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I'm filling someone's request from last thread
Nikola Vitol Casual Poses 2 500+ jpg

download link
If it expires I can reupload

Make requests
Share what you have
Draw your pile of refs
Don't let the thread die, please!
I'll add more later if I have time.

Enjoy everyone! Make lots of art!
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I donwload reference paccs mostly to see ass and pussy
Nice poses, I hate those weird poses that are so common in pose packs
coomer detected
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I asked for this one. Thank you. :)
>the indians are already here
saar i would like to redeem the buttocks please
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>"500+ photos"
>actually 501
tits and pussy reference please
Any clothed action poses pack?
Do you want action poses with ordinary clothing or fantasy outfits/sci-fi armor? There was a knight in armor in the last thread https://www.mediafire.com/file/ivq6a77v3l6sgdi/Knight.zip/file

Here are 616 pics with the same model. It's Part 1 of the pack I shared in the OP
Ugh forgot the link
Thanks, I meant ordinary clothes though
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Thanks anon.
I actually don't have any action poses in ordinary clothing,because my action pack models are typically wearing Martial Arts and athletic wear. Still, you may find it useful.

It's also useful to learn basic clothing shapes and folds, (the folds can be mostly broken down into tubes and triangles, nothing too complicated) and then you can draw clothing over any pose from your imagination. No ref needed.
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Meaningless pose
Meaningless post.
Where are you sourcing these from? Are there more except the ones already posted, because there seem to be loads in that series https://www.prestige-publishing.co.jp/nude/nude_series/%e3%83%9d%e3%83%bc%e3%82%ba%e3%83%96%e3%83%83%e3%82%af/
Tranny detected, you will neverbe anyone worth of respect
Imagine that ass shitting up and clogging up your toilet
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from previous thread:
Chinese Kung Fu Hero Poses
Anyone got any decent couples sets? I'm looking for stuff like this
Thanks friend!
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I have Hyper Angle Man & Woman
does anyone know which set are these images from?
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Any male packs?
>>7148800 1200+ Active ginger girl poses by grafit studio
>heart pubes
Damn where's this from? Poses are great and she cute AF
>she cute AF
I downloaded that shit just to see if this was true and of course the yellow fever fag has the lowest of standards, at least the poses are okay.
Huh? Nice excuse lol u could already see her on here
Came here to beg for this. Anyone have good 'natural' posts for males?
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Site with lots of reference packs, but it uses shitty rapidgator for download

Grafit female riders pack
based, thanks
>she doesn't look like the animu girls from 'Golden Boy'
and that's a good thing!
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Somebody asked for "Gay Santa" in the previous thread. Uhh so here you go
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just use Elle or vogue sites
Thank you
Just go on Pinterest. Here
>being this specific
autism is one hell of a drug
blacks are fine too but afros are required
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Afro girl. She's super fun to draw. Add your own puff jacket or whatever you like!
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Grand champion
By Azura! You must be the greatest painter in all of Tamriel! Can I follow you around?
could you screenshot the thumbnails? curious on the lighting/poses, not really a fan that the hair isn't lit
That's some good stuff. Any more like this?
This one doesn't download for some reason, everything else in the thread worked fine though
what a faggot
anyone know where this set is from / have a link?
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Working here. Maybe try clearing your cache in your browser?
I think there are some more hyper angle sets on ehentai
Free Christmas gift and the best part is that you can still get it:
Actually I couldn't find it on ehentai but just go on yandex and search hyper angle 1, 2, 3 vk
I would post a link but 4chan spam detection won't let me
did someone take a permanent marker to between her cheeks? im assuming this is from YT?
It's extremely poorly drawn underwear. Because god forbid butts and tits appear on Youtube, we can't have that!
yeah, youtube vid, proko connected

pretty depressing how corporate web censorship policies resulted in sterile art, the modern web is way worse off than the 15th century when you could paint nudity in churches as long as it was on-topic

Okay you guys must be "le old internet" larpers, because nudity has fucking never been okay on youtube. even when they said it was.
There used to be a popular Youtube channel called Croquis Cafe. This channel had totally nude life drawing videos - tons of them. It was allowed for years. then they got kicked off YT and went to Dailymotion, then it was 100% paywalled
Anyone have the mermaid pose pack from ThePoseArchives or any mermaid/merman type of pose pack?
Got it to work, just had to keep trying to download. Thanks for sharing anon
Croquis cafe torrents, but you may need to wait a long time before a 100% seed shows up
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That girls body is out of this world.
I have hair on my nuts, underage b&. I remember. You're forgetting the part where they were struggling to keep their videos up, despite the fact that they were never actually violating "youtube policy". that's why they ended up leaving in the first place.
This torrent has 1000+ Sea Fantasy pack
CTRL F magnet, click. Let it open in your torrent program
you have terrible taste
Forget photos. What about videos?
I happened to find a shrimp video (some lo-fi music stuff with aquarium recorded) and it was fun to just sketch the creatures as they slowly moved around.
I wonder if there is something similar for people.
it is very nice, indeed.
stop watching so much (non-JP) porn and anime
what set are these from?
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anyone have this one?
No, you'll have to this thing of actually paying for it.
no u
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I probably will.
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Good for anatomy from unusual angles, I guess, but the poses seem weak and fake.
I think they look more weamgxpk than anything
you're weak & fake
i want book where hot woman fight each other shut up
thats the problem with posed figures in general
My point is that it doesn't look like they are actually fighting each other.

Not only the poses look really stiff, they don't even seem right.
Just search UFC women doing headlocks on Youtube and judge for yourself if the one on the cover makes sense.
Why are front facing poses so hard?
why would you use a pose book for anatomy? A pose book is catalog of pose references to use as a starting point. I swear
yeah and judge for yourself which one makes for a more appealing image
Is this a real question? So you can see what the anatomy of a person looks like from different angles?
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what is the point of an appealing image if the subject (fighting) is just wrong? IMO you should just find or create poses that are functional AND appealing. Or just stick to pinups.
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You need to draw simpler things than a figure. Try bottles and still life. Draw straight lines instead of curves for your initial sketch. Copy symmetric patterns from ornament books.
Here are 552 books on ornament https://archive.org/details/texts?tab=collection&query=ornament+books&and%5B%5D=lending%3A%22is_readable%22

Once your bottles and patterns look good, try this basic pose pack: https://gofile.io/d/enLVgS

Also go on Dorian Iten's gumroad and get his free Accuracy course. The code to get it for free is DORIAN (all caps like that.) https://dorianiten.gumroad.com/l/accuracy?layout=profile

Good luck!
why would I use the pose ref for anatomy when I already know anatomy and have a model ref?
Making an appealing image is your job as an illustrator. The references' purpose is to make the illustration more grounded in reality.

Again, this pose book could still be helpful because you can study anatomy from unusual angles, but if you want to draw actual action and "pro wrestling" moves it's definitely better to search for something else.
Could you post more references from this model? Thank you
Sadly I don't have any other poses with her.

But you can go here https://www.posespace.com/posetool/default.aspx and select Dawnmarie from the model list
It'll give you 1 large sample photo and small photos of the whole set, but it's enough to practice - and less detail is actually better for gesture.
>just youtube for poses
why even have this thread then? why are people even posing naked/semi-nude in their free time?
Because some pose books or/and ref packs can be helpful (a lot of them have the same poses from different angles) and it's just this specific book that doesn't seem so good.
can someone post a link
>no tits
into the trash she goes
I couldn't find this particular set
The girl is called "Christal May" and poses for MetArt erotic photography. You can find links to it on Yandex for free
Anhh fuck sorry wrong ginger girl
I meant >>7158804
That girl
what's up new guy, school out already? did you skip all of your humanities classes? you know the one that shows statues of woman with similar sizes of breasts. or did you just get here from /h/, er i mean /d/. if you want hags there's >>>/s/, >>>/r/, and >>>/hc/. it also seems like you missed past threads where women with 'larger' breasts were posted. just ask and you might receive.
fuck u
good thing you have your own fat tits to keep you company
Torrents for many packs
Just click on the DL button, no need to register
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You seem to be knowledgeable in this subject, do you perhaps have any idea if this model from NMA did anything else?
Relevant to this thread.
I have a good camera, a very big empty room, and a desire to watch cute girls in bathing suits or panties.
How well are this sets as an enterprise?
I can definitely get 10+ girls of 16-18 (my sister age group) to do sets
Is the teen gimmick enough to get some bucks out of it?
I know I'm asking in a "get it for free" thread, I don't mind piracy as long as enough people do pay
Is the set of your picrel posted in this thread?
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No, I can't remember from where I got it. It's from New Masters Academy.
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any couple compilations?
This thread is both:
1)Constant Doom Reminder that you will never be able to touch these in your sorry life(for free and without risking AIDS)
2)Coomer thread
This makes me feel both angry, suicidal, misogynist, misanthrope and spiteful, all at once.
whoops didn't see >>7148665, more would be appreciated
references with animals (preferably cats) would be great too
Cat poses and couple poses
Use pinterest

For couples, find an old romantic movie and copy poses from stills

Flickr search with creative commons license option set to on so the photographer doesn't come after you
Google images with "before:2022" added to filter AI results
Books on archive.org/annas archive/libgen
Make sure it was published before 2022
Call me a weirdo but I want to see these two fucking already.
Kissing a cat in the mouth, women are sick.
I thought some IRL rule63 was going on. These are nice, may consider using for 3d.
Can anyone upload that set? She's quite nice to look at.
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I can't remember where I got the set so here you go.

If anyone knows more about her or if she did more stuff give me a holler.
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Welp I'm retarded.

The model is Sara from New Masters Academy and I have her set but I don't have time to look for it
Seriously, please DO NOT kiss cats they carry parasites

Classic sculpture model set

Movie stills HQ
They are great for morning warmup studies
Every single femoid posted ITT has AIDS
It's a shame there aren't more sets of this model.
>Use pinterest
>find an old romantic movie and copy poses from stills
this is what I've been doing for couple poses but it's kind of limited in angle, old (circa-1940s) advertisements have some good ones too
You can also try couple dance videos. There are so many and I don't think they can copyright a random dance pose?
Thank you very much sir. You are a true gentleman and a hero of our times.
thanks, retard!
anyone have good foot poses?
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take every pic on this thread and look down
does somebody ve got some links for these?
Obscura_29 stuff for heros pls.

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What a cute kitty
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Any chance someone has this?
>Joyful Armed Girl Poses
The title sounds like something out of North Korea lol.
kill yourself normiescum, you are the vermin of the planet
I'm interested
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You guys got anything with clothes or armor?

Much appreciated, buddy. Would be great if somebody with a premium account downloaded all of them and uploaded them as a torrent.
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you're more normie than I am, you should kill yourself
Does anyone have any glamour reference packs? Like vogue headshots or something, I have no idea where to look for those in decent quality.
is there any direct download link of that set in your picrel? God she's hot.
bro all these magnets don't work for some reason aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Does this have 360 rotations?
>Copy symmetric patterns from ornament books.
How does that help?
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Contributing to the thread.
>how does drawing symmetrical things help with drawing symmetrical things?
idk magic or something
It trains your linework and symmetry skill and helps a lot with fancy fantasy armor for example. Like this https://www.pinterest.com/pin/699676492088325344/

If you don't train symmetry, you will forever draw like pic rel. with the bangs covering the face because you can't draw the other eye to save your life

You're very welcome!
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Gah my comment got erased when I changed the file to make it smaller,

Thanks Anon
This looks fantastic anon!
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Another pack coming through!
Love this one! Thank you, it's a good one
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Still hoping someone to post that set from picrel....
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Time to upload my third pack!

I don't own that one currently. But I'll upload it here once I acquire it.
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Here's a small pack of same model from the first pack that I uploaded holding some guns.
7.8 GIGS! Holy fuck, she's beautiful, but I don't know if she's THAT beautiful...
Maybe it's a longshot but these two are great free ref, but this pacc looks to be really useful and is behind a paywall. Anyone have it?
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welp, forgot my image.
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It's been a while since I've been excited looking by a dressed woman, she's very attractive damn even with her shit backne.
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what stand is that on the right
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Fifth pack of the day.
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nta but manually downloaded that shit link and rar'd it
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They must eat a lot of carbohydrates, they are full of acne on their back.
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Alright then, here's my sixth and final pack for tonight. Featuring my favorite gal once again! Have a good night (or morning) everyone!
She is cute but does anyone else fucking hate it when they wear cup bras that are two sizes too big? The set looks almost unusable as an anatomy reference. At least wear a bikini or something that conforms to the underlying body and allows some movement.
Thank yoou

You can compress it using Photoshop
to cut down the photos size https://helpx.adobe.com/ca/photoshop/using/processing-batch-files.html
What a massive qt thanks man!
Also thanks was about to do that myself.
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In the spirit of this great thread, I'm sharing a few packs with you beautiful people. Here's a not-so-classical one:


It's 1.2 GB, I don't have an account on gofile so the files might disappear after a while.
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Russian ballet dancer
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Daily sketching poses. This one has 360 degrees shots for all poses.
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Last one for now, some portraits. They don't all have that shitty red light, some have a neutral lighting setup.

Reminder no one needs huge files just for refs
Ive reduced file sizes up to 90% smaller without meaningful loss in quality (remember to set to Extreme before uploading the folder)
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after 30min, the folder is now 264MB
is this in
that pack?
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To be honest I just want to see her ass and midriff area in detail.
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It's this one here, would be nice if some generous anon shelled out the $12 for it and shared it:

too much carbs 2/10 would not bang
No need, give me a while and I can upload it.
Found another one from our girl:


Ginger girl daily sketchings, 1.6GB
Well shit, I had it ready at the same time.


Still, there are three more folders with portraits and more poses in the pack so I'll upload those too.
conceptualize the aroma
Thanks buddy, I uploaded everything from that pack already.

But this one here >>7179303 is a different pack, do you happen to have that one?
anybody know this model's name and/or if there are any packs with 360 rotations of poses?
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special points for that model! it s litterally the Botticelli 's Venus look-alike
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this one as well!
Oh god there she is. I need that set, for her I would download 10GB no prob
Her sets are pretty recent I think so they're gonna be hard to find.
>This makes me feel both angry, suicidal, misogynist, misanthrope and spiteful, all at once.
It's two Russians kissing, get over it.
Absolutely insane freaking body. Fucking whore surely she only dates hot faggots, she wouldn't give a single look to an average guy.
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If they have acne they should avoid carbohydrates, I think that's what you mean.
>Reminder no one needs huge files just for refs
That's because anons aren't using this for refs. They're using it for "references," if you catch my drift.
exactly. you can tell by the unhinged incel over here >>7179575
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I use em for both
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I like my refs huge. I view them on a 27" 4k screen turned vertically. At the distance I sit, it's visually similar to a life drawing session (still not as good though). DESU I can use lower res refs, but I really notice the blurriness and it's distracting. 4k crispness is a joy, even though I don't work my drawings to that level of finish.
would be great if someone compressed all the packs and re-uploaded
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I mean sometimes i crop specific body parts like hands or arms to put into separate anatomy folders. Esp from sets with weapons and stuff.
But sometimes they're out of focus and not worth the hassle. Dedicated hand/feet sets exist too
would be great if someone drew for me
I'll see if can compress the six packs that I previously uploaded the other day.
thanks anon appreciate it
I found the torrent, but it had no seeders. Does anybody here have the gofiel?
Sorry, anon. I deleted this pack just recently so I only have the compressed files. The original pack was almost 10 gb.
I uploaded it anyway for anyone that wants it.

Pack of female refs from https://www.female-anatomy-for-artist.com/photos/show/id/standing-reference-of-little-caprice-05-2
There are some other ones included, Norma and Lora from the same ref site
For those of you who are unaware these resources exist...

If you are struggling to draw figures, try these basic forms instead

Want a background for your figure? Go here:

18GB of free landscape refs

More free stuff

Wootha public domain photo refs (landscape)
There are also his tuts and brushes included
Is that caprice? geez she really has done everything.
>nice legs
>no tats
Lose that "beauty mark" and she's a 10/10
Is there more videos like Proko's Models in Motion somewhere?
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Any have this?

thanks for these resources anon, they're indispensable.
It's not the same at all, but Croquis Cafe has some vids in torrent on Btdig.com, just search croquis cafe. One of them is only seeded to 61%, but you'll get enough videos to 100% to make it worth it

For help with understanding muscles, there is this YT playlist. It's meant for medical study, but I found it really easy to follow and very helpful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M_OPrPFnCo&list=PL7AEyCwemX57epO9fI6PcRgOclQ0URKna

This terrifying mnemonic video helps with muscles of the face (which you mostly don't even need to learn unless you're sculpting to animate) Or if you're a muscle completionist and need to know everything by name
Any good stuff with mid fight poses? Should I just watch movie/ufc fights and pause in interesting poses to draw them?

Anatomy resource dump

If you're intimidated by all the latin names and don't know where to start, try this game.


Once you got these muscles down, you can try any course online floating online on torrent sites(Proko's course is very good and he has some free on his YT channel)

You can watch these anatomy songs for a quick review:



Best anatomy books - actually read the text in these, it's well written and clear:

In Italian, but it's the images that matter

3d Ecorche set

for animal anatomy, you can apply what you know about human anatomy to animals. Check the goldfinger book
Whoops! Forgot to link the anatomy bones game
Thank You very much kind anon!
The compressed is more than welcomed, the original photos aren't that great, some even have motion blur, there's no reason for the packs to be over 10GB.
Unironically yes.
Ofc fed chan, every single person in this thread is looking to buy risqué underage girls from a random that hasn't even done them, with a side of animal abuse and a sparkle of domestic terrorism
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more men pls
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> You will never see her naked anon. 10-minute study NOW
There is something strange with his skin, he looks like a corpse with dirt on it.
is the natural asisatic yellow skin
thank you anon, this helps a lot
have you spoken to a love one recently or went on a nice stroll? it's quite nice
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New obscura29 pack. Love her toned-but-not-bodybuilder shape.
Any anon with bread wanna share it?
You have never traveled to Hong Kong or even been to Tokyo, I have, and I can say that I know a lot about Asians, they have a yellow tone to their skin and I don't see the problem.
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Well, I tried. Any pointers before I continue?
You don't need pointers. You got this. Keep grinding till you acquire the confidence to draw figures without those construction lines. You'll get there no prob.
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honestly, censorded jap shit is a shame for my europeen tastes. but thx anyway anon.
who is this model?
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Anyone know which pack this is from?
Any gun packs like this for men?


do your research
Thanks, just realized it’s the sequel to op
as dumb as it sounds, does anybody has good refs of male soldiers/police/tom clancy shit?
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Is there more of her? Her little knees are so cute.
ain't nothing cute about that self-cutting squizo.
I can fix her.
Literally, i'll just photoshop those cuts out.
I loled, good one anon.
damn, been studying this pack for a few days and I'm getting a decent grip on muscles now

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