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Training only once a week isn't a waste of time
Outside of Russia, the States and Japan the only accessible way of grappling it's BJJ
Clinch fighting is the optimal form of striking.
Boxing is better than kickboxing
Judo is massively popular worldwide
Freestyle wrestling is a fair bit rarer, but still exists in most countries in at least some capacity
I mean submissions specifically
Judo is better than wrestling
Street fights don't exist anymore, everyone use guns or knifes instead, martial arts, combat sports and self-defence are worthless, you are going to get shot
Judo has submissions and like the other anon said it’s way more popular outside of the US than BJJ
A quick browse on r/ fightporn or wshh will prove you very very wrong
Did they really teach anything of it as a whole?
Throws and olympic-approved stuff it's the only thing that they care about
Submissions are a part of the sport of judo you fucking retard.
I bet the 99.9 of judo dojos don't teach submissions
I bet you think a lot of dumbass retard shit.
They really don't teach anything aside of specific olympic throws
>dumbass retard shit statement
You don’t train
They don't teach submissions in judo
How would you know? You don’t train.
This is an unpopular opinion thread, not retarded.
>dEy OnLy CaRe bO0t Oolumpics N jooDoh
>Proceeds to prove they've never even watched Olympic Judo.
How fucking retarded are you? Olympic Judo allows submissions & you will see them in high level Olympic judo more than anywhere else. They train every sub that BJJ does. BJJ is literally watered down Judo you fucking retards, jfc.
Sorry that link was for the world championship. Here the one for the Olympics. Fucking 2nd match in is a submission. Suck it you no training retards.
More for good measure, this is from another world championship, but their rules are almost identical to the IOCs cause everyone at the world championships is fighting for the chance to get picked up for their national teams.

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