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Early 2000s webdesign
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This was from the late-2000s but I think it counts
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Yeah, that counts. Lots of color and use of various shapes for links.
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I want to know what this aesthetic is called. I saw a lot of these early 2000s websites, my brother had one.
From someone from that time who hated it at that time: no
No what? i didnt ask a question retard.
I'm saying this shit sucks, dumbass. literal fucking zoomer autism
im 35 faggot. i was there at that time as well idiot if you dont like it, bye.
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>affiliate links
Miss those, more human system at finding related content instead of relying on algorithms and hashtags.
its callled pretend youre a SONY walkman
hoverdesk looks p cool
sad all those desktop alternatives bit the dust
what the fuck is this lol, trying to find shit on this and can only find this: https://www.amazon.com/WingMakers-Anthology-Teaching-Invitation-Japanese-ebook/dp/B00CC9HQRC/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1687831935&refinements=p_27%3ALyricus+Teaching+Order&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Lyricus+Teaching+Order
more. what in the everfuck is this lol

this is like that aesthetic in sound form
Anyone have any remember Spoono?
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I do, I was dabbling in web design back then and they had some great content... and one of the better executed pixel art style websites.
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Which also reminded me of GUIstuff.com. You could hardly count all the websites that ripped off their design back then.
This nigga is alright. You can definitely feel the age of the design though.

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Glad you have a screenshot of it. I always remembered a blue version of their layout. I also recall a website that was orange called Axangec (I think), I was only 12 but the guy still made me a mod of his forum lol.
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Spoono had a nifty style sheet switcher where you could choose like eight different color schemes, I replicated it on my own website at the time. I had an account on their forums too, but I spent a lot more time on Tutorialforums.com.
I remember one or 2 years ago I stumbled upon a couple of twitter accounts that were still making/sharing these kinds of designs. Can't find them anymore, if anyone has an idea, I'll take it
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Lots of new websites being made in classic late 90s early 2000s fashion.
Cool and all, but the content on those sites are sorely lacking.
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Seems like a bunch of gay shit
yeah, a bunch of gays found there way there, i had to dig for anything remotely reminding me of the dbz sites of yore, but its mostly lain shit and stuff from tumblr users. I dont know what happened to the guys that used to make websites back then.
they all are gone and neocities was overtaked by foids and trannies who make shitty anime websites and have slapfights over "code stealing"
It's a bit cringe but this is something I had in 2007 and revived in 2011, it almost fits the aesthetic. It was for a habbo hotel retro.
Not at all: this is kinda nice!
fun & games & fun & games &
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We called it tech back then
nooo don't bring your millennial 'i actually remember this and made similar things', it's akchually bunkochonko9ddesign, a subcategory of chungobongobillcosbynightrider
bump for curiousity
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Why don't they look like this anymore? This is so nice!
Not "edgy" enough, apparently.
What does that mean? Is today's design "edgy"?
I used it as a buzzword, but by that I mean becoming more and more grotesque with each day for some sort of shock "humour" nonsense.
I still don't get it. Where is there shock humour in modern graphic design?
what the fuck are you babbling about you fucking retard
Scroll up to picrel, fool.
This is amazing. it seems like it's kind of turning into myspace.
try the Gemini protocol
>I want to know what this aesthetic is called.
early 200s web design
Deviant Art looked like this early on.
This was cool web design. Now all have the same style and there is zero info when you land on a page. Waste of space having a big ass picture covering the full screen.
I wonder who could be behind these posts
A sample B2 blog straight out of the early 2000s
shit like op's image contains like 3 paragraphs of text total

if you go one of those archives with the 'cool' early 2000s flash/background image websites, that's mostly the theme - bunch of images distract from that it serves only couple of txt paragraphs in 9px font for display on 1024x800 with 7 ie toolbars, including the '01 09 11 launched the site, still under construction'

you will be reminded that a lot was novelty and visual noise to distract from the lack of substance and today's designs (outside of product landing pages that nobody but search bots read) are more objective and to the point and merit, making it absolutely obvious when there isn't any - a paragraph of text is a paragraph of text and nothing more
Kinda ironic that webdesigners did this kind of stuff without css3, which - when it first arrived sround 2010 - was supposed to *improve* and expand capabilities and tomake it even easier, to have a unique look. But now everything just looks the same about everywhere
Will these ever make a comeback?
everything has a beginning and an end. Because these had their run they hold their value. If you keep making them in perpetuity, eventually it will lose all of its appeal.
we had perfection and abandoned it, and for what?
because nothing lasts forever, bitch nigga faggot
Im going to redesign my website to look like this, but i dont know how it will clash with my content that I make.
redesign my balls on your mom's face too, bitch
considering the absolute extend of your creativity I tend to doubt any mom has seen your balls ever.
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i member.
I think these websites developed partly because earlier website like on geocities or angelfire, were poorly laid out ,and a mess with jpegs floating in thr void. So this style was an attempt to organize things
>pre blog web
they took our weebs
>niggers hate creativity
tell me something new
God this thread is so fucking nostalgic, 12 years old using some of the first CMS's to host a tiny website for myself on my Sony Vaio before I even knew what port forwarding was.
>hosts a page
>port stay closed
kek, nice.
>this style was an attempt to organize things
And it fucking worked. Especially compared to google basically dicatating the usage of MARGIN and PADDING and WHITESPACE and even CAPS in BUTTONS in their shitty design these days.

Web designers/devs bitched about everything being unmaintainble, because you had to have custom pictures for every part of the page. Then CSS got better and instead of using that, we went on to design everything in some kind of fucked up minimalism. You cannot make this shit up.
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Peak early internet
Damn, Joe Cartoon, not thought about that in a long fuckin time. Thanks anon.
doesn't take creativity to dunk on your mom with my balls
indeed not to dunk. but to get in the situation of dunking
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>Red Rocket
Why did we obsess with making everything Arial, 11 px big? Just monkey see, monkey do, huh
As one anon said, it was to organize what was already a disorganized website layout.
I'd also say that they look like an extension of windows 98. The bevel emboss stuff didn't start until XP and Flash hit. There were a mix of the two during this era because not everyone jumped to XP right away.

Look at the browser window and see how its the same as the website layout
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Old deviantart
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This is insane.
DeviantArt peaked years ago, I'm not sure when, but the latest iteration is bad.
I vaguely remember that you posted but the green one that came later seemed better.
possibly the realest motherfucker in this thread
Here are some ccTLD registry websites that haven't been updated in a long while
some of them are from the 90s some 00s
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Early skeumorphism.
Links designed to look like physical buttons, image areas made to look like screens or windows surrounded by matte textures where text is placed to resemble real world signs/posters, etc.
I fucking love neocities
Back in 1999-2000, all internet connections were dial-up. Modem's max download speed was 56k, around 30k-to40k was the norm.
When we built websites, the home page had to download in 10 seconds or less. The different colors used in the background, divs,etc were either coded or an image consisting of a single pixel with the color you wanted was repeated . for backgrounds with alternating lines of diferrent colors, an image of a column te width of a single pixel was repeated.
Images were compressed to the exact size in pixels the you needed it at 72dpi. All images were preloaded. common monitor resolutions were 640x480 and 800x600 so you had to code your HTML and JavaScript accordingly.

Nowadays, most web developers don't know shit., only use CMS based websites(wordpress, joomla,drupal,etc)
If something goes wrong, they can't code, can't fix, can't modify, etc.
Can't make a CMS from scratch with a text editor like notepad.
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>Can't make a CMS from scratch with a text editor like notepad.
Actually you can, but very few people in this world would be insane enough to do that...
this makes me want to install winamp
good times
I'd take a 1 month probation period over a discord server any day
Mobile killed it.
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My father-in-law is a webmaster. It is difficult to get his attention when looking at a magnificent UI because he is lost in wonder. We were in a looking at a website together years ago and I asked him what it would cost to build it today. I will never forget his answer… 'We can’t, we don’t know how to do it'.
>digital blasphemy
Holy sovl
know any tuts on making old websites like
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good ol days
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If anyone knows how to make their sites like that please tell me mine looks like absolute dogshit
If only I had an email back then
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the owner moved to ugly social media, tumblr etc. but the site remains in all its glory

Kind of an /wsr/, but does anyone remember which gaming news website in the 2000s used a white/faux-translucent plastic theme and used pixel art icons for the game platforms (GC, PS2, XBOX, GBA etc). I looked on archive.org and it doesn't seem to have been GameSpy, IGN or GameSpot. Anyone know what I'm talking about, or remember other game news portals from that era?
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i really miss all of the old communities that were around in early 2000s here in sweden. this is a legendary swedish hiphop site that had very active forums. lots of rappers got their start here uploading mixtapes, cyphers, rap battles and stuff. also had a good market place. what sucks is that only the log-in screens of these communities are available in the archives and i can't find any screenshots of what the sites looked like inside anymore.
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You're using it.
Why dont we start making websites like these on our own, lamenting aint gonna bring these web designs back, we have to spit in the eyes of corporate minimalism and the Phooners
honestly imagine the outrage that would come if they changed the look of the site even slightly. good thing 4chan doesn't make enough money to pay ux designers.

it's less about the inability to make them and more that no matter what you try a good majority of people online browse with their phones, so a good majority of sites will have to look boring and mobile-oriented.
you can try making one if you don't care about broad appeal, but even among hobbyist communities you usually don't want to chase people away just for ~aesthetics~
It's not like these type of websites are completely gone. They're just no longer popular that's all.
Thats understandable, but there are scripts where it toggles between desktop and mobile layouts. So to think of a way these 'old' designs would work on mobile would be a fun project.

Well, I"m going to look into it myself. My brother use to make sites like these:
but I never picked his brain to know how to do it. believe most of it was css and the use of pixels.
This site is a work of art.
We need a search bar to browse information now. So, if we want to see the coffee page. You can type in bean and you'll find coffee and tea. You can refine it. These simple parsing systems are hyper archaic binary.
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Just do it Anon, there is definitely a niche group of people who are still interested in this sort of stuff and the space could use more normal interesting people and less politically obsessed deranged motherfuckers.
My advice if you want to get started is to create something you're personally passionate about, don't aim for high traffic, and try to avoid making a personal website unless you like just writing into the void (the "my blog" kinda sites) as they very quickly burn people out and inevitably end up abandoned when people realise that they could have just posted it on Twitter with less effort and gotten more engagement.
If you have a hobby, collection, niche set of skills, or special autistic interest, make a site where you can talk all about it in all of the depth you want to, and you'll quickly find yourself engaged in creating something people actually give a shit about.
I had no idea people still gave a shit about my website, I usually hang out on /g/, but stumbled across this thread when Googling to see why I got a spike in traffic yesterday. I have a shit load of dead links to get through and I've honestly just lost a lot of motivation to keep going with the project, so I've kinda had to put it on the back burner for now. I'll get back to it sooner or later.
nobody cares, the internet is dead
AI will accelerate us into sludge oblivion
Everytime I see a doom post I think of a deranged man shitting his pants in public, or some tranny saying nothing matters to justify their gentital mutilation and spitting in the face of God.
>but I spent a lot more time on Tutorialforums.com
only retards went there. it was full of carebears
No, neocities is crap because it's the equivalent of adding a greenscreen vhs overlay to a 1080p 12000fps iphone video. Kids who've gotten all their ideas about web design from pinterest and not from a book.
This is actually nice and cool.
what is the first step to designing a site like this?
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Start with a transparent png for the overall layout with the transparency being the parts where the links nestle between. Then use this:
Wait what the fuck? That's so much more simple than i thought it'd be.
Do you know any good books on 2000s website design?
Don't know any books but most of 2000s web was built on simple basic javascript, html and css which can be learned on w3. You're essentially getting creative with limitations, fucking around with divs and tables.
I wanted to share one other trick though if you're new and just getting started, something you can play with.

that image >>451546
I haven't been to the website to check, but my guess on those red buttons is that they change based on clicks and mouseover. You could change the color or image of them by using these



Using a mouseover or onmouse click to dynamically change elements of a webpage.
Ah yeah, I'm familiar with some basic CSS functions but that's helpful, thanks.
And I couldn't find the right webpage from archive.org, but I did find this cool page. A bit broken even with Ruffle but I can still feel the sovl.
Those sounds. I love those lo fidelity sound effects they used to use in stuff like that and flash.
what are some sites that have this small pixel aesthetic? i love it
i genuinely don't think they've changed their layout since i found them over a decade ago. unfortunately the site is one of many that took a hit due to flash's end
Thats rad, wish I knew about that site sooner.
Wooow, core memory unlocked. Fond memories of doing my own mildly successful E/N website, hoping to affiliate with Spoono one day.
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nintendo knew how to do graphic design but then got fucking amnesia post-2017
I miss centerfleet.
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4Chan.net btw
wait what the fuck? how is the domain both not squatted and also not bought?
also who would even be taking screenshots of 4chan in 2003? that's the kind of thing i'd expect someone to only have kept track of if they recorded their screen for a portion of the day like in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNmzXqcNeaA
Found the screen on the web but remember taking also screens in 2005, and accedently hitting >>>/d/ instead of h in the fucking html frame
How does one even make a site like that? I've started programming a while ago but I'm nowhere near knowledgeable on things, the positioning, the image, the curves and all.
It all looks so fun and elegant and also impossible to make.
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does anyone have any style guides for making these? some forums would have a ton that were all completely different in tone from other forums but they all looked like they were made by one guy. is it just because they're so simple or what?
I made my own website this year to reflect y2k design. It was very fun to make, and I was able to avoid tables but I could add them in if I make a new layout theme. I also stumbled upon people with their own y2k sites and a revival of old internet. I'm not gonna advertise here but just know there are people still making this stuff and if enough people do it then we can restore the good ibternet and abandon the bot corporate mega sites and bullshit modern web.

I also lost my old layouts from back in the day but they were colorful and glorious
what's your site anon?
Just started a page and damn i forgot how to html
Feel free to share when you got something going.
thanks maybe i will if it looks good and this thread is up. I'm fighting every urge to make a shitpost 90s geocities page or something actually tasteful but I'll probably just do both.

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