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[Catalog] [Archive]

Each archive contains a full year of popular posts from e621.net. Earlier years may be missing days when no images were uploaded. I will continue posting new archives as I continue to scrape the site.

>[2007] 11206 files

>[2008] 8267 files

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promise I am gonna torrent like 500gb worth of yiff when I get my new hdd

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>the /kpg/ torrent

>Library Stats
6444 albums - 35367 Tracks - 922.76 GB
FLAC (86.8%) - MP3 (11.8%) - AAC (1.4%)

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can you pls add TAN.

The biggest gooner collection ever! Over 6 terabytes (24,000+ vids) of porn to fap your life away to! Enjoy ;)

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18GB up to 2020


I'm in the mood to watch some war movies.

The first one for tonight is this one:

The Beast / Beast of War (1988) 1080p 1.82GB

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The Deluge Redivivus in the hard to find 1080 HD version.

One of the most successful Polish movies ever, about the Swedish invasion of Poland in the 17th century. Among enthusiasts this movie is renowned for having what are probably the best sword fights ever filmed.


Here you'll find magnets of Rarbg. Everything.txt is about 210MB text file containing all magnets so far. Will update the list soon, but meanwhile, save it for safekeeping.

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>>1327116 Thanks a lot that was really helpful.

I wish the RARBG team would release their full database the one you guys posted is missing some and another i got has a bunch that are from other sites.

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Hello there,

just casually updating the torrent i did few years ago,

last update was December '22, i had to skip June '23 so you get a whole year worth of updates,

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/I2P/ Torrent Thread.



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maybe this can help

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Hey /t/

I recently started dicking around with SVT-AV1 and ended up encoding the entirety of South Park and wanted to share it with you all.

First of all, this would not have been possible without Joy, who originally encoded and seeded the files in H265. Secondly, the main goal of this repack is size reduction. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't look like shit, it's almost the same quality as Joy's repack, but at less than 1/3 the size. Thirdly, I did this on my own and it's my first time doing this, so if you notice anything to improve let me know.

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RM is the sign of the based boomer


This torrent is dedicated to two groups:

- Chucklefish and especially Tiyuri for producing this piece of shit. Glad that it came to light that you weren't paying your employees and your career went down the drain, so you're not able to scam any more people out of their money. You always wanted to make the game open-source, so let me help you get a headstart on that.

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gotta love network coding

There are basically no linux games torrents, I"ll drop source ports and native compilations maybe a few gog games.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of pripyat

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Manjaro reporting in.
Started in 2006
I went from Mandriva >> Fedora >> Ubuntu >> Arch >> Mint

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Greetings, I just released the version 1 of my own archive of translated (english) Hentai manga, doujins along side with Visual Novels CG galleries and others.
I will be quite grateful if its both shared but most importantly seeded. If you wish to know more about this project check out:

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unistall it? pray? I dont know mate, I have quite enough ram on my current rig (48gb) and Im using qbittorent, google is your friend I guess

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But you have it stored right?
Only someone very stupid would use the site to store data.

Full playable dev build leak:

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>state religion
state religion and the denial of a God greater than it(him) is atheism, commies had this and killed christoids fyi (wasn't there a chapter that literally worshipped him as a diety, and he nuked their planet off the map as punishment? lol woops :P)
>government that lets a few elites control everything everywhere
no, I said anti Independence/isolationist empire, not "elites" controlling everything, learn to read
>unifying the entire population

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Feel free to post old japanese eroge and visual novels, forgotten and lost in time.
Collections of old/lost games are also well accepted.

Previous Thread here >>1108580
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Search the Japanese name on Nyaa.

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A torrent containing all the Warhammer Novels + my first attempt on creating and sorting the audiobooks.

Difference between BL audio and audible audio is the higher kbps bitrate

[Retail] & (Retail) are the books that i obtain personally or were obtained from trustworthy sources, anything else should be considered as "found on internet"

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Also looking for this. Anyone happen to have this?

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