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How do you market your services and get clients.
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It's called sales, most firms have such a department.
I mean for individuals.
Funny how cracka/cracker messages don't get deleted but when I wrote poojeet it got removed soon after.
As an employer:
why in the world would anyone put their photo on an ad for services that do not require your face?
first of all, you're ugly, we are all ugly. There is a 1% chance that 0.000001% of the employers looking at your ad will find you attractive or friendly to look at. Instead use your graphic design skills and create something aesthetically pleasing, beautiful or eye catching as your ad. Let your work speak for you.

Photos on ads, Resumes, portfolios, and business cards are CRINGE AF. it comes off as borderline narcissistic.
Again, as an employer, I hire at least 1-2 graphic artists a month to do designs, logos, ads, etc...And I cannot highlight enough how off-putting it is to see a photo with your presentation...this is 2000's type of vibe and it makes you look outdated.

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What is a good color
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That's unironically my favorite color, everyone else on this gay earth has shit taste
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real color right there
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Make some shitty cover art?
>Make some shitty cover art!

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Is it retarded to use fountain pens?
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Jesus Christ you dunce I'm not against fountain pens. I'm just saying >>454722 is incredibly effective propaganda against them. Propaganda isn't usually entirely truthful lololol
>a retarded, outdated pen
made me think you fall for the 'propaganda'. but nvm - we on the same page it seems
my pen is often messy and fussy
dont care
love it
No, it's awesome to use fountain pens
It actually takes skill to use one properly.
It's the opposite of retarded.
But something tells me that you're better suited to crayons

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trying to get more creative and confusing with fever dream GFX edits. any ideas?
This is cool, what’s the source of this video
its easy to make a mess.
can you not make a mess too?

can you find how one feeds into the other?
What is fever dream GFX ?
aint it funny how useless broke niggas like yall more often than not end up trying to make it as an "artist"
wonder why that is.....
you're too white to be typing like this

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hello, is there any very intelligent software that can merge fur pictures of a document like this, so it can look like original? thank you
dont know
i always do it by hand. tedious
but photoshop is ok at snapping to pixels sometimes
The search term you want is "photo stitching"
thank you very much
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The overlaying is quite tricky when the parchment is moved and disturbed between scans - it deforms for each new scan.

10% overlap is necessary - the given overlap is barely enough.

Photos where you move the camera instead of the paper or its lighting is preferred to keep it consistent between stitching images.

If there's still interest - we can exchange emails.

Here's a demo -
The darkened edge on of the scan in the stitch wouldn't be an issue if the process was done properly
That's interesting, does the document have any special historical significance?

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Not my problem
t. [spoiler]cracked[/spoiler] CS 6 Master collection user
if it's not a free and open source (foss) project which then can be forked and maintained over longer period of time + using non-proprietary file formats, standards & protocols, but something w/ secret sauce entirely owned by one guy or a company it is a liability

figma will go offline with all your files one day (and those files are useless w/o figma and would require reverse-engineering)

adobe xd is discontinued and will stop working as soon as microsoft breaks their .appx mobile meme executable format system apis

adobe programs won't even show pantone anymore unless you pay up
Glad i am still using ps6
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back to tumbrl

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i guess this exits
god i hope it exits.
Why does that look terribly familiar?
hold up is a persona reference and i used Billy from Karlson for inspiration of the face
i could show the full set for this with no edits
oh shit i ment exists

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not bad
whats the technique so i can steal it and make an new insta channel
yeah man that's sick
fuck your insta channel fag
are you sitting on your momma's lap when you post, underage?
it looks cool, and it inspires me to do something similar. great job!
make the horizontal motion-blur wobblier or something or it looks too much like a stock effect

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you gotta be fucking kidding me with this garbage
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ok now do RAW D
What’s wrong with her mouth and teeth? Just sloppy work
it does look uncanny

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Why do Zoomers keep lumping Y2K futurism with Fruitnigger Aero? Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.
was this really worth a new thread? y2k and frutiger aero is like the only thing people here are thinking about. how many basic bitch threads do we need?

Zoomer nostalgic revisionism is real. They made up shit according to whatever pops up on their Pinterest feed/shitty art curation accounts on Twitter. Anynone who lived that period of time knows that 99% of those designs fucking suck but zoomers think they're unearthing some esoteric knowledge because they have no idea how mainstream and dominant that style was back then. Their identity is based on making washed up revivals of the late 90s/early 00s just like some of us millennials would make shit up about the 80s and early 90s.
>Translucent electronics were 1998-2001, not 2005-2010.

LOFL, what a perfect illustration of the truly mindbending lack of historical perspective at the heart of all this ridiculously narrow-focus navel gazing.

Best part is how assmad people get when you pop the tiny bubble they've crammed their heads into while pretending to be on the front lines of cultural awareness as it pertains to design.

Previous: >>424227
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Lads, you will like it, trust me
remind me to never trust you with anything again
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uh yeah i'd like anudda bump please
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Can you fix it? Show me what you got /gd/
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Newfag here but I think I have a concept on what would the Sunbird logo would look like if it's still currently alive. If Firefox turns it's head to the left and Thunderbird is looking at the right, what if Sunbird looks downwards to the calendar?
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speaking of rebranding, was this really worth 80,000 euros?
assuming it's more than just handing them over a logotype.ai, but a new style guide, org. info materials & souvenirs, document templates, building/environment signage, any website/mobile application redesign & dev. work could add up to that

What are some decent AI video generators that do NOT censor weapons and other violence-related output? I hate hailuo now and Mid costs too much. Where else can I go
doraville looked like that?
today it's stroads full of beaner and zipperhead businesses

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Yo can someone tell me what kind of AI is this ? or a similar free one ? not too censored too, thanks yall !!!

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