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Previous version: >>3001979

For all your Robotics and Mechanical needs
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Anybody knows the artist?
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But it's a private account.
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Asking again for any robotfucker discords or other hangout places. It's a wasteland out there.
You can find a Discord link in the previous thread.
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Thanks man. Always looking for any more as well.
Forgot the image.
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do delivery robots offer room service (leaving their load next to my prostate)?
8kun’s /clang/ used to be one
gomihebi on Twitter
god i miss it. things just weren't after they purged all boards and started anew
sad i missed it, shit man. and no, as someone in area with delivery robots, they are little servants of satan and i hate them
ty anon
what did they do to you

i writhe in pain whenever i remember that on /clang/ there were these 2 uncolored drawings of a microsoft pc bara objecthead that i didn’t save:
The first one was him in suspenders saying something like “i’ll show you what a mac can’t do”, and the second one was him riding a dick saying “user, your performance is astounding!”
hfhfhfhhfhh does anyone here have them? i never really downloaded porn cause i was more paranoid of someone finding it, just me being young and dumb
whose the chef that cooked these
Oh yeah that reminds me, I’m also looking for an 2d animated gif of green pathfinder getting railed. The artist that made it used purple backgrounds in it, but for the life of me I can’t find their twitter handle. I hope they didn’t delete their twitter.. they had this gif of whirl getting clapped from the back by cyclonus too I believe
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they cost like $10 extra and are so slow your food is always late and cold. plus at least a few companies actually just use low wage workers in poor countries to remote drive them.
shinett53 on twitter and artist of these i'm about to post is twohornedhelios.
those white whales don't ring a bell but i hope you find them anon. post em here if you do.
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imagine screwing a sexbot and it turns out it wasn’t an ai but was remotely controlled by a family-breadwinner in a slum
that’d be real fucked up, but it would make an interesting scifi short story
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Not actually a bot but no skins showing.
anybody know of a place where I can buy robotic theme dildos
like bad dragon or whatever
Bad dragon HAS robot themed dildos. Vector and Bishop.
Bishop doesn't look bad and I don't really like horse cocks
but I was kinda looking for more "human" looking robotic cocks
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Admech cute
Seconded, would love something more like pic related
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captcha: D0NGTH
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not a duplicate reply
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Wish there were more mobile suit lewds. Someone draw a Zaku jacking off already.
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And more suited male Spartans, desu
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Found like a dozen more fully armored spartan pics and anims, if you guys want em I'll post but that may be too off-topic since they're not technically robots.
Their dicks are at one with their armor so I'm pretty sure they're robots unless the artist is into latex/rubber instead
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Good enough for me. Whether or not it's a latex fetish thing, I definitely like the armor cocks.
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got any with the Hayabusa armor?
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Sorry anon, I'm posting all I got (McFizzyD and Juna_Tah on twitter). This stuff ain't easy to find. Makes me wish Twitter had a decent tag system.
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Last one. Hopefully I can find more because I'm kinda on a spartan kick. Where do people find robot art in general? Most of mine is off twitter and r34.
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Few more from the same two artists actually.
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pixiv and tumblr
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Damn, did tumblr start allowing porn again or something? Thanks
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Previous thread is dead
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Got a bunch of good stuff from Pixiv but it's all webm. Shit.
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his cock design makes it look like he's wearing a cock cage
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not really, it’s like searching through the aftermath of a clusterbombing, there can be some new little things still flying under the radar too.
There IS also furaffinity, but then again it’s fucking furaffinity. I did find things like pic related though.
After I save all of what I’m looking for there, I’ll need a generous intravitrial dose of industrial-grade ethanol, AND MAYBE I’ll post what stuff I scrounged from there
do you happenchance have kiryuma’s deleted Svarog (and screwellum) content saved? I can’t find their one animation of svarog getting standing-up machine-fucked until he cums
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There is little to no mecha point.

God I wish there was more gay gundam mech porn.
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Yeah, it's a bit of a rarity, unfortunately
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where are these guys from?
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Ooh! Artist?
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Yiffy. More?
gomihebi on twitter!
Ty bro
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Too femnine.
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Try Twintail Creations or Exotic-Erotics. TTC took over Frisky Beast who really had the robocock variety, but they still use some FB molds. Look at Cyrus and Mantis.
Exotic-Erotics has the whole Exotic-Robotics collection including the Mech, which looks like what >>3024478 wants.
Hankey's Toys also has a robotic model. Look for the Sex Machine in their sci-fi section.
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>male futa robot
ahh yep.. now I've seen it all.
nice art though.
personally, i'm cool with that—would love to see more like this!
There's no comically large boobs though, just a vag
?..yes? that's why it's 男ふたなり, which means male hermaphrodite/futanari, not trannyshit, and can apply to either sex.
>and futa can apply to either sex*
accidentally a word
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I tried saucenao/reverse image search but no lucks.
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TeMuJin103 on Twitter!
Steelforgecanis on Twitter
brawl stars
this is larry and lawrie
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A bit out there on some of his other stuff, but the motorcycle boy is nice
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these are so cute
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once again, take it to /d/ if you wanna post females
Calm down your period bitch, he probably didn't notice.
Anon here- you’re right, I honestly didn’t notice when I posted. I’ll be more thorough in looking before posting. Thanks for the heads up
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anybody have some robot OCS?
I wanna see them
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These mostly featureless ones are particularly adorable
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my boy nobyl
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i may be stupid. anyways, my boy nobyl
He's cute. Tell me about him.
what does he like, what kinks is he into?
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dont wanna clog the thread but hes a decommissioned warbot with organic AI. got kill key’ed after going rogue, tossed into the scrap pile, and 21 yrs later put back in working order by a guy named vitali aka “scrapper” (the little guy). nobyl doesn’t really have many kinks but he would do anything scrapper asked of him. he does really like to touch scrapper all over tho n just appreciate his fleshy body lol
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Yes, but not really.
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I need Monju

yes man is so fucking hot
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funniest shit i've seen all day.
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Sneak peek on what Dall-E 3 can do today. As long as you are careful on how you word your prompts. In the meantime, I want me some AI robots.
Try this photo btw with the Cinematic Wallpaper on Pixel. It will zoom in on the right spots, with the fingerprint lock button also concealing the right areas
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Brawlstars yaoi is a wild concept to accept
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i don't mind it being suggestive
though i haven't tried out the ai shit that you need to use your RAM for
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Good shit.
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All I want desu
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prompt for facial-less bots? I keep getting faces.
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don't know about the other anon
but i use the microsoft desginer thing
most of the time it'll be random if i get some with faces or without
so i tried adding the tag "faceless" and it seems to work out most of the time
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goodnight sweet prince https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/16/atlas-shrugged-boston-dynamics-retires-its-humanoid-robot/
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my bad i forgot abt this place uhh @tzarmintri

here’s another drawing
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The full pic is on poipiku. Does anyone know the password? https://poipiku.com/5624113/10159443.html
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Source on this? I can't find it
foresttguiide on Twitter
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good artstyle(s)
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is the one on the right suppose to be the bad guy from the movie Robots?
or just another OC?
I think they're from the Robots movie
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artist @, please?
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