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thanks for the inflation, brandon
We know about Vibeflation. This isn't news.

Grow up.
30% inflation is a small price to pay for defeating fascism.
>reddit spacing
>just ignore the fact that literally fucking everything costs more now than it did under trump. ignore the cost of housing, cars, heating, gas and food
>Biden caused prices to rise thoughout the world
dont care whats happening in 3rd world shitholes. brandon fucked up the economy in the US
who fucking cares nerd? at least the mean tweets are gone
>Why do people care about national trends vs global trends
of course , sleepy joe is a fking faggot
>Muh Bidenflation
Inflation first spiked in April of 2021.
Biden took office in late January of 2021.
What did Biden do in nine weeks to single handedly cause inflation to spike? This is of course ignoring the fact that whatever set off the spike would have been on motion before April 2021, but we'll keep it simple for simple Trump fag minds.
I've been asking this question for going on three years. Trump fags have responded, most commonly with insults and tantrums but no answer.
Occasionally pointing to things that happened after April of 2021 (cause and effect is a difficult concept for the average Trump fag to grasp), some trying to blame Biden for things that happened during Trump's term, and others trying to claim inflation started later despite being documented in April of 2021.
Source: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/
What none of them have ever responded with is an actual answer that lays the blame squarely on Biden and absolves Trump.
I'm sure this thread will be no different.
>blaming a president that hasn’t been in office for FOUR years for the current terrible economy
Seriously, guy? Do you hate Trump so much that you’re willing to let literally anyone else destroy the country?
biden intentionally caused inflation with his energy policy, both the oil royalty hike and how he only gave out drilling permits to the standard oil cartel. this was done to help opec, because biden sucks opec's dick. biden is an all time bad president, he intentionally caused inflation and he hates all Americans and that is why he brags about Americans being replaced by immigrants and illegals
>No answer
>Don't ask WHY inflation spiked, just blame bad Democrat man!
>biden intentionally caused inflation with his energy policy, both the oil royalty hike and how he only gave out drilling permits to the standard oil cartel
That began in April of 2022, inflation spiked in April of 2021.
Source: https://www.npr.org/2022/04/16/1093195479/biden-federal-oil-leases-royalties
Try again. What did Biden do between late January of 2021 and April of 2021 to make inflation spike?
Totally organic thread fellow 4channelers
inflation literally spiked because of the democrats
>Try again. What did Biden do between late January of 2021 and April of 2021 to make inflation spike?
>and how he only gave out drilling permits to the standard oil cartel
we didn't have the inflation issues under trump. they were entirely done by the dems on purpose to put Americans into poverty. just like obongo intentionally fucked up the economy so bad even sanders said he did a shitty job
he started doing that shit in march 2021
no idea why the articles say 2022 or 2024
>Try again. What did Biden do between late January of 2021 and April of 2021 to make inflation spike?
You're currently arguing with our resident board schizophrenic, anon. You're not going to get anywhere. He's just going to keep saying "obongo bad everything bad cuz democrats" until you give up.
Oh, schizoposter also thinks everyone on this board is the same person. Familiarize yourself now because shitposting here is literally all he does with his time.
sure thing there jidf discord sametranny. post medical credentials
the Be Best campaign worked!
>no idea why the articles say 2022 or 2024
Probably because the policy didn't actually go into effect until 2022.
But this is a more substantial answer than your distinguished colleagues tend to give, I'll grant you that.
But now, here's the trick.
Can you articulate how announcing intent to increase royalties on new oil permits on public lands, leaving existing permits unchanged and not affecting permits on private land per your own source:
>The Biden administration is halting new oil and gas leasing on federal onshore lands and offshore waters “to the extent consistent with applicable law.” This pause will not affect existing operations or permits for existing leases, and private lands will not be affected
effectively changing nothing in the moment, caused inflation to immediately spike?
coof restrictions and biden not giving out permits to shale companies and announcing the hike killed all the shale companies and allowed the opec/standard oil cartel to raise oil prices which caused everything else to go up. again he paused drilling the week he got into office
biden did this because he doesn't want Americans to have money or to have freedom of movement because dems are bastards and hate Americans
>coof restrictions
Those started under Biden?
>killed all the shale companies
> he paused drilling the week he got into office
>did this because he doesn't want Americans to have money or to have freedom of movement because dems are bastards and hate Americans
Wait, you're the retard, not the other guy.
I was talking to the non-retard anon, go eat your glue like a good boy.
Leave the kid alone.
The big kids over on /pol/ stole his lunch money and kept calling him a 'troon', so he's projecting.
the kid may accept his/her/they sexuality one day, but we mustn't be like the C.H.U.D.s over on /pol/.
It could be worse, cackling Kamala could be “in charge”.
Inflation didn't peak until 2022. Caused by massive government spending. Only currently being suppressed by higher interest rates. All of which means less purchasing power and decreased home affordability. Aka bidenflation
take an econ class
Not an argument. I accept your concession
>Inflation didn't peak until 2022.
Oh, okay. The lead up beginning in April of 2021 with a 4.2 percent bump, a level not seen since the crash of 2008, and increasing every month for the rest of the year, can be completely ignored.
>Those started under Biden?
they were started by democrat mayors and governors in order to crash the economy to make trump look bad and to transfer wealth to bezos and musk
>I was talking to
so you don't have an argument and you don't have a dick and you are a faggot. cool
I'm not jewish you samefaggot
that was caused by biden taking office and fucking with the drilling permits and announcing the oil royalties shit and the dems killing the shale industry with coof restrictions
post medical credentials, moshie
everyone can see you're a mentally ill poltard, not just medical professionals
I already addressed that with another anon who is smarter and more articulate than you here
Your inability to process information that isn't in meme or tweet form is not my problem
so you have no medical credentials and also you have no dick, interesting. have you tried using an argument instead of a russian insult?
that was me you retard
> activate covid to undermine Trump
> hand out bazillions of dollars
> prices skyrocket
> not my fault!
>no goy, it is just a coincidence trillions of dollars were transferred to bezos and his friends after we banned all small businesses from operating but amazon and walmart were fine. also we need to close churches and gun stores but somehow weed stores are essential for everyone, even those who have no prescription and are just using it recreationally
>that was me you retard
Oh really? That's great. Maybe you can finally get around to answering the question I asked you, that you've been avoiding despite still being active in this thread.
I'll repost it for your convenience.
Can you articulate how announcing intent to increase royalties on new oil permits on public lands, leaving existing permits unchanged and not affecting permits on private land per your own source:
>The Biden administration is halting new oil and gas leasing on federal onshore lands and offshore waters “to the extent consistent with applicable law.” This pause will not affect existing operations or permits for existing leases, and private lands will not be affected
effectively changing nothing in the moment, caused inflation to immediately spike?
he didn't leave existing permits unchanged you retard. he blocked the shale companies from drilling and refused to give out new permits. the shale companies were already fucked over from coof restrictions killing demand and then couldn't get any investors due to the increase in royalty costs and brandon being a faggot about permits made them unprofitable and too risky. this allowed standard oil and biden's homosexual lovers in opec to raise prices
Bro, you're going to be at this all day. He has no clue what he's talking about.
Yeah. I started typing a response to him but then I realized he's posting the same talking points I've already addressed.
Now that I think about it, I've already argued with him about this same topic on /news/ before and he was posting the same talking points, regardless of what I say.
No matter how much information you give him, he isn't capable of processing it.
biden intentionally caused inflation because dems love sending wealth to the 1%
>Now that I think about it, I've already argued with him about this same topic on /news/ before and he was posting the same talking points, regardless of what I say.
We've all gone over this with him dozens of times. There's really no point. He just repeats the same dialogue over and over until he tires you out. If you ignore him long enough he just fucks off to other threads.
Bidenflation is a mess. Rip democrat voting zoomers
This kid is so brainwashed that he believes this secret tunnel shit.
I thought there was hope for you son.
If you was my son, I'd drop ypu off in Tel aviv with no money and let you rely upon the generosity of the hebrew peoples.
They'd teach you a thing or 2 about people

>No matter how much information you give him, he isn't capable of processing it.

It's been said that children under 25 yrs old haven't fully developed their rational brain areas

The brain as a whole is always developing, albeit at a slower rate later in life. It's the Prefrontal cortex that isn't fully developed until (on average) age 23-25.

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