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>Boxing is useless in a gun f-ACK
Sucker punching works too well
gun won't help the mentally retarded.
Good initial reaction by the assaulted person.
But these last kicks when the downed person's arms pull up each time...braindamage.exe
Due to the heat of the moment you think you can get out of this with just some probation?
>But these last kicks when the downed person's arms pull up each time...braindamage.exe
And is this a problem? Explain.
That response is well above the level of self defense. If I'm his defense attorney I'm going to try to convince the jury that that the gun drove him temporarily insane, and to think about how scared and angry they would be if some worthless piece of shit was about to take them from their kids and family. Maybe it would work.
good, maybe he won’t be able to kill anybody else then

what a fucking shithole of a country
Gotta love 'Murica. How can the richest country in the world be a total shithole in so many respects?
So if the defender had a gun on him aswell and shot the attacker in self defence, it's all good. But if the defender drops the cunt and then boots him in the face to keep him down and out, that's on the defender and he becomes an attacker. Those rules are retarded
Being rich is not for niggas. It's for 1%.
Not in Brazil, not in that situation. The police know the people who do that are desperate animals who would eat the meat off your bone to live another day.
Beautiful non-telegraphed, whip fast right hand btw.
Bro it's Brazil, you are allowed to run down motorcycle bandits with your car
Rent-free. That happened in Brazil
>kill the guy on camera
>point his gun on him
>can't invoke self defence
>go to jail for life instead
What a stupid cunt.
It is ridiculous the amount of people that don't understand what a "sucker punch" is. OP, that wasn't even remotely close to being a sucker punch, educate yourself.
He has to get caught first, the video quality isn't enough to identify him. Hopefully he wasn't stupid enough to upload the recording he was making.
The point of self defense laws is to allow for assault and homicide to be defendible under context considered self defense. Basically, assault and homicide is fine as long as someone is attempting to or deeply seems to be attempting to harm you, and you can go until you stop the threat. Kicking when someone is already down to the point of intentional braindamage is kicking far past when the threat is stopped my dude. You can't rape a rapist in self-defense, the law works like that for a reaonse
>my dude
opinion discarded, hope you get sucker punched and kicked in the head like this brazilian nigger
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>guy with unknown motive threatens you with death
>motive could very well be to kill you; and you have 0.02s to react + identify this
>somehow come out on top despite the disadvantage of being caught off guard
>>>nu-uh you can't take 8 seconds to stomp his fucking skull to a bony pulp on the pavement like absolute fucking animal he is, ending a problem there and then once and for all (or just snap his limbs if you're feeling merciful)

>instead you should reasonably neutralise him (giving him more opportunities to kill you) while you restrain him, make sure not to needlessly hurt him (wouldn't want him learning a lesson / prosecuting), take an arm off of him to call the police (whose response time is 18mins on a good day, 56mins on a slow day, and "never" on the attacker's lucky day), so they can arrest him, take 3-6 months to give him due process & fair trial (which you will need to waste more of your own, unwilling time to assist in), at which point they give him a suspended sentence and he can find your house, get his buddies and kills you anyways because he is a violent retard animal with no comprehension of consequence that attacks people unprovoked and sees your actions as unfair despite all this (also you're fired for showing up to work late and fucking up your bosses contract)
>or they actually sentence him, at which point it's like 5 years tops cuz he dindu nuffin + free state legal representation (paid for by your taxes), he's out and a problem again
The law can't prosecute what it doesn't know happened, the law works like that for a reason.
Self defense "laws" are absolute fucking delusion, and the epitome of where an out-of-touch paper-based logical/theoretical bureaucracy has absolutely no say in illogical animalistic reality. It's not "reasonable force only as necessary", it's "kill or be killed + finish the job" you stupid bastard.

>can't rape a rapist
You absolutely can. You just need a very large, course branch / stick / "improvised dildo"

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