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I'm making a silly softcore game. Any advice regarding the game's graphics or character design?
Hire an artist
lol you're the thesaurus guy aren't you?
But my intention is to create something personal to test my skills x_x I don't want to make money, I just do it for fun.

It is a work in progress, many things need to be polished...

Maybe [?]
why doesn't she attack?
Please get inspired by this game and its character and sound design, I need more kyanta-like kino in my life
It's just a prototype x_x Many things still need to be programmed (more interesting procedural terrain, the attack mechanics you mention...)
ohhh ic ic
heh seems fun
This is very cute, good luck op
I didn't know that game but I liked it. 'Unprofessional' but strongly personal graphics like those of that game are precisely what I have in mind when developing my little game :3

Thank you! My intention is to publish it on newgrounds so if you want when it is finished you can play it for free.
This is temporary art... Right? This would be insanely lazy for final graphics. I would love this art style with higher effort.
I would change either the fairy's green aesthetic or death aesthetic because either could work but together they clash
The women look good, but everything else looks like placeholders at the moment. As an experimental first game though, it's fine.
mid af in literally every way
top kek then if so expect absolutely zero improvement in every way. instead, literal copypasta-tier amount of coping
this guy is clearly an actual sperg.
I can't get mad at you because what you say is so true. Although I think it's a little unfair to 'judge' me via this unfinished game.

The empirical quality of my creative output is highly variable, but that's because I like to experiment and try to find what creative methods 'work' for me.

>This is temporary art... Right?
>The women look good, but everything else looks like placeholders at the moment.

Yep :3 I have to redesign the player sprite completely since it was 'ruined' when rescaling it. The background also needs to be polished, although I would like to maintain a design with minimalist shapes. What I consider to be closest to my original planning is the 'exhibitionist' woman : P

>As an experimental first game though, it's fine.

: ) In a way I'm doing this little game to test the newgrounds API (and to see what kind of reception these games have).
Wow is there actually anons in /ic/ able to do this type of stuff? cool. Props to you anon, though you won't get the feedback you expect here. D/ic/cks will tell you that your game looks like shit, but that's not what matters now, as you said, just make sure that the thing works.
I'm interested in what's the story about. Do you have an story for the game already? That's what it will make or break your game. Users will take as a given that your game "WORKS", but they will only get engaged with it if the whole presentation, (visuals and story) are interesting enough.
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>What I consider to be closest to my original planning is the 'exhibitionist' woman : P
Haha, well you're consistent in your tastes, and already have running themes in your work, I'll give you that.
Pro tip use a thicker line weight and turn off anti aliasing
I'm definitely going to play your game when its out
Oops, I didn't know someone was following me on this board. You make me blush. To be honest, I only draw the things I like, I suppose that's why unexpected patterns appear in my creations.

>Pro tip use a thicker line weight

Where specifically? In the sprites? Backgrounds? In everything? o_o

>I'm definitely going to play your game when its out

Thank you very much! I really appreciate your support. I'll try to do my best when drawing these ladies!
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Oh, I forgot to respond to your comment. I'm sorry.

Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who is easily affected by those malicious comments. I've been on the Internet for a long time so I've learned to value polite feedback [even if it's negative] and also to ignore the malicious feedback that has no further explanation.

>Do you have an story for the game already?

To be honest, the lack of a story that 'unites' the elements of the game is what is causing me the most difficulties at this moment. Usually when designing my games I only focus on the gameplay and graphic style... x_x. Any suggestions?

Picrel: an unfinished image of the main player [yep, it's a girl who gradually loses her clothes o_o].
>Oops, I didn't know someone was following me on this board. You make me blush. To be honest, I only draw the things I like, I suppose that's why unexpected patterns appear in my creations.
Haha, you just notice certain anons who post here often,like yourself or that one guy who often posted the girl with bat wings on her head, especially if they have an identifiable style.
I suppose I keep an eye on them (and you) and see how they're getting along.

>x_x. Any suggestions?
Maybe a castle (or the world, or whatever) is being attacked by demons, and the strongest knight is tasked with defeating them - however the Demons are immortal, so normal means don't work... so the knight decides to use the power of her fetish (exhibitionism) to defeat the demons, or at least get off before she dies.
Hell, why do you even need an explanation or a story? Just have a king telling you (the player) to defeat the monsters, there's no need to explain why removing the clothes works, it just does (like how jumping on the monster's heads just works).

No pressure to take what I'm saying into consideration because I recognised you, if you think my ideas are shit, that's fine.
Haha, your story is suspiciously similar to the one I had in mind. I had also thought about immortal demon girls [or more specifically: succubi] whose only weak point is their prudeness o_o

>Hell, why do you even need an explanation or a story?

Yes, this is a simple game after all... I think all that is needed is an excuse plot to justify the gameplay.
you should add a hypnosis level
Is this the sequel to Pretty Petite Slasher?
That's a bit ambiguous... what do you mean specifically? :P

I searched for that name on Google but couldn't find anything even remotely resembling a game x_x [ I'm sorry if that was a joke and I didn't understand it [?] ].

By the way, if anyone is interested, you can draw quick sketches of possible enemies and attack patterns, then I will put them in the game redrawn in my style. Obviously your contributions will be credited. I would be very happy to incorporate your OCs if you have any <3
parallax scrolling
The anti aliasing combined with low line weight makes the line weight have gaps and overall be inconsistent in a way that looks shit
Look at this... She could be so cute if she wasn't being destroyed by your pipeline
It could honestly be just the anti aliasing though so see try that first
then here's my honest, really honest, advice. Take it even if you know how to draw and have a decent level, or if you are beg.
Take it lighty with the style, dont push yourself yo your ego expectations, if you dont really know to draw much things, then stick with the most comfy and simple non stressful workflow, technique, style, you can do.
That's because you will have two monsters in the room, with one you will constantly trying to meet your own expectations with the graphic style, that's more ego, and with the other you will face the reality that is still a game and you need to worry more about the mechanics and interactions than the style itself.
Out there are game that are even made in black and white, others in a sketch style, you can do that if give you mental security, since you are making it for fun, stick to the more basic because that will give you the most flexibility to work and care about the actual gaming part.
Good thing with softwares is that you have all your images and graphics independently so if you want to dedicate later only to the graphics you can always update that later and the rest will be already done
focus on gameplay first, the art is useless without a fun game
what are you using? Unity?
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Add him.

Oh, of course you don't know it. Pretty Petite Slasher is a 2D Castlevania style game featuring the main heroine, Uhhhm (don't know her name) but she can turn into a bat and has a throwing weapon, and her mission is to uhhh escape the dungeons by finding keys and defeat the demon lord.

It's a hot, fast paced, sweaty beat em up that will never be release in 2045.
here is her design https://files.catbox.moe/475ssr.jpg
I usually draw using strange aesthetic theories... and the pipeline I use is the only one that serves to play freely with these theories... I like to consider my drawings as 'puzzles', where finding the 'solution' to those problems you point out is a big part of the fun. I think this cute warrior ('elena') is 60% solved... The legs need more work.

It is a library made from scratch in Javascript.

The idea is to incorporate cute and sensual girls, but I can anthropomorphize and feminize that character! Is he an original character?

Your esoteric answer only confuses me even more...x_x But if that pretty girl is an original character I can add her to the game!
Copy other games that use similar art. Something like pic related

Now, help me with this, anons. I want to make a game with these graphics, but have problems balancing a low resolution (not past 2000 pixels) and defined outlines. Is there a trick or something like that? Maybe a brush? What advice can you give me?
I understand what you mean. Too much ambition is the biggest enemy of this kind of project, so I'm trying to keep things simple. Simplicity in results and processes.

I also think I understand how certain 'esoteric properties' of art balance others. According to my observations, 'time' (present in animation) or 'interaction' (present in video games) influence and balance the visual stimulus. Psychologically it is a whole, not just a part.
You're ignoring what I'm saying man
I'm totally on board with the weird creative process or whatever, I genuinely like your art
It's just the aliasing ruins it and I can't imagine that's intentional
gamedev here, look into sprite + asset scaling options for whatever game engine you're using. These things could range from scripts in your project, or as basic as the process of how you're exporting your art for the game, it all depends on more factors.
>but have problems balancing a low resolution (not past 2000 pixels)
Isn't that MOST display systems for people? I'd recommend preparing your graphics at a smaller size if they're drawn so big that going below 2000 wrecks them. Though Maybe I'm completely misunderstand here? I'm obviously not a game developer, though I'd love to give it a try at some point.

One thing I would recommend trying though, if your work is losing its 'crispness', is trying to make your graphics vector. Vector's main strength is their scalability.
Speaking of resolution
At what resolution main characters in Cuphead are drawn? They're quite detailed and clean despite small size.
Yes please add her to your game you have my permission
I think that this game needs humor. Most people can't stand these obvious fetish games, but a healthy dose of haha funny alongside your giantess undressing shit will help more than it will hurt.
>Most people can't stand these obvious fetish games
Yeah, nobody looks at straight up porn for the sake of just getting off...
I think the screen resolution of some devices adds extra smoothing to my deliberately crisp pixels, I think that can ruin my drawings unexpectedly...

Ok! but what is your character? The loli or the weird cat? :3

Yes, my idea is to create something that has a balance between soft eroticism and silliness. I have never liked those erotic games that are too explicit or realistic - I think that realism prevents exaggeration of shapes, which is the basis of visual humor - that's why I think my simple style will allow me to put gags easily.
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You can go even more stylized.

This is a very poor screenshot of a demo first person shooter with the textures drawn by a "non artist",with interesting results. You can check it out here:


So you could change the perspective, the hero not running across the screen but a forced 3rd person heading right perspective, with the background vistas dynamic and the antagonists more foward facing. And since its pixel art,you can restructure the bodies in segments for complex movements.
Oh, the use of hand-drawn textures gives a very surreal look, ideal for horror games.

I think changing the camera or gameplay would be very problematic considering that the game is already quite advanced...but if I create the second part later I will consider your idea! A game that mixes 3D gameplay with 2D erotic images.
By the way, on /i/ I just created a thread where any anon can contribute girl designs to the game :)


In the link you will find more details.
You should add a "shooting gallery" stage. Those are always fun, and I guess easy to make/code(?).
You definitely have to add a 2D quality porn "reward" scene/composition/artwork after completing an stage. People won't care about a game that gives them nothing in return. I saw a gif you did in other thread, fucking awesome, you told a whole story in a gif. And it was fucking hot. Fucking saved it. So you are proficient and competent in doing that. If you could make a scene like that gif to play after the action stage, your game will be a smash. And the gameplay part of it doesn't even have to be erotic. It is the pay-off that "does it".
If you make the character that hot spy, and she has to infiltrate some facility, and the after stage scene is that hot, with interrogations and "tortures", from wich she escapes and goes into another hot situation stage after stage... dude, that would be like a dream game. And I don't fucking care about "sexy shit" in the gameplay, just make her hot, and let her shot and smash agents, robots, or whatever. I will be in it for the story and the "cinematic" reward. The cinematic being just images, I don't care.
Good luck with your project anon.
>Crisp pixels
My answer is concise and polite. If you don't understand it, it's your problem.
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Oh, how kind! I didn't know someone liked that silly animation so much :) You flatter me!

I'm currently experimenting with 3D games and I really like your game idea! I think 'rewarding' the player with erotic content has not been fully explored, there is great potential there. I think of something like Raiden's naked scene in Metal Gear Solid 2 :3 Although of course, always playing with the limits, never giving anything too explicit.

I think 'oscillating' between innocence and perversion is the key to creating something interesting. Personally, when something is blatantly dirty, I don't find it interesting.

When I finish this simple game I will start this new project.
Yes your answer was concise and polite. It was also utterly incorrect, and if you took 5 minutes out of your day to try what I'm saying you would see
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Thanks for taking the trouble to draw that, but I personally like the 'dirty look' of my drawings. Although, as I said previously, these are incomplete drawings, they need to be polished.
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This is what I meant by the slight change in perspective.

The protagonist is always moving towards the lower right, with the character can back up and dash fowards, maybe a jump mechanic. The erection is the weapon,and it would use a "damage" simulation to defeat enemies, and striking the sweet spots of bosses. Think Doom.as a running game phone app with its pseudo 2.5D Build engine presentation . And having to back up and get a running start to do massive damage if you're quick enough sounds like fun. And things need not "die",if the enemies are sexy women,defeating them will show a moments' nudity, the enemy suddenly embarrassed, flees.
Though this would be harder to draw and program. There's a reason why most indie games are 2d platformers. You can't draw in perspective all the time and expect a consistent quality. Said perspective would be impossible in a 2d engine unless it's in an orthographic view otherwise this would be a 3d game
As another anon says, changing the perspective would be very complicated. But I appreciate that you took the trouble to draw your idea. Maybe I can put some reference to your drawings in the game, an Easter egg...
Sex Dungeons & Bad Dragons
Is this from 2008 or something?
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Nope, but it could be... after all I was inspired by the flash games of those years.

By the way, a dear anon from oekaki made me this cute fanart <3
kyanta is so fucking based, unfathomably so
Wow cool
Little things. Make the pussy look better. A big V with a line down it isnt nice to look at. Also make sure the boss actually does stuff. Make her shoot rays, or have her summon miniature enemies from the right to avoid.
Loads of people make platformer games like these because theyre easy to make, but nobody will want to play it if its just jumping around and spamming the same attack.

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