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File: Well read frog.jpg (39 KB, 640x615)
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Hello wsr,

I've been trying to acquire digital copies of "You Will Not Replace Us!" by Renaud Camus and "A Handbook for Dissidents" by Dominique Venner but I've had no luck. Even Library Genesis didn't stock them. Does anyone here have some pdfs/epubs they'd be willing to share?

Thanks in advance

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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
49 replies omitted. Click here to view.
bump for Doraemon
You can find the ultimate Doraemon movie released by Conan06 torrent. Bear in mind that some might have subtitles and the rest aren't.


Next time use the Japanrunes to search.
I've already used the runes, those seeders arent moving at all and it's been a month so my hopes rest to anyone who can use bakabt like the other anon.

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I remember a photographer, I believe American, all of whose photographs had the same blue tint. He's fairly old by now, in his seventies or eighties. To be clear, it isn't Yves Klein.
Might help you out
cool, so that's why 'blueprints' are so... blue

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Looking for parts 2 and 3 of the REFORM! docuseries

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I remember a long time ago there was a Tower Defense game I had that was set on a big grid with small segments. It was really difficult and each of the towers were like little geometric symbols, like triangles and squares and stuff. They were all different colors and if I remember right some were wireframe and others were solid. The enemies were also very geometric and simple in shape.
I remember it being super difficult and it had a really large variety of towers. The background of the main menu was also somebody with a decked out map playing a couple rounds I think, with a very large variety of the towers.
For the life of me I cannot remember the name of this game or if it was even on a computer. Does anybody know/ remember it?
Maybe it's Gemcraft chasing shadows.

Not sure if this is the best board to ask for something like this, but this is something that's been in the back of my mind since i watched it years ago.
>early to mid 2010's
>browsing random recommended youtube vids out of boredom
>came across this one odd looking 3D Ducktales animation, and no it wasn't the one where Donald cleans up poop in Scrooge's money pile before anyone says so
>from my faint memory of it, it opens up with with one of the nephews sleeping in a bed. I don't know which one it is since their body was covered by a blanket. To make things easier i'll just assume it's Huey
>"Huey" had a clearly uncomfortable expression on his face for almost the entire video, for reasons that will make more sense in my next point
>Scrooge Mcduck suddenly enters his room, and he has kind of a creepy expression on his face, like a sexual abuser stalking his prey.
>he walks up to "Huey" and starts mumbling something under his breath that i can't really make out because my volume was pretty low at the time
>"Huey" is still facing away from Scrooge, i guess pretending to still be asleep but he looks terrified for the entire duration of it
>After what i think was a minute or so that went by, it cuts to the part that i remember the most vividly, where "Huey" apparently hung himself on a tree outside the mansion
>The shot outside the mansion was framed far away. It had a very airless atmosphere to it if that makes sense.
>I think the other nephews might have appeared, but they weren't important like "Huey" and Scrooge were
>no music was in the video either, but there was ambiance in the form of what sounded like air blowing
Ever since i watched it years ago i have not been able to find a single reupload of it. I've tried typing in all the keywords i can think of, but i get no results back. Is there anyone here who can try to identify what im describing?
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I know it sounds insane when typed out, but I swear with every fiber in my being that this was a real animation.

I always see this scenario in cartoons, but in Our world that would give You a serious injury.
I think Robot Chicken had a segment like that.

I used to have an old video saved that I found on youtube from probably 10+ years ago through /x/ about these two friends who go check out an abandoned glass factory near some train tracks at night. I remember the title being something along the lines of "the abandoned glass factory and the strange events that happened there". It contained a recording of the two friends dicking around and observing the factory in the distance from near the train tracks with subtitles, and it had some points where text commentary would cut in. At the end of the video, it zooms in on a window in the factory with the light on, and you can see what looks like a face looking out.

The video (and the ending image of the face) was pretty popular on /x/ at the time. I vaguely recall that the youtube video may have been hidden at some point, but it's been so long that I don't really remember. Google and youtube searches really suck now, so I would appreciate any leads.
Shit, I thinkI found a reference to it here:
Locked video...
>Aberdeen, NJ
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So I'll dig deeper in a few hours.

Holy shit, that's the one, thank you. I'll start looking with those. Please let me know if you can find the video itself.
Found the video and a way to download it. It's archived on the wayback machine. I took the youtube portion of the URL and copied it onto this site called waybackyt(dot)download that let me download the archived version.

I'd upload the video itself but it exceeds the file size limit.

Thanks again for the help, everyone!
Try the cloudconvert website, maybe snip only the interesting parts.
Hell I'll try something tomorrow, maybe just the creepy face thing.
Glad I could help!

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I've recently softmoded an original Xbox. I have been trying to get a bigger hard drive installed. However the list for lockable hard drives is really short. So here is my question if I install a modchip and run Cerbios can I install any hard drive or is there still going to be a lot of limitations?

I have a 80 wire 40pin IDE cable installed and already have a sata to ide that I've tested that works. I tried several drives laying around my house and could not find one that could be locked.

There is a soft mod instillation of Cerbios but I think it also requires a lockable HDD in order to upgrade the HDD.
If you install a modchip and run Cromwell (not Cerbios), you can use any hard drive without the need for it to be lockable. Cromwell allows non-lockable drives to be used on an original Xbox. Simply connect your SATA to IDE adapter with an 80-wire cable and install Cromwell to enable compatibility with non-lockable drives. This method bypasses the limitations you faced with lockable HDDs.
Ok, thanks. I managed to figure out what was the issue for not being able to find a lockable hard drive. Somehow using a PC power supply to power the second drive for the transfer was not working. The hard drive was receiving power but I still have no clue why the drive was no locking. I ended up finding an old power supply for an old disc drive that uses molex connectors, it worked. Video guide I watched mentioned using a molex splitter but I assumed a PC power supply would also do the job. Not the case.

Also found a lot of pitfalls for transferring files over an ethernet cable. File names cant be too long. If I transfer games directly in a folder format I get duplicated file issues. The least headache method for file transfers for me was to convert the game folders to XBE isos using C-XBOX Tool and FTP them using Qwix.

Now that I've taken a hard look at the Xbox library I can say that 2TB is overkill. The game library is not that amazing. Lots of cool quirky games nonetheless. Might finally play some old school Phantasy Star Online.
Some power supplies give out the wrong voltages if not enough load is on it.

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super mario /v/orld snes virtual console QR codes pl0x? i need it for o3ds too, don't have the new model. all 3 games.
>inb4 just emulate
but i want home menu icons :(

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Version with audio, TIA,
No need for the zoom zoom editing

Starting to give up. There are instrumental versions of several of their other songs, but none of this. I wonder if I could rip it from a karaoke website. I could also do it myself - anyone know the best way? (Tried several websites and they sorta sucked; tried audacity's vocal remover and it sorta sucked too.)
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What the fuck, that's super impressive.
In the event that you got that from youtube, I actually have a rip that I might've made myself (I forget, I just found it on my computer) https://f.uguu.se/etNxkUfZ.flac and a JPS download https://a.uguu.se/VGtaWVwV.flac that you might want to use - I would be interested in knowing if either of those produced results that were any better.
vocal only


from flac

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> Recommend me some good anime!

> Recommend me website name!

Same thing. Both requests.
> I said GOOD anime.

Except I take any website name.

You're welcome.
Okay yeah that's it.


Why do you post like this?
Why don't you post like this?

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I don't know anything about anime and my sister gave this to me almost a decade ago. Need help identifying this, thank you!

I've posted here:

But that didn't help and this thing is still a mystery to me.
I reverse image searched my own pic and it shows up that, but every result doesn't match this exact pin.
Do you really need to find this exact pin online? It's Lina Inverse from Slayers eating a rice ball (onigiri).
>Do you really need to find this exact pin online?
More context why, yes. I would like to sell this and wanted to know how much other people are selling this pin for.

>It's Lina Inverse from Slayers eating a rice ball (onigiri).
This helped, thank you.

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ESL here. Sorry for my bad grammar. My niece has been talking to a catfish and he's using this photo as his profile picture.
She doesn't believe me that it's a fake profile and I showed her proof that this picture shows up many times when I reverse seached it. She thinks other people is using his picture and the catfish is the "original" one.
So, Does anyone know who this person Is so i can show her a more valid proof. Any name or something?
1 reply and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
it's me
tell her to ask for a picture with his shoe on his head
your niece is retarded, no amount of "proof" is going to convince her.
looks like "no cap frfrfrfr skibidi toilet"
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looks like the young Josh Hewitt I think.
I couldn't find the exact sofa/bed to match but the face matches in the pinterest collage thumbnails.
Compare to the stair railing in this video :
and here he is as an adult:

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