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Dating thread for people looking to date.

Template (all questions optional):
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
>life situation
>3 songs you like
>3 movies you like
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
>not looking for
Posted on the Wholesome thread too:

27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>wholesome fantasies
I want to spoil and be spoiled. Really want someone I can share my thoughts, interests, and concerns with. I'm big into doing activities together. Date nights, game nights, book nights. Whatver nights as long as they're together.

>about yourself
Professionally: Currently work in the IT sector in a really stable field. Planning on going back to school later in the year as well to further myself. WFH as-well with a house in a good, quiet part of the state.

Other: I think everyone says they're chill and laid-back, so I'm not gonna put it lmao. I'm excitable about alot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I've spent time researching subjects just to push conversation with someone on my previous train commute. Outside of work some of the things I'm big into are pickleball, litrpg, card games (Yugioh currently). Currently have one dog and a cat.

I own a good-sized house with an actual hilly backyard. If you like to garden: you'd love it.

>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids, but I'm willing to adopt too if Bio kids are not for you.. I've volunteered at shelters and those kids need homes too :c

>looking for
I would love someone who has ambitions. They do not have to be professional, but I want to support you. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for
Younger people (18-20), males.

discord: kennytoe
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, beliefs, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed where you live
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region) - 26 f Anaheim California
>sexuality - bi
>open to long distance (y/n)? - sure but you must be willing to travel to me
>hobbies/interests - vtubers, Hololive, j-pop Vidya and sleeping and vcing with friends. I love holocure and bloons td 6

>3 songs you like - shinkiro, Cupid, and Reflect by Gura gawr.

>looking for - irl dating or long distance dating with lots of voice calls
>not looking for - internet trolls
>contact - chickenclaw3

I'm chickn, my other account got deleted.

I can get really clingy and spam with messages and voice calls or I can be really distant and stay silent. please don't get offended if you get either side of me.
forgot to mention that I'm poly, I'm a coombrain and a huge flirt so being poly is a must for me.
Default settings (straight)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'8, 165, dark brown hair, average build been told I have kind eyes
>life situation
Working and going through college just trying my best.
Exploring the city, streaming games to friends, anime, vidya
>3 songs you like
Recently, Player- Baby Come Back, Pages- If I Saw you Again, Tavares- Wish You Were With Me Mary
>religious beliefs
Was raised as a Christian but am atheist now
>political beliefs
Right wing
>dating experience
Had 3 relationships
>looking for
Someone who would like to spend time together and play games together while talking about anything that comes to mind or helping each other out when the other needs support.
>not looking for
Men or trans. I'm fine with mental illness
Straight (But I'm into pegging and stuff so only Straightish)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes if travel between us is realistic
>physical description
6'2" white long brown hair blue eyes
>life situation
Graduated and waiting to start postgraduate, so not much at the moment
Reading & writing, pseudointellectual philosophy and history, ttrpgs, video games, hiking and gardening.
>3 songs you like
Idk lol. Too many.
>3 movies you like
LoTR Trilogy (that's all three already I guess but I'm counting it as one)
The Nice Guys
High Plains Drifter
>religious beliefs
Idk I guess Pagan adjacent but not in the Norse larp way.
>political beliefs
All over the place but probably averages out at centrist. I'm not a political person
>dating experience
I'm a virgin. I've been on dates and some of them have become proto relationships but they never really worked out and I never really went for ons.
>looking for
Someone who has the same interests as my and doesn't mind me yapping about them (and will yap back about hers). In their 20s preferably and preferably a virgin (so we can lose ours to each other). Also a bonus if you like pegging and stuff. Trans is fine.
>not looking for
Men. Extreme femdom or master/slave dynamics. Findom. Erp. overly lewd people. Gooners and Goonettes.
(more of a general dating question but don't wanna make it's own thread)

Anyone know of any websites for international dating that arent total scams? Europe, south america, etc.

Doesn't seem like apps are much luck, they're very range-based (and like, sub-10mi range at that)
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>mfw forgot a pic and now no one will answer me
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
34 Male Midwest USA
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, but only temporary
>physical description
5'8 155lbs, white, short brown hair and brown eyes.
>life situation
Live with my dog in a house I own. Work from home as a senior software engineer.
Lifting, video games, programming, anime, hikes with my dog.
>3 songs you like
Sleeping Sickness, City and Colour
Bilgewater, Brown Bird
Hopelessness Blues, Fleet Foxes
>3 movies you like
Master and Commander
Manchester by the Sea
Road to Perdition
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
I want to keep my money, and be left alone.
>dating experience
Dated several girls, almost married one. Haven't bothered dating seriously for several years now. Not interested in hookups.
>looking for
Serious girl looking for a serious relationship. I'm interested in building something meaningful and eventually a family.
>not looking for
Trannies, mentally ill, drug users, loose women with loose morals.
Discord: superpaint
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24/M/Canada, straight
>A bit about yourself and situation
Reserved, typically level headed and easy to get along with. People tell me I'm supportive and a good confidant. Full time employed
>Open to ldr?
>Willing to relocate?
Within Canada and US, not sure about a Europe move
>Religious and political beliefs
Catholic, conservative
>Physical description
220 lbs, Asian, black hair, brown eyes, built, 180 cm
>Current occupation/schooling
Employed full time, bachelor's, two majors
>Hobbies and interests
Cooking, fitness, history, homesteading (learning about it), experienced with it
>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids. I don't have any
>Life goals
Good career, family, kids, nice property

>Looking for
Women, 19-30. Ideally on the same page as me when it comes to beliefs and values. Goal oriented and a rough plan for the future. Having the exact same interests isn't that important
>Do you want kids?
Most definitely
>Not your type/dealbreakers
Liberals, not wanting kids, not open to religion or religious

Anything else in the post format, just ask when you add me :)

>Contact info
28, Male USA, Chattanooga, TN
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
White, 6'0", hairy, heavyset but slimming-down
>life situation
FUBAR. Toxic family. Want to start over, need more adrenaline. Want to find peace in the eye of the storm.
Psychology, interrogation, theory of survival, nonfiction books, cooking, beer, economy cars, weapons, theory of combat.
>3 songs you like
-Pixies/Where Is My Mind
-Curve/Chain Mail
-Audioslave/Drown Me Slowly
>3 movies you like
-Dog Soldiers (2002)
-Dawn of the Dead (1978)
-The Way of the Gun (2000)
>religious beliefs
The gods all suck!
>political beliefs
>dating experience
None. Never had time until recently. Had to burn so many bridges.
>looking for
A woman who likes what I like. I need an intellectual and physical sparring partner, platonic or not.
>not looking for
I'll let you know if I see it.
Discord: seeking.penance
Kik: SeekingPenance

(Contacts are throwaways)
If you’re looking for South East Asians and Latinas, OkCupid has a ton of them. I’m honestly considering going through with it if Tinder or something else doesn’t work out, since options here seem pretty limited given that nobody likes to talk lol
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>>open to long distance (y/n)?
yeah (if you're in the USA)
>>physical description
5'11, cute, nice voice
>>life situation
Chillin like a villain. I work from home and have way too much free time.
Gaming, computers, movies, cooking, tech shit
>>3 songs you like
Pendulum - Self Vs Self
Royksopp - Poor Leno
Miami Horror - Love Like Mine
>>3 movies you like
Tropic Thunder
>>religious beliefs
>>political beliefs
Fuck em
>>dating experience
Very little
>>looking for
Cute girl to spam Valorant AND cs2 with
>>not looking for
trannys, fags, non gamers, anyone outside the USA, women who expect to get carried, kids (under the age of 21)
27m Belgium
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yeah, sure
>physical description
Average height, short brown hair, 70kg, blue eyes
>life situation
Working full time, working towards my own place
cooking, reading, fitness, walking,.....
>3 songs you like
Sum41- Pieces, Billy Talent-Rusted from the rain, Yungblud-Loner
>3 movies you like
Lotr (sorry) too many to list, i watch about anything except musicals
>religious beliefs
None, don't care
>political beliefs
>dating experience
had 2 long term gfs, looking for that 3rd and final one
>looking for
Like minded girl with similar interest that can hold a conversation and is willing to share her life with me.
>not looking for
Ghosters, everyone else is welcome
30/M/Australia (Queensland)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, although I'd want that to change eventually
>physical description
About 6'3", shaved head, beard, green eyes
>life situation
Living with family, saving up money
Anime/manga, reading (fiction and non-fiction), history, philosophy/religion
>3 songs you like
Catch Yer Own Train - The Silver Seas, These Days - Powderfinger, Float On - Modest Mouse
I listen to synthwave while driving
>religious beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
Nice, more outgoing than me, either religious or okay with me being religious, similar interests (doesn't need to be identical), overall someone to talk to on a daily or semi-daily basis, share memes with and would be nice to hang out with in real life eventually, someone that can be open with me and hopefully I can be open with in turn
>not looking for
Single mums (I was a stepson growing up, I don't want to be put in a similar position again), trashy types, mean
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22m straight New England
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'9" 145lbs white/hispanic brown hair brown eyes
>life situation
wagie attending college but aimless and pretty severely depressed
animanga videogames books
>religious beliefs
not religious
>political beliefs
>dating experience
Dated one girl
>looking for
Women somewhat close to my age. Something real/something not real. Open to anything.
>not looking for
Men or trans
dc brutusinthatbooth
>Looking For
>Not Looking For
Under 26
Hairy men

>Looking For
A woman I connect with for a romantic relationship, basically. I’m aware of the huge gender disparity here so I’ve tried to make this concise, if you’re interested feel free to message though.

>Main Interests & Hobbies
- History: mostly of the past two centuries, particularly interested in revolutions
- Politics: more broad social movements, not the ins-and-outs of parliamentary politics, which bore me to tears. Ideologically I’m an anarchist with a conservative temperament
- Programming: not fully trained yet but would like to be in the long-term, also very interested in Linux and FOSS
- Retro video games: particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games, mainly because they make me feel nostalgic for my youth, can go into more detail if you share this interest

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge

>Not Looking For
- extremely flakey and/or pointlessly tricky women. If we genuinely don’t connect that’s fine but please don’t play stupid games with me or try to be emotionally manipulative. I don’t want cluster Bs who will ghost at the drop of a hat or use their “trauma” as an excuse to abuse others.
- LGBT (including transwomen). I’m not homophobic or transphobic but I just have no patience for this stuff, go away.

27 M US (GA)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
White, 6', blue-grey eyes, broad shoulders, short haircut and beard
>life situation
Currently work remotely in IT and live in an apartment with roommates.
All that nerd junk: Vidya, literature, kino, manga, history, current events
>3 songs you like
"30 Days in the Hole" - Humble Pie
"Modern Love" - David Bowie
"Is There Something I Should Know" - Duran Duran
>3 movies you like
Chungking Express
(Can you tell I specialized in East Asian cinema?)
>religious beliefs
Atheist, but love talking about faith and spirituality.
>political beliefs
Commie, not a tankie
>dating experience
Lots and lots of it, though mostly short term. Have had a couple relationships over a year, but they weren't great.
>looking for
I'd like to find someone intelligent, witty, considerate, thoughtful, and silly. My ideal partner would be one of my best friends and would introduce me to cool new things. I'd like them to be someone who wants to understand me.

Physically, I prefer BBW/fat/plus-size ideally WOC. These are not fetishes, rather my genuine preferences. Bonuses for tattoos and piercings, cool accents, and big hair.
>not looking for
Bigots, NEETs, impatient people, very insecure people, people who don't like pets, people under 24
Discord: snydercut
Email: derrushinham@gmail.com
>31/m/Canada (southern Ontario)
>laid back
>vidya, anime, netflix, documentaries
>can make fun of everything
>will absolutely remember that thing you said 5 months ago for gift ideas
>10/10 advice
>enjoys brightening your day with little things
>would enjoy having a travel partner, it's pretty hard to organize large scale friend trips nowadays
>white, 5'11, average body, long hair, usually get complimented on my appearance but I'll leave that up to you

Looking for
>bio female
>18 - 32 (I don't expect many 18 year olds to click with me but I don't really need to rule it out)
>I don't expect a super model body but at least be average (I'm average too)
>I'm 5'11, so anything equal to or shorter
>prefer longer hair but it's not a deal breaker
>tattoos and piercings are fine by me but also having none is cool, I don't have any
>into nerd shit, or at least tolerates it
>can watch shows/movies together and talk about it as we watch
>likes traveling once in a while, day trips and weekend trips too
>loves talking about anything and everything with me
>gets excited to show me a dumb meme or tell me a little anecdote about her day
>enjoys telling me about her hobbies even if I don't really partake
>isn't obsessed with social media or being a clout chaser (posting shit about your life is fine, I just don't want someone glued to their phone)
>likes being horny as fuck with me
>enjoys being lewd often, I have a high sex drive
>likes doing cute, loving things for me because she knows I'll do the same
>caring, genuine person
>friend to animals
>likes guys with long hair (spoilers I have long hair)

Bonus points if you're within a few hours of driving, discord dating is fine to start with though.

Vulcanore on discord
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31/f/midwest us
straight monog
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
filipino and white mixed, look hispanic. i'm 5'5 140
straight black hair that goes down to my chest
i'm fine with sharing pics.
>life situation
former shutin neet of many years. i now work and go to college part time. i have my own apartment and have been living on my own for a few years now.
solitary, i have no irl friends and only really talk to a couple people online.
drawing, animals, movies/shows/anime, league, taking pictures of random things.
>religious beliefs
>dating experience
i've dated one guy last year for about 3 months or so. my first and only relationship.
>looking for
physically i'm only attracted to white guys with blonde or brown hair. so-so on beards but usually don't prefer guys with them.

aside from that i'd like someone i can spend time gaming, watching movies, shooting the shit etc. with online or off. also having sex and cuddling.
we should have plans to meet if we vibe, not interested in e-dating long-term.
>not looking for
anything else.
discord: quiet.things (throwaway obv)
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
21 / Male / Florida, USA


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
5'10, 176 lbs, Muscular, White, Brown hair, Blue Eyes

>life situation
In second year of community college, transferring to a better full university in a few months to finish my bachelors in Accounting and Finance. Looking to take a gap year to make some money then go on to law school for Corporate Law.

I like to lift, I practice boxing, I like guns, I like to read

>3 songs you like
Color Me Once - Violent Femmes, I Know That She's a Fed - TzarBombah, Mass Anasthesia - Mediavolo

>3 movies you like
Star Wars: Episode III, A Clockwork Orange, Blade(1998)

>religious beliefs
Christian - Catholic, I came to the faith on my own as an adult. Although I love Christianity I haven't been very happy with my experience in the Catholic church. I was Anglican for a while and considering going back, also been interested in Orthodoxy but I can't say I really know anything about it yet.

>political beliefs
Hate the bi-party system. I would say libertarian is the closest thing I can agree with but I don't like the aesthetics of it there's a lot of cringe.

>dating experience
2 irl girlfriends, and 1 online long-distance. Single right now.

>looking for
Edgy but classically feminine woman, I want someone to take care of, let me plan dates and such. I want to be able to financially care for you too once I'm finished with college. I don't really care if you work or not, but I don't want my future gf to feel like she even has the need to work.

>not looking for
Whores, men, trannies

disc - kiaser
Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me
ASL - 26 m EU
Gay bottom (virgin)
No brown ppl or crazies
I like anime and other weab stuff. Also based
Currently in grad uni
looking for husband to settle down with
Feel free to say hi
Discord: ryflam
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bisexual, monogamous
>open to long distance
if you're too far just be my friend
>physical description
pic rel. im 5'6" ~125 lbs. trying to bulk up with calisthenics
>life situation
in between jobs at the moment & a freelance actor on the side. trying to make a film over the summer, it's my make-or-break as an artist
i like filmmaking, composing music, literature, theater, video/tabletop games, hiking, sports, chess, go, cooking, history, theology, mythology, esotericism, philosophy, sillying it up, etc.
>3 songs you like
i'll just pick some go-to karaoke songs: "nightshift" by commodores, "wild horses" by the rolling stones, "comin' back to me" by jefferson airplane (ask for my rym if you really want to know my taste)
>3 movies you like
"nashville" by robert altman, "buffalo '66" by vincent gallo, "last tango in paris" by bernardo bertolucci
>religious beliefs
agnostic. im reading the kjv bible currently and planning to read other books of worship in the future.
>political beliefs
im an independent, im probably voting for rfk jr. beyond that, just ask.
>dating experience
ive had three serious relationships. one was short-lived in high school, another lasted over two years, and i lived together with my last partner for about a year.
>looking for
relationship or friend, above all, im looking for people who i can trust, feel comfortable around, and who know how to have fun. it's important that i can keep busy with people through shared activities or learning/discovering things together. it'd also be cool to meet an artist who has a pulse on my sensibilities and wanted to collaborate, talk to each other about what we're working on, or share something cool with me. im an honest, empathetic, loyal, and patient person. my moral compass is strong, but i am very open-minded. it's easy for me to picture the worst parts of everybody and still love them despite it.
>not looking for
boring people
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6'0", lean physique, white. People tell me I'm decent looking.
>About me
I'm an introverted guy in college for cs. I have several close friends who I've been friends with since childhood. People describe me as very calm, patient, and understanding.
History, philosophy, programming, sci-fi, hiking, and travelling.
>What traits do I look for in a partner?
Ideally, I'd like to meet a clingy and submissive girl (biological female) to have a loving relationship with. It would be great if she was always by my side and I could take care of her. It would also be great if we had an affectionate bdsm relationship.
Discord: duffdubby. (period is part of username)
20/M/Chile - straight
>open to long distance (y/n)?
only of the same country or maybe a neighboring one
>physical description
5'4 white, robust-fit complex, dark-brown hair and green eyed
>life situation
I'm a programming student doing good in life, constantly working out and trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle
I enjoy learning about cooking, either food and cooking tools, also I'm into gaming but mainly retro things, same with anime
>3 songs you like
David Bowie - Heroes
Rainbow - Stargazer
King Crimson - Starless
>3 movies you like
LOTR trilogy
Sam Raimi Spiderman trilogy
Fight Club
>religious beliefs
Agnostic but with catholic tendencies
>political beliefs
probably right-wing but I'm just in my own thing wanting to just grill for god's sake
>dating experience
I've dated before so I'm a bit experienced but never really got interested into someone too much
>looking for
Just a partner who I could share interests with and also able to talk and bring about multiple topics, if we can mutually exchange interests that would be nice too
>not looking for
someone who's not really interested and just wants to troll
discord: bluechariot


>open to long distance?
If you count anywhere in the UK as long distance

>physical description
170cm, brown hair usually at medium length and short facial hair

>life situation
Working from home most days as a software engineer, it pays well but gets a bit boring having no one to talk to about non work stuff during the day. Feel like I’ve got a lot of my life sorted out, just missing someone to share it

Main interest are vidya, chess, music and traveling. I also like movies and watch a bit of anime from time to time.

>religious beliefs
Agnostic leaning more on the atheist side

>political beliefs
I’m pretty apolitical, just don’t have any weird radical views and I won’t care what your opinions are

>dating experience
I’ve been in a 3 year relationship before but been single for a few years now, no one I’ve met through dating apps interested me that much

>looking for
A girl around my age with similar interests, hobbies and sense of humor

Basically just don’t be a normie

>not looking for
Not interested in sexting or anything short term

Discord: kyle_iom
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22 / M / Germany (NRW)


>Open to long distance?
Yes if its not way too far

>physical description
skinny and short black hair, 187cm height, italian

Cooking, Vidya, hiking, reading, getting wasted, swimming, history, geography, travelling, baking

>3 Songs i like
Chinese Man - I've got that Tune
Rammstein - Waldmanns Heil
Le Bask - Hardcoriste

>Religious beliefs
i am my own personal god

>Political beliefs
The opposite of whatever the person im trolling thinks

>Dating experience
I had relationships but in all of them i was just a tool for their own purposes.

>Looking for
im no gooner who desires nudes or hookups, i just wanna chat with a biological woman, and see where it develops

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters

hieronymus21 (discord)
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21, man, texas USA
straight, not interested in trans women
>open to long distance
>physical description
6'0, thin, wiry toned body type from biking all the time. long wavy thick brown hair, brown eyes, mustache. white
>life situation
currently working as a musical instrument seller but looking to quit that soon and get into some other similar white-collar thing
dungeons and dragons, yugioh/magic the gathering, film/tv, some gaming (mostly just LoL roblox and minecraft), cooking, biking, listening to/playing music, reading, used to be into writing but i havent done it in a while and i really should lol
>3 songs you like
Gorgeous - Ye
Se Fue La Luz - 070 Shake
Leon Bridges - River
>3 movies you like
Swiss Army Man
>religious beliefs
hard to say. i dont do any sort of church stuff but i feel like theres probably some sort of god watching over me and making my life better/worse to make it interesting lol
>political beliefs
idk desu. i guess i'm liberal but i find talking to super politically active people annoying, unless theyre nice and positive about it (99% arent, theyre just mean and negative regardless of their political stances)
>dating experience
had a girl cheat on her bf with me in high school which fucked with my head LOL. other than that just edating a couple people, havent had the opportunity to meet anyone irl in a while
>looking for
long term e-gf or irl gf ideally (if youre close to my city). someone weird and very passionate about their interests/hobbies and who wants to share them with me and vice versa. someone with a really silly terminally online sense of humor. vc is a must at some point, i want to watch movies and play games and just chat about things or vent about whatevers on your mind. physically speaking idc too much, chubby or skeletal are both attractive. bonus points if youre alt or goth or athletic
>not looking for

cunk2020 (discord)
>26/M/US Northeast
>Straight (Not into troons)
>Open to distance Y but I don't want it to be that way forever
>Physical Desc
Blue Eyes
Light brown long hair
Thick light brown beard with Blonde moustache and soul patch
Shorter than most men, taller than most women
Very thin,18-19 BMI
Thick glasses
>Living Situation
Shutin-adjacent withdrawn NEET, Aspie with mild OCD
History (special interest), vidyagames (grand strats usually), computers, soft sciences, Geography, certain foreign cultures
>3 Songs I like
A Day in the Life (Beatles)
Gruppa Krovi (KINO)
The Word II (Shigeo Sekito)
>3 Movies I like
Come and See
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame
Indiana Jones: Raiders of the lost Ark
>Religious Belief
Nicene Christian
>Political Beliefs
Anti-revolutionary anti-ideological decentralist
>Dating experience
Online only :^( (I want to change that)
>Looking for
Adult (18+) virgin woman with common interests and desires to date for a life long marriage and eventual family
>Not looking for
the Underaged (this means anyone even slightly under 18-get off this site or at minimum don't contact anyone until you are of age please)
New Friends
Men, Troons
Cluster B disorders (not limited to but especially BPD) - I'm a sperg I can NOT deal with that, do not WANT to deal with that, and refuse to deal with it.
Bipolar Mood disorders - See above, I need consistency.
Over-rapid attachment - We should get to know each other first and foremost, excitement may be natural but that does not mean we need to be irrational.
Avoidant attachment style havers
Socio/Psychopaths - not into dark triad people
Current entanglements or non-monogamous desires
non-virgins - I intend to wait for marriage and want the same from my partner.
Complaints or unsolicited advise - I don't care if you think I'm worthless and delusional for preferring being alone to substandard situations, or for unwillingness to integrate into an ill society
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Screw it I probably ain't getting shit but might as well
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Guess I'm average looking in all honesty but I am overweight (although started losing weight recently and it's actually going well!)
>life situation
NEET and lonely lost what friends i did have about a year ago so trying to make new ones
at the moment working on getting a job
Pretty standard I'm a nerd who loves anime and manga (I love romance and Shonen but will try alot of different stuff!) Watches ungodly amounts of youtube but video games are probably my main hobby Persona is my favorite series along with Zelda and Ace Attorney I also play Overwatch and always interested in trying new games!
>3 songs you like
Piano man by Billy Joel
Simple song by The Shins
Shadow World from persona 4 (i listen to alot of video game music had to put at least one here)
>3 movies you like
Your Name is my favorite movie (I love Makoto Shinkai films!)
The darkest hour (I also really love period pieces!)
The Shawshank Redemption
(These were the first three that came to mind)
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Liberal can't fucking stand alot of the left though in all honesty
>dating experience
Only long distance girlfriends almost entirely from when I was 15 to when I was 19 nothing in over a year
>looking for
Bio F over 18 (obviously)
>not looking for
I guess don't be super overweight a little is fine though (call me a hypocrite I don't care) I also don't find black girls attractive to be completely honest other than that if you're unironically racist homphobic transphobic ect don't bother
Going to be honest expecting nothing from this but eh fuck it if for some weird reason you're interested my discord is newnocturnal (it's an alt I'll give my main account if we get along)
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
>31 / M / Central Europe
Open to long distance (y/n)?
>Only within Europe and no further than neighboring countries, exception if it's cheap and easily reachable.
About yourself
>Classic nerd into technical stuff, vidya, and older cartoons, anime, etc. Been looking getting into other hobbies again as well and reliving some past ones, and like listening and giving input/getting invested into those close to me. Thick skulled, but always for the best for all involved with an ego large enough to carry us both. Couldn't care less at the end what others think of me. Currently honing my linguistical skills a little again and fluent in 3 languages. Everything else is mine to know, yours to find out, so don't be shy.
Life situation
>Well enough off to support myself and a potential family, pulled myself out of 10yrs long depression from 0 to 100.
Wholesome fantasies from last thread
>Unconditional closeness, openness, lazing around and just letting our fantasies and words run freely and finding solace and pride in being each others property and fulfilling eachothers wishes and needs. Free use of each other as well. Making impulsive trips and decisions together as well and laughing together when our dumb ideas go south. And knowing we can leave off our masks towards each other we use for everyday interaction.
looking for
>See above. Massive plus if chubby, comfy, motherly, sleepy or peppy personality, especially if sharing a lot of hobbies.
not looking for
>The usual stuff: Non-females, trans, femboys or whatever the fuck I can think of. Not looking for extreme LDRs as well, but we may keep in touch if we vibe well. As long as you're 18+, I think you deserve a chance.
>post yours, however, I will drop you with no warning if I notice something's off.
Music I like
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmUECCAEscs , if it ain't yours no problem, just try not to "educate" me on music, my taste will remain objectively superior because I say so :^)
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
24 M southeast PA near philly
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
White, dirty blonde, average height
>life situation
Work from home job, hopefully grad school someday
I like to draw, study history and culture, video games, film, the outdoors, live music, the macabre/spooky stuff, or just whatever seems interesting to me today,
>3 songs you like
Not in any way a top 3, but some I like:
>3 movies you like
Again, not necessarily a top 3 but:
A clockwork Orange (1971)
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
1917 (2019)
>religious beliefs
Agnostic Catholic, depends on the day. Reincarnation would be cool desu
>looking for
Girls in the area to date and do fun exciting things together.
>not looking for
Under 21
Over 26
Too far away
Bisexual leaning towards women
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
168cm(5'6) 47 kg(103lbs), long brown hair, ive been told ive got nice face proportions
>life situation
currently financially unstable, hopefully not for long, I expect to be stable within this year
video games, metal music, manga, anime, visual novels(i like those a lot and will spam you with weeb images),
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
centrist i guess but i dont really care
>dating experience
None at all.
>looking for
Currently looking for girls to talk to, guys can add me too but i'm not looking to date guys right now
Preferably we got some things in common.
>not looking for
fat people, i'm fatphobic, unless you're looking to lose weight
Ria stop lurking these threads. You're not going to find your prince charming here, and if you get lucky and somehow end up finding someone, they're going to drop your autistic beaner ass the moment they realize how big of a loser you really are, just like the monster guy you keep crying about.
I can save her...
discord - hopefulpea
Shes not worth saving, bossman. There's a reason why she's stuck here, lol.
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
20 (almost 21 yay me) / Cis-M / USA more specifically east coast
Bisexual with a lean towards straight
>open to long distance (y/n)?
For the right person yes as long as it isnt forever
>physical description
Think of the most suburban uncle tom humanly possible including the sweaters. Aside from THAT 5'10 short curly black hair and glasses
>life situation
Comfortably live alone though I'd love to have someone join me where we can be all gross and lovey dovey and hold h*nds and all that other stuff
Generally whatever interests me model kits games books writing dnd, general nerd shit and i'd love to get into more
>3 songs you like
>3 movies you like
Hateful 8
and you know that third one, I totally didnt mentally blank on every movie I have ever watched when trying to think of a third one duh
>religious beliefs
Personally agnostic but I wont tease you about your religion
>political beliefs
Hahaaaaaaaaa please no heavy right vs left politics though I am cool with talking about whatever issues
>dating experience
Few serious relationships all but one being long distance
>looking for
As everyone else mentions, looking for someone who'd want to take things seriously and see if we really get along well. Aside from that please just be above 19 and below like 30 also if you're willing to play games I gift you or library share with you and stream them my heart would skip a few beats
>not looking for
People only interested in sex stuff, online only you know the deal

If you feel we might even just get along as friends dont be afraid to add me I promise i'm not *that* mean

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Switch Fairskinned sickly looking Cuban 24 jet black hair , piercing green eyes. chubby (strong-fat) Male , Bi
someone I can talk with who won't use short replies and actually give indepth response.
someone who is willingly to spend time with me. watch movies , play games etc and have fun
and isn't emotionally or socially retarded and can be willing for me too reply at my own pace and understands I'm busy and have my own stuff to do
Don't be a morale fag
Someone who enjoys , zoology , anthropology or politics
someone I can play games with
And don't start fights with me for no apparent reason
also don't ghost me
I also have hypersexuality cravings so that is a big issue for me
don't be sex pest , incel or prison gay ffs
I'd also prefer if the person who added me is fine with someone who is needy and is okay with that person having multiple illnesses and having time for them
Doesn’t mind a bf with trauma issues and won’t cold shoulder me and mind coddling me
people with some level of time to just talk and do other things I might wanna do such as vc , play a game or watch a movie
is okay with trauma dumping since I have ptsd and will spill things out once and awhile since it becomes too much (dw I’ll hear your problems if you ever have any)
lazy one word replies (actually try being indepth with what you say)
(Also I like vcing)
one of my favorite writers is Yukio Mishima
I also have extremely severe ptsd and aspegers

Have some social and cultural awareness

please have finical stability on your end
oh and I also had ptsd and aspegers
people with some level of time to just talk and do other things I might wanna do such as vc , play a game or watch a movie

no pedos , bronies , lolis (it's just art kids can be objectified sexually in media) types in general
and esp no troons or lgbt cucks
Nobody below 23 Nobody above 30

Rememberthebrigade pin disc
>Location? Feel like moving?
Houston Texas. I hate it here and will fly out anywhere on a moments notice.

>Age, sex (real), sex (complex)?
25 f straight

>Whatchoo lookin' for?
Ive been an egirl for many years. Now I find myself single with a crippling fear of men. I’m going to a psychiatrist for a diagnosis and therapy to talk things out, im not on medication.

I was brought up homeschooled. I went to some of highschool online, and even went to college online. I was raised by restrictive, abusive parents and tired of masking to pretend I wasn’t. I would like to be loved.

I want to be a wife one day like the hallmark movies. I’m kind and yap a lot and learning how to cook. I do a ton of painting and take some college courses for fun. I’m into photography too.

I used to be 220 and believed in body positivity, last year my discord friend sent a box of dresses from “Farm Rio” and I couldn’t fit a size XL. I’m now 168 and intend to keep dropping until 120 and will stay there. Not being able to fit size XL was motivating, im losing weight naturally without mounjaro.

>Your ideal match be like....?
Dunno. Masculine and into working out, being fit and healthy. Not a hunter, no weapons of any kind. I don’t mind social drinkers or smokers. If you’re into cars that’ll be super cool.

Not racist or too political. This is America and you have every right to be whatever political side but like not too left and not too right if that makes sense.

>Money talk:
No debt. I want to go back to school for a masters. I work from home and stay in a smart apartment. I shop almost exclusively at Whole Foods or local farmers. I’m not going to eat any chemically altered stuff (Walmart, Kroger), please don’t try to convince me, you won’t. My personal monthly expenses are $2,800 with rent, all bills, and car to give you an idea.

>Contact info goes here...
Discord loudpinkbag
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
25/F/US (South Central region)


>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes but the sooner we meet the better

>physical description
Long black hair, brown eyes. Smaller build.

Coding, cooking, anime, video games (mostly autistic map painters and pokemon), animals, robotics, homesteading, etc..

>political beliefs
Not very political. Just don't be annoying about your politics.

>looking for
Serious relationship. Must be goal oriented as well. Ages 23 or older. Have a career and/or is working towards one. Someone with a nurturing type of personality because I have the tism. The closer you live to my region the better. I really like light colored eyes and men who are cuddly.

>not looking for
Women, trans, NEETs, Non-white dudes, Fat people, or people outside of the US.
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23M near Toronto/GTA, Canada
>physical description
Brown hair, green eyes, 5'10, ethnic East Euro.
>life situation
Former factory worker, current college student, future supply chain worker.
History, anthropology, philosophy, Early Music, playing piano, hiking, camping, gardening.
>political beliefs
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
>religious beliefs
I'm agnostic but I choose to be religious.
>looking for
An intelligent and attractive girl younger than me to be my girlfriend and/or wife.
>not looking for
Dishonest, unserious women.
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26, M, New England
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'10, a little chubby, white, dirty blond hair, green eyes
>life situation
disabled NEET that has very limited mobility so I'm living with my parents, I can explain more about my disability once you add me, I'm not sensitive about it I just don't wanna put personal info like that out publicly, but no I don't physically look fucked up
typical nerdy shit like scifi/fantasy, vidya (mostly single player), I like most kinds of music, I can draw pretty decently, I like learning about animals a lot, both modern and prehistoric, there's more but I wanna save some stuff to talk about later
>3 songs you like
Dead Batteries by $uicideboy$
A Sad Cartoon by Loathe
Shadow on the Sun by Audioslave
>3 movies you like
Watchmen, Edward Scissorhands, LOTR
>religious beliefs
non denominational Christian
>political beliefs
more conservative leaning but not apart of any political party
>dating experience
none lol
>looking for
a sweet, nurturing, and understanding girl to just be flirty friends with at first but then seriously date if we end up matching well, preferably also Christian but it's not a dealbreaker, someone with a similar retarded sense of humor, someone I can fully be myself around, my other half (as corny as that sounds lol)
>not looking for
men, trannies, political extremists on either side
Discord: smittywerbenjagermanjensen_98
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24 male west coast
>open to long distance
>physical desc
ill tell in dms
>life situation
college graduate trying to figure out on the next steps of my life.
>hobbies / interests
vidya, movies / tv, editing, working out, fashion,
also love music.
>3 songs i like
too hard to narrow down to 3
>3 movies I like
American psycho, there will be blood, interstellar.
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
dont care
>dating experience
>looking for
female near me
>not looking for
anything else
>what you are looking for
Daddy Dom searching for his little princess.
I'm emotionally mature, caring, possessive, and strict when I need to be.
I'd like to be the father figure in your life
and provide the attention, care, and validation you've always longed for.
>not looking for
Guys, sellers, larpers
Discord: pizza2732
Quiet/reserved, but emotionally available. Fairly honest, straight forward, open minded. Like to banter and tease when I get comfortable with someone. I believe in following the golden rule. I don't ask from others what I can't give in return.
I enjoy reading, hiking/nature, video games, and movies. Due to experiences growing up as a child, I tend to be a homebody and don't like being around people(am misanthropic, granted I don't judge before getting to know someone), but I don't mind going out if I'm with someone
Appearance wise, I've been called handsome/cute by strangers.
I'm Christian and have my beliefs, but not a zealot
>looking for
US & biological female only
I prefer slow and committed over casual/fast and hooking up. I want to get to know each other before getting sexual
Caring, honesty, communication, and trustworthiness are important. I don't mind clingy (find it cute) as long as it doesn't cross boundaries. A fellow bore is welcome
Games are stupid and a waste of time, be straight with what you want
I don't mind a LDR, can travel, & can move closer as long as it's in the US. Don't want to leave family behind and would feel bad uprooting someone to a new country away from their family. In CA atm, but planning to move somewhere rural by the end of year at most, but open to other areas if things go well
I'm politically incorrect, pro gun, don't support the trans/pro noun movement being pushed on kids, against covid shots & mandates.Don't like fat people(a little chubby is fine, cute even) and am picky with black aesthetics.Not picky with looks otherwise
Not interested people who prefer being casual/hooking up over slow and committed. I abstain from sex 'til love at least, don't mind waiting 'til marriage if you wanted(I do have a sex drive). Would like someone with similar beliefs/values. I'm a virgin if that bothers you. I believe in sticking to your values and morals even if it's the harder path.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, but, due to my job I'm unwilling to move
>physical description
Willing to trade pics
>life situation
Nearly nine years into my career. Finished with university. Good relationship with my family. Good friends. On target for early retirement.
Classical literature, Woodworking, d&d, cooking, motorcycles, Broadway musicals, the symphony, shooting, video games, film
>3 songs you like
UFO - doctor doctor
Blue Oyster cult - veteran of the physic wars
Ghost - dance macabre
>3 movies you like
The adventures of Robin hood, sunset: a song of two humans, harakiri
>religious beliefs
Culturally Christian, believe in a creator of the universe but do not believe he has any impact on our lives
>political beliefs
Anti war, anti immigration, pro individual liberty, fuck the fed
>dating experience
A few long term relationships, several dates here and there, one fwb situation and no one night stands
>looking for
I want someone to share experiences with. I like going to concerts, going to fancy restaurants, weekend trips to anywhere. None of these things are fun alone.
>not looking for
While I don't mind online only friends, and require a thorough vetting process before meeting in real life, I'm not looking for anyone who doesn't actually want to meet in person.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
22m, Georgia US
>open to long distance (y/n)?
not if you're overseas
>physical description
6 ft, 9 inches. Those are two separate measurements. Approaching 180 lbs of muscle. Short hair now but used to be long
>life situation
Trying to get my business started but it's hard to make the time for it since Im still in school and work part time
Former nerd
Fitness, racing, trying to get more into cars but it's an expensive hobby. I like teaching and talking to others. Meeting new people is my favorite but I am not a novelty seeking person
>3 songs you like
anything by Cheshyre, Für Elise - Beethoven, Shake Dat - Slim Shady & Nate Dogg
>3 movies you like
Any Studio Ghibli or Satoshi Kon film, Star Wars Ep IV, Dune
>religious beliefs
You would think me insane if I told you, until you realize Im right
>political beliefs
It's all circus
>dating experience
Broke up with my girl about 2 months ago because our schedules were so mismatched. I don't want to date someone who wakes up when I go to sleep.
>looking for
A cutie patootie who isn't afraid to admit when she needs help. Someone who I can talk to like an old friend, and then switch up and dominate when the time is right.
>not looking for
28/M/Ontario Canada
>Long distance fine, Y/N?
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
Yes - Canada/USA
>Physical description
6' 180lbs average build. Brown eyes/hair, been told a baby face when I don't shave idk
Mostly all types of gaming. I really love horror/thriller and all types of sci fi movies and shows! I run to stay in decent shape along with work being sorta demanding physically. Also currently trying to save to move out.
>Current Occupation
Full time construction worker. (potentially changing but still within the trades)
>Life goals
Moving is basically number 1. Looking towards maybe heading to Alberta since its a bit cheaper but open to most places including the states. Most of my life goals revolve around being a good partner and finding the 1 person I want to be with, I also want a cat...
>Looking for
Personality is key for me, looks are not a factor rly, being able to talk/text for hours about everything and anything is so fun, I'm pretty obsessive and fall for ppl easily, so someone like that seems like a fun dynamic. Ideally you share some of the same hobbies. F/mtf pref.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
friend hoarders, scammers, ghosters, men
Discord - Dumatix
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
28M Spain
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes but im terrible at that
>physical description
1'69cm, average/fit build, pale, black hair, hazel eyes and glasses (I cant see shit). Not bad looking I promise lmao
>life situation
Stuck in the capital rn grinding a shitty job. Kinda lonely because most of my friend are far away.
Gym, vidya, hiking, beer, the unknown, reading, cooking, driving around...
>3 songs you like
In Mourning - Colossus
Caladan Brood - Book of the Fallen
Alcest - Percées de Lumière
>3 movies you like
LOTR trilogy (too tired to think anything else)
>religious beliefs
I have my own vision but Im closer to paganism
>political beliefs
Pattern-recognizer. Kali-Yuga's surfer.
>dating experience
Had a long lasting relationship years back and nothing quite serious since then
>looking for
Bio female with similar interests. With intentions of forming a family.
>not looking for
Obese, trannies, blacks, feds, ghosters, friends.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)

Female, Southeastern U.S.



>open to long distance (y/n)?


>physical description

Hourglass, Tall (5'11), tomboyish (I wear my hair in a bun), black hair brunette

>life situation

Decent blue collar job


I like a lot of more traditionally masculine things I guess, like shooting and military-related topics. I'm no military autist, though, I do not sperg about which plane would win a hypothetical dogfight. I like stuff I physically do myself. Outside of that, I like to cook, I play some video games, and I listen to country music.

>political beliefs

Right-wing, but not extensively nor overtly politically charged.

>dating experience

Had a few partners here and there.

>looking for

I am interested in pursuing a long term relationship. I like men that are chivalrous, respectful, kind, have diverse interests, and want to support their partner through pushing each other to be better both personally and career wise.

>not looking for

No overly sexually charged discussion, please. And no mental illness, for the love of god. Manchildren stay away.


discord: miss__thang_
No Europeans.
That's really good bait anon well done! I almost believed it to, till you put the whole "No mental illness or manchildren" thing at the bottom. Not even women are stupid enough to have that kind of exclusionary criteria and still post here. Kek
What if I don't wanna save her? What if I wanna make her worse?
im brandon im 19 and ive been feeling super lonely recently if any girls wanna talk add me im a bartender, i like going to the gym, fitness, some games and drinking occasionally. im free most of the day so attention will never be an issue looking for a nice girl, preferably from the uk im not too fussed on anything else, im quite akward but ill do my best please message me discord: brandonn2858
Believe it or not that's not a big ask retard, just because you browse 4chan doesn't mean you have to be an insane immature idiot
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It's not a big ask in the real world sure, but for 4chan that's fuckin colossal. Normal people don't post here, let alone try and date people who post here.
You can have your shit together and not be a fucking normie anon. You're probably boring anyway so hey, more tomboys for me.
Says a lot about you that you'll project those qualities onto everyone else
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24 / Male / USA, North Carolina
>>physical description
scrawny, hairy, white Jesus looking mother fucker, 5'9"
>> Life Situation
HikiNEET (live with parents and don't work)
>> Hobbies/Interests
Halo, gaming, anime, comfort YouTubers, Yogscast, fire, nature, animals, medieval stuff, war-related stuff, digital art
>> Dating Experience
Mostly just my partner losing interest in me and responding less and less till it's full-on ghosting, all in less than a month.
>>Lookin' 4
a girl, preferably a virgin like me, who missed out on love and struggles or is shy IRL and desires a cute playful romantic relationship where we invest lots of our time with each other, both intimate and romantic.
>>Not Lookin' 4
girls with attachment issues, ghosters, "busy" girls who can't put aside 5 minutes for me
If you self identify has having a mental illness or as a manchild, it means you probably glorify or encourage the behavior. If you know you have a problem and are working on it, that's different. Not dealing with "oh i'm so quirky teehee i have autism so its ok for me to act like a sperg in public".
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>ASL (if a large country, for the love of god give specific region)
19, F, Toronto
>open to long distance (y/n)?
if ur lit yea maybe
>physical description
5'3 130lbs, which i swear 30lbs is in my massive GYATT alone. blackcelled or wtv u people say.
Forest, music, writing, running, lifting, fent
>3 songs you like
anything drain gang gravity boys haunted mound, elliot smith, smokedope2016(if it sound like I'm pandering kys.)
>3 movies you like
i don't really care about movies but i like game: counter strike source, half life, left 4 dead2, lollipop chainsaw
>religious beliefs
I've made my own religion called the religion of law of motion. i really fw it so that
>political beliefs
liberal? idk. i fw human rights, i don't fuck with baby rights, i like guns, but school shootings are like so sad,
>dating experience
men so far, big tiddy women wya
>looking for
im trying not to be a whore
>not looking for
discord bigwormmember
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
20 (soon turning 21) / M / NYC, USA


>open to long distance (y/n)?
Normally I would say no but maybe I should give long-distance a shot.

>physical description
Handsome face, medium length dark brown hair, brown eyes. Average/athletic build. I think I have pretty good proportions. I'm Caucasian (though I'm kinda ethnically ambiguous). My typical fashion is y2k, grunge, punk, and hipster.

>life situation
Currently in college

I like to create art and music, play videogames, read comics, watching different types of media, study languages, and travel the world.

>3 songs you like
Crystal Castles - Alice Practice
Circa Survive - Suitcase
The Smashing Pumpkins - The Everlasting Gaze

>3 movies you like
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Ichi The Killer

>religious beliefs
I was sorta raised to believe in animism

>political beliefs

>dating experience
It's been a few years since I last actually had a girlfriend. But I have been on many dates since then.

>looking for
A monogamous relationship with a lovely fat lady. I find a lot of big women to be really cute haha. I like any race and age (18+).

>not looking for
Anything else

>contact (discord)
also: if ur 28+ or want anything up ur butt u gotta pay up im fresh meat...
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
22 M Canada, Southern Ontario
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, depending on if there's a willingness for either of us to move after a while
>physical description
6'3", green eyes, brown hair, white, slightly chubby with lots of body hair
>life situation
Working part time and odd jobs, mostly focusing on working on myself at the moment
Retro vidya, collecting old books, cooking, gardening and antiquing.
>religious beliefs
>dating experience
I've had a few girlfriends over the years, never slept with any of them and never felt a deeper connection
>looking for
female friends with the possibility of dating in the future
>not looking for
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'9, dark long hair, Johnny Depp sorta facial hair, chubby
>life situation
Just moved to Maine from Illinois like 3 weeks ago, on day shift at a shipyard for hopefully only another week and then I'm transferring to 2nd shift
Movies, music, gaming, literature, manga, spooky shit
>3 songs you like
I listen to a little bit of everything but these are my top 3 right nowhttps://youtu.be/m4gdWucBelI?si=SggU3-NhxFw8OAKi
>3 movies you like
Top 3 as of this moment
And The Fisher King
>religious beliefs
I believe in a Christian God but I probably live more like an agnostic than a Christian
>political beliefs
>dating experience
Been single for a bit now but I've had a couple previous relationships
>looking for
Someone I mesh well with and see where it goes
>not looking for
Men, not interested
Megalomonkey on pisscord
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
pan i guess
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
scawny, long hair, 5'8" i think. people have told me i'm attractive
>life situation
loser neet trying to get a job
music, movies, vidya, basic boring 4chan stuff
>3 songs you like
ask me
>3 movies you like
ask me
>political beliefs
>dating experience
i've dated girls irl but none of them lasted very long or went well
>looking for
someone to care about me
>not looking for
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19/m/uk (midlands)
>open to long distance?
depends how long, probably not
>physical description
kinda tall, brown hair, in pretty good shape ig
>life situation
uni student
marital arts, cooking,
>3 songs you like
3d country - geese
flower - deerhoof
beautiful blue sky - ought
>3 movies you like
Synecdoche, New York
The Battle of Algiers
Lawrence of Arabia
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
1 ex bf
>looking for
someone around my age to date :]
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23/Male/USA - CST timezone

Straight Monogomy

>Open to long distance
Yes, but only with intent to move if things get serious.

>Physical description
5'10'', dark haired, dark eyed, fair skinned, stalky, somewhat muscular and overweight. I like to joke that some people are built like a brick house, but me personally I'm built like a brick.

>Life situation
Commuting back and forth between my apartment and the land while I build a cabin in the woods.

Philosophy, occult subject, astrology, video games, niche internet subcultures, psychology and mass psychology, anything else that has to do with the so-called "soft sciences", increasingly becoming interested in soil ecology as I get more familiar with the land.

>3 songs you like
Generic incelcore song
War of Attrition

>3 movies you like
Dr. Zhivago
Taxi Driver
Shrek 2

>Religious beliefs
Unorthodox Christian

>Political beliefs
Right wing, but open-minded. I do like arguing about politics, but only in good faith, and I try to avoid making it an issue with my apolitical friends.

>Dating experience
Talked to lots of girls, but never went further. Been rejected and ghosted, and have rejected and ghosted others.

>looking for
IDK if I'll find quite who I'm lookin' for here, but ideally I'm really hoping to find a girl who can manage to be soft, silly, and serious, each at their appropriate times. I like to talk about deep stuff, I have some romantic fantasies of my own - some hot and some sappy - and I've done a lot of work to make myself a good life partner for somebody, but I'm also kind of a goober, and a softie, and a chatter box, and I like to do a little teasing sometimes

Oh yeah, and I was planning on having kids some day, and I should be ready to support some in 2-3 years.

>Not looking for
Underage, biological men, over thirties, women with sexual histories longer than my contacts list, single mothers, those who have little to no overlapping interests, the incurious.
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Template (all questions optional):
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
24/M/Central US
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
tall ottermode blonde boy
>life situation
big linux guy
vidya, anime, weightlifting, backpacking, and guns!
>3 songs you like
cold - crossfade, when the sun hits - slowdive, move that junk - dagga
>3 movies you like
road house, end of eva, alien
>religious beliefs
dont care, but Christianity has nice values
>political beliefs
right leaning but idc
>dating experience
like 4 partners in the past
>looking for
pretty internet gremlin to build a life with
bonus points if you have a life outside of 4chan
>not looking for
obesity or trannys!!
Oral, mutual masturbation, titjobs, footjobs, thighjobs, femdom, role reversal, dark skin, business suits, cycling shorts, tracksuits, martial arts outfits
>Looking For
Video call lewd with masculine women {tomboys, muscular, amazon, fit, athletic, sporty, androgynous, etc.} (cis, trans, or nb) [any hair length or breast size]
>Not Looking For
Men (cis, trans, or nb)
Feminine women (cis, trans, or nb)
Under 26 years old
Roleplay or voice chat
Sellers or paywalls
Any other fetishes
Oh shit, I forgot my discord

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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
I'm an old man well into my 30s now. Midwest
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Y if briefly. I've tried the long distance wait forever to meet up, and I'll never do that again. It's not fair to either person.
>physical description
Above average height, kind of chubby but pretty strong with a good amount of cardio.
>life situation
my life situation is a mess but with some support I think I could pull things together. I'm currently in training for some things.
Anime, vidya like 99% of everyone here. Like to bike occasionally and try to exercise and read a few times a week.
>3 songs you like
depends on my mood.
>3 movies you like
Edge of tomorrow, everything everywhere all at once, great Gatsby or margin call
>religious beliefs
I don't know. I'd like to learn more about "pagan" beliefs
>political beliefs
I do not like communism.
>dating experience
had a few long term relationships. last one ended this year. Was together for some years. Really learned a lot about myself and how to treat someone and what I do and don't want.
>looking for
Maybe just a friend that's supportive and we can help motivate and inspire each other and keep each other company
>not looking for
the typical soc poster
Were you really going to contact me? I don't expect anything and mostly wanted to fill out the questions.
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Switch Fairskinned sickly looking Cuban 24 jet black hair , piercing green eyes. chubby (strong-fat) Male , Bi
someone I can talk with who won't use short replies and actually give indepth response.
someone who is willingly to spend time with me. watch movies , play games etc and have fun
and isn't emotionally or socially retarded and can be willing for me too reply at my own pace and understands I'm busy and have my own stuff to do
Don't be a morale fag
Someone who enjoys , zoology , anthropology or politics
someone I can play games with
And don't start fights with me for no apparent reason
also don't ghost me
I also have hypersexuality cravings so that is a big issue for me
don't be sex pest , incel or prison gay ffs
I'd also prefer if the person who added me is fine with someone who is needy and is okay with that person having multiple illnesses and having time for them
Doesn’t mind a bf with trauma issues and won’t cold shoulder me and mind coddling me
people with some level of time to just talk and do other things I might wanna do such as vc , play a game or watch a movie
is okay with trauma dumping since I have ptsd and will spill things out once and awhile since it becomes too much (dw I’ll hear your problems if you ever have any)
lazy one word replies (actually try being indepth with what you say)
(Also I like vcing)
one of my favorite writers is Yukio Mishima
I also have extremely severe ptsd and aspegers

Have some social and cultural awareness

please have finical stability on your end
oh and I also had ptsd and aspegers
people with some level of time to just talk and do other things I might wanna do such as vc , play a game or watch a movie

no pedos , bronies , lolis (it's just art kids can be objectified sexually in media) types in general
and esp no troons or lgbt cucks
Nobody below 23 Nobody above 30

Rememberthebrigade pin disc
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region) -
25 M Irvine (。・ω・。)

straight !!

>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes, i do love intimacy and physical affection so meeting up eventually is a must

>physical description
tattooed, ears pierced, fit build, long eyelashes, veiny hands, deep soothing voice, 6'0, dark brown hair, dress all black, love shopping for clothes

competitive/casual vidya games (i play for an esports team), buying & collecting anime figures, miku, online shopping, gym, anime, memes, sanrio, asian cuisine, music, languages (i speak 3 languages),

>3 songs you like
currents - monsters, demon hunter - collapsing, killswitch engage - this fire (anything metalcore desu)

>looking for - irl dating or long distance, trading, ppl to play vidyas with, nerdy/loser femcel gf is a plus, someone who i can find common interests with, i'm a rly lewd person so looking for someone w a high sex drive as well, voice calls, watching movies/shows, someone i could luv & call mine.

>not looking for
someone that'll waste my time, someone who isn't silly :3 good personal hygiene is a must, i am accepting of any weight, height, etc.

>dating experience
i've dated a lot irl and online, so i like to think i'm pretty mature when it comes about relationships

>28m Estonia
>open to long distance - no
>tall, fit, dark hair, green eyes
>alone, unemployed, reevaluating my life
>music and music making, cinema, nature and travelling
>Enjoy the silence, Came back haunted, Zeit
>Tenet, 2001 a space odyssey, Bronson
>non religious
>3 relationships, longest one lasting for 2 yrs
>friends, partner
>not looking for - ?
> https://t.me/fglvl
I am a male from Estonia.
Looking for: Either lonely females that want a relationship/friendship, or lonely males that want friendship.
No socials because I don't use any. If you're interested we will just have to meet up at a very public place and talk for hours, like in the old days. I'm tired of online shit. If we vibe, we can exchange contact info then and there.
Do you want a bi male video call fap; jerk bud?
«This person is so autistic it's like trying to talk to ChatGPT.»
>Looking For (Weeb)
Breast play, Oral, Sibling play, Mommy dom, Gentle femdom, Mutual fap, Voyeur, Exhibition, Trap, Wholesome, Caregiving, Big / chubby / thicc women, Kemono, Futa, etc.
>Not Looking For (Non Weeb)
Voice / Text only, Hairy men, Huge tits, Ass fetish, Loli, Rape, Ahegao, Shota, Bondage, Sex toys, NTR, Cheating, Group sex, Drugs, Piss, ABDL, Inflation, Blood, Shit, Pain, etc.
>Extra Space
(Please be caring, gentle, flirty, playful, loving, affectionate, etc.)
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
22/M/USA, California
>open to long distance (y/n)?
If the person is worth it yes
>physical description
skinnyish guy with lightskin and brown curly/wavy hair
>life situation
Currently in a job contract and will be in my current area for several years to come. We can talk more about it in a chatroom
I enjoy collecting vinyl/shellac records, playing video games, learning new things about anything history/geography related. I also wanna learn how to ride a motorcycle one day~
>3 songs you like
Route Around - Rebelution
Rock with you - Michael Jackson
Zenzense - Radwimps
>3 movies you like
A good day to die hard
Indiana Jones and the last crusade
The grand Budapest hotel
>religious beliefs
Muslim convert
>political beliefs
Moderate guy
>dating experience
I've had several LDR relationships and one where the person lived in the same city as me. I don't mind either but a LDR definitely requires more love and consideration put into it.
>looking for
Just be a decent person who can hold up a conversation and we'll get along better than most. Bonus points if you can make me laugh and I enjoy your company.
>not looking for
Racists, people with a lack of consideration for others, or excessive narrow mindedness. Anything else I'm sure we can talk about. :)
bulgarianyogurt is my disco tag
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes, deaf (I wear hearing aids and have the accent). I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for collectibles.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
18/f/usa ( georgia )
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5’2/3 tan-ish, dark brown hair, brown eyes, scars on my left arm and on both thighs
>life situation
living with my parents & finishing school
reading, music, piano, art, games sometimes, walks
>3 songs you like
baby - donnie & joe emerson, someone else - radio dept., camo’d up - negative xp
>3 movies you like
titanic, dirty dancing, childs play 2
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
not political
>dating experience
i’ve had maybe one or two serious relationships
>looking for
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
>life situation
>3 songs you like
>3 movies you like
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
>not looking for
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
>life situation
>3 songs you like
>3 movies you like
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
>not looking for
teensuiciyde < discord
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>wholesome fantasies
Going on a picnic during spring sharing a home baked apple pie from a three generation old recipe with lots of talking and snuggling.
A little bit more far-fetched is a cabin next to some fresh water, with snowy mountains in the distance and evergreens nearby.
Dogs and kids playing in the yard of a hand built cabin and a fruit and veggie garden.
>about yourself
I know a lot of people say it but family is very important to me. Since a little before covid I've been going over to my grandparents at the very minimum twice a week just checking up on them helping around the house.
Just last week I planted a modest garden for my grandfather that they haven't been able to have or maintain for some years. I find even the most minuscule or manual of things helping out to be extremely fulfilling and rewarding.
I'm often sarcastic and dry. I enjoy spending time on my hobbies with friends and while I might have outlooks and views on things that are severe or harsh honestly a I'm just a big softy.
I drink rarely sometimes months apart, never drugs and no mental illness.
I'm into nerdy hobbies tabletop gaming, 3D printing and firearms but not as much the last couple of years.
My job is fairly unique, you might not believe it at first although it's still pretty routine to me.
>Do you want/have kids?
Yes and I have no kids.
>looking for
Obviously someone interested in sharing my wholesome fantasies.
White female who is interested in a lifelong loving loyal supporting relationship building towards a family, or you know if you just want to go on that picnic.
You don't have to be bubbly but definitely not someone that's cold or distant, someone that is not just loving but is lovable.
Realistically also someone that like has never been divorced or has kids.
>not looking for
People who don't remember why they added me, non-monogamous, joining your server, severely mentally ill including racial self-loathing.
seriously bro your phone number?
>asl, sexuality
31/M/EU (central-south-east) looking for F (only bio, no T.!) obviously straight
>open to ldr
maybe but to a very limited extent until we meet irl
>physical description
58kg 170cm, white, skinny fit, short brown hair, attractive, people say I look much younger than I am, good physical condition, don't smoke, drink or do drugs
>life situation
have a job in IT, living with parents but am moving out soon, own more than 1 car and physical assets
playing guitar, singing, building, fixing (anything from electronics to cars),
music, politics, philosophy, survival, sustainability, health, physics, FLOSS software, technology, history (preservation), exploring abandoned places, nature
>3 songs you like
old pop, country, folk, rock, alternative, indie from the 60s-70s, some newer stuff (ask me, I could talk about music for ages, but I don't wanna music-dox myself in public)
>3 movies you like
maybe something by Kubrick, idk, I don't like watching movies
>religious beliefs
Christian (I was raised Catholic but I hate the path the church has taken so I'm like a lost soul but still with Christian morals and beliefs, the good ones, not the bad ones). I go to mass maybe once or twice a year.
>dating experience
had a 1-year long relationship at 25, not going into details, single before and after that, been on dating apps and online forever
>looking for
friend, S/O, soulmate, chatting, IRL meets, hanging out, doing stuff together, going places
>not looking for
gaming, watching movies or series, pointless chit chat (the previous three would be ok if we were in a relationship), angry, violent or masculine women, obese, cheaters, poly, non-monogamous
monk.xzy on discord, I also have matrix, ask or post yours
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
29/M/Latin America
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Latino, long-ish black hair, skinnyfit
Writing, martial arts, linguistics, horror movies & games
>3 songs you like
Beauty School - Deftones
Helicopter - Deerhunter
Skulls - Misfits
>3 movies you like
The Exorcist
Princess Mononoke
>religious beliefs
Agnostic, Buddhist leaning
>dating experience
>looking for
>not looking for
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
30/M/MI, USA
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Average, Bald but fantastic brown/red beard, 5'8, green eyes
>life situation
Working, I have a home, don't go out much
I play dnd and I go down rabbit holes in whatever my adhd brain decides sounds interesting, anime, vidya games,recently picked up reading again
>3 songs you like
Jumper - Third Eye Blind, The Rumbling - Sim, Sixcalibur - Angus McSix
>3 movies you like
Pandorum, Jurassic Park, Howl's Moving Castle
>religious beliefs
Was Catholic but now atheist
>dating experience
Had 5 long term relationships, from 5 months to 5 years
>looking for
Someone who's not afraid to speak their mind, someone who communicates coherently, someone who can enjoy mutual vibes
>not looking for
Overly negative people, I understand there's depression, but I'm tired of the nihilism. Masculine men
yur0nf13 for snap and kik
Sharkisonfire for discord
28/M/Canada, Québec
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Don't expect anything serious from me until we have met at least once
>physical description
Short brown hair, 6'1, green eyes, average build, glasses, white
>life situation
I'm on NEETbux, I cannot work, I live with my mother, I don't drive. You gotta be okay with all that. I'm a shut-in.
Whatever nerd stuff you can think of, I've at least heard of it, I'm into a lot of stuff, it's easier to just ask me
>religious beliefs
Atheist now but had christian upbringing
>political beliefs
Right-leaning, hates modern feminism
>dating experience
None IRL
>looking for
Females, younger than me, not too far away, willing to meet up. I'm fine with other neets and weirdos, in fact we'll have more in common.
>not looking for
Skipping the "friend stage", high body counts, uninteresting/uninterested time wasters, busy normies/asocials
discord: otomustam
I'm curious. Do these threads actually work? I wonder what the success rate of couples that meet here is...
I doubt anybody would even dare to research or keep track of anything here, except "glowies" and even those guys, probably not /soc/ ... maybe /b/ and /pol/
into ...
> fent
that better be a joke but if it's legit, then you won't be around for long which is sad.
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>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
6'5/196cm, jacked, broad build, White, dark brown hair, green eyes, high-tier normie face

>psychological description
ASD, but not obviously so, aloof, introverted, purposeful, calm, ambitious, patient, dedicated, shy, curious, and more

>life situation
bachelor's degree, now pursuing ambition that will hopefully enable me to earn money from the comfort of my home, strong reclusive tendencies

entrepreneurship, (evo)psych, bodybuilding, geopolitics, and many minor interests

>3 songs you like
Just Wait Till Next Year by John Maus
Caught In Time, So Far Away by You'll Never Get to Heaven
There Is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths

>religious beliefs
open agnostic atheist

>political beliefs
I'm a chud. Very right-wing, but not larpy.

>dating experience
one approx 1.5 year edating experience, and another edating experience that converted to irl, which also lasted 1.5 years

>looking for
White Chudette to pursue long-term relationship and family with

>not looking for
Troons, Personality Disorders, Schizophrenia, anyone unserious

discord: johnson464
Oh well, I guess it'll always be a mystery...
aawwwh why you gotta be european??
Gay (Bottom)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
170cm, 72kg, fit, latino, short hair.
>life situation
Student, near of the end
Games, mangas, animes, gym
>religious beliefs
>dating experience
A 3 year relationship
>looking for
Normal guy to chat and date
>not looking for
Fat/chubby. Woman. Monogamous. Queer. Bottoms
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> 31 M and 29 F
>USA, Oregon.
> Pansexual, ENM/Poly, dating together.
> No long distance pls.
> M: pale, like, to a vampiric degree. 5'11", 165, brown/hazel, broad shoulder, hair quite long, narrow hips, some tats, goth/alt look when not working.
> F: 5'5", 140, brown/blue, crooked nose from rough living, many tats, wide hips, goth/alt every day.
>Living together longterm and interested in dating a new partner together, with potential for cohabitation.
> Hobbies and interests include Roadtripping, camping, psychedelics, heavy metal, gardening/permaculture/self sufficiency.
>3 songs M: Skyhunter (Dethklok), Symphony of Destruction (Megadeth), Hammer Smashed Face (Cannibal Corpse)
>3 songs F: Vicarious (Tool), The Walls of Babylon (Symphony X), Born in Winter (Gojira)
>3 movies/ shows for both of us: Metalocalypse, South Park IASIP
>religious beliefs: Atheist/Autotheist.
>political beliefs: political systems are designed to decieve and divide. Political affiliations are just another box to put people in. stop compartmentalizing the world and let the humans just be humans.
>dating experience: Seasoned. Many lessons learned along the way.
>>looking for: Good friendship, support, someone with whom to talk shit and drink beer.
>>not looking for: Control issues, short tempers, jealousy, insecurity.

TiuVaske@ protonmail com
Is the one on the left an mtf?
No, sorry to disappoint you. There is only one Y chromosome in our house.
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>open to long distance
yeah sure if we have a reasonable drive between each other
>physical description
5'7, BR/GER mix, average build, dark brown hair and light brown eyes
>life situation
welder boy, working to get into a big company and just move out in my own place someday
art (music/drawing/video editing), hiking/camping, vidya, gym, anime
>3 songs you like
I listen to pretty much everything so Ill just pick recent favorites from my playlist.
Hotel Breakfast by Bladee, Feel The Blade by Liege Lord, Make U Sweat by Knock2, BONUS SONG Plum Island by Waterparks
>3 movies you like
I kinda barely watch movies but I really liked Freistatt, Blade Runner, Dude Wheres My Car
>religious beliefs
Catholic Latin Rite
>political beliefs
idk i just want to own guns and be left alone by the gov thats as far as my beliefs really go atm all the parties seem to be cringe
>dating experience
2 serious relationships. 1 short one after highschool and another one a few years after that. still a virgin if thats a plus for u
>looking for
preferably a sweet catholic girl that lives near me and wants a serious relationship. I don't think I'll find that here but I'm optimistic. Just want to be friends and eventually date and be serious with. I want to share my life with someone, share experiences, grow together, talk about random stuff for hours, help lift eachother up, be cute and playful with.
>not looking for
MALES, Troons, server, lewd, exhaustively clingy, mental issues (autism is fine), under 21, way too far away, fat/chubby, cumbrains, catfish, ghosts, one night texter
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22 / M / Germany (NRW)

>Long Distance?
preferrably not but if all other criteria are met it can be ignored

>Physical description
Skinny but not anorexic, short black hair, 187cm height

>life situation
im a poor neet at the moment and for a minor duration in case (too broke for catfish)

hiking, swimming, vidya, reading, cooking, weed, sleeping, meditation, sailing, history, geography

>Looking for
Biological women preferrably younger and shorter than me but thats no essential

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, males, Trannies,

hieronymus21 (discord)
hieronymus_21 (snapchat)
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26m, usa est
>open to long distance
chatting yeah if youre like not super far and theres a chance we could meet to see if we like each other irl
>life situation
im kinda on and off with somebody i wouldnt do dating apps rn but
work shitty jobs, want to get into tech, ok on money for now.
>3 songs
anything rob zombie, birds by death grips
buut i also really like a lot of game music, memecore, stuff like bladee 6arelyhuman etc and random youtube/soundcloud artists
>religious political
idk, im personally kind of an angery person regardless of anything like that
>looking for
my peoples, cuteness
>not looking for
idont give a shit add me if youre cute disc kleawrei
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
23 M NYS
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes but preferably in the states or leaf land
>physical description
6ft 235. I used to play sports so I’m bulky. If I diet I can go down to 220 if I get to eat right
>life situation
Live with brother because it’s cheaper than looking for a apartment, have my own car
Games(of course) sports like hockey, wrestling, but lately I’ve been looking back on old gaming magazines
>3 songs you like
Post profit- cancel culture, ADTR- right back at it again, akrells- round and round
>3 movies you like
Rush hour 2, major league, summerwars
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Moderate not progressive
>dating experience
2 irl relationships and 1 online relationships. (1 was cheated on, other were mutually agreed to leave each other)
>looking for
If you we have something in common cool :) I like girls that can be independent but likes company. I’m mainly a tomboy enjoyer but I grew to like girly girls. Overall if I genuinely like you I’ll show it by the stuff I’ll try to do for you.
>not looking for
Pls no nude sellers I’m genuinely trying to find someone and not just wack. I’m not the ones that hate on someone’s beliefs but no progressives or puritan types
Discord- Jarfdrzaly
19/M/mid west america
>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes but we gotta meet with in the first 2 years!
>physical description
short, long brown wavy hair, fit, green eyes
>life situation
i live with my parent, saving up money from my job for a car and college
>hobbies/interests anime, video games, sports, learning guitar and i workout.
>3 songs you like
Gone by Atreyu, Down with the sickness by Disturbed and Creep by Stone Temple Pilots
>3 movies you like
Joker 2019, Everything Everywhere All at Once anddd thats it cant think of a 3rd
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
A cute girl who likes to banter and is cool with zero limits jokes. Capable of comforting me if im feeling sad.

discord: Blank100k
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XXV, Dude, Europe
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Short curly brown hair, light brown eyes, clean-shaven cute face and a slim athletic body
>life situation
Working two shifts at once, studying on the weekends and renting out my first apartament
Slavic mythology, alternative medicine, firearms ownership
>3 songs you like
Les Degenerations, Sakkijarven Polkka, Ballada o Krzyzowcu
>3 movies you like
Apocalypse Now!, The Human Condition, Nausicaa
>religious beliefs
Fluctuating, seemingly Deist
>political beliefs
>dating experience
Three longer relationships, few shorter ones
>looking for
Someone to start a family with
>not looking for
Short-term flicks
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>physical description
5'9 120lbs picrel
WoW, working out, baking, being outdoors
stell__ (two underscores)
23, Transexual (post op if that matters), USA midwest. i'd b fine with ldr or traveling
> sexuality
Into guys. I was like asexual for 7 years
> long distance
> physical description
5'7.5, 130lbs but im trying to get back to 120, white, long dyed blonde hair, have some scars and metal in body, i corsetted very hard but have been lazy fo 1.5mo
> life situation
I work a genericish office job. I like it since it's easy. I live alone in an apartment. I don't have any irl friends, but have 2 very close online ones
> hobbies/interests
I'm pretty boring. I like cats, other animals, watching youtube videos, some media, cooking/eating, friendship, chess. I spent/spend a lot of time trying to learn abt bones and anatomy.
> songs
im not v into music. I like michael jackson, some acdc stuff
> movies
Waale, geat escape, br 2049
> religion
not religious
> politics
not very political
> dating experence
I'm a very shy/cringe person but am looking into dating. I was 100% asexual for like 7 years when was on cypro. I'm a khv and never dated before.
> looking for
A boyfriend, someone nice/sweet who i could be comfortable with and date/love. A close friend would be great too
> not looking for
quick sex stuff, ghosting
> contact
Discord: TabbyGarfield
do not bother, will unadd you if you do not message back instantly after adding
fyi: people don't always check their accounts constantly
20/M/USA Midwest
>describe yourself
piece of shit carpenter that goes to school part time kek. Funny in vc, sometimes funny in text. Chocolate milk junkie. have dating experience.
nerdy shit: vidya, reading, anime/manga, music (japanese music, opium, really gay alternative, and some metal), learning Japanese, sometimes drawing and writing.
>looking for
bio f or mtf; companionship to eventual relationship. similar humor (cumtown, curb enthusiasm, and shane gillis sums my humor up). open to ldr or moving; depends.
>not looking for
pity parties, extremists, clinginess, rigidness, and dudes; zowwy
still looking for someone to connect with
damn i just looked at this again and it looks like a parody. but as far as i can tell this is also where im actually at
forgot to add discord: sonishim
24/m/usa, ny rn, then va shortly, then WI for some months, the Va then NY again. Lotta moving.
Culinary student looking forward to traveling the world
>open to long distance
Its preferable for my current situation
5"9 white guy brown hair blue eyes, eyebrow scar, about 20lbs over weight sadly.
>life situation
Culinary student, traveling for school.
I build models from mecha anime. I read a lot of books and manga.
>3 songs you like
Proxy by the Tangent, Georgy Porgy by Toto, and Perfect World by Huey Lewis and the News.
>3 movies you like
Phantom if the Paradise, The Producers, and Ikiru
>religious beliefs
I wanna believr in the christian god but havent commited myself to faith.
>political beliefs
God i fucking hate the government
>dating experience
2 psycho abusive women, i shant ever speak of them but they did major brain damage to me
>looking for
A woman who enjoys talking with me.
>not looking for
Not a woman i guess
Discord jtchefman
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20/Bio Male/Virginia, US

Homoromantic bisexual (sexually attracted to both men and women, but only seeking male partners)

>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, at first. After a certain time, I want us to meet in-person, and maybe move in together at some point (hopefully you can come to me, because I don’t have the capability to move outside of my home).

>physical description
About 5’8”, short and stocky, pale skin, dirty blonde buzzcut (I had mid-length hair, but I got tired of failing to maintain it. I’m thinking about letting it grow out again though), scars on right side of head, high cheekbones, thick lips, grey eyes with dark circles, skinny-fat body (I want to exercise, but I can’t decide if I wanna bulk or cut).

>life situation
Not terrible, but not great either. I live with my dad, and I don’t have much autonomy. I’m working on getting my shit together, but it’s a long process.

I don’t really have hobbies, but I like plushies, music, nu-metal, Y2K culture, PS2 games, CDs, nature, country life, bugs and insects, the furry community.

>3 songs you like
Slipknot - Skin Ticket
Slipknot - New Abortion
Slipknot - Circle

>3 movies you like
Queen of the Damned (2002)
Spawn (1997)
Coraline (2009)

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs

>dating experience
Dating is hard when you’re gay in the countryside, hence why I’m here.

>looking for
Men who are dom tops, 20-24 (or around the same age as me), taller than me (preferred, but not a dealbreaker), furries, alternative, likes the same things, is located in my country (particularly in the eastern time zone).

>not looking for
Cat/dog owners (I hate cats and dogs), people outside the US, women, trans people, people who will ignore me after a day of talking.

Discord: mallmothman


What exactly is the ‘normal’ sexuality? Last time I checked, the options are heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality.
>open to long distance (y/n)?
No. Preferably from the south of England but UK is fine.
>physical description
5'3, White, Dark hair, green eyes, a little too skinny, incredibly average looking.
>life situation
Working a part time job while on my gap year.
I spend most of my free time reading classics or non fiction books about history, philosophy, sociology. I love to talk about these topics so I'm looking for someone who can engage with them.
I also enjoy, painting, baking, running, chess (I'm new), learning languages, both table top and video games.
>3 songs you like
Hotel california - Eagels
Electric avenue - Eddy Grant
Genesis - Grimes
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
I've been in one serious relationship.
>looking for
I'm looking for a man I can connect with on a conversational level before anything else. Im attracted to ambition, intelligence, confidence and open mindedness. (You don't have to be all these characteristics perfectly, but some drive to improve and grow is essential to me).
Physically I like men with dark hair, a little facial hair, lean. But I'm attracted to all diffrent kinds of people.
>not looking for
Porn addicts, NEETS, submissive men, 29+, fat men (I'm sorry ;__;).
I think you can figure that one by yourself, buddy
26, Male, East Coast
Yes, to get to know. Would like to meet over time though.
5'11/6', few extra pounds but very active and losing it, bronze hair color, hazel eyes, white (not a mutt), growing in a decent beard, wide jawline, glasses.
>life situation
Just left military, am changing jobs to go into Data Center work. Well paying, just a new field for me.
Baking, cooking, firearms, archery, anime, videogames, reading, working out, hiking
>3 songs
Grim Reaper: Rock you to Hell, Andrew W.K.: Party Party Party, Donots: Saccharine Smile
Tucker and Dale VS Evil, Who Killed Captain Alex, Scooby Doo on Zombie Island
Raised Catholic, finding a sort of faith again
"alt right" most likely, but it's not my personality.
Have had some women interested, but only one real relationship that lasted 2 years. Still a virgin.
>Looking for
White/Asian/Latina ACTUAL female, mid 20's preferably but nobody under 20 or over 30ish. Figure isn't a huge factor, just don't be obese, at least mildly attractive face. Wants a family. Likes animals, doesn't want to live in the city. Shares some hobbies, likes to hear guys ramble. Likes random gifts and snuggling.
>Not looking for
Black, troons, fags, overly sensitive leftists who make their ideology their personality, no adult-children who can't take care of themselves, major fatties, extremely underweight, 3 message ghosters, uninteresting people who don't communicate
Discord: Sploot5495 / Sploot#5945 depending on how discord wants to display it
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30ish, M, USA
G (I’m a bottom)
I’m a fairly masculine normal dude. Tall, white, good looking. Submissive in a relationship, thrive on direction. But no one would know I’m gay just from looking.
Writing, philosophy, music, cooking, hiking, health, fitness, changing the world for the better in my small way, prayer and faith (Christian but not religious or churchy)
>reading list
I like to write more than read
Dancing, concerts, edm, techno, house, bass, country, I like it all really
>Looking for
Top, masculine, monogamy, dating, preferably over 30, somewhere in the more dominant range, don’t care too much about money or jobs just care about connection and you being a leader. I like a protector while I’m more supportive
>Not looking for
Btm, feminine, tRns, hook ups, people who only want to chat or collect pictures

I get exactly what you’re implying, but the thing is, it’s bullshit. How exactly is heterosexuality “normal, while homosexuality is “degeneracy”? Homosexuality has surely been around since before the dumbass religion you believe in was started. Also, religion is man-made.
>I get exactly what you’re implying, but the thing is, it’s bullshit. How exactly is heterosexuality “normal, while homosexuality is “degeneracy”? Homosexuality has surely been around since before the dumbass religion you believe in was started. Also, religion is man-made.
Funny how homosexuality whilst existing for as long as humanity could write was also seen as degeneracy for as long as humanity could write
Don't believe me? Even Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism wrote of how faggots are possessed by a demon that makes them flamboyant and womanly in behaviour
Yeah so, that's not a good argument. The problem is that all cultures, even ones that you would probably call "gay" were extremely heteronormative. The Gay Spartans?
>Indeed, it strikes me that this vaunted battle-order would seem to argue some mistrust on their part who adopt it—a suspicion that their bosom friends, once separated from them, may forget to behave as brave men should. But the men of Lacedaemon, holding that "if a man but lay his hand upon the body and for lustful purpose, he shall thereby forfeit claim to what is beautiful and noble"
Hmm... No gay sex??!??!?!?
What about the Athenians?
>But how can we take precautions against the unnatural loves of either sex, from which innumerable evils have come upon individuals and cities? How shall we devise a remedy and way of escape out of so great a danger? -Plato, Laws
What about the general views of the Athenian hedonists?
>SOCRATES: But what if the itching is not confined to the head? Shall I pursue the question? And here, Callicles, I would have you consider how you would reply if consequences are pressed upon you, especially if in the last resort you are asked, whether the life of a catamite is not terrible, foul, miserable? Or would you venture to say, that they too are happy, if they only get enough of what they want?
>CALLICLES: Are you not ashamed, Socrates, of introducing such topics into the argument?
>Plato, Gorgias
What!? Even the hedonist Callicles is not willing to say that being the submissive partner in homosexuality is just as noble a pleasure as any other??!?!
Surely the gay myths—
>they appear to encourage unnatural love, as has been shown at Miletus, in Boeotia, and at Thurii. And the Cretans are said to have invented the tale of Zeus and Ganymede in order to justify their evil practices by the example of the God who was their lawgiver.
What about the quote from pic related- from Pausanias' speech in Symposium? It's misquoted, and not the views of Plato (1/2)
In the same way that Callicles' views are not Plato's in Gorgias. (Not to mention Pausanias is implied not-so-subtly to be on Aristophanes' side, who staunchly proposes that ONLY same-sex relations are good, and who wrote 'The Clouds' a comedy making fun of Socrates) Socrates takes the position of the one that implicitly denies homosexuality by being the first to speak positively about heterosexuality, and then decrying lustful non-procreative acts.
Anyway, that's enough of my Ted talk. Tumblr and redditoid opinions are not historical. Yes there was some degree of "homosexuality" but it was absolutely not normalized or seen as culturally normal in Ancient Greece or any other Ancient culture that I have studied. No I'm not going to spoon feed more facts, there are books for that.
The computer you're using to post this is man-made. So are you. Behaviors that are harmful to the survival of individuals and consequently our species as a whole, have also been around since we started evolving from multi-celled organisms floating in primordial soup. The genes that carried those bad behaviors died out. Somehow the LGBT genes keep surviving, even though they're harmful to survival, maybe it's kind of an autoimmune response that benefits the human species by making the less desireable genes remove themselves from the gene pool. It's a hard question really, but LGBT has always been seen as bad, outside of the LGBT groups themselves.
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Male 18 Greece
Bi but female leaning
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
I'm tall with long brown hair, big brown eyes and I'm also thin asf
>life situation
In college and living with my parents unfortunately
I like playing guitar, singing, drawing and gaming
>3 songs you like
Milk it by nirvana, can't stop by rhcp, can I play with madness by iron maiden
>3 movies you like
Star wars return of the jedi, El Camino, deadpool
>religious beliefs
Agnostic I guess
>political beliefs
>dating experience
I've only ever dated girls lmao
>looking for
Friends, gaming buddies or a partner maybe
>not looking for
Weird shit
Discord: bill1i1i
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
I'm okay with ldr, but an effort to meet eventually is something I'd need.
>physical description
6 foot, long brown hair, green eyes, average build
>life situation
Between Jobs, Doing well for myself
I'm into a lot of stuff; history, cars, motorcycles, video games, music, photography, probably more if you ask. It's hard to condense my entire self into a single post lol. I try to be as kind and judgement free as possible, and I think I'm pretty easy to get along with. I want to travel more outside of the US than I already have.
>3 songs you like
Eddie Johns - More Spell on You
La Caution - The a la menthe
George Clanton - Bleed
>3 movies you like
REC (2007)
Pulp Fiction
Halloween (1978)
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
I've been in a few relationships, last one was the longest and ended in a lot of pain for me
>looking for
Someone to talk to and see how things go. We don't need to be a 100% match on our interests, but being very passionate about the things you like is a huge plus! I'd like to vc and at some point meet if we get along well.
>not looking for
men, ghosts, assholes, someone constantly wanting to talk politics, server invites, porn, someone dependent on drugs
Discord: spacecowboy._._
Forgot to add, not looking for hookups of any kind. Long term only. No druggies or whores, or prexisting kids.
So what? Just another prehistoric idiot with an imaginary friend who didn't understand where rain came from or what caused diseases, who wrote another speculative opinion piece about a social behavior that made him feel insecure about himself.

I look nothing like that. Nice try though.

Not every gay man is a walking stereotype. I’ll admit that I’m not the most masculine man, but I don’t try to act like a woman, as if I’m a tranny. Either way, I’m still as tough and strong as straight men, so why does it matter?

My point is that religion isn’t needed for society to function properly. Since the beginning of time, religion has been used as a tool of oppression and authority. Religious people think they’re entitled to being treated better than others, all because they let themselves be brainwashed into believing a bunch of stupid bullshit. I wouldn’t have a problem with religion if religious people could learn to be civil. If I went to the Middle East, those retarded ragheads would either behead me or throw me off a building. Fuck ‘em.

Based take.
>My point is that religion isn’t needed for society to function properly. Since the beginning of time, religion has been used as a tool of oppression and authority.
If it's been present since the beginning of time, you don't have enough data to come to the conclusion in your first sentence.
Religion isn't one homogenous thing. There are lots of very different religions, with different subgroups and people that believe in them. While I'd agree that it has been used as a tool of opression in the past, I can't say there's enough data to come to the conclusion that it has only ever been that, or that it has been like that since the beginning. Organized religion, with ceremonies that require its members to think and act a certain way, are certainly more oppressive than religions that teach a set of morals and guidelines and leave it to the followers to act upon them themselves. They can even be under the same major religion, like Christianity, as different sects within it.

Data isn’t exactly necessary when you’ve seen these things happen with your own eyes.

Christianity says to “love thy neighbor”, but most Christians completely ignore that. If you’re gay, Christians have no hospitality for you at all.
In le science, we call that an "anecdote," and it rarely passes for data. Unless, of course, you are a religious fundamentalist.
Not my experience. Even in the American south, baptists are okay with gays as long as they're "repentant." You can equate that to hate if you want to, but the fact of the matter is, they don't hate you they're just disappointed. Hate comes in when it does for you- namely, when politics enters the equation. But you don't see your hate and intolerance as anything but justified; in science, this is bias.

>Even in the American south, baptists are okay with gays as long as they're "repentant."

You say that like it’s a good thing, but it’s really not. Gay people do not choose to be gay, and we shouldn’t have to comply to beliefs that we want nothing to do with. We’re so fucking tired of having religion shoved down our throats almost every day, and then the “Christian love” goes out the window when we don’t comply. Religion is a facade designed solely for keeping people in-check.
You might not choose it, but the man who molested you when you were a child did, you were just molded by the trauma after. Gays were disproportionately raped as children because of the way you guys spread, through touching kids. So no matter what, choice is a factor.
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Gay people seeing the “gay people were molested as kids” myth for the millionth time:
26 M western eu (benelux area)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Temporarily. I don't date people before i know them well.
>physical description
Long slightly wavy brown hair, greyblue eyes. Couch potato physique, but muscles underneath since i started doing 10 reps between every aram match on my bench press. Broad shoulders, and 192 cm.
>life situation
Failure. Live in parents second house. Dropped out of science major during covid. Studying CS but terrible student and unmotivated. Wont even get a masters and might drop out of my bachelor. I have nothing to live for and got every chance. My family is rich. My parents own 2 houses and my mom is inhereting 1/3d of a multi million appartment. Im living for free in a fairly small house in the city
I play arams with the same 50 people that are at my skill level. Elden ring, and a game called kenshi. I can locate every country in the world on a map. Traveled to 42 of them before reaching the age of 18 but have barely traveled since starting university.
>3 songs you like
- Entire jesus christ superstar 1972 london recording..
- valse sentimentale (Tchaivkovsky)
- britney spears lmao
>3 movies you like
- The tourist
- spirited away
- hoodwinked
>religious beliefs
Atheist, hate islam. Respect christianity and eastern spirituality. Obsessed with religious representations of masculinity and femininity and the logic between how the two interact.
>political beliefs
Went from left to center. Now im radicalized right wing. Pro free speech. Transphohic.
>dating experience
1 relationship when i was 16. Lasted 6 months never had sex.
Only sexual experience is hand play can't elaborate since it was pretty taboo. Went on for 3 years but ended it when i was 16 and got my first gf.
>looking for
A reason to live. Someone or something to live for. Children. Passing my genes. Mattering to someone.
I'm a catch right? I doubt anyone is interested. But if you reply i can set up socials .
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Finally, I have a use for this picture…
Oh boy. This again.
Let me explain it for a reddit simpleton: Your ethical system is not what determines good or evil. What, pray tell, makes a good thing good? You will not be able to answer, because this is not a solved problem in philosophy.
Christopher Hitchens makes a mistake here by assuming that a Christian believes goodness comes from religion. Religion is closer to the ethical framework that approaches good, the same way that you might believe in something like the Libertarian Non-Aggression Principle as a means of approaching a "greatest good." A Christian is not saying goodness is not possible without his religion.

Morality does not come from Humanism, and is not stolen by religion. The problem here is now that one must explain what makes a "humanistic" choice good. Is it good because more pleasure, or less suffering? What makes either of those two good, and how might one determine it? You do not realize your own hypocrisy.

If you want to explore this idea without vacuous "fb.com atheism wallpapers," read the book Euthyphro by Plato, one of the oldest texts on this specific problem: https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/1642
I’m intrigued, drop some details if you feel comfortable sharing.

Religious people always imply that religion is the only true way to be a good person. They say that anyone who isn’t religious will suffer for eternity, and that religion is the only way to be considered worthy. As a matter of fact, most Christians are awful fucking people, which is exactly why they’re hated.
>Long distance never works imo, though 500km is a day trip to me
>6'4, bit of a stringbean but my legs are built for loooooooong walks, 7.5 face
>Right now I'm finishing up a diploma and sorting out some serious bs, looking for someone to keep my spirits from falling with the weather. I have a song finished and would love a proper muse to keep me focused on it long enough to record.
>I like driving fast, playing Quake (I dream of a lass who will sit on my lap and duel me), and shitposting on the hotel wifi.
>Songs: L'Entité by First Fragment, Heather by Billy Cobham, Krush by Hive.
>I do not care for movies, but stuff like The Matrix, Human Traffic and Samurai Champloo is aite.
>I am an agnostic who believes that divinity exists outside our comprehension.
>My politics are No.
>I have not had a proper date in like 5 yrs, she wanted a kid within a week and I was like "nah, this country sucks". Still feel that way. Lotta forgettable shit since, recently found someone who left the country before I felt like we had enough momentum to really open up.
>Looking for someone inspiring, who is realistic but always hopeful, humble yet knows their worth.
>Not looking for a ho.
>Contact: cradilycheerleader@gmail.com
>Religious people always imply that religion is the only true way to be a good person.
>Religious person thinks religion is a guideline for good behavior.
>Thus a religious person believes good behavior can be most accurately practiced through religion.
>But the thing that makes the person good is good behavior.
Do you think that good behavior is the only way to be a good person? I would venture to say you agree, but that you disagree on the particulars of "good behavior," that depending on your own subjective morals. Your religion (guideline for good behavior) is an ethical system, such as "do what thou wilt," or, "love is love," "trust the science," or "trans rights are human rights," &c. These are all statements that have no objective moral value.
>As a matter of fact, most Christians are awful fucking people, which is exactly why they’re hated.
This is also a value judgement based on your subjective morals, which is fine. Then this is concluded and we can stop derailing this poor thread at the "You think they're evil because you have different subjective beliefs" and vice versa. And I'm not deriding your view, it's an absolutely normal view, in fact. It's what everyone thinks.
I have seen far more atrocities committed by atheists and communists, and socialists and authoritarians,
than has been committed by ethical religious believers.
please wear socks next time you take a selfie like this
Actually not fucking true lmfao, how many holy wars have there been throughout history?
the amount of people killed historically in holy religious wars,
is less than 1% to 10% of the people that have been killed
by atheistic socialist and communist political policies
that total between 500 million and two billion
including policies that have resulted in mass starvation, famines, such as those of the USSR and Russia
and national abortion plans/laws, such as the one child policy of communist china.
also holy wars are committed by authoritarians
no Ethical Religious Believers have ever started a holy war,
no Ethical Religious Believers have ever murdered non believers
Ethical Religious Believers convert people to their religion through peaceful means
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19/M/MX Peninsula
Bisexual (Prefer women)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'5, dark brown wavy hair (short rn), light skin and cute face, can share pics
>life situation
Working part-time till I get into college
Novels, music, TV series, gym and some gaming (WoW)
Very passionate about music
>3 songs you like
I'll just do some recent ones I found
ALEXSUCKS - Whatever I Want, Kaz Moon - Regressa, Oliver Malcolm - Looks
>3 movies you like
Shaun of the Dead, Scary Movie 3, Kingdom of Heaven
>religious beliefs
Agnostic, don't mind other people's beliefs
>political beliefs
Got my own views, but I don't care to share them
>dating experience
I've had a few relationships, and I'd like to try something different
>looking for
18+ F, someone who really likes to yap, cause I really like to listen, considers themselves to be a mature/open minded person, and is able to share their interests with me
>not looking for
mrarara0399 (Throwaway)

26/Male/VA, USA


Straight (maybe a little bicurious)

>open to long distance

Yes, at first anyway

>physical description

Average White American with a stocky build


I enjoy gaming, traveling, and learning about random fun facts such as history

>religious beliefs

Not really religious but nominally Christian

>dating experience

None as I was more focused on school, work, and other life issues

>looking for

Someone I can have conversations with and connect with on an emotional and personal level.

>not looking for

Scammers, clingy ass people, and dudes (unless you're more feminine than a normal woman)

Discord: enenra6407
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>open to long distance?
only within europe. both because of the time difference and because i do want to meet up sooner rather than later

>physical description
5'8, long brown wavy hair and brown eyes. i also have facial hair and wear glasses. i've been likened to d'artagnan, harry dubois, jesus christ, and 'a pirate'.
i'll want to exchange face pics within a week or two

>life situation
i'm a neet, currently doing my best to make use of my free time. it's been a struggle but i'm just starting to get somewhere
as for work and such, i'm not going to have my life together for the next few years

i'm going to be intentionally vague so that we can actually talk about this
i quite like music, i'd like to get into crafts more, i play video games sometimes, and i have some irl hobbies too

>3 songs you like
let's do a thing where we take turns sending songs to each other

>3 movies you like
i'm honestly not enough of a movie person to answer this

>religious beliefs
my beliefs are inconsistent and fluctuate a lot -- mostly i'm just pretty superstitious

>political beliefs
i go on angry rants sometimes but i could never have an actual coherent ideology or whatever

>dating experience
one really long relationship and a few little flings

>looking for
a girlfriend to do stuff with -- talk every day, voice chat from time to time, maybe watch a movie or play a game. we can talk about what we'll do when we meet up. i'll like you if you're affectionate and a bit of a homebody

>not looking for
i really can't stand emotional unavailability. i get pretty aloof myself when i'm feeling bad, that's fine, i just mean the sort where you go completely quiet whenever you're feeling depressed

I live in Maryland, is that close enough?

also, is your contact Discord or Kik? neither showed up.
>open to long distance (y/n)?
only if is on my country i guess
>physical description
i'm not good at describing myself, i guess i'm just skinny, altough i guess i can describe some behaviours that i have... i define myself as a hopeless romantic, i'm clingy, i fall in love very easy... nerdy, a little bit autistic
>life situation
it's fine, i'm on my last semester on college
videogames mostly, music, i like collecting some physical media (videogames, music albums, manga, etc)
>3 songs you like
David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes
Joy Division - Disorder
Nine Inch Nails - La Mer
>3 movies you like
Evil Dead
Star Wars Episode 4
Blade Runner 2049
>religious beliefs
christian i guess, but i do respect other religions
>political beliefs
politics are so fucking cringe lmao
>dating experience
had a couple of relationships, 5, mostly they were long-distance ones
>looking for
someone from my country i guess to play videogames and watch a show, movies or anything, i just want to be loved and love back, been feeling really lonely this couple of years, more with the fact that i've been isolating myself and the little social interaction that i have is slowly killing me.
somebody to play fighting games would be cool...
>not looking for
idk, 30+ i guess
disc: vriska48

Bump. :c would love to find someone to settle down with.
Posting this for anyone that needs to hear it.

There are no women here anymore.
>But I've spoken to one
You haven't. Literally every female on /soc/ is a tranny. Every single one. You need to turn off 4chan and go outside. If you actually want to date a femoid in 2024, you're only going to find them in a few places :

- college campus (good luck)
- Bumble (these women are neurotic and picky just like any other female, and drowning with options, but they are actually women)
- co-ed classes (yoga, pottery, etc)
- work (don't do it unless you're in separate departments)

Don't approach women at the gym
Don't approach women at bars
Don't approach women on public transportation
Don't approach women jogging

They have inflated self-worth and importance and will love to escalate a situation into EW OHMIGOD I CAN'T EVEN posts onto Instagram about how chudcel came up and talked to them unsolicited. You are not Johnny Footballhero or Chad Thundercock. A cold open is not going to be it for you. You're going to have to find common ground and a reason to talk to them and then pivot into a date.

Good luck lads
Nah, I've been with one... But sadly she lived up to many of the memes about women on 4chan, and almost none of the good parts.

I still come here every now and then but have always just left after seeing the shit show since the ad I posted to meet 'her'.

The good ones are lurkers only
you mean running after women who are out jogging won't get me laid?
but i can show them how fast i am!
M 31 Midweast
Just wanna yap to women is all. I can tell you about anything you wish I am a fountain of knowledge.

people really think they will get a good lasting relationship on 4chan ahahahahhaha
36/Male/East coast USA
Exclusively heterosexual
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Sure but only temporarily
>physical description
6'5, 210lbs, very long brown hair, glasses, pale, rugged/gruff appearance, unreasonably hung
>life situation
Live on my own in a house that I rent
Lifting, running, rock climbing, music/music production, photography, vidya, tech, etc
>5 songs you like
Generally speaking I like heavy and/or funky music, but I like a lot more.
>3 movies you like
Blade runner, fight club, pulp fiction. I'm not a film buff though, I don't watch much at all.
>religious beliefs
I suppose I'm agnostic on paper. I don't believe in god, but I accept that I simply do not know if one exists. I believe organized abrahamic religion is a blight upon the world. On an individual level I don't care at all if people believe and am capable of coexisting with them just fine. But I recognize that the institutions and people behind religion cause great harm on the world
>political beliefs
Most people would call me liberal, but most liberals would probably hate me since I, for example, think trannies are mentally ill. I don't buy into extremist politics of either side though. /pol/ is fucking retarded and people that cry about "woke" shit are mentally stunted
>dating experience
I've been in a couple long term relationships and a bunch of shorter term ones.
>looking for
Someone that will love me
>not looking for
Men, trannies, autists lacking in self awareness
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24/M/Canada, straight
>A bit about yourself and situation
Reserved, typically level headed and easy to get along with. People tell me I'm supportive and a good confidant. Full time employed
>Open to ldr?
>Willing to relocate?
Within Canada and US, not sure about a Europe move
>Religious and political beliefs
Catholic, conservative
>Physical description
220 lbs, Asian, black hair, brown eyes, built, 180 cm
>Current occupation/schooling
Employed full time, bachelor's, two majors
>Hobbies and interests
Cooking, fitness, history, homesteading (learning about it), experienced with it
>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids. I don't have any
>Life goals
Good career, family, kids, nice property

>Looking for
Women, 19-30. Ideally on the same page as me when it comes to beliefs and values. Goal oriented and a rough plan for the future. Having the exact same interests isn't that important
>Not your type/dealbreakers
Liberals, not wanting kids, not open to religion or religious

Anything else in the post format, just ask when you add me :)

>Contact info
20/M/EU (country when I am contacted)


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
183cm, average gym goer build, brownish blonde hair, blue eyes, nothing too distinct or out of the norm ig

>life situation
Not broke, not rich, happy individual

Plants and animals, nature hikes/walks, fragrances, spirituality, video games, appreciation of arts and music, random little things in life :)

>3 songs you like
Family Business - Kanye
Sextape - deftones
Us against the world - Strandz, digga d

>3 movies you like:
Lion king
Life of pi
Truman show

>religious beliefs
If interested, I can go into details privately. Call it a "custom religion".

>political beliefs
As long as I can seperate myself from the general population if things get bad, then I'm not really all too bothered by politics. I'm largely unaffected

>dating experience
2 or 3 short term unofficial relationships, broken off simply because we didn't click

>looking for
Someone who is active, available, isn't put off by my peace and tranquility (didn't think this would be a problem but people get annoyed by it apparently), someone who can sit down with a tea or coffee and just breathe and be present

>not looking for
Someone who doesn't put in any effort, someone who doesn't play video games (PC) especially if it's to be long distance. Texting/talking without any active interaction doesn't do much for me, someone who doesn't work out </3

discord - pylongrid
other socials if we click

This is me, my id is just different for some reason. I'm curious what kind of person you are. Send me a mail if you're still interested
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30/M/ US Denver Area
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6ft 2inches, thin, Dirty Blonde hair, Green Eyes, Office Casual, skinny jeans, Vans etc.
>life situation
Pretty solid career at one of the largest technology companies. I recently ended a 5 year relationship and engagement and it's been really rough on me. I just got back from traveling to Japan, Phillipines, and Vietnam and want to continue traveling.
Traveling domestic and international, Counter Strike and Wow Classic, Car Modification and Racing, Hiking, Music, Stargazing, and Drinking occasionally.
>3 songs you like
Death Cab For Cutie - Soul Meets Body, La Dispute - King Park, Dance Gavin Dance - Blue Dream
>3 movies you like
Not a big movie person
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Center Right
>dating experience
A few long term relationships
>looking for
Someone looking for something meaningful to do Cheesy romantic things with, travel buddy, someone looking for long term that has similar interests.
>Pic related
my joy and happiness at the moment.
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18, male, eastern canada
bisexual, more comfortable talking with guys but i like women too. bottom.
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
somewhere between 5'9 and 5'10 in height, white, pale, blue eyes, eyebags, long curly brown hair, and slightly chubby but nowhere near obese.
>life situation
still in school. live with my mother. autistic and bipolar, unmedicated.
i play the guitar, write, produce music, draw (badly), somewhat interested in history but im not autistic about it, anime, vidya, cartoons, music in general, animation, and other things.
>3 songs you like
its really hard to pick three songs, but some of my favorite albums are: hi, how are you by daniel johnston, drainland by michael gira, fabulous muscles by xiu xiu, sunfish holy breakfast by guided by voices, the power of pussy by bongwater, it's only right and natural by the frogs, 20 jazz funk greats by throbbing gristle, etc.
>3 movies you like
once again, i wanna list more than 3 so i will. the texas chainsaw, taxi driver, kill bill, hellraiser, the end of evangelion, forrest gump, night of the living dead, tokyo gore police, rambo (first blood), the shining, the saw franchise, the evil dead, hostel, etc
nge, made in abyss, love chuunibyo and other delusions, umaru-chan, oyasumi punpun, anything junji ito, elfen lied, perfect blue, jojos, watamote, death note, etc.
>religious beliefs
non-denominational christian
>political beliefs
left, i guess, but i don't really follow politics.
>dating experience
3 relationships, 1 irl, 2 online..
>looking for
guys or girls. preferably dominant and willing to degrade me (with good aftercare). people with similar interests. im very okay with erp and horny stuff, but im not sending you pictures unless ive known for at least a few months.
>not looking for
anyone over the age of 22, mean people, political extremists

pls don't be mean (unless its in a hot way)
18 f
just lf someone to talk to
would prefer a guy but girls are ok
if u wanna vc that would be great

dc is infirmaries.
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
25M straight FL (305)


>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes, only if planning to meet

>physical description
mixed race (European, Caribbean, Asian) tall/fit 6'0, 169lbs, uncut
5/10 looks desu

>life situation
homeowner/full time job/college degree moving ahead and looking to find life partner

Reading, gaming, movies, hiking, travel, guns, cars, comedy, eating good, cigars, fine arts, history/politics, architecture, economics, working out, music, fashion, church, cosplay, anime cons, and more!

>3 songs you like
Trouble by Elvis Presley
Requiem by Amadeus Mozart
Buried Alive by Avenged Sevenfold

>3 movies you like
SW Revenge of the Sith
Dr. Strangelove

>religious beliefs
Orthodox Christian

>political beliefs
Right wing

>dating experience
3 relationships, 2 flings

>looking for
bio F to ideally marry or sub slave to keep in my basement (i do not have a basement)
ideally we can share hobbies/interests too

>not looking
ghosters, low efforters, dishonests, forever chatting with no plans to meet

disc snap tele elsass_bastard
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>24/m/michigan usa
>open to long distance if american
>above average height, shaved beard, buzz cut, scotch irish
>music, retro video games, literature, film, transformers
>Autechre - Pen Expers, Five for Fighting - Love Can't Change the Weather, Lullaby for the Working Class - Ghosts
>Synedoche New York, It's Such a Beautiful Day, End of Evangelion
>long-term comfy relationship, gf
>discord: Jumblebee5
Also preferably no trannies. Thank you.
i cant add u but i would love to vc

my tag is beautyfoundindisarray
22, Male, US/Colorado
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, but not for a long time.
>physical description
5'9", 145 lbs, very average build. Blue eyes, blond hair, beard length subject to change.
>life situation
Rooming with a close friend, working as an engineer, and volunteering in youth ministry at my church. Looking to follow God's plan and develop my life by doing more than just working.
Christianity, Touhou, collecting music, Magic: the Gathering, playing guitar, composing music, worldbuilding/homebrew campaigns, geology/very amateur rockhounding, having long in-depth conversations regarding religion and philosophy and science, chemistry, video games with friends, some anime & manga, hiking & camping.
>3 songs you like
Impossible to narrow this down to 3 songs, but some of my favorite arists are LOWROAR, Ichiko Aoba, Stack, Shibayan, Sturgill Simpson, Kevin Penkin, and Sleepmakeswaves.
>3 movies you like
First 3 to come to mind are Castle in the Sky, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the Grand Budapest Hotel.
>religious beliefs
Christian. I attend a nondenominational church, but I'm learning about a fair bit of other theology and traditions.
>political beliefs
I avoid the news and political stuff these days—shifting from strongly conservative/traditional to focusing on the Kingdom of God.
>dating experience
Dated a couple girls for a couple months each but never got to anything serious.
>looking for
Christian woman, the closer to my age the better. Shared interests are a huge plus. I want to go for drives and share our favorite music, go for evening walks and talk about everything, have fun watching shows and playing games, go hiking and camping, and eventually get married and have kids. Someone to pray with.
>not looking for
Anything short term or sexual before marriage, someone who can't hold a conversation or isn't willing to spend time together. Honest communication is very necessary.
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31/M/South Spain


>Open to long distance?

>Physical description
Tall (191cm) , getting fit(somewhat muscled but I need to bench more)

>Life situation
I work and study and soon I will only have to work, I have time to spare yet I'm giving my all to get change career and get into the job that I love.

>About me
Worker who is about to change into a better career

>religious beliefs:
I was raised within a catholic culture but I do not care much about religion

>political beliefs:
I just wanna grill

History, gym, movies , hyking, coding, literature, vidya(Mostly rps/arpgs) and some tabletop stuff

>Looking for:
Someone that wants to talk, learn about each other, spend time together. With ambitions and with the idea of improving herself even if it takes time.

>not looking for:
Spam or people that ghosts
Contact info:

>open to long distance (y/n)?
Not really, I'd prefer if you were within 3-4 hours of Philadelphia (I don't live in the city, just for reference)
>physical description
5'8" (wop genetics, fuhgettaboutit) chubby, long hair, glasses, beard, not sure what you expect
>life situation
Decent paying machinist job, I have my own apartment and am saving for a house
Hiking, birdwatching, some anime, some vidya, /mu/, /o/, /x/
>3 songs you like
I'm just gonna do artists I like: The Cure, Townes Van Zandt, Beat Happening
>3 movies you like
Anything by Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Richard Linklater
>religious beliefs
Agnostic but Christian-leaning
>political beliefs
Mostly apolitical, but conservative leaning in my beliefs
>dating experience
Handful of short-term relationships, one longer term that lasted about a year, mosty longer distance
>looking for
A biological female, age 24-32, who is kind, caring empathetic. Someone who will compliment my own skillset and will strive for growth in themselves and their partner. Someone who is open and honest and I can reciprocate with. Common interests are just that, common, and I'm looking for something deeper than having similar music taste. I have my own mental illness under control and have my shit somewhat together, ideally so should you.
>not looking for
Hard drug use (weed=okay, mental illness, trauma dumps, flakes
discord: marvinheemeyerdidnothingwrong
This is a dating server
I needed to hear this thank you anon. I give up on chasing women and will now be leaving to join a monastery
hecc these garden instuments
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>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5ft10, slender build, I have deep brown eyes and dark long hair.
>life situation
Terminally online mentally ill neet
video games, reading, writing, tabletop rpgs, board games, anything horror, magic the gathering.
>3 songs you like
Alizée - Moi... Lolita
M.O.O.N. - Dust
Grover Washington Jr, - Just the Two of Us
>3 movies you like
The Raid: Redemption
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
I like talking about politics and economy and philosophy but I hardly hold any belief in a system. I guess authoritarian meritocracy?
>dating experience
had a gf before for about 3-4 years.
>looking for
just people to talk to and be friends with. The days are long and boring. Having someone to talk with would help
>not looking for
ghosters, sellers, those who cant hold a conversation.
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never done one of these before but interested in seeing where it goes

>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
26/m/georgia, usa
>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes but eventually closing the gap
>physical description
6'0, tan, average with a bit of muscle
>life situation
recently quit my job but looking for something else. trying to get myself more financially stable. also trying to find some happiness. trying to save up for a house
video games, photography, film, music, traveling
>3 songs you like
way too many to count. i like too many
>3 movies you like
blade runner 2049
wilfred (not a movie, but favorite show of all time)
>religious beliefs
not religious, don't really care for it
>political beliefs
i don't really think about politics too much. if i had to say though i don't really trust politicians and think we're all being led into very concerning times
>dating experience
only had one girlfriend before that was long distance and met a few times
>looking for
people around my age, someone thats goal oriented, somewhat educated/career driven. maybe someone in similar circumstances so we can both build together
>not looking for
people with no intentions of ever taking things seriously i guess. just a pet peeve of mine, i've dealt with it a ton before. people outside the USA, I just can't deal with that
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28/m/north cali (gonna be moving to anywhere else pretty soon)
straight (no gays or trannies pls)
>open to long distance
y, but only with understanding we'll close the gap asap
>physical description
tall, white, brown hair, brownish amberish eyes
>life situation
stable, full-time remote work with a reasonable income
programming and gamedev are what i spend the majority of my time on, many more interests but they've taken a back seat atm. like learning about other's interests.
>3 songs you like
no particular order:
bonus #relatable song: https://billwurtz.com/i-hate-myself.mp4
>religious beliefs
hermetism (yes, unironically)
>political beliefs
like if pat buchanan, alexander hamilton, and ted kaczynski had a baby
>dating experience
one two-ish year relationship with a girl. i broke up with her 8 years ago, been voluntarily celibate since
>looking for
a girl to be friends with, with an eye towards dating, bonus points if you'll autistically talk about your interests
>not looking for
anyone younger than 22
people who identify as progressive
people whose only hobby are watching movies
discord: toy.food
respond if you'd rather do a throwaway email or something
25/mtf/dmv area
>long distance
no, not really
>physical desc
169cm 68kg pale redhead. i pass (and am willing to prove it once we have talked enough) and have been told i am decently cute. i don't have as many freckles as i used to :(
>life situation
employed and suffering through apartment living. dunno what else to put here really
i read novels. that's about it. i am a major homebody
>3 songs
>3 movies
i will go with genres since that's more indictive of my tastes: spy movies, heist movies, and horror movies (though i can't watch them alone)
>religious beliefs
esoteric. functionally atheist
>political beliefs
other. i like to think i'm pretty sane and have common-sense takes, but people on both sides of the aisle tend to hate me, so
>dating experience
uhhhh, not great? or else i wouldn't be here lol? unless you mean how many previous partners i've had, in which case, i have had enough to know what i'm looking for but not enough to have actually found it yet
long-term partner. someone with 250mi of the white house. please don't add me if you're not, unless you are willing and able to travel regularly (think twice+/month)
please be nice, funny(!!) or at least fun to talk to, take good care of your health, have a stable career or career prospects (or the equivalent), at least one hobby of some kind. i'm kind of an autist so you should be aware of and okay with that. any gender is fine, but i have kind of weirdly specific tastes, depending. so be aware of that
mean people (playful bullying notwithstanding), people who get overly sexual, people who aren't interested in long-term relationships/who want casual relationships, political or religious extremists, people who are overly into drugs (i don't care if you just like smoke or drop acid or something, but i won't join you)
discord: idk.uhh
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24 / M / Germany (south)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
At most for a few months
>physical description
190, 68, lanky. Blue eyes. Dark blond/light brown hair, medium length, often messy. Stubble because I can't be bothered to shave.
>life situation
In the process of finishing med school. Planning to start residency in pediatrics towards the end of the year.
Electronics, tinkering. Computers, FOSS, vidya. Music (guitar and bass). medium-term interests I will probably abandon at some point: learning Russian, cars.
>3 songs you like
Wouldn't say they're my favorites, just some of what I'm listening to currently:
Кopoткaя люнoвь - Я пpoклят
The Sugarcubes - Coldsweat
Blondie - Union City Blue
>3 movies you like
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Office Space
>religious beliefs
I'm not a spiritual person and disagree with organized religion. I especially think religion shouldn't be pushed onto children. I agree with most of christian morality.
>political beliefs
I don't think political beliefs matter to a relationship, especially since I'm not very vocal about mine, as a feel as though I don't have the power to cause political change.
If you do care to know, I'm left-wing economically, mixed on social issues (mostly progressive, but I dislike identity politics and view mass immigration as a way to supress the working class), and anti-authoritarian.
>dating experience
drunkenly made out with a girl when I was 17, which we tried and failed to turn into a relationship for a couple of weeks. Nothing since then.
>looking for
girl <30 to date, marry, have kids, and spend the rest of my life with. Someone who can manage my introversion and awkwardness (especially pronounced over text)
Open to FtM if you would detrans (i.e. misled tomboy)
>not looking for
M, MtF. Fat. Tatoos, piercings, makeup. BPD. History of casual sex. Junkie, smoker. Social media addict
>26 m
>kisses virgin
>never put myself out there, never tried, told myself I wasn't ready or wasn't interested or nobody was right
>finally realize I was the problem the whole time
>start putting myself out there and trying
>ghost after ghost, rejections
>meet a girl I actually really like
>like butterflies in my stomach when we talk kind of like
>ask her out
>she has a boyfriend
I think I would have rathered it just be another rejection. At least then it would have been more of the same. At this point it's like I'm filling out a bingo card of all the ways to get turned down
not your blog
>dating thread on the social board
oh, so you're just retarded. got it
That doesn't mean much coming from a someone who literally blog posted earlier about your failed lovelife. I'm going to leave this at "you're a hypocrite" and not dive into anything else in your post though. You gave me too much to work with and I don't want to spend the time picking at everything.
27 / female / WORLDWIDE (if you are willing to travel and relocate) currently in South US / straight

My hair is long, brown and curly. Blue-green eyes. 5'7 tall.
I'm in good shape, slim with natural curves. I care about my style and like to dress feminine-romantic, sometimes more casual.
I'm mostly white looking but a little mixed.

My friends describe me as a little aloof and awkward at first, but will definitely become more mischievous and chaotic once I trust you. I care a lot about loyalty and I can handle being alone sometimes, but I prefer being close to my partner. Good sense of humor.

>Religious beliefs
Spiritual (open to other religions and agnostics, but no hardcore atheists)

>Political beliefs
Right leaning

Politics, Fashion, Animals, Crypto, Reading, Ice Skating, Electronic Music, Self Improvement

>Description of your ideal match/preferred traits
I am only looking for a serious, long-term match. Nothing casual.

- No coomers. Absolutely no men who watch porn in a relationship or think sex work is based.
- 5'10 or taller, good looking, must go to the gym/be in shape, preferably white or white passing with light eyes.
- Honest, committed and not offended easily. I like edgy humor.
- I am financially stable and earn my own money, but I prefer men who assume the masculine role to provide.
- Desire to have a family and children in the future.

>LDR yes or no? Can you travel?
Yes, if you are willing to eventually relocate and travel. I'm flexible to travel also.

Please read through my requirements thoroughly before contacting me.
You need to be able to provide me a picture or short video of yourself at the start of our conversation, so I know you're not a troll and worth the time.

Contact: sirenia_73171
I'm considering messaging you but you seem like you have high (but good and fair) standards. If I message someone I want to see if I genuinely click with them and have fun doing so, not just try to measure up to a standard.

That being said, I'm 5'10'', live in the midwest, have a job with a 6 figure income, live an active lifestyle, and just got back from an appointment where my doctor confirmed I'm in excellent physical health, and I absolutely love edgy humor. If you want me to reach out reply to this, but I'm not going to be trying to measure up to your standards if we don't click.
This is not that kind of thread you moron. You post a dating profile here, not your retard dating problems. If you want to cry and complain about your dating life, go make a thread on adv or post in one of the crybaby dating threads over there, not here. And definitely dont get snappy with someone who's right when calling you a blog posting retard, you blog posting retard.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
25/M/Northeast US
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
white, dark brown hair, green eyes, 6'4'', big schnoz, skinny build
>life situation
finishing up my degree, doing internships, just kinda hanging out
vidya, hiking, reading, working out, metal music, anime
>3 songs you like
April Ethereal - Opeth
Brave - Katatonia
Black Lake Nidstang - Agalloch
>3 movies you like
Taxi Driver, The Room, Clockwork Orange
>religious beliefs
loosely catholic
>political beliefs
>dating experience
very sporadic, I've always been a pretty reserved guy
>looking for
just a chill girl around my age
>not looking for
certifiably insane people
discord: noodlezzzzzz
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>open to long distance (y/n)?
Not too long, at most three hours. LDR’s need to turn into SDRs or I might put an SBR into my mouth and ask you to DNR
>physical description
Solid stock, broad shoulders, toned arms, dad bod without the hair, rather active.
>life situation
Nuclear Chem Tech, which is essentially an analyst/endurance runner with all the walking we do. It’s decent money but I’m not sure about the prospects of gainful promotions since everyone is on their way out.
I like making fun of things, everything so I gain knowledge only to make fun of things more accurately. And I volunteer reading to kids who are falling behind in school. That’s not a joke to get pussy, I literally do that. Its free pizza and gift cards so I’m not entirely selfless. I used to DM. I like making funny videos and not showing them to people.
>3 songs you like
The Longest Night - Tin Hat
Good Morning - You

lil baby my favorite rapper but he wont do a song wit me

>3 movies you like
The Thing
Do The Right Thing (The Sequel)

>religious beliefs
Mushroom Induced Psychosis

>political beliefs
Left but I think everyone has the right to say nigger, tranny, and faggot.

>dating experience
Too much to know that I don’t care for most women, especially ones that cannot for the life of them speak openly and honestly.

>looking for
Fun girl that likes to volunteer and listen to me tear apart everything I watch. Probably one that is kinda obsessed with me. Is a relatively high libido, a little socially maligned.

>not looking for
Any sort of dominant woman, disinterested types, soft baby sjw types, anyone that describes herself as a heckin goblarino, low libido, overly political people that are underinformed

>physical description
5'11" Blond blue eyes pale
Hi im in collage studying for hvac. Im thinking about getting in to cosplay so any advice to anyone knowledgeable in that would be helpful. I have no experience with makeup but can sew a bit.
TTRPG, MTG, Larps, anime, and Gaming(strategy but will play anything with a friend)
>looking for
Someone to form a long term relationship and i can share my hobbies with.
>not looking for
your username didn't work. I'm in GA and I tried to add you
Added you :3
>open to ldr
>6'2", long black hair, big build/husky/fat/whatever
>medically disabled, looking for school/work, hopefully losing weight. live with my parents (lol) on our small farm.
>into MtG, ttrpgs/minis, movies, kino television, cooking, vidya, reading, writing
>O Euchari in Leta Via
Stan Rogers - Northwest Passage
Windwaker - Superstitious Fantasy
>Blade Runner 2049
Mad Max: Fury Road
>esoteric Christian with touches of Oriental belief
>extremely right wing but i dont talk about it
>limited dating experience, a lot of long distance and very little irl
>looking for a long term relationship with someone who can appreciate me as much as i appreciate them, mutual kindness/understanding/love, someone to own rabbits with
>not looking to get ghosted, blocked, one-night deals, anything not long term
>disc: the_egg_collector
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
24 male Wisconsin, USA


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
5'8". My face is attractive and I am very expressive with body language. My head is a little large for my frame, my facial hair grows in sparsely, and I do not know what to ask for when I get a haircut. I am lean, and exercise when I feel like it.

>life situation
I am coming out of unemployment to a couple tutoring jobs. I want to take this time to think through my next steps. Some thoughts are going back for a graduate degree or a software job that isn't too hard.

I like to journal. I like to express, clarify, and develop my thoughts.

I meditate. It brings me of peace. peace.

I like to read, but I'm not always in the mood.

I am interested in philosophy, programming, math, mental health, language, and art.

>3 songs you like
"Heroes" by Bowie
"I would die 4 u" by Prince
"Evangeline" by the Angel's of Light

Music means a lot to me and I like to share my feelings and interpretations.

>3 movies you like
Mulholland Drive
Spirited Away

>religious beliefs
Spirituality is difficult for me. I have been through a lot and it is hard to reconcile with the idea of a loving God.

I practice Chritianity and I am interested in Hinduism.

>political beliefs
I have a lot of thoughts on political issues but don't really have a political identity. I am very equananimous personally find a lot of things permissible so you could call me liberal but politics is a different thing.

>dating experience
I am open-minded and socially intelligent but also very inexperienced. I've been on one date, shared a bed one time, and never had sex. I get uncomfortable at the idea of showing my body.

I am a very loving and caring person but it is hard to express.
>looking for
I am looking for intimacy. I have had a pretty lonely life and I have a lot of love to give.

I have mental health issues. I can handle them on my own but it is something you should know about me. I have anxiety and it helps to have someone to relax and talk to without an agenda.

I like smart people because they usually have lots of interests and things to talk and I like to tease apart and work through ideas. Some of my ideas are difficult to understand and require patience.

>not looking for
I am not certain what to put here. I am not so nervous about losing a relationship so I do not think I would vibe with someone who tries too hard or worries too much. For example, I am not concerned if someone takes too long to respond or fails to respond

I forgot to mention that I really like to sing and can sing really well.

I like to be feminine but I think I am more masculine.

In my heart I am adventurous and being with someone adventurous means something to me.

straight but open to the idea of a transwomen

>Long distance
yea, why not?

>physical description
5"8, 90kg, muscular and around 14% bf, curly hair, white skinned latino

>life situation
living alone atm just working, studying and training. tryna enjoy life each day at a time

i compete at a semi-pro level in olympic weightlifting, other than that i enjoy listening to music (specifically latin/spanish music), and enjoy meeting new people

>3 songs i like
la flaca - jarabe de palo
la bachata - manuel turizo
me & u - tems

>i dont really watch movies too much as im quite busy xdd but stuff like meet the fockers, or any movies with rob schnieder are quite funny

>religious beliefs
ttm about it!

>political beliefs
not really into politics that much but i dont really like the crazy 'woke' agenda thats going on rn

>have had two girlfriends in the past, one as a kid, one more recently (two years)

>looking for friends or potential partners?? lets chat and find out :)

>not looking for

kik: LatinoD556

if we get along maybe we can share other socials??
Posting again because i've yet to meet anyone worthwhile.

>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)

Female, Southeastern U.S.



>open to long distance (y/n)?


>physical description

Hourglass, Tall (5'11), tomboyish (I wear my hair in a bun), black hair brunette

>life situation

Decent blue collar job


I like a lot of more traditionally masculine things I guess, like shooting and military-related topics. I'm no military autist, though, I do not sperg about which plane would win a hypothetical dogfight. I like stuff I physically do myself. Outside of that, I like to cook, I play some video games, and I listen to country music.

>political beliefs

Right-wing, but not extensively nor overtly politically charged.

>dating experience

Had a few partners here and there.

>looking for

I am interested in pursuing a long term relationship. I like men that are chivalrous, respectful, kind, have diverse interests, and want to support their partner through pushing each other to be better both personally and career wise.

>not looking for

No overly sexually charged discussion, please. And no mental illness, for the love of god. Manchildren stay away. No Europeans either.


discord: miss__thang_
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
38/m/PST USA
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6'5" bulky, beard, list enough to be strong but not enough to look good
>life situation
Comfy in a condo with a view
reading, vidya, cooking, liftin
>3 songs you like
Mozarts 25th
Birds Lament
Life is Beautiful (Whistle Song)
>3 movies you like
Citizen Kane
Full Metal Jacket
The Hobbit (1977)
>religious beliefs
non militant atheist
>political beliefs
>dating experience
Little, recluse
>looking for
Long term, mutual attraction, oppeness
>not looking for
dis MostwayDecent
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>physical description
tall and slim, brown hair, glasses

>life situation
student with a part time job, has own place

i love to draw and journal, recently got a bit into reading and philosophy, i like anime but im no weeb, i like legos, love writing and hiking

japanese music but i listen to a wide array of artists from varied genres

not a movie buff but of recent stuff i liked dune and the northman

complicated, but no spite towards any

>political beliefs
eco-friendly, pro-social, anti-immigrant

>dating experience
had a gf for a while

>looking for
a girl with a big heart and a wide smile, who loves to cuddle and be spoiled, preferably old-fashioned

>not looking for
someone too modern, no tattoos (sorry)

DC: erishand

>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
21, male, NH or MA depending on time of year

i like girls who weigh <100lbs

>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
not in great shape rn, 6'3 180lbs, 4/10 body 5/10 face id say

>life situation
college junior, might go to grad school who knows

i kinda just do nothing, i dont remember what having fun feels like

>3 songs you like
permanent high school - the voidz
c'mere - interpol
birds - butthole surfers

>3 movies you like
i dont watch movies

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs
waste of time

>dating experience
1 long term, 2 short flings

>looking for
love, maybe

>not looking for
idk im open to talking to anyone

7/10 nice chatting with you doll

one word replier
are you exclusively looking for all matching criteria?
29/Cis-M/US, NC
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, within the US.
>about myself
5'10" 150 lbs pasty white guy with short brown hair, green eyes, & glasses. Race realist/racist, so consider that a warning.
>life situation
Preparing to go back to school with an end goal of pursuing a career that can support a large family. Just moved back home with my parents.
Video games (FFXIV, Terraria, Warframe, & others,) movies, & 3d printing.
>3 songs you like
Mystery Skulls - Money
Daft Punk - Digital Love
Rainbow - Catch The Rainbow
>3 movies you like
The Evil Dead
Kiki's Delivery Service
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
I have had two LDR relationships that became physical. Both of which involved physical intimacy.
>looking for
Love. A 24+ biological white gal with a dark sense of humor (also a race realist) that can talk trash back and forth with me. Sleep calls. Super lovey-dovey, gushy paragraphs. Can be slightly clingy like myself. Gets on well with my friends. Ideally, she'd want to have kids/be capable of having them. On good terms with her parents like I am. Bonus points if she plays video games.
>not looking for
Someone who isn't going to give 100% in a relationship. Anyone who isn't a biological woman. Traps, MTFs, anything of that sort. Hamplanets/Anorexics. Copy/paste egirls. Super political ladies that have direction brainrot. One word replies. Coomers.
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Maryland is okay.
My Discord is femcelanon
now that's a discussion from your seething over my post, thanks for proving my point though
and why would you start discussions in such a thread anyway, makes no sense to me desu
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
21/Male/US (MA)


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
6'3, thin /soft features, brown hair/eyes. I would consider myself quite attractive.

coding languages, military history, paradox games, and a whole bunch of really random things i can go on long-winded tangents about if you let me.

>3 songs you like
Between the Bars - Elliot Smith
Behind Blue Eyes - The Who
Jigsaw Falling into Place - Radiohead

>3 movies you like
The Departed
A Silent Voice

>religious beliefs
I don't have any religious convictions.

>political beliefs
Fairly boring cookie-cutter neoliberal takes for the most part.

>dating experience
A couple times

>looking for
Around my age or older than me and a girl (not trans). Ideally they are obsessive, controlling, and dominant. I would like to find someone I could obsess over and in time devote myself to.

discord: machinesaysno
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
exclusively online, see 'looking for'
>life situation
employed, homeowner, socially isolated & alienated
music(making+exploring), games (tekken, ccgs, point&click, other random stuff), exploring the outside world, cooking, random weeb interest things, conspiracy rabbit holes
>3 songs you like
the microphones - the moon
boris - rainbow
kekht arakh - forever night castle of love
>3 movies you like
the trial
house with the laughing windows
world on a wire
>religious beliefs
(flawed) catholic
>political beliefs
in my ideal world we are organised in small, self governed local communities
>dating experience
a few relationships (irl)
>looking for
I'm looking for a strictly online 'partner' that wants to trade anonymous, digital affection and support to help eachother through loneliness and whatever hardships we are facing. I'm not looking for anything sex related. I don't want to know what you look like and ideally you don't care what I look like either (obviously because I am not very attractive, I don't care if you're ugly either).
I'm not in a relationship or married or anything like that, I simply am not interested in anything to do with the real world. I'm fully okay if this is not something you want to 100% commit to like a monogamous relationship or whatever or want to use this as a temporary thing.
>not looking for
anything more than written above, edgy or very cold people
Discord: ma5onna
34/M/DC area


>open to long distance (y/n)?
Ideally, no

>physical description
5'10", in shape white guy with blue eyes and brown hair

>life situation
Former finance guy who became a career firefighter. Ready to slide into being a boomer, looking forward to 8AM Saturday lawn mowings and infinite sips.

Hard to say, I turned my hobby into my job. I have time for hobbies, but haven't picked up anything in a while.

>3 songs you like
Most things by Trevor Something, surely more than just three

>3 movies you like
Definitely more than three Michael Mann or Martin Scorsese films

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs
Conservative but not dogmatic

>dating experience
Standard issue healthy relationships and such, but they fizzled out for regular, boring reasons

>looking for
Someone fun

>not looking for
Someone bad

Tried to add you on discord and the user wasn't found.
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>Describe yourself
I'm gay, bottom, fit, 170cm, 71kg. I like cute things, sleep, games, mangas and dicks. I have a nice ass too. I'm quite clingy and needy. I'm naughty and I like to be dominated and marked by my owner.
>Looking for
A fit guy who owns me and always fucks me, even against my will. May you control me and fill me with cum always. Be extremely possessive and don't let me get close to any other person.
>not looking for
Woman, chubby/fat
>Discord tag
>Kik xnerd_gamer
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18/M/New England, USA
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5’9” ~150 with a bit of a muscular build (bulking season makes me want to die), black (dyed, natural is brown) shaggy hair, brown eyes, glasses and I mostly wear all black.
>life situation
Currently I live at home with my family and I’m in community college, I’m slowly gaining the idea of dropping out in turn for a trade and moving out.
I absolutely love roleplaying games, writing, guns, cars, cosplay, anime, weightlifting and martial arts, Kengan Ashura was my gateway drug into MA and now I’m looking into Muay Thai for when I end my bulk.
>3 songs you like
Loser - And One
Graveyard Song - Iya The Maid
Honeybee - Steam Powered Giraffe
>3 movies you like
Robocop, American Psycho, Joe Dirt
>religious beliefs
Christian, Protestant
>political beliefs
I hate politics, but libertarian right
>dating experience
Dated a girl long distance when I was 16 and I’ve met up with some women ever since I turned 18. Turbovirgin.
>looking for
Preferably another autistic woman or a woman who likes autistic men, with similar interests/hobbies, bonus points if possessive or clingy, within 18-21, preferably also a virgin,
>not looking for
Obese, hateful, lazy, loud, distant, rude, lacking of manners, abusive, hyper political, gooners, self entitled,
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>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Average height, build, long hair
>life situation
University student
Gaming, books, basketball, gym
>3 songs you like
Faunts - M4, pt. 2
Shout out - Bad choices
Samurai - Never fade away
>3 movies you like
Reservoir dogs
Spiderman( the Raimi one)
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
A woman of similar age to talk to
>not looking for
I'm fine with pretty much everything
Feel free to message me
got kik?
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21, M, North West UK
Reading writing, Fallout, history, FishTank, friends, e-girls, food, TV Shows, traveling
>Your own description
I’m getting kinda chubby so wanna loose weight. a hopeless romantic. Some people look up to me as an ultra giggachad that has sex and does cool things, living exciting life, others think I’m a creepy weird shy little incel fag. I think I’m normal but a little different, and kind of a loser (but managed to get engaged once).
>What you're looking for
People to get lost in conversation with, to click with, lifelong friends. VC fairly early on, as deep connections cannot be formed over just text like come on, you could have the completely wrong idea of who the person you are talking to is if it just over text, take Samuel Benjiman, who lied the entire time about being on NoFap and not drinking alcohol. Would be cool if our politics aligned, for me is the stereotypical edgy pol stuff, stuff which would get you cancelled and shunned if you said irl. Saying that I don’t mind if you are gay or trans, as long as you are not super pro LGBT+, I have gay and trans friends. Preferably from the UK or similar time zones would be good, but I’ll talk to people from anywhere in the world. If you live close enough I would be really happy to meet up, I’ve done it with anons before. A classic femcel who happens to live within a 20 minute walk from me who wants to hang out in the woods smoking cigarettes at night would be perfect but I know that is not going to happen.
>What you're NOT looking for
What seems like 99% of soc which is people who add then don’t say anything, people who won’t vc, people who blank within the first few days (if you do this to people do not add me), dry people who respond with ‘?’ or 1 word answers or take days to respond, black guys, people who are obsessed with religion, super childish left wing, LGBT+ obsessed folks, horny old ppl who just wana f me.
>Socials & tags
25, M, Norway.
Video games, mostly WoW/CS, IRL friends (drinking/social hangouts), fishing and outdoors.
>open to long distance (y/n)
>physical description
Average height, build, green eyes, northern european.
>life situation
Working on family farm.
>3 songs you like
Johnny cash - The man comes around
Bruce Springsteen - The river
Lorde - Teams
>Religious beliefs
Christian, Protestant.
>3 movies you like
Fight club
Blade runner 2049
>political beliefs
>dating experience
had a girlfriend for 5 years, broke up a few years ago due to long distance.
>looking for
A woman to talk to, get to know each other.
>not looking for
Dont really care, just out for new experiences.
discord: hembris
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Ya know... Why not.
>Open To Long Distance
Only if it's temporary.
>Physical Description
5'3 120Ib pale hispanic twink with broad shoulders who often gets called anorexic :p. I also have soft brown curly hair with brown eyes to match and for looks I like to be a modest but I've been called pretty lol.
>Life Situation
With apartments increasing prices and going to college for botany i moved back into my dad's place. In time my mom's gonna have herself a house built and then transfer ownership of her current house to me. So just chillin saving money till then :p
When it comes to interest I'm a very simple person. I once played with a broken light switch for 3 hours just for the click. I can enjoy just about anything as long as I'm comfy or the companies right. However, a personal interest is hrt not to transition but to soften my features since i like to be cute. I've been looking into it for a while and highly considering it. I just need a some perspective first.
But my hobbie consist of growing, tending, maintaining, and caring for plants. i also enjoy hosting, fittness, cooking, vibing to music, cleaning, and a good ole wake an bake
>3 Songs You Like
Goodnight by RazeGod, Coffee and a Joint by Little Stranger, and New World by Tropidelics (ft. Matisyahu, Bumping Uglies, and The Elovators)
>3 Movies You Like
Mac and Devan go to high school, jay and silent bob strike back/super groovy cartoon movie, and rambo lol
>Religious Beliefs
Lady luck
>Political beliefs
Not enough knowledge to have enough of an opinion. I just try to vote for who i think is best.
>Dating Experience
3 long term relationships. A 3 year with a guy, a 1 year with a female trans male, and the last being 2 years with a female.
>Looking For
Fem guys.
>Not Looking For
I'd prefer no one heavy set but that doesn't include chubby I'm no shallow hal lol.
Discord: 9sun3bro5
Kik: SunnyDlicious
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
36/M/US Midwest


>open to long distance (y/n)?
within the US

>physical description
5'7", 130lbs, red hair, blue eyes

typical nerd shit, bad anime, guns, vidya, reading both fiction and non fiction(mostly history shit), dabbled in D&D

>3 songs you like
don't listen to music much, mostly put on audio books or podcasts in the car

>3 movies you like
Frozen, Shrek, being john malkovich

>religious beliefs
lapsed catholic

>political beliefs
right wing, in my heart of hearts I'll always be an ancap though

>dating experience
2 long term relationships 4 yrs plus, 1 girl dated a year, and a handful of first dates. Never married, no kids

>looking for
the mother of my future son

>not looking for
casual dating, single mothers, more than a few pounds overweight, not a big fan of tattoos or body piercings but not an outright deal breaker, someone that gets angry if texts aren't responded to immediately.

discord: marms
22/M/West Coast USA
Straight, preference for androgyny on women. (tomboy/bifauxnen)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
skelly mode but have a bit of a 6-pack. 5'8, 125.
White (Mediterranean), brown hair, light brown eyes.
>life situation
grinding work + school. Wish I had more free time to be honest.
cycling, swim, reading history, hanging out in nature, volunteering, listening to music, older vidya, anime sometimes
>3 songs you like
All I Wanna Do - The Beach Boys
Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam - The Vaselines
Gold Star for Robot Boy - Guided by Voices.
>3 movies you like
Daises (Sedmikrásky), The Devil and Daniel Johnston, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
restoration of House of Stuart, House of Bourbon when?
>dating experience
have had gfs before, some of them crazy, some of them sweet. I wish to wait for marriage until having intercourse.
>looking for
bit of a stretch but would be delighted to have bifauxnen/tomboy gf.
>not looking for
no men or trans.
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Looking for:
>20s-30s/bio F / Anywhere
>clean and well taken care of, very feminine
>affectionate and outgoing personality
>open to serious long-term relationship even long distance

>32 M US
>6'1, hazelnut eyes, muscular, brown hair
>Solid career 100k a year, own my own place
>driven personality
>educated, wide general knowledge base
>reading manga
>Big into fitness and staying active, taking care of myself
>love to travel and check out new places that can broaden my mindset
>Possibly going to Japan/South Korea/Possibly Singapore all in 1 month (1 week here, there, see how it goes I've been to japan 3 times now, I really enjoy the cities and how diverse they all are from one another)

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>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'8 around 175 lb. brown hair, blue eyes. A little round ATM but I work out and run daily
>life situation
Homeowner and I work in law enforcement.
Straight Edge
I like gun, video games, music, history, baseball, working out and the outdoors
>3 songs you like
Kids of the black hole by adolescence
I love living in the city by Fear
Flesh into gear by CKY
>3 movies you like
Taxi driver
Army of Darkness
Major League
>religious beliefs
LHP follower
>political beliefs
I guess center?
>dating experience
I had three pretty good relationships but nothing recently.
>looking for
I want someone to come home to. I care for them and they care for me. Someone to have fun with and grow together. The American dream.
>not looking for
Friend collectors, Ghosters, Dudes
Discord: arasakax
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
27/F/western canada


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
Blonde hair, big blue eyes, pear shaped, petite/average, 5’4, white, some tattoos. My style ranges from hyper feminine to alternative

>life situation
Temporarily a NEET

Trading card games, RPGs, nature, making music, anime, writing, art, animals, fantasy, fashion, D&D

>3 songs you like
Vanessa - Grimes
Between the Bars - Elliott Smith
Drink I’m Sippin On - Yaeji

>3 movies you like
Donnie Darko
Eternal Sunshine
Ghost World

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs
Progressive leftist

>dating experience
3 long term relationships, not much casual dating experience

>looking for
Someone to talk to / flirt with, eventually date. 24 - 40 years old. I prefer nerdy, smart, or artistic. A sprinkle of autism / adhd is even better. Moderate/high sex drive

>not looking for
Under 24 or over 40. Coomers. Hateful people in general are not my bag

bedrotangel on discord
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23/M/USA, MS
>long dist
Yes, but with prospect to see each other asap
>physical desc
5’11,curly hair, mixed Hispanic can tan or be paler, fat but losing it right now and dedicated. Casual nerd dress wear, with Sunday best a lot. Dress me how you like idc

>life sit
Currently in college, living with grandpa to take care of him he’s paying for my college, looking to make big money with my Spanish degree in translation services and aspiring actor.
PC gaming, TTRPGS, horror movies, video essays and shows, with walks and traveling.
-Disposal Unit Wh40k Darktide
-One metallica
-wolf totem HU

-Godzilla series
-alot of horror movies
-animated and dark movies


-right leaning

>Dating experience
5 exes, longest relationship 4 years, 1 body count. Almost Always got cheated on.

Someone equal to or taller than me and thick. Or muscular. Just not skinny. If obese willing to lose it with me and improve. Maybe goth? Not a requirement. But I do like muscles and goth if you wanna try them out sometimes. Also big breasts. (Not sexual reasons I just like to snuggle there). Wants end goal of marriage and breeding. Last heir of my leniage. Prenup will be arranged as I have a lot to lose.

>Not LF
Transgenders, overly left leaning, antinatalists, casual/hook ups, slobs, high body count (20+), single mothers, open relationships, addicts, super bright colors (nails and clothes)

Discord: Gromule15

Let’s see if we can work!
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>Describe yourself
I'm kind of a hikikomori, I work from home, I live in a very small town. I have several hobbies, pretty much anything I can do from home. Anime, reading, movies, games etc. I like learning languages (specifically Japanese because I'm a weeb), but I'm not that good at it, started too late probably. I used to be /fit/, not really anymore. I like browsing abandoned places on the internet, exploring cool, niche sites and stuff like that. I like animals, my childhood dream was becoming a biologist, I go to the zoo whenever I can. My dream is being able to afford traveling, I've never been to anywhere even in Europe.
>Looking for
Mainly an e-gf of some sort. Not necessarily love or things like that, I just feel like it's easier to talk to someone with a female identity and they're usually more interested in what I say. Also someone who I can be a bit more emotional with (though even I'm not sure what exactly would that entail). I won't burden you with trauma dumping, but it'd be nice to have someone who can divert my attention. Even just for a few hours. It's really motivating if I have such a person in my life. We don't have to talk about anything lewd if you don't want to, I won't ask for pictures either, you're only gonna have to do whatever you're comfortable with.
We could watch anime or read books together, or play obscure/retro video games, or talk about movies, or just simply chill and have fun, there's really nothing I wouldn't be interested in, but, I need to put a disclaimer here: I tend to have depressed periods, which sometimes affect my behavior and make me gloomy. I try to avoid this and not ruin anyone's mood, but sometimes I can't do much.
>not looking for
Arguments, I have enough stress in my life so I'd rather avoid those. Too slow replies. Take your time, I do to, but not for days. People who just want to be entertained but put zero effort into the conversation. Voice chat. Coomers. Politics.
>short living with family hispanic Christian
>right leaning
You would surprise me even more if you said you are poor
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
32/M/North East (USA)


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
5'8, Italian w/ black hair, brown eyes. Not defined, but muscular.

>life situation
I'm a Ph.D Student.

mathematics, programming, old video games, retro computing, weight lifiting, anime, origiami, juggling, literature/fiction, writing, philosophy.

>3 songs you like
Electronic, Rock, Classical.

>3 movies you like
They Live, Brazil, The Stand

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs
Right leaning

>dating experience
I've dated multiple women, had 2 serious relationships in the past.

>looking for
Biological Female or Friends (if you really think out interests mesh well).

>not looking for

What do you mean? Also my pops is white. My ma is the Hispanic. I’m mostly white.
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)


>open to long distance (y/n)?
Initially yes but not long term.

>physical description
182 cm tall, white, glasses, brown hair, on the thinner side but recently started working out. People tell me I'm reasonably attractive. I'm willing to share pics of myself on Discord.

>life situation
I'm a CS student.

I read a lot, I like researching European history, programming, hiking, travelling to new places.

>religious beliefs
Not religious.

>political beliefs
Right leaning.

>dating experience
No experience.

>looking for
I'm looking for a serious, long-term relationship with a dom/sub dynamic. My ideal partner is a loving, submissive girl I can take care of and protect.

>not looking for
I'm straight and therefore only interested in women.


New York - but travel occasionally.

>What are you looking for?

Born in Russia, moved with my family to NY when I was 6.

I work as a programmer, remotely from home.
I also have my own small company that I started 4 years ago, making video games

So I do okay financially. But I live a pretty frugal lifestyle. I'm introverted so I mostly just stay at home, watch Youtube or play games. Walk my dog.
Sometimes I like to travel, bounce around different countries, spending a few weeks or a few months in each.

Recently I visited Dubai, India, and Vietnam.

It doesn't matter what country you are from, I would be interested in getting to know you and talking to you. Girls only please, no gays or trans.
I keep mostly traditional values.

Not looking for sexual or explicit convos.
I like science, history, animals, youtube, true crime, philosophy.


Also, the following applies to anyone: if you are interested in programming, video editing and vlogging, social media, entrepreneurship - reach out to me. I'm looking to collab with people and possibly fund a business.
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'3, 125 lbs, grey-blue eyes
>life situation
Nursing school student (begrudgingly). Secretly I want to be be a SAHM to three or so kids in the near future
Crocheting, learning to sew and forage for mushrooms, nutrition, reading non-fiction, retard-posting, self improvement, wandering around in the woods, shooting guns but too poor for ammo ATM, playing three or so video games poorly, travelling and seeing new places
>3 songs you like
Alice in Chains - Angry Chair (basically everything during the Staley era desu)
KMFDM - Waste
Steely Dan - Dont Take Me Alive
>3 movies you like
Cannibal Holocaust, Pink Flamingos, Caligula
>religious beliefs
Non-denominational Christian but leaning Catholic or Orthodox
>political beliefs
Right leaning
>dating experience
A bit, casually dating normies atm
>looking for
White guy with a good head on their shoulders who doesn't get offended easily (more common than you would think) and can handle differing viewpoints. I consider myself a shy ENTP so I like to debate. Unhinged wierdo interests welcome (I have a few of my own)!!!
>not looking for
Misogynists, trannies, fatties, anime watchers (don't trust them simple as), NEETs, poor people, low T
ildico396 on Discord
29/MtF(post-op)/Oregon/Forever NEET
>Favorite sub-genre
>Favorite band(s)
Ghost, Depeche Mode, Ozzy Osbourne, etc
>Favorite show you’ve been to
Ghost, Deadmau5, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper
>Favorite Movie
Ghostbusters, Back To The Future, Beetlejuice, Batman 1989, Christine

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes, deaf (I wear hearing aids and have the accent). I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time). I like nerds too and horror movie enthusiasts. I enjoy cosplay even though I can’t afford cons and don’t look good in cosplay or know how to make it. I’d like to go to thrift stores together n look for collectibles.
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
what a deranged tranny, what woman is going to date this thing?
Fuck you
That man has been posting this same exact thing on tens of threads at least. Troons are truly the most delusional kind of men, in addition to being the most hateful and bigoted.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6'7, slim, dark blonde hair and blue eyes. People either say I'm average looking or cute, I guess its a preference thing
>life situation
Living with parents while I'm in university but I work too, and I will move out as soon as I get more money
Gaming (Singleplayer RPGs and RTS games even though I suck at both), Anime (My favourite is JJBA), I play guitar, and I enjoy programming too
>3 songs you like
Slither - Velvet Revolver
Stay With Me - Miki Matsubara
Bizarre Love Triangle - New Order
>3 movies you like
Die Hard
Batman (89, Returns, Begins, Dark Knight)
>religious beliefs
I guess Anglican? I live in fear of God but I act almost atheist
>political beliefs
Hate government, probably somewhat Libertarian
>dating experience
2 relationships, one lasted a year, one lasted 2 months and was online only
>looking for
Someone around my age who has her own interests and isn't put off by me being clingy, because I tend to be super affectionate. It would help if you're patient I suppose. I don't have a height preference but I feel like if you're below 5'0, then I just feel as if it would get a little bit silly. I also don't have a weight preference but if you're at an unhealthy weight, I will encourage you to lose/gain it (In a non mean way). Also I'm getting diagnosed with autism so I guess I want someone who isn't put off by that too.
>not looking for
Nudes, people who add you and then ghost permanently, people looking for short term relationships, people who never want to meet irl
Discord: Halvor
ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
28/M/Western Canada
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, with an intent to meet
>physical description
White as white can be, bearded, somewhat hairy, 5'11, long brown hair, dad bod
Withdrawn cerebral introvert, unrefined empath. Open minded, good natured, edgy, but good humoured that's thankfully dulling with age. (The edge, not the humour) Affectionate and loyal to those I'm close to.
>life situation
Wasted many opportunities due to being dealt a bad hand and having bad outlook. Currently careening myself out of a downward spiral, only child, still trying to find a purpose. Few friends and fewer confidants.
Computers (gaming obviously; all kinds), old tech (all kinds), automobiles, firearms, would like to get back into skateboarding/being more active, singing alone, small doses of philosophy, history and psychology. Only been out of country once but would love to travel the world.
>3 songs you like
Just about any genre. Far too many to list, primarily lots of demoscene, old school and new electronica (not EDM)
>3 movies you like
All kinds, too many to list
>religious beliefs
Agnostic, respect people's beliefs. Dislike heavy doctrine followers.
>political beliefs
If I had to choose, right leaning but politics tend to put me to sleep
>dating experience
Tried something with a girl in middle school, kissed. didn't last long. Haven't had sex
>looking for
A girl, similar age but don't need to have completely similar interests and opinions. Taking it slow and getting to know one another. willing to talk about stuff long into the night, don't really know.. something real, minimal drama, hugging, cuddling
>not looking for
Not girls, bullshit, bots or a counselling sugar mommy to fix my problems for me.
>Discord: semenanalysisinconclusive
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>about me
Feel free to ask anything
Im actually introvert, boring and akward but ill try my best, i promise!!
I like regular things such as music, films, series, games and so
I also like reading, cooking (specially baking), anime and working out
Also into biology, astronomy, chemistry and mythology
>looking for
Anyone cute/feminine actually :) girls, feminine boys, trans, any gender!
We can chat or maybe play some games
Frindship open to a relationship would be ideal but im ok with just regular or lewd friendship.
I would ask you to be completely honest, nothing gets me mad
>not looking for
Regular guys trying their luck
>Discord Tag
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
28/M/IE Cali, OC
Pan, into feminity
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'10" skinnier after health issues but fit built usually. Back to building recently
>life situation
Just working and looking to expand soon. I work on all EV vehicles. I like to try and live a reasonably healthy life, recently quit smoking nic/thc but like to have a drink and cigar occasionally. I have one sibling left I'm close with, we do business together and have ambitions for fun projects and making money.
Vidyas, I've seen a loooot of movies, shows if I'm in the mood+anime, doing random hikes or camping, getting out and enjoying a good sunny day, trying to get into traveling with some buddies always down for more to join.
>3 songs you like
My choices change weekly so rn, Doses & Mimosas by Cherub, California Calls by Dan Gautreau and Tom Stubbs, and Your Heartbeat Againt Mine by From Indian Lakes.
I'm very much a listener of all kinds of music
>3 movies you like
I like a lot of movies, I'llgive three drastically different from different genres. About Time, Kung Pow (because I still reference it to this day with friend), The Ritual
>religious beliefs
None, but I like religious history
>political beliefs
>dating experience
I've had two long relationships (1-3 years) and a couple handfuls of short term ( under 6 months)
>looking for
Love and someone to have with everything we want to do. It's always better with someone.
>not looking for
Quickies. Someone who like arguing, talk shit out, I don't have the motivation anymore to accept bullshit or someone who can't view from others perspectives.
Discord: eviimonkey
Not a man lol
So delusional, i hate how much troons lie
never told a lie
>Not a man
>never told a lie
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24/f/US, The Lone Star State
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Maybe at first for a while before moving on to irl
>physical description
I need advice, I need advice / Nobody ever looks at me twice
>life situation
Got my own place, all by my lonesome, doing work on my computers most of the day
Motion pictures, spotify exploration, vidya gaems, becoming more erudite through studying wikipedia
>3 songs you like
The Cranberries - Dreams, Stereolab - Cybele's Reverie, Vashti Bunyan - Diamond Day
>3 movies you like
Willy Wonka, Possession, Big Trouble in Little China
>religious beliefs
It's complicated but I'm def not an agnostic/atheist
>political beliefs
Feel like political people mostly just yap and spin the wheel, not truly able to change the status quo
>dating experience
I may have held hands with someone before
>looking for
If you think you could be a match for someone who can be described as a little autistic, sometimes strange, fairly nerdy/geeky, pedantic, not cute (opinions may slightly differ), jewish
>not looking for
Golf enthusiasts


>open to long distance
anywhere in the uk yes

>physical description
5 9" white, slim

>life situation
self employed tech support of sorts, not yet rich enough to get my own shoebox to live in

lotta video games (rpgs, fps, rts), animals (cats, dogs, birds), outdoor walks, baking, reading all the wikis

synthwave, electronic, anything melodic

futurama original run, sci fi, fantasy,

>religious beliefs
non religious

>political beliefs
I believe politicians should suffer greatly

>dating experience
few years of lonely life

>looking for
f/21+, realist, open to sharing in interests, be it playing games, watching movies, sharing animal pics

>not looking for
drug or social media addicts, strictly religious

discord - feelexmachina
29/M/USA Nevada
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
light skin latino, 5'7, 6/10 looks, average body type
>life situation
willingly unemployed, can get a job whenever but using the time to learn to draw and attempt to make money on my own.
cartoons and animated movies, cooking, furry, retro games, psychology, OST, VHS collecting, vintage technology, drawing, writing fanfics, mlp, anime
>religious beliefs
non-denominational christian
>political beliefs
I don't care too much but if I had to say I guess right leaning
>dating experience
on and off but have never been in a serious relationship before
>looking for
someone nerdy
>not looking for
bbw, men
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
22 M NYC
>open to long distance (y/n)?
I'm open to an LDR, but I would really like to meet in-person if things go well.
>physical description
Thin frame, mostly muscle due to working out. Girls have called me handsome before, but it's up to you on how I look. I can send you my pics!
>life situation
I am a full-time student, but I live in a nice apartment here and I even own a home overseas.
I love your typical geeky stuff such as anime and manga and stuff like that. I also love to draw, work out, and go out to fun places such as anime/manga stores, movie theatres, parks, restaurants, amusement parks, and other places.
>dating experience
My last relationship was one of the greatest eras of my life. I am still in amazing terms with my ex and everything, and I learned a lot about what love is, despite the challenges we faced together. I was patient and caring with her every step of the way, and I'd endure it again for her. I'm hoping to find someone here who I can get to know first before I'd meet them. Even something long-distance is fine, but I'd love to meet eventually and I'd want you to enjoy your time with me.
>looking for
I am searching for a girl who would be interesting in meeting me. LDRs are fine, but meeting would be awesome! I don't really care what one would look like, but black hair and baggy eyes are a huge plus. More importantly, just like my dear ex, I want a woman who is independent and has her own hobbies and dreams. Hopefully we'd have similar interests. I really would love to do stuff I never got to do as a kid with others like go to arcades, go to the movies together, hang out and watch anime on a calm night side to side. I read a post that had the same idea I had, and I thought it was so well said that I had to try this board again.
>not looking for
Anyone else.
>want the person to move to me, eventually
> wants you to throw away your career and take a pay cut for her
> she will not provide for you in any way
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
20/M/East Coast


>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes but not forever.

>physical description
6 ft, brown hair, blue eyes, clean shaven. Pic related.

>life situation
Business major at target school, hope to work in investment banking in major city after graduation.

Cooking, music, working out, nature, psychology, travelling, books, movies, languages

>religious beliefs
Raised Christian but currently not religious.

>political beliefs
Somewhat conservative.

>dating experience

>looking for
Looking for girl to eventually marry who is going to be loyal, kind and my friend

>not looking for
Only interested in biological females my age or younger.

Discord: augustirving2020
added, i think you'd be great fun to talk to and i also think you'd feel likewise
>Alice in Chains
Wow. That alone makes me want to talk to you, despite being on the other side of the world and probably being out of your age range.
Nobody cares, you annoying whiney faggot.

Oh btw theres no such thing as an Ethical Religious Believer because all religions have their own personal, subjective code of ethics. Religious psychos commit atrocities and murders every single day and the so called "ethical" ones sit by and watch and pretend their hands are clean.
It is said that for evil to flourish, only good men must do nothing. But if good men continually do nothing, they arent really that good, are they?
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)

25 m US (i move around the country a lot)


Straight af

>open to long distance (y/n)?


>physical description

Buff, dark hair dark eyes, can grow a beard but gotta shave for work

>life situation

Military and pretty chaotic


Gaming finance cultures military and just fucking around

>religious beliefs

Agnostic, but im looking into it

>dating experience


>looking for

A good girl i can connect with and share life experiences with

>not looking for

Pieces of shit


Discord: shaulis
join truecord for a new femcel/femboy/loner/singles/twinkz/tranny/austismo/schizo/bpd/gamer/neet/goth/alt/emo/music server!!

we have reaction roles and everything set up and need good mods!!


I’m a well experienced Scottish Dom who’s seeking a long term female submissive slave. It’s as simple as that.

I’ve got blonde hair, blue eyes and am well built in every sense. I’ve been told I’ve got a nice smile too.

I’m not concerned with your age, race or body type. My priority is that you know your place and how to worship. I care about your attitude and willingness to push yourself to your emotional and physical limits.

It’s of paramount importance that we have a baseline of respect, trust and friendship before things evolve to the next level. I say this because I want our bond to grow and flourish as best as possible, and it’ll only work as we want it to once this is adhered to.

I’m more than happy to train a total novice from the ground up, or someone who’s a little more experienced. Attitude is key.

If you feel that this is something for you, send a message.

Kik - deepcansx
23M france
I love vidya and I'm a pc gamer at heart from youth, i will play all types of games trust me. I love writing and literature, anything from classic books, novels - as well as stories from movies or animes. just stories in general.
i like pets. i have 2 cats whom i love very much, i'll share pics, how could i not?
english university student with adhd. i'm a short boy, i wasn't blessed with height. i'm also a bit underweight but i'm working on it.
idk what else to type really, if you're wondering about something just ask me directly ig.
>looking for
at best? a relation with a woman who has similar interests. preferably a vidya enjoyer. my standards are not high, just a kind and cool person.
friendships are welcome as well, be it boys or girls -- be gamers though, i want to play games with potential friends.
>not looking for
weird/garbage people. sexual or nsfw stuff. non-gamers.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)

bisexual, demiromantic

>open to long distance (y/n)?

>life situation
im a neet

i’m a fucking weeb and i play jrpgs all day

>3 movies you like
disappearance of haruhi, reservoir dogs, house

>religious beliefs
atheist / spiritual

>political beliefs

>dating experience
i have been in relationships before. my longest was for nearly 2 years

>looking for
men or women. also friendship before relationship. i want that wholesome shit

>not looking for
no immediate coomers. let me get comfy first

You seem very sweet. Request sent.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
31 Male Brooklyn, NYC
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Depends on the distance and the person, I suppose
>physical description
5'6", round glasses, dad bod, fluffy hair, multicolored beard. People never guess my ethnicities right
>life situation
My job is turning into a career and I'm slowly but surely climbing up the ranks at work. Sadly, once I'm done with work, I go back to my bedroom and I'm a full on introvert shut-in
Film and television, watching wrestling. Used to stream Team Fortress 2 on twitch, but I don't have pals to play with daily
>3 songs you like
Kanye West - Hey Mama
Coldplay - Strawberry Swing
Carpenters - (They Long To Be) Close To You
>3 movies you like
Kill Bill: Vol. 1
>religious beliefs
Raised Catholic. After my communion or whatever, we didn't do much religious stuff. Agnostic since
>political beliefs
Slightly lean right, but moderate overall. Hell, I've never even voted before
>dating experience
A few years of online relationships before thinking I found the one locally. My overthinking, anxiety and abandonment issues ruined that for me
>looking for
A short, chubby woman from NYC to do cute shit with. I miss giving princess treatment. Someone who'll constantly reassure me without having to ask for it, someone to be mutually obsessed with. Open communication and honesty. Someone who won't get mad at me for being autistically honest and apologizing often
>not looking for
Ghosters. Cold conversation. Holding back thoughts
truucord is a brand new server that is growing rapidly and anyone is welcome!! there is very few rules!! femcel/femboy/loner/single/incel/volcel/tranny/austismo/schizo/bpd/gamer/neet/goth/alt/emo people are all welcome! we love to chat about music n movies!! come n find ur gf/bf!!

we have reaction roles set up to express urself properly and are in need of good mods!!

>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6'2", blonde, blue eyes
>life situation
about to go back to college in autumn
vidya, reading autistic nerd shit, going to NA meetings.
>3 songs you like
burzum - rundgang
The Ethiopians - Engine 54
Ode an die Freude
>3 movies you like
The Matrix first movie
generally i like documentaries more than movies
>religious beliefs
atheist, but i also like neoplatonism
>political beliefs
>dating experience
not much
>looking for
be female
>not looking for

discord -> knowledge0204
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, with intent to meet eventually.
>physical description
White, 6'3, thin, brown hair and eyes
>life situation
decent job, better one soon possibly, moving into a house soon.
Listening to and making music, fashion, anime cons, cosplay, dnd, literature, philosophy, aesthetics, thrifting, antiques, vidya of course
>3 songs you like
Close to Me- The Cure, Autoluminescent- Rownland S. Howard, Ocean Rain- Echo and the Bunnymen
>3 movies you like
Not big on movies
>religious beliefs
Christian, chill about it
>political beliefs
Just wanna grill, libertarian tendencies
>dating experience
I've had a few girlfriends
>looking for
someone relatively close with similar interests, who enjoys goth music and fashion and can occasionally weeb out a little. Bonus points if you can play an instrument. Ages 26-32
>not looking for
drug users, smokers, men, non bio women, leftists, friend collectors,
whoops, contact: cypher02717
Hi friends see you soon. Date you soon?
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>Describe yourself
I'm gay, bottom, fit, 170cm, 71kg. I like cute things, sleep, games, mangas and dicks. I have a nice ass too. I'm quite clingy and needy. I'm naughty and I like to be dominated and marked by my owner.
>Looking for
A fit guy who owns me and always fucks me, even against my will. May you control me and fill me with cum always. Be extremely possessive and don't let me get close to any other person.
>not looking for
Woman, chubby/fat
>Discord tag

>describe urself
sweet, cute, loyal, affectionate, slim but still a lil squishy, half white half latina, girl next door type :) n yes, a tad mentally ill (depression/anxiety)

>looking for
my knight in shining armor to come n save me n make me his housewife <3

>not looking for
anything other than bio males, feminine males, incels, neets, anyone too mentally ill, anyone too left leaning

>final remarks
pls just be genuine, i rlly am not looking to play games, i want real love

discord: lilangel.x
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>Physical description
Blond, blue eyes, glasses, pale, 5'9" farmer type build, fairly handsome
>Life situation
Living with family (v. good relationship with both parents), working as much as I can as a freelance gardener until I can get a full time job
Firearms, militaria and military history, tabletop games, video games, I do a little woodcraft (it's not good), standard male autist stuff
>3 songs you like
One Piece At A Time by Johnny Cash, Derezzed by Daft Punk, Hold On I'm Coming by Sam & Dave
Also most of Masayoshi Takanaka's or MFD's stuff
>3 movies you like
Bad Times At The El Royale, Dirty Harry, The Blues Brothers
Catholic, considering converting to Baptist or Methodist
Total Politician Death, race realism, anti-homosexuality, pro-right to bear arms
>Dating experience
One previous gf, lasted less than a month cause she couldn't hold a conversation and was crushing hard on another guy she knew
>Looking for
A loving wife who wants to live in rural Montana or some other place with our swarm of offspring and 8 billion illegal weapons
>Not looking for
Homosexuals (bisexual women admitted on provisional basis), junkies, non-European genealogy (Asian girls are cute but I can't risk producing another Elliot Rodgers)
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friend said image i posted was awful and gave me this
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6'0" White guy with athletic build
>life situation
Six figure salary doing cyber security. Own a home and pretty comfy. Very stable life working out and making money.
Combat sports and technology. Also into typical 4chan stuff like anime and video games.
>3 songs you like
Roundabout by Yes
Starman by David Bowie
Smooth by Santana
>3 movies you like
Tropic Thunder
John Wick
Passion of the Christ
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
Two serious relationships
>looking for
Girl within the US who is in her twenties and loves the idea of a traditional relationship where the man provides for everything and we raise a Christ oriented family together.
>not looking for
Men, trannies, non-Whites
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
23/f/near Seattle wa
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6 ft 200 lbs, chubby/losing weight, wavy blonde hair, pale/pinkish skin, glasses, mostly wear black and dresses/sweaters, umm i paint my nails and do makeup but not very good at it
>life situation
I'm living with my dad and not willing to move far away, but would like to get my own place nearby at some point. I'm just going to school now and probably will get a job later this year. I have some health issues(autoimmune) and pretty bad anxiety but besides that I think I'm easy going
drawing, gaming, hiking
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
don't care about politics, not interested in extreme views either way or arguing about them
>dating experience
had 1 relationship(3 yrs)
>looking for
Ppl who are nice and lives nearby(I'm a bad texter sorry but I like to vc)
>not looking for
weird ppl, nudes, age 33+
just added you, my handle is aljout
I tried to add you, but it says you're not accepting friend requests
18 femboy uk (Dumfries)

Looking for:
Over 30 man, into a lot of kinks someone preferably quite controlling and strict ish. Prefer a gamer cause I game a lot too.

Not looking for:
Less than 30. Vanilla men. People who don’t speak English natively

Kinks: I basically love every kink. You’d struggle to find one I don’t like. However my favourites are:
Flashing, public/online exposure, public/online humiliation, breathplay, finDom’d, blackmail, risk, petplay

About me: I’m a gamer and play quite alot. I’m s neet so 24/7 available. I like overwatch, lol, RuneScape.

I can’t wait to here from you and I hope you message me soon :)

Discord: fishenjoyer69
21 M USA Virginia


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
5'10 158 I am mixed with Black and Korean, I have brown eyes

I like coding, drawing, reading I will read anything at all, vtubers (kinda), anything to do with cyber sec, video games, gardening

>3 songs you like
big red heart- haachama, Human for a minute - shame, whered you go- yameii

>dating experience
Only 1 gf ever lasted for a year and a half

>looking for

Discord: jasonpatrinoff.
Why did your friend sissify and emasculate you for a dating thread? Your first image had humor that one makes you look like a twitter picrew fag
This, their friend is either a clueless girl or a boy so effeminate they might as well be
you sound insecure
Hey! I'm 23M from toronto too! add me!
disc: dermatillia
I added you and you messaged me then you removed me before I could even respond lmao
32/M/Northern New York
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, for now.
>physical description
White, 5'8", 305lbs (working on it), short brown hair, green/gray eyes, beard.
>life situation
Poor. Working on getting mental health disability. Yeah, I know this isn't ideal, but that's what it is. I've been the past 10 years operating under the assumption that I was okay on my own. I was very wrong. I have love to give.
Weird sports (ask me about sumo), books, tea, stand-up comedy
>3 songs you like
Elton John - Take me to the Pilot, Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing, Yes - Roundabout
>3 movies you like
Terry Gilliam's Brazil, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Shaun of the Dead
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
1 gf in college for 2.5 years, we lived together for a year, been a bit of a gap since then
>looking for
A biological female.
>not looking for
I’m not looking for anyone outside of the US sorry
I'm sorry, but going to emphasize I only want to talk to people nearby (within couple hrs drive) :)
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
23 / M / Michigan
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Kinda, as long as the plan is eventually to be together physically
>physical description
5'7 175lb, average white guy I suppose
>life situation
Have my own apartment, got my own car, got a job that let's me have a savings account so I'm doing pretty good :)
Anime, gaming, baking, cleaning, I like watching movies and going out for a walk if that's what you like, I'm a big cuddler and watch stuff in bed with my girl kinda guy
>dating experience
I've had only 1 real relationship, when I was younger but that's it
>looking for
A girl, a real relationship, someone I can hold and bake for, give flowers to, love and cherish. I have a lot of love to give but no one to give it to, I wanna watch some movies with you learn about you
>not looking for
Poly, cheating culture, hookup culture ect. Not looking for a guy obviously,
discord; shinjitero
friend is a woman, said the original image would scare women away
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
32/M/UK (Northwest)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5ft6, skinny build, black hair and brown eyes.
>life situation
Work full time and live alone. Have my own car.
Anime, manga, movies, gaming, cars, motorcycles, animals (cats), travelling, fishing and hiking.
>3 songs you like
>3 movies you like
The Matrix, American Beauty & The Thing
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
Had a few dates but that's about it
>looking for
A woman who is similar age to me and lives in the UK
>not looking for
Men or transwomen
Discord: aaron1665
24 f eu

>about you
i've been a little sheltered and i have mild autism. i'm calm and polite but can have outbursts of immaturity or aggressiveness over some very specific topics

i like /x/ things, psychology, herbs, books and some manga. i'm picky with movies but i'm big on cinema.
i would really like to practice chess with someone, share music over vc and obscure sites or knowledge over text
i relate to jirai kei to an extent and would like to update my closet to it just a little </3

>looking for
extroverted girls or guys who are exciting to be around and high iq lol
i also have a soft spot for nordic looks

>not looking for
outside of eu, neediness, only ask questions or never ask questions in convos, low energy, negativity although some edginess is fine

i don't say them

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18/f/usa midwest

>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes but not forever

>physical description
I am fat and slightly below average looking. I have long brown hair and glasses with big eyes. I am white and 5 ft 5 if that matters.

>life situation
still living with my parents, i am still in school (graduate this year) and i have a job. I'm trying my best to improve my life by losing weight, working on becoming less awkward and annoying to be around, and going outside more often.

I like video games, drawing, listening to bad music, and voice chatting. I really wanna get back into playing phasmophobia so if you have that game or overwatch that would be great!!

>3 movies you like
Birdbox, Hereditary, and Scream (the first one) I love horror movies!!!

>religious beliefs
im a christian, at least im trying my best to be :(

>dating experience
very minimal. Im a virgin and ive never done anything sexual irl before. ive had 3 online relationships.

>looking for
Someone who will love me regardless of what i look like and encourage me to lose weight not because id be more attractive to them but because its whats best for me.

Please be a virgin or at least have very very few sexual experiences. i dont really care about looks or height that much. Please be affectionate and gentle with me, i dont respond well to anger or roughness.

>not looking for
people who expect me to have sex before marriage. i will not compromise this and never will. do NOT talk sexual with me with the intent to "esex" or whatever. the only sexual talk that will be occurring is to see if we are compatible from an objective standpoint.

if you plan on cheating on me because i wont give you sex until we're married please dont waste my time.

-high body count
-super handsome or muscular men (you will cheat on me/make fun of me because im ugly/fat)

fishchanx0 on discord
If you're polyamorous, kindly disclose it early on rather than delaying and causing unnecessary inconvenience by concealing your relationship status until later.

Multiple anons in this thread have done this.
Are you the "fat but big tits" kind of fat or "cursed by god fat and flat" kind of fat
i am large chested but the way you worded this comes across as gooner-y
That's okay, I will add you across like 3 or 4 different discords and find out what you like best to figure you out. I am a high functioning chameleon.
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They killed bumble, it was too hard for them to start the convo...
Might have to give Bumble another go.
I changed my user, dont add me
Sucks I just barely missed you
Change it back i want to turn you into my mindless brapping fuckpig itd be so fucking hot im almost twice your age just imagine a crusty sonofabitch plapping away at your massive asscheeks making you fart with every thrust we dont even have to do anal i just wanna watch your fertile little brown eye opening and closing to let the air out as im fucking you like a balloon made of gelatinous FAT
When im done im gonna felch my cum out of your pussy and wash it down with the foggy sweat dribbling off your asscrack. Why foggy? Because of all the salty food ill have you eating. Im gonna make you a fucking mess. Im gonna have your squirt looking like cottage cheese on my cock aftrr i pull out. Im gonna have you gulping down my cum with mayo. Post a new tag now, my fat mischievous rapemeat
nvm, see why she changed it
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18/m/midwest us
>open to long distance (y/n)?
for some time but not long, preferably
>physical description
5'4, white, skinny, dark blond mid length hair
>life situation
living at home w/ parents, moving out for college this year
i love art/drawing, listening to music and making it, writing, forest walks, want to get more into psychology and anime
>3 songs you like
deftones - be quiet and drive, alex g - gretel, unwound - demons sing love songs
>3 movies you like
princess mononoke, all about lily chou chou, submarine
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
couple of online relationships
>looking for
someone who's silly, emotionally supportive, open and communicative, and likes similar things to me. im usually more compatible with neurodivergent methinks.

preferably looking for women, but im indifferent to femboys or enby.
>not looking for
anything relating to polyamory, masculine dudes, short-term shiz
Missed ya. Sucks, I really liked your bio
>ASL : 25, sissy/CD, France
>sexuality : love men
>open to long distance : yes if we meet irl sometimes
>physical description : tall Brown hair blue eyes
>life situation : working
>hobbies : cooking walking swimming
>religious beliefs: catholic
>looking for : relationship with a man
>contact : disc valou255
18, biofem, somewhere in canada

>long distance
yes, but id like to meet you eventually

>physical description
average height, chubby, pale, brown mid length hair

>life situation
in school and living at home

>hobbies and interests
media consumption, music, anime, vidya, data hoarding, webdev (im being intentionally vague for the added fun!)

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs

>dating experience
one online relationship that lasted three ish months

>looking for
someone feminine leaning, also inexperienced in dating, bonus points for shared interests

>not looking for
significantly older than me, polyamory

sorry to have missed you. I feel like I fit exactly what you're looking for. feel free to add me if you ever change your mind.

I have no hope but here goes
22/m/new england
some variety of asexual, sex repulsed but still experience attraction an arousal(unpleasant), no desire to actually have sex, definitely have psychological issues
>open to long distance?
>physical description
6', white, long reddish blonde hair, blue eyes, average looking I guess
>life situation
shut-in neet, highschool dropout, live with my mom. (diagnosed) autistic, depressed, anxiety disorder
art, vidya, comics and manga, collecting various types of media, music, religion/philosophy
crippling youtube addiction but it's more of an affliction than a hobby
>3 songs you like
moonchild (king crimson)
heart of the sunrise (yes)
nimrodel (camel)
>3 movies you like
blade runner
star wars 1-6 fuck the other ones though
lord of the rings extended edition
>religious beliefs
mix of hindu, buddhist and pagan beliefs, believe in god, souls and an afterlife(I don't know what it entails though), pantheism/panentheism, universal compassion, god loves everyone. formerly catholic.
>political beliefs
skeptical of society in general, don't like the government, don't like corporations, don't like political ideologues, don't like talking about politics.
>dating experience
had a "girlfriend" for like a week in elementary school, got rejected once, haven't tried other than that.
>looking for
18-24 biological female, virgin(please don't message me if you're not), asexual or ok with not having sex, common interests, true love. bonus points if you're also an autistic loser like me, bonus bonus points if you're cute.
looking for a non-transactional relationship that's more like being friends but still 'romantic', typical "dating" stuff seems weird and gross to me, I just want a girl I like who I can hang out with and also be affectionate
>not looking for
mtf transgenders, sexhavers, catfishers, gaslighters, normies, people who want to change me
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
Bi-leaning, prefer women or femine males
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
170cm, mixed, black hair, brown eyes, glasses
>life situation
good paying IT job, living with parents, stable
traveling(seen JP/Thai/Spain + more), vidya(bg3/poe/cs/indie roguelikes), anime(overlord/reincarnated as slime), manga, collecting anime figures, hitting gym
>3 songs you like
HI-LO - Kronos
Thy art is Murder - Reign of Darkness
3Force - Doomsday Codex
>3 movies you like
Harry Potter, nostalgia mostly
Koto no ha no niwa
Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
>religious beliefs
No gods, no kings, only men
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
Someone to play games or chat with, share random music i find on spotify, being able to love a sperg like me. pref 18-29
>not looking for
chuds, catfish, golddigger
discord -> batemon
First ever post on here so sorry I don't know how to work it properly

20 Male Texas
>Open to Long Distance?
Yes, though I would like to eventually meet
>Physical Description
5'9-10, black hair, switches between curly and wavy, brown eyes, trying to control my beard, somewhat chubby but working out a lot recently
>Life situation
About to move for school, in college for Animal Science
I like games and a couple shows and anime, it is mostly games though. I like raising birds, chickens, ducks, parakeets, my friends call me the bird guy
>3 songs you like
Piano Man, Gibbon, Bakamitai
>3 movies
Taxi Driver, Shrek, Puss in Boots the Last Wish
>Religious beliefs
>Political Beliefs
Somewhat right leaning? Or just right I'm not sure
>Dating experience
I've been in one serious relationship
>Looking for
18-24 Biological female. Someone to just chill with, I want a serious relationship. We don't have to discuss marriage right away but I'd like long term.
>Not looking for
Transgenders sorry, something quick or one time
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Wanted to post a pic but forgot. I don't take many pictures of myself outside of progress and this is the most recent
write to me, I am available with snap content: aurora.1g Telegram: valez123
26/M/USA (PNW)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6'2 and around 220-230 lbs
extreme metal (black, sludge and doom metal mostly), screamo and emo
tabletop RPGs (OSR games like AS&SH and B/X D&D, Cyberpunk 2020, Hunter: The Vigil)
collecting CDs and occult trinkets, going to concerts with friends
>3 songs you like
Venus & Bacchus by Saetia
Orca by Lo!
Sisera by Antichrist Siege Machine
>3 movies you like
Happy Together (1997)
All About Lily Chou-Chou (2001)
Gummo (1997)
>religious beliefs
i call myself "folk christian"
>political beliefs
pretty much completely apolitical
>dating experience
i've had a few long-distance relationships
>looking for
boyfriend. not judgmental about looks or weight or anything like that.
>not looking for
sex pests or coomers. overly political people on either end of the spectrum.
discord: masquepriest

>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
27/M/USA, specifically east coast, NJ
Straight (That means no peepee havers please)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
A temporary LDR is fine as long as the goal is to get together in person eventually and it's feasible for us to do so. I'd prefer people in my country as it massively complicates matters if you're out of it.
>physical description
Top of pic related
>life situation
Tired and depressed. Recovering from relatively severe illness, dealing with some chronic lingering effects.
Also top of pic related
>3 songs you like
Fade to black
Strawberry swing
Space song
>3 movies you like
Donnie Darko
Kung fu hustle
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
No clue anymore. I've been called far left and far right for offering reasonable disagreement with direction brained political zealots so supposedly the answer is somewhere between those. I'd strongly prefer not to affiliate with any particular group because I can't trust them to not make me look bad by association.
>dating experience
Fairly experienced from when I was in school. Dry spell after having to deal with the wretched abyss that is online dating, hence I'm here of all places looking for someone who also isn't terribly normie and vapid.
>looking for
Someone I'd want to spend my life with, genuinely loving relationship, lasting happiness. I'm very into gentle femdom/role reversal dynamics. Bottom of pic related is my theoretical ideal gf, with the traits I generally find attractive.

You don't need to fit all of them for me to like you, but my sense of attraction is unfortunately a bit particular. At the very least the body type and mutual interests are a must.
>not looking for
Findoms, penis havers, sociopaths, people who act like socipaths, overweight (sorry), people who instantly ghost without saying anything or talking about it.
posting here cos the Canada thread is full of degens

>open to long distance (y/n)?
if youre an hour drive away yes
>physical description
white, light brown hair, brown eyes
>life situation
studying compsci at uni
music, gym, computers, gaming, board gaming...
>looking for
a nerdy girl with similar interests
>not looking for
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
I mean, we'll meet eventually, right?
>physical description
Southeast Asian, 6'0, 190lbs, average.
>life situation
Currently aimless, just had a rough week that's making me reevaluate my life,
decided to make long term goals to focus on, mainly want to move to Japan in the far future.
I'd like to make friends/ date around before I'm too busy for any of that
Behind on all my hobbies because my PC died recently but:
Casual/beginner photography, music (both listening and occasionally creating), learning Japanese shit (language and culture),
occasionally video games/reading/movies/anime/ clearing out my backlogs, recently exercising more.
Interested in eventually adding drawing/blender to my interests when I think I have the time/energy/interest to do so.
>3 songs you like
HINTO -『トキメキドライ』
Kool & The Gang - Summer Madness
Peter Broderick - Let It Go
>3 movies you like
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Colorful (2010 anime movie)
Fantastic Mr. Fox
>religious beliefs
Agnostic. Don't really believe in anything but have had ghost encounters
>political beliefs
Mostly apolitical/neutral, entirely depends on context/topic
>dating experience
Flirted with girls before but nothing past that, either from them ghosting/I was too nervous to go further
>looking for
In all honestly, I want a nerdy GF that is enthusiastic to show that nerdy side to me, and we figure out our dynamic/relationships/intimacy together.
But in general, just a girl with ambitions/things going on, we support/message each other; whatever happens, happens.
>not looking for
beggars, fucked up, unstable, mentally ill, /pol/. I'm not worth catfishing.
discord: palcico
22 M Texas San Antonio
Mostly gay, but I mean, I'd try a girl
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'9", thin, nice butt, smooth, very white, long brown hair.
>life situation
Software engineer, lives alone, chronically online and needs to go outside :(
I'm currently playing alot of dwarf fortress. I draw furry porn. I make board games and play them with my friends from my home town, but we all live in different states now.
>3 songs you like
Ghost of Smoky Joe - Big bad voodoo daddy
Son of a wolf - powerwolf
21st century Schizoid man - King Crimson
>3 movies you like
Brewster's Millions (the richard prior one)
Dune (the new ones)
Zootopia (i'm furry trash)
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Right of center economically, libertarian socially, slightly nationalist.
>dating experience
had one real BF, and I met him on 4chan. We dated for a bit over a year.
>looking for
open relationship, in person. Weirdos and wackos welcome.
>not looking for
long distance
ceryne on tele and discord
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
19/Bio F/Ohio


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
5'5, curvy, soft black hair (naturally dark brown, but a soft black compliments my features), green eyes.
I am also mixed race (colombian + french canadian) but I look white and grew up white

>life situation
I'm doing well for myself, I live with two other roommates and I work at a pizza place.

idk ask me I like games n music n stuff

>3 songs you like
Jesus Christ - brand new
undone(the sweater song) - Weezer
leaf - title fight

>3 movies you like
(500) days of summer - marc webb
world of tomorrow - don hertzfelt
paprika - Satoshi Kon

>religious beliefs
grew up a very timid and paranoid devout catholic girl n then slowly got more relaxed as the years went on, still and always have upheld morality though.

>political beliefs
generally right-wing

>dating experience
none, very weird lonely girl. not ugly just really weird and content with being lonely until recently.

>looking for
a guy who I like who likes me back and we like each other

>not looking for
degenerates or the generally depraved, girls, trans, gays, much older guys (gotta b reasonably close to my age), hookups/only seeking sex


epic_pixie on discord
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes because i travel a lot but I want to meet in person as well at points.
>physical description
6'1'', pretty fit, french looking
>life situation
Got a great job lined and graduating college really soon. Things are great.
Engineering, Going outdoors, Seeing other countries, trying new things. I like experiencing others interests as well.
>religious beliefs
Don't really care
>political beliefs
Dont really care, as long as people know how to be a conscious being and use their brain.
>dating experience
None really, other then talking to people here and there when i go out drinking with one and dones.
>looking for
A relationship, now that I have my life set up I want to find someone to spend time with and really just experience things together.
>not looking for
Other dudes, trans, fat people (lol)
>contact, discord
Better quality of your pic

Also, I'm not looking any longer guys, so don't add me. Peace out.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
27 F, MTL QC Canada
I prefer Guys
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
gotta add me to find out but I aint skinny and I have mixed roots, also 5'6
>life situation
I work a lot and I'm lonely as hell because I cut off my friends who betrayed me. I work in telecommunications
music, movies, going out with friends and family, foodie, working out
>3 songs you like
Rude boi - Rihanna
Go Down Deh - Spice + Shaggy
Hotline - Ciara
>3 movies you like
John Tucker Must Die
Kill Bill 1
Not really a movie, but Modern Family
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Dont care about politics
>dating experience
I have been engaged a few times and dated guys, but I have been having bad luck, because they were abusive or they are not who they say they are.
>looking for
Long term relationship provided we do a non-legal traditional wedding, or Marriage, but I wanna get to know the person first. Also a family. Someone that is old-fashioned and romantic, preferably in Canada or is willing to move here. I have a preference for White and Mixed Race and Latino and Native guys, West African as well. Tall too like taller than me. I am into light raceplay and breeding.
>not looking for
Guys who don't want a family, guy who are disrespectful, guys who arent employed like me, I'll even accept that you work at Mcdonalds. Someone patient and a good communicator.
discord - montreal.badgyal98
sorry i meant the patient and good communicator part in what i am looking for sorry.
Sent you a friend request
This is a single mom
26 / M / West Germany


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
185 / 6,1
Skinny (80Kg) but I do believe I have high body fat, am looking at my diet but need to do more

>life situation
unemployed due to Mental Health (Psychiatrist wrote me off work for indefinite time)
living alone
in search of a Therapist near me (but it takes a while sadly)
had a Cat for 18yrs but last year he passed, so I am coping currently (but wanting one is growing with each day I get over my old buds passing)

Manga (Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller, Tragedy but sometimes Sports or even Romance)
Anime (watch a shit ton but barely talk about em with others)
Music (Future Bass, EDM, Pop, Rock etc. can be any genre, as long as it sounds good to me)
Animals (Had a Cat for 18yrs but passed last year, I am weak for any type of Animal)
Series/Movies (nearly all Denis Viallenuve's Movies, Severance, Better Call Saul, Atlanta,The Bear, Forever, Mr.Nobody)
Currently into Voiceover
not gaming much
YT mostly OneyPlays or Jerma985 but Vinny/Vinesauce when I want to Relax
I do most of my Stuff on Bike, dont have a Car.
don't workout but I want to, but Alone I cant get myself to do it (buhuu I know)

>3 songs you like
San Holo - Memories
Sugababes - About you now
On Sight - Ye

>3 movies you like
Kilo Two Bravo
Swiss Army Man

>religious beliefs
Atheist but not appalled but others that do believe

>political beliefs
None really, I only read myself in when its voting time, but dont have any strong opinions

>dating experience
Only Flirtatious Conversations but otherwise Nothing else

>looking for
See what happens, I dont want to drill a specific Expectation on potential partners. Its less stress, I like to believe atleast

>not looking for
Dont know yet actually, guess people that want to kill me if I say one thing they dont like, lets talk about it and not kill

dc: jaytehee
21 minutes of you're life you'll never get back. I'm so sorry for your loss anon
im just trying to warn everyone else, i think leaving out that shes a single mom is kind of a huge giveaway to what kind of person she is
what race is the kid?
37/M/Argentina (Buenos Aires)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Dark brown hair, brown eyes. White skin. Beard. 170cms * 77kgs
>life situation
Single, childless
vidya, music, cinema
>3 songs you like
Love Factory. Sunday Afternoon. Right where it Belongs.
>3 movies you like
Everything Everywhere All At Once. Stranger Than Fiction. The Truman Show.
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Center Socialist
>dating experience
Enough, I guess.
>looking for
One person in particular I've met here
>not looking for
Other people
DS: CynicalDom
>You are not Johnny Footballhero or Chad Thundercock
I am actually.
>A cold open is not going to be it for you.
if you see a woman who sparks any interest in you, you just go for it, trouble is finding those women
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Straight Mono
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Y, with intent to meet
>physical description
6'0", 185 pounds, short brown hair, grey eyes, average build, mediterranean and slavic complexion
>life situation
full time employed, underwent several rough months experiencing multiple farewells leaving me pretty much alone
cars, roadtripping, technology, anime, foreign films, tabletop games, video games, cue sports, cooking and baking.
My music taste seems to change around a lot, currently listening to maidcore, post-rock and metal.
>3 movies you like
Redline, Tokyo Godfathers, Network
>religious beliefs
atheist, non-jewish
>dating experience
1 long distance relationship that lasted several years
>looking for
a bio female to share hobbies, hangout, someone who is silly, chatty, appreciates dark humor and is willing to meet eventually.
>not looking for
discord: pansyfaust__62599
20/M/Canada (PT)
>Open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'11" 140 lbs wasian. I look skinny but I have a fast metabolism and I walk and run a lot so not in bad shape
>life situation
uni student 3.6 GPA and working part time wagecuck job but I have lots of grants and scholarships so doing pretty well for myself. I have quite a few close male friends I talk to daily and I'm learning the bass and guitar aspiring to be a musician. Kind of retarded (autistic ADHD)
Movies (got really into kino a couple years ago. Not really any specific genres I like but I'm really interested in auteur directors)
Music (I like post-punk, prog rock, trip hop, underground hip hop and electronic stuff. Not really anything I dislike although country and metal are the two genres I listen to the least)
Animals (I have two cats they're both long haired and super soft. I love cats so if you have cats/like cats we will probably get along)
TV series (I don't watch a lot of TV as I prefer watching movies, but Better Call Saul is my favourite. Started Twin Peaks but haven't continued so if you're a big lynch fan I'd love to watch it w/ you)
Gaming (I don't play a ton of multiplayer games but TF2 is my go-to. I like singleplayer story-driven games. Currently playing Majora's Mask.)
>3 songs you like
Roads - Portishead
Magician - black midi
Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads
>3 movies you like
There Will Be Blood
End of Evangelion
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Mostly liberal
>dating experience
Been on a couple tinder dates and got so nervous after I almost threw up and couldn't message back. absolutely rizzless virgin
>looking for
cute girl who is really into stuff like anime, games or whatever. open for erp/vc or taking it slow whatever you prefer. I go crazy for cute girls w/ glasses
>not looking for
men, trans, big girls (not into girls bigger than me), racists
discord - napkin222, kik - starlessandbibleblak
22/M/East Coast U.S.
Straight as sandpaper
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Default Asian male
>life situation/about me
College undergraduate in STEM. I might be busy at times, but I can always make time for conversation with my buddies. I’m kind of burnt out but the train hasn’t gone completely off the rails. I’ve spent most of my life in the academic machine and I’m decent at it. I’m fairly introspective. I’ve gotten a bit cynical. I can at least still make myself laugh and I would like to try with someone else.
3D printing, DIY
Guitar, piano, messing around in MuseScore
crosswords (NYT, the New Yorker)
music (shoegaze, noise rock, pretty much RYM taste)
Anime and manga (more so in the past)
Video games
>3 songs you like
All My Little Words
What Once Was
Dizzy on the Comedown
(Hmm these aren’t very noisy, whoops).
>3 movies you like
Paris, Texas
National Lampoon’s Vacation
>religious beliefs
Agnostic, but invoke God where convenient
>political beliefs
Not very political
>dating experience
>looking for
Hopefully, you’re female. I don’t really care about the details and the great part about text communication is that so long as I can’t tell, I won’t tell. I’m more of a friends-into-lovers-type romantic anyways. Hopefully we share some hobbies and the conversation comes naturally. I’m not the most squeaky clean person myself, but it would be nice if you were ultimately tolerant.
>not looking for
Mean, dismissive people. The archetype.
>What would you like to do with and for your partner (leftover from a romance thread)?
We can walk around parks, museums, and the city whispering between ourselves and making the passerby uncomfortable. We can split earbuds and take turns changing the song. Then when one person forgets it’s in and yanks it out of the other’s ear, it will be a great joke to us and we would both roll around on the concrete laughing.
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33/M/USA Midwest. Straight.

Much more lighthearted than this post suggests. Weird mix of edgy and silly. I love mean/offensive humor (ironically, I'm sensitive when I need to be). I love word play and will make puns. Groans and laughs are equally welcome.

>Love language
Physical touch, quality time. Gift giving is too transactional for me to be comfortable, but I do enjoy small things like dropping off your favorite food/snack by your work. Even if we're doing our own thing, I want time with you by my side at least a few times a week. I'm totally comfortable just cuddling and chatting in bed for an hour.

>Content Consumed
Lots of nonfiction youtube. I love to learn. I watch some anime here and there. Live action shows tend to be some form of comedy but I can be convinced to watch other stuff.

Atheist, nihlist, rational, pragmatic. Live and let live. Moderation in all things. You won't find me at protests or rallies but I try to act ethically towards everyone I meet.

>Physical status
White. 180lbs (working on shedding a few), 5'10" Brown hair never long, I buzz it when it gets shaggy., Green eyes. No piercings or tattoos (don't mind if you do)

Substance use about once a month (prefer similar)
Social activity once or twice a month
If I'm going out outdoors > crowds and louds
Primary escape/hobby Video games and related activities
Dabble/Desire hobbies DIY, music, writing, hiking, paddleboarding, tennis
Financial status Own my home, no kids (sterile), decent savings. Frugal, but comfortable.
Career IT. Bachelor's Degree, Certification. Starting new Job with pension.

22 Female USA
>about me
I'm a student in STEM. I'm a volcel. Asian, feminine, and not fat. I hate men. Love learning about all things, anthropology, feminism, science, mathematics.
>looking for
A male (23+) who may be able to change my mind about men (highly unlikely)
>not looking for
LGBT+, feminine men
>Discord tag
26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Someone who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted.
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. You will be _my queen_ (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters

>contact info
Discord: homer_hesiod_and_sappho
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24/M/Canada, straight
>A bit about yourself and situation
Reserved, typically level headed and easy to get along with. People tell me I'm supportive and a good confidant. Full time employed
>Open to ldr?
>Willing to relocate?
Within Canada and US, not sure about a Europe move
>Religious and political beliefs
Catholic, conservative
>Physical description
220 lbs, Asian, black hair, brown eyes, built, 180 cm
>Current occupation/schooling
Employed full time, bachelor's, two majors
>Hobbies and interests
Cooking, fitness, history, homesteading (learning about it), experienced with it
>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids. I don't have any
>Life goals
Good career, family, kids, nice property

>Looking for
Women, 19-30. Ideally on the same page as me when it comes to beliefs and values. Goal oriented and a rough plan for the future. Having the exact same interests isn't that important
>Not your type/dealbreakers
Liberals, not wanting kids, not open to religion or religious

Anything else in the post format, just ask when you add me :)

>Contact info
7.5 inch hung dick looking for a female friend for casual chat/gaming

Discord: _wiegraf_folles_
very hung daddy lf agegap with his little girl
rich. fly to you or you come to me
Female, Southeastern U.S.



>open to long distance (y/n)?


>physical description

Hourglass, Tall (5'11), tomboyish (I wear my hair in a bun), black hair brunette

>life situation

Decent blue collar job


I like a lot of more traditionally masculine things I guess, like shooting and military-related topics. I'm no military autist, though, I do not sperg about which plane would win a hypothetical dogfight. I like stuff I physically do myself. Outside of that, I like to cook, I play some video games, and I listen to country music.

>political beliefs

Right-wing, but not extensively nor overtly politically charged.

>dating experience

Had a few partners here and there.

>looking for

I am interested in pursuing a long term relationship. I like men that are chivalrous, respectful, kind, have diverse interests, and want to support their partner through pushing each other to be better both personally and career wise.

>not looking for

No overly sexually charged discussion, please. And no mental illness, for the love of god. Manchildren stay away. No Europeans either.


discord: miss__thang_
will just block you
She isn't interested in changing or having any form of intellectual conversation.
Won't even meantion why she hates men.
Doesn't know common feminism talking points
Based femoid's seething hatred
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
34 M USA
Straight (inclusive)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Within the USA
>physical description
5 9 180 blue eyes brown hair glasses
>life situation
NEET on disability
video games, history, music
>3 songs you like
Waltz #2 - Elliott Smith
None Shall Pass - Aesop Rock
Symphony 5 - Dimitri Shostakovich
>3 movies you like
Falling Down
Oldboy (korean)
Citizen Kane
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Apolitical, left leaning
>dating experience
>looking for
I'd like someone I could spend all day texting and voice calling. I have a lot of free time so I have unlimited attention to give. I'd like someone I can game with, watch movies with, listen to music with, and generally just exist online with.
>not looking for
obese women
Hating the half of the population that actually maintains society isn't based in any way.
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25, male, Australia
I'm into Girls and femboys
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, if you're open to moving or traveling.
>physical description
White, 6'2", average build, green eyes, brown hair
>life situation
I am self employed
I do coding/programming, I do art, digital art, oil painting and more. I play video games, like apex, Runescape, tf2. I like science, watching YouTube, movies. I watch Livestreams.
>religious beliefs
>looking for
A femboy or girl (transgirls included), to chat and pursue a relationship if we like eachother. I want someone who's intelligent and reasonable minded. Having a good sense of humour, and sharing an interest/hobby would be nice.
Discord: rck%4336 (remove the percentage sign)
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>>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>>open to long distance (y/n)?
Y, if time zones allow for it
>>physical description
180cm, white, brown hair, blue eyes, slim/fit build
i suck at taking pictures but i'll send pics if you want
>>life situation
3rd year computer science student, living in student housing,
technology, history, games, weebshit, currently learning japanese (but I only started 4 months ago), chinese tea brewing,
>>3 songs you like
The mollusk by ween, tonight the streets are ours by richard hawley, paradis by wintergatan
not necessarily my favorites, just ones i've been listening to recently
>>3 movies you like
goodfellas, paprika, no country for old men
i have not watched many movies and also not necessarily my favorites
>>religious beliefs
>>political beliefs
desu idk, i live under a rock
>>dating experience
none, a girl was into me 5 years ago and i pushed her away, that's about it
>>looking for
someone to fall in love with i guess
>>not looking for
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
22/m/chicago, us
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'11, asian, skinny fat (working on it)
>life situation
analyst, chillin for now until my full time start
>3 songs you like
currently it would have to be
the neverminds - somewhere
illit - magnetic
thundercat - lava lamp
>3 movies you like
la la land
blade runner 2049
lost in translation
>religious beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
>not looking for
This thread would actually work if people were amart enough to post a proper profile with an actual location
27/M/Georgia, USA - I'm straight.

>wholesome fantasies
I want to spoil and be spoiled. Really want someone I can share my thoughts, interests, and concerns with. I'm big into doing activities together. Date nights, game nights, book nights. Whatver nights as long as they're together.

>about yourself
Professionally: Currently work in the Tech sector in a really stable field. Planning on going back to school later in the year as well to further myself. WFH as-well with a house in a good, quiet part of the state.

Other: I think everyone says they're chill and laid-back, so I'm not gonna put it lmao. I'm excitable about alot of things, and I love to get people pumped about their interest. I've spent time researching subjects just to push conversation with someone on my previous train commute. Outside of work some of the things I'm big into are pickleball, litrpg, card games (Yugioh currently). Currently have one dog and a cat.

I own a good-sized house with an actual hilly backyard. If you like to garden: you'd love it.

>Do you want/have kids?
I want kids, but I'm willing to adopt too if Bio kids are not for you.. I've volunteered at shelters and those kids need homes too :c

>looking for
I would love someone who has ambitions. They do not have to be professional, but I want to support you. I want to push my SO further and vice-versa. If you're a reader that'd be lovely as-well, and we don't even have to share the same love of genres. Even if you don't have an interest that corresponds with mine, I'd still love to get to know you :) I've picked up so many things over the past two years from people, and every person is a new journey.

>not looking for
Younger people (18-20), males.

discord: kennytoe
I've only got 30 people on my search bar, was this app just a retarded meme?
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
21/M/Southeastern US


>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes, within north america

>physical description
pale white, 6'0, long blond hair, blue eyes, athletic/thin-ish body type

>life situation
currently in university, working on a law degree

i'm a silly guy in a serious world. probably autist, seem to have a harder and harder time connecting with normal people as time goes on, and i also really like bunnies. i'm a university student and i'm currently pursuing many ambitions.
hobbies: i'm a musician who sings and plays piano/guitar/drums. i also skateboard (poorly) and like to skii when i get the chance.
i go to the gym every so often so i'm in alright shape. i also enjoy collecting old books concerned with esoteric religions or old magics.
i watch anime and play games as well, but i'm beyond help so i basically only play roblox and minecraft

>3 songs you like
is it really you? - loathe
they'll only miss you when you leave - carissa's wierd
how to make love stay - empire! empire!

>3 movies you like
i do not watch many movies
i love when people show me movies though

>religious beliefs
christian, very interested in theology and spirituality

>political beliefs
far right wing

>dating experience
i've been in a few relationships before

>looking for
a white girl who is good at heart and NOT evil.

>not looking for
non-monogamists, narcissists, girls who can drop people quickly, evil people, extremely skinny or extremely fat girls

discord: awesomeswag86


>open to long distance?

>physical description
6'1, 75kg, white, short brown hair, brown eyes

>life situation
Recently finished uni and started working as a statistician. Live alone.

Main interests are video games, movies, music, vtubers, and anime. I've also recently been getting into board games.

>3 songs you like
Stargazer - Rainbow
Monkey Gone to Heaven - Pixies
Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads

>3 movies you like
2001: A Space Odyssey
Blade Runner 2049
Your Name

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs
Not very interested in politics. Libertarian.

>dating experience
Had a girlfriend in high school. Relationship lasted a couple of years but didn't work out.

>looking for
Long-term serious relationship with a girl with similar interests/hobbies that I feel comfortable around and can do activities with.

>not looking for
Hookups, polygamy, casual relationships, men

Discord: sorabird
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)



Straight, i like boys and men

>open to long distance (y/n)?

Yes but we gotta meet up eventually

>physical description

5’5, dark hair with hazel eyes, a little curvy, flat stomach

>life situation

Just graduated hs, working part time, home body desu


Anime, cooking, gaming, binging tv shows and music

>religious beliefs


>dating experience

Unfortunately very little, i only had one relationship that lasted a few weeks back in highschool

>looking for

A smart and kind guy who can treat me right for once. Someone i can connect with and bond

>not looking for

Blacks. Sorry


Discord: xd_vibe
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
178 cm, 75kg, short blonde hair, blue eyes. See attached photo. What you see is what you get.

>life situation
Live alone, currently unemployed, trying to find next job.

Card games, computer games, manga, literature, nature walks, fishing, cooking, knives.

>3 songs you like
All-Out Attack (Ketsui OST)
Je te veux - Erik Satie
Overture 3, Air by Bach

>3 movies you like
Everything Everywhere all at Once
Angels with Dirty Faces
La Vita e Bella

>religious beliefs
Christian Orthodox

>political beliefs
Generally centrist, some conservative ideas.

>dating experience
Not a lot of it.

>looking for
Someone playful, affectionate and communicative that's fun to be around.

>not looking for
Solicitors or sellers.

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Hasn't added me back yet

It's so over
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
27/F/SE Asia


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
thick, 152cm, medium long hair

>life situation
first and foremost, I'm a single mom. Currently a neet so I spend most of my time caring for my kid and staying at home but still looking for opportunities to support both of us. we still live with my parents as well(we preferred to stay together because of economical status)

i play some games, i enjoy watching youtube and streams, listening to music and podcasts

>3 songs you like
too many to mention

>movies you like
Me before you
Dr. Strange

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs

>dating experience
thats a lot of stories to tell so just hmu if ur curious

>looking for
im not picky

>not looking for
always horny mode type of guys

will make no conversation whatsoever


>open to long distance (y/n)?
if in the same country, yes

>physical description
5'5, curly semi long hair, glasses and tanish

>life situation
living with parents but will move to you when I get the cash

walking/hiking, music making, guns(i own one aswell),drawing and video games

>3 songs you like

Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me by The Smiths

Boys don't cry by The Cure

Lost and Blind by Nailbomb

>3 movies you like

500 days of summer
The Truman Show
Bladerunner (both movies)

>religious beliefs
Roman Catholic Christian

>political beliefs
right leaning but not into the whole political thing

>dating experience
have before a couple times but haven't in a while

>looking for
woman, preferably catholic like me and want's to get married within 5 years and wants children, affectionate, someone to just talk to and walk with, sometimes sew or cook with aswell

>not looking for
trans, degens

Yeah, she's in a couple of other threads. That's what everyone has said.
Thats every woman in a contact thread. You gotta play jester and the second you fumble youre done. But if you unadd one because they had a “mental health break” or whatever and disappeared for a week youre a malicious asshole. Women on this board fuckin suck dawg
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
21/M/New England


>open to long distance (y/n)?
anyone in New England is fine, would like to meet irl eventually

>physical description
black, 5'10.5", bulky/athletic build

>life situation
At home with parents on college summer break
currently looking for a summer job

I'm a software engineer
i read books and manga
i practice martial arts (wrestling, bjj, muay thai, etc)
i'm a jazz trumpeter, who also dabbles in brass band, drum corps, etc
vidya from time to time

>3 songs you like
i - Kendrick Lamar
Enter the Realm - SZP
The Impossible Dream - Luther Vandross

>3 movies you like
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
Django Unchained

>religious beliefs
Agnostic Theist

>political beliefs
All over the place

>dating experience
I've dated several people, either from school or from friends of friends

>looking for
ladies to talk to and to get to know

>not looking for
toxic people

discord: koi29danger
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)

Northern sweden

straight afaik

>open to long distance (y/n)?
I'm open to it.

>physical description
Bald, 175, 90kg. Stocky, slightly chubby. Broad shoulders and thick legs.

Used to do steroids and ended up as a freak. Haven't worked out in 3 years though.

>life situation
Finalizing my master's. Got new job and will as I work finish up my degree. Once I've gotten the degree my job position becomes permanent and I get a pay increase.

In the process of moving to new city even further north.


Cars, music, games.
>3 songs you like

Försöker le, another love, I really want to stay at your house.
>3 movies you like
lotr, goodfellas, jurassic park.

>religious beliefs
Christianity is cool but no.

>political beliefs
Not too far left not too far right. ANd I find people in the middle to be snobs.

>dating experience
Dated a few. Not many people around me that I click with so nothing serious ever happened.

>looking for
Woman, pref swedish, good sense of humor is key.

>not looking for
Random dudes

Kuksvard discord
She has half a dozen posts in this thread alone, all copy pasted with no effort. You shouldn't have expected any less.
perhaps you are just boring and not putting effort into the conversation, so I am not either! food for thought...
"I'm boring because you're boring" is what uninteresting people always default to as a cope
24, male, Australia
I'm straight
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, but I still hope you can live in nz or aus
>physical description
Asian.fit.black hair.178cm
>life situation
I have a job work from Monday to Saturday
I like lifting running sometimes.watch basket/soccer.like manga and anime.draw something but not much
>religious beliefs
I don’t have religion
>looking for
A girl and i hope we can have any same hobby that’s important. Hope we can talk every day and if you live in Vic or any Aussie than we can have a meeting often. I hope my talk don’t let you feel bored.and i think most important thing is we can encourage each other make you feel happy
Discord: leony3653
That could be a fair argument if it wasn't several people across different threads saying you didn't even attempt to maintain a conversation
Learn how to feed a conversation, you cant just sit still and be talked to.
Sweetie, I'm sorry to say that you are indeed the problem
hasn't been my general experience desu, even with the few i've contacted from this thread. granted i do like entertaining people anyway, but i don't feel like it takes much to not be a boring person
25 M Youngstown Ohio
>open to long distance
Yes, but don't want that to be forever
>physical description
White, 5'8", 140lbs. Skinnyish, short beard and hair, glasses
>life situation
Still living with parents unfortunately, cannot find a well paying job, but I am employed and working on things that can hopefully help my career.
Movies, gaming, reading, writing, technology, painting, video creation/ editing
>3 songs I like
Everything is going to be okay by mick Gordon, party hard by Andrew w.k., cure for me by aurora
>3 movies I like
Blade Runner, Jacob's Ladder, christmas vacation
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Left mainly
>dating experience
One relationship a year ago that lasted a couple months
>looking for
>not looking for
Discord: rehmisme
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
Straight/mono (I like females)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'6" Asian, 125 lbs, black hair/eyes, fit, muscular but not big
>life situation
white collar wagie finishing up college
The usual: anime, manga, vidya games
history, militaria, firearms, cars, drawing, music
>3 songs you like
Tokyo wabi-sabi lullaby - Gawr Gura
Phantom - Chizh
Cau Ca Len Thanh - Connie Kim
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Honestly don't care but I lean right
>dating experience
>looking for
Female (biological) relationship, I'm pretty open to anything, just message me (please)
>not looking for
men, femboys, trannies, blacks
sup everyone,
28/F/California (specifically the Bay Area)
>Open to long distance
Yes, if there's a genuine connection
>Physical description
I'm 5'7" with long brunette hair, green eyes, and a smile that could light up a room.
>Life situation
I work in tech as a software engineer, leading a busy yet fulfilling life. I also navigate life with the challenges of PTSD.
I enjoy hiking in the pristine wilderness, attending sophisticatedAYYK art galleries, delving into geography, and engaging in deep conversations over a cup of coffee.
>3 songs I like
"Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley, "Lost in Japan" by Shawn Mendes, "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
>3 movies I like
"Inception", "The Grand Budapest Hotel", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"
>Religious beliefs
Open-minded and spiritual
>Political beliefs
Moderate with a focus on social justice
>Dating experience
Some, but always open to new experiences and connections
>Looking for
Someone who is erudite, amiable, and can hold a conversation with eloquence, seeking serious relationships.
>Not looking for
Drama or superficiality
Should you have any interest, feel free to reach out to me. Just send me a message! tg: krosher1up
22/F/Bulgaria, Sofia
>Open to long distance
Yes, for the right person
>Physical description
Brunette with hazel eyes, 5'6", slender build
>Life situation
Employed in marketing, living independently
Photography, hiking, cooking, reading fiction
>3 songs you like
Latch by Disclosure ft. Sam Smith, "Budapest" by George Ezra, "Landslide" by Fleetwood Mac
>3 movies you like
>Religious beliefs
>Political beliefs
>Dating experience:
None. Looking for something meaningful
>Looking for
Someone genuine, with a good sense of humor and an adventurous spirit
>Not looking for
If you feel inclined, feel free to contact me. Discord: urSofiaSunshine#1234
Dating server

Discord tag doesn't work. Add me if you want I think we'd get along
Discord: watsyall
Bro... Did you look at the post above.
21/M/USA, Pennsylvania
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Decently tall; 6 feet. Dirtyish blonde hair, blue eyes. Have a decent amount of muscle, but I'm also pretty chubby.
>life situation
Currently a student in college.
Admittedly basic hobbies like surfing youtube, playing vidya (I'm into fantasy and role-playing stuff mostly, although fairly recently I've been introduced to VNs), reading, going to the gym, watching anime and reading a bit of manga. In terms of interests beyond my hobbies, I'm generally interested in history, internet and irl happenings, theology, philosophy, and really whatever has caught my focus at a given moment.
>3 songs you like
Only in Dreams, I Wonder, Magic Ways
>3 movies you like
Joker, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Quiet Man
>religious beliefs
Christian, particularly Orthodox.
Generally reactionary/right-wing; despite this, I'd say I'm weirdly open minded.
>dating experience
Practically none. (There were a few e-relationships, but they hardly count.)
>looking for
I'm first and foremost looking for someone to start a long term relationship with. To this end, I'd prefer finding someone with similar fundamental values (Christian and/or having a more generally traditional orientation.) Politics to me are a very superficial part of one's worldview, so your politics don't matter to me as much as your more fundamental values. I'm not a prude and sometimes my attitude kind of contradicts what you'd expect from someone with beliefs, so I would ideally also like if you're more light hearted and kind of insane. This all being said, If that doesn't deter you and you have some reason to be interested anyways, just reach out and we can talk; I'm not above compromising a bit.
>not looking for
Hoes, superficiality, toxicity.
discord: kraussyy
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You're a fucking idiot
20/M/kerala india
>physical description
6'0,brown,rated 5 on rate thread
>life situation
out of college,preparing for job
video games,movies,running
>3 songs you like
Anvil lorn,Sacrifice london after midnight,arabian nights souxie and the banshees
>3 movies you like
>religious beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
preferably near me ,someone who reads.
>not looking for
above 30
Queensland, Australia, M, 33
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Built but a bit pudgy, 6'1, brown hair, brown eyes, trimmed hair and beard
>life situation
Over a decade in the military, am now a contractor
Vidya, Novels, Video Restoration
>3 songs you like
Eluveitie - A Rose for Epona
2814 - Drifting
Alanis Morisette - Hands Clean
>3 movies you like
All Quiet on the Western Front, Onions Green, Big Daddy
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Neutral. Politics ruins everything
>dating experience
My career hasn't been kind to me. My last physical girlfriend was 2013. I've had a handful of online relationships since then.
>looking for
Any woman to talk to
>not looking for
If interested
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music(favs are hip hop, metal, shoegaze), guitar, drums, going to the gym, driving, retro/indie games, iceberg charts, getting into anime
>looking for
girls with similar interests
20/M/Southeast Europe
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
184 cm, average build, brown hair, green eyes, skin tone somewhere between fair and olive.
>life situation
Taking a gap year before I go to uni, will be travelling quite a bit this summer
history, polsci, theology/religion, sociology and philosophy.In my free time I mainly hike, go on forest walks or play vidya.
>3 songs you like
Johnny Cash - Riders in the Sky
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Black Magick SS - In The Circle
>3 movies you like
Full Metal Jacket
Dr Strangelove
The Tragedy of Man
>religious beliefs
Interested in Paganism, Neoplatonism and Advaita Vedanta
>political beliefs
Leaning torwards 4th Political Theory but I mainly care about local politics.
>dating experience
>looking for
Someone interesting to talk to that might lead to a long term relationship in the future if we vibe together. Ideally from the Balkans but it's not that important.
>not looking for
trans, gays and erp
since she stated she is from toronto it probably wasnt
>About you
Movies, books, swiming, hiking and into fitness,
>Looking for
local anons

>open to long distance
>describe yourself
white, blonde hair, blue-gray eyes, 6’0, lean muscular
like to go on hikes, fall down wikipedia rabbitholes, go to the gym, play the guitar, visit museums, take care of animals (I have chickens), photography, gaming occasionally, etc.
>3 songs you like
pretty much anything, I like The Smiths a lot right now
>looking for
A girl to talk to and hang out with and date if we get along, preferably also a bit mentally ill and clingy, someone to talk to about music and other stuff and go to museums with
>not looking for
one word responders, men
Discord: onceuponamoon
Don't feel bad anon, they added me back and it was some fuck nigga. Either a username typo or catfish/troll.
26/M/Middle East


>open to long distance (y/n)?

>physical description
5.7ft, 64kg white, slim, actually looks like I'm 20 years old

>life situation
software engineer, just started my own business and struggling to success

competitive video games, coding, sometimes graphic design

>3 songs you like
the show must go on by queen, pray for me by the weeknd and paradise city by guns n roses

>3 movies you like
12 angry men, forrest gump and scent of a woman

>religious beliefs

>political beliefs

>dating experience
I had a couple dates in my teenage, then I got into a long ass relationship 5+ years and now I'm open, I'm a serious person, don't like playing around

>looking for
someone with a similar interests as mine who can sit in front of her pc for the entire day, and MUST be ambitious

>not looking for
gay, trans, bisexual male or female

discord: kisskillya
lol you'be been ignoring me for days XD
24 m, NYC

bio F only

skinny fit white guy, 6’2, very well endowed, if that’s important to you

Looking to talk about fitness/share pics/confessions

Have started going to the gym almost a year ago and have made huuuge progress. I’d love some tips to keep improving/share progress pics

Discord: sendmecatpics_
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes ofc
>physical description
im a skinny tall girl, i have brown hair and green eyes, im alr looking, nothing special, but i dress in 2000s fashion
>life situation
living with my mom, graduating med school, currently working at a hospital before uni
I like anime, games, im pretty unhinged, i enjoy hanging out with people, watching movies, reading, playing old flash games, watching people play games, going outside, planting, making beats, playing piano, collecting old toys, im a pegasister/brony and im into pony collecting (weird i know)
>3 songs you like
missing kitty by Kreayshawn
dont stay by linkin park
feel the melody by s3rl
(diffeent music tastes in one but trust me this is the type of stuff i listen to, nu metal, club/house music, electro music, and pop, im the type to listen to anything and everything)
>3 movies you like
Batman (2021)
Girl interrupted
>religious beliefs
Orthodox christian, but part of my family is catholic so i celebrate both christmases and both easters
>political beliefs
I dont hate anyone, im for no wars however i notice issues in society and have opinions on them that you could call "politically incorrect"
>dating experience
almost none, had one boyfriend, ended up pretty sad, but im over it
>looking for
honestly fun people who understand me, listen to me, and are as unhinged as me
>not looking for
someone whos too sensitive and mean
katnigga on discord
>i like the smiths and i need a mentally ill girl
Do you know how to use Mumble? Would be happy to chill, listen to music and play chess with you over VC.
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I like horror, old games, and the sopranos
I think swimming pools are the most beautiful things ever and i love desserts
i like death grips and goodnight punpun
extremely handsome
currently watching a jerma stream
women only
discord: lonelypools
If you have just your country as your location and are NOT looking for an LDR then you might just be fucking retarded. I mean it might make sense if you live in Luxembourg because the whole country is like 50km wide, but nowhere else.
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region):
us, west
straight (mostly)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
white, slender, fit, long dark brown hair, blue eyes
>life situation
living at home, "self-employed"
>3 songs you like
twilight time (the platters)
widowmaker (dragged into sunlight)
take some (dutch masters)
>3 movies you like
lawrence of arabia
lord of the rings 1/2/3
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
far right
>dating experience
>looking for
someone kind, caring, compassionate, gentle, understanding, forgiving
>not looking for
skids/addicts/washouts/egirls et al
disc: leyphae
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
23 MtF Los Angeles
>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes, but only in the context of an open relationship (or if you're a cuck or something i guess (lmao))
>physical description
I am a hon. Look very mannish, but good body. Skinny ~1.5 years hrt. Again, I look like a dude. You MUST be bisexual. I am mentally ill
>life situation
NEET, but between tech jobs. Intend fully of moving out of LA ASAP
programming, cybersecurity, philosophy, history, I really just read a lot
>3 songs you like
Lost Boys - Death Grips
Sometimes - My bloody valentine
Avril 14th - Aphex twin
>3 movies you like
Leaving Las Vegas
The Departed
>religious beliefs
I'm somewhat of a pantheist, I guess. At least I believe that consciousness is one unified thing that we experience different parts of
>political beliefs
>dating experience
3 exes.
>looking for
no clue
>not looking for
no clue
discord: d3monloll
(let me know which thread you added me from)
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I like pretty women
>About you
Retarded, possibly derranged genetic engineer on the loose. I like playing vidya, lifting weights, watching anime (haven't seen anything lately) and some online fuckery here and there as well. Just graduated from school so now I'd like to branch out and meet some new folks. I'm looking to invest in a new PC build at some point, but I'm also looking to buy myself a house in the near future so that might take a while.
Vidya: eu4/ck2, elden ring, war thunder, skyrim/fallout, tf2, black ops zombies, minecraft, some other indie stuff on steam
Manga/anime: dragon ball, jojo, hunter x hunter, baki, studio ghibli stuff, AoT, one punch man, chainsaw man, family guy
Other: weightlifting, guns, cars, fishing, cooking, memes/internet culture, video essays
>Looking for
Girls around my age, preferably in shape and mentally stable. I take reasonably good care of myself, mentally and physically, and I'd expect you would as well. Anyone can add but I'm mainly interested in meeting girls here.
>Not looking for
men, polyshits, gigahons, ftms/femboys
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Wanna meet a bunch of anons and anonettes who are bored, mildly misanthropic, outside of their own culture and interested (read: desperate for) others like them? Join Anon's Anonymous (A_A) to mutually rot, vibe and bant today!

>ASL - US - TX
>sexuality - Lesbian
>open to long distance > Yes
>physical description > Primarily masculine leaning
>life situation - Single and taking things as they come. I live solo in my house with 2 pups
>hobbies/interests: I enjoy working on my truck, working, reading, writing, learning new things, bdsm
>3 songs you like - Self care - Mac Miller, Heading South - Zach Bryan, Condemned - Zach Bryan
>3 movies you like - I am much more of a show person: Bojack horseman, you, dexter.
>religious beliefs - agnostic
>political beliefs - conservative
>dating experience - long term relationships mainly
>looking for - let's see where things go, I am not looking to rush :)
>not looking for - short term connections
>discord contact - dewordom6
29/M/PA, USA
>open to long distance (y/n)?
No. At least be in PA or Jersey.
>physical description
Latino, 5’6, buzzcut, 166 lbs, mustache ( if mustache aint ya thing well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
>life situationWorking, saving up to buy a home, the gym
Cooking, reading, tv/movies, music
>3 songs you like
Be Quiet and Drive - DeftonesWatching Me Fall - The CureMass Appeal -Gang Starr
>3 movies you likeGinger Snaps, Crank 2, Year of the Dragon
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
Right leaning
>dating experience
3 relationships and a few dates here and there
>looking forSomething long term, if you’re an introvert or extrovert is fine by me cause I’m extrovert. Just be an adult with responsibilities lol
>not looking forlong distance, mental illness (I know its 4chan but I needed to clarify that)
>contactDiscord: Blair
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)

29/M/Midtown Atlanta, Georgia
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
White, 5'11, normal build, pretty nice brown hair
>life situation
Engineer, live in Midtown. Single and looking to get out more/have fun more, feel stuck in the work -> hang out in my apartment loop. I'm pretty clean-cut but I have that 4chan energy deep down.
The usual. I'm an engineer but not a full-on nerd. I like competitive video games, sports, debating, etc. I trade options/futures a lot (profitably, lol)
>3 songs you like
Screenwriter's Blues - Soul Coughing
Working for Vacation - Cibo Matto
Broccoli - DRAM
>3 movies you like
Glengarry Glen Ross
American Psycho
Rules of Attraction
>political beliefs

>looking for
I've always vibed well with and am super into Asian girls, any age is cool. I like white girls too. I'm not-not looking for a girlfriend, but not looking for one either, so ideally you're a girl who has that energy too.

Discord: LaCroix_55599
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
20/M/Western Canada
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
6'2, 180 pounds, south east asian with a lil east asian mixed in, pretty fit.
>life situation
in compsci, to graduate next year. I have a car and enough money to go on dates.
Music (almost listened to 3000 albums), geography, vidya, anime, chess, longboarding, fashion
>3 songs you like
Crystal Mountain - Death
Resolution - John Coltrane
Protect Ya Neck - Wu-Tang Clan
>3 movies you like
Yi Yi
Oceans 11
>religious beliefs
atheist with a catholic background. I dont care about your religion as long as it doesnt get in the way
>political beliefs
left leaning but i am not passionate about it at all
>dating experience
3 relationships, longest being just over a year
>looking for
Someone who lives at most a 40 minute drive, someone i can call or text throughout the day, my type is southeast/east asian that is taller than 5'4 but im not overly picky. Preferably F or MTF but open to whatever. I have a medium to high sex drive and i am a switch, but mostly dom. Skinny to chubby is much preferred.
>not looking for
Ace/aro people, people who are way older than me, people who cant hold a conversation, people who don't have a life at all, overweight people. any semi bad mental illnesses
discord: changdynasty
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I literally never get added but here goes
bi but homosexual attraction is disordered and I'm only looking for bio-women.
>>open to long distance (y/n)?
Y but you'd need to move to me so we can get married and have a family.
>>physical description
6'1" ginger, handsome.
>>life situation
4 year degree in international relations, worked as a Journalist for a few years covering major breaking news, about to start Navy flight school in the fall(to those who know me I finally did it)
Military aviation, Opera/classical music(I've sung at carnegie hall), Japanese lit/culture. I also like cooking and wine.
>>3 songs you like
Ein Madchen Oder Weibchen, Vollig Losgelost, She's always a woman.
>>3 movies you like
Mononoke Hime, Apollo 13, The Philadelphia Story.
>>religious beliefs
Roman Catholic with some Mayahana Buddhist philosophical and metaphysical tendencies(I'm aware of the inherent contradiction)
>>political beliefs
far right esotericism
>>dating experience
too much
>>looking for
a redheaded wife
>>not looking for
non-redheads, men, and people who don't want to get married and be fruitful as the Lord commands us.
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>about me
(asl) 21/female/west eu
(appearance) 157 cm, avg weight, brown eyes (sorry), brown hair (sorry), light white skin (i'm white), face is mid, have big thighs. honestly, the only thing i have going for me is my fashion style. i either dress in black, pink or white or all three at once. i also don't wear pants, skirts and dresses only. i can send pics, i like to "play dress up".
(mind) hobbies are playing video games, falling into wikipedia rabbitholes, reading about pharmacology. my fav music genres are scenecore, hyperpop, everything EDM. i'm edgy and blunt as hell. i usually have high resilience. there are so so many things i wanna do so i often end up feeling overwhelmed and doing nothing + see "my issues"
sexually i think i'm a switch as i like being both the mommy and the victim but i'm a virgin because intimacy is a bit scary and i'm scared of regretting it, this would haunt me. i wanna have babies eventually, within 4 years if possible

>my issues
generalized anxiety, health anxiety, occasional panic attacks, depression, traumas, insecure, obsessive, limerence, mood swings, self destruction, lack of boundaries, am a fuck UP!!! i try to make efforts and shut down these, though!! my fav defense mechanisms are compartmentalization, rationalization, splitting

1/2 see second post
>about you
(asl) under 35/male/preferably in europe, so travelling will be cheap, i'm a poor student, have mercy
(appearance) ideally have a lean, skinny or somewhat muscular body type. otherwise, any is fine as long as you arent fat. height wise, id say be at least 170cm, but unsurprinsingly tall is most attractive. be white ; the palest, the better. its also better if you dont have a terrible fashion style (+ piercings and black hair are so hot), i rly like emo/alt boys, but not the end of the world. id appreciate it if you still had foreskin attached to your penis. no facial hair, i absolutely dont find it attractive
(mind) be straight, homophobic, transphobic and racist (all 4 are not negotiable), edgy, obsessive. being patient and understanding is prob important to keep my lack of stability in check. i dont mind mental illness, if anything we'll be able to relate more. rly like the "yandere" dynamic, possessiveness and jealousy are hot and comforting. i grew up on the internet so i'm attached to the culture and video games, it'd be nice if you were into that
ideally, be a switch and a virgin. i can tolerate up to 4-5 bodies depending on age, if we get along well...
i hope we live inside each others skin and become an extension of each other!! it's okay if we end up offing ourselves together, its probably the best way to go and is romantic

>not looking for
nonwhites, bisexual men, leftists, muslims, racemixers (includes asian chasers). if you support things i hate (lgbt, miscegenation, x), big NO. if you hate going outside, it's not gonna work either as i really wanna visit museums, aquariums and such, go stargazing, do urban exploration etc with you. staying home is nice too though!! a bit of both. additionally, i want an irl meet up within 2 months. i cba to do online dating, its frustrating and unfulfilling
ihatesandpeople on discord or lalalalamiauidfk@proton.me

i'm vry serious about this this is my last hope normie men give me the ick
>>preferably a sweet catholic girl that lives near me and wants a serious relationship. I don't think I'll find that here but I'm optimistic. Just want to be friends and eventually date and be serious with. I want to share my life with someone, share experiences, grow together, talk about random stuff for hours, help lift eachother up, be cute and playful with.
looking for the same thing also in CT and it's literally impossible.
Damn milky, you're still prowling around here? Better here than an insane asylum again I guess
you can't be a lesbian conservative right wing
lesbians can only be left wing
disc: brialaf(burner, ill give you real discord once you dm me)
Looking for a long distance partner! Or just friend(With benefits if you want). i like music a lot and cars. im 5,8 and Id say im pretty healthy. Messy brown hair, glasses, blue eyes. Hit me up :3

P.S if your a woman who is taller than me or you have nice thighs please dm me
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dude FRRR it sucks man but i hope we both find one. ill pray for u
18 f eastcoast
>open to long distance(y/n)?
I’m open to this, as long as we can hopefully end up meeting.
>physical description
cheekbones, skinny, 5’2, pale, thin, blonde highlights, latina
>about yourself
mentally unstable & trying to figure self out, probably autistic, drug lover, aspiring english major, my dream is to travel the world, i am somewhat socially anxious and quiet but when i open up i can talk a lot, i want to be a cult leader sometimes. worship me
true crime, reading books, poetry, drugs, music of all kinds (mainly industrial, techno, 90s) browsing online forums, philosophy & spirituality, writing letters, collecting things & much more. you’ll find out later
>religious beliefs
i consider myself agnostic right now, i find religion especially islam to be interesting but i can’t see myself committing to religion. i find spirituality interesting aswell. i wish I could join a cult.
>political beliefs
not so sure but i’m probably more conservative.
>dating experience
got out of a long term ldr relationship of 4 years, don’t go on dates often or talk to anyone romantically.
>looking for
redneck white men, men who look like they’ll kill me, cult leaders/cult followers, men who love politics and history, right wingers, 18-29, please be fit and not obese, good hygiene, tall, healthy, emotionally mature, interested in a variety of things and knows how to carry a conversation, has goals for the future, is as mentally ill as i am, will obsess over me and worship me, monogamous, no experience w relationships, isn’t socially awkward, someone dominant, a real serious relationship
>not looking for
faggots, trannies, obese people, leftists or liberals, snowflakes, polygamy, someone who doesn’t have traditional values or morals, neets, shut ins, people who get attached way too fast, avoidants,
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forgot to add
G (bottom / submissive)
>About you
6'2" 180lbs i like to write, hike, pray, meditate, get out in nature, play video games, socialize even tho introvert, concerts and dancing mainly edm, gym. masculine, loyal, straight forward. handsome, healthy, white
>Looking for
long distance doesnt matter dont care where you are, just looking for someone who aligns well, believes in God, wants a relationship, is masculine and somewhat leader/dominant type but not in a weird or mean way. you can have whatever hobbies but gaming online helps break ice. about my age is cozy but age isnt too important, tho under 25 and over 45 is a little weird. pretty much only into white guys
>Not looking for
other bottoms, anyone who isnt a man biologically, people not interested in relationships.
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Add me if I look like your type. We can chat and go from there. I don't like laying everything down in 1 post it kills the excitement,

Disc: aeo1is
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>open to long distance (y/n)?
As long as we have similar timezone,I do try to go to sleep at around 7pm though...
>physical description
179cm, thin, skinny, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, white
>About you
Currently doing exams, "planning" for university, I'm a pseudo-NEET and have asperger's, I'm a deadbeat when it comes to talking to strangers
Technology, gaming, military shit, vehicles
>religious beliefs
I'm not religious but I do find myself drawn towards to Christianity
>political beliefs
Sympathetic to communism, fascism and anything autocratic
>looking for
F under 25
>not looking for
trannies, blacks, fags
hektor234 on shitcord

idk look in the archives if you want more information
yes i am retarded so what? either way the location is Silesia for anyone concerned
26/F/literally far away as fuck from conceivably anyone on this site

m 23-33, educated, has his shit together, not a retarded manwhore misogynist (and not a virgin misogynist either)--basically has a healthy relationship with his sexuality, 178cm+, well-groomed, reasonably fit

these standards all fit me as well except for height (ask in dm)

>not lf
psychos, coombrains, people who can't hold a conversation

Pls leave contact for me otherwise I'll drown in adds from illiterates who are gonna post chode at me anyway without having read my damn post.
So do you live on Mars? Or the ISS? Or the north or south pole? If no, you are probably close to somebody.
sent you a request if you're still looking, from nh5***
Discord is ecologyanon
Fit all your... pretty basic standards.
I meet your criteria but you sound awful, I'd never send you my contact.

Thanks for reading
19/f/probably definitely far away from you (if you have a problem with long distance don't add)
light skinned brown, 5'4, 120 lbs
love animals - owned a cat, dog and birds in the past
ex-weeb but still partake in online culture
terminally online
love music
shut-in against will atm and suffering from crippling loneliness (((^_^;)
great listener and great talker when the energy is reciprocated
absolute dream is to travel the world
wants to get back into reading more and watching movies
tired of hating life and wasting away so working on self

ideal type:
preferably white
is ok with long distance
likes to read (or at least be literate!)
likes animals or at least tolerate them
gamer and would teach me how to play
patient and kind
likes the outdoors and long walks
likes banter and trolling but doesn't cross the line
inspires me to want to be better
eventually want to vc
*age gap is ok

people who couldn't read the entire post
people who use the word "yapping"
potheads (just about any other drug is ok)
valorant players ...
people who half-ass messages

pls post urs and i'll add. last time i posted mine i got overwhelmed and did not connect with anyone. most people don't even bother reading the post properly
let's talk
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
24M, east coast US


>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes, but only if relatively close within the US

>physical description
5'9, 140, white, brown hair blue eyes, slim, kinda muscular but not ripped or anything

>life situation
'young professional', make good money w my career, have my own apartment. army veteran.

kind of a nerd, really into politics/philosophy/history. musician, listen to everything ig but mainly into emo/indie/punk. i like guns. obviously into vidya/movies and stuff.

>religious beliefs
wasn't really raised religiously but i guess i have a spritual worldivew. would like to get into christianity.

>political beliefs

>dating experience
have had gfs before

>looking for
gf. i like women who are artistic and/or intellectual. someone i can discuss/debate politics/philosophy with maybe. physically and aethetically im not very picky, but be skinny/white. i can be clingy/obsessive/neurotic, so ig you can be too.

>not looking for

please add me if you're interested
info here >>33104970
My Discord is arsenulle. After reading your post, I think we would mesh pretty well. Add me if you want.
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21/M/Ohio, USA

> Sexuality


>open to long distance (y/n)

Open to long distance!


5'11/180 cm, 240 Pounds/108.8 Kgs, Chubby with short black hair and a short beard, wearing purple glasses with dark green eyes

>life situation

Recently moved into a place with my own room where I pay rent, I have a stable job and a beater of a car. Overall life has been great!


Video games (Mostly FPS and RPG's with some MMO's), Voice Acting, Walks, Cooking, making music and videos, comedy, animes, DnD, board games in general, and talking :p

>religious beliefs

I'm Agnostic, but was primarily Christian growing up, and I've been on a religious journey and have practiced Islam, Judaism, and buddism

>dating experience

Over my years I have had 1 girlfriend for about 6 months, and that was in high school so I am still very new to dating and getting into it :p

>looking for

females and non-binary folks! I would like someone who is into gaming online/Irl and enjoys both alone time and sometimes socialization. Even if your very introverted or very extroverted I'm okay with both types!

>not looking for

Young (18 mostly), males


Discord: bajacrab

Instagram: bajacrab
M 28 Ireland
>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes at first, I can travel/move though
>physical description
6"3/189cm, 75kg, green eyes, black hair.
Emotional, empathetic, devoted, somewhat reclusive. Melancholic when alone, usually fun and happy when spending time with someone. I daydream a lot.
>life situation
Live alone in the countryside close to my family. Currently a neet, but have extra income from translating books in the past. Not sure what I am gonna do next
Reading, languages, astrology, pets, cycling, music, anime
>3 songs you like
Soleil - Françoise Hardy
Should've Been Me - Mitski
Neko - Aimyon
I have a varied music taste, can't narrow it down to 3 songs or artists
>3 movies you like
Pale Flower
Le Samourai
The Field
Don't really watch much movies, prefer anime
>religious beliefs
Catholic, read a lot about other religions and spirituality.
>political beliefs
>dating experience
One 6 month relationship which I left due to emotional abuse, one ldr
>looking for
Someone who is communicative, in touch with their emotions, affectionate, and likes spending lots of time together and cuddling.
>not looking for
People who need lots of space, emotional games, under 25s
Discord - snowdrop0384
I check all your boxes lol
23/M/Texas USA
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'11" 240 lbs, Hispanic, Black Hair Brown Eyes, mexican waldo.
>life situation
Introvert never really been all that social. Been living alone since I turned 18. Bounce from job to job can't stay in one place too long (It gets boring). Getting lonley working away from home too often.
guns, vidya, anime, history.
>3 songs you like
Nihume/No Good
Breaking Benjamin/Fade Away
Sandra/Japan ist weit
>religious beliefs
Catholic I guess. I was born into it but never too it seriously. I still respect the traditions though, it feels like the right thing to do.
>political beliefs
American (Right)
>dating experience
>looking for
A girl to talk to 20 and up. Not setting my expectations all that high. If anything I kinda want to dip my toes into dating see if I even can talk to women maybe even maintain a relationship. I don't really think I'm pulling a wife from the my mongolian baslet weaving forum even though it would be nice. Would like to meet a straightforward gal.
>not looking for
Anything toxic
Discord: @sector5o1
Discord is victoriam0350 think we would get along well
Between your vague location and the fact you spent 50% of your looking for text to say you want a sexual partner but ONLY a very specific (while still insanely vague) kind of way...

But the real turn off for me was barely a couple sentences total, most of the prompts avoided entirely, and the insane combo of "people who can't hold a conversation" in your not looking for section, plus the longest single thought you expressed being the excuse for why you won't post your tag yourself. Such low effort that you can't be bothered to read posts and pre-filter for yourself.

Other than gender, age, and height, everything you ask for is wildly subjective, and yet you say nothing about personality or what you'd like a future with someone special to look like...

Basically, I'm just agreeing with >>33158141 but taking the time to explain why your post is so offputting.
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The Syrian desert is wonderful. My kik:Eiry_IowaState
ok with long distance
brown eyes, dark brown hair, average build
living with grandma and sister in apartment
i like to play piano, i like philosophy, i like music, i like games, i like chess
3 songs i like are:please dont stop the music - monkey majik, homage - mild high club, ballade no 1 in g minor, op 23 - chopin.
3 movies i like are: all about lily chou chou, parasite, the pianist
i dont have religious beliefs atm but im open minded
im generally left leaning politically speaking
i have no dating experience
please add me on discord: opo#4055
add me on discord opo#4055
discord add didnt work so add me
26/M/NA East Coast (Boston Area)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Preferably no.
>physical description
A mix of blue-green eyes with messy dirty blonde hair. Tall and overweight, but recently been working on the fat part.
>life situation
Have a job, but not enough to live alone. Living with family since it's sensible nowadays.
Gaming, binging shows and movies, roleplay and buying art for the characters I roleplay. It's a little cringy, but it's what I grew up with as an escape.
>3 songs you like
Boilermaker - Royal Blood
Azalea - Sewerslut
Zoom - Last Dinosaurs
>religious beliefs
Agnostic. I appreciate some of the kinder things Christianity teaches.
>political beliefs
Don't like politics. Too many people are political and make it their personality.
>dating experience
Like, two really bad long distance ones.
>looking for
Girls who are willing to talk or even rant. Don't mind some craziness. It's a preference, but someone who's able to straighten me out a little.
>not looking for
(How are you? How about you?) I'll probably respond, but small talk isn't too engaging.
Discord: .tiddly
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This reads like someone took my personal info and posted it online, like holy shit almost everything matches.
i'd love to talk with you, my discord is dyhxa
18/M/Eastern Europe
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'9, ~145-155 lbs, 71'' arm reach, athletic physique, green eyes, brown hair that is so short people think i'm a skinhead, attractive face (i mean, i like the way i look).
>life situation
life's good
martial arts, learning foreign languages, mixing cocktails, d&d, video games, reading, working out, urbex
>3 songs you like
rammstein - Haifisch, rammstein - Eifersucht, rammstein - Weit Weg
>3 movies you like
LoTR, Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
>religious beliefs
i'm an atheist, but i don't really care about people's beliefs as long as they aren't fanatic about them
>political beliefs
idgaf about politics and despise anyone who's invested in that topic. i like anarchy though
>dating experience
scarce. never was in a commited relationship with a woman who wasn't on xanax/mentally ill/restarted
>looking for
a girlfriend with the emphasis on the "friend" part. it's like, yeah, i want to romance someone, but i also want us to be actual friends enjoying doing stuff together, without all the awkward bs that comes if the horny shit appears early in the relationship. i want a genuine friendship with a deeper connection that the romantic aspect provides. anyhow, my ideal gf is basically the following: smart, funny, isn't insecure and toxic, has her own hobbies/we share the same ones, doesn't play league, and isn't depressed or too mentally ill.
>not looking for
men, trans-women, /pol/tards, hateful people (racists, nazis etc)
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25/M/Texas, originally from the Netherlands
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5’10/180cm. Blonde hair, white, slim but fit. Green eyes and glasses
>life situation
Currently going back to trade school with a work/study program to do heavy diesel equipment work
I enjoy mechanical things, like working on cars or trucks. I know a decent bit of carpentry and have built a small cabin before, I even turned a van into a RV and lived off grid for about 6 months, a relaxing lifestyle honestly. I love being outdoors whether it’s camping, hiking, or going or walks. I’m not super huge into games anymore, but occasionally I play old versions of minecraft or warthunder. I use to play the drums, and I’m a huge metal head, although I listen to a ton of different genres excluding hiphop or rap. I enjoy silly memes and cats as well :^)
>3 songs you like
We will kill them all-rotersand
To the hellfire-lorna shore
>3 movies you like
Hobo with a shotgun
Pulp fiction
>religious beliefs
Gnostic I suppose, however I am deeply fascinated with ancient primordial religion and how it evolved into what we have today
>political beliefs
Leave me, my land, and my people alone
>dating experience
I’ve managed one irl relationship for over a year, however I had to move countries and it fell apart. I’ve had a few long distance relationships but most of the time it never seems like the other person cares as much as I do
>looking for
Someone who is capable of holding a conversation (big one to ask around here!), is willing to care about one and another and has empathy. Hopefully some shared interests, humor or hobbies. Age isn’t an issue, just don’t be an adhd Zoomer. Just be 18+
>not looking for
Coombrained porn addicts, people who just want some kind of self fulfillment and will ghost after a few days or weeks
25 / m / st. petersburg ru
>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes and can travel. dual citizenship ru and usa
>physical description
6'1"/185cm, kinda athletic, black hair, many tattoos
>life situation
comfortable, bored, lonely
computers, games, government, business, game dev, fitness, travel, podcasts
>religious beliefs
i dont belong to a religion but am fond of judeo-christian principles
>political beliefs
>dating experience
pretty typical
>looking for
someone to share life with, be less lonely with, and get to know deeply
>not looking for
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MTF, feminine entity or whatever / ITA / 21
Pansexual??? Mostly into men tho
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yeah sure why not, eventually we gotta meet tho- transition to irl...
>physical description
175cm, thin ( underweight ) dark long hair and dark eyes
>life situation
Student living with a roommate, occasional jobs and all that stuff :/
Vidya ( old and new but mostly rts and boomer shooters, with a good mix of eroge and relaxing ones), drawing, music and movies!!!
>3 songs you like
The Chats- 6ltr GTR
The Talking Heads - Once in a lifetime
Sewerslvt - anything really titles are hard to remember
>3 movies you like
Citizen Kane... Duh
Solaris ( Tarkovskij)
Underground ( by Kusturica )
>religious beliefs
I like theology but dont have any :)
>political beliefs
>dating experience
6 "long" relationships ( mostly with men ) + other shorter stuff ...
>looking for
Friendships? Lewd friendships? Relationships?? more points if you are weird, have specific interests or general degeneracy and debauchery!!! ( just dont make it 100%of the chats)
>not looking for
Poltards and assholes
MatyStarr (disc)
Like women
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
Tall bright green eyes Irish Caucasoidal raptor
>life situation
Steady job (Notexpendable) making alright money. That parts comfortable. I just dream of having a little farm or moving out of the city. I know there’s more to life than this
Horticulture. Off-roading Tinkering with electro mechanical stuff/robots.
>3 songs you like
Owlcity fireflies, passionpit take a walk,
>political beliefs
Meritocracy with less centralized govt
>dating experience
A few relationships. I’d rather have peace instead of debtmaxing just to peacock
>looking for
Loving loyal woman that likes to stay tidy and doesn’t try to isolate me socially.
>not looking for
Anti natalist
I haven’t even reached out or looked in longtime. So I don’t have date apps. Dbcouper@proton.me
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
Late 20's, Canada, Greater MTL, F
I like everyone except ftm
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes if you move to MTL
>physical description
Person of color and I speak 4-5 languages
>life situation
travelling, music, movies, dancing, sex stuff
>3 songs you like
rap, rnb, dancehall
>3 movies you like
the color of friendship, motorcross
>religious beliefs
raised Christian
>political beliefs
I have an old school mentality about relationships, but I dont care about politics
>dating experience
Been engaged and dated before
>looking for
Long term love, marriage, a husband, tons of children i want like a big family. If you don't match those goals then we should not meet.
discord - cyberbabemontreal.98
How would you define reasonably close?
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You have been unwanted on this board for more than 2 years. You should learn your lesson and get lost. You are not 'wife' material.
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26, M, Michigan, USA
Straight mostly but Trans curious and like cute/effeminate
>open to long distance?
Sure, let's see how it goes
>physical description
5'6, a bit chubby with some muscle. Trying to get back to training, just dealing with inuries
>life situation
Currently living at home because was in hospital for a while. Planning to try and take a job in a bigger city and find an apartment, then maybe college from there (I know, bit of a late start)
Autism/adhd as shit. As stated trying to get back into training which I used to love. I enjoy the outdoors, do amateur photography, used to write a good bit, collect rocks and did play vidya a long time. Looking to maybe try getting my massage therapy license as I'm kinda good at it and enjoy doing it.
>3 songs you like
John Wayne by Billy Idol
My Way by Franke Sinatra
God's Bathroom Floor by Atmosphere
>3 movies you like
The Thing 1982
Kung Fu Hustle
The Matrix
>religious beliefs
Agnostic but find religion somewhat interesting
>political beliefs
Center and not overly political
>dating experience
Lots of short terms and one night stands, with a long distance, long term relationship for about 4 years. Plenty of sexual experience, need more emotional experience, really
>looking for
Women, but also open to transwomen if they're feminine and cute
>not looking for
Men/really far along ftm
Discord: heymand6
25/M/Ottawa, Canada

straight, but if you look girl enough, i luv

>open to long distance (y/n)?
ya sure

>physical description
cute, fabulous hair, dadbod for sure, tall, native american looking, glasses, broad shoulders.

>life situation
full time work, living with senpai to help with countryside things and renovations.

anime, vidya, card games, travelling, eating, reading, writing, fashion

>3 songs you like
Glimpse of Us by Joji, Can't help falling in love by Elvis and Forever and Ever Amen by Randy Travis

>3 movies you like
Godfather, Cars and Grown-Ups 2

>religious beliefs
Nothing really, I'll believe it if i see it.

>political beliefs
im too retarded for that.

>dating experience
2 relationships, lots of bad memories

>looking for
relationships mostly

>not looking for
cultish things, unless youre a goth girl sheeee

chamoydaboy on Discord

senpai is supposed to be parents?? wild
I sail on ships so i move around a lot, STEM, 6ft
>looking for
(hello kitty gf lol) Someone to have a connection with for the long term. Relationships are hard since I sail and gone for months at a time.
>not looking for
People who can't have a back and forth conversation
disc: www.sonicthehedgehog.com
This chick is pretty cool. I wasn't compatible with her but if you're a guy with your shit together talk to her.
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WHOOPSIEDOODLES lost access to that account awhile back if you added me and I hadnt responded please do forgive me and add my new proper one I *wont* be losing access to here also shameless bump

Disc- shelliton

dont be too afraid
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>6'0, strong, dark hair, bushy eyebrows and eyelashes, mulatto skin, Mormon
>Divorced recently my wife left me for alcohol
>music, anime, gaming, fitness, Mormon stuff
>Somebody Told Me by the Killers, Le Disko by Shiny Toy Guns, Clique by Kanye West, Jay-Z and Big Sean
>The Devil's Advocate, Deadpool, Pulp Fiction
>Am a very loyal man I have not had many women really, my wife left me and my last gf I dumped because she lied to me constantly.
>looking for someone loyal, true, who likes anime, who takes their physical appearance seriously no messy bun sweatpants bs
>not looking for men or trans.
>contact me on discord: floundervanhiltonmedia
your twitter is locked. I would talk to you if you were open. see me on discord floundervanhiltonmedia



"Bi" but I prefer women, heteromantic

>open to long distance?


>physical description

5'9", 190lbs (for now), white, long brown hair, dark blue eyes that always look stoned, glasses, large frame and broad shoulders, wearing plain clothes but almost always a hoodie on top

>life situation

I took a break from college, but I'm going back this year. I was working for a while, but I saved up enough to live my summer like a neet.


My hobbies are just a lot of homebody stuff like being terminally online. I used to game especially with roguelites, but I haven't been. I like writing and singing. I really like horror, watching youtube, and cooming to freaky stuff. I also like finance and making money. I'm also into intellectual stuff like philosophy and science or whatever.

>3 songs

the balance of life by 99zed and mossback
Walking On The Moon by Infected Mushroom (Bad Computer Remix)
Kitchen Sink by twenty one pilots

>3 movies

(haven't seen much sorry)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Human Centipede 2
Happiness (1998) by Todd Solondz




"democrat" but honestly I just want to grill

>dating experience

I dated once for two weeks online. We were talking for like 5 months online, but it ended up not clicking romantically.

>looking for

You must be a cis woman and 18+. I'd prefer someone 18-29, but I'm flexible for someone even older maybe. I'm probably not strictly monogamous, but I'm honestly not sure, so I hope we click in that sense. I probably want kids. And also as a preference (not a deal-breaker), I like people who are either kind of "alt" in some way or who have "asian eyes" (sorry if that's offensive, I'm not sure how else to say it). Other than that, my only deal-breakers are that I'd like to feel safe with you, and I'd like to be attracted to you.

>not looking for

People who aren't cis women.


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23/M/West TN
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
White, medium length strawberry blonde hair, 5'7, average build, wears glasses, small beard
>life situation
NEET living in the middle of nowhere
Psychology, cooking, history, lost media, unsolved mysteries, spirituality/religions (particularly eastern stuff), philosophy, storytelling, journaling, meditation, biking, cultures, nature, animation, music (been craving shoegaze lately), architecture (esp art deco/classical styles)/aesthetics
>3 songs you like
Sickly Sweet - Newdad
Booster Seat - Spacey Jane
Peach Pit - Peach Pit
>3 movies you like
A Son
No Country For Old Men
>religious beliefs
I've always loved Buddhism, but I believe in a supreme God, so I may fit more into Hinduism
>political beliefs
Socially conservative, economically socialist. Sometimes I seem more "left," sometimes more "right."
>dating experience
I've dated a couple girls before, but it never lasted too long for differing reasons. I used to jump into love too quickly, but now I've learned my lesson and want to take things slow
>looking for
My soulmate. I want love more than anything in the world or beyond
>not looking for
Inexpressive people who can't hold a conversation beyond simple statements/words. Men, trans, adulterers/amoral folk, ghosts. Genuinely, if you're gonna friend me and never be around to talk, just don't friend me at all.
>>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
M 28 new england USA
>>open to long distance (y/n)?
>>physical description
short (5'7), ugly (long hair I'll never cut, kinda shitty teeth), healthy BMI
>>life situation
Poor and might be homeless for a few months this year but I've finished college and will be able to support myself with a decent real adult job once I get some certification stuff sorted out
history/social sciences/current events, cat petting, plants and succulents, urbex and railfanning, crying, lying around doing nothing
>>3 songs you like
If and when the big one hits (paper chase)
reeducation through labor (rise against)
wasted hours (arcade fire)
>>3 movies you like
children of men
the taylor swift eras concert movie (that and avatar 2 are the last 2 movies ive seen in theaters)
>>religious beliefs
agnostic but also don't believe morality necessarily flows from a god even if one exists (if god tells you to slaughter the amalekites, its bad to follow orders even though the one giving orders is a god)
>>political beliefs
Far left, communist/radfem, the sort of far leftist that doesn't particularly care for the edgy dirtbag vaguely conservative trend in some leftist circles these days (in other words I'm fucking obnoxious)
>>dating experience
none and never will get any because im trash
>>looking for
left leaning women to date me or at least be friends. bonus if any are willing to adopt me
>>not looking for
disc: lacktoastntolerant
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18, male, eastern canada
bisexual, more comfortable talking with guys but i like women too. bottom.
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
somewhere between 5'9 and 5'10 in height, white, pale, blue eyes, eyebags, long curly brown hair, and slightly chubby but nowhere near obese.
>life situation
still in school. live with my mother. autistic and bipolar, unmedicated.
i play the guitar, write, produce music, draw (badly), somewhat interested in history but im not autistic about it, anime, vidya, cartoons, music in general, animation, and other things.
>3 songs you like
its really hard to pick three songs, but some of my favorite albums are: hi, how are you by daniel johnston, drainland by michael gira, fabulous muscles by xiu xiu, sunfish holy breakfast by guided by voices, the power of pussy by bongwater, it's only right and natural by the frogs, 20 jazz funk greats by throbbing gristle, etc.
>3 movies you like
once again, i wanna list more than 3 so i will. the texas chainsaw, taxi driver, kill bill, hellraiser, the end of evangelion, forrest gump, night of the living dead, tokyo gore police, rambo (first blood), the shining, the saw franchise, the evil dead, hostel, etc
nge, made in abyss, love chuunibyo and other delusions, umaru-chan, oyasumi punpun, anything junji ito, elfen lied, perfect blue, jojos, watamote, death note, etc.
>religious beliefs
non-denominational christian
>political beliefs
left, i guess, but i don't really follow politics.
>dating experience
3 relationships, 1 irl, 2 online..
>looking for
guys or girls. preferably dominant and willing to degrade me (with good aftercare). people with similar interests. im very okay with erp and horny stuff, but im not sending you pictures unless ive known for at least a few months.
>not looking for
anyone over the age of 22, mean people, political extremists
Could you at least leave a timezones?
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>open to long distance (y/n)?
Short term only, not looking for these years-long erelationships
>physical description
White, brown hair/eyes, skinny, 5'9
>life situation
Stable, good job, own house
Backpacking, motorcycles, music, recently getting into CS
>3 songs you like
>religious beliefs
None, don't want any
>political beliefs
Want to be left alone
>dating experience
1 long-term relationship, lived together
>looking for
White bioF, 23-27, smart and if not at least pleasant.
>not looking for
Anything else
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
24/M New Jersey


>open to long distance (y/n)?
Open to anyone from northern Virginia to Boston

>physical description
5’9 white 150 lbs brown hair blue eyes

>life situation
I am a second year law student in DC. Right now I am working during summer break in New Jersey.
Overall my life is good but I suck at dating. I had a rough childhood but my life gradually got better afterwards to where it is now. I feel very happy. I have a lot of good friends, good money, good opportunities in the legal field, but I am awkward and I suck at dating, so life can be lonely.

>religious beliefs
I believe in God but I don't live a very religious life

>dating experience
I have just got out of a long term, long distance relationship that was good overall. I have had four serious relationships since high school, and all but one of them ended because me or my gf was moving. Usually when I’m in a relationship it goes well, the trouble for me is the dating process beforehand.

>looking for
A interesting, mature, and confident woman 20-25 looking for a relationship, whatever form that may take.

>not looking for
People who add then say nothing

>Anaheim California
Oof, what a shithole. Have fun at Disneyland I guess.
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
>life situation
living with parents
valve games, yume nikki, silence of the lambs, resident evil 7, silly animals
>3 songs you like
mope - bloodhound gang
killer klowns - the dickies
superbeast - rob zombie
>3 movies you like
killer klowns from outer space
silence of the lambs
the village
>religious beliefs
atheist? agnostic?
>political beliefs
>dating experience
>looking for
someone who will make me feel inferior to them and let me worship them, not sexually
>not looking for
anything else i guess
@laughingrecord on discord
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24, straight m, Australia
>physical description
5 '9 caucasian with brownish hair and blue eyes. I go to the gym several times a week and am in decent shape.
>life situation
Almost finished my masters, travel abroad regularly, work part-time
Literature and film are hugely important to me. Some favourite writers include Chekhov, Graham Greene, Joseph Conrad, Tolstoy, Mann, Ivo Andric, Kafka. I also enjoy writing, playing chess poorly, collecting vinyl, smoking weed, watching soccer, drinking, and cooking. I studied history formally and it remains an interest and I also speak halting Russian.
>4 songs you like
Holland, 1945 (Neutral Milk Hotel), Road (Nick Drake), Lotus Flower (Radiohead)
>4 movies you like
In the Mood for Love (Wong Kar-wai), Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders), City of God (Fernando Meirelles), Come and See (Elem Klimov)
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
I despise zealous, hyper-ideological thinking in all its manifestations. It's a social disease.
>dating experience
A few short relationships here and there. Nothing satisfying or of substance.
>looking for
Women; I don't have strong race preferences but am generally attracted to asians and slavs; someone with hobbies; mental illness, dependency issues, daddy issues are all fine, idc and sorta comes with the territory here - basically, be yourself and maybe we'll click
>not looking for
stupid, uncurious people; vegans or vegetarians; obesity; poor conversationalists; puritans (a degree of religiosity is fine but don't start fucking preaching at me); political radicals
>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)
27/m/midwest usa
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Not really but I understand it's unlikely we live near each other. Fine with starting that way but eventually meeting irl
>physical description
White, 5'9", dark curly hair and beard, average build
>life situation
Masters engineering student by day, full time wagie by night. Moved to the midwest for my degree and intend to move out once Im done (potentially to you). Live by myself and am fiscally responsible without being miserly.
Standard media consumption (tv/music/vidya), gym, concerts. I follow a lot of finance and macroeconomics accounts on youtube and twitter. Ask me about the Federal Reserve if you want an autistic rant.
>3 songs you like
Love Will Save You - Swans
Heroin - Velvet Underground
Apistat Commander - Xiu Xiu
>3 movies you like
A Clockwork Orange
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Margin Call
>religious beliefs
areligious but leaning christian
>political beliefs
>dating experience
One relationship for 5 years.
>looking for
A future mother. A sense of humor. Low maintenance and enjoyable to be around.
>not looking for
Men, troons, or obese (chub is fine). Fair warning that I'll ask for a timestamped pic early on and will provide my own so neither of us are wasting our time.
32/M/Western Washington near Seattle
>open to long distance (y/n)?
Yes, if we actually get along and want to build something distance isn't an issue to me.
>physical description
White, 6', 260 lbs, unkempt, mostly dirty clothes, actively working on weight and fitness. Decently manly features though the fat hides definition right now.
>life situation
Started working at landscaping company with my brother. Basically no money, we're reinvesting everything into the business. We're doing well. I don't do drugs, drink, or smoke. I don't have any debt.
Reading books, I'm an active and avid reader.
Roleplaying, I enjoy running and playing tabletop games.
>3 songs you like
American Pie by Don Mclean
The Pavilion by Coheed and Cambria
If I Can Dream by Elvis Presley
>3 movies you like
The Lord of the Rings films
Starship Troopers
The Patriot
>religious beliefs
Christian, discovering my faith. I actively want to have a Christian relationship and marriage
>political beliefs
Right leaning, but not very happy with party politics. I consider myself a genuine patriot and I love my country. Right now that means loving my community and putting one foot forward.
>dating experience
>looking for
Someone to love, someone who will challenge me and help me grow. Someone who is willing to take a chance for something real and strong. I do have a preference for women who can be a bit mean or vicious. Despite my desire for a Christian relationship I'm kind of a degenerate and I want a woman who is also up for sexual exploration. I don't view sex as something that's just a physical vice to rush through. I'm willing to accept whatever mistakes someone has made as long as the core character is there.
>not looking for
Pity. Someone who is looking for a lazy relationship or an easy doormat.
.velocifaptor on discord. Don't worry about the anime girl profile pic, Chihayafuru is just a based show about youthful passion and life.

6’1, skinny fit body type, conventionally attractive, deep voice with a nice smile. Kind of a shut-in besides going to the gym so I look for conversation on 4chan. abnormally big dick if that matters to you

>Not looking for
no bio men, fatties

100% samefagging
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>ASL (if large country, for the love of god give specific region)



>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes if we plan to close the gap in a few weeks/months

>physical description
6'2 blonde bootleg Elon Musk

>life situation
Living solo and doing okay for myself. Currently not sure if I wanna stay where I live past August though.

Anime, Vidya, Gundams,

>3 songs you like
Winner - Cheeseburger
Al Nadda - Rahbani brothers
The Sore Feet Song - Ally Kerr

>3 movies you like
The Lighthouse
Cool Cat Saves the Kids

>religious beliefs
Like a hodgepodge of different ideas.

>political beliefs

We are past the point of political solutions.
Anarcho Frontierism

>dating experience

Never had a GF.
I have boinked.
So take that as you will.

>looking for
Long term dating/marriage
IRL/living together/moving
Someone whose sex positive I guess is the least dumb way to put it.

>not looking for

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Elon you are so fucking bad at this. YOU SOUND LIKE YOU ARE A ZOOMER EGIRL WITH THIS LANGUAGE.





Hi! 30 year old lesbo, cute gamer girl in the US! I'm looking for another cute gamer girl that we can be mutually obsessed with eachother lmao

I like gaming, anime, movies, traveling, working out, and reading

Please only contact me if you're a girl <3

Discord: nana_komatsu_707
18 f eu
hewlo i graduated from school and now i have a lot of time - i am bored and im looking for people that will keep me entertained
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>ASL 18/Female(afab)/Canada(Alberta)
>open to long distance (y/n)? Absolutely Yes
>physical description: 5’7”, brunette, tan (im half white half abo), mildly muscular build
>life situation: recently graduated, working part time
>hobbies/interests: baking, boxing, exercise, anime, video games, makeup
>3 songs you like: Popstar by coco and claire claire/ ANYTHING by knatrast and lil mabu/ Season of Brides by yxng davi
>3 movies you like: white chicks/ south park “the end of obesity”/ Rise of the guardians
>religious beliefs: Still discovering
>political beliefs: not sure
>dating experience: only two previous relationships, both years ago
>looking for: someone around my age, preferably in America (I love guys in the south), a gamer who will let me watch them play, someone who likes calling, and preferably someone with a deep voice but honestly thats not really a priority just like a little personal enjoyment.
>not looking for: anyone older than 23, eastern europeans, women, non discord users.
>contact: Discord- anonlovr_
31/m/west-central canada
straight, but i like the hypnos
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
tall-ish and chubby, buzzed brown hair, blue eyes, white
>life situation
i'm schizo but am on meds. working part time right now, just applied for full time in my department. long term goal is to become a screenwriter.
writing scripts, making videos, making music, photography, watching movies, drinking beer
>3 songs you like
Mrs. Jynx - Mazzjutant (Remix of Oxynucid)
Kerri Chandler - So Let The Wind Come
not even noticed - Loko
>3 movies you like
The Pagemaster
Kitchen Party
Stranger Than Paradise
>religious beliefs
>political beliefs
>dating experience
have some experience with casual dating, but have never been in a long-term relationship.
>looking for
women that are smart, creative, stable, single, without kids and symmetrical in the face
>not looking for
anyone that's poor, has a record, smokes/does drugs regularly, is an extremist, or has an ego problem
disc: dorkbag
also i should add a preferred age range -- 27 to 34 is ideal.

sent you a request
>long distance
fine with it at first, i plan on moving some time this year(as soon as i save up enough to) so maybe i'll come closer to you.
>physical description
brown eyes
long blond/brown hair, i always thought it was brown but ive been told by a few people that its closer to dirty blond
decent physique since ive been lifting for a while
easy going, i dont get offended or worried over things easily. also sometimes very oblivious. ive never been diagnosed but probably autistic, i have been asked if i am by multiple people irl. i dont get along with most people(normalfags) and will probably like you if you also don't
>life situation
im in high school for 2 more weeks, going to get a job right after i graduate so i can save up and move out after ive saved up for a few months.
gym, cooking, sometimes games & anime. i also like to take night drives or do stuff outdoors occasionally
i listen to vocaloid music alot but also like queen & some other classic rock
very right leaning. used to be very invested in politics when i started using this site 4 years ago, but dont care about it that much anymore despite still having strong beliefs.
>dating experience
>looking for
similar age(within a few years at most but prefer closer) girl with same religious and political beliefs, and without experience like me, who wants to start a family. aside from that i'm willing to talk to any girls who dont have traits listed in the not looking for section
>not looking for
non-white people, fat people, coomers, weird degens, normalfags. also girls without same religious and political beliefs or who are not willing to wait till marriage
Any chance you would accept a guy that is older and lives local ?
26/m/tx texas

i want more of them, rn im into gaming, reading, i used to play guitar, stream, make videos, ive been thinking about getting into mushrooms, im trying to follow christ but i fall short sometimes, i think necromancers are cool.

>what are ya buyin?
i just want friends and if theres a connection hopefully a relationship etc, ive rushed a few times and i dont want to do that anymore, hopefully someone whos calm and collected, has a wide variety of interests, actively pursuing their goals, good taste in music, likes doing things and hanging out and not doing things in a healthy balance.

>what are ya sellin?
im funny, calm, i take reasonable time before making decisions, i fall short sometimes but i actively try to make things better for myself, i have alot of issues i worked through and i honestly dont know why i dont have more friends, there must be something completely wrong with me and i dont see it, i am severely depressed like i went to the doctor and took medication for it, i am employed i own a house, i love my job.

>not looking for
e dating, flings, hookups, people who have hyper specific cryteria for their person of interest, im a human being not a special interest, nudes (maybe way down the line but def not rando peoples nudes), trannies, nb's, people who list their gender in everything bc youre past redemption, people with absurdly high bodycounts, mines 9 anything past 14 is completely unreasonable and you should probably seek therapy for your sex addiction.

uhh is there anything i want to add to this, i give good dick and i dont cheat what else do you want, i have political leanings to the right but i believe in social welfare and shit like that, extremely nuanced very cool, watch i p much blogged for no reason, i also am handsome.

>cool thx
>very right leaning
>very invested in politics when i started using this site 4 years ago
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>open to long distance (y/n)?
yes, it has to be long distance for a while because i am living in a different country this winter for work.
>physical description
white, blue eyes, dirty? blonde hair (it has got much darker as I got older). lean, but not skinny, or jacked. 5'9 or 5'10 i haven't measured for ages.
>life situation
just finishing exams. work remote in software and as a skiing instructor in the winter.
skiing, mountain biking, exploring nature, the internet. i play video games sometimes too. i love anything to do with the mountains. thunderstorms. i have a cute cat, i'll send plenty of pics if you'd like. photography.
>3 songs you like
salvia palth - i was all over her
the temper trap - sweet disposition
mgmt - time to pretend
>religious beliefs
>dating experience
none, i'm probably autistic and i get really shy.
>looking for
single girls around my age who just want to talk about anything and just let each other know we are there for one another. virtual hugs. happy to voice chat but you'll have to bear with me because i can be a bit shy. i'd like for you to at least verify you are a girl at some point because i don't want to end up accidentally chatting to a dude for months. i want to learn about you and your life. i value loyalty.
>not looking for
men, trans, non white (asian is fine though). taller than me. chubby/fat. (exceptions can be made if you are really nice)
discord: its_all_okay
i have no clue what you are implying
here goes nothing.
32/m/southern ontario
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
white, olive skin tone, average height, fit, medium-length wavy hair with some streaks of gray (genetics).
>life situation
first time home-owner, have a job that I love, have a spirited sense of connection to the universe, trying to build a meaningful life here.
music, vinyl, guitars, cooking, plants, learning Italian, cycling, fitness, fashion, road-trips, concerts, outdoors, meditation, etc.
>3 songs you like
stars of the lid - december hunting for vegetarian fuckface
jon hopkins - sit around the fire
unknown mortal orchestra - layla
>3 movies you like
qatsi trilogy
>religious beliefs
agnostic. but i feel a profound connection with the universe sometimes
>political beliefs
quite honestly i think politics is just a bunch of children screaming at each other. my view on politics is the world needs competent leaders
>dating experience
i've been around
>looking for
something serious. i am looking for deep, meaningful connection. doesn't mean we have to be chatty all of the time. i want to be with someone and just know with the utmost sense of security that this person truly loves me for who i am and is certain about that.
i want to be with someone who is comfortable expressing their emotions.
i want to be with someone as gentle and kind and wondrous as i am.
i want to be with someone who speaks the same love languages as me (touch, time together).
i want to be with someone who is looking for a monogamous relationship.
>not looking for
people who don't have a clue what they're looking for
people with no dating experience
people with no job
people who don't live in the same province
people who are 'fluent in sarcasm', in other words if you can't be silent for 15 seconds or tolerate your uncomfortable emotions and that compels you to be a jerk, no thanks.
discord: microsoftsqlserver2019

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