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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
I only do it because it's trendy edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: What kind of amenities should a gym have?
I think there should always be a bowl of oranges on the front desk for anyone to have
>I think there should always be a bowl of oranges on the front desk for anyone to have
I dunno about should, but I'm super envious of the places with secondary mats that are pretty much always open mat as long as the school is. Really good way to justify those monthly bills.
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This sounds retarded and specific but How can I takedown a sport shotokan guy? One leg in the front, small jumps, moving constantly, always at long distance and avoiding any grab and exchange.
A BJJ/MMA guy told me to do a single leg.
probably just mints. that'd be pretty cool. maybe spearmint, I like spearmint.
I don't care for the smell of spearmint, wintergreen is preferable
Is there striking involved?
There is striking involved but the practitioners don't know how to use knees and sprawl.
Gi involvement is probably gonna be a big deciding factor here for suggestions. Not that the typical karate gi is great for rip & tear.

What's the context here? Are you fighting some dude that's gonna wear a karate gi? Are you in a cage/ring or open mat?

If they're blitzing in with point karate style moves, take a few hits to catch a kick and finish the single leg however you like.

You can shoot for a low single but you're probably gonna get kicked if you don't know how to set it up properly. A big overhand to double leg is always a good option (khabib style)

Really though, need to know the context here.
And a ching chong nip nong to you too good sir
Courtesy oranges are a thing at Chinese restaurants when you go with Chinese people and don't get the white guy treatment. I've never been given oranges at BJJ or judo class (coach used to give us snacks like that at wrestling tournaments but that's a bit different) so I was wondering if OP was Chinese.
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Am I a full retard for basing my whole game around these 4?
Rnc and leglock have got me pretty far.
well oranges are just the perfect choice
they smell nice, add a splash of color to the room, if you're autistic like most of us are the peel is very tactile and satisfying to run your fingers over
but practically they're conveniently individually wrapped, and they're a perfect snack to have before or after you exercise because they're so juicy and full of sugar and vitamins
I don't know what an electrolyte is but I bet oranges have them

much better choice than something like bananas which get stinky really fast
and even better than selling the gym members cans of jocko fuel for $5 each
the gym should be encouraging a healthful lifestyle, not pushing chemical elixirs on people

green tea and oranges, that's what you get. If you want to be healthy then look at what the people who live for 200 years are doing
>much better choice than something like bananas which get stinky really fast
Bananas are popular because they're high in potassium to help hedge against cramps, even more conveniently packaged than oranges, and very cheap.
the problems with bananas is their ripeness window is so small, you have like 1.5 days between being too green to eat and starting to attract flies
and the peels smell bad when they break down. The benefit of the citrus fruits is the peels dry out so they don't stink up the place while waiting for the garbage to go out, but everybody knows if there's a banana peel in there because it gets pungent real fast
Open mat with gi, the practitioners will always avoid short distance.
You're going to need to learn striking defense. At the very least get one of your rolling buddies to put on some gloves or open-hand slap you as you shell up and close distance. You'll need to learn something of ring cutting/footwork to catch the slippery devil.

Kek hit him with an Imanari roll. Post footage.

>Captcha: TOSS
God wills it. You shall throw the karateka down.
Look up Rafael Aghayev. He made a whole career out of throwing bouncy sport karate guys.


>use strikes and feints to force the other guy to throw back
>the other guy has to plant his feet when he's throwing
>duck under, grab something, and takedown

It is decided. Spam imanari rolls for 5 minutes until you catch him, then fuck up his knee. Or possibly get kicked in the face over and over again. Either way, film it and post it here.

Or go full BJJ retard: sit guard and butt scoot toward him saying "mount me, bro, mount me."
there is tons of free bananas at 711 so I take all the brown ones for baking.
If he keeps evading then shooting for singles and doubles won't work, you'll need to close the distance quickly and get into a clinch, from there you can sweep or throw
>you have like 1.5 days between being too green to eat and starting to attract flies
What are you talking about? The minor browning is not rot, it's still completely edible, if less visually appealing
Danaher instructionals are so good to sleep.
How beneficial even are instructionals? I’ve heard it range from barely to I base my whole game around this
Instructor not withstanding, it's incredibly reliant on your ability to self audit and learn. Some people get nothing out of it, some people play leap frog on their same time starts.
It is just like >>191894 said,
I spent 1.5h a day studying one of the 4 but I don't think most do that.
it's just information
information is only as useful as your application of it

if you're learning from it properly it should take you weeks to get through one of them as you watch a position lesson then with your partners practice it until you understand it well enough to move on. In this way it's not any different from going to a class
and that's as opposed to how most people probably use them where they watch it all the way through as quickly as they can and just assume through osmosis they'll be able to start pulling things off

or once you're experienced like me and have awakened your jiujitsu sharingan and can just mimic what you see because intuitively you already know how it works
the better you get the easier it is to learn new things
that's why you'll see the blue belts mimicking the teachers movements in the air while he's showing a move and asking to see it a few more times
and the black belts glance over one time at the beginning and 2 seconds into showing the move go oh ok then look off into space the rest of the time because they got it
then the fun trick is telling the partner with complete confidence what the next move is going to be and they think you have some kind of psychic abilities for calling it every time
but it's just intuition
Great way to skyrocket to mediocre.

Depends on your level and how autodidactic you are. If you are gonna get one, start with the gordon ryan escapes.
Untapped market for Danaher ASMR of him quietly reading his notes on the history of grappling, from both Europe and Asia.

When I can't sleep, sometimes I'll legitimately put on some old danaher instructional that I've seen a few times and just let his droning put me out.
>12 hours of cute Danaher complimeting your bjj game ASMR
I would buy.
When I started watching them and taking charge of my own learning/game is when I skyrocketed my skills.

I just find BJJ is not tought properly.

I use grapplers guide its like 50 bucks on sale it has basically a video encyclopedia on grappling with a one time fee
>grapplers guide
submeta has passed it
>I just find BJJ is not tought properly.
you would be right, people that do jiujitsu for a living are low IQ individuals
you already have to be low IQ to decide to make a living doing sports, and then it's a whole other level to do a sport that has no money in it
so they aren't sending their best

these are the people in charge of instruction, real dopes that have no understanding of learning modalities
"bro bjj is so complicated bro" no it isn't you've just been having an idiot explain it to you. You'd find a lot of things complicated if the person explaining it was 6 years old
"hey jonny, how do you drive a car?"
"you gotta turn the wheel and it goes vrooom!"
"woah, wow, I just cant seem to get this to work. Man, driving a car is so complicated!"

bjj is simple as fuck
don't let the other guy occupy the space between your armpits and hip. That's all there is to it. Don't let him put any part of his body in that space, meanwhile you occupy that space on him.
Congratulations you're now a red belt in BJJ
>don't let the other guy occupy the space between your armpits and hip. That's all there is to it. Don't let him put any part of his body in that space, meanwhile you occupy that space on him.
Now i know BJJ.
Your better starting with Craig Jones and John Danaher. Craig gives you a simple beginning and then John takes its to another level.

Gordon shares a lot and acts like they are all equal.
>real dopes that have no understanding of learning modalities
>don't let the other guy occupy the space between your armpits and hip. That's all there is to it.
You're just stating a guard retention concept. That might blow the mind of a white belt but it doesn't exactly result in skill development
but skills come from doing, so give yourself a set of parameters to work within and just do that
this is the ecological approach, just like when you were learning to walk nobody had to explain it to you, the parameter was get to where you want to go as fast as you can
and you experimented by doing a lot of dumb inefficient things like crawling, rolling on your belly, and scooting on your butt
then one day you pulled yourself upright and realized hey these steps get me places, maybe I can do a few of them in a row. Wala, you're walking

bjj being the same, just set the parameters for the task
never let anyone occupy that space on you. And that's the only thing you'll think of until you're good at it
next, occupy that space on the other person while not letting him do it to you
next, make sure your butt is below your head while doing those other things
etc etc and within a year I promise you'll have a white belt at close to if not beyond black belt level compared to the traditional method of "ayee my fren today we will hworke on de treeanglee choake frome de guar" in a fraction of the time
Huh, I feel dumb for not knowing about GG, thanks anon.

Yeah but like 3 months of submeta pays for lifetime access to GG. I'm a basic bitch, let me digest the old boring shit in GG then I'll start hunting for cutting-edge shit.

Oh god it's you
>Yeah but like 3 months of submeta pays for lifetime access to GG

fair, I only paid once and downloaded the whole site it I think it worth it
I would just say it's better because of it's Chapters

I did the same for bjjcoreconcept worth it aswell
Well I'm right and it's observable
Bjj ranks are awarded completely subjectively unlike everything else
A karate style has objective standards of things you need to know to get a belt
Judo for example, you play Judo with a black belt there's an objective minimum standard you can expect to experience
Bjj you might have a blue belt that's a killer and the hardest roll you've had in weeks, and a black belt that's a total potato
And white belts that can employ Danahers entire ashi series, along with coral belts that don't know anything thing involving a knee reap because they've never taken off the gi in their lives

The only standard for getting a belt in bjj is the person you're learning from likes you enough to give you one
It's a gift not an achievement

The absence of an objective standard requiring competency in specific techniques, the only thing that matters is principle application
I don't know if you have a wall or just open space, but if you do have a wall, use his linear motion to get his back close and than shoot a single. If only open space just crash in while they retract a strike and clinch up so you can hit a sweep or shoot a takedown from there
i haven't trained for a month and it makes me think of how much I miss grabbing the feet of cute asian girls
lucky my class is a bunch of fat guys, tattooed druggies, and old men on roids
Gonna start bjj soon, anything I can do to be more proactive about protecting myself from foot fungus and shit like that?
if it's an issue that comes up it's the gyms fault, that's the first thing
aside from that make sure you at least wash your hands and face before leaving to go home and get in the shower quickly
I don't use the shower at the gym, but if you're extra nervous just get some anti-bacterial hand wipes and give yourself a rub down to hold you over until showering

and no don't by the jiujitsu branded ones that are $15 a container when you can just get the regular wet ones brand for $3.50 for the same amount
i fucking love body triangles from the back
Shower ASAP after training. Wear long sleeve rashguards and spats if you want to minimize exposure.
I've been using this arm switch a lot lately:
>Wear long sleeve rashguards and spats
I hate the feeling of the long sleeves and spats but I haven't caught anything yet.
two things I want to say
#1 its bullshit that my gym has changed to doing biannual promotions instead of going person by person like it used to
all this is doing is putting a time gate instead of a skill gate which makes it worthless. I literally know the day I'll get a black belt because it's scheduled and thats gay

2nd thing
I need ecological games like kit dales instructionals if anyone can find them, I want to take a look at what a complete curriculum is like
ps. ecological games are literally just positional training no matter how much that smolders faggot or whatever his name is seethes about it

>ecological system


Really though, you don't need an instructional for this. Just figure out some games with different goals/restrictions. We do this all the time at open mats
>Bjj ranks are awarded completely subjectively unlike everything else
nothing subjective about competition especially with a submission
>And white belts that can employ Danahers entire ashi series
these people are regarded as retards by anyone who knows what they're doing
>The absence of an objective standard requiring competency in specific techniques, the only thing that matters is principle application
which means you develop actual skills instead of checking off some karate nerds list
I think having a "checklist", as you describe it, would be quite beneficial to beginners as it would tell them exactly what to focus on.
It would also establish an actual curriculum, rather than the "random submission of the day" approach used by many schools which while not horrible is also not ideal.
Judo does it that way I think; to progress you need to both show proficiency in a specific set of techniques and show your competence in sparring
to add,
>It would also establish an actual curriculum
this part would also be useful if you ever trained at different schools, because it would give them an idea of your abilities and knowledge beyond just "he can *probably* beat _-belts"
Right but I just want to copy the ones someone else already figured out
>these people are regarded as retards by anyone who knows what they're doing
It's left behind boomer cope
Those that can't do, will talk shit
"Fuckin punk heel hooked me, heh I bet he wouldn't have been able to do shit if I passed his guard tho"
Did you pass his guard?
"No because that fuckin punk heel hooked me, plus I didn't know we were doing leglocks, if I had known it would've been different"
Ok so now you know, go do it again
"Nah I don't roll with fuckin punks doing unsafe moves like that...fuckin punks"
>its bullshit that my gym has changed to doing biannual promotions
Yes, yes it is, you should leave immediately and tell the owner exactly why.

>ecological games are literally just positional training
Agreed. People acting like they've reinvented the wheel, just friggin drill, spar, and positional spar.
it's sunk cost, I don't really want to go somewhere else

well that's not really true, I want to move away from here. But until that happens I'm not going to go to a different club
Every time I see this thread my cock gets hard and I feel like fapping to Asian feet. Fuck you faggot
How'd y'all do at the Nashville open?
what's the jiujitsu scene in tennessee
I need to find a place to move to and open a premier gym since I'm coming from a jiujitsu hotspot I'll be showing stuff 5 years ahead of whatever the community is doing
>Thread question: What kind of amenities should a gym have?
Holes in the walls with this type of stuff sticking out of them.
Start in cat dog
Start in dog fight
Start with your backs touching sitting down
Common normal positions
Amenities, what are those?
I want training partners and an instructor
I trained at a shit hole (think original Daisy Fresh) that felt like an abandoned building. Only stopped because day class died.
probably would've been able to support the day class if the gym wasn't a shithole
That's a good point. Lmao
Take it up with the owner he doesn't care
It would be nice to offer things such as coffee and tea to members
Even if even if you have a little pay what you want donation box for people to drop a dollar into here and there to keep the supply stocked

Unfortunately it's not sustainable, people will take advantage
We tried to have water bottles fully stocked and free to take, and even said we appreciate if occasionally people want to bring in a case of water we'll throw it into the fridge
But we had to stop doing that because even though some people would bring in water, it was always the same few people that would dquit and everyone else would just take
Had to tell them stop bringing in water bottles for other people we aren't putting anything in the fridge anymore, they can bring their own waters

I guess you get what you deserve
Once you get to the point you're spending $100 every month to keep beverages in stock you gotta say this business expense isn't doing anything for me
its unsafe because white belts dont know how to do it properly especially if they cant even master upper body subs
you realize what you need to learn and improve by training consistently. any instructor worth his salt can judge skill level by watching you roll(as they're also rolling)
>you realize what you need to learn and improve by training consistently. any instructor worth his salt can judge skill level by watching you roll(as they're also rolling)
I agree, I'm not saying that this approach is wrong.
I guess I just prefer having structure and something closer to objective standards.
I spent the last 2 months watching Craig Jones submission and position escape, I like learning on my own

What should look at next?
If you like Craig, look at power ride. It'll totally change the way you look at grappling.

Power bottom is good as well.
sounds good thanks, would you say his Systematic submission dilemmas would be good for a beginners?
I haven't really looked at submission before
Honestly, no. It's all about failed triangles into leg entanglements and I'd highly recommend getting pretty decent at leg entries first. Down under leg locks is a great intro to the leg game.

I really wouldn't suggest power ride either if you're pretty new. It's not gonna be as useful if you don't have a solid positional game first. Look into some open guard or passing instructionals if you're pretty new. I was passing blue and purple belts pretty consistently as a white belt after watching some passing instructionals, especially wiltse's.
We have a situation here
I, a not black belt, am accidentally becoming a cult leader

People are really disaffected by the boomer tier instruction happening with all the shrimping and running laps and jumping jacks
Then here's 3 moves, ok now roll.
I just pay for the use of the mat space and training partners basically and I'm 100% teaching myself otherwise, the teacher has little of value to show me.
And well others have noticed I do my own thing and they're picking up what I'm putting down, and now they come to me to ask questions instead of the teacher
And I'm happy to help because the better they get the better I get but it's like there's a growing secret society and it's becoming noticeable. I'm getting texts and phone calls all day from people to talk about this stuff.
all of them individually have confided in how they feel their time is being wasted with all those dumb exercises the beginning of class, and how they are paying for instruction not to run laps, if they wanted to do that they would just go do it for free
The way I example principles is so much more valuable to them than the random moves they're taught every day.

I'm worried I'll get kicked out for treason soon though if I keep undermining the program and it becomes too obvious.
Folks are getting less good about even hiding it and just ask me questions with a black belt sitting right there
Fuck that gym, bro. Join a different one.
No one should pay if there's little or no instruction.
>I'm worried I'll get kicked out for treason soon though if I keep undermining the program and it becomes too obvious.
Why would they boot you? You're paying them to be their assistant.
It's not that there's little instruction, it's the typical amount of instruction you'll find at bjj where like 1/3 is actually showing stuff and the rest is dumb exercises and free time
And a lot of the stuff you can tell is straight from a Danaher dvd because it's presented in the same order and if you've seen the DVD you know exactly what the next thing is going to be
>this fucking guy again
You know how peoples egos can get tied up in being the arbiter of secret knowledge (That's readily available on the internet) and he's gotten mad at people for getting together at someone's house to workout on home mats without getting his approval first
It's that kind of situation
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I hear you guys are easy going and don't take yourselves too seriously over here
>there are no "don't let them stand up" instructionals on fanatics

Oh nononono
>he's gotten mad at people for getting together at someone's house to workout on home mats without getting his approval first
What his voiced concern related to insurance or the use of the name of his business?
He was concerned the guy hosting was trying to secretly poach students
I had a weird experience training today. For context I've been training 5 years and not spazzy, never had complaints.

I rolled with the blue belt girl. She was going pretty hard but I still dialed down my strength. Passed her guard easily and basically just positionally dominated her, even after allowing her to escape and sweep me once.

The more the roll went on she spazzed even harder and was almost screaming. Round ended and she just turned her back, I said thanks for the roll and she just shook her head at me. I asked what was wrong and she snapped "I don't want to talk".

Did I do something wrong or is she just salty that she couldn't beat me?
Some people just have lousy days. It probably has nothing to do with you. I saw a purple belt rage quit at an in house tournament once. And I had a black belt get pissy with me because he didn't like how hard I was gripping his collar to defend an ankle lock, so he transitioned to a heel hook and then heel hooked me again immediately after I tapped. Doesn't mean he's a bad person, just means he had a bad night. He's been cool with me every other time.

And hey, even if it is a pattern and she's just constantly pissy, you can only take what she gives you. If she wants to get overwrought during rolls then that's what she needs to work on. You just need to be steady and consistent, IMHO.
Might be frustration. Getting crushed because the other person is just that much bigger and stronger than you feels like shit
I would know, I'm typically the smallest person in the class, for me every roll is a fight for survival
Shout out Wiltse's instructionals. Wrestle Up was the best butterfly and X-guard instructional that my blue belt Marcelo wannabe ass could've asked for.
Nothing you wrote indicates you did anything wrong. I would try to give her space to get over whatever's going on in her woman brain so you don't become the target of any nonsense.
>is she just salty that she couldn't beat me?
Could be that, could be she's got issues she's trying to work through regarding physical contact with men.
Just proves the only reason we even allow women on the mat is to show off their fussy
They aren't real competitors
just thinking about the time when I'm stuffing a shot by pushing down on the back of the head, and for context I'm just a stuff master like unless your wrestling level is legitimately good, not just bjj good but wrestling good, don't even try it because you aint getting my legs

anyway so I stuff a shot and then a crusty middle aged TRT juice junky black belt with coffee breath tells me my completely successful stuff was wrong "you gotta do it like this" and he proceeds to show a C grip on the back of the neck to push the head down
objectively he's wrong, but gotta be respectful and not argue "ok thank you"

then I stuff another shot later on and he's in the peanut gallery HEY YOU'RE NOT DOING WHAT I TOLD YOU!
so then for the rest of class I had to do it the wrong shitty way he insisted upon and wouldn't you know it, I wasn't stopping the singles anymore

abolish belts
This is what happens when Judo faces against pure BJJ but scooting faggotry
I think she even ended it with a kimura I think
It's hard to find matches online now because there's a whole bjj youtuber sphere with uppity blue belts thinking they're worth something BJJ VS JUDO EXPERT ROLLING COMMENTARY
How do I stop breaking ribs?
I broke my second rib in 2 months this week. Both times I just moved weird when someone was trying to pass my guard.
Do I need stronger abs?
Do you roll with bigger people?
Like 20+lbs difference?
That happened to me in my first month of rolling. Well, I didn't break a rib but I had a pretty nasty intercostal strain. It happened when I exhaled the wrong way at the wrong time on bottom. Since then I've learned to breathe better and protect myself better.

Keep a little bit of pressure in your thorax when you're in vulnerable positions on bottom. Learn to recognize when you're bearing the brunt of his weight, and don't take full breaths, just sip some air. Learn to breathe and brace, and power breathe.

And yeah, get stronger abs and get stronger generally. Doing the big compound lifts will actually help you learn to breathe and brace while moving.

Also, don't know about your gym, but at my gym no one would look down on you for declining a roll with a much bigger guy, or asking to start on top if we're doing positional rounds. Be smart, train constructively not destructively.
3 things that could help you
1st abs, work up to doing toes to bars
2nd get good at position escape
3rd would be gain some weight nothing crazy but 15lb, bones need food
Craig Jones is bullshit
>random fat girls no one has ever heard of
How about olympic gold medalist vs. BJJ guy?
>pulls guard
>guy is sitting on his butt in front of you and you still manage to give up your back
>referee standing there to ensure you climb into his guard willingly or you lose the game
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I watched a bunch of different grappling instructionals, it's like the same 4 techniques for arm, leg, feet and chokes and a group of more specific ones
>Everything is the same
>Actually everything is incredibly specific and there's a thousand variations of every position and lock
>Everything is the same
>be powerlifter
>walk into BJJ gym, never done anything like this before
>getting shown some moves
>partner up with blue belt to practice
>he has 50lbs and 4 inches on me
>"Okay try it on me for real. I want to see what it's supposed to be"
>he can't submit me because he's too weak
>laughs it off

Bjj bros? Did you get too cocky?
Lemme guess he sat right down on his butt or laid on his back?
Most of these guys doing bjj can't have any success if the other guy rejects the gentleman's agreement
Jiujitsu is really fucking hard when the other guy refuses to play along.
Day after day they keep getting told don't use strength, don't move so fast, don't do this, don't do that. And they get these false positives after being conditioned on how to behave and they see they are getting pretty good when everyone else is behaving the same way

Then you just throw an Athletic guy out there on the floor and they don't know what to do because nobody else is playing that way

I don't want gymbros invading the world of martial arts.
Nah. It's just that strength matters and anyone who says the opposite is coping.
Good technique can compensate for lack of strength and strength can compensate for lack of of good technique, but in both cases it's only to an extent. If you want to be any good, you need both.
BJJ athletes tend to be on average less fit than in other combat sports, because it's the most 'hobbyish' and casual right now.
It's like I always tell the copers, your strength is a sword and your technique is the edge on the blade, but a big dull sword can still be used to smash things
>Day after day they keep getting told don't use strength, don't move so fast, don't do this, don't do that
Find a better gym then. The only "gentleman's agreement" I'm aware of is "don't actually try to injure your partner"
Noo you can't just muscle out of things! Noo you can't just stand back up if you dont like the position! Noo you can't just back away from my butt scooting, you need to pass! Noo you can't just stiff arm me away and push me over!

Many such cases
What happened in UFC 1?
Ah well 30 years ago a guy beat some random nobodies his brother picked out for him to fight and also chose the rules

That appeal always makes me yikes a little bit the same way the karate guys will say yeah but 60 years ago karate won 2/3 matches against muay thai (under modified rules) so that proves its legit!
I implore you to re-read my post
>Find a better gym then
I prefer you implore people to find a better sport
>Noo you can't just back away from my butt scooting, you need to pass!
Everything else you said was fine, but yeah if you're just going to refuse to engage in training you should fuck off and find something else to do. That's like running around a boxing ring instead of actually sparring.
Guard pulling in competition is one issue, but in training who cares? What are you going to do when you happen to land a takedown and have no clue how to pass/submit?
Fucking retards
What was the technique?
Sounds like some combination of you being stronger and him being shitty at the technique.
Everyone who trains would absolutely agree that speed, athleticism, and size make a HUGE difference.
the player that sits is the one taking the defensive posture, what he's doing is akin to just shelling up and refusing to throw a punch until I attack first so he can counter punch me

the player standing is the one driving the action, so the sitting player is obligated to stand up with him. If he wishes to pull a guard or something he needs to make a connection and pull the guy into it, He doesn't get to just sit on the floor. and if he's scooting at you then you are under no obligation to let him touch you and grab your legs any more than you are obligated to let him grab any other grip he may want during normal play. If he can't bring you down he doesn't deserve to have the position he wants.
Okay I can't stand for you talking ill of Ken Shamrock that man is a true grappler and lost do to brazilian tricks.
They let him use his wrestling shoes all the way to the semi finals talking them away before the final match, and then choking him with his brazil belt.

if they aren't hold me in guard I will back away and go at them from a better angle and boxing is all about finding the best angle of attack
>defensive posture
This retard again oy vey
>make a connection to pull guard
Ok then what? You just refuse to pass? Maybe you should just wrestle. I don’t understand you dumb faggots. All about muh standup and rules of engagement but make 0 attempts to strangle or break limbs
>go at them from a better angle
Nothing wrong with that. My beef is with people who just completely refuse to engage with a bottom player. Even more cowardly than avoiding a wrestling exchange
>exchange collar ties for 5 minutes
>get takedown
>on top
>guy pulls guard
>on top
Somehow people complain about this lol
if I refuse to pass then you should just attack me from your guard
surely you're able to attack from that position, surely you don't require me to drive the action forward for you to be able to do anything, surely
>people who just completely refuse to engage with a bottom player
Ah fair
>if I refuse to pass
No one is forcing you to grapple buddy. If I have top position I am trying as hard as I can to pass and submit because that’s the entire point.
see this is the problem with bottom bois, they just lay there and expect the top to do all the work
"the guard" is a bullshit arbitrary position, if we were wrestling you've lost the match for going there
you're pinned, you're the one that needs to do something about it
This is why jiu Jitsu without strikes is a meme lmao
it's weird too because even within the rules of sport jiujitsu the guard is frowned upon. All possible scoring positions are done from the top, the only way to score from the bottom is to sweep the guy so you're not the one on the bottom anymore.
in the event of a tie the decision is supposed to go to the guy on top, that's how I beat gordon back when we were purple belts, he pulled guard and the match ended 0-0, I never passed, he never swept, but I got the win because I was in dominant position
I don't know the terms. It was a thing where I start on my back and he is on me from the side pinning me down, then he's supposed to grab my arm and pin the wrist down while rotating the elbow upwards to crank my shoulder. But he was unable to pin my arm.
Fwiw, I was unable to get unpinned though
Butt scooting is a fundamental problem with the sport; it's not just a personal hangup.
It's intentionally taking a position that is by all accounts disadvantageous, and moreover looks and feels instinctively idiotic, BUT due to the rules, it's not actually disadvantageous. It also simply skips a large chunk of the game. In reality you'd just get kicked in the head. The sport already awards points based on advantageous striking positions and is thus ostensibly rooted in the realm of real fighting. It needs to also disincentivize the butt scoot for that reason.
ude garami for us scholarly types
americana if your teachers skin is darker than a paper lunch bag
>if we were wrestling you've lost the match for going there
Different sport, and you don't lose the match for being on bottom. Retard
>this is why soccer without picking up the ball is a meme
>in the event of a tie the decision is supposed to go to the guy on top
Then why are are you crying about guard pulling? You're being handed top position. I love guard pullers because I actually know how to pass and submit
>In reality you'd just get kicked in the head
You could apply this retarded logic to pretty much any combat sport. You morons only apply it to BJJ to be contrarian 4channers.
Wrestlers give up their backs, which is deadly. Boxers don't acknowledge grappling or leg kicks. Judokas don't allow leg tackles. Just fucking train MMA if you are going to nitpick like a woman

I genuinely don't understand the guard pulling whining. I fucking WISH my training partners would concede position
>inb4 muh sport
>inb4 muh spectators
I don't train for spectators, I don't give a fuck about BJJ being in the olympics. Pin and submit.

You idiots act like getting a takedown guarantees a great position. Sometimes you exchange collar ties for 5 minutes, get a takedown, and expose a limb. How is that better than forcing (and passing) half guard on a guard puller?
It's not internally consistent. You're awarded points by gaining advantageous striking positions. When someone sits down on the ground in front of you, that should immediately give you a point because you could kick them in the head.
If you are on your back you're losing
End of discussion. You're the one that needs to move
Being on your back is losing in the eyes of sport and in the reality of fighting
It's the quintessential "big guy" submission, because you generally need to be stronger than the other guy to hit it
Yeah, and if your opponent is sitting on your back, you're also as good as dead, yet wrestling fags conveniently overlook this reality
There are exactly zero "realistic" martial arts, every single one of them concedes some realism to the rules. MMA is as close as it gets, if that's what you fancy
If you want to strike him, you need to get past his legs.

Just pass, bro. He's put himself at a disadvantage by sitting on the ground. Just pass, pin, submit.
Blowjobbers treat showing the back like some kind of foregone conclusion, and it's not. There's a big difference between showing your back to someone and giving your back up. The most effective way to escape is to turn away, and as long as you don't let him under your far side armpit while you do that you're not in danger

The current meta in MMA is to just beat him up from inside the guard because people realized that's a better pin than side control. He's stuck down there under you so passing will just give him more ability to get away. Craig's power ride series is based explicitly on this fact, there's no need to pass the legs to attack and the only reason we do it is because bjj scores it as a way to get points. It's a bad habit
For learning submissions what order do you think people should learn them?

I believe it should go
1 Back Attacks
2 Front Headlock
3 Kimura
4 Armbars
5 Triangles
6 Leglocks
Want to know the gayest thing to ever gay? We're having a "belt promotion ceremony" that will cost $100 to attend

Collectively everybody said fuck that
BJJ midwits be like

>you gotta learn to learn with pedagogy bro. you'll never go to adcc just by copying whatever your instructor does
>omg I'm learning so much from this $500 craig ryan dvd by copying everything he does
That says more about the low quality of instruction out there in most places where a 4 hour video tape gives more value than their in person teacher does over years
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>paying for instructionals
I agree that defending against attacks from the back as well as from full mount.

I'm glad you put leglocks at the end. That is indeed the last submission you should learn. You need to know how to defend from armlocks, chokes, and neck cranks before those.
Thoughts on doing wrestling and nogi at the same time?

Tried gi bjj once and didn't really enjoy it. Lying there and fighting off the back in full guard felt like cope. Heard nogi is more like wrestling and more practical

I just want to learn to defend myself and idk if wrestling is enough or better than doing nogi as well
Perfectly fine if you're young, don't have a physical job, recover well, and can afford to eat enough to sustain the work.
I'm only planning to go twice maybe three times a week. I'm 30 so not young but I'm not completely out of shape and got through a wrestling class with the regulars that attend it. Was sore for a few days afterwards but that's to be expected I guess.

Also tried bjj and judo sessions. Didn't enjoy judo or bjj so will stick with wrestling and try nogi as well then
Counter point, leglocks are the path of least resistance and workable against much larger people with way less investment in their practice and less auxilery skills to set them up, therefore should be high priority in learning them so you immediately have a reliable tool at your disposal you can retreat back to
As having confidence breeds improvement
Fair, but in the I think a person can learn all these (Back Attacks, Front Headlock, Kimura, Armbars, Triangles, Leglocks) moves before blue belt
>I was a white belt for 1.5 year
Get the fuck out of that gym now.
My neck makes a cruch noise anytime I get RNC or Guillotine, is there any guide to help?
It's not worth it man, save your neck and not only that save yourself from a life of agony
my neck was fucked up already from when I was kicked in head(rugby)
I just need rehab advice
Yeah but leglocks, neck locks, spine locks, and wrist locks are also the most dangerous to practice by a newb. It's safer and easier to learn armlocks and chokes before you move onto that stuff.
Professionals regularly fuck up neck advise for patients they see in person. No one in this bisexual clothed frottage thread is going to be able to see through their wifi signal to tell you what's wrong.
all I can tell you is do exercises to give yourself strong traps such as shrugs and the cuban press, and stop doing jiujitsu

I'm at the point in my life where I'm realizing there's no amount of jiujitsu that fits into it. I'm down from 5 days a week to 2. my necks gets extremely aggravated from even mild contact and I just don't have the ability to recover anymore

It's degrading before my eyes
Why don't you do neck strengthening exercises
NTA, sometimes when the damage is done it's done and there's not much you can do about it after the fact, other than try to ease the pain and prevent it from getting worse
Most injuries can be rehabilitated, but sometimes you're just SOL. Most often when it involves the spine
Why do women have such soft, easily wrist lockable wrists?
They're made for rape.
Is it easier to become the best judoist or jiu jitsuistuist
probably easier to become a top level jiujitero considering how every ten or so years there's some random literally who autistic purple belt that decides to get on roids and dedicate their entire life on spamming 1 or 2 techniques until they're a champion
I have been doing gracie combatives and go further faster. I'm an assasin. I'm a killer.
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Who else /out here/
I didn't expect to see Mike Glover on /xs/.
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my favorite title of Craig's is False Reap Allegations
Just title not talking about content but he is quite good.
I think the removed or re-titled that one.
Is BJJ the only option if you want a martial art that can apply to MMA and be able to spar without becoming braindead at 30?
How do I loosen up my hip flexor as quick as I can?
What other options are there? Sambo and wrestling?
How are you rolling with people significantly smaller/weaker than you?
On the one hand I don't want to just smash them using all my strength and weight, but, I find that if I try to go at thier strength level I just get beaten. Sometime I let them do things which reasonably I couldn't defend against a person of my size and weight, and I lose, I feel this is wrong now. Anyone got any tips?
You need striking too imo most hobbyist boxing gyms spar moderate shots to the head

Muay Thai gyms spar moderate to the body , light to head
For grappling you have wrestling of all types, judo, sambo, BJJ, submission grappling if you want to count that as its own thing
With striking it's harder. There is kyokushin, which goes hard on the body but doesn't use head strikes (as far as I know at least). With MT, boxing and kickboxing you have to explicitly communicate with your training partner and hope they're not retarded
When I know I could just out-strength someone to victory, not that it happens often, I usually actively try to use less strength because if I just overpower them, neither of us will learn much
Bro, you need to find a different gym asap. All of the things you listed are used in my gym by everyone all the time.
On one hand, don't be a dick. On the other hand, rolling with an advantage gives you the opportunity to practice stuff successfully, instead of just getting shut down all the time. My coach told me to start coming to evening classes because there are more middle/high school kids to practice takedowns on. Work to reliably take down skinny fourteen year olds, then move up to taking down full grown men, then attempt your takedown against the pro team guys, lol.
1 treat flexibility as a training modality the same way you would with lifting
If you break a sweat stretching that's not a bad thing
Two critical techniques are proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation ot PNF for short
And nerve flossing

Your body will not physically allow you to move past a certain range, it will lock up before you actually get to the full range
PNF puts a small amount of load at the end ranges, your body feels that it's safe to proceed, and it allows the muscles to relax further

Nerves don't really stretch and adapt the way muscles do, what you have is what you have and they are a commonly limiting factor
When you stretch and feel tingles at the ends of your feet or something, it's because your nerves are being strained
Nerve flossing techniques allows your nerves to move freely through the joint so they don't need to stretch, they just go with the flow

Research shows that you need 10 minutes per week of stretching to make gains, not counting the warm up. it can be all at once, 2 minutes over 5 days, doesn't matter how you break it up
Because of that time requirement it is recommended you do no more than 4 skills in your program at a time because it can get overwhelming
Any literature or other resource recommendations?
Thanks, this is really helpful
In addition to what anon said, a lack of flexibility in one area may have very little to do with the area itself. Especially in the hip girdle. A weakness or lack of flexion ability in the foot can easily create a transferance to the groin, adductors etc. If you find that the methods he outlined are either incredibly grinding or producing no results, you may need to branch further away from that area. Possibly even up the body.
I think it just my hip flexor since I am able to hold a deep squat and duck walk without breaking a sweat,
but as a recovering neet I can say I did not take the best care of my whole body
Yeah I was just giving you a heads up what to look for. If you were the typical shut in, you just sat too much. So it's very likely you're right, and if not it's probably gonna be your lower/mid back.
Well thank you for the information

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