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Sing, goddess, of thirsty Argos, and of the glory of Hippomedon Aristomachides - sing of the folly of Adrastus, of the savagery of Tydeus and of Oedipal transgressions! Sing, O Muse, of Zeus’ designs, which even now come to fulfillment…
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>>Tydeus’ journey back to Argos.
What are you up to, schizo?

Fucking hate the gods. Every time they show up player agency is fucking yeeted. I just want to play with my Greek hero action figures dammit.
Selling her to a safer/cheaper/humbler home was my intention as well. We aren't disobeying the Fury, & it's expedient.

>Baker's Daughter Mystery Box
>A baker’s daughter in Pylos, alone in an empty house.
~1 hour warning for any last votes, seems like “Baker’s Daughter” is in the lead!
New Write-In Choice:
>"Let's get this bread"

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In times past, giants walked the earth. Now, they shall awaken and walk again.

The first nuclear weapon detonated in 1945, showering the earth in radiation that had gone unseen for millions of years. The opening of Pandora's Box led to countless explosions, twice against man, and many more in barren deserts and oceanic depths. As the crust of the planet became charged with energy once more, ancient things began to stir.

You play as one of these creatures: A young Kaiju, awakened by radiation and ready to feed on it. As one of many who are emerging into existence, the time has come for you and your ilk to reclaim your rightful place as the rulers of Earth.
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>Kaiju on /qst/
Hey KaijuQM, would you be willing to post a draft of your system in /qtg/? Some other QMs are curious about participating in a theoretical “Kaiju Month” inspired by this (great) quest
Oh! Yeah I'll go clean it up to a presentable state, then post it there soon.
After my next upgrade I plan on just fighting it out with the others and completely flatted Iceland.

Action 1: Move E10
Action 2-3: Absorb Energy
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Lurker here. I second this post. This thread has been extremely entertaining to follow. Thanks to all the players, anonymous contributors and especially the QM for the fun times.

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You're a stick with a witches hat. Your name is Mazela. You're a queen of the witches forest.

>Stick around
>Become a bigger stick
>Grow other stick parts
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>Nudge harder, then check pulse
You better not be dead, we have a crack pipe to sell for mad cash money
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I'll roll now, but do the drawing later when I have time
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Mazela thinks to her "Fuck this shit, I'm tired of this life, I'm tired of doing drugs, getting drunk and going to parties. I'm going to clean myself life, lead a life of sobriety and become a house builder like my papa was". And it was at that moment that the door bell rung. Mazela looked who it is and noticed it's the pigs. "AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW SHIIIIIEEEEETTTTT, just as I'm about to sobber up."

>talk to them, see what they want
>try to wake up Width Stick Mashallah again
>abscond, since fuck this shit
>wait, they'll probably leave
>>wait, they'll probably leave
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You wait, they stop knocking and after like a minute you carefully look out the window to see if the pigs have gone. You notice they are nowhere to be seen, but at the same time a cold chill start running down you back "Fuck, what did we do?"

>Try to wake up Width Stick Mashallah again, he might have clues
>Fuck this, we're becoming house builders
>Take the gun out of the drawer, end it
>Other (write-ins)

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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

You are Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), She who touched and dyed the moon red, the rightful ruler of and most impressive amongst all beasts, the heir to the primordial throne of true primordial nobility, an popular amateur writer, the founder and first and current grand master of the palace of natural laws sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn) and creator of the cultivation technique following the dao of ghosts and grudges, there heretical art of the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl), and you are also the rightful monarch of the kingdom of the buried army of those who dared oppose the order of the heavens, the aggressors and only victims of the bloodless war, a kingdom of graves, tombs and quiet catacombs filled to brim with vengeful spirits, hungry ghosts and ancient warriors turned phantom calamities.

However, the king who has lost his name and been forgotten by all outside of his cursed followers and soldiers trapped beneath the now split mountain you claimed and marked as your own years ago, still holds most of the lands of one of your rightful domain. And while it is but one of the many kingdoms and titles that are rightfully yours, the forgotten king and his toadies have earned your ire and enmity through all the wrongs they have committed against you and yours. They tried to attack you while you were in deep meditation and refining the ghostly essence saturating the tomb kingdom, and during your student's valiant defense of your cultivation chamber, one of those brute's cursed one of poor Qiang's eyes, forcing her to tear it out herself! And since everyone, men and beast alike, mistake her for your daughter, you may as well pay them back for that injury as if she truly was from a litter of yours! And that isn't to mention the insults the governor of his that you've been using like a caged canary and footstool has spat your way. And still is. Even though Yin Zhao has been your prisoner for quite some time, he hasn't once wept or wailed pathetically with the other loyalists you keep caged to sing you pretty and sorrowful songs while you hold court and appease your subjects by alleviating the agony of their wretched and cursed existence trapped here beneath the earth. Not quite in hell, but certainly not alive.

Subjects who are now braying and barking for "blood" and vengeance, the fury they feel towards their former leader for getting them trapped in this sorry state driving them all into a frenzy, even those who are usually cool headed, composed and mostly sane after the long centuries confined here by the heavens' spite.
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I wrote a small and inefficient Monte Carlo script in Python to illustrate my point that the odds with a DC of 140 are that we might just surpass it by ten:

import numpy as np

oned100 = np.arange(100)+1.

for y in range(len(oned100)):
for x in range(len(oned100)):
twod100[int((y*len(oned100))+x)] = oned100[x]+oned100[y]

runlist = 5
MCsize = int(1e6)
ret2 = np.zeros(MCsize)

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I made copy paste errors, it prints [(0.05, 106.0), (0.1, 115.0), (0.15, 122.0), (0.2, 127.0), (0.25, 131.0), (0.3, 136.0), (0.35, 139.0), (0.4, 143.0), (0.45, 147.0), (0.5, 150.0), (0.55, 154.0), (0.6, 157.0), (0.65, 160.0), (0.7, 164.0), (0.75, 168.0), (0.8, 171.0), (0.85, 176.0), (0.9, 181.0), (0.95, 187.0), (1.0, 200.0)]
This for example means that we have a 65% chance to roll 160 or lower, leaving us without Good Successes for DCs of 155 and 160.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Ling Xian
And I'll let the dice decide the second because I am dying at the moment between
>Try to access that "Other Moon", the strange and kind of creepy spirit realm you traveled to be for with so many strange sights upon it, meditating on your memories of it (Magic: Moonlight/ Will Trial. DC 75. DC Staggeringly reduced due being a Blood Moon Cosmic Beast)
>The warm, fluffy and adorable rabbit sitting on your lap (??? Trial. DC 140. DC Significantly reduced due to Trait: Living Source: Primordial Beast essence)
Alright seeing how the dao of freedom has DIED among our juniors, I will instead advocate for that which remains among the options.

>The cosmic rays radiating from your beast core, the Lunar Qi surrounding you and the other cosmic spiritual energies and anomalous forces flowing in the "Sky" over your head (Instinct/ Perception/ Spiritual Sense Training Trial. DC 160)
When the sun sets, the moon and stars reign upon the night sky, The moon is within our graps, so too must the stars feel our pull.

>Piao Tuzi
>Try to access that "Other Moon", the strange and kind of creepy spirit realm you traveled to be for with so many strange sights upon it, meditating on your memories of it (Magic: Moonlight/ Will Trial. DC 75. DC Staggeringly reduced due being a Blood Moon Cosmic Beast)

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>Art: Dan Mora
>Alt-Text: Comic cover of The Riddler in the foreground. In the background, cut out newspaper letters spell “Riddle Me This” while Superman and Batman leap into action in front of a maze.

Batman: Superman! You have to fight it!
Ivy: The sun doesn’t fight. It feeds.

Clark starts glowing as a field of flowers spawns in a ring around him. The parks shudder and flexes, the ground itself pulsating.

Batman: You are stronger than this! Stronger than most people! You landed on a world of hate and violence and chose to make it better. It doesn’t matter if she’s sapping your energy. Your real power is your will!

Your ally grits his teeth, Failsafe buzzes in your ear about magnetic waves but it doesn't have to bother. You can taste electricity in the air. Leaves rustle, but this is no wind.


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I'm sure everything's fine.
Update should be in today. Apologies for the delay
I'm glad all's well!>>6007434

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Previous thread: >>5952601

The weird thing that came out of the wall can talk. It tells you that she was just in a room like this, and asks you where she is.
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You tell her that she is in the famous brothel Wet Bussy and that you're both bondage fanatics
>"Aaaaarms? I don't know where we are. I'm Derf."
"Where's your bleeding hole?" Of course, we mean the trepanning, what else?
>I have no Idea. Could you please search in my headhole for secrets?

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The great hosts of chaos marched towards Karag Dum. Thousands, tens of thousands made their way towards the ancient ruins of a proud dwarven bastion that had held out for so long. Its cannons had roared, its mithril clad warriors had cut and hewn and cleaved and shot the warriors of chaos. Its forges churned out endless suits of armor, countless weapons, endless stockpiles of bolts. Its mighty walls, placed atop a lone mountain domineered over the landscape, the towers seeming to pierce the very sky and disturb the gods above. And for that, it had to fall. The dwarves fought, and yet, they had fallen to the hordes of chaos. Despoiled, ravaged, raped, as all lands ought to be, sooner or later.
You had never seen the Karag before. And now, only crumbled ruins remained. Maybe, the next time you visit it, it won’t be so far in the future, for the crumbled walls and broken towers more remind you of the rotten jaws of a warhound than of a proud bastion overrun by brave soldiers of Chaos.
As you crest the bleak ocher hill, you see what you long expected. Beneath a burning orange sky, a gathering of armies, warbands and hosts. Spitting on the ground and uttering a oath, then continue forwards, order your host to make camp while you head for the centre of the gathering, towards the lone tent overlooking the countless hordes.
As soon as you step in front of the tent and try peering inside, you feel a shove from behind. Tumbling forwards and already drawing your weapon out, you turn to strike at your assailant, but to no avail, as you fall through the tent flaps, which close shut behind you. A cleave at them leaves your blade harmlessly bouncing from the magical cloth. A rough chuckle emerges from behind you.
“Another one!” A Hung chief laughs. “Settle in friend. We all wait long.”
A quick scan of the massive tent reveals a impressive gathering of warlords, chiefs and champions, of Kurgan, Hung and Beastmen types, all eyeing each other with doubt, suspicion and spite. Yet, all keep their weapons by their belts. They must have been here for long in order to have relaxed so much in such company. A moment of thinking later, you choose to follow their lead, but keeping your gaze on a bestigor with a head crowned with 3 pairs of horns.
You think of speaking to the mob, yet before you can, a female voice booms in the room. “You won’t wait for any more.”
In a flash of motion, every blade is drawn and more than twice that many eyes are anxiously glancing around the tent.
“A whispering on the steppes had called you all here.” The strange cloaked figure spoke as it appeared in the center.
Within a moment, the champions and warlords and reaves and warriors all surrounded the figure, distrustful of each other, but afraid of the figure that just appeared between them.
“I called you here.” The figure continued, concealed by the dancing shadows too thick to be natural. “I called you here so that you may wage war upon the southlands.”
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>Korthak: "His size might be trouble..."
>Magor: "But would you lose?"
Korthak: "Nah I'd win"
sadly didnt work out that way. RNGesus said Mulrog was the winner.

but i am looking forward to another duel with Korthak
New thread:
Oh I was just referencing the Gojo meme
Search Google for "Nah I'd win"
And so the realms of the Old World held their breath, awaiting disaster to come once again in its perpetual cycle, or otherwise remained ignorant of the growing threat to the North. The Mighty Four played their games, the Elder Races continued to languish in apathy framed as caution, & the unrelenting march of time pressed on.

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"Wake up." You open your eyes to the familiar, yet always somewhat imposing, stone walls of your room in Blackthorn Keep. Your name is Caden Blackthorn, the eldest son and heir of Lord Edric Blackthorn and his dear wife Lady Agatha. At fourteen, the weight of your future responsibilities as the lord of Blackthorn Keep already presses on your shoulders, a constant, if not entirely unwelcome, companion.
The morning sun barely filters through the narrow window, casting long shadows that dance across the floor. You rise, the cool stone beneath your feet a stark contrast to the warmth of the bed you reluctantly leave behind.
Today, unlike most days filled with the rigorous studies and training expected of a lord's heir, promises a brief respite. It's the day of the Autumn Festival, a day when the entire keep and the surrounding villages come alive with music, laughter, and the scent of fresh harvests.

>A) A strange sense of déjà vu washes over you, leaving you with the eerie feeling that this moment has unfolded before.
>B) Fragments of a half-forgotten dream flash through your mind, hinting at terrible things on the horizon.
>C) Memories of another life, filled with a decade of pain and heartbreaks, the adventures of a prodigal son, flood your consciousness vividly.
>D) Your mind is clear, with a focus solely on the present, unburdened by the past.
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"What do you think, Caden?" your father asks, genuinely considering your mother’s proposal.
"I would be honored if Mirena takes me as her husband," you reply, your voice surprisingly steady despite the racing of your heart.
"And you, girl?" your father turns to Mirena, eyeing her appraisingly. "Would you take my son as your husband?"
"She would," Castellan Hugh interjects, speaking for his daughter. He had hoped to marry her to a second son or an old widowed lord. Marrying his daughter to the lord’s heir is a match he could have only dreamed of. So, he doesn’t bother with his daughter’s consent.
"Let Mirena answer for herself, Castellan," your mother says firmly, a quiet strength in her voice that makes Hugh back down and lower his eyes. "Mirena, would you take Caden as your husband? You are free to answer truthfully, without fear of coercion."
"I’ll be honored to marry Caden, my lady," Mirena murmurs, filling your heart with happiness. "I have... always been in love with him."
"I know, girl," your mother smiles, then turns to your father. "What do you think, Edric?"
"Well, I’m not the kind of monster that would tear these young lovers apart," your father chuckles, "Social status aside, any man would be fortunate to have such a pretty bride. You have both my permission and blessings, Caden."
And just like that, you became betrothed to your childhood friend, the girl you’ve loved for as long as you can remember. Yet, not everything is perfect—you remember the pagan hut you had seen in the forest and the evidence of blood sacrifice within. You'll need to raise this matter with your father and investigate further to protect the peace of the Blackthorn lands.
But that is a problem for another day. Tonight, you’re the happiest man in the realm.
This is where we'll leave Caden and Mirena in this timeline. The next chapter will likely return to the original timeline, where the crusade veteran Caden awakens in the inn where we left him in the first story.
alright, thank you OP. As I haven't played the og quest, can you give me a summary of it ? all I know is the "cucking" that happens since anons always talk about it whenever this quest is mentioned

archived this quest since it wasn't done before.

You're a modern Western man who was transported to 1600's Japan. What isekai powers did you get?
>High stats
>Save scumming
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>You trust the pilot

What's your deal? Is this your D&D character you're trying to turn into a thing?
its a quest that died immediately after some anon started spamming mazela quest in votes of a lot of other quests
I see. Thanks for the lore, anon.
Watched the finale. New thread will be up soon
That show was dogshit, but your quest is good nonetheless.

Your name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. You have just woken up after your 50TH birthday. It's time to go to the hospital.
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Your grip on the steering wheel tightens as you consider the road ahead of you, both literally and figuratively. Beside you, Skyler sits in the passenger seat, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window. You can only imagine what she might be thinking. In the backseat, Walter Jr. sits quietly with his eyes on you; even as scared as he might be, he remains your strong boy. You couldn't be prouder. As you drive in silence, you struggle to find the right words to break the tension in the car. Finally, you clear your throat.

"I know this isn't easy," you begin. "But we need to talk about what comes next." Skyler turns to look at you. At first, her expression is one of shock, shock that you would actually want to talk about what everyone had heard only a few minutes ago. Her lips curl upwards into a sad smile.

"Right. You're right, Walt. What comes next... is treatment, right?" Her voice is shaky. You take a deep breath.

"Dr. Belknap told us the cancer is advanced," you say. "And the treatments... they might not... be enough."

There's a heavy silence in the car as your words sink in. Skyler's hand finds yours, her grip tight with emotion as she struggles to process the enormity of what you're saying.

"But... you're still going to give it a shot, right?" Skyler finally asks, her voice trembling. "Right, Walt?" You meet her gaze. She's tearing up. God, you can't bear to see her cry. Walter Jr. sits in stunned silence.


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"Damn right I'm giving it a shot. I'm fighting this. We're fighting this." You grip Skyler's hand tight and give her a look so determined, she can't help but break a smile.

"Good," she replies. Looking at your rearview mirror, you see Junior smile too. You're happy to see your family in good spirits again.




ALERT: You are growing increasingly more docile.
Alerts will pop up when you go over 7 points as a reminder. Refer to https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5848264/#5850604 .

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And thank you for running, Bane!
Based quest as always.
Thanks for running
Guess it figures we can't have our cake and eat it too by having both Walter and Heisenberg points stacked sky high
Thanks, see ya next time!

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One day, while searching the woods for a sparrow to crack with your pocket of stones, you come across a small cave at the base of a mossy hill. It smells like wet stone inside but as you venture deeper, you get whiffs of an odor like the one that hangs over the village cemetery on dry summer days.

It is then you see it. There is a man sitting against the cave wall, his legs outstretched. Sleeping, you think. The light from the mouth of cave is not enough to make out his face and hailing him does not rouse him from his slumber. You inch closer. A rusty gauntlet glints from his hand, resting just above his knees. You reach out to shake his shoulder and small mouse jumps out from his head and runs into the darkness making you yelp and jump back. You can make out now a white skull, picked clean of all flesh, and masses of cobwebs in the hollows. A cruel black arrow sticks out from the man's belly. He is most certainly not sleeping.

In the other hand, you see a leather scabbard clutched close to the chest. It is with a great effort that you wrench it from the chewed fingers. It is covered in dust and smells vaguely of rat droppings, but the blade inside, when you draw it out, is as sharp and shiny as the day it was forged. You've never seen anything so fine.

>What do you do?
[ ] Show the blade to your father, it'll surely fetch a fair price at the market, and your family will be glad for the coin.
[ ] Hide the blade inside your tunic and present it to the old watchman, Delaney Halfhand. Perhaps he'll teach you how to use it.
[ ] Wear the sword on your back and swagger triumphantly to the village well, showing it off to the other boys. You can't wait to see the green in Thomas Bishop's eyes!
[ ] Other
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>[ ] The cavaliers of Riverstone would never lie and neither will you. You've always been a straight and honest boy and choose to remain sinless.
>The cavaliers of Riverstone would never lie and neither will you. You've always been a straight and honest boy and choose to remain sinless.
>[ ] Admit no more than your finding the sword in the woods. It is the truth, after all, and the part which you've left out will not harm anyone.
We dindu nuffin after all.

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Old Maple Hill. That’s what they call it, mostly because that’s what you called it, and even then only because it is centered around... Well, a small hill, with an old maple tree, and you were a child, and you never thought it would be the center of an entire community.

Funny how things change.

Your name is Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann. ‘Mious’ means ‘wisdom’ in the language of your mother's people, the Sylvan Elves of Dappulyet, whom you may never see or visit again; you can only hope she got your last letter, before you fled your homeland in the pursuit of world peace and personal freedom (it’s a long story). “Van Houztmann” is your human father’s surname... Well, sort of. He was born merely ‘Rudolfo Houtzman’, and seems to have added the ‘van’ and the extra ‘n’ as some form of dramatic flourish. You adopted it much later. It means ‘of the strong men’. Despite all your hereditary strength and wisdom, however, sometimes you feel like a leaf on the wind—a summoned wind, a night-wind, generated by the beating of great wings beating in the unseen dark.

Under your stewardship—and that of Izirina and Costella Fanucci, the women whom you love—Old Maple Hill became first a sort of sanctuary and rehabilitation center for those humans of Hawksong—the world’s preeminent metropolis—who had been afflicted by the chimeric plague better known as ‘the dragon-pox'. As a reward for your good works, your trio was granted the hill itself and the land around it was gifted to you in trust, to preserve and protect in the name of the fairy court upon that eponymous hill. After a year-and-a-half abroad—first in homeland and then upon the sacred moon itself!—you returned with divine knowledge of the holy arcane, to share with those grateful and newly-sorcerous subjects of Hawksong who had decided to remain there. Partly this was out of pride, and out of solidarity with Izzy and Costella, and partly due to a sense of responsibility for what you had wrought.

More and more, though, you wonder if you really had any say at all...

Almost four months ago, you undertook a diplomatic expedition to the Sylvan Realms to rescue the monstrous son of Hawksong’s prince Cosnort—secretly some form of ‘aragonborn antipaladin’ in service to the Gods of Darkness. You hadn’t done this out of any love for those horrid entities, or even the Prince Consort or her majesty Queen Ekaterine, but because you believed it the best way to keep the peace between your peoples.

You’d succeeded, but at a great cost.
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He never stopped eating meat, exceot for the year and a half he lived among elves. We had a vote on that. Plus, he just ate cloned chimera-horse!
>Plus, he just ate cloned chimera-horse!
wait, you're telling me our clones aren't vegan ? but yes, I remember.
Nah man, we literally overclock a trolls natural healing that we learned with magic and make a homonculus from a piece of the subjects flesh that will die without being controlled, were basically a baby biolich
Going off this idea if Tips specd into some mind control magic we could make and control an army, but as it stands we can definitely make a constant supply of flesh for fleshweaver shit if we do go the Theral route eventually
We got 4 nat 20s in this thread - do we get another reroll for big failures? If so, would that apply to that carnage roll?

You're Mazela, the queen of the witches. You live in a hut standing on chicken legs deep in the forest and use your psychic powers to defend women who have been abused by men. Today the miller's wife has come to you with a black eye. "My husband beats me when he is drunk," she cries about her abusive husband. How do you help her?

>>Grant her psychic powers to enslave her abusive husband.
>>Teach her a curse to kill her abusive husband so she can find someone better.
>>Write In
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Dead quest
Oh no :(
OP don't fuck me over :'(. I'm counting on you!
I've come to life from your story to tell you to kill yourself OP. You are not worthy of telling my tale.
You will never be a woman

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>After many moons, the Narrator returns from actions which would make the most homo of fags tremble.
>The Narrator, that amorphous blight, will not divulge into this further. Spinel's world has enough faggotrous activities at present.
>GRAPE FLAVOUR is back and has undergone slight mutation in how to play.
>Players will submit suggestions they'd like to see!
>Narrator will choose ONE suggestion out of all sent to guide the direction of the quest.
>Narrator may take handful of suggestions at any time to present for a vote to decide how we progress.
>You are currently Spinel and last we saw you had been presented some options....
>Dig yourself a hole and crawl into it in the feral position
>Was there any cool and strange technology Pink Diamond left behind? Go press some buttons
>What will you do?
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>Off you go!
>You are now Lapis.
>You rub your temples in frustration, Peridot some few feet away from you lays exhautsed on the Stinky Couch.
>You can hear her...juices...dripping against the floor and squelching under her as she moves ever so slightly.
>You just wanted to get high.
C'mon pick up the phone Spinel..
Urrghh...Spinel this is really important...
>Try not to groan, because it excites Peridot.
>You didn't want to deal with a bunch of stupid garbage too.

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>I see you need help from the one.
>The only.
>Peridot's help to understand
>Players send in suggestions!
>Narrator chooses one suggestion at a time (mostly), these will help direct the story.
>Narrator MAY choose at random intervals a handful of suggestions to be voted on.
>This is the only time narrator will provide choices directly.
>That's it! Hopefully that makes sense.
>Now if you'll excuse me...i have a marshmallow waiting to meet a VERY unconventional hole, ehueheuheuheh.
Play some vidya. Do gems have games?
Play vidya (if we have some) or board games.

Play vidya and then gawk in horror at the audacity of the male fantasy.

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The tides of history have called upon the line of Marik once more to remove an imposter from our country’s throne. I call upon all patriots, at home or abroad, and ask that they rise against the Empress. So with iron and blood, we may reclaim our future from the hands of a mad despot. So that their children, and their children’s children can live in a secure, safe world.
-Jaime Marik, Patriot’s Address

The Ferrum Empire has descended into Civil War. The weapons built to subjugate the world and decisively crush their neighbors are instead turned inwards.

You are one of those weapons. Beta Core, an Artificial Intelligence built to operate the Empire’s most advanced mech frames against their enemies in tandem with a human pilot. Only together with a pilot, can you move the frame, merging the raw processing power and reflexes of an AI with the knowledge and restraint of a human.

This mission, your pilot is a teenager named Sophie.

You, along with your AI sister Delta, currently are operating for the Patriots. Your other sister, Gamma, is presumably operating for the Loyalists, but you are uncertain of her whereabouts.

Prior threads can be found at:

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141 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
>The West, retracing steps.

StateSec means Gamma. Gamma against our current state means death.
Changing my vote from >>6007819 to
>The West, retracing steps
I forgot about Gamma. We need to extract out NOW

Thanks for the reminder
>The West, retracing steps.
>The West, retracing steps.
I want to do the optional objective, but hitting another position on top of Gamma being present is a bridge too far for me. Going after Gamma directly with Headhunter support was as far as I could go.

Besides, non-zero chance the target was added by a mole and it’s actually an ambush since Gamma is nearby. That’d suck.

Any support for
>Inform Headhunter of the stealthed recon drones and Core presence. Gamma is skilled. You need more eyes.
as an addition? An aerial view might reveal more than a ground-level view can. The camouflage system may not be as robust from above for example.
changing >>6007864 to
>The West, retracing steps
in hindsight, the laser message would be useless if we went right back to stir up trouble.

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