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>nobody would die of dehydratation (so far it hasn't happened in the UFC though)
>no fights would be called off because of too harsh dehydration (it has actually happened)
>performance of fighters would be slightly better
>more fighters might be unable to make weight and some fights might be called off because of it

Also, it may require changes in weightclasses. Current LHWs wouldn't be able to cut to LHW so they would need additional 225 lbs class to avoid fighting much bigger guys. Giants like Derrick Lewis wouldn't be able to make 265 so the limit in HW should be abolished or moved up. Same with current woman's featherweights who might need a 155 class.
The only reason you would have dehydration would be because of roids and other stims that fuck up your system.
I think ONE's dehydration tests don't hold water.
It's simple, you lose 10% of your purse for every pound over you are on the day of the fight
I very much like the idea, allowing extreme weight cutting is one thing, but allowing the fighter to then regain 20lbs back before the fight is retarded
I have a better idea. Do the weigh-ins on the same day as the fight.
ONE does that. Both a few days before and few hours before the fight itself
If a fighter would risk death to dehydrate in a shorter timeframe, it's their fault. The point of the rule is to make guys like that fight in a weight class above where they're trying to weight bully. It should be the standard.
>Same with current woman's featherweights who might need a 155 class
or better yet cancel them entirely
There are problems and ways around the dehydration rule in ONE FC. I remember a youtube video featuring an Aussie sport physican explaining how to get get around it and how it could make the weight cut cheat worse for everyone
It doesn't even work in One.
Bring back steroids
They should weigh before they step in the ring. Only that would make it honest
Ayyy gottem
The channel MMA On Point did an investigation into ONE's testing for weight cutting and weigh ins, and they found it was easily exploitable. Very easy to cheat.
Here's the vid in case anyone wants to see.
Same day weigh ins come with a whole other set of problems. Especially at the professional level where they're more reliant on the outcome
No they don't.
Yeah, they do, retard. You have any idea how much money venues & promoters would lose refunding tickets for all the fights that have to be cancelled for missing weight? No pro is just going to willy nilly put his rep on the line cause of some weigh in shenanigans turning their class into some sort of loosley restricted open weight bullshit.
So cut the ones who constantly miss weight.
>just casually lose millions of dollars over a notoriously common problem for many athletes
Are you retarded or something? Just don't miss the weight. People can do it now, they can continue to do it right before the fight.
>tell me you've never had to meet weight without telling me you've never had to meet weight
The test is a meme and easily bypassed
People will always find a way to cheat. If fighters longevity was of concern the best solution would be to make more weight classes but that's not gonna happen
They should do the weight in the day of the fight, everything else is a bullshit
Dude, every competitor in every sport that I have EVER known, in either fighting or even in wrestling, makes weight with serious dehydration. On weight day, you can't do shit, you feel weak as fuck. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
This. But they would pretty much have to completely redefine weight classes.
That's no one's problem but their own.
You're pathetic and you lack self control. It's extremely easy to meet weight without excuses and if you think professional fighters can't do that, you lack the brain of an adult.
>or even in wrestling,
fuck off you faggot, we weighted in right before the matches started

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