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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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Did you use photoshop? There’s a way to make it higher quality and not rely on Photoshop editing to insert the character.


And this one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xec5afnc3gE
I never thought possible we would get a schitzo more delusional than Cris in 2024, this is so amusing.
Why are anons crying like whores because op has a little project?
What faggotry is this?
Don't tap the glass
glad to see you doing yer thing anon

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So, there is this show Miraculous Ladybug with multiple studios handling the animation process. We have 3 very cheap studios and 1 expensive Korean studio SAMG.

Recently, there was huge leak with models from the show, and ppl can make own stuff with it. But no matter what technics people use, no one can repeat what SAMG is doing. Any speculations what they are exactly doing to make models look like this? Triangle lighting doesn't seem enough, and Sun lighting don't really matches the outcome.

They're using Maya 2015 and Vray 3.05/3.6
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some of the other models throw a tonne of errors and it would take forever to track down all the plugins they used.

unless someone has a list already.
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well it threw a bunch of errors but once i re-pathed the textures the default render worked

output from Script Editor

I've also never used Maya before so if i can manage this rest of you retards can
It would be strange if they didn't. Postprocessing can be night and day. But there are also plenty of little tricks that can be employed, such as lights that ONLY influence certain meshes or components. Dedicated point lights for specular highlights on the eyes is a very common example of this and, while subtle, helps sell "life" to characters even in very dark scenes. Both of these can be used to set the mood and establish clarity in ways realistic, accurate lighting never could.
Damn this thread is still alive.
>Overall 3 lights
anon, somebody needs to study how studio photography works

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>Koreans start getting into mainstream media
>All their models look like high quality DAZ renders
Explain this, I can't be the only one who notices.
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I don't think that fat can be considered an "organ".
They are basically an asian aesthetic version of the usa at this point but with super creepy Japanese kinks invading all aspects of their lives
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lily's side freckles
It's quite literally the opposite. It looks like the most generic shit imaginable. Just utterly fucking soulless, like some generic porn spat out by an AI.
Just because western pop culture is dead, doesn't mean Korean crap is a viable alternative, given how ridiculously soulless it is.
Maybe is generic because most humans are attracted to this type of features, theres a reason why ai images look that way, because those are the features that most people find attractive. You can think that Korean art is soulless and your opinion is valid, but look how many people come to defend that game.
At some point the west needs to realise that games are a product, and most gamers want stellar blade and not forespoken.
And if you believe it's because of race like a lot of retards told me, I find Ella Balinska really attractive. Still the game is shit.

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Previous thread: >>973562
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Is there a way to get some function perhaps that can animate one model turning into another.

Let's say I have two models, I could set one model to "start" and the other model to "end" and the program would fill in the in between of those the start model being shifted into the end model. I feel like that could exist in theory but it may not be a thing currently.
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he come to town :)
What would be the best way to go about animating thinks like eyes turning into female eyes and other textures changing.

I guess I would have to have the female model I want as well. To use after the transformation.

Any tutorials of modeling a female body hut starting with a male one as the base?
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>blend file can have multiple scenes, each with its own timeline and camera
>these scenes can be sequenced as strips directly in the vse
>however, a character rig setup using link collection -> make library override has a single animation datablock per blend file
>workaround is to use separate files for each scene
you have got to be fucking kidding me
You can duplicate the overridden character, and it can have its own animation data. It will maintain all the linked data from the source file, just like the first time you do the library override.

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Is there a market for lowpoly modelling with high quality handpainted textures? How do I go about finding work asap with this skillset?

Most big boy jobs are pbr high poly bake retopo workflow stuff which I really dislike. My entire skillset revolevs around low poly 3d but there seem to only be poor indie companies using this art style.

What do /3/ ?
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Being a commercial artist is different from just being a artist. You want to do this for a living in 'the industry' you have to compromise and shape your ability to be a commodity.

There is market for the sort of art you are interested to make but it's mainly a consumer market. You have to be really ace at what you do and be head-hunted to a indie project using that sort of art if you wish to gain real paying work off such an ability.

Indie projects is usually a small group of friends or people who know each other that has deep trust for one another, getting hired onto such a project is difficult
even if you have the right skillset, you need the right 'in' and the right chemistry to get onboard.

I'd join all the discords and indie art communities related to your field of interest and start building your presence, posting stuff and finding your people.

this sounds like great advice, thanks anon.

Any tips on finding relevant discord servers?
Just tell people youre a minor confused about their gender and youll get discord invites nonstop
There is no market anymore. Everything is impossible now.


Have any of you learned using this series and would you say it's worth the 15 bucks or am I better off just learning on various youtube videos?
I have never learned a single thing from cgcookie in my life.

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Another blog post of a guy hoping to make it.
for reference i never complete any projects cause I'm lazy and I lack discipline, also because I have a day job.
Let's see if I can finish this time, goal is to finish a base mesh with game res and textures, as well as eyes and hair cards.
Also, please feel free to destroy me, I value your opinions.
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stop making gooks model a happy family of a white man and a white woman
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you need to ascend
I've sculpted lots of Caucasian guys in the past, I just find Asians to be more aesthetically pleasing.
Well I wish I was the retarded peanut sized brain one.
What happened with the cute Asian waifu? Did you finish her?

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "You know you guys can make this thread yourselves, right?" Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>980444

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed) (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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The upper skeleton is mostly here...now to make the muscles
no s-curve in the spine.
wow anon, your eye for anatomical inaccuracies is 20-20.
are the legs meant to be as long as the arms?
Painting in blender is the worst thing you can do, it's literally a caveman experience

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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These are morphs are also useful for a more Western toon style. If you are using G9, I can't help you because I only use G8/8.1.


JoeQuick morphs:
5.0 just flew over my house!
My bad. I actually meant sculpting the eyes yourself like shane olson, but those morphs you both posted are very good.
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>update to 4.22
>open saved scene
>fatal runtime error after 5 minutes of loading
>open saved scene
>fatal runtime error after 5 minutes of loading
>open saved scene
>fatal runtime error after 5 minutes of loading
>turn 360 degrees and log off computer
If there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that I will never upgrade to a new version of a software if the version that I am using right now works well and does everything I need.

so imagine that i got good at 3d modeling, how do i realistically make money? is porn the fastest and easy route? how do you build a fanbase or do you make videos for pornhub and cash on views?

i dont want to work in a studio or with other people, want to fly solo here
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Can someone give me a quick rundown on Pixiv? I have never used it before but I want to expand my reach. It's mainly used by japanese people?
don't bother they're systematically eliminating nsfw from the platform
were you trying to recreate those jewish goblinas from that weg everyone posts?
and any new account on twitter gets instantly auto banned in order to force you to put in a phone number. other than that flag your shit as nsfw or the algorithm will crush you when it detects you're posting nsfw
What about fetish but clothed art?
What's the best platform to sell your art on?

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What are /3/'s thoughts on this new GLITCH animation?

Personally, this is some of the most creative modeling and animation I've seen in years

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Episode 2 OUT NOW

Sorry for the wrong link. Here's the CORRECT ONE

I think its a concious stylistic choice to evoke the shitty edutainment aesthetic. [spoiler]And obviously to make the workload a little more reasonable.[/spoiler]
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Go away, Troy.

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I made this low poly 3D model.

Any advice?
It's... uh... something, alright. Did you build that in Roblox?
I've never played those things. Are you saying that because of the primitive and 'blocky' appearance? My intention is to design quick and simple models to create retro looking games (ps1, n64).
Cris, stop your Prueba 3D Juegos.

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Just my luck ffs finally have a week of free time to try to learn something and it's gone.
Not saying I'm lost without it but it would help.
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Solved by adding more machine learning to generate frames
>useful during a production
Nobody here works and/or will ever work in a production.
its better to work on your own productions in your basement in this day and age, really
spotted the rapey pajeet do not redeem sirs bloody bitch rape
same guy from the comments right?
the people in here complaining about how complicated it is are either genuinely stupid, or too lazy to learn anything that requires any sort of discipline, and probably wouldn't stick with it if it was 5x as easy. I'm retarded at math and within a month of spending 1-2 hours a day 4-5 days a week im starting to get a general understanding of the program. Buy a course and do the lessons. not that hard. unless you're a broke dumb nigger.

The program is beautiful once it starts to click for you. Force yourself Anons.

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Tbh I used to do it a lot when I was younger, but I been losing hope, and wondered why you guys do in the first place?

I always worried that my work would end up as porn.
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11 years, but i wasted a lot of time doing things that ended up being entirely useless
Cuz I like to
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I was always really interested in how movies and stuff were made as a kid, and 3d seemed like a neat way to do the whole process myself. So I just started making shitty 3d animations when I was like 13-14 and would show them to my friends who would do the "Wow, that's cool. Anyway, wanna go play Halo?". I mean to me it would be really cool, but I understand that bringing them to my computer and showing the animation playing in the program wouldn't have been too interesting (didn't know what rendering was at the time).
I never really made them for anyone though, it was just for myself. The process of creation is what I enjoyed.
Webm was something I made around that time, though it was in a 3d class (so I at least knew what rendering was by then). I think this was like the first project though. Can't remember what the main idea was supposed to be, I think it was just "make an animation that lasts x amount of time".

Nowadays I get commissioned for animations and stuff, but I still think I'm doing it for myself. Considering that I won't consider a project done unless I'm happy with it. Even if that means doing extra work for free.
So yeah, like the other anon said.
>Cuz I like to
I really love that animation. Got any recent work you're comfortable with sharing?
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>Got any recent work you're comfortable with sharing?
I've been working on 2 projects concurrently that I've been posting in the /wip/ thread.
One is some buildings ( >>980025 ) for this animation ( >>982489 ). Which is kind of a sequel to >>979941
And the other is a pair of animations for someone that I'm just wrapping up today. I've posted those as well, but the thread is dead. It was a Mustang on the Hollywood hill overlooking the city, and another driving on the highway during a storm.
Since I'm linking a bunch of threads, here's one more >>975589

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