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Any there any alternative non-dead communities?
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A bit of a long weekend but here it goes:
Yeah, it is a good podcast, I did not expect graphic designers to listen to it too, but it makes sense. This is the episode in question: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4QnDG5NvYA7O5PWNfa9LpF

I do not agree with everything he says, like the endgoal being less important than the process. Both are important, but if you have low self discipline and too much stars in your eyes then this is a good book to set you straight and get you into the grind with a realistic/grounded vision.
>no easy answer. maybe you have ideas to share?
I can only give general advice but if you want something that applies to you as an individual then I can't help you because there are too many variables/I don't know what works for you. For me it has always been a gnawing desire to express the visions I have in my head and whenever I actually manage to succeed it feels really good. But raw desire is hard to manage and highly inconsistent, that is kind of why I like that book.
>but you need all these other components
This is why I also lift, meditate, manage my sleep/diet and try to develop more logical/left brain skills so that my machine/hardware/masculine part of me can manage more of my artistic feminine explosions of idiocy. I like the way you put it. I am a highly irrational being (relatively speaking) so balancing more with the rational can ironically get me to express more of my visions. I hope this helps?
>much creativity but crashing every bend might in total actually look like less creativity than a mediocre one that one can actually consolidate.
Yeah, that is me. Burnouts often. Less now.
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yeah, I too think that process AND result are important!
in dynamical systems theory there is the idea of the critical point (at which phase transition occurs).
liquids are highly chaotic. they are movable and entropy increases in them quickly until homogeneity is reached - at which point potential energy is lost. the result is stale/dead.
crystals on the other hand are highly ordered. so much so that no piece of it can easily be moved. the rigid lattice structure won't allow for any mobility, making it inept for life as well.

complexity is an emergent property that arises inbetween these two extremes:
at (or close to) said critical point, from which the system is allowed to spontaneously lean into any of the two states, if it so chooses. (through control and action)

you can find this idea "unity of opposites" everywhere - even in most (all?) religions and spiritual schools; yin yang, syzygy, hieros gamos,...
the higher level control mechanism is constantly being confronted with having to consider the lower-level drivers (which are mulishly pulling towards one of the phase states).
a multi-agent system with you at the steering wheel.

>this is where we find the human predicament.

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That answer is more scientific/esoteric than expected, but appreciated. I will ponder about how to make this meta POV of yours connect to concrete actions.
>This guy thinks leftistS equals being "working grown-ups".

>and lastly; the arts infamously tend to be left-leaning. so the public image of [here] won't help recruit a lot of people either.

childrens books tend to be quite digestable for the inexperienced reader. maybe try one of those?

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Anybody knows how the Monotype app works and what it actually does?

Long story short, one of my clients has recently required that I switch to using the app instead of providing the fonts for projects directly. The thing is I definitely have some fonts with missing licenses on my PC so the last thing Id want is some big fuckoff corporate app snooping around my files and potentially bricking my entire font library.

Any insight on this is welcome!
also fuck em!

>HGGC Explores $4 Billion Sale of Typeface Firm Monotype

>Monotype, which was taken private by HGGC in a $825 million deal four years ago, will be pitched to industry players and other private equity firms, according to the people. The company generates annual earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization of more than $200 million, they said.
Use a virtual machine.
>The thing is I definitely have some fonts with missing licenses on my PC so the last thing Id want is some big fuckoff corporate app snooping around my files and potentially bricking my entire font library.
It can't brick your library. It can phone home and if you have your info tied to the account, they will know where to knock.
why would they care about a bunch of fonts that they arent related to and arent used in any way to gnerate income or in any projects

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the last "corporate" aesthetic with soul.
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So you are here to be disingenuous then?
alright fuck off
what do you mean? hasnt every word of me been pretty frank?
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Futurama is "frutiger aero" and optimist cyberpunk? wow
I tried that, years ago in the extinction of windows 7 I did not want to go to windows 10 and entered the linux world to escape the flat design and in a time of experimentation I approached the current windows 11 style (KDE default style) and other styles like industrial unreal tournament 1999
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It's sterile but you can't really say it's soulless. It's unabashed toxic optimism from corporate design, clearly unconcerned with being safe or inoffensive. Flat is neither optimistic nor unconcerned with being safe. I think the absence of these traits are what make flat design so soulless and frutiger aero rather curious within itself, as blindingly radiant as it is.
I need /pol/ to leave. This is a happy thread.

Wish I could punch this stupid fucking cat

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Hey anons, i have a selfish request. This is an exterior design of a house I plan to build.
Without changing the proportions too much is there any way you could make it look more cool and aesthetic?
Im not sure what but i feel like something is missing from it looking very cool, rich and futuristic.

I hope this is the place to ask.
Thanks in advance my Nwords

Note: the big windows are North-west facing
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>Just enough to get the bag and get girls
>im barely scraping by so no cash money
Sooo, i'm guessing you are no hit with the ladies either, huh?
You're not white…
But false actually i have a gf and many girls want to marry me because im stable, have a future and plans and a nice family

False, im pretty much as white as they come, im in EU btw
Can't get more souless than that bruv. I'm an architect but I'm pretty busy. I could make you a simple design (plan, sections and 3D's) for a couple Ks
>structurally sound
Might want to check with a structural engineer.

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~ AHS 1984 ~

° Can u catch the vibe?
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Which one do you think is the best?
Tell us why you made your choice.
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Talking, it's all about talking, that's where the money is. Talk to a fucking camera, upload, repeat.
Talking. Fucking talking.
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Procreate, Canva and considering paying for Glitche (been using it ever since it came out and using it for free is becoming increasingly more inconvenient).
Figma ballz lmaoo
i'd say illustrator just cos i'm most used to it but functionally probably figma. canva is objectively dogshit tho LOLL
Paint Tool SAI 2 (pirated) then save whatever the fuck you made as PSD then change it into whatever the fuck you want in Illustrator (pirated). I have been working using this method for the past 4 years and nothing bad has happened.

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You bros applying for the design job of the century?
>part time

I think their HR diversity hire added an extra 8 by accident
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Picrel interesting coincidence
So how did this happen? Lmao
Getting paid by gross square feet is an interesting metric.
>extra 8
lol its adjunct bro
its either like two 8s or two 0s added

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How would you describe these PicMix gif designs?
as cringe and funny as they are they have soul. since the people making them are trying to express a feeling. Even if it is tacky, its genuine.
I actually agree with this
I was gonna laugh at the pic but imagining it through the lens of someone coping with the loss of their dog tugged at my heart
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yeah, i get the vibe there are some genuine expressions going on being delivered in a tacky way.
>genuine expressions going on being delivered in a tacky way
I feel like genuine expression is the biggest thing lacking in art at the moment
everyone just wants to make a statement or signal this or that with no real desire to get THEIR emotions across, but the emotions of whatever they've ascribed themselves to projecting

Hey everyone! I'm new here and i don't really know how this all works but i made my website some time ago now and didn't get much feedback from it, about the design etc...

I'm very curious what y'all think about it, what i should change/improve/get rid of/etc...
Design-wise but also on the overall, comments on anything is welcome! :)

It's a very basic portfolio showing some of my work, still a junior so i don't have much to put in there but i'm working on sub projects to add.

Here's the link:
and thanks in advance :)
looks fine but the images you are using in your projects are low quality.
you can get good quality pictures from unsplash.com
sort projects from newest to oldest
decrease border radius on things
make dropshadow on elements more subtle, not black, more like grayish/bluish and blurred a little
not understanding "new presences" element, might be good to make it more obvious what is it/changing it
"3 words to describe myself" sounds like something out of hr talk, I would be seriously considering yeeting this out
"Some other competences i like to touch" also kinda sounds strange, it kinda implies that you everyday work with JS, but only occasionally with CSS and HTML

Besides that, overaly pretty good portfolio, seems that you're doing things and learning more. Keep it up. As a personal advice, if you wanna learn something, try to learn react/angular and some backend framework like Nest.js or other alikes. Work with node, also learn opsing a little, it's very helpful.
Rien à redire sur le design mais retravaille le texte au plus vite. Littéralement la première phrase que l'on est amené à lire n'a aucun sens, on dirait que c'est de la traduction auto :

> J'ai un vrai plaisir à donner un coup de jeune à l'image de marque des entreprises qui veulent se démarquer en ligne.

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Yep, this is real.
I dare you to find something worse.

I need to generate a very long building as pixel art. The picture should not be 1024x1024 square, it should be 1024x4096 or 1024x8192 long. What can I use to do this?
Copy paste?
Midjourney , DALLE , Leonardo AI
you set a larger canvas size...
is life that difficult to you?
generate? where?
if in graphic program, just change canvas size, if you're asking for game engine, just tile it. If you're asking about generating with ai, kys nigger. If you can't find params on your own and you're asking us without even stating platform, you should really crush your balls with hammer. Otherwise you're welcome.

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Glyphs are not mine (they're from Didactica), but I did add modern logic to auto-connect letters without need for any macros. I must say, I could barely fit that logic into the font, was I doing something wrong, or modern font formats aren't very well designed for this case?
Uppercase ЪЫЬ are absent
Numbers are absent
Only essential punctuation marks
No Latin letters (obviously)
Works fine in Paint.NET, Inkscape, Windows Font Preview, Firefox, Chromium-based browsers, etc. Does not work in MS Word 2021 and Photoshop 2021. Tested in Win10.

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I no longer know how to make money as a graphic designer Its all so hopeless
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Its so temping to give up & trying to be the BEST & give into feeding retards retarded shit

>how do i get my mind to believe that getting attention & influencing others is > than becoming a good artist & mastering a skill
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500k likes on facebook
I haven't seen an ad for a graphic design job in literally a year where I live. the last job ad I saw I got that job and I've been looking for a new one ever since, nothing.
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happy birtady

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Why is this aesthetic wrapped in with the Windows 8 "Metro" theme? They were not even in the same decade. The colorful/grungy and flat style was a thing of the mid to late 00s. Windows 8 was released in fucking 2012. The style was already dying by the time Windows 8 came. There was nothing in this style that look remotely related to Windows Metro. And why is "Frutiger" even in the name? It doesn't have anything in common with Aero other than being in the same decade.

These names people are coming up with make no damn sense.
People who decided to 'own' these things to show their merit to the world as in 'educating' others are 'undergraduate art students', 'neets' and 'young, so don't have a recollection of things in a time span of a decade or two over 14 years ago but thats ok'.

Do not expect them to do things like filtering Google results by a time range. Some of them are convinced that the truth is as good as the 'emotion it invokes', that's why the nonsense clustering and naming. They live in some timeless void where they are driven by emotional stimulus and attention.

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