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Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>10972569

>Archived Threads:

>Helpful Links:

Fixing frizz:

Dealing with glue seepage:

Materials for customizing face, hair, and clothes:

Sewing pattern books from Google+, reuploaded:
New Miniverse lifestyle
Ngl, I wish they'd do a set with just the birds and no plants. They're so fucking cute
Wait for the pin hole hack, i tried it and they really work
Fans are desperately asking for the guide every day, so far it's looking like there isn't one for this series. I blame the fucking idiots who promoed the hell out of it on tiktok and youtube and let MGA find out we knew about it. It always should have been protected information. OF COURSE they changed it in new series with the way content mills were blasting about it.
Anyone remember Jakks Pacific's MiWorld miniatures? They were great quality but didn't stick around for long, only a couple waves. I wonder why they didn't catch on and have tons of popularity like Miniverse and Mini Brands have now, even though they did it first? Just not the right time back then I guess?
Probably the mystery box effect
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There's a guide for this series first run, I used it to get the peonies
This is an old series.
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What's a good body for a sixth scale young boy doll? Pic related is close to what I'm looking for, but it's a large third scale BJD. I've gone crazy looking for one because it's hard to find a good boy doll body, let alone one that fits my requirements:
>Articulated beyond the basic fashion doll 5poa.
>Realistic proportions & semi-realistic sculpt.
>Around 15cm without head.
>No anime heads. Realistic head and face preferred.
All the bodies I can find are either 11cm SD toddlers or 22cm teens. Nothing in between. The closest body I could find is a Pure Neemo XS of S boy body. Unfortunately, the only place that have them in stock are some small sellers in Japan who want $50 for the body and $40 to ship it. Ouch. And before you mention "Creative World" dolls, I have one. He's too tall and has a big noggin on him.
As for a head, I've resigned myself to get some girl head and repurpose it for a boy. It's really hard to find one that doesn't have an extremely Asian phenotype face.
Any help or recommendations in this endeavor would be extremely appreciated.
Not really, they're the last newest lifestyle release
This >>10998789 is wave one and this >>10998453 is wave 2 of the same series.

I dunno maybe it will be on later release, because the first series of dinner and cafe didn't have it plus international release have different pin placement, but yeah it should have been more secret
The guide is for a completely different set of minis from the pinhole sheet you posted and you argue semantics? It’s an old release and been out for months. There are no pinholes for >>10998453 , people are just finding cases in stores now and there’s no marks. MGA had time to pivot between the two, they probably changed their sorting system.
You won't find this unless but a bjd, try creatable world, they're really dated but i dont think they will be that expensive on second hand market plus they have a lot of clothes options. They have basic 5 tho
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Found this Generation Girl Mari doll while thrifting the other day, I love her black and red hair and wanna give her more of a goth restyle, that pi shirt is hilarious though, funny how NOT progressive this is anymore
What's wrong with pi shirts now?
Asian nerd stereotype is just dated, she even has the dyed hair stereotype, sad she didn't come with her little robot belt though thats adorable
that stereotype is still spammed everywhere. G3 drac and the asian girl in barbie dream besties.
True lol she falls into that trope now too
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>Creative World
>Creatable World

I mentioned in my post that I already have one of those dolls and he's too tall. (25.5cm) They also have heads that are a smidge too large. Also, they have 13poa, not 5. Neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles.
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And before you mention them, no, the Harry Potter dolls from a few years back are too tall as well. At least the heads are the right size.
Please don't have the potion surprise gimmick Please don't have the potion surprise gimmick Please don't have the potion surprise gimmick...
Barbie Chelsea's male friends or MH G2 little brothers are the only ones I can think of, but they only have basic articulation. Maybe Blythe boys or Pullip Isuls, but might be too tall and you'll need to switch out the big heads.
>who want $50 for the body and $40 to ship it.

Might be able to get it through Hobby Search for cheaper: https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/11077014

They don't tell you shipping ahead of time; if you are in the USA I suggest Registered Airmail, it's usually under $30.

Pure Neemo are nice, I doubt you're going to find anything comparable here.
I got some of the Rebelde Barbies in the mail the other day, but I'm too lazy to take pics at the moment. Maybe I will tomorrow in better lighting. I bought a couple thinking that these would be collector dolls, but they seem to be playline. From left to right, I guess it's Lupita, Mia, and Roberta.

I didn't order any Lupitas, 2 Mias, and 3 Robertas, but Amazon sent me 4. I like to hold a Barbie in box if I think they look great and I might want to use them later, or at least for value, which I know isn't loved here.

Roberta is one of the better faces in a while IMO, but I'm Midge anon and biased with redheads. I know that might be seen as coomer shit, but I really think the dark/goth/pierced nose would be cool for rebodies. Her hair isn't perfect from doll to doll. I can't decide if I want to open the one with the best face and rebody, keep her boxed to resell in the future, or what.

Mia seemed like a cool, weird, Sailor Moon esque-head with that star and the bangs, but neither of mine came out great. I don't think I'll keep both. Maybe not either.

The outfits are absolutely trash quality with a lot of fabric. I'm amazed they put together so many parts just for like, everything to be a chopped off pattern that points in all kinds of directions. There's my review though.
You thought dolls exclusive to Latin America (all third world countries) would be collector-level quality? Kek, oh anon. I doubt they'll ever have resell value either due to the fact that no one outside Latin America even knows the show that these are from.
would i get in trouble if i customize this doll to look more like me aka add a nose brige and curl the hair a bit, i would've repainted and rehaired the blond barbie but her skin is too yellow for my tone, also i dont know why but i really love the non-standard size barbies for some reason
Aren't these old news, or are they just now getting out
Why would you get in trouble? It's your doll you can do whatever you want to it
>would i get in trouble
It's not illegal to customize dolls, anon. Once you own it, you can do whatever you like with it
because i would technically ''white wash'' the doll since the base is suppose to represent a person of Asian decent despite the fact that i am using the doll as a base rather than changing the character, i am too lazy to rehair, repaint the body/eyes of the blonde one and this one has most of the things correct outside of the nose bridge and wavy hair
No you won't get in trouble, you're using the doll as a base to customize an entirely new form, it's not like you're taking the doll and proclaiming "THIS is how the doll SHOULD look and the asian version shouldn't exist at all!" Like some sort of rage baiting attention whore
ok thank you for the answer, i am quite new to the English internet and i don't wanna be a disrespectful bitch
Fair concern considering how brainbroken the English-speaking interenet can be desu
Has anyone got a pic of Monster Fest Lagoona without that ugly pink waist thing? I'm trying to decide whether to pick her up.
>You thought dolls exclusive to Latin America (all third world countries) would be collector-level quality?
I bought them on Amazon in the US. They already had a line with Barbie that was apparently popular enough to do again for the show's anniversary. The show is on my smart TV's opening screen all the time, and I'm just a white guy that speaks Spanish.

The trash quality of the clothes is a bigger Mattel issue, but current listings are high. I'm not a reseller in general, but there's tons of dolls in these niche categories that end up becoming sought after.

Just now getting out.
Which doll line has the nicest feet?
Nobody cares about feet, it's all about the shoes
Cave Club
Not a feet person, but OG Monster High
Came across a sad broken Blondie Lockes while digging through the gross thrift store toy bucket the other day, haven't seen one of those in a long while, made me nostalgic and sad, RIP EAH
Yall only miss the show and lore, the dolls were ugly, cheap and overdesign
I acknowledge this to be true, I miss the show and characters, the dolls weren't the best but I still enjoyed them.
I mostly miss having a new option for classic fairytale dolls, I'm so sick of Disney Princesses
wow, you weren't joking
Cerise and Ashlynn were the best dolls
I didn't like the show or the lore. Many things didn't make any sense or contradicted each other. I loved the actual dolls and they have some of the best designs of any playline dolls I've collected, up there with G1 MH and Barbie LITDH.
Na! Na! Na! surprise

Like the Bratz Babies?
in the end it's about which aspects you consider important, so it's not objective at all. I just like the pronounced arch.
bratz have no feet, just trolling
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explain this atheists
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bratz collab with mean girls?
wow i dont care like at all
Seriously don't give a shit when idiots squawk,
They will look both petty and stupid trying to school you in any way about a doll.
I kinda care
the duality of the doll community, also look at this cursed captcha i got
As someone who grew up with both Bratz and meangirls, I would be down for this, depending on quality/price.
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T H A N K Y O U ! ! !

HLJ & AmiAmi are my usual import shops, but neither of them had the Pure Neemos in stock. I forgot about Hobby Search and this will be my first order with them. I picked up the XS White body and some extra hands for about $23. That's far better than paying $50 for just a body! I went with airmail like you suggested. I don't like how they don't tell you how much the shipping is when you check out. Oh well. This is my best and cheapest chance to get a decent boy body.

Now it's on to the heads, something HS didn't have, otherwise I'd add that to the order. I'm thinking of getting an Obitsu head. But why when I type "1/6 Obitsu head" into eBay & Amazon's search, all I get are $100+ heads?
Go ask your endless questions about all this shit over there >>>/jp/46840611

It doesn't belong here and you're filling our thread with unrelated shit
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The question was on topic pertaining to dolls, constructive replies were given, and anon thanked them for helping out. It all worked out in the end. So stop being such a miserable cunt because we aren't sucking MGA cock 24/7.
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Sad when you don't even know the difference between a fashion doll body and a BJD. Just because a body is made and sold in Japan, doesn't automatically make it a BJD. The fact that the poster said the total cost now was $23 should tell you it's not a BJD. And guess what, anon? Other countries can make fashion dolls in their own native markets. Just because it's not american doesn't mean it's not a fashion doll. Get your head out of your ass and go seethe elsewhere. They have every right to post here, and you acting otherwise is the same as you showing up to the BJD thread asking what mtm barbie body would best skin match a different barbie's head. That's how fucking retarded you sound right now.
Japanese fashion dolls like Licca and Jenny belong here. Vinyl dolls like Pure Neemo, Azone, Obitsu have never gone here and are always redirected to /jp/. Lurk more, fuckin newfags
Cry harder. We all know you're the same shithead who calls everyone pedos and constantly tries to stir up drama whenever you see something you don't like, and have to go cry screech to the jannies in an attempt for people to stop liking things you don't like. And as these past few threads have shown, they're pretty sick of your BS, too, and determined that posts you find inappropriate are actually on topic, soooo.....
I'm not gonna regret getting rid of some lol omgs, right? I don't see them getting ridiculously expensive like mhs in the future because they're not characters people can get attached to.
Omg collectors if you could only keep 3 which would they be?
What are you sperging about
>Everyone that tries to talk sense to me is that one crabby woman anon!!

Girl just post BJD content to the BJD thread on /jp/, it's not hard.
It makes sense for them, if they do a movie/tv series collection i think bring it on, legally blonde, jennifer's body, scream and euphoria could be next

I mean it's mga their collector dolls are usually affordable and readily aviable compared to mattel

>sucking MGA cock 24/7
Breed me daddy Isaac <=3

Omg aren't characters but they have intricate or niche looks that people enjoy, the harder thing will be finding complete dolls with their stock hairstyle second hand
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stupid bitch there was no consensus, you're the only one who autistically spergs about it. you probably think if you screech about it a thousand times, it becomes the truth?
I explained multiple times that the bodies is compatible, hybridable with the dolls you deem "acceptable" here and fashion is compatible too therefore it belongs here.
Try Paradoll/Paradox, they sell Obitsu 1/6 and you can buy lots of parts separately. But yeah, like other anon impolitely said, it starts getting into BJD territory if you go with one of those heads and this thread doesn't allow BJD talk. I asked ages ago about 1/6 obitsu here and they redirected me to JP.

Neemo/obitsu are used for body swaps frequently for Licca and Blythe... fashion dolls. If anon had used a donor head from one of those or a western doll then it would have been fine to ask here. No need to be cunty about it.
Parabox, typo
I thought about this too. I have a small collection (about 15) and I was thinking of getting rid of some. But I do think they will be worth something in the future, especially if they are complete. They were the most popular fashion doll of this era and in about 10-15 years the kids who grew up with them will want them back (same thing happened to Bratz and MH). If you have all the accessories and the dolls in good condition it's probably worth it to keep them.
That said, to answer your question, if I could only keep 3 I would pick Moonlight BB, Roller Chick, and Candylicious.
All that talk of EAH blessed me today while thrifting, found a near perfect Raven Queen for $5, her hair is just a little messy and she's missing her spiked headband
they're not BJD and don't belong in that thread. There is no other thread for smaller dolls on this entire website that makes sense for them to belong in. This is by far, the most logical based on size (largely 1/12)
Azone >>46537974, and /jp/ also says in their op that they welcome Azone and other similar vinyl dolls
Misc dolls >>10979380

I can guarantee I have been here longer than you. The "rule" makes no sense. You are the one gatekeeping a nearly dead thread from people posting about dolls that literally use items the same scale and the same size as in this thread. It has nothing to do with if /jp/ welcomes them or not. Misc started because of this stupid gatekeeping.
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Womp womp. Use the threads you're supposed to.
I don't even collect them, but:
>Licca are not fashion dolls
Licca are all about Fashion; the outfits they are wearing. So then this is the thread. This thread is dead enough, why do you want to kill it more?
They are not art dolls. They are not sewn dolls. They are dolls with the primary focus of fashion, in 1/12 scale, and are often body swapped with other dolls often posted in this thread. How are they not on topic?
I never said Licca-chan wasn't allowed here. It's literally in the OP that she's allowed.
>Japanese fashion dolls like Licca and Jenny belong here
No one said they DON'T belong here. Btw fashion dolls are 1/6, not 1/12. Are you high rn?
I'm tired, I typoed.

So then why are Azone being told to go elsewhere? They also are 1/6. They also wear the same size clothing. People swap out Azone bodies for other 1/6 dolls all the time, how is that also not on topic?
Because they're retarded, anon. And you're not supposed to like what they dislike, otherwise you'll hurt their feelings and make them cry.
anon keeps on sperging, didn't even address my point. >>11003926

Don't listen to that anon, this is the FASHION DOLL GENERAL. those are fashion dolls, those go here.
what's your most controversial fashion doll opinion?
Not really controversial here but in other doll spaces it's that fat dolls will never be successful outside of niche adult collectors.
Neighthan had one of the best face sculpts out of any of the G1 dolls and I wish they had gone even half as hard on more of them
MH G2 was better than G3. It was still bad, but not anywhere *as* bad. All the race swapping and queer shit ruined MH. Can't say that anywhere but here because I'll be called wacist and twansphobic and whatever elsewhere.
I'm sorry but no amount of queer and racebend shit is worse than what G2 brought as a doll brand, worse outfits, terrible quality control, the introduction of the molded on shoes, it was MH made for toddlers, the only good thing about G2 was Moanica and Cleos new face. I'd rather have 10 more G3s than one more G2, that era was miserable
>what's your most controversial fashion doll opinion?
That Azone & Obitsu dolls belong here on Fashion Doll General and not on a /BJD/ thread.
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I modded the neck peg of an obitsu dupe body so my cute pixlings can pose.
People have posted pixlings here before but the weirdo probably wants me to move to /jp/ cuz muh obitsus
In terms of animation, yes g2 is better than g3. G2 had a better 3d model style and no woke shit. In terms of dolls, eh, I prefer the g1 bodys that g2 kept but g3 has better fashion and details.
G2 had new bodies, they were more like EAH i think
Ah yeah, that's right. It's been a bit since I looked at my g2 dolls.
Completionists are weird. I don’t understand buying a doll you don’t even like just to complete a line. Is it some kind of OCD-esque compulsion? Shopping addiction? Brand worship? False sense of accomplishment? I don’t want to pay for something I think is ugly to sit in my house and stare at me.

Also, there’s nothing really wrong with it but I think it’s boring when people only collect whatever dolls are the most popular, and I mean specific dolls, not just brands. Like Barbie collectors who only collect the most popular Looks dolls, or just specific dolls that get overhyped in the community (looking at you, Odile mermaids…). It just makes everyone’s collection look the same. Just the same dolls over and over… If you genuinely like the doll in and of itself then fine (I’ll admit, I got the purple Odile, but mostly because I’ve always liked purple and mermaids), it’s buying out of peer pressure I don’t like.
why don't you let the jannies earn their paycheck and stop making a fool of yourself. k thx.

its some coonsomer, brandpill mindset. maybe even a hint of hording. there's people out there that just have storage bins full of dolls in a storage unit somewhere, are you even enjoying yourself at that point?
Doll influencers have also become blight to this community. they build displays that look good on camera and the average brain dead zoomer thinks that their collection needs to look exactly like that.
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Gotta strongly disagree with you there. If nothing else, G2 Lagoona and Clawdeen are vastly superior to their G3 counterparts. If you actually like ugly nerd Clawdeen and Lagoona Pink then idk what to even say. I think G2 Frankie was somewhat better too, not a fan of the manly huge jaw on the troon version. Yes the unarticulated, molded top dolls that came later were awful but the first couple lines (core, shriekwrecked) were cute and most importantly there was no idpol shit.

>it was MH made for toddlers
No that's G3, especially the cartoon. Has the ghouls fighting walking, talking tater tots and shit lmao come on. G2 was a little babyfied but not to such a high degree.
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>G2 Lagoona and Clawdeen are vastly superior to their G3 counterparts
Looking at this is entrancing. I have some miligrams of mushrooms helping though...
I want to go on sill adventures with G2 Laura. She honestly looks the most like she would be up for some guile-less fun.
G3 Laguna also looks like she could tag along. (I'm usually not a big fan)
Please post bail if necessary.
also, if anyone calls we might be in the woods.
- or something.
>I have some miligrams of mushrooms helping though

We can tell.
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You are legit delusional if you think this mismatched ugly mess looks better than G2's version. Not even debatable desu.
Maybe not that controversial, but companies waste money on packing and should hard-press an 'eco' route and pour the money into the dolls instead. It's obvious tons of money is spent on designing and making packaging, only for it to be tossed. Wasted cash is spent on plastic risers, tabs, and more, when cotton would work just as well. MGA is a serious offender of this one. How many plastic ties and plastic windows are needed for crap in the background?
There has to be a better way to educate people on what to snip to release the dolls in the future.
Some action figure companies tried doing plastic-less packaging a while ago and it was a shitshow. No window in the packaging means the buyer can't see any paint defects or other flaws before they buy. They got so many complaints that they all went back to the normal packaging. It's a necessary evil for toy packaging, unfortunately.
There will still need to be a window, I'm talking about those plastic risers and plastic tabs and fobs. They used to in the 80s use cotton fabric to tie the dolls down to the cardboard.
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God I hate all the plastic waste when I unbox dolls. Especially from MGA, they're horrid with that. I like how the classic Disney dolls are packaged where it's all cardboard. For a more open window there could be a thin plastic sheet at the front, then maybe the same thing covering the rest of the box sides for more secure packaging. Plastic reduction while keeping the product itself presentable and secure is certainly possible, but most companies can't be assed to care.
MTM are some of the best articulated dolls and their joint design looks fine. It's okay to see the joints on dolls, they are dolls.
Seriously. One fucking plastic window at the front of the box. Cotton biodegradable string tying down the accessories. You can see everything easily. Why do they have to have ten thousand fucking little bubble plastic wrapped items from MGA? Why the curved plastic boxes? This shit goes directly into the trash and does not pass go. It correlates to massive more money spent in design and manufacturing, which could be spent on the actual product people want to buy.
Fuck the boxes, I want my wrist joints back.
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>ugly nerd Clawdeen
They dropped the nerd shit so quick with her so thats not even a problem anymore with her dolls
>Lagoona Pink
I still don't care for her but they do seem to be getting a little more of an idea of what they want her to be, I do think her Monster Fest doll is an improvement.
Frankie is hit or miss, but I'd still take this over what G2 did, all G2 dolls i came across in person had terrible quality control. Shriekwrecked was a G1 line forced to be G2 and the core was plain as could be.
>G2 was a little babyfied but not to such a high degree.
Motherfucker they took away the articulation and molded every damn thing on, that is LITERAL toddler toy shit, and I'm not talking about the damn cartoon, both G3 and G2 cartoons are crap but this is about the dolls.
Molded nipples are fine
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>open packaging
Idk why anyone would want to steal her clothes, the only things worth a damn are the doll and the boots
the only way they could have made this doll worse is is she was made of tin.
Imo, Lagoona was one of the only characters that actually kinda worked with the softened facial features of G2. Still prefer her G1 iteration, but I don't mind her G2 face.
G3 Lagoona is so bad she's honestly barely worth bringing up other than to laugh at her
When you look at this, it really shows that G1 MH really was incredible. It's amazing that Mattel of all companies ever produced something like that. So sad that we will probably never see anything like it again.
G2 was just depressing. I actually do like Lagoona and Cleo of G2 but the rest are pure garbage. This is a very clear example of what happens when corporate meddling is allowed.
G3 core dolls are also pretty awful and its quite obvious when you look at this image. Especially Lagoona and Frankie but the rest are pretty bad too. I like Drac's and Cleo's faces but their clothes are just an ugly mess. Like, were they designed by legally blind toddlers in the dark? I think G3 was also a victim of corporate meddling combined with rushing into production. I do think more recent G3 dolls have improved and I do like some of them (core refresh, monster fest, some of the SS dolls, etc), but they will never be on the level of G1.
They've basically lost all the creativity, camp, and edge forever. It makes me sad.
>I do think her Monster Fest doll is an improvement
Really? REALLY?
Based on what I see online, monster fest lagoona was botched and mostly wonky. How is this possible?
I will say I do like the more pale platinum blonde on her than the typical golden blonde, I hope they maybe lean into this going forward. I like parts of her outfit but all together it reads as too much, I do think her makeup is fun though, it makes the freckles and forehead spots stand out less.
I dont think she's bad, but she should have been her own character and not Lagoona
She'd look a lot better if she was literally any color other than ammonia burn axolotl pink
Every time I go to the store, I see all MH selfwarming. I see those Naturalista's, RH, and Barbie moving more product. Enjoy MH while you can, it's pretty obvious this may be its last iteration.
Personally I never see any dolls move anymore unless they go on sale
Realistically it should never have come back to begin with, other than some limited edition reproductions of the originals for an anniversary event.

They came in 2008 when being scene/emo/goth/edgy and different was all the rage. The doll market was boring and all pink Barbie, even though her quality was dropping and sales tanking due to Bratz so Mattel had to branch out and so Monster High was a breath of fresh air when it came out with it's high quality fashions and accessories, stands, full articulation etc It all came at the right time.

The doll market is now so over saturated that was no need for a return.
this shade of pink looks like a very painful sunburn lmao
Same, except for Drac who always sells out pretty quick. Everyone else just sits endlessly. One character selling well cannot keep the whole line afloat and their promotional cartoon has already been canned so it's only a matter of time.
Holy shit, yes. I’m always excited to unbox a doll until I actually do it. What I hate most are all the unnecessary little plastic staples, they make holes in the clothes and I always have to be super careful while I cut them out not to cut the doll’s hair. I hate the head staples the most.

Agree. Besides, if the joints aren’t discolored then they just kind of blend in for me, I don’t even really pay attention to it. But I might be biased since I didn’t grow up with any articulated dolls so they still seem amazing to me kek

Disagree. I’ve always thought nipples poking out under clothes looked trashy.
>I dont think she's bad
Sis, more than half the outfit is plastic crap, with only a paper thin slice of actual fabric for the base dress. What even are the plastic pearl things going up her legs supposed to be??
I meant more pink Lagoona as a concept rather than this specific doll, though I do think this specific base doll (not the outfit just the doll) is nicer than her core doll. Also don't talk to me like were queer besties.
Is it weird that I like G2 Lagoona and clawdeen faces, they are so adorable
I just realised that Frankie's hairline looks like Frankenstein's monster's big square head (from the movie). Poor Laguna though, her and Cleo should be the easiest design, just add Fishy/Egyptian stuff and you're good,but they always have Laguna looking a mess.
If all the accessories were a pearlescent white it would immediately look 100% better. The designs always look schizophrenic these days.
Looks good anon.
you color matched really well. Very nice. I am guessing the ability to pose is night and day.
>but she should have been her own character and not Lagoona
i've been saying this from the beginning, they should've split her into two different characters if they wanted to rehaul her this much. i don't mind them wanting to make her more 'accurate' to the creature itself which is why they changed her ethnicity and shit since it's a south american thing, but they could've kept G1 lagoona as a separate character tweaked her name/design around the bunyip or something instead. sucks how they just scrapped her altogether pretty much.
i don't like G3 overall but fucking hell i forgot just how bland and ugly G2 was.
>G2 was a little babyfied but not to such a high degree.
you are talking out of your fucking ass if you look at the G2 dolls and the movies/show and unironically think it was only a "little" babyfied in comparison to G3, i know G3 is filled with pansy shit but come on dude.
I'm happy you gave a reason and did not just use buzzwords like "coomer"
I think the main issue with molded nips and vulva/penis like some of the LOLs had is that a lot of parents just aren't ready to have discussions about that stuff with small children. Kids 5-8ish are the primary demographic and that's just kinda young to be explaining puberty related stuff. A lot of kids will straight up ask what's this, why does it look like that etc
I've seen her at Walmart and she looks fine, mostly just messy hair
Someone on insta restyled Fatty Catty into her G1 style and it looks 100% better. Why are G3's designers so awful that they couldn't even come close to this? (christophcollects is the acct)
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It's honestly amazing how much the old fashions elevate the dolls.
What one is the one on the left? Monster Ball with her hair redone?
Looks nice until you see the fuckhuge calves, that's a sculpt problem though.
God damn that G1-style repaint/reroot on the left looks fucking amazing.
I mean she's meant to be obese, so it's fitting for her.

It really make such a big difference. Unrelated but does this pic confirm that G3 actually does fit in G1 doll stands? People kept saying they wouldn't fit.
the base does not matter since it's repainted and rerooted
I didn't realize it was a repaint, that's why I was mildly confused.
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I love seeing g1 style repaints
All Mattel needed to do was make G3 into G1 with more varied bodies and the dolls would've sold like hotcakes is what I'm gathering here
Well, that and not ruin the face sculpts of characters like Ghoulia
I dont mind the new face sculpt, it's just the paint choices that bring it down
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The new sculpt is pretty cute once painted and styled a bit. G1s gaunt face coupled with the retro nerd aesthetic always made Ghoulia look kinda old.
she's a zombie. The gaunt face fits.
I would've liked g3 face sculpts better if they had a neutral expression.
It was a nice face but it had resulted in her shelf warming a lot unfortunately
Ngl, I always figured the questionable fashion choices for like 80% of her dolls was the problem
The problem with Ghoulia is that her signature look was literally perfect so it was inevitably nothing but downhill from there
Who is the pinkish blonde?
Lipstick on a pig. Way too fat.
All the budget went into her new body mould so the outfit was designed to be simple.
I can see that argument but the only "people" who don't have nips are reptiloids.
they shouldn't lead to questions. They are mandatory like headlights and seatbelts.
Anon it's a doll, it's not a person
You are pathetic to even thinking that. You should honestly think about taking a break from whatever twitter shit you follow cos honestly you are not normal for asking that.
Calm down anon. I'm sure she wants to post pics of her customs in one or more places instead of never showing anyone, and this really is something she could potentially get canceled for by the rabid sjw mob. She's not wrong for worrying.
Why the fuck did mattel use super soft, flexible plastic for monster fest Cleo's heels? I picked her up yesterday and these things are so flimsy they could snap at any moment.
Oh wait, I have some more.

I think hyper realistically painted faces on dolls are uncanny. And also celebrity dolls that try to imitate realistic proportions too much. I like that most dolls have a stylized look.

And… I know it’s what most people in this board like, but I don’t like Monster High dolls that much. Some of them are pretty and eye catching (I’ve thought about getting that G3 Abbey, and I like some Clawdeen dolls) but I don’t think I’d have as much fun with a doll that’s already so hyper specific in both design and identity. At least with Barbies or something I can imagine them as my own characters. I guess I just don’t see the appeal of character dolls? Like, everything’s already decided for me and I don’t get a chance to “discover” or change their identities. Or maybe that’s the appeal, that you don’t have to think too hard because the doll is already a complete identity. Idk.
>Or maybe that’s the appeal
As a collector, yeah, that is part of the appeal for me. I like that there's an established world and characters with very distinctly unique looks. But I have also literally just customized dolls to make them into my own thing too
Retarded question, but how do you all get good at posing dolls? I'm looking at my collection and I always pose them very similarly.
I just look at other people's displays on Insta for inspiration, there's also Pinterest
I just think think the idea of cute dolls mixed with horror monsters and weird, obscure cryptids and whatnot is fun. But I'm also a guy, and I don't collect any dolls other than MH, pretty much specifically because I find the horror facet of them amusing.

>Like, everything’s already decided for me and I don’t get a chance to “discover” or change their identities. Or maybe that’s the appeal, that you don’t have to think too hard because the doll is already a complete identity. Idk.

I'd say it was probably less of an issue pre-G3 where they mostly had the same body style, but it is even more exacerbated by the fact that most of the G3 dolls have unique body types, so you can't always even really share or change the accessories around between them because they just don't fit.
ID on this head sculpt?
I usually set up my camera and then just play with them in front of it, while watching the screen. Some dolls also just look better in the same poses.
>hyper realistically painted faces on dolls are uncanny
That reminds me of another one. I fucking hate the faceapp people.
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If you knoe where to look online, you can find some Japan hobby books on figure posing. Pic related is from "Kotobukiya MEGAMI DEVICE Pose Notebook Vol. 1: Girl's Pose" and can be found on Sad Panda.
I genuinely cannot fathom why people use faceapp on dolls. It always looks horror movie tier uncanny
Me neither, and it drives me insane that a lot of normie collectors don’t even bother to tag or mention it. I hate when I’m scrolling some nice fashions or customs and then suddenly there’s that big stupid grin full of teeth. It looks like shit and doesn’t represent the actual collectible they claim to love.
I now want to see her dressed as Amelia Earhart in a flying / bomber jacket and an Aviator' helmet.
A 50 mission cap might also work with red or black frames.
Don't post pics of gross coomer figures in our thread, kthx
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I've been seeing the new non-doll MH merch popping up in stores like the Polly Pocket and the Hot Wheels, and they just make me sad because these would've looked so much better with the G1 designs than the shitty G3 ones
These just end up looking so generic
So I just got my hands on EAH Hunter for a custom and uh... there doesn't happen to be an EAH boy with Clawd's skin tone, does there?
Because holy fuck, he'd look so much better on the beefier EAH body
truth nuke
mediocre design in terms of the outfit/color scheme but I wish he had more dolls
Clumsy unicorn zombie with long hair and a tail is such a cute concept too
I'm glad he's underrated though because it means I can buy a bunch of his dolls for customs
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Megablox/Mega Construx did G1 minifigures and sets many years ago.
I don't hate his outfit (since you can just change it), but the colored streaks in his hair just look like ass. Thankfully they almost completely disappear under the black if you just let it down and boil wash it. I think his hair was always too thick for that ponytail to begin with anyway and he looks way better with it down
Hunter was the darkest skinned boy doll for EAH. G2 Clawd was on the same body, though. Good luck tracking one down.
you can always attempt to dye the body
Can monster ball lagoona be boil washed, or are those sparkly clear strands considered tinsel and will melt?
Looks like one of The Fresh Dolls
Even dolls that have genitals molded in tend to lack nipples because it's just not practical. I have one doll with molded nipples and it means I can't use certain outfits or else they poke through.
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barbie fashionistas 34

oh pls
fresh dolls have more flattering and varying lipstick colors for their dolls than NuMattel
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and it's the goddess sculpt
>here's your rainbow high miniatures bro
oopsie fresh dolls are uggo
I was thinking of Naturalistas
sorry anon
kek, heard rumors about this a few weeks back
Is that a plastic vest? We're come full circle back around to Mattel levels, good lord
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Fuck off, prude. You wouldn't knoe a coomer figure if it bit you. Just for that, I'm posting the whole pose book just to get your panties in a twist.

As for you pose-anon, I hope you'll find the book useful.
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The first real page in the book is >>11012515
This is the second.
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Moonspeak page. It's here for the sake of completeness.
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And that's the last page. I hope this little booklet was a useful learning tool for those that want to pose their dolls & figures better. And if you were disgusted by all the "gross coomer figures" then go dig out all that sand in your cooch with a backhoe.
Thank you. She's very pretty.
People were loosing their shit over this doll, ranting about rainbow high end and all.

Mind you the $23 moonbow and the $30 winterwonderland dolls are coming the next couple of month, the line were we should jugde rainbow high quality, not some $10 chelsea like dolls
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Not gonna like those look really simplistic and bad.
I mean they already had a Monster High line with MEGA but it seems they are more interested in grooming it as a loss leader than anything else.
They also fucked up with MEGA's new Barbie crap that moved away from the Monster High /American girl style to more like the old Fisher Price peg people.
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fashion dolls aren't as articulated as those jap figs and can barely do those poses
Thanks for posting these, they gave me some ideas to better pose my dolls. Was surprisingly helpful.
Why not post this in an appropriate thread and link to it rather than spamming ours? The question was for posing fashion dolls.
Dude our thread is 2 days away from dying, it doesn't matter that much
these are such adorable photos, props to the photographer
You should "knoe" to fuck off retard.
Just report the sperg instead of responding. Giving him attention will only encourage him to come back in more attempts to distract himself from the fact that no woman will ever touch him.
An anon asked for pose advice and another anon suggested pose book. He helped. The bitch complaining about gross coomer figures did not help with no alternate suggestions. And you're also not helping with your cancel culture mindset and incel name calling. So who's the real sperg around here?
You guys really need to learn how to just ignore shit
I'm not looking forward to winter wonderland because I think they still have the plasticky panels on the clothes for the slime (it looked like that in the second proto pics)
moonbow might be fun though
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I also take pics of Minions Jailbreaks.
- but those really don't go here.
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Check this out
oooh did you scan this anon?
Thank you for sharing
i'm a simple person, I see cute dolls, my neuron activates
love the bottom jennies
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No, just shared a lower resolution here since I thought about this thread

You can find higher resolution by looking for Hyper Hobby 47 (August 2002)
Anons already told them to go look at insta and pinterest doll tags for inspo. Coomfigs in porny poses don't belong here.
>So who's the real sperg around here?
Still you, pornsick scrote.
Obvious samefagging kek.
>Obvious samefagging kek.
Wrong again, sperg.
go back to facebook already holy shit
nayrt but uhh i know there was some objective debate about what counts as fashion dolls earlier in the thread... but we can all agree that fully plastic action figures are not dolls... right?
To be fair Instagram is dying and a pain to navigate, and Pinterest is 70% ads and AI
That wasn't me, dumbass.
You just delete your cookies stop lying
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Any guesses as to what the new Barbie movie doll will be?
Maybe it'll be one with a Margot Robbie face like how they did the Ryan Ken with the Kenough hoodie, I assume the $$ means it's gonna be spendy though so idk
>same file name format
Kek. Have sex.
Lots of people use opera to take easy built in screenshots, dipshit.
>replies almost immediately
>dipshit dumbass sperg retard aaaargh!!!!!
Imagine how less angry you'd be if you simply had sex instead of spending all day on the internet jerking off to plastic.
Still not that anon, just calling you out on being the actual sperging tard. Or are you so daft that you think the world only uses chrome or firefox to post? How about you get back on topic and talk about actual dolls instead of worrying about what other people think?
Have sex.
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>Margot Robbie face
They've been doing that from the start whereas the Kens only had generic Ken doll face until they finally made Ryan's. Would be cool if they made a whole new face of course since this hag manjaw face doesn't look like her.

Speaking of Margot Robbie, I'm surprised that Mattel never made a Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Babs like they did with Wonder Woman, Bataman, Superman, etc. when their respective movies came out. Everyone was nuts over that "Daddy's Little Monster" outfit at the time. A doll version was a sure fire money-maker. I wonder why they never made her.
Probably because she's too sexualized? The shirt saying "daddy" is very sexual on itself. Afaik Mattel doesn't make any hypersexualized Barbies
Mattel did make this 12" figure of SS Harley, as well as a standard 6" figure. Both had the "daddy's little monster" slogan on them. And they were sold at retail stores with parental outcry like some "conterversal" dolls & figures get. So I don't think Matty had much of a problem with the slogan.
If they sold Harley under their adult collector Pink label line, there would be no issue. They sold Pink Label versions of the other DC superheroes when their movies came out.
And even if Mattel didn't like the "daddy" shirt, then what about the other movie versions of Harley from Emancipation & Suicide Squad 2? The outfits Harley wore is those were alot less revealing than the "daddy" one.

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