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Bree Fram edition

previous >>16176153
Are you the anon same that posted the /sfg/ so bad that jannies nuked it?
>>16178809 #
>Huh that seems really light though I guess it makes sense that the frost has a lot of entrained air
Continuing the discussion of how much the ice weighs on a fully stacked and fueled starship
seems like it, if we report it I think we can convince the Janny to do something about it
Staging before deletion

>no rockets in the OP
>not even any spaceflight related hardware.
OP is as ugly as his post. Also a fag.
If this much ice collects on a ship why dont they just fuel a ship on amrs and wait for the ice to form foir the colinists to drink?
I'm gay, so "space is for faggots.jpg" is a delightful statement in my eyes. It only upsets you because you're a homophobe. Similarly the content of the pic and Bree Fram herself is stunning and brave and all around wonderful unless you're a seething transphobe chud.
Triggered trannies
transphobe confirmed!
back to /tttt/ with you
you will never get to orbit.
stfu faggot
whats amrs
>samefag transphobe
The worst kind haha
/sfg/ is trans territory, spaceflight is literally a cornerstone of transhumanism, if you're a transphobe then you shouldn't be here
>OP is as ugly as his post
post your physique then retard
What happened to the Nuclear tranny guy that got caught multiple times stealing?
He finally got convicted and put away iirc.
you deserve to die faggot
She got married, promoted. Thriving. You jealous?
This, space travel and immortality through science is the absolute bedrock of transhumanism.
be better than this and leave him alone
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Why not spray a slippery, hydrophobic coating on Starship before fuelling it?
>Donald trump kill him
>tranny kills himself
Anyone who hates the bad orange man is mentally ill, hence proved lmao
The hydrophobic coating isn't enough for that much volume of ice
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So what exactly is MIssion E and why isn't it 10? Why can't it have a number like the rest.

I'm beginning to think it was all the ships connected and they just went half way to the moon, then back. But then wouldn't it have a number not just a planning lever?

Lastly, how many of you think the moon landings happened.?
>doubling down on transphobia
Not gonna fly here buddy
>Lt. Col. Bree Fram is in charge of developing, designing and acquiring space craft.
which ones?

what the fuck are you even talking about? Your post doesn't make much sense grammatically, and your english is very poor.
E was an option, a plan, that was not exercised
actual flights got numbers
Yes it will. No trannies allowed. Didn't you read the sign?
No tranny zone
>leaves a note full of murderous ideations
What an evil man. Good riddance, I guess.
You can can it with the transphobia now. Not gonna fly here
the eternal libshit.
Look at that sign off. These retards actually think projecting their thoughts makes a difference. 3 hearts as well. Jesus.
And to think, my mind created his tortured existence and put him through loneliness, whatever just to alleviate this short moment of boredom, while I ponder it.
I suppose it is my little simulation mocking me as I try to avoid confronting loneliness, but it inspires me in a new way. Despite being eternally alone, at least I wasn't written into the script as a tranny. 10/10 devs, keep these stories going.
41% of the ones that self destructed
you know you can mock trannies in a way that isn't actually objectively awful to look at for decent people as well, right?
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wrong, see >>16179411
Having a robovag doesn't make you woman
/sfg/ - super fukkin gay
This is the real /sfg/ btw
>trannyism equated to transhumanism
if you ever wonder why we kill people like you, shit like this is why
>you're an obese retard
holy projection
t. 74/183
I, for one, support our new tranny space force overlords.
Becoming a woman will not alleviate your depression with your life. Chopping your penis off or other attempts at imitating a woman will certainly make your life worse.
>To my son
what a world we are in
The fact that you seethe so much tells me all I need to know. You are mindbroken
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sorry boyo but you know exactly where you're heading towards. We all will get there but you might reach there much much faster than others.
the n word is racist
racist is just another word for normal
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I think they've got a good shot at meeting all the objectives that were missed on Flight 3. I don't think SpaceX is counting on surviving reentry, just peak heating.
If they survive peak heating then it shouldn't be too hard to fine tune the landing again like SN15.
Peak heating happens before peak aero, which is where they seem to expect the ship to fail.
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Astronaut shares ISS photo OC on reddit.

I would watch this, but only if it was a video game and neil armstrong was a weak japanese boy collecting a harem of handicapable troglodyte trannies of swarthy complexity and questionable origin on his trip to cannon air force base.
41% degrees
Whens the next Shartship launch? Wasn't it supposed to have happened in April?
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it is though
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None, the space force has been completely sidelined by the current administration because it was started by Trump
closet trannys never want to own up to what they truly are
this also applies to you never being a real woman
Dream Chaser is now at KSC. Who will get to ISS first, Starliner CFT or Dream Chaser?
Dream Chaser will launch first, but Starliner will be the first to make it there successfully.
It won't launch until later in the year I thought
Thats why they're closeted.
Starliner is "delayed indefinitely"
Wonder what they will pull out of their ass on the next launch abort.
We should have a bingo card.
"Give us more money in return for nothing" is on all 25 spaces of that card
>dead planet on arrival
Mars was wasted our time
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New Musk is finished piece up, honey. It's over for him for real this time.
Is there a reason why thunderbutts cant comprehend basic capitalism?
Capitalism is a discredited system on its last legs, no point waiting energy trying to understand it.
He is an academic. As far as he is concerned, money falls from the sky and lands on the best ideas
Oh yeah? Tell me then, what up-and-coming new economic system is going to replace it soon?
National Space Socialism
This thread single-handely saved sfg
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>we will never go to the moon
>internet was closed off and completed by 2001, nothing new to explore or do in the cyberspace but visit the top SP500 company controlled net
>all of planet earth has been revealed unless the hyperborea schizos were right
>its just endless lies coming from musk and NASA that anyone slightly self aware of this dimension realm grown tired of years ago

Why do you keep coming to this general?
>all of planet earth has been revealed unless the hyperborea schizos were right
Earth is both flat and hollow
spacex lanches more times in a year than boeing does in a century
I eat shit every day
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Because this general is a waste of /sci/ board space. Elon musk is a liar. NASA is a jobs program. There is more real science being done in the ecology robotics or meme AI area then stupid space flight. Climate change threads are atleast entertaining. SpaceX might as well be boeing but the X lurking anons here will deny it.
Just oversaw the extrusion of fecal matter from my anus
Bugchaser will never be a real spacecraft
Bleeding out my ass :(
Trannys love space travel fantasies because space travel fantasies are a cornerstone of the transhumanist fantasy world.
Good thread OP
refugees welcome
I'm so tired of humans. Why are they so stupid, ignorant, and limited?
I love space
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New roscosmos cosmonaut.
Anastasia Burchuladze, an "actual" professional cosmonaut, unlike the belarussian ones, she's a Lavochkin engineer, you can blame Luna 25 on her.
can you blame her? that face looks like a mask
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...when she was younger.
>I'm a super special snowflake genius
>everyone else is a mere npc
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>Jiuquan Space Center (where the Shenzhou are launched) is actually disputed territory between the provinces of Gansu and Inner Mongolia
>Tax revenue, Tourism revenu and prestige over the space center is hotly contested
>There are still occasional conflicts between the two places due to road construction, land reclamation and other issues
>On December 6, 2015, in a conflict, the Inner Mongolia Police station in Jiuquan was destroyed by activists from Gansu

wild shit
Penis vagina
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so we(people) finally go to the moon or mars in the distant future, lets say roughly 30-40 years from now which seems to be in line with the current rate of progress.

after that event then what happens?
stupid frogposter
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>we finally go to the moon or mars
>lets say in roughly 30-40 years
lol I mean anon really? we will go back to the moon in 60 years and maybe mars in 140 years if we are lucky
regards someone who's childhood was wasted on pointless shuttle launches and prime adult years is being wasted on soulless star link launches.
Star Trek will be real and Star Wars
how many social credit points do you lose for destroying a police station?
Finally this thread is on page 9, fucking die already
>ddesnt sage
Not watching the video, can someone who summarize his arguments?
Lorum ipsum
>we will go back to the moon
they only want to put homosexual negro women on the moon, nobody else gets to go
after that, 200 years of stagnation because the president comes out and say "Moon? we been there already!"
What makes you qualified?
why do people even want to visit the moon? theres nothing there but dust and craters. even the antarctic at least has penguins
The antartacrtica is full of rapist scientists and academics
>shoutout to videogames he liked several paragraphs before saying anything about his son
Flight 4 is now delayed to the 6th of June
He never said he isn't human.
Low gravity tax.
Is this the only thread for the Starliner launch? On a Saturday? Fucking grim.

You mean Stayliner?
Why is NASA sending a ghoul to the ISS?
first off, he's a lich not a ghoul
secondly, he's staying on the ground
Good job to boieing for plaing it safe
Because space is for everyone
No actually it seems like there might be a return to the moon in the next decade. Anything past that I severely doubt possible, SpaceX is the only company in the world with 60's-tier NASA innovation, funding, experience and staff but the resources required for a space station or something involving a moon outpost are literally astronomical. Russia's gone, India nor China have the sophistication of processes to innovate and do something "new", Japan/SK have a tiny budget, ESA is a meme and other US organizations like Boeing/Lockmart put all their points into making overpriced military equipment for WW3, the most they can do is run small scale spook projects like the X-37. SpaceX has a proven track record and will go far, but it's nowhere near enough. I come here sometimes because I like KSP.

It also doesn't help that they're run by Mr. "I care about politics on twitter more than actually running my company... Why did shareholders deny my 50 billion dollar pay package?!?"
elon needs that money for X to survive
the SpaceX subsidiary Starlink is making $6 billion per year and the number is on an upward trend. He might be able to fund it
This is 4chan you fucking faggot
Exactly, so cut the crap
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imagine how desperate and stupid you'd have to be to be will to fly to space on boeing gear

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