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I'm serious. He's been offline for a year and last I talked to him he out of the hospital after being hospitalised for a month. He was chatting in our group for a weeks after that and then nothing.

He had good Opsec but he did give me two throaway gmail accounts to contact him (but he hasn't responded to any mails since then). Is there a way to use this to find out his real email or something?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Maybe you just haven't tried hard enough. If you've talked to him over a ling enough period of time you probably have some info to start narrowing it down, even if it is seemingly meaningless info like a birthday
Have you asking his friends for info like birthday, real name, location or other social media? Does his username bring up anything on Google at all
To add to this (not this anon) consider running any known past usernames through the sherlock python script
We were part of an online group discussing history and politics. Made sure to keep decent enough opsec. I know what he majored in, a disease he suffered from and what hospital he was admitted to (have an SS of his bloodwork showing the date and the hospitals name). I know the city he lived in and we're fairly certain of the school he went to. Beyond that nothing.
That's a lot of information, keep digging.
If he's american then you have him practically nailed down.

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Hello. I've wanted to find out the origin of this video since the year before last. This video has three watermarks, but when I searched for them, more videos appeared with different songs and the same duration and watermarks. I discovered the original video complete and without the watermarks. I want to know what these marks are and what song was playing in the video they were in

The watermarks are:
>African style
>video show
>visior CMB beats parody

This is the original video: https://youtu.be/V-EETLkVrFE?feature=shared

Here is one video: https://youtu.be/Jf4jOvYfps4?feature=shared

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What are those fonts and font sizes please?
doesn't work
Try harder.
Also you won't be able to work out the size without a reference.
I did. doesn't work

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I'm looking for an edit based on the Little Dark Age meme based on videogames. In particular the one based on the 7th generation of gaming. Mostly PS3 and Xbox

List of games. (May be wrong)
>Spec ops The Line
>Kirby's Epic Yarn
>Mario Galaxy
>Smash Bros Brawl

And a lot of others. I did search for it. I got other videos.
It had a lot of views too
And the song was slowd down
Hope it fine the edit

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so, i am trying to create a scatterplot to compare the number of skyscrapers constructed in every year since 1970 in various major cities, as well of the height of each that is built. for this, i want to create a chart with year as the x axis, height as the y axis, broken down into series for each city, with multiple datapoints for a city on some years as for some more than one was built in a year. i think the best way to do it as a chart would be something like pic rel. my problem is, i need to
A: make the header that indicates height, or the y axis, span multiple columns of data (as seen in picture)
B: make each header sorting the data into which city it is from cover multiple columns of data, as for some years more than one was built in a city.
i can't figure out either of these. i figured out how to merge cells so that it visually looks like one header is covering multiple columns, but when i try to turn it into a chart it only plots the first column under the header. i don't know how to fix this, and i suck with computers and google sheets. how do i create something like this picture? if the answer involves google sheets "functions" then please dumb it down AS MUCH as possible as i am a boomer and know nothing about coding or anything like that.

Need some help finding a specific music track. In FF7 Rebirth, every big region has two "versions" of its theme. When you first enter the region, it will play the first version of the theme. After your do so many overworld quests (not sure but I think maybe the Towers quests will drive it), the theme will change to a different version. Usually more instruments added, more vocals, more bombastic, etc.

The Corel region has this happen. No matter what "Corel theme" music I find, I can only find the second version of its theme. Even the official OST that I found seems to only have the second version. I found several YouTube videos of the Corel theme, but they've all been the second version. I can find the first version of so many others, like the Grasslands and Junon, but not the first version of the Corel theme.

Can anyone help? You'll know the first version by comparing it to the second version. The first version is more low key, has less instruments and key notes, etc. Please, someone help me track this particular track down.
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It's a joke, "final" implies there shouldn't be any more Final Fantasies or Destinations, since it's the final.

Anyone got that one screencap that explains how any time you're talking about averages but someone says "but I know someone who disproves that" you know you're talking to a midwit?
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This the one?

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Can someone pls make this a 4 frame .gif
For frame 1 and 2 have palestinian flag at the bottom, but on frame 2 it says 'islamophobic' instead of antisemetic,
Same thing but reversed on frames 3 and 4
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What game is this?

been trying to find who this is but no luck on any reverse image search engines i'm aware of
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This is the furry meme, not the answer. Quit thanking yourself also.
>This is the furry meme
whats the difference?
>Quit thanking yourself also.
??? Is this what happens when poster counters are removed, you just make shit up?

My professor wants us to do our homework on 8.5in × 11in green engineering paper, take a picture of it, then upload it online. But I want to do them digitally and upload them. He said it's fine as long as the engineering paper looked really similar to what the picture is showing. Can someone make me this? Maybe post it as an image and I can make it into a PDF? It has to be 8.5in x 11in, and green tinted like in the pic
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if you can't make it yourself you don't deserve the engineering degree
What's inkscape?

No I can definitely figure it out. It just might take a while to perfect it. Hence why I came to this board to see if someone already has the skills to make it quick. Work smarter not harder, but if brute force is the way then fuck it
Idk why I asked, nvm
Inkscape is a vector graphics program
Learn it because it's pretty useful
And this simple project of yours sounds like to perfect intro to learn it
Have any youtube tutorial recommendations for this kinda project?

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Switched from the shitty free internet at my apartment to Verizon, but now Catbox is blocked. What do I do to fix it?
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Using a different DNS server might work.
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looked into how to do that for my router but I can't change the settings, wtf?
Oops, forgot incognito strips images from posting.
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Don't change your router dns settings, change your computers network adapter machine settings via the control panel.

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how can i play stalker SoC at 30fps w my specs guys

is there no hope without a hardware update

give it to me str8 bros, game runs at 10fps so far
Maybe find someone locally who is trying to sell an old PC. I always find cheap PC builds for 100 on Facebook marketplace that could easily run that. However may not be an easy find in your country.
im on desktop tho. Where did you get that im on laptop?
Check your power management settings or whatever it's called; usually has options to select maximum battery life, or performance.
My bad. Those specs reminded me of my first laptop. Getting a cheap used graphics card might be an option. Beats using onboard CPU graphics.
Set graphics to low, lower the resolution too, search internet for how to modify game files to disable/ lower visual effects even further

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Hello wsr,

I've been trying to acquire digital copies of "You Will Not Replace Us!" by Renaud Camus and "A Handbook for Dissidents" by Dominique Venner but I've had no luck. Even Library Genesis didn't stock them. Does anyone here have some pdfs/epubs they'd be willing to share?

Thanks in advance

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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
49 replies omitted. Click here to view.
bump for Doraemon
You can find the ultimate Doraemon movie released by Conan06 torrent. Bear in mind that some might have subtitles and the rest aren't.


Next time use the Japanrunes to search.
I've already used the runes, those seeders arent moving at all and it's been a month so my hopes rest to anyone who can use bakabt like the other anon.

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