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Post porn and chat about your favourite OCs, be they your own or someone else's.
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Sho form Luny Doobles, who also has a really cool non-lewd webcomic with the same character.
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Aubrey and Evan from NDASFW
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Her mother, Nora, is one of the better MILFs I've seen.
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Paroro has a bunch of great OCs but her stopped doing lewds of them a while ago after sperging out at e-hentai for hosting his Patreon-only stuff. A shame because all of them especially Aria (long-haired goth girl) are great.
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It's even obvious he still actually draws them nude (pic related) but doesn't release them.
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Flou is based as fuck.
Blue the Bone
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I think it could be Madeline Zoldak, I love the BLACKED edits, they fit much better on her, although I wish she were taller, 163 cm would have been perfect <3
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What happened. Why did the last thread get archived so quickly?
see >>8166059, >>8166196
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Do you guys prefer it when artists mainly focus on their own OCs to make porn of or do you mainly go for porn from other IP with their OCs as a nice bonus?

Also, this is Rita by Colo
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Oh hey it's my character Susan. Don't have a lot of normal pictures of her though.
She seems cute af and has the right amount of chonk. She should be naked far more often especially since she looks like she has an ass for days!
> Don't have a lot of normal pictures of her though.
Then post the abnormal ones.
I should get more commissions. Or at least beg in the drawthreads.
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here's one of them
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Yellowroom has a good cast of characters. I think the poor dude had a stroke or something and had to stop for a while though.

Unless it's on the level of blueberry inflation, this isn't even coming close the the weirdest stuff on this board.
>Unless it's on the level of blueberry inflation, this isn't even coming close the the weirdest stuff on this board.

Meant for
pudgeruffian's Riley and Chris are top tier
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Sterling has some good ones, but they don't make much porn anymore
love YR's stuff, there was a rumor that he died that was floating around for a while
glad he's still with us
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My OC STEQUITA AND Valenciano (valency) femboy
Stequita Again
I like all of Colo's OCs
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Zasshu96's pajama girl Ange is pretty cute.
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He didn't die. He had a type of brain tumor whose operations have a very low chance of survival. He survived the surgery.
why does the woman have a dick bulge
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I don't think that's a dick bulge, judging from the shape and how it forms a V.

A puffy vagina maybe.

Also, this here's Mama Boosh
Blueberry inflation seems like a very popular fetish and not all that weird. Inanimate TF into a weathervane isn't all that common. I definitely never saw it before I commissioned it. I know it's not the weirdest thing. But I thought people preferred that /d/ and alternative type stuff stayed in their containment threads.
no camel toe so it looks like a dick bulge
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NDA and his MILF Nora are great, since he follows the same philosophy as me.

The MILF is happily married to her husband and there are no cucking/gangbang/NTR/etc, just a happy married couple.
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IDK mang, theres a shadow right above it which looks like the bottom of her belly.

I really dont believe that's bulge.

Falling Milf OC.
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Two more characters of mine. Kira and Christina
either you overcooked your ginger or your shani'qua has got a bad case of wig fever
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Making distinct friend groups of your own OCs is fun.
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Who's the artist?
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An artist I'm very proud to have found digging through Twitter one day.


Had around 1K followers when I found them.
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Which MILF Western man?
Like I said at the early deleted thread:
>Late reply to this previous post:

>That's why DoodlePoodle is now one of my favorite artists; it's very rare to see a vanilla (or SFW)-focused artist frequently indulge his NSFW side

What about artists who're purely and strictly SFW and do not do porn or porn of their OCs and never allowing it? Any artists who're publicly known for being absolutely strict in being SFW and do not like their OCs being lewded? Any thoughts on these artists? Is it understandable why the would prohibit porn of their OCs and where they're coming from?

And I know there is one serial commissioner here who commissions nsfw of people's OCs whom they like regardless of the artist's approval who frequently posts here. Are there any artist OCs you do not and would not commission porn of, if any? Same question to everyone else here, any OCs that are best not to be R34'd because the artist of said OC/OCs don't like it? Or there're OCs not worth lewding?
Got more?
>"not allowing" people to do porn on the internet
>implying you can tell the internet not to be horny
>implying you can control people's artistic freedom no matter how much you disapprove of the horniness

lol get fucked
>no porn
Cute, but sir, this is /aco/
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Everybody’s a critic
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Hi, serial commissioner here.
First off, I'd like to apologize for not answering sooner, and I'd like to thank you for inquiring again after the previous thread prematurely ended.

> Any artists who're publicly known for being absolutely strict in being SFW and do not like their OCs being lewded?

So far I have not found any SFW artists that never allow porn of their OCs. But that's probably because I have more of a focus on NSFW artists who otherwise draw titillating art meant to make the audience, or the artist themselves, horny.

Come to think of it, I think NDA's Aubrey qualifies as "NSFW but doesn't allow porn", since I don't see him allowing even a finger slipping in between Aubrey's legs, but that's just speculation on my part.

>What about artists who're purely and strictly SFW and do not do porn or porn of their OCs and never allowing it?

I suppose if they were hot enough and qualified for being posted on this board, let alone least this thread, I'd be inclined to commission or draw lewd content involving OCs reserved solely for SFW content.

My thoughts on those artists are that they can do them, but I will do me, and if their OCs activate my neurons, commission lewd fanart of them, especially if they have big tits or a shapely ass, or if they dress in a hot outfit.

>Is it understandable why the would prohibit porn of their OCs and where they're coming from?

It is, yep. It's a lot more understandable with someone who doesn't do anything sexual to begin with.
With NSFW artists, I can still understand not wanting to do it themselves, however disappointing it may be. But what I'm less understanding of, or at least much more disagreed to, is if they try to get it taken down instead of leaving it be.

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While I suppose I can see where they are coming from with not wanting pornographic content of their already NSFW characters, and while they don't have to like it at all, I'm disappointed they don't at least see where their hornier audience is coming from in wanting spicier, or even spicier, works of their hot as fuck characters that they love and fap to, especially if said art the owner has drawn gets so cock-teasingly close to the kind of explicit content the hornier audience's been secretly wanting.

>Are there any artist OCs you do not and would not commission porn of, if any?

Most likely an OC called Nova Lee Redcloud, and Miyuri Gozen, if only because to me they lack the kind of sex appeal that activate my neurons and make me want to run my tongue between their legs, especially the former.


>any OCs that are best not to be R34'd because the artist of said OC/OCs don't like it? Or there're OCs not worth lewding?

In terms of OCs that would qualify for this thread or this board, it's not a matter of abiding by an artist's wishes, but by whether or not I consider them worth lewding. To me, OCs are not worth lewding if I can't have a good grasp of their personality (usually on account of not being finished), or if they don't have any consistent names. Basically something unrecognizable. It's especially painful when it comes to artists with OCs who didn't mind lewder fan content involving their OCs, but then all up and disappear for reasons unknown and delete everything, and with it, any trace and documentation of whoever their OCs were. My go-to example would be Angel Turner, by a bondage artist who originally went by the name of Dave's Dungeon. The thought of such an OC essentially being lost to the aether is painful.
At the very least there's this interview left that provides documentation of the artist's existance, and one picture showing his two OCs, picrel. Left is Angel Turner, and is a fallen angel who loves being tied up and is too horny for her own good. The right, I don't even remember the name of, nor do I remember anything about her.

In the case of very obscure OCs, I'd probably also prop them up to make them at the very least a bit more known. Or in the case of disappeared OCs, ask around and see if anyone has anything they archived so I can better get it all together for a "recreation" or a "reconstruction".

Another thing that may take my eyes off an OC is if there's an OC that catches my eye more. In which case it's not a matter of abstaining from R34'ing an OC, but a matter of "OCs I want to lewd now" and "OCs I want to lewd later".

Like the other anon reposting his post from early previous thread, I'mma also repost mine:

Some OCs are apparently of DnD/Tabletop gaming or /tg/ origin or purpose... Does this mean tabletop gamers and anons from /tg/ in general always somehow go down the pipeline of lewding and making porn or commissioning porn of their OCs? Even subjecting their OCs to borderline /d/ scenarios, horrible violent goblin slayer-tier goblin rape scenes and tentacle porn? We've seen it with DoodlePoodle and his art twitter mutuals like BreezeBender/BreezeBuster(nsfw secondary). >>8163072

Is this just an inevitably or phase any tabletop player in general is bound to go through?
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I made OCs then use them for tabletop when I started doing that.

This woman I use in a modern tabletop
>inverted nipples

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The redhead or the blonde?
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Incidentally created an OC in the DALL-E threads. Fairly generic and inconsistent design being AI and all but I spent way too much time with this and have a story idea, so I'm considering developing her further.
>Hi, serial commissioner here.

Hey!!! It's you and you're here! So anymore commissioned OCs you got to share or post? Also you heard? The credit card companies and payment processors are moving further and further into punishing art sites for allowing porn. You sure and confident this might not affect you in the form of your favorite artists you commission from by being Shadow banned? I think you gotta figure out another payment method or do crypto soon.
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This is Victoria, my OC;
>Victorian English Maid uniform
>Either period-accurate or modern-day
>Very English, very lewd, has a very MILF energy

Art is by NDA, but I have self-drawn stuff too.
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Here's my NDA MILF
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Another OC of mine. Paige. She's been around for awhile but it's only recently that I decided to lean more into her being a bit of a skater.
Cute! Do you have any lewds of her? Folk seem to forget, this be a porn board!
He had brain cancer, they removed it. But he has mood swings and trouble focusing.
how many of you have an absolutely staggering amount of OCs
Support bump
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Hi, my waifus so far
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This is the normal lewd I have of her. Everything else is much more in the TF range.
31? not bad numbers! that is indeed a ton of OCs. though now that I think of it... what is the maximum amount of OCs one could reasonably make without going absolutely crazy trying to keep track of all of them
Nila my beloved
i have give or take...over 25 of them, and all of them have stories attach as well because i cant help myself
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Sniffable af Nila

Fuck I wish I could part her legs and help myself to the taste of her much more intimate lips.

>So anymore commissioned OCs you got to share or post?

Well, there's this secret one done by an anonymous artist, which I never uploaded to any of my galleries.

>Also you heard? The credit card companies and payment processors are moving further and further into punishing art sites for allowing porn. You sure and confident this might not affect you in the form of your favorite artists you commission from by being Shadow banned? I think you gotta figure out another payment method or do crypto soon.

I've been out of the commission game for over a year now because of reasons, so in the meantime, this isn't my problem. Of course, if I were to keep using PayPal, anyone that has issues with what I do would need to PROVE I'm using my PayPal for nsfw purposes, nothing which is stated whenever I exchange payment on that platform.

Of course, if push comes to shove, I might, indeed, have to learn how to pay through crypto or Wise, or something as convoluted as Western Union. Either way, thank you for bringing this to my attention and telling me of ways I could potentially continue what I do.
she has a pretty navel
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>Telepurte's Nila

I'm out of the loop nor do I know better. But has Telepurte made any "official" statement in regards to lewding their OCs? Does Telepurte approve or disapprove the lewding of their OCs?
this oc is a good reminder that sometimes less is more when designing a character
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MyPetTentacleMonster's jackalope girl Danny
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This is my OC, Mobile. Taking ideas on how to spruce up their outfit. Somewhat inspired by some of Link's outfits from BotW and TotK, not married to the current design but I want it to have a timeless look to it, like they've been around for centuries and adapting their clothes along the way.
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Also they can change gender :>
Has he ever done lewds of his angel/devil characters?
a scarf made out of rustic coiled hemp
If tele makes a webcomic or whatever about his OCs I think it'd make my year
sadly I don't think bro has the time, unless he were to somehow monetize it
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those round kinda glasses are kinda awesome...
I mean he frequently draws her nude, not to mention this pic, so I don't he minds that much
Against all odds I found a single lewd of an OC I like(Lyra from Kaatokunart)
It's not that good DESU :/
>I mean he frequently draws her nude
That's artistic nude, friend. When I mean lewds, I mean actual fucking porn. There's a difference between drawing beautiful women naked for artistic reasons and to show off how sexy the female figure is. And then there pornography featuring sexual intercourse.

Has Telepurte made any "official statement" of whether or not he approves of PORN of his female OCs and especially Nila? And I mean sexual intercourse and the even the degenerate gangbang and non-vanilla porn you can think of. Does he approve of or mind that to Nila or his female OCs???
He draws straight-up porn of her.
>He draws straight-up porn of her.
... May I see it? I do got his usual main account but does he have a NSDW secondary, or is paywalled in Patreon?
This is about the closest I can think of
tele a cool
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who is this~?
My wife.
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My fat assed demon prince Mammon
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not tecnically an OC but i liked the artist's style and commissioned some pieces of my wife for her bday.

Duarte on twitter if yall are interested.
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A better picture of Kira
jocelyn by saifamelar
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enf_lover, right? Good stuff.
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Here's my OC, Jenny
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alex here is fucking adorable and I want to kiss her butt
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That feel when the SFW drawing is much more fappable than the porn the character inspired
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Happy you like her
Question and discussion time:

Are there any limits, boundaries and things and elements you personally and or absolutely do not allow when your OCs and characters in general get lewded made porn of? This also applies to any Twitter and Social Media artists who may be browsing and occasionally posting in here. What do you allow and NOT allow when you have your OCs and characters in general being r34'd? I take it there're anons and artists here who draw the line with NTR, guro, scat, unsexy rape where it is realistically violent traumatic and even cheating, yes?

What standards and "rules" do you impose when having porn and r34 of your OCs/characters? I also assume people must ask permission or be "friends" or "mutuals" when in Social Media?
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My OC, who likes to fuck shotas (not shown)

A lot of what you listed are things I REALLY don't like, but actually I'm fine with people drawing her in these ways; I'm just happy she's getting drawn at all, and you can tell that by what I have saved of her.
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Speaking off anyone got the newest set?
short hair is peak
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Mellie from "kurimatii" on X, until they disappeared.
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Literally the best sketch I've done of my OC Helvetica
Look guys, I mean it is cool that artists and even those in X and social media do approve of porn, smut and ecchi of their OCs being made. But it is still important set up some rules and boundaries, what is and is not allowed when it comes to porn'ing an OC. I know we've already had talks and discussions of the "ethics" and "morals" when it comes to making porn of someone's OC and whether or not the original creator and artists approves of it or not. It is still crucial to set up some "ground rules" like "You can lewd my OCs go ahead and have fun. But no gangbangs, no rape, no futa, no NTR, no guro or ryona and no watersports allowed please. My OC is already canonically married." Just to let people know what you're into, what you prefer and what you do not allow and what kinks you don't like and find distasteful. Otherwise, if one just simply states "You're allowed to have fun lewding my OC." But not leave any specific and nuanced details, you're going to just got a whole lot of porn of your OCs in kinks and scenarios where it's the fetishes, tags and genre you do not like and outright hate. Worse, you're going to get bad faith actors clout chasing rage baiters trying to flood you with nasty /d/-tier art/commissions of your OCs that you just wouldn't like and hate.


>people must ask permission or be "friends" or "mutuals" when in Social Media?

These is is basically the case isn't it? Whenever I do see artists I know and am familiar with who've done porn of their own OCs and other fellow artists. It's always between friends and mutuals, I'm no artist myself but I must assume this the official or unspoken rule amongst artists in X or social media. Only artists who're friends, mutuals or followers can r34 each other's OCs. While any other artist who isn't a mutual or follower making r34 of one's OC should be taken with a grain of salt and must establish communication if the porn made is of good faith gesture or of malicious bad faith.
>you're going to just got a whole lot of porn of your OCs in kinks and scenarios where it's the fetishes, tags and genre you do not like and outright hate

Does that somehow prevent you from enjoying your OC?
Continuing and or further clarifying my point, this time with a more specific artist and their character(s) as an example. Specifically, DoodlePoodle and their Tales from the Tables characters.

(Shout out to DoodlePoodle and in the off chance you're here and might be posting Angela nudes. Yes- I am the same anon from a couple of previous threads ago who recently learned you do occasionally draw non-canon porn of your sfw series' characters, shout out to you. But don't worry, this ain't an attack or a beef towards you just to be clear.)

>Are there any limits, boundaries and things and elements you personally and or absolutely do not allow when your OCs and characters in general get lewded made porn of? This also applies to any Twitter and Social Media artists who may be browsing and occasionally posting in here.

Basically, DoodlePoodle is an artist who's okay with lewds of Angela Palmer/Hawthorne being made. And far as I'm aware only Angela Palmer/Hawthorne, Eriawynn (elf character) and Redwen are consistently made. Meanwhile characters Sara Shirakawa, Agatha Gauthier, Katie Kendall, and Zeke are never involved or extremely rarely have r34 made of them, while Angela's boyfriend Mark occasionally appears and is featured. Do correct me if I'm wrong for this is just a personal assumption. For I highly doubt DoodlePoodle, as much a of a fellowan of culture he is, would ever like or approve of a more hardcore violent rape scenario where the Tales from the Tables cast are in a home invasion during their DnD session as Angela, Sara, Agatha and Katie are rounded up and violently gangraped by the home invaders as Mark and Zeke helplessly watch while their bound and or held at gunpoint by said home invaders. Apologies I'm advance for giving you all such a violent and unwholesome mental image but this is a NSFW board, right?
Point is, even though I'm not really an artist or creator. Im in the belief artists should still lay out some rules, boundaries and what kinks is and isn't allowed with their OCs. Otherwise you get the more nasty yucky doujin tier scenes I just described that plenty of people and the original artist wouldn't like at all.

And again, no attack or beef to DoodlePoodle or any similar artist(s) like him. Especially to you DoodlePoodle if ever in the off chance you're here and see this post. Besides, judging from your previous posts I'm here and in twitter you probably had similar asked questions and inquiries like this before. Hope we cool, still am recent followers and appreciate your art even though I don't necessarily reqd your webcomic.

>Does that somehow prevent you from enjoying your OC?

We've already had previous discussion about other artists out there; vanilla sfw or otherwise, not liking some certain r34 or their OCs being made. Sure, I guess in order to be an online artist, one must have some thick skin and be ready for inevitable porn of your creations to be made. That still doesn't stop the fact there might be some kinks and fetishes and artist would absolutely not like. Especially if its certain types of porn of your precious original character(s) being degraded that bad, would YOU honestly take pride in a god awful scat or gory ryona torture image of your original character(s) that you take pride in?

Yes this is the internet and there's plenty of braindead coomers with the worst man made horrors (shitty fetishes) ever made. But still, I'd say it wouldn't hurt as am artist to layout SOME boundaries of 'hey please don't make scat or guro of my OCs or don't show it to me at least.l if you're into that.' Isn't laying some ground rules or boundaries part of good and healthy communication?

Ultimately I still do believe there're good natured and non malicious people who can comply to that while being horny men or women of culture too!
>would YOU honestly take pride in a god awful scat or gory ryona torture image of your original character(s) that you take pride in?
Why would I take pride or offense in what someone else made of my character? These are the only two options to you? You can't just be indifferent?

And I think it's a hypocritical stance for artists to take.
You freely make porn of franchise characters without asking permission, but take offense when it's yours? As if those characters popped out of thin air and have no creators that are also attached to them?
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oh hey I also have an OC named Kira

Having no time to draw my OCs is brutal man, I'm getting tired of ideas before I get to draw them.
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i have been working on Iberis' background more the past few days. Kind of had a vague reasoning behind why she was a nun when it was something she didn't like being due to being cooped up in a remote temple and the vow of chastity. I was thinking that many women who are stuck in arranged marriages on her planet would join a convent to either wait until their arranged husband finds someone else or get educated enough that they won't get married off.
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Named after the religious sisterhoods of Earth, most Pyk'ravi clans have a religious order of women and/or men. Nuns differ a lot between clans, but in most cases, they are a highly revered group. Nuns may be scholars, warriors, farmers, courtesans, concubines, etc.
>>would YOU honestly take pride in a god awful scat or gory ryona torture image of your original character(s) that you take pride in?
>Why would I take pride or offense in what someone else made of my character? These are the only two options to you? You can't just be indifferent?

First of, FUCK! Didn't check my typing before posting. What I meant to say I'm that is:

>would YOU honestly be happy at an awful scat image or a gory ryona torture "porn" of your original character(s) that you created and take pride in?

That's what I meant to type...

>And I think it's a hypocritical stance for artists to take.

What's the hypocrisy, an individual artist exercising their rights over their property; their OCs? Yeah I think some people need to realize an artist's original characters ARE their property and have some right; one way or another, to dictate or say what type of lewds and kinks can be made of their OCs. Please bear in mind when I say that there should be nothing wrong with artists making clear ground rules on what lewds or genre of porn and kinks is allowed with their OCs. Artists do already make a clear "things I will not draw" list in their commissions info page like " I will not draw furries, mecha, hardcore fetishes like gore, scat, etc. and underage characters." Therefore, an artist should have every right to dictate or just tlist down what porn genre and kinks can be made with their OCs simply because it is their property and creation, this entitling them to say what is and isn't allowed with their OCs. Plus, as I said, it is for proper communication between the artist, their fans and followers and other mutuals, friends and fellow artists who follow each other in social media. All to set up expectations, boundaries and such.
In addition:

>You freely make porn of franchise characters without asking permission, but take offense when it's yours?
Heh, okay you did get me there. But I think there is some unspoken double standards with this, that I'll admit. But I guess the reason why artists we all know, love and follow in social media can "get away" with making smut and lewds of franchise characters and from other IPs simply because such characters from franchises and IPs are massively popular with fans and audiences ik the millions around the world. Plus, such characters from various IPs and franchises are likely meant as products to be consumed by everyone or anyone, plus these franchise characters come from giant (soulless money hungry) corporations. While the most of the artists we're talking about are smaller time independent individuals not part of a giant multimillion dollar company franchise or publishing house. Therefore, people likely have more sympathy and leeway for the artists they like and follow social media to have made lewds and cheesecake of popular franchise characters from various IPs, movies, anime, shows and games. All while said artists uphold and enforce rules and principles over what lewds and porn can be allowed of their OCs...

So yeah, double standards. But really man, you gonna defend and have more sympathy and sid with the megacorpos who themselves mistreated their franchise characters, IP and properties? Either way, human logic, han morality, human principles and human thinking sure is inconsistent and nonsensical sometimes, isn't it?
do you have anymore of her? I've got a thing for girls with glasses.
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Recent commission
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Newest Patreon rules! Consider this a crucial message for our local serial commissioner!

Remember to ask consent from fictional characters and your OCs if you want porn and commissions
bump. live, dammit
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>Why would I take pride or offense in what someone else made of my character? These are the only two options to you? You can't just be indifferent?
NTA but look at it this way: how do you know an artist or anyone online who had drawn or commissioned a not-so-vanilla and potentially violent or brutal art of your OC in a very compromising against their will is intended as appreciation and lewd enjoyment of your OC, or is meant as an attack and insult against You and your OC? Sure it is hyperbolic, loaded and even a specific rare event to happen, but knowing the internet it can happen and would happen simply because there just terminally online unhinged weirdos and plain trolls who get a kick out of seeing negative and violent reactions of people for funsies.

And be really honest. There HAS to be a certain fetish or genre of porn about your OCs you absolutely do not like and would not like to be made or at least you hope people wouldn't just show it to you and rub it in your face. You're acting like you have zero problems with whatever quality or type of porn will be made of any of your OCs claiming you'd never be offended at such things. I mean really? Even if someone or some people explicitly made literal gory torture porn of your OCs being both raped and violently tortured and beaten, do you still consider that a good thing simply because SOMEONE is drawing your OC in any way shape or form? EVEN if it is intended as an attack and insult to you and whatever artwork you're doing? Again, there are people or trolls online who're that petty and antagonistic.

And as the other anon said, isn't there nothing wrong with making a "please do not lewd my OCs" or "please do not lewd my OCs like this or that" type posts and messaging? Just to set clear expectations, because you may have a canon and story for your OC and simply just taking pride your OCs?
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Any hc?
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New waifu drop, he's a giant(literally) goofball that was a anti-Mech/Kaiju trooper before he joined the harem.
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Not that I can find. I think you'd have to commission that from the artist
why does this thread keep falling down to page 8, 9, 10? is it people wanting to jerk it to (usually out of character) porn of established characters more?
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I ain't reading all that
>why does this thread keep falling down to page 8, 9, 10?
Because /d/-tier garbage keeps getting posted.
It's got enough good stuff to be rescued back to page 1, especially the earlier stuff. I'm still hoping that the dude whose OC is the OP's image will come back with more sooner or later.
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help me name and maybe come up with a story for this OC I made
you didn't make it though, a bot did
I don't really have a lot. I wish I did. I've kinda posted everything suitable for this thread already. And I only have one or two things that don't fit here.
Is that the one who used to post buff girls in the /b/ draw threads?
I mean, this thread has some /d/ stuff already. Unless you're talking /b/-level, you'd probably be okay to post it. Only if you wanted to though.
Love these two like you wouldn't believe
Generic AI Render #2741020 would be a great name!
Someone shared my sediment and made this.
Still not ideal(for me at least) but it is better.
>And be really honest. There HAS to be a certain fetish or genre of porn about your OCs you absolutely do not like and would not like to be made or at least you hope people wouldn't just show it to you and rub it in your face. You're acting like you have zero problems with whatever quality or type of porn will be made of any of your OCs claiming you'd never be offended at such things.
You are trying really hard to project yourself onto others.
"don't want to see it" != "want it to not exist".
What's so hard to understand about that?
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this person's dialogue reads like someone who has never had sex
why are the patrons cumming in the money buckets but the girls are fully clean..?
>Find out Lyras creator has a Patreon
>Nothing on it yet but promises NSFW
are you retarded
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No Male OCs or male characters at all? I guess we're all straight heterosexual men here and very little or outright no girls or female artists/yumejos here.
You cannot have that much faith or trust with people in the internet. There are bad faith and malicious actors and trolls who will bombard you with gore torture porn of your OC purely to agitate you for fun and reactions.
Okay, and will those people stop just because you told them you don't want to see that kind of stuff of your OC?
The only people you're stopping are the ones who DO respect your wishes.
Your reasoning does not follow.
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Here's the last two of this character. I don't have anything else. Except when she gets older and loses weight and has a generally different character design.
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Sad panda has that set, but not the newest yet.

> Except when she gets older and loses weight and has a generally different character design.
And you're not posting those either because...?
Didn't think people would be interested.
these two zombie and vampire characters
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I wanna breed her and stick my dick in her
God she looks so soft and so fucking hot
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there's no rule stating "no single males/gays" in the OP
i say go for it
love jon
he's hot
redstyphoenix and VEP know how to draw em
I like her already.
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Is it weird to want lewds of some random guys OC'S?
Some anon over in /tg/ occasionally posts his Kobold/Goblin OC couple in the DALL-E 3 AI threads and I've started to enjoy them.
Been thinking of drawing or commissioning some lewds of them
...Or at the very least inpainting some of the pics they've posted.
...Of course, he usually manages to get the goblin gal impressively stacked too. That's probably a factor in things as well.
I always appreciate a tomboy like this
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Working on a short-stack plant momma. Suggestions on how to improve?
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WIP of new OC
I don't understand why I, a commissioner, would be concerned about Patreon's guidelines getting in my way. I mean, why would they? I never used Patreon as a way to reach out to artists I wanna commission. If anything, I only used Patreon to pledge to artists with hot as fuck OCs who I plan on commissioning porn of, mainly to see if the stuff they have behind their paywall is any more fappable than their public stuff.

Fuck, OCs like these, along with ones such as Angie Palmer/Hawthorne, are a special kind of alluring and irresistible that more "established" characters lack more often than not. All of these are so insanely fucking hot and remind me of why I fucking love going for OCs. I just hope all of them have names and that none of them are one-offs.

Hell, if any of the OCs I commission one day end up getting more eyes on the OC in question, I'd be happy that more people are learning about it, though I'd be especially happy if among that new crowd are perverts who'd wanna fuck the OC like I do
Oh I'm VERY much interested in this older version of your OC who's thinner. Hell, it's a nice breath of fresh air seeing a fat chick slimming down; it feels like such a rarity nowadays.

Hell, I don't like portly girls when it comes to porn, so I didn't expect her to catch my eye so heavily at any point
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I don't really have anything else with her. Except variations on this. I should get more with her though. Both versions her.

If you're not making friend groups of your OCs and letting their interactions help you define their characters, what are you even doing with your life?
good job anon, keep it up!
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Goddamn, who is she?
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Well, the new draconian laws made by the Payment Processor Overlords that is PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, etc. can potentially make your commissions harder to get or be delayed.

Remember, even if you do not commission through Patreon. That other artsite you use might soon also have to kneel and bow down to the no porn allowed rules by our Payment Processor Overlords. And even if that site you're using for commissions hasn't bent the knee just yet, your artists might be fearful or to scared they might "slip up" and endanger themselves in risking their payment processor accounts being frozen because they drew a not-so-wholesome rapey request (You) or some other fellow coomer commissioned for.
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I got a clown girl OC, her name is Fickle. Haven't done much with her yet but I should.
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triple-stabber's OC, Tristen
hell? based department?
Some of you have admitted to using AI to generate your OCs. But guys, don't you feel a tad bit slightly guilty and bad knowing the AI "software" you're using is practically stealing from artists and any artists with work and commissions? The more you use AI, the more you steal and deprive from actual artists.
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anybody got some good gamer gal OCs
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This picture is adorable
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I like the way Mcsweezy draws this girl. I asked him on twitter and apparently it's supposed to be his irl gf so I guess it's not an OC but whatever, I still think she's cute
>I asked him on twitter and apparently it's supposed to be his irl gf so I guess it's not an OC
And this isn't weird and morally questionable? And why the black guy and various other fat ugly strangers? Porn really does destroy people's minds and turn people into morally bankrupt degenerates. Why the would he treat his girlfriend like that, unless, don't tell me that artist's girlfriend is equally deranged, brain rotted by porn and also as morally bankrupt as he is?
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