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Why would anyone own a car when you can buy this, go 30mph and never pay for fuel or car maintainence again?
because beta smol weewee poorfag status signalling issues
also herd mentality and cage advertising
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>going 50 kmh on a shitty bicycle
dumb /n/igger
Because subhumans will steal it
>limited range
>limited carry capacity
>no climate control
>no water/mud protection
>struggles with bumpy roads and potholes
get one if youre an urbanite wagie or office drone whose only trips into nature are along manicured tourist paths, otherwise a car is necessary
this, betas need to peacock their cash to pull, that's why they need 4-wheeled status symbols
most people don't want to die in a fire
Because legislation requires us to register those as motorcycles and pay taxes and insurance and registration
>tiny brakes meant for 15mph
>tiny narrow tires meant for 15mph

if you want a moped buy a moped
I need to haul shit regulary.
Not everyone can work from home with a macbook.
Average bicycle speed is half that
>speed is even lower if trying to haul anything
No space for family or tools
>mandatory shower upon arrival
Rain, wind, snow and ice exist.
>still only a fraction of the speed even the cheapest cars can do
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>they need 4-wheeled status symbols
That one is the ultimate chain destroyer, gimme the comfy hub motor
Op's post is dumb as fuck but the whole point of e-bikes is to not make sweat a problem
>the cartard of /n/ brags about something not worth bragging about
Typical commie behavior
>Rain wind snow and ice exist
Being bothered by those must be a sign of having absolutely no mental resillience. I cant even imagine how scary the world must feel to some.
>no climate control
Imagine being dependant on technology like A/C. Same thing, must be a low determination fatty thing.
>no water/mud protection
See above. Also if one is really that kuch of a princess they can always choose to run fenders.
>going 50 on a bicycle
like almost every cyclist does daily, descends exist you know ?
valid point. But you do see how the bicycle is not the problem here... right ?
Motorized vehicles are gay and for emotional and physical cripples. Electric bikes are no exception.
Oh yeah and also my house only costs $110,000 because I have to drive 30 minutes to retard central downtown to work (and then thankfully, escape the retard zone after Im done, back to my quiet wide-open roads
>have to escape falador park without using the doors
>sandwich lady spawns
>*sandwich lady turns red* ”I DIDNT SAY YOU COULD GRAB THAT!”
>teleported south of falador
>win 50B gp on youtube
Because believe it or not, not everyone is a bugman. I am a fucking incel in the city and am looking at commuter ebikes rn, but since I still have a reason to go to bumfuck nowhere where my parents live and occasionally take a bunch of stuff there or back, the only plausible solution for that is still car ownership. For normal people with families it's even more important. Even if you avoid becoming a trope parent who chauffeurs his kid to soccer practice and other activities (you won't), you'll still have to drive your kid somewhere and fuck you for sticking the child on a seat of a bike and larping as a thirdie if you can afford a car. Not only is it going to be impractical, but it will be unsafe. With all the stupidity the car drivers do, bikes are still far less safe.
How am I going to transport my kayak and all my fishing gear on a fucking bicycle you reddit brained commie faggot nigger
on a trailer weakling
in bike friendly areas its not uncommon to see people ferrying their kids around in cargo ebikes.

in a car obviously retard, that doesnt mean every single journey you take requires a cagie
>>>/o/ cageoid false flag operation
I live 35 miles from work and winter exists
>in bike friendly areas its not uncommon to see people ferrying their kids around in cargo ebikes.
Yes, bike friendly areas like Bangalore. I've seen pics on this board from retarded scandinavians carrying shit in bike trailers and it's sad. Ffs, it's your children. Why would you deliberately compromise the safety and wellbeing of your children just to prove a point that you were brainwashed to defend by the greenfags? You don't have to be a slob and drive distances of a 100m, or refuse to cycle at all when it's handy, but don't artificially make your actual difficulties harder than they have to be. You're not helping anyone doing that, least you and your family.
Now thats almost a new level of comfort addiction.
Just wanted to say these bait threads are shit.
>deliberately compromise the safety of your children

bro its on a bike path travelling at 15mph
like ... by operating motorvehicles that are known to obscure your vision, hit children at an alarming rate while destroying their future environment ?
Still far less safe than virtually any other mode of transport. In the end you're still unnecessarily roleplaying as a hobo and making your family go through it.
>do it my way. I AM your dad.

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