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trib thread cont
86 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
Cum slut
That's so good

Plap or no plap ?

Post fat/chubby sluts bent over and others anons tell if they would plap.
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My wife, would you plap?
Fuck yes. Any in a thong?

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/waifu/ thread

song: https://youtu.be/KwLNq8QqYi8?si=10zFisdKAU0PGZE3

>claim waifu
>post waifu
>dont steal waifu unless trips (you wont and she wont love you)
>no erp
>no overly lewd content

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Maytranny my beloved
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Wolfram is best waifu.
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Oh my girl is cosplaying jahy. Y'know iris. Yea gurafag aka pedo sono and sako lol gay you made name after your lover

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Snapchat dick pic tread. Post usernames who needs to get one.
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I wish I was a cute woman.

Can’t stop the bop
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they're finally including rards in wow
Fine, I'll play WoW tonight.
If only for the magic wheelchair...
Fucking women ruin every fucking thing they touch
No offense, nuri.

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Ai mirror thread
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Steam giveaway Thread!
I got a stupid amount of keys from bundles, giveaways and other legal sources. I will give away some of them here until I get tired of it. To get them you have to do some basic math or answer a trivia question. I will not tell what game you get but give a rough genre description.
Some of the games are pretty bad and unknown but some are well known and were well received. Just don’t expect recent AAA titles.

Here we go:

LAIJA-7CT(3*2)2-T9RQG Arcade
H6FBD-G3XJC-L2K8(x) Casual, Management
YDCCW-2FG(36/6)W-GPCLD Shoot 'Em Up
QM9F2-2G(y)BK-G4WLC RPG, Fantasy

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WQZIW-LD(x)T9-8HPAM Visual Novel, Political Sim
(12/4)KBVT-XYWYK-JYBI7 3D Platformer
RTE(8+1)L-YFYPG-GZ679 Puzzle Platformer
TF5IB-(y)T6ZI-9DPZD Simulation

x=third letter of the country with the capital city named Ulaanbaatar
y=fouth digit of the year in which Pablo Picasso died
W(5+1)7WT-7A0Q0-DHD7E Simulation
RA7DN-X(75/3)Y4-Y8XR8 Casual

x=fourth digit of the year in which the Battle of Tsushima happened
y=fouth digit of the year in which the last Inca Emperor died
(3+2)3ECE-NA4VC-2XYWF Horror, Action
DAF83-BD(42/7FK-Y9YIQ Interactive Fiction
LNKZ2-RYK7X-PIEP(x) Interactive Fiction
C5438-TY(y)2L-Z2HP6 Adventure, Action

x=first letter of the planet closest to the sun
y=third digit of the year in which the video game "Loom" was released

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for your prom date
Risky roll of the day
Women are just... just the worst

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eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread
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i feel lucky that im a eurofag and i don't have to deal with the after school aids that comes here
enjoy your thread though
hearts be nice

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91 replies and 17 images omitted. Click here to view.
hating one doesn't have to mean you like the other, that's just the two options ((they)) give us. It's like choosing between a shit taco or a shit burrito.
>t. guy who owns 200$ worth of maga merch

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Post sexy female feet. Bonus for face & soles.
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kik no rules

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This movie is a drama, but only people who've seen real war know how.
>real war

Pick one.
one of my fav films the attention to detail is epic like crashed choppers hanging in trees and it was such a huge effort to get everything into the jungle and build sets and the actors and crew all got sick and some went psycho
It's a great movie, and worth discussing. But you're going to get better replies if you use the right board >>>/tv/

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