbak
Yiff in hell samefag. Don't you have a dog to molest or something?
>Fur faggot thread is filled with whiney liberals demanding censorship.

Furfaggots are, and always have been a cancer on this site.
Hating negroids isn't about their skin, it's about their low IQ and impulsive behavior.
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Yes that's what he meant when he said mlk. Race baiting is annoying because of shit like this. You can hate races all you want just don't bring it up when nobody asks because you sound like an abused house wife.
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Where can I find it? It goes hard
i want to fuck the spider
Dont you niggas have /trash/ for this?
no sounds
And? Just use catbox.
That sounds like a you thing chief.
What else is nigger behavior oh wise white one
Every board can be /trash/, just like all boards are actually /pol/.
The only thing that's gross in sticking your dick into some faggot's dirty AIDs ridden asshole. Kill yourself.
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Pony still makes mods incredibly butthurt. Related images outside of /mlp/ get deleted faster than almost any other GR.
I miss 2011 like you wouldn't believe. A time when a single .png of a pastel horse could derail an entire thread. Politics mattered less, "cuck" wasn't part of internet vernacular, TF2 was at it's prime, and people were simply kinder. Nowadays the general public are crazy psychopaths, screaming/yelling acting like monkeys. Crime is crazy high and america is no longer safe. Everyone's unhealthy and out of shape. Times are way worse, but it's ok though, cause I'm moving to the only first-world country left (japan).
Based, needs sounds though.
>threads, images, Flashes, and avatars
I got warned just by posting one sentence about it.
post more averi
I like this, this nice.
>ends justifies the means retard complains that people dont want to listen to him whine about his unhinged theory when discussing origami and papercraft, music or whatever anime they're watching
how are you any different from a fat screeching tranny that demands everything and everything stops to talk about muh patriarchy rape culture? you're a dogshit human being and i'm willing to bet youve never had a self reflective thought even once in your life
i was banned for calling sombody that posted a whole thread of indian gore on /wsg/ a nigger. I dont think he got banned nor his posts removed
"word around the office is that you have a forked cock"
"yes, i do"
"I got a forked cock too. maybe we should rub a forked cocks together sometime. maybe a little dwemer grease, two forked cocks. together. dwemer grease."
>sombody that posted a whole thread of indian gore on /wsg/
>I dont think he got banned nor his posts removed
If you're complaining about someone this based I think you're the real nigger
Hope you have fun in Japan dood!
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shut up and post waifurs niggers
>0:28 onwards
Excuse me sir, do you have a permit for that kino?
I absolutely adore any form of furry/scalie shit that hates on trannies and faggots, it's so based because their communities are so fucking infested with them it's rare to see them take a stand against it.

More furries killing trannies plz (Nazi furries too if you've got them)
>making work safe boards unsafe to browse at work is based
get a job you fucking loser
wow.. this is really powerful if we ignore that he can go to brown dog land and doesnt have to stay there
Kino and saved

I dont have any gifs but I do have some art. I have a Nazi Umbreon character that Ive drawn myself or have got art trades with, some guys on /bant/ even made an edit of him after I art dumped.
Let me tell you, normies cry their eyes out when they see cute things mixed with Nazism. Its hilarious.
Wtf I'm a furry now? This is fucking based.
should've been a pitbull instead of a doberman kek
There are already lots of sanitized spaces on the internet where they ban you for saying Nigeria, go there.
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since jannies deleted my last thread for no reasons i'll just dump everything here
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the sounds
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I didn't realize furries could be so based
that's pretty good

Here it is! You faggots actually came through.

This guy has popped up a few times in my YouTube recommended tab.
The state of his house, his disjointed speech patterns, his obsession with all his character's privacy when using the restroom, his fascination with otherkin and Therians. It's all so hypnotic. Makes you wonder how a person like him functions, and how he behaves off camera, around his family even.
A cursed video like this would be recorded on MLK day of all days. It just fits for some reason.
I'm not a furry but a while ago there was a thread called something like "kemono style furries" and it was mostly people in suits, but not like the western ones, more cute instead of cartoony like what you guys call "anthro". Could anyone please post some of that?
There is a kemono thread going on in /c/ right now. Id say start there
No, no, I meant suits, not drawings. Thanks though.
where is this from?
Beastars, it's not a porno.
Are you sure about that?
Yeah I checked
There was a cute chink one with uno dos tres quatro song
search one of the archives, remember any of the op text?
brb killing myself
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who is this guys?
Ahh.. Not sure. I think there is a few fursuit websites that host kemono stuff? Im sadly not very good with this topic because kemono fursuits are hard to come by (Chinks dont like being furrys for some reason D:)
Anthro Humans Memories
reminds me how the first post you'd see when you opened r/boykisser was some redditor asking if there were any 14 year olds who wanted to meet up.
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he's a good singer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEzu6IlJYR0
Did they really have to make the fox lady this hot in a kid's movie? Is it just me? Am I too far gone?
gotta give dads some eye candy
fuga is so kino its unreal
not that anon and i don't have the webm but here's the original
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Yup, the animators clearly had fun with her design. Foxington has a ton of screen-time plus she's one of the few characters in the movie with tons of multiple outfits including:
>Sexy ninja
>Sexy dress
>Sexy casual
>Sexy secretary
>Sexy business suit
Ah vvould towtalley NEVAH goon teh SIS, LOLZ!
I wish I fit some kind of phenotype that someone would find attractive in a way. Turns out im just ugly. Even at furry cons, where everyone gets a hug, Im ignored.
This is my last year on earth. Visiting Japan and Germany before I go just so I have something Ive always wanted to do checked.
You could hit the gym, no matter your face/height if you're jacked you'd be fine. 3 days a week heavy compounds, it's really not hard brah.
I am jacked, 315 all around. I am tall. body fat 16% Im jsut ugly as fuck. Even if i bought or made a fursuit to go over my face. When i pull it off theyll be like, oh. Youre ugly, fuck off.
I know this for a fact becuase during coof, i wore a mask a lot and people actually would compliment my body. One guy held my hand and we were going to his room, when he took off my mask, he started laughing and said it wasnt going to work, he was too tired.
Oh, you're just some degenerate. Being gay isn't even the problem, sex with strangers rather than romance is the issue.
You're just like every other fag, what a disease you people are.
its not even the sex part. people hardly want to talk to me. shit, if you saw my face you woulnd have replied to the first post. and being gay wasnt what i want to do. im still a virgin and im 38. it feels like its all i have a chance to do at this point. i dont have it in me to groom a younger girl or boy so i jsut try anything.
why do you give a fuck? like so what, boo hoo people dont want to have sex with you, what the fuck is the problem? quit being a punk ass baby and grow the fuck up you 38 year old baby. straight sex is so retarded and boring, let alone faggot sex
yeah thats why im going on a final tour. then im out. no point in being here if its always alone.
It gets better every time I see it. I might have brain damage.
Yup, this is exactly it. I don't wanna hate anyone, but certain groups keep acting like pieces of shit. That's on them, not everyone else.
japan is being flooded with the third world too now lool have fun you werent the only who had the genius idea of moving there
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your post was so incoherent I don't even know what your stance was
sing 2 as well
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I honestly don't know if this counts, I just found it funny
I was wondering when someone was going to post Typh.. She's the literal messiah of furries
You must be over 18 to post on this site.
>seething about silly jokes on the internet as validating "my side"
Good lord, the average 4chud is such a boring wingcucked retard. Wish we could pack you all into reddit.
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>one word at a time subtitles
The modern internet and its consequences.
Any retard that tries to invent words this violently autistic is the one that needs to go back to r.eddit.

Heil Hitler.
What character is this? I want to draw her as a Nazi
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Averi the fox, owned by the animator Fiddelafox. Fiddela herself disappeared from the internet, so she's fair use at this point.

Speaking of which.
Some faggot here reuploaded this animation on Youtube and is getting a fuck ton of views
I love her animations so much. She has been my favorite next to Fiddela

Love this one, too
look at her go
my wife
share link
Any cute furry boys?
Sad they deleted the original
This was the start of modern hyperfaggot niggerfurs.
I understand all the lesbian porn now
Slurs "motherfucking honey" at 2:22
Mixing issues, randomly gets louder at 2:59
Should have done a second take.
no fuck off
>I love her animations
These are 2 different people
Vivzie really spent so much money on some whore singer she couldn't even get lines for loona
She never wanted lines for Loona. She hates Loona and is looking for ways to take her off the show permanently
And Im going to cum to both of them
Did shmorky make this? The animation style really reminds me of him and this is the kind of thing he'd make
Is this a story about a sex slave or..?
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Anyone going to MFM?
Song? Sounds familiar.
Grapes in Bed by The Memories
The female guards in the prison made me laugh.
When I was in jail for stealing a car, we all fucked the 40 year old bitch who "guarded" us. She had a thing for bad kids I guess. Took my virginity lol.
This video is solely responsible for getting me into furshit
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sauce brother?
not that anon
you're retarded
>Crime is crazy high and america is no longer safe
or there's more brown people
but go off tf2 troon
ty friending
why are the French so
Lots of suffering in this world. No-one really knows why we are put into a body and some get to be beautiful, some must be ugly. But consider that you are able to visit Germany and Japan, something most humans wont have the means to do. No "loving" sex, but then most humans never have had "loving" sex, it's something sold to us in a nicely wrapped story I think. You can pay for sex or lie, cheat or steal your way to sex.
Are you going to do something with your time here, which might be the only time you or any of us have, or are you going to leave early? Are you going to make it about other people, or are you going to make it about yourself and your connection to the Universe?
I am not beautiful and I am low in energy, so that doesn't help at all either. But you probably have it worse than me, so I can't lecture.
Good luck anon, your decision.
Hello anon. Maybe you need some relief from the faggotry at this point, fun though it might be. Here's Dio
does anyone have an invite to the averi discord
>Wanna see my sprocket collection?
Tfw you will never have a geeky inventor mouse gf.

It's so fucking over.
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whyd they do that?
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I love Averi.
shes very cute
My racist fox can't be this cute!
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What voice software is this? I want to use this as the voice for a navigation computer now.
We should get this Nazi tranny hating fox turned into a meme and trending on social media somehow. If we just posted it directly it would get banned though, it's gotta be done in a more subtle way but still obvious enough to the point where people can see she's a closet Nazi. Imagine how hard it would make the troons seethe.

What about making some of those gigachad hyperborea edits and posting them to tiktok? Or making subtle references to the tranny suicide rate? Maybe use words and phrases like TND or TTD so it can't be banned but people still know what it means, thoughts?
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>We should get this Nazi tranny hating fox turned into a meme and trending on social media somehow. If we just posted it directly it would get banned though, it's gotta be done in a more subtle way but still obvious enough to the point where people can see she's a closet Nazi. Imagine how hard it would make the troons seethe.

>What about making some of those gigachad hyperborea edits and posting them to tiktok? Or making subtle references to the tranny suicide rate? Maybe use words and phrases like TND or TTD so it can't be banned but people still know what it means, thoughts?
noooo jannies deleted the averi shooting a nigger picture
Nice try glow nigger, we all know these hyperborea edits make you fucking seethe of course you would try to no u.
>notice how the shooting nigger picture got deleted

Even more reason to do it now. You're fucking sweatin' glowie I can tell.
I wonder what the fox would look like with jet blue eyes and blonde hair. Maybe even a red armband...
There are people who actually talk like this and I'm insanely depressed that people have just accepted it.
>That sound she makes when she flies and lands at 0:02-3
That is from a sonic game, adventure I think
unlike pedos who have no other haven, furfags have other places that protect them
where *are* you guys coming from, you've always been one of the quieter demographics on this shitty site
is it just the ones that want to fuck animals that are stuck here?
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Fuck it paws
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all sfw files i have that don't exceed the file limit. rest will be catboxed
As in you can't convert or don't know how?
Don't know how and dont like to fidel with files.
Dump em' I can see what I can fiddle with
catbox wont accept sfw gay furry stuff so here pomf.
>inb4 pomf dosn't work 4 me
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Pretty gay. Here's the first
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And the other
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nice. good job
>tfw they said they made her hot on purpose
>the composer said this theme was based on Blade Runner's love theme and that it was meant to sound sexy
they knew what they were fucking doing
best at 0.75 playback speed
Horrifying at 0.25 playback speed
I literally almost died laughing from this. It's so fucking stupid.
>bump limit reached
it's over
Just make new thread
That's already happened and how Averi got popular in the first place. One of her "friends" leaked private discord chats without context and made Fiddle look like a massive racist. She then got Twitter mobbed and basically quit drawing entirely because of it (at least Averi and furry stuff afaik). Don't know if Fiddle makes anything anymore or if she goes by a different name now.
ngl i like averi but this edit is pretty low energy
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Holy fucking based, all that's left now is to post these to tiktok or something kek

Also are these OC? If you're making another one you should use this song
excellent. initiate TND
this scene was the beginning of the end for me
there's no way that's three music they used...
it is lol
unfortunately no,
i got them from the averi thread on the bald man with glasses website
Would make more sense if it was a pitbull. At least dogs can be taught to behave.
Got any muzak...
I hate how the porn game has completely tarnished this character's legacy
gonna miss you guys UwU
never ever type anything on this site again
I'm going to kill you
New thread?
Oh fuck its jerr

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