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you wake up groggy on a dusty granite floor of an enclosed chamber, balmy air assails your nose as you rise up and your thoughts begin to untangle, despite that you've no clear idea as to how exactly you got there. YOU DO KNOW ONE THING: you're really hungry and dehydrated right now.

what will you do?
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just to make it clear the small circle on the periphery of the dial should be facing the X
Wait, it's that simple?
I'm hoping it is at least. some of the symbols have been changing so that kind of makes it confusing.
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Oh, you're right, Seems they changed. Do they randomize whenever we adjust any of the switches?
Yup, that's about right, but if a side with the same symbol is dial to X, it will do the opposite and turn the trap back on.

A consistency retard moment on my end. I'm sorry about that. but the recent diagram I gave WONT change. I promise.

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The Eternal Empire has stood for 14 millennia and has endured hundreds of wars, calamities, and rulers of every type. For the first time under the reign of House Heinrich, an armed expedition has been sent into the Lost Reaches.

Far from an exploration attempt, it's chasing the promise of piratical treasure.

>Previous Threads:
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Rolled 39 (1d100)

Rolled 27 (1d100)

Time to suffer.
Rolled 63, 51, 85, 20 = 219 (4d100)

>Roll nine
i'll roll 4 more to speed this up
Rolled 25, 43, 14 = 82 (3d100)

Gotta plot the course of the remaining three fleets before we end up with another two week hiatus.
Rolled 3, 2, 5, 2 = 12 (4d6)

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First thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93614781/#p93651974

Choosing not to hijack another thread because the mods will probably not be too pleased (I think it only worked / went under the radar for the original thread because it was already about evolution games, so it got traffic from people who play evolution games). I'm not the original hijacker, but I'm keeping the same rules: Go evolve, one alteration at a time.

Cladogram attached; if you evolve from something in the first thread, please specify which one you're evolving from. After that, reply to your chosen ancestor for each evolution.
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Two of the mouths become grabby and feathery to better sift through detritus. The third mouth remains the same and is mostly used for locomotion
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They grow even more fur to deal with the cold. These "neckbeards" also have a more saw-like jaw, which allows them to tear the bark off of trees and eat the wood inside
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The upper eyelid becomes calcified, allowing the eye to be fully protected when closed
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The upper fin elongates even further, becoming something almost akin to a lure. The tip of the feeler is less porous than the middle because prey keeps biting onto it and that's no fun.
They also develop a skin flap between their forelimbs that makes it less likely for prey to slip past their jaws.
you guys ARE aware that everything so far has been underwater
and that there aren't any trees or anything that can be considered plants besides the eye thingies

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AKA: “Meguca Royale: UK Edition”, because why not.
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“Young girl, I have an offer for you.”

“And that is?”

“I want you to work under me.”

The girl looks at Viktoria with a face of pure confusion.
“Huh? Was this really an impromptu job interview?”

“Yes!” Viktoria lied as easily as she breathed.

“Uh, hmm… Yeah, alright!”

It was that easy?!

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Abigail was very lucky that roll was above 40, or something bad could have happened.

Onto more important things:
Why was I so slow with this? That's a funny (read: frustrating) story. My laptop is an old fossil (it's literally discontinued and unsupported) and it started overheating during completely regular writing sessions. I tried getting some new thermal paste, but it came to me completely empty.
The result is that I had to write most of this update on my phone, which is an unenviable position.

Tl;dr: Amazon is now my most hated enemy behind Entropy.

This isn't an excuse for being slow though, I will speed up the updating schedule with slightly smaller updates.
And he's back! Amazon be like that sometimes. Let's keep it rolling.

Seeing as there wasn't much packing in store for her, Stephanie stuck around to apologize to Webster and the Imeredalas (strange name. Wonder where they're from? That and other questions could most certainly wait, though) for making a scene. With that done, it's time to finish packing and leave this place for good!

Despite bursting at the seams with joy, Stephanie managed to compose herself upon walking back out into the hallway. Excessive celebrations after being adopted were bad form, after all. She remembered how some kids gloated over it to her, complete with the implications that it was something she'd never experience. Though she wouldn't wish on them to end up back in the system or to have been adopted by bad people, Stephanie did very much hope that those little shits stubbed their toes very painfully with greater regularity than average.

>Apologize for making things awkward. It usually isn't like that (back me up, Webster!).
>Head back to the room to grab what meagre possessions there are.
>What's up with Megan? Best check in on her before we go.
Take yet another deep breath to savor this triumph of humanity's. Ask thee Harriet girl if indecency has become thee norm, and about thee current moral standards regarding decorum and restraint. Demand of her to refer to me as 'Lady' first and foremost. Of course, give Harriet one of my calling cards.

As for thee currency: appreciate it. Ask of my servant to evaluate its value. If it proves enough, then we shall have a feast to celebrate my arrival into the future, organized by my servant with the delicacies of thee new era. Either way, ask Harriet about thee current humanity.
>This isn't an excuse for being slow though, I will speed up the updating schedule with slightly smaller updates.
Much appreciated. It is painful to wait whole weeks for progress.

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You are Uzumaki Naori, and your name is both respected and feared for good reason throughout the shinobi world. Your encyclopedic knowledge of forbidden shinobi techniques and your prowess as a Sage allowed you to stand alone against the revived ‘demon’ Ōtsutsuki Kaguya-hime for a time – a feat which led even that being to refer to you as a ‘God of War’. But for all your power to be a ‘vengeful god’, you’d vastly prefer to be a ‘compassionate god’ of the sort that Kaguya-hime failed to be.

And so while you could easily have invaded the mind of Kaka Hana-han, an instructor at the Konoha Academy who has been identified as an unwitting assassin planted there by the Land of Bamboo years ago, you instead chose to ask her permission to search for the information you need.

“Then yeah,” you begin, “I’d like your permission to sort through your memories from the Land of Bamboo. I think you may be blocking a lot of useful information subconsciously.”

“Useful?” she repeats, uncertain. “Useful in what sense?”

“So if it were me, right?” you clarify. “If I had a program that could churn out capable incognito assassins, why would I stop at the one?”

“You believe I may know something that could keep other people safe.”

“Including the target you were meant to go after,” you add. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I think.”

“Yukiwari Kae-hime,” Hana-sensei frowns.

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Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

Rolled 5 (1d6)

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“I’m still not convinced of the underlying premise,” he insists curtly. “Assuming you’re telling the truth about natural energy why wouldn’t taking clippings and propagating them work?”

“So yeah, we killed it,” you observe. “You’ve just been messing around with its corpse.”

“How can you know that?”


“The clan?”

“The Ōtsutsuki princess,” you correct him.

That elicits a slight, but noticeable to your eyes, nervous response. “You’ve spoken to Ōtsutsuki Kaguya?”

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bro is fucking with shit he literally does not have the firmware to comprehend

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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

It is a time of celebration! A grand festival of talent that has swept up all of Chuan, and not just those dwelling within the world of cultivation. The regal and resplendent tournament hosted by your dignified and majestic Palace of Natural Laws Sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn) that had excited everyone from the meagerest of pauper to the most venerable of daoist sages, has truly begun, with the little people of Chuan being given precedence and a chance to prove their worth to the arrogant and haughty cultivators, a group whom surely you the ever humble Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood) the peerless genius founder of the heretical ghostly technique the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl) cannot possibly be counted among. Already, two of the initial contests have produced winners, The tactician's trials narrowly being won by your first disciple, Fu of the two axe's, somewhat delinquent but well meaning little sister Ju, and a true genius emerging in the scholar's tests in the form of Ma Wencheng, former tax collector and imperial scholar.

Though while they have earned themselves a place amongst your disciples, you've found several other competitiors from both of the completed pre Qi condensation contests who could serve you and the palace of natural laws in ways besides filling its roster and becoming your students. Five scholars and eight strategists, much to the indignation of the other sect heads of Chuan, who had been ready to recruit the best of the runner ups before you pulled rank and used your privilege as a host to snatch the best of the losers and bring them into your employ.

And the most annoyed of the venerable, sagacious masters who are supposedly are your peerage, The Current Weiwupo (Great Witch, 伟 巫婆) of the innocent witch court (清白巫婆宫廷, Qīngbáiwūpó gōngtíng), was given the honor of observing the next two contests at your side, along with your friend, Lian Tianhua (莲 天花, Lotus Heavenly flower), the head of the thousand hall (千莲花殿堂, Qiānliánhuādiàntáng) and matriarch of the Lian clan, to whom your genius student Lian Luli, her little sister, unfortunately belongs to considering the inheritance she received from it.

And while the alchemist trials and crafting contests were partially meant to be a way to show off the material wealth of your heretical temple, both of them have proven to be far more exciting than even the most pitched battles of the tactician's bouts! What wonderous treasures these mortals have crafted with materials too rare to be found even in the nine heavens!

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>Tell him five colors gifted the gege's their cultivation methods and techniques and that they used to live in his personal garden, and he's been there all this time but you have no clue where he is currently
And I just realized I miscounted by one and it should've been 5. How truly shameful
>Laugh and explain you reached the moon by sprinting through all nine of the heavens. Turns out, the only thing keeping mortals out, is the belief they cannot fly high enough to reach it. And that when you ran through the temple at its peak, the only thing there was dust and cobwebs

We really shouldn't reveal that we're in contact with Wucai for no considerable benefit.
>Laugh and explain that we ran through the heavens
>>Tell him five colors gifted the gege's their cultivation methods and techniques and that they used to live in his personal garden, and he's been there all this time but you have no clue where he is currently

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You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, the silver-eyed warrior queen of the kingdom whose name you share as your regnal title, and after years of conflict with the Organization that created you and your cohort things appear to have finally hit peak madness.

Using the flesh and blood of monsters to create monster-hunters with supernatural powers was one thing. Using the flesh and blood of monsters to create the monsters your monster-hunters were ostensibly created to hunt was quite another. Somewhat convoluted if you’re honest, but to be fair there’s a series of internally-consistent reasons behind that which the Organization believed made it necessary. And now that you’ve seen one of the ‘asarakam’ – the monsters used to create the yōma used to create warriors like you – you can’t say you disagree with the conclusion.

So far you’re the only one of your kind who’s actually tried to attack an asarakam, and while you can’t say it was ‘harmless’ the fact remains that you actually bounced off its armored body. That means a large number of warriors here with you won’t be able to do much of anything at all – the ducklings, the former trainees, and even several of the survivors from your initial suicide mission would struggle to make a difference. That means asking them to charge across open ground with you would be asking them to take on a meaningless risk, and you’re not going to do that.

“Anyone want to run across that open field with me?” you ask aloud. “Half-awakened and awakened only please.”

Hands go up instantly.

“Helen,” you decide. Her ‘Echo Sword’ helps her change directions rapidly even without partially awakening, which means that in terms of slippery targets for human riflemen and artillery she’s one of the best to call upon.

“Serana.” The Earthbreaker can also be used defensively, even one-handed, to raise a massive cloud of dust and debris. And if you’re being honest, you’re not sure that you can deny her.

“Sabela.” Your mother is pretty much immortal, so asking her to follow you this time is hardly an imposition.

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>>Strike at the side opposite from Serana’s strikes, in the style of a hammer against an anvil.
>Strike at the joints with your White Strikes technique, counter its ability to maneuver and respond.
>Strike at the joints with your White Strikes technique, counter its ability to maneuver and respond.
>>Just go for the head. Ring that particular bell as loudly and as longly as you possibly can.
>>Strike at the joints with your White Strikes technique, counter its ability to maneuver and respond.

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Past Thread: >>6049681
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Missval
General Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/5hFQZtc3
Character Sheet (As of the end of Thread #3): https://pastebin.com/fSCfX2eH
NEW: Twitter account for important announcements, contact and stuff. https://x.com/MissvalQM

Your name is Shelly Suzume. You are an ex-huntress. Not that you disliked your job or anything (Quite the opposite. You really liked helping people), but some health issues and bad cards dealt by life forced you into a temporary early retirement. Nothing too major, at least you think (And hope).

Due to life’s circumstances, you ended up in a crime-ridden city south of the Mistral’s capital. This infamous city is known as Kuchinashi, and it doesn’t get any better no matter how much you try. Banditry, poverty, drugs, scams are things seen on a daily basis. You no longer care that much for it, which means you’re getting used to it. A bad sign overall.

After dealing with some crime syndicates and families, you encountered some bad luck, and due to many unfortunate events, you ended up heading towards the local “White Fang” establishment. Sure, the “you” from your past would wince just at the thought. Those guys are terrorist, after all. But you have two things going on for you. For starters, you’re almost out of options, so it’s not like you approached them with a happy smile. Not only that, but the place doesn’t look so bad at all. The people are nice, orderly, and it looks like there’s a real sense of community.

Yet you still have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that something is wrong. You’re unsure if this feeling has any real basis, given that your mental is not at its best. You feel jaded, tired, disillusioned. Things are not that bad, but they are far from good.

Oh, and did I mention that you’re officially “dead”? Or at least that’s what some official Hunters and Huntresses channels say. Yeah, that doesn’t make it any better. Isolation will really take a toll on you, so there’s no time to waste.

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“Hard to agree to your terms knowing that you’re working with ‘psychopathic bosses’ and criminals. I thought you said this place wasn’t all that bad?” A moment of weakness. Time to drive the nail in.

Tay sighed. “Look. I’m against the wall here. There are seriously people in need in this city. Faunus included. Especially them. I genuinely want to help them. However, the cards I was dealt aren’t the best. I’m in a predicament, same as you. A part of me wishes you would just agree and join us, but I also don’t want you to be, let’s say, ‘stained’ by all the awful things that surround us. Besides, I don’t think you’re in much of a position to go and do things on your own.”

Offended was the right word.

“I’ve been doing fine so far. I don’t think you understand me that well, or my situation, or what I’m capable of.” There was no point in hiding the anger in your voice. Fixing some papers on the desk and cleaning up his office while feeling angry felt ironic.

“You’ve been lucky so far. Keep going alone and you’ll end up dead in an alleyway or something. There are some truly awful monsters hidden in this city, and no, I’m not talking about Grimm. I want to help you because you’re still young and… ‘clean’, so to speak, but I also don’t want you taking advantage of me. That’s why I can’t just simply hand you everything on a plate. You get me?” His voice was becoming sterner.

You felt a strong similarity to him. You did want to help the people in this city, find out more about your situation and uncover the truth. But you also didn’t want to be taken advantage of.

“Let’s make a deal. You help me keep my community safe, you do some jobs for me here and there, and in the meantime, I’ll try to find out more about this scientist you found out about. It will take some time, since I’d need to convince Carmine to help me, but trust me, I’ll do my best to keep your hands clean. No criminal or, ‘unethical’ jobs for you. How does that sound?” Tay turned towards you, closing a drawer. He waited for your answer.

>We both want the best for ourselves, and his promise sounds sincere enough. Agree to his offer.

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>We both want the best for ourselves, and his promise sounds sincere enough. Agree to his offer.
>But could we still talk about the 'monsters in the city' tomorrow?
He's been pretty forthcoming with us thus far, and not wanting to be taken advantage of is a fair point. He's got a better lay of the land than we do, more connections, more resources-- and to be honest, he's probably a better fit than doing out-and-out criminal activity with Sora.
>>We both want the best for ourselves, and his promise sounds sincere enough. Agree to his offer.

In the last thread, QM got his IP toggled and lost his powwuz.

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>Stuffs §2092.5 - 6 for Seafood Shrine
>Grains Ꮆ788
>Silver Pieces Ᵽ$617

>82 Dedder Dusts

>5 Dimm Cult

>Toady 16/16HP
>Quality Kludge Armor 15/15Dur
>OR Light Kludge Armor 8/8
>[Helff Swigga] 5/6 gluggz

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Rolled 121, 489, 146 = 756 (3d1000)

they should tell us everything worth knowing about their race, culture, currently frozen conflict and their enemies the mantises
preferably provide us with writing containing such information

"knowing your enemy is half the battle" or something

also: if we roll high enough i think we deserve to fuck one of them too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
>also: if we roll high enough i think we deserve to fuck one of them too
proceeds to roll horribly
Rolled 635, 341, 362 = 1338 (3d1000)

Rolled 71, 448, 31 = 550 (3d1000)

>only trade with Villijjerz
>limited mingling

Good information gathering opportunity. No need to pry, we just need to get more of a feel for things. Maybe then do a little pluppin and gibbin based on what we learn?

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When the emperor wants someone dead he only has to send a message. The bearer of that message needs to witness the suicide of the undesired individual. Once death has been confirmed, the witness will report the done deed to a questor, who will report to a praetor, who will report to a magister, who will report to the emperor, if he is in a proper state of mind.

A man is traversing a main street in the middle of the night, wearing his black toga and a long broom on one shoulder - signifiers of his position as an imperatorial witness. Black toga for the black news that he carries, a broom - for the trash that he helps remove from the world of the living. At least that was emperor Nero's interpretation. People distance themselves from the man and his ilk, naturally, but he doesn't mind. People say that the man was a retired legionary, a career that explained his limping, others said that he was some Phoenician, because of his unusual features. The man doesn't bother with trifle gossip. He is on his way to the temple of Mors, leaving a memento from the last suicide he witnessed. It was an old patrician, 'an enemy of the state', proud until the last moment. Soon the task is complete.

The man fingers a final letter on the inside of his toga, one last state sanctioned death is to be carried out until the night is over. He reaches an oakwood gate surrounded my high marble walls and knocks, a slave's voice is heard from inside - "Yes?"

"I'm carrying a degree, approved and sealed by our Pontifex Maximus and Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, addressed to..."

>Xanthos, the Athenian philosopher

>Flavia Florens, the matrona of this house

>Decimus Bubo, the satirical actor
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>Araca the Christian
>>6085371 | >>6085372 | >>6085401 | >>6085690 | >>6085723 | >>6085967

The government sanctioned persecution of the followers of this new cult made them weary and, just as the man in black toga, they preferred to do their dealings at night. The Nazarenes they call themselves and worship a god made flesh.

The trusty broom is on one shoulder. The state appointed witness enters an underground cave, somewhere on the outskirts of the City near a road on which some decades ago someone called Peter laid on a cross upside down.

It's humid and dark, there are several people in there, all facing in the same direction, looking. At the very back of the cave multiple chains can be seen hanging, their start is beaten deep into the surrounding rock foundation, attached with iron chisels. Their ends are profoundly piercing the flesh of a naked woman all over, a method of penance applied by the most austere ascetics. The woman has wild hair, around her hair - a glowing halo.

Come she says, inviting the witness. I was looking for a reason to join my husband, you are one that is good enough.

Who is your husband?

The one with no beginning and no end.

Are you Araca?

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Thanks for playing, that was a quest more on the experimental side for me. I could have prolonged it but I thought that a finish that includes some gnostic early Christianity would be proper way to end it.
That you for running, this was an interesting experience and I enjoyed it greatly.
I liked it

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Do you ever want to just . . . go live innawoods?
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Rolled 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6 = 35 (9d6)

[24 CP]

>Copycat Galium: Mesh Los Uplink [Systemics 11 + 4CP]
>Copycat Gallium: Electricity Modulators [Systemics 11 + 5CP]
>Manifest: Radar Pulse [Senses 9 +5cp], A radar that detects elecrical sources nearby, distinguishing friend from foe through heartbeats, etc...

[10 CP] left
Rolled 3, 3, 3, 4, 6, 6, 2, 3, 2 = 32 (9d6)

Alright, now that the brain-bleed has stopped (it has stopped, right?), let's try this again.

>+1 MP, +1 to PsychoGenesis, added Push meta-trait.
>8 CP, 1 Mutagen, Manifest: Manifest an enhancement to the Haywire Switching feature to make it wreak greater havoc more readily. A bonus to the skill test or the effect sounds about right. There's also the Mutagen boost to mitigate any hardcap-related snags along the way. (8 CP + PsychoGen 12, !Existential Dread). - first set of rolls. Universe, please handle the Aberrancy roll on your end. Six sets of dice will make this post pretty confusing to read.
>6 CP, Manifest: for the third fatherfucking time, Manifest the ability to create telepathic auras of dread that induce despair and smother the will to live in those that are caught in them. I swear, this manifest is cursed or something. Haven't been able to get this one right on both maps. (6 CP + PsychoGen 12, !Existential Dread. Does the fact that I used to have Anxiety Churn (before a certain elevator-related incident) do something for us here? If so, I'm stating that fact for the record). - second set of 3d6
>4 CP, Manifest: re-develop the ablative psionic shielding that got lost in a certain transportation-adjacent mishap. (4 CP + PsychoGen 12). - third set

Vit 8/12 SP 3/12 CP 14
DR 0 AP 6 MP 4

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Tallying the last few notions from this thread, and then Command assumes we're good to proceed.
Rolled 6, 4, 1, 4, 5, 6 = 26 (6d6)

MANIFEST - [NANOLATHE] - Dedicated suite of nano, micro, and macro machinery for fabricating equipment from greygoo mass.
>[Conversion 15(of 18), Focus 1, Change 15, Penalty -2]
Conversion is 10, not 15. Change is 15/18

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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Its gonna be fun.
Dunno if luck transfers between arcs, much less threads but I guess we’ll see
Dad capacitors look to be charging up nicely.
Idea for fun family activity; making Wookie pelt kilts and bone tools.
It's time! >>6093528

Inspired by martial arts cinema, shonen, Exalted, and One Piece

Across the Gemstone Seas, islands are strewn upon the waters like fallen leaves in autumn. They are nigh countless, but despite that, nations come from all over to conquer and control trade routes and raw resources. Pirates, kaiju, and the independent Gemfolk keep these empires at bay. But encroach they do, entering a cold war after breaking the Sea-Khans of the Golden Horde…

But none of that really concerns you. At least not now. The seas beckon to you - the clarion call of freedom upon the waves. You’ve dreamed of it. Charting and exploring the unknown, finding ancient treasure, battling imperial or pirate ships… All of it. You want all of that and more.

You were an insightful little tot. You knew you had to make yourself the best you can before finding a ship and a crew. The streets of Koulay were rough for anyone. Defending oneself was a requirement. Luckily, you were born and raised there, the mecca of martial arts. Koulay is an independent city state, and has the only open sea route between all the Gemstone Seas. A nexus.

You trained under your shifu for years. Regal Ox was a harsh but caring mentor. You got to calling her “grandma” which she always hated. Unlocking your physical strength alongside the mystical powers of the Gnosis was her goal with you. You were a teenager when it happened, the mana wrapping around your fist. You could see it! You could feel it swelling and flowing within you!

It was a triumphant moment. You finally felt like a full grown…

>Choose your gender

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>Name: Violet Dawn
>Scroll: Sapphire League

You picked up the scroll inscribed with a dolphin jumping over a glacier. If any of the powers were to keep their word, the Leaguesmen would. Although Edo has an honorable warrior class, they don’t seem to be steering the country right now.

”I think the Leaguesmen would be our best bet,” you say, also swiping up the crumpled scroll. Regal Ox’s eyes widen at your action but she lets you read it. Pulling the scroll taut, you see a human skull with demon horns sticking from its head. You blink as you read. “Who are the Circle of Onyx?”

”Dread shapeshifters and devil summoners,” Ox said, sighing. “They’re relatively new. They come from the Onyx Sea, south of Edo. I hear they’re trying to recruit as many Gnosis users as possible.”

Just then, a ruckus is heard from downstairs. You share a glance with Regal Ox before moving to the parlor. The cerulean drapes and striking scroll-art adorn the walls as you descend to the entry of the House of Celestial Delights.

Three burly men stand at the bottom of the stairs, one grasping a worker by her long hair. “As of today, this is our territory! You harlots are ours to use for free! So say the Grinning Devils!” Sure enough they each had a pair of hatchets on them.

”This isn’t Reek Street,” you refer to their home turf, standing a few steps above them. They turn, and the one holding your co-worker sneers up at you.

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Pretend to comply to get their guard down and fight?
>>6084841 +1
Pretend to comply to get his guard down. Maybe seduce him into taking us somewhere alone to “revel in his spoils” so it’ll be easier to subdue him, if he’d buy it.

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You kept your arms straightened and down, trying to blend as an object. Why did the demon stop? He had noticed, something. You withheld your breath and stiffened your stance, wishing not to move an inch, imitating a panoply: a suit of armour on display.

He turned his head, his face and eyes hidden by the faceguard’s swallowing shadow. He stepped towards you, his sabatons echoing against the gleaming marble floor. Stopping again, the weight of his archaic armour shifted with a clank, thrashing back and forth.

The helm gravelled his voice. “What’s this?” he asked, his tone searing your eardrums. “What an odd place for you to be at …”

He leaned closer, placing two of his iron-clad fingers on his chin, nearly grazing you through the slits of your veiling visor.

“What a mismatched mess,” he said and shook his head. “And all those dents, and marks, shoved away in this haphazard spot. This couldn’t have been at my command.” He pondered—aloud—himself. “It figures—a mistake, by one of the keeper.”
“I wonder what was the intent, yet I’d rather not raise an mass inquiry just to find out.”

He stepped back, lowered his hand, and unclenched the rest of his fingers. With an extended palm, he began to etch patterns in the air before your eyes. Amethyst streaks clung to and traced behind fingertips, a finished rune, followed by a second, appeared as if drawn on a parchment. With a forward wave of his hand, he sent the arrayed runes one by one, each striking your cuirass with a ghostly zing, branding it as if with hot iron.

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That's like debating with DM whether you get an advantage!
Sorry for not enough of those.
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> Whisper to Sarem if he’s really going to go against the Demon General (and his sister): that’s not a smart thing to do.
>Let go of the axe and apologise for taking it. Try and convince Sarem that, indeed, you broke in and were captured by Miranna—all of it is true.
While he's not quite as much of an idiot as his sister, I think demon IQ might have some genetic influence too.

A world where might makes right. A world of Jade and Gold, of Phoenix and Dragons, of Pills and Talismans, of Martial and Spiritual arts.
A world where diligent training yield strength, meaning freedom. A world where loneliness means death, meaning social chains.
A world still unfair, as the ones reaching the heavens are most likely born rich - be it political riches of the aristocrats, power of secret knowledges and hidden realms of clans, or lucky enough to be born one-in-a-thousand genius.

This was not the case of Quiet Word - that is, (You).
Your current skill level being on par with said genius of your age? Lucky encounters and a knack for navigating social situations.
You know a fair amount of technic for such a young cultivator, but your strength lies in the impressive amount of Bonded Spiritual Beasts - A no-longer Hawk spirit, a Horse spirit, a Snake spirit and a Wolf spirit.
Speaking of that last one, you didn't told a world about him to anybody. As a scion of the Primordial Wolf spirit, its father warned you of its worth and how people could want to rip it away from you.
Said worth comes from its ability to Fuse without restriction - fusion being a secret of the higher ranking of your sect, secret you have almost completely rediscovered on your own. Alright, the Primordial Wolf might have helped you on that point.

Recently, you discovered a dao more than well suited to you : the way of the Rising Phoenix. Your Hawk spirit evolved into titular Rising Phoenix, the Hawk's Wide Ballet turned into the Rising Phoenix's Wide ballet and you discovered a new mind tempering technique in the Poem of the Rising Phoenix. You are half a step away from opening the Mouth Aperture, the latest small realm before 2nd stage. This is mainly thanks to insane gain reached while you were in your first ever seclusion. Right now, you are getting ready for the Yearly Tournament.
Said Yearly Tournament you fully expect to win brightly : one of your trump is strong enough to take down anyone barring Dhundan.
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Rolled 51 (1d100)

Oh ho
Rolled 67 (1d100)


I have everything except time for the update. Still starting to work on it.
I haven't touched it since I'm studying for my builder's license. But it has some good laughs, mainly written as a power fantasy quest about a Caveman Named Rock.

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