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You are William Daylight. You almost beat the shit out of a random furry, survive getting disemboweled again, convince your landlord to take a bet in exchange for armor, trusted a librarian, finally made plans to look for a druggie, and made plans to jump some gangsters for a bakery girl’s knowledge. All in all a very eventful week of work and progress.
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The QM curse is real as a tornado came by two days ago and cut the power. Updates might be parse for the next week as I am running on phone power and my phone IP got banned so I have to use a hotspot to get this update out.
Rolled 51, 14, 26 = 91 (3d100)

Arbiter search for William bo3+75 DC 157
Fear grips William as he hears the screams of dozens of people he doesn’t know yell in agony, hatred, and terror. Fields of burning trees fill his vision, black gold chains flying across the sky, and the thrum of power screaming in the air looking for more victims to add to her tally. Breathing becomes an agonizing challenge as his lungs take in shallow and quick breaths as his heartbeat skyrockets. His vision slowly shrinks as darkness spreads around the corners of his eyes lowering his field of vision as he keeps his eyes locked to the Arbiter. Seeing another gold black chain coiling around her other arm

>Mantle of the Chained One
>Requirements: Have striker equipment[Fulfilled]
>Requirements: Still be alive[Fulfilled]
>Requirements: Fighting a group[Optional]

“Huh you actually successfully hid from me. No matter, I can find you eventually. Forty feet to the treeline, Haste and your efforts would give around one hundred and twenty feet of cover. Forty of those feet wasted getting to the treeline with a generous width of potential of twenty feet on each side. Providing three thousand and two hundred square feet I have to clear up.”

Getting down her numbers the Arbiter raises her crackling rod of magic and flings it over and behind William's position as the magic rod slams into some faraway tree. With a flick of her hand on her arm the Arbiter looks toward Astra as four lights shoot out from the rooftop and coming toward the battlefield.

>Angered Arbiter
HP ???-34/???
Mod: +75 attack, +75 dodge

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My god I am going to get banned for this from shitty internet hotspots. So if I go silent assume I got banned and I should be back in like a week if not can someone archive this if I the thread gets close to dropping off?

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You are Lorinda de Lindan, princess, weapon autist, and inquisitor-in-training. The last few days have been a whirlwind of violence and revelations after joining the neverending hunt for Strangers. Deadly beings from another dimension, each armed with a personal Cheat Skill that left unattended can cause catastrophic damage to both your kingdom and the world itself. If only you never stepped out of line at the Royal Mageknight Academy then you’d never have to enter under the watchful eyes of the Inquisition.

Currently, you’re on the hunt for a kidnapper in the northern city of Ivern along with your fellow inquisitor-in-training Marie Sarodieu, previously known as Midori Suzuki, by masquerading as helpless maidens. Both so you can help prevent more tragedy from befalling your loyal subjects and so you can acquire more information on the strange Metal Castle that appeared nearby not long ago.

Only time will tell if this endeavor proves fruitful.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
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>Investigate the ship and bring the fight to the Stranger
We can come back to help the clans folk once the threat is dealt with
If we help now it gives mr roboto leeway to send another wave
>You should investigate the skeleton’s ship and bring the fight to the Stranger
>"Who is the highest authority left after the attack? We need to talk to them about either a counterattack or to relocate their civilians."
>You should investigate the skeleton’s ship and bring the fight to the Stranger
Get straight to business. Also, conserve mana for the counterattack.
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It’s finals season anon so sadly updates are going to be a bit more infrequent. Should get one out tomorrow though.

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Lucian, once a peasant, has ascended the ranks to become a Grail Knight. Now he must return to Bretonnia, to the Duchy of Mousillon. There the threat of Vampirism, those under the Sway of Nagash, seek to send forth their terror upon Bretonnia.

++The Rules++
>Vote with Greentext, otherwise they probably won’t be accepted.
>Write-ins can be accepted, and might even be used in the final without majority rule.
>If you are going to change your vote, make it so your post only links to the numbers of the previous vote. It's cleaner that way.
>If you mix votes together without modifying them in any way, I reserve the right to employ your top most pick as your vote. Claiming it as a write-in won’t work either unless you modify it to convince me otherwise.
>The aim for rolls is low. Crits override (1’s overrides 100’s)


For the update schedule expect to be semi-daily with the chance I disappear for a week. If something comes up for myself I am placing that before this quest, so that should be kept in mind.

Dramatis Personae

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Great ending. But no lady albera for our children. >:(
Might want to read this part here again, and think on it. Who has that kind of green eyes in this quest anon....
I liked it.
Your quest have endings i fucking love that. And the ends are good.
Well done QM. Very well done. Completing not one but two quests over six years, posting every day. Something you can be proud of.
As others have said, thanks for your consistency and for actually finishing.
All the best with your future creative endeavours

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"In the myth, God is Force. In the parable, God is Motion. In the faith, God is the Spark, that which moves all life."
-22nd Hymn of the Omnissiah, Collected M34

A change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev. Once you arrive, though, you find it increasingly difficult to focus on what's literally before you.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

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I gotta have part of my skull sawed off today, so update will be later, if not tomorrow.
The flesh is weak, Bentus.

I hope your Augmetics will stand in splendid veneration of the Omnissiah.

holy shit. Recover well and quick please, chromedome.
No worries - by 'part of my skull', I meant 'the bits that stick out of the inside'.

...teeth, I mean teeth. I have a dentist's appointment, which means driving two hours into the city. Classic rural problem where it wipes out half your day, really.

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Murderhobo Edition

>What is this?
"The Mystery Dungeons 2e" is a text-based role-playing game created to expand on the setting created by the spinoff series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. This has no story relation to the first quest, and is its own new story. Players still isekai themselves into the world and become Pokémon, going on adventures with their newfound guild mates! SFW ONLY

A deeper explanation of rules, related pages, and whatnot can be found here:

>I'd like to participate!
Currently, we're at full capacity as far as threads on /qst/ are concerned. However, there's always the chance that space for another player may grow in the future, or that you simply wish to play outside of /qst/ and the quests hosted here. There are other ways to participate, about which you can learn and do here: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org

>Okay, now what?
After you've read up and familiarized yourself with the rules and setting, be sure to hop into the Element: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org. Everything that doesn't involve Main Quests occurs here and is helpful for coordination.

Character sheets and the guide to making them can be found here: https://rentry.org/tmd2many_characters

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She drops the pilfered item. "...Oh."
"I'll be... cautiously optimistic, how's that? Seems there's all kinds of things going on at once."
>Evan looks over to Ishmael's big jump
"What are they doing over there..."
"I was going to claim you still owe me the rest of the pay after that shelter"
>ish states, combined gravity and natural lightness making it VERY easy to stay airborne
"But, I need to go pick up something that's mine. so much for that forgiveness, aye?"
>he smiles, sparkling himself while staring down a soon-to-be nemesis
"and thank you, wonder if I'll get another rank by the time I'm ready to kick your behinds?"
>and with that, he kicks at trails to Bounce his way back down
>mostly to catch that Compass on the way.
"Hey that was amazing!"
>Brook says running up to catch her just before she touches down
"You're really talented with this stuff! Ya know if we ever get another chance like this, I might be the one swooning at a chance for a repeat performance."
>he says with a cheeky smile, the burst of energy from that drink having now ran its course and exhaustion soon begins catching up
"Though now...I think I could go for a nap. You wouldn't mind one last ride on your back wouldja?"
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"I did it well?!" You hear a piercing sound as she crouches down a bit further. "Urgh. My...heart..." but she resists passing from joy.
Lotad drops her dish so he can climb on. "The p-picnics get thinner as the food goes. It doesn't get quiet, but it's more p-peaceful..."
And off you are.

Without your attention focused on attacking, you can grab the sheet without incident. It was torn from your compass by another of those invisible stems, as the shell was still in your possession. It's another heavily rolled up scroll making up the "compass's" innards, revealing itself to be a Q-shaped eyeball pointing straight down. Well, there's another one.
"As long as you save the beatdowns for her! Whew!" Turning trails sighs with a hand over his chest. Meowscarada however, is much quieter. Pic related.
The Orbeetle disengages Gravity to hover and catch his partner in crime, hovering away to who knows where.

And that's how the bulk of excitement plays out for the lot you in this 'courtship party'. Couples are already finding eachother and hitting it off, many are passing the next morning in food comas, and some of you catch a taste of old rivals before turning in for the night. The Sashay Tribe spends quite a bit more time at Bountiful Sea than you explorers need or want to, so a few of their number are willing to ferry you back across the strait between Air and Water Continent early when you're ready to leave. It's a much more peaceful trip, as the eastward current doesn't pass through a dangerous mystery dungeon or near territorial feral territory.
As for Ishmael's request, the Ludicolo accompanying you all back are also surveying the needs he describes as well as reporting your success. The Sashay Chieftain still has decisions to weigh and others to consult. Whether the Growth Script will land in your hands will be revealed...later! For now, catch some rest and enjoy yourselves.

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Welcome to Lingdom Quest, a cute and comfy slice-of-life quest about exploring the Lingdom, a kingdom of cute pygmies!

You are Rika, a 15-year-old Ling on a journey with your cousin Kari, friends Bubu and Puki, and fox friend Moochy. You are on your Youthful Journey, a custom among your people where you leave your home to travel across the Lingdom to visit relatives and friends in other villages to help out and learn new skills. The function of the Youthful Journey is also to reconnect you with your wider family and make pleasant Memories.

>What are Lings?
Pygmy humans with large, round ears who live in the Lingdom, a kingdom separated from the rest of the world and under the protection of the Emperor. The Emperor is known as a "Tallie", a human of normal height and normal-shaped and sized ears. Among your people are also "Halfies", individuals with both Ling and Tallie blood who appear like Lings in their childhood but enter a rapid growth spurt in their young adulthood.

>Where did Lings come from?
The Lings claimed to have once been hosted by the Great Turtle where they learned to be good guests. Much of their core values come from their time being the Great Turtle's guests;
>To be neat, tidy, and clean after themselves.
>To eat sparingly so as to not overburn their hosts.
>To reciprocate gifts so as to share Memories.

Memories are something of a religious and spiritual concept for Lings. They represent literal memories that an individual holds but also represent their relationships as well as a connection to their wider family (their "people"). It helps bind them all as one people, not only throughout the land but also through time. Ways Lings share their Memories:

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>Ascend and let it pass... for now...
>Ascend and let it pass... for now...
It's moments like these that Rika should be the slightly bigger person.

RED ALERT: Rika's about to square off against her first opponent in the tournament!
>>Let Bubu decide.
Voting closed, writing and drawing.

Thanks for the heads up.
>Thanks for the heads up.
No problem. Here's ANOTHER: >>6007324

It's ballroom dancing this time, a practice well suited for a prospective princess.

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You are Bol, a schizophrenic gnome with quasi-magical powers.

Today you feel resentful towards your fellow gnomes. What will you do?

>Ignore these hateful feelings
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OP where are you sadpandaface?!?!?
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>Attempt to speak with the strange figure

You focus as best you can on this thought: there’s someone sitting in that chair. You need to see him. You ignore all else in the room and focus on the chair.

Soon enough, the mysterious figure takes a more distinct shape. It is that of a very old gnome, with a flowing white beard and intricate silk robes. He starts talking to you, a tone of urgency in his voice. You manage to pick up most of the words, but it’s as if this gnome is shifting in and out of reality.

… marvelous. I don’t know how you do it, but we don’t … time.
We call ourselves the Forgotten, little gnome: the ones … Plague made you forget all about. It spread from here, a deranged creation of the … potion master, now known as the Mad Alchemist.
We were kings, you see, and powerful … We were forgotten first, but it will soon come to simple gnomes such … yourself.

You feel the connection between you is thinning.

Break … curse. I have no more … over you, and so I simply implore you: seek … Sea. Hunt the Oysters … the Deep, take their oils and … them here.
And for all that is gnomish, … of touching their …!

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>Seek the Mad Alchemist to learn more about the Plague first
Yea boy, we need the hook up from the "alchemist" or the local drug dealer to be precise
>Keep exploring the palace; climb the stairs
>>Keep exploring the Palace (same options as before)

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You are a PIRATE, the scourge of the Fringe and cursed from Diplo to Bretagne by the cowardly merchants and traders whom you prey upon.

It’s been hundreds of years since the Federation of Sentient Planets was founded, and while the formidable Fleet patrols spacelanes and performs countless interdictions on so-called freebooters, just as many pirate vessels evade blockades and continue to smuggle, slave, and profiteer off of the rest of interstellar civilization in any way they can. Gangsters, muggers, washed-out mercenaries, and the general flotsam of the known galaxy crammed into starships of all kinds, they lack only the romance once associated with the pirates of Old Earth. But perhaps you are different.

The arrogant, domineering ways of the Federation disgusted you, so you deserted from the Fleet and took up life as a corsair. Now you command the mighty vessel Flow My Tears, from which you command a crew of miscellaneous spacers with your executive officer, Shis’so (a spider gestalt).

In our two previous threads, you successfully conducted a raid against a commerce station and commandeered a prize ship. After that, you enjoyed some productive time off picking out new clothes, making connections, selling information, and poaching a retrieval job. You proceeded to the forbidden planet Burn Caladh, entering a Central Service brainship in search of a mysterious, high-value container. Unbeknownst to you, the ship was wide awake and is none too happy with intruders…


Hello anons, my deepest apologies for the delay — yours truly was busy finishing some historical research, but is now back in the saddle. Feel free to join in on the action even if you’re a new reader, as I intend to make the quest easy to understand for any newcomers. Here’s hoping it hasn’t been too long since the last thread.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Master%20Adept
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>take a closer look at this shellperson
Did we just find Fiana?
>Interrogate Fraus about his resources. [low to medium DC depending on write-in]

“Yes, Neptune,” you say soothingly, summoning a name for it from the depths of your Academy memories. “It’s all right.”

The bird’s anxiety seems to be slowly dissipating as your own adrenaline rush comes down. You run a finger over its small head and gaze into its glossy black eyes, receiving an alien stare in return. “Better?”


You let it rest on your finger for the moment and look back up at the brainship’s column. You knew very little about the highly secretive process by which people were transformed into a starship, though it was at least common knowledge that the Central Service only admitted individuals who were in their infancy. The idea was that humans at such an age would be too young to experience the trauma of going from an articulate body to a shell. Shellpeople graduated from their civil service training program with colossal amounts of debt that they then had to pay off before finally becoming free agents, but in return they received a cutting edge courier vessel and had their brain essentially fused with a supercomputer. You’re not sure how much you’d consider that a benefit, but clearly there were those who supported it.

Given the kinds of tasks that Central Service ships tended to embark on, you could imagine the security that their encased pilots would need. You were then surprised that Fraus had the posthypnotic trigger to turn the ship inert. Perhaps he really did have friends in high places…

But before you can interrogate him further on that matter, he turns and begins to leave the central chamber. “Let’s grab the container and get off the ship as soon as we can,” he says. “I don’t feel like sticking around any longer.”


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She acquiesces, but as the two of you catch up to Fraus, you privately entertain the same questions that she was asking. Of course, it had been clear to you even before this that the client was withholding information—but that wasn’t totally unusual. Now, though, he had knowingly put you in danger and given you no prior warning.

The cargo bay is as empty as it was before. Fraus is pacing the walls, looking for any obvious signs of a hidden compartment. You gesture for Kunzea to do the same, before stepping over to inspect the central lift. Like everything else in the ship, it’s built to perfect tolerances. Lowering it would give you access to the ground underneath the ship, though you suppose that the crash landing it experienced might make that impossible.

Neptune hops down off your hand and hops around the floor awkwardly, unused to the slick metal surface. You watch it explore the hold for a minute, then return to the center, quietly observing. The cargo bay is the largest part of the ship, covered with scratch-resistant metal floor plating, walls with study bulkheads and several miniature tractor field emitters to stop cargo from shifting during transit (complete with backup tie-off points to manually fasten items). What few service panels the ship did have were very well concealed. The overhead lights covered the entire area in a sterile light.

Peent!” Your bird has taken an interest in a floor panel. Maybe it thinks there’s a crab under there.

>Bring in some scanning equipment from your ship to find wherever the cargo is hidden.
>Let Fraus search a little longer. Maybe he’s got something else up his sleeve.
>Conduct your own search (describe your course of action).
>Conduct your own search (describe your course of action).
Search where the bird is looking.

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Through legitimate or other means, nine vampires from across the globe had acquired the Sanguine Invitation granting them access to Lord Waughann's mansion and its enigmatic rules where the greatest auction would be held across five days. All would seek the most precious artifact in the entire world:

The Primeval Vial of Nakathesep

You were one of those lucky nine vampire, They called you...

>Yeera Ysreth
One of the few pureblooded descendants of Nakathesep. This child was going to claim what was rightfully hers one way or another.
Wealth: 2 Mil. GP
Pros.: Mastery over Critters. Arcane Knowledge

> Mathew Bloodwell
The titular Crimson Baron and the proud owner of 5.4 million human cattle. He bought his way here as expected of a man of his calibre.
Wealth: 20 Million GP
Pros.: Filthy rich, Daily interests

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OP ?
C'mon man, where are you ?
OP was taken out back and shot by jannies and is now in a 30 day coma. Updates may or may not resume once they rise from their coffin.
>>Return to the mansion? [ One foot or by the feather?]

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OH SHIT NIGGA. The world's gonna end or some shit! Time to go help the inexperienced hero to save it!
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Now let's ignore this and go get PAID.
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"Oh hey, Firemane. How's my favorite debtor doing? You finished that crypt quest?"
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Yes, and we found the Double Wiza-
"THE DOUBLE WIZAR-oh it's just her apprentice goddamnit"
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Why the sudden outburst from the Guild Receptionist? Could this mean something? Does the Double Wizard hide more secrets than he lets on? All of this and more will be answered in....I dunno, a few hours? Maybe more? Cuz I uh gotta go. Bread will resume whenver I get back. see yas

updates b here n stuff: https://twitter.com/notapaladin
You know, if we want to avoid ending like the double wizard, we can just...confess. It's not like we have to wait for our dense student to realize it

Not now, of course. He still has go advance more in the path of a hero before he can earn that. You can't confess until at least the halfway mark.

... must necessarily concern itself with marriages where the spouses belong to different Standings. Citizens of all stripes may stoop as low as a Subject, so long as the Subject has at least Patent and Nomen. Likewise, a Subject so endowed may take a Subject without such an endowment, so long as their profession, condition or conduct has not rendered them Infamis. Similarly, Subjects without Patent and Nomen, who cannot marry without the knowledge and leave of the Authority whose name they bear, and in some places may even find themselves compelled into marriages by their Authority, are also subject to the Lex Iulia and Papia Poppaea. - regardless if they or their Authority are the one seeking the marriage. Subjects with decency cannot be bound to those without, nor may they ever be bound to a Fearful and Lawful alien, nor a Fearful slave. Subjects in Infamis may be married to a Subject of the same state, or a suitable alien or slave. When two spouses belonging to different Standings are bound, any issue take the Standing of the lesser - with the exception of the Subject in Infamis. In this exceptional case, an alien being both Fearful and Lawful becomes a Subject in Infamis, as do their offspring, while slaves married to these piteous Subjects remain slaves, though the issue will be Subjects in Infamis - and they will not be allowed any avenues of matriculation and naturalization. Attend well that no other pairings with and issue from slaves or aliens are subject to the Lex Iulia or the Papia Poppaea, as they are without wedlock.

Beyond restricting the Sum of the Whole to suitable matches, these laws promote them as well. Those who are not, nor ever have been married, caelibes, may take neither hereditas or legatum that would otherwise be their due, while those who have never been in a union with issue, orbi, are only entitled to half. Such penalties are in force from sixteen until a man achieves the age of sixty or a woman achieves the age of fifty. This is held above the Ius Accrescendi, so that the portion of hereditas voided, being either half or whole, is not divided amongst the other heirs of the testator, but instead is taken by the Authority to which the testator submitted. Voided hereditas may still be calculated into the death duties, though they are commonly waived. Beyond this inducement, there are others, such as Ius Trium Liberorum, which affords particular rights and privileges to Named Subjects and their betters who have produced at least three children. No equivalent instrument, with equivalent rights and privileges exists for those Subjects without Patent and Nomen, though they are still subject to its penalties.

- A passage from Imperatives and Rights, a Treatise for the Named Subject on Lex Iulia and Papia Poppaea, the laws which outline and induce suitable marriages.
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I believe it is a type of hard liquor
Yes, that is correct, aqua vitae is a distilled alcohol solution. Before being offered some by the proprietor, Chlotsuintha was only familiar with its medical properties though. I'd be willing to take this as a write-in, Chlotsuintha asking the proprietor for another try at the liquor.
I'll support this
Alright, consider this closed. I'll get to writing.
Isn’t it still tied?

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Alas, you are still Nicole Smith, a mentally ill mess of a woman with anomalous abilities. You are a Cleaner, a deniable asset used by massive megacorporations called the Alphabet Companies and anyone else willing to pay you. Such as your Handler, a member of a powerful family who hands you most of your jobs. Mostly so you can clean up messes for him.

The last week has been rough to your psyche and sense of wellbeing. During your tour of an X-Corp military base, you managed to awaken a deep and primordial part of your psyche in the form of antlers growing out of your fucking head. Luckily, you managed to finish the mission by solidifying a deal between E, Q, and X-Corp.

After hanging out with some allies, restocking your supplies, and connecting with corporate representatives, you then spent a solid week at sea. With what? To assist the Captain on it with any and all tasks during the voyage. This so happened to include hunting down an X5 anomaly, one of the most dangerous types of anomalies, called the Admiral's Game.

You managed to hunt down the Admiral's ship and bested him in a game of chess, earning his respect before he passed away. You think. You can't really tell with anomalies this powerful but you swear he's dead. You then managed to reconnect with two of your allies, Maruyama and Kiara, and hung out with them to decompress after your last mission. You noticed that Maruyama had a spark of potential that might blossom into something powerful if you nurtured it.

Your latest mission, which you have just currently started, is hunting down a member of a powerful corporate family by the name of Valentina Vanni. You were tasked with heading down to Abgrund, a small mining town in a section of W-Corp's district, to find out what happened to her. You caught a glimpse of three powerful Alphabet Company administrators on your way in who are also hunting down for her. Things might get hectic if you're not careful.

Though, that's how it is in the City. The only place you've ever truly known. Such a vast and endless stretch of streets, buildings, districts and companies, there's apparently a doppelganger of you out there as well. What her plan is, you don't know.

Your plan? You just want to survive. For you and your allies to be safe. No matter how much blood it takes.

ARCHIVE: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Cleaner

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Rolled 1, 4 = 5 (2d6)

Rolled 4, 1 = 5 (2d6)

Rolled 5, 2, 4 = 11 (3d6)

With a mere fragment of the unmatched power of the sun, I activate my ultimate move, MENTALLY ILL BUG GIRL OFFICE WORKER.
ORIGINAL ROLL: 1, 4, 1, 4. 10.
MODIFIED ROLL: 5, 2, 4, 4. 15.
If you didn't want the violence booster or reroller, Casey would have failed. I fucking kneel anon

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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You may see sooner, rather than later.
Oh absolutely. He's got it MADE, easy 6 hour shifts on rotation, the best chef in the galaxy, AND all that under the protection of one of the universe's most feared assassin-slayers. Almost nowhere in the universe is safer.
That sounds like the life, the other grunts in the force must be insanely jealous. Unless we had that big of an impact on the empire, the average PTO lackey's lifespan out and about on the field is pretty short, so Orlen got really lucky.

He's got it made and knows it.
It is time!

You are Hass Takar, the Supreme Ruler of the Hegemony. It is the Year 102 of the Resurrection Era. You now stand on Jaxt, the home planet of your empire, the Hegemony. Standing before you are about a hundred Jaxtians, some of the best and brightest in the empire, who look at you bright eyed and expectant.

You raise your hand and backing music begins to play. Without skipping a beat, the Jaxtians raise their voices, and join to sing your Anthem.

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>Attempt to revive the digested remains of the last Andoen alien
>Create a new Migrator with faster metabolism and breeds true
>Attempt a three way hybrid of Jaxtian, Swall, and Vetucker
>Use it on Urik, your Overseer of Ecology, to make the first long-lived Vetucker specimen
>Attempt to revive the digested remains of the last Andoen alien
>Create a new Migrator with faster metabolism and breeds true
Isn't Jale Berax already our Alpha Jaxtian super soldier with a long life?
I think he meant like, someone we could use to make more of him. A standard template. Personally, I don't think it's worth it comparing to knowing what Andoen aliens were like.
I gotta say, I doubt it'll be answered, but what exactly is the rule? I imagine this effected the result of what we got, but in the earlier part of the thread, rolling a 1 resulted in a bad result, the worms having eaten all the andoen. But now we got a 2 and it was STILL a bad result (vetucker and swall can't do starsight at all, no advance on starsight)

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Rolled 2, 5, 1 = 8 (3d6)

The world of Remnant is a vast and dangerous place. Horrendous creatures known as Grimm roam the land, destroying everything in their path, rending the flesh and devouring almost any kind of living being unfortunate enough to meet them.

Fortunately, humanity is not completely defenseless. Certain people are born with particularly powerful souls, granting them extraordinary abilities. When these abilities are honed they can evolve into Semblances, unique type of abilities that grant the user with powerful powers that work similarly to magic (Most of the time). These people have formed many groups across the many continents of Remnant, being known as Huntsmen and Huntresses.

However, not all of these people wish to save the innocent or destroy the Grimm. In fact, some of them use their powers for self gain and take advantage of the chaos of the world. There are even rumours that some of these Huntsmen are secretly working for someone behind the curtains, an evil force that wishes to destroy all living beings on the planet for unknown means.

But one may arise and change things. For the worse? For the better? Only the future has eyes for what is about to come.

Who are you?

>Race? (Human, Faunus, etc)

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Rolled 2, 8, 6 = 16 (3d10)

Damn so close to the crit.
Rolled 2, 8, 5 = 15 (3d10)


You attached both ends of your sabers together, creating a bow. You lifted your arms and aimed directly towards her head. You decided to execute a simple warning shot. The greenish arrow made of light flew directly towards the target and, at the last second, it diverted its course to land at a wall, grazing on purpose the side of her head. “Turning your back against an opponent like me? Bad choice.”

The cybernetic gal turned around with a slightly surprised yet amused expression. “Oh, but I don’t have to worry about anything. You see, you’re so beneath me that I’m not fearing for my life in the slightest.” She cracked her whip-rapier back in place, elongating it as sparks of various colors started to fly from around it.

However, she decided to stay in place. You clearly had the range advantage, so why wasn’t she approaching you? You suspected some kind of trick beneath all of this. You decided to hold your breath, feeling the cheers from the crowd of people fall on both of you.

And then, you shot again with your bow a barrage of greenish arrows, prodding at her defenses. It was definitely a lightshow, and people saw in amazement as the trail of light made shining strings just in front of the club.

The whip of the android quickly started to spin around her own body, deflecting and blocking your projectiles. As contact was made between her weapon and your arrows, tiny explosions of dust from various bright colors started to surround her own body. She indeed was quite good at defense, but it didn’t matter. You trusted in your abilities, and overall, you didn’t sense any danger coming from her, always ready for any kind of sneak attack and the like.

You felt movement from behind you. You glanced around, but it apparently was just a fan whistling and cheering you up. Just a mere distraction. You quickly turned around to face the cloud of smoke and dust that was in front of you, expecting a counterattack from the girl since your guard was open for a second, but to your surprise nothing happened. The smoke started to dissipate and you continued to observe attentively. Maybe you were just a little bit too paranoid, but how couldn’t you be? You didn’t like to fight in places with many people. After all, only someone sick in the head wants to do collateral damage.

After the smoke dissipated you saw the figure of Vespera slowly start to appear. Small sparks of electricity could be seen at her side. She had a small hole at the side of chest where her ribs should be, yet it was all cybernetic. Indeed, she was completely a robot, yet she still felt like a normal person.

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You decided to keep quiet. Mostly on the defensive. You still had no clue about what her Semblance was, so it would not be a wise idea to go on the offensive even when her guard was down.

The girl decided to walk forward, leaving a trail of a black liquid thanks to the open ‘wound’ at her side. Her eyes changed from a natural purple to a completely red and bright tone. Her eyes started to move quickly while looking intensely at you. Yet you felt the same. What was she doing?

Her eyes turned back to normal after a while. You kept aiming at her, but apparently, she didn’t care at all. Instead, she turned towards the crowd again. “And it appears this heroine has the upper hand! Will Ku-kuchinashi finally break away from its darkness? Find the light? If we want for this city to embrace justice then we must embrace our heroes!”

“All of you, please, give an applause to miss Susie!” the girl screamed towards the crowd. The hype was too strong to be ignored, and the people started screaming back and clapping, chanting your name. “Susie! Susie! Susie!”

How did she knew that? Was she analyzing you somehow? You managed to spot small flying drones above the crowd taking pictures and recording you. What were those things doing here? What was happening? Why were you suddenly in the spotlight? The coordination, the speed of everything that was happening, it was as if everything was planned.

But then, it clicked.

You had a strong hunch. Nothing was planned. Quite the opposite. The Vespera girl didn’t expect your intervention at all, so why were you suddenly being recorded? The lightshow, the cameras, her hype, your information being leaked. The mere fact that the person in front of you was actually a full robot.

This girl had quite a grasp in technology, and she was using it in real time to enhance her show, painting you as the “Heroine” and painting herself as a “Villain” of some sorts. Not only that, but it appears she managed to hack one of the scrolls you had. But why? Why was she painting you as a heroine?

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>>Question her directly. How did she discover your name? Why was she doing all of this? She clearly loved the attention, after all.

She's definitely gonna monologue. The real question is if it'd even be the truth and not some dramatic bullshit.

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