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Come in, Season 3 soon™
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Next new character: Toga
Fire ranged
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next raid
Next banners - Toga Vishuvac Rosetta and Ara
Toga is part of the new fire ranged meta.

World 14 nightmare confirmed.

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Has anyone here had any success with these sprout boxes? I've had 2 legendary awakening stones in roughly 25 boxes. The summon controllers don't exist, do they?
No garam, no orka, no anyone...
I've done a disgusting amount of runs, at least over 300 sprout coins worth, and actually got a whole 10fold worth of SCs from it, but I was extremely lucky. My friend who did even more only made about 5 SCs.
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It's Johnver..
Is there maintenance tomorrow?
Is now a good time to admit I mlb'd Garam, bought 5 hammers, and mlb'd his bow too?
based fujo
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Somehow I dodged both bullets.
Maintenance is every two weeks at the end of the boost. Unless there's a emergency maintenance.
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Cuckmonk is light with light weapon but plays in 3 different elements. But light team is melee kai...
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What accessory is best for colosseum, panda brooch or the earth necklace? Also what should I be aiming for, relic reroll wise for colo? All my candles are geared towards defense at the moment. Pic unrelated.
Earth necklace > Everything else. The only place that thing isn't busted at is raid.
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Thanks anon.
Are the coins you get from the new mode sweep set regardless of which difficulty you finished? 50 coins per run?
It's a waste of stamina. Don't fall for it.
Do first time clears per element and leave it at that for now.
You should only be allowed to do coop if you pass a test on party buff and elements.
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Season 3 info -


Make of this what you will. Personally I'm 100% convinced Kong will fuck up somewhere.
they are removing coop for PVP garbage, they already fucked up.
>queues up with a lv95 plit
>they are removing coop for PVP garbage

I'm taking the loss of gems. Fuck pvp for gems, I'd rather go without.
Team pvp >>>>>>>>>> coop
coop > garbage > shit > pvp
Coop is more fun, pvp is fun for whales only
>pvp is fun for whales only
No, you confused the arena with team pvp
Arena - fun for whales only
Team pvp - balanced stats all players - is more fun

>Coop is more fun
No fun
Team PVP is not keeping stat balance last I remember reading about it the change. Unless they decided against the idea.
Guess they are hard pivoting to encourage pvp whaling a la epic 7
They must have realized actual content was too time consuming to keep making and focusing on pvp would bring in easy money
Removing stuff definitely isn't the way though, it's not looking good imo
>Arena - fun for whales only
It's literally not my fault Kong decided that Rosetta/Kai/PD's party buffs were good ideas on top of Mad Panda merch
>Removing stuff definitely isn't the way though, it's not looking good imo

Even if it came back better than ever, coop going will cost them severely. I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it.
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The stuff about 3v3/FFA taking over coop's gem income is just a rumor so far by the way, it could happen, but it could be they just place gems to be purchased via currency from coop expo.
Coop expedition is just better coop thoughst
A mode where each stage takes longer and is even MORE reliant on team mates not being complete retards is not better.
>is just a rumor
At least coop exp it's interesting to play, unlike dumbass coop which is copmplited with eyes closed
That's good though. Keep normal mode easy to beat, keep the challenge in challenge mode. Making a farmable mode annoying to beat cause someone fucked up, and you didn't is just a chore. It's a gacha game, you want people to be able to finish stuff reliably.
Once this game concludes the fanbase will disperse. Kong have nothing to fall back on. Quick world releases are not in their best interests. We won't see more than 2 worlds this year. I will bet on that. Kong cannot win, they are buying time.
I enjoyed em but hate hitting like a wet noodle as non dps.
They should implement more puzzle shit like in the story stages but adjust em for co-op.
Also enable more heroes. Why the hell is croselle in the dps class instead of tank?
coop expedition is better in that losing one team mate disconnected (happen too often and experienced it often too. FUCK YOU KONG) is not debilitating and losing teammates isn't as punishing due to healer. But yeah, its a grindfest, gameplay wise I prefer normal coop.
Yeah, unless your healer gets merked, ans then it's gg no matter what.
What did they fuck up this time
how do you get better stats, collect all the costumes? I've been told my damage is too low as a dps in coop
collection bonuses. Check your book. item collections also add to this factor (mystery evolve your shit up to 4 stars then upgrade with gold, scrap that for magic metal). Upgrade all your main statues in heavenhold as they give buffs as well. max limit break weapons and heroes, and complete story worlds. This raises your level cap and really makes a huge difference in your stats.
They got feedback that Tetis syimply wyasn't fyun
Regular coop or expedition?
Thanks, I guess it's mostly my book left that needs more work
If you want a large chunk of stats. Get ex weapons and level them to 60. That's a 1% stat boost right there. Buy the costume sets in the shop. They're a collection at a reduced price. End game would be to invest in relics as soon as you can. 5* make a huge difference.
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Veronica is my waif, she rapes in pvp and is decent in raid. One of the most underrated unit.
Just made a 10x equipment pull. Done the pull on the 12th try (the other 11th were cancelled) in honor of the 12 Apostle of Christ and the 12 tribes of Israel. Got the Nari's ex that i've been trying to pull.

Glory to God. The synagoge of satan (da juice) don't have any power even in a retarded gacha game. Truly Christ is King.
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>Do daily coop run for coins
>Few hiccups because healer is new
>Last room tank gets disconnected
>Healer dies
>Duncan has at least 25% of his health left
>DPS decides fuck it and leaves
>Healer is dead but stays spamming the thumbs up emoji
>We still win

Best part is I just got this from the sprout box. I love a good ending. Hope that dps fucker who disconnected sees this and seethes.
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Cool, I guess
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LANA LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which servers are you playing on? I'm on E.U and its noticeable that it's becoming quieter. I genuinely don't think we'll see the end of the story at this rate.
Nah don't worry there's periods when chat gets quiet, people don't have much to say when it's mostly grinding the dailies.
I wish this game was better as a gacha. I played pretty diligently until around chapter 13 but ended up losing interest due to the end game being underwhelming/boring. I still think it's easily one of the best mobiles games from a single player perspective but as a gacha game it kind of fails.
what server are you? Haven't received it yet. I hope we got it before evo boost ends.
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Why do China care more about this game than John?
Eu here already got it. You sure you didn't claim it already? Came through last night if that helps any.
I'm from Asia 2. Haven't received it yet.
I was thinking the exact same thing
As a single player rpg this game is awesome but as a gacha it's pretty bad. Everytime the new chapter drops I finish it and then get bored again, some games were not meant to be live service forever games and this is one of them.
I don't mind the daily grind and I like to help/hangout with my teammates in the chat from time to time. I haven't touched the last chapter and I still have some side content to finish, I started playing 1 since last year.
I would say the main problem is the they lack vision for content other than story. One of the main problem with the borefest is there is no game mode where you can just enjoy using the characters you've collect. If you've old lego games (idk if newer lego games still do it this way) one of the main features is how you can play around in your "homebase" doing shenanigans ( Back then I can spent HOURS running around Mos Eisley Cantina in star wars, the academy in indiana jones, and hogwarts (which is fucking big) in HP.

I mean its only fitting, if you think about it, guardian tales core gameplay follows the old school lego games format almost to the letter. Fuck, now I'm 100% convinced Kong has those old lego games in mind when they first conceptualized GT. They shouldve expanded on the demon world (W-12) stage for the sandbox/homebase thing which definitely crossed their mind what with that fucking retarded slimetranny short story.
put off kamazone until now
tips to cheese my way to floor 40?
LP sexo.
do new players still get free Miya?
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>After the Season 3 update, all 'Relic obtain chance' options held by Guardians will be changed to 'PVE Damage Reduction' options.

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They downgraded the rewards for asia. WTF.
> mfw Kong is so shorthanded on staff that they are retarded on things like schedules.
> Not to mention subtle sign of the dev giving out freebies and making things too easy.
GT sisters, not like this. EoS soon.
Top kek bro.

Yun up next. Dungeons will be increased to level 100.
Wait, not Toga?
Toga next for us, update after next is Yun for us. Be careful since Yun is water meta. Toga's insane for fire. They want to release Yun before the gacha changes looking at it.
>Yun is water meta
Really? What's her kit, I think I missed it.
> Dungeons will be increased to level 100.
EoS soon.
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Replaces Orca of all people in water raid.
Lots of damage buffs but the lack of defense shred feels like she might not be as meta as she appears.
It's a weird korean whale team she replaces Orca in. It's the one, I think, that uses Andras, Yun, Chun fucker and Tinia.

I'm raising orca right now, what is the lineup then?
Worth buying an account as as new player or nah?
From what I gather there's lots of water teams so take your pick. Andras, Garam, Orca, Chun/1CC. Chain doesn't fit on 1CC but still does a chunk of damage. This might be the official top tier meta team- Andras, Yun Tinia and either Chun/1CC. Someone might know more. But, since Tinia can't be used in water raid all the time, Orca is still a worthy investment.
I really wouldn't bother. The majority of us here are stuck doing fuck all waiting for new worlds. You'd be months off of a problem like that. No one can catch up to the day whales, so I wouldn't even try.
>to the day whales

Day 1 whales I mean.
hopefully they're getting rid of relic expedition
Is there any strategy to this Tetis hero thing? I'm well into end game and everyone always dies to those laser fuckers. It feels more like luck than anything. All the powerhouses, I got them. Beth, Claude, Eunha. Nothing I try works.
Not a day goes by where I despise Relic mode.
Fuck bloating numbers and fuck extra RNG farming areas on top of others.
>World Exploration was a fail
>Expedition was a fail
>cracks in Kamazone is starting to show
>Co-op un-failing in the works
it's over
I didn't get Friend on my farm
Damn that would've been a real shame, if the farm mattered or did anything at all in the game.
They said you'll get another shot at those prizes later.
The coop expeditioj cutoff is today? WTF. I HAVENT FARM THAT MODE ENOUGH
I haven't done that mode at all. Finished the first level and realized I'd need to keep retrying to get good teammates
>30k gems + 10 controllers down the shitter
>Kai dupe and arabelle
>choccy milk truck never arrive
Should've just bought some costumes instead. Fuck you kong.
Ayy. Thought I was the only one here on Asia 2.
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Did anyone else roll? Got Rosetta in the 10 summon controllers you get from coop. Mileaged her ex. Skipping everyone else. First banner in a long ass time, I've come out on top. Makes a change for once.
300 rolls trying to get any featured character since Estel and nothing
I am sure there are more people on asia 2 than you think, I am asia 2 as well
Already knew it but Yun's been confirmed for next update.



Next banners Yun Garam Scintilla and Shapira.
Let's trade bro
Should I start playing this? Is it gonna die before I get my waifu?
I got the goat, should I roll for vish? I'm under 10k
is goat raid bis? shes hot but I'm poor
Took like 130 rolls to get Toga, got spooked by bitch Sohee, and two dupes. No weapon though, had to mileage.

Getting your waifu won't take long. It's a fun game, really, especially before you hit the tryhard content of high level raid and expedition.

You probably won't get her and she's not really core, but that's always a you choice ion the end.
Toga's fire ranged raid broseph.
Got chocolate milk + gun in 30. Both times it was a fakeout box.
You have two years.
can Toga be in the same team with rey? I want to mix the goats together, creating a hybrid goat demon team with that pink slime girl as healer. Ideally it should;ve been a vampire to make demonshire kino team.
Is toga any good?
My fire team is shit.
I've got miya, Lucy, wing Ling and plit
Got the goatfu + ex, but I already have a functional melee fire team and my ranged one isn't mlbd... bweeh

Toga can be used half effectively in a mixed fire team. Melee is Rey, Scintilla, Winling and Lilith. Ranged varies depending on boss. Ideally you want Ascended Elvira, Vishuvac and Eunha/Andras in there as well. Andras with Dolf's ex, I think Eunha keeps her own.
Is Elvira worth mlbing aside from fire raid?
Personally I wouldn't bother. She was op when coop defense was on and the enemies were Earth. Craig and Karina are both better ascensions.
>get the last farm animal
Fucking finally. How much time passed since they got added, three months?
>three months?
Uh oh.
I'm missing two and it feels like I'm never getting them, at least I finished my merch before they closed that
same, but cannot be arsed to load in to farm, walk to the back, sit throught a mini-cutscene, then another one again
Fucking love general chat. Lot's arguing about how much they lost. One guy lost 50,000 failing to get Nari, another lost 22,000 gems and ended up with a single dupe. These are the idiots that believe the new system will save the game. Best part is, the rage grew worse when they found out Yun is next.
>"I see, so this is a game where the stronger figure wins, regardless of skill level"
My general chat is empty since the day I started, was there an option somewhere to activate it
>Get plit figure
>"It's just for distribution, since performance is average"
>Get Angie figure
>"It's meant to compliment the blue eyes goddess, but out performed her"
>Get Bari

Why don't they just buff Bari into a decent spot if they're so funny and self aware huh?
This tells me that you have never checked settings. Don't tell me you're also playing on 60fps instead of 144?
Just like every gachage, keep rolling the next shiny thing to stay in the "meta".
You say that but, most of the strong shit is already in place, and the Elf wasn't anything special, goat is just raid meta.
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Chat messages are based off your main language from your phone settings. For example, I play on LA, but I can't see the chat for other languages from the region besides my own, unless I have them join a private room on coop expo for example.
Depending on what server you're playing, if your main language doesn't match it, you won't see shit.
Made me check you cheeky little
I see, thank you for the explanation. I'm eastern euro so it makes sense I never see shit, nobody else plays it here probably.
Check what? I'm not joking. It's 144fps on Emu and 120 fps on my phone.
It's set to normal with 60 fps, I don't see the high option and I only play on my phone. Honestly I'm fine with it is as long as it doesn't lag.
*with it as
2nd ex ruined her forever. No one's ever gotten a 3rd ex. I genuinely believe Bari should've been given a 2nd ex that turned her into a healer.
>More Neo-federation build up
>We're moving away from demonworld in season 3
I wonder if the CEO's long term plan is going to become a major antagonist in a future season.
Kong really needs to stop making more shallow content and add more depth to the already existing content instead.
There's plenty of stuff that is useless once you are done with it e.g. towers, fishing, animal farm, battle medals.
Is tooth and fangs a H*mas reference ?
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Gold or powder with the leftover currency?
Do you still have a lot of relics you want to improve the rolls of? Powder.
If not, just go gold.
Got delicious chocolate barefoot titty mommy in only 20 summons and just opted to buy the gunblade with mileage
Feels great man
Ho чaт жив, тaм пocтoяннo люди oбщaютcя.
Tetis sweeps are such a scam.
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No we don't write in runes here
>we don't write in runes here
Russians/Latinix are like 50-70% of this community, be more tolerate, chud.
I thought its 90% SEAmonkeys.
all pedophiles who wish they had the guts to rape children
Amazing how caliniggers/jewyorkers managed to make a slur that actually offends me
>not wearing a toga
Kong wants to the suffering of newbies
Did people really hate the new expedition mode or is it just casuals seething because of its difficulty? I feel like it's one of the few actually fun activities in this game, past story, and wish Kong actually add more things like that, instead of idle slop, like Tetis Heroes, or other retarded stuff like in your average shitty phone game.
m8, the mode is unbalanced garbage. It's amazing how incapable of difficulty balancing kong is. I didn't even bother beating stage 4 because I am not wasting 15-20 minutes per failed run until I get a team that's not shit.
It costs stamina
coop expo doesn't cost stamina.
>He is not using Big Titty Gunslinger girl/other op char
sound like an nonwhale issue
It was okay at best. I think people are right in saying this is now more suited to being a single player game. The story is the only thing keeping this game alive. All the collabs, new content over the last couple of months has been a complete flop. World 14 nightmare,for me, has been the only decent update since world 18 dropped.
Co-op Expedition is great when everyone knows what they're doing. With my guildmates we would breeze through each challenge stage on the first attempt each reset. The problem lies with randoms not fulfilling their roles properly and throwing away runs repeatedly until you're fed up with wasting your time.
if matchbmaking was better, I would. Don't want to sit for 5 minutes just to get a shit team
sounds like a non asia 2 problem. I did the 2x everyday fine with 3 tries at most, and since matchmaking is quick (less then 10 second max) its not much of a problem. I was screwed trying to clear stage 1 early on for days, but clear stage 3, 4 (is there a 5? I forgot, but point is the last one) in just one try. I supposed I was lucky.
>I supposed I was lucky.
Yeah, you were. I am playing on asia 2 as well and every attempt at stage 4 boss I did failed. I got the dailies easily enough, until I got all the worthwhile stuff from the shop, but I did 0 runs for probably the last two weeks.
Be honest, has the novelty of Tetis heroes warn off yet? I can't even be bothered with it anymore.
I did one max difficulty run for each element and am not touching it again, or at least until they re-balance it. 10 stamina for 50 coins is abysmal, when every merch is 4k
I'm lucky as fuck I'm collecting merch now for fun. If this was the day one grind, I'd have quit within a week. New players are fucked beyond belief. Everyone complained about World exploration and the merch forge, but it was far better.
I don't like it, give me more coop exped instead
Everybody hates it so much we got 2,000 apologems.
>Follow elemental advantage and use a fire team
>Does absolutely shit
>Stick with generic Karina dark team
>Does infinitely better

Tetis is shit, it's literally a Craig, Karina and Yuna check. Can't wait to see the monthly revenue on this game next month.
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CN ver.:
>cuck monk has grass on head and black bar on eyes
Are the chinks still mad (rightfully, shit character) or is that some joke?
I wish weapon reset stones existed. Garam's beyond dead weight now. I want my hammers back.
It's pretty much the same reason we call him cuck monk, but in picture form.
what's the story, why is he a cuck?
something something his childhood friend/lover moved on and married someone else when the monk had to leave for monk training, tried to kill the new husband, but spared him because the woman begged for his life
He had his girlfriend stolen and impregnated by another man, then when he was going to finally get his revenge the girl begged for the life of the other dude so he let him live and went off to be sad by himself.
>moved on and married someone else when the monk had to leave for monk training
He was fighting to win the clan's martial art's tournament to inherit it and marry his girlfriend (clan leader's daughter), but he was framed and kicked out of the clan. The dude that framed him is the one who impregnated the girlfriend/was spared.
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I see the name is warranted
Oh, found out what the grass means (black bar is self-explanatory):
>An additional meme: some cn peeps started calling 千虑 (Qian Lu) 千绿 (Qian Lu, same pinyin) because of the ntr. Green hat (绿帽子) is often used to refer to cucks. 虑 (Lu) has the same pinyin as 绿 (Lu - green), so its basically a world play where people are calling Qian Lu a cuck.
>kicked out of the clan
Oh man, he wasn't JUST kicked out. He was basically beaten to near death by the clan (he was framed for something pretty serious), and that's the reason why he's a cyborg, some dude found him and saved his life by going full cyberpunk on him
>Old director was lazy
>New director takes over
>Is incompetent

I miss the old director. At least when stuff was done, it was good.
>Tetis heroes
What's that? Isthis that elf banner thing in main menu? I clicked it and it was kinda scary so i closed it without doing anything.
Yeah, it's the auto battler stuff. No skill it's just kamazone without a reset button.
Asia has much more urgent problems.
How many years do you think this game has left? I can't see the story coming to a conclusion. I'd be betting 2 years at this point.
It made the chinks seethe, so it was funny.
1 if the director keeps fucking up while wasting money in shit
2 if he does a regular job
more if a miracle happens
Its annoying and takes too long
You either get a team that turbo murders everything
A team "trying their best"
Or just disconnections at the very beginning

Matchmaking sucks because units with disadvantage are allowed and people are too stubborn or don't have more units to play the mode with
And with their new "balance" to carry them might be impossible depending on the team
>You either get a team that turbo murders everything

I had a c1 match with someone using Rue. That gun may as well have been firing mini nukes. The damage was brutal. Other times I've had people spending 20 seconds trying to kill enemies. I still have no idea how stats work in this.
What does everything cost so much fucking gold in this trash game ? Do gooks find it entertaining ?
You're gonna love this. Kamazone was the best way to farm gold. You'd buy out as many hammers as you could and sell them for cash. All you can do now is wait until the boost is on and throw everything into the gold dungeon.
>gold dungeon
Why would you deliberately give bad advice?
There is no other best option for gold mining right now.
Item dungeon produces only slightly less gold via hammers and gives you items to mystery evolve.
>gives you items to mystery evolve

It's a scam. I've fallen for it countless times. All it leaves you with, is a shit ton of weapons you'll need to sink gold into to scrap.
Are you dumb? That's the cheaper way of getting meme metals, otherwise you will spend fortunes on fully evolving 3 stars
bro, how many ex weapons did you MLB ?
I mean you mystery evolve to 4 stars, the upgrade with gold and scrap for magic metal. I don't outright upgrade 3 star weapons to 5. I'd be beyond broke if I did.

Chasing hammers is a nightmare. I don't have many weapons mlb'd. Only raid leads, and a couple of ones I got lucky on with the 300 magic metal boxes.
50 coffee
100 gems
Thanks anon
I dropped it after the first day to play more coop expedition
>selling hammers
But I still need hammers to level stuff for the book, there is no other option than the gold dungeon is there
can someone tell me how to not job in the arena? I'm tired of this humiliation ritual just to get to masters so I can suffer a more humiliating humiliation ritual next week.
>do one fight for your weekly gems
>log off
>get your gems at the beginning of the next week
This is a shit map to not be using wallbang heroes to be honest, but my best tip is to fill up your collection and fight with your favorite 3* units so you get the satisfaction of winning with them but also having the excuse of them being "not meta".
Optional: Have your favorite 3* units' EXs MLBd
b-but the battle medals! Those things are worth its weight in gold.
my main problem is people seemingly able to chain me despite me visually out of their weapon impact, but I somehow kept failing to chain them. Especially with FP, seems like the only time I can chain is when they are taking the box. I invest everything into FP, and only now realized she might not be a good arena hero. (I only started 5 months ago, and she was shilled as this OP hero).
do non-ex gold weapons give more meme metal ?
>only now realized she might not be a good arena hero
Her time has come and passed, some units like Erina and Pymon have passives that reduce CC gain so they don't get chained with one full WS hit from weapons like Liberator and Infinite Change (Eunha EX). She's still a good arena hero if you know how to mindgame other players with your WS. If you think that's bad imagine how I feel fighting in NA2 while being a third worlder, and I can still go for T100 if I play arena daily.
30 meme metal for normal shite
100 meme metal for legend tier exclusive
300 for epic exclusive tier weapons
gooks cucking the chinks again
5-15 hammers are worthless for upgrading, you will lose gold on garbage effect. 20 are borderline
>needing gold in the first place
What the hell, you guys are goldlets?
yes, spent a lot of gold evolving stuff and and upgrading stuff for the book. At least for a 5 months newbie like me. Used up all the blue and gray and even some orange to upgrade stuff for the book, so mystery evolve isn't a thing either.
Malebros, i've hit the wall...
>using stam seeds outside of expo/dungeon boost weeks
found the retard that pile up stam like a retarded hoarder. Reminder you will generate 1000+ stam if you use it up daily.
You get better bang for buck spending it on those weeks instead of awakening dungeon boost.
Not true at all, What you wanted to do is save all the coffee mail 7 day before boost (and also coffe seeds and achievements), using coffee mail from the previous week to fulfill the 250 stam requirement. This is especially true since during this update, there's an event that rewards coffee spending. Everyday, the game will generate 144 coffee + 10 coffee from achievement, and coffee from gift. This mean, every week if you continuously emptied your coffee, you will get 1008 coffee from time generated coffee alone. For comparison you only get 740 coffee from mail every week. Coffee hoarders are retarded, and seems to encompass most veterans of the game. No wonder me, a 5 month newb can already go toe to toe with vets and has stayed regularly in top 100 colo for like 2 months more. Coffee hoarding basically robs you of approximately 2016 coffee, at the very least.
>For comparison you only get 740 coffee from mail every week
I'm talking about coffee seeds, of course you spend mail coffee every time to hit the 250 mission
To exacerbate coffee hoarding, you most likely would want to make use of the 10 3x boost granted everyday. Coffee hoarding mean you use coffee from mail for this purpose, rather than time generated coffee. I don't know if you realize this, but this alone remove all the advantage of coffee hoarding since 10 evo/resource boost mean using up your daily coffee mail. This means that unless you receive coffee from other source (or as indogs would call it bansos coffee) every week you would only get 80 extra coffee to spent on boost update. That is a retardedly low number.
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What stupid juice did these devs drank when making W18 passages. Granted, I started 2 months ago but, these nuke mages are oneshotting Asc Craig and tanky as shit.
>1510 is already T100 in NA2
Holy fuck Kong fix your game
this kamazone replacement fucking sucks all these new modes fucking suck
The game has been a lot of fun for me recently, lads. I got back to doing the story, finishing world 3 a couple days ago. Now I've finished world 4 too. I like marvin, and i also like how you can choose to either spare certain people or finish them, which falls into the moral system. I also managed to get ara (a character i really liked the design of), which felt good. The dialogue can be quite funny at times
> Reached master with last ticket AGAIN
Glory be to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah Amen

arena or colo? Pretty normal for colo if the competition is brutal.
How much gold are you all hoarding in your hammer supplies?
Very little because I grind meme metals
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I'm doing alright thx
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meat to quote >>1475550
Why you people don't have a general in vg?
Because we had one but /vg/ is too fast and threads needed constant watching so they don't die. It's a lot more comfortable here, and less shitposting
I like the game, and want to help keeping it afloat, what are some good things to buy? I have the returning player shop items available to me. Is there a good way to gift people stuff like the monthly pass? I could also do that.
We did at one point. Slow ass world releases ruined us. We're lucky if /vmg/ gets 5 posts a day now. Problem is oldfags are jumping ship because we can see the game is starting to decline. Aside from world 14 nightmare, all new content has been shit since world 18 dropped.
While that is a lovely spirit large companies work with larger numbers to what a person can push
So if you want to spend, do it for yourself, because you can and its a good deal
>Monthly subscription
Dirt cheap and equivalent to 46milleage if you only use the 100 gems discount for each roll
>A character or a weapon
Limited and a bit more expensive but it saves you the gacha, really neat
>Green hammer or HC
If you have money to literally waste these are the most useful within the expensive options
I see. I recently started playing it and I'm liking it so far. A shame.
You'll be fine since there's lots to do for new players. Take your time and enjoy it. We had 4chan guilds on /vg/. If you name your server you will be accepted into one of those. If you're E.U. Astrals will take you in if you request to join and state /vmg/. Other anons from other servers will tell you which guild to join.
Softer is on NA2 and we have plenty space for someone to join. Same as all other vmg guilds, put in a note that you hail from here snd we will let you in no problem.
Any asia 2 guild here?
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Do you need to fully awaken in order to ascend?
yes, awaken and lb
Jumping ship to what exactly?
personally I like the retro style, like the old rpgs. Story is good too, for a gacha it's surprising.
no, not at all, on;y mlb
>Jumping ship to what exactly?

I don't think there's a specific gacha everyone's going to. But most from /vg/ have been playing this game for years. The old director got lazy before quitting, so the game spent a lot of time going nowhere. Now the new director has taken over, he's got the drive to do stuff, but he's incompetent. Tetis heroes, Guild Arena and Coop Expedition have all be a failure in most people's eyes. This game should be a single player game now. Multiplayer is beyond saving at this point.
I thought coop expedition was fun.. except the hard mode
I wish we had coop world expo, or at least guild world expo to incentivize guilding up
coop expedition is good, they just need to learn hot to balance difficulty properly.
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What should I mlb? (pic)
Units I am missing: sohee, mk.2, carol, panda trio, amy, morrian, shapira (might pull for her next banner), odile, angie, yuna, sumire, estel
Kai/Rosetta for arena cancer comps. Lynn for fire arena. Elvira/Toga for fire raid, Mikke for basic melee raid, white snow war water melee raid.
The rest are meh
Do you want to make a team for raid or arena?
And what units MLB you already have?
I'm emulating RPGmaker games in the cellphone
And for now Blue archive too, the life quality is just different
all the one that are not listed on my post or in the pic are mlbd already.
I can afford to mlb maybe 1-2 units rn, I don't specifically want raid units but it'd be best if they're viable in more than one game mode pvp or pve doesn't matter.
does anyone have the lupina+fp co-op comic where they switch characters last minute and die?
>have the highest damage in the guild for raid
>next highest is like half mine
time to quit.
also i noticed lana's crutch in /vg/ guilds, remove it. all the ogs quit, and guild leadership kept going to randoms instead.
Same thing happened to me with the first two guilds I joined. Luckily I was randomly recruited into a T50 guild (when I had to use gen chat for co-op stuff) and it's been great ever since.
is rank 450 in guild raid respectable or should I quit like a soifag capitalist employee
If you're in NA2 join gtgbros, I'm literally hard carrying the guild
What rank does gtgbros hit on guild raids usually?
Around 200, all we need is just like two or three late-game players and we'll always be starting on round 18 since we lack active members
Coop this week is pretty tricky. Doesn't help that light is a garbage element with a lack of good multi hitters.
chrom with sohee's gun is pretty gud.
>Coop this week is pretty tricky
I want more of, even the simplest, puzzles to make low iq apes seethe
There are no "puzzles", there are just way too many enemies for an element that is sorely lacking in wide AoE options. And holoniggers, lot's of holoniggers.
Sounds like gtgbros and Softer should merge and we would become guild capable of top 50 together, because as we are, we got like 10-15ish actives in here, hitting top150 guild raid with relative ease.
bro your sohee(chrom)? you monk? your lapiss?

I still want nore non-combat rooms, like the older shen city co-op nap with the zoompad puzzle
>you monk? your lapiss?
No monk and and lapiss sucks because 90% of the players are ranged. I managed a 3 win with gab,claude and chrom but it took many tries.
Trying to find on element pugs is more of a challenge then anything else, followed by finding pugs not absolutely braindead.
I wouldn't mind if it was back to private
Softer has been on private for the past few months, no idea about gtgbros.
did mine with lapiss, chrom, and gab
gab was annoying, lapiss was by far the easiest if you rush to the back as fast as possible
Shame there wasn't a way to combine our guilds. /vmg/ would be solid now.
Straight up make a new guild and have everyone ditch the current ones to rejoin the new one?
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There's literally 5 guys and burgers on gtgbros(na2), how's the other guild going?
E.U Astrals in teetering on the verge of losing top 100. We're doing alright, but people are clearly getting bored.
Softer (na2) has some 10-15 raid actives, 5 of which do some substantial damage, 5 or so who put in some effort and a few warm bodies doing a hit or 2 in a season.
Holy fuck I hate coop, why do I have to deal with niggers that don't cooperate
I'm not too worried about dropping down top 100 desu, can't always be the best at every raid setup. But yes there was a bit less participation this time, it's not a biggie. We're also always happy to recruit new peeps!
Thoughts on World 14 nightmare? Part of me felt it was alright, the other part was pissed it wasn't set after the events of world 14.
It's fine, I think it sets the stage for the neo=federation/cyber robotics content. I'd like to see what happened after world 14 but yeah maybe it could be a side story with priscilla or something.
The ending cutscene takes place after though, even if it's just setup.
>CN anni heroes are all raid meta
>JP anni heroes are all shit
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Shit fairy time


>World 19
>Knight ascension
>All units can be leveled up to 95 regardless of world clear status, level is adjusted if above the mark
>Death match out of beta, actually gives gems and medals now based on rank
>Coop expo improved, regular coop gems went to it
>New cards added to boss rush store
>Garam, harvester, shadow beast and General patterns changes in raid
>50 free summons

Now for the "FUN" stuff

>New pity system, instead of mileage you get a new thing that allows you to select the unit/weapon once you hit 200, if you didn't use this, it gets converted into mileage
>New heroes are not available to mileage until after 4 new heroes are added afterwards, so expect to wait for 2 months or so to mileage anything new
>Dream evo stones can't be used for new hero evo stones either
>The non rate up option is picking 5 heroes/weapons to summon for, if you hit a unique box, one of the 5 selected will be present
>New upgrade system for heroes past MLB, up to 3 times, resources for it gathered from Thetis hero mode, increases damage and HP seemingly
>Weapon engraving with dupes or hammers past MLB, gives a weapon 2 fixed stats + a chance at a third optional stat, with higher chance of turning on the more hammers/dupes you use
uh should I burn all my mileage instead of waiting for this new system?
You still get mileage, you just can't use it on new units for a good while.
ah... Well that sucks
>resources for it gathered from Thetis hero mode

God fucking damn it. I hate that mode/
>lacks manpower to fix your game
>resorts to fomo
really nukong, really?
Forgot to specify one thing. The extra stat from engraving is not valid for anyone other than the owner of the exclusive weapon, so if you have Andras or Chrom using other guns, the extra stat imbued won't do shit for her.
This game is fucked. This will fail.
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anyon what's yur answyer??
do you think lp understands her game is no longer the comfy game it used to be, and it's only getting worse with the update
John is just testing things randomly they really have no idea of what to do with their game
Mesugaki fairy is neat

This is not
>New upgrade system for heroes past MLB, up to 3 times, resources for it gathered from Thetis hero mode, increases damage and HP seemingly
>Weapon engraving with dupes or hammers past MLB, gives a weapon 2 fixed stats + a chance at a third optional stat, with higher chance of turning on the more hammers/dupes you use
>Grind more pleb
Nah i don't think i will, i wonder how this will evolve in a year
>Nah i don't think i will, i wonder how this will evolve in a year

I'm betting it'll set the wheels of eos into motion. All they're doing is trying to "fix" stuff that doesn't need fixing. Common sense would've been to increase the level cap and just keep going that route.
If only female niggers looked like Toga...
not dark enough, she's a jeet
This new pity system/no new character mileage sucks donkey dick.
>All units can be leveled up to 95 regardless of world clear status, level is adjusted if above the mark
>New pity system
EoS announcement
tell me straight, should I sell my account now? I could at least recoup the 40 dollar something I've invested and maybe make a huge profit. I figure itts at elast wroth 200-300 dollar something. Sad to see it go, as I'm playing it for myself not profit, but the direction the game is going just screams EoS to me.
Hot sexy fairy
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Finally retired from gtgbros, just need to wait 24h till I apply to Softer. It was fun.
Remember to mention where you are coming from so we know to accept, randos are rare at sending invites but no unheard of after all.
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Cleared world 5 and got this hottie too. Definitely one of the sexiest heroes. I also got the dark skinned cow milker, she is nice too.
What's the revenue last month?

I bet it'll plummet for this month.
This, I hope they scrap their whole fucking FOMO maxxing plan. Not renewing my gem subscription this month.
This new gacha system is a fucking joke. We now have to pull for weapons, the most rigged part of the gacha. I hope to god this game loses half its player base and forces Kong to pull their heads out of their asses, and actually do something good.
> now we need to pull weapons
what why? I don't understand.
Because those fuckers have made it impossible to instantly mileage new heroes, and that applies to their ex weapons.
The gacha system for older units is fine, since it's just a replacement for general banner, but yeah, using FOMO tactics now just feels annoying.

People are pissed. One guy wants Kim to resign LOL
huh, perhaps there's some hope after all. Good to see that there's a massive blowack from the gooks. I hope it sober the devs up.
Nyo... i don't want this game to die... Lp would be sad...
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I trust the gooks to riot hard enough to reverse this
Bro can you translate to english? I can't read portuguese
From what I gather there's a seperate mileage system for both hero and ex. NEW heroes can't be mileaged straight away neither their ex. I believe it's somewhere between 1-2 months before you can. 200 pity gets you the hero I think. Once the banner for that hero ends, the unspent pity mileage will be converted into normal mileage.
So you didn't even bother reading like 10 posts up
How do you unlock the hidden stage in district 10?
What world? District name makes it hard to remember what specific stage you're talking about.
>4 fucking new heroes before mileage
holy fucking dead game
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I'm applying to softer, let me in
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Updates regarding Season 3 -


■ Table of contents

※ Click on the item below to move to the main text.

1. Reorganization of the summoning system
2. Addition of new growth elements for heroes and equipment
3. Improvements related to world level
4. Profile card - sticker
5. Official release of Death Match
6. Cooperative Expedition Final Beta
7. Improvements to Tethys Hero Battle Beta
8. Others
>Improvements to Tethys Hero Battle Beta
I hate this halfassed autobattler shit, let me afk it or have some control over it
Application seen and accepted.
>Login for coop
>Every room is empty
>Give up after 5 minutes
>Chat's dead

This game is doomed isn't it...
On the EU server both chat and coop are alive
I'm willing to accept the new changes if they allow more player to player interaction when it comes to sharing resources and add a hero borrowing system in some game modes.
That whole new system sounds like shit. The director's ability to make retarded decisions is impressive.
The replacement for the general banner is great though, basically guarantees something new so long as you have 5 missing from your picks, and you have all the rate up units.
Making mileage have FOMO is fucking stupid though, it already takes a fuckton to be able to use mileage.
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>Originally 6000x6203 px with a transparent background
Toga only got a 2629x3000 image with a solid white background on the official KR site (transparent background only on the fan kit). Interesting.
Them scrapping kamazon is just fucking retarded. The entire premise for them doing so is to have a mode that is more afk-ish. Instead we have a much more hands on mode albeit fucking retarded ai and grindy mode. Fuck you kong. Kim bu gak or whatever his name is, (I prefer to call him eunha retard guy) please gtfo.
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They are trying to fix it at least since it's currently ass. It's going to function more like colo/kamazone battles with your party on the left/enemies on the right, and somehow show the actions your heroes will take (like divebombing the back line, etc.) so it should be much more straightforward eventually. A lot of other changes are happening too, so we'll have to wait and see if it really gets better or worse.
honestly its obvious why this director did it, to make more money. more pvp focus, scrap old unprofitable modes, mileage fomo.
all the sovl is gone from the game and it barely resembles the one I started playing all those years ago
I remember when redditors here were soifacing over muh based director with his muh based daughteru strong even though it was just to sell the banner even more. if there were ""people"" who actually believed it then get fucked
I miss the old director. The guy was lazy as fuck but when he did decide to release something, it was usually good.
Yep, I miss old director-nim. Kim Bugang doesn't know what to do with this game
He worked at a glacial pace but every update was good
The game only needed to be updated more frequently to keep players interested instead of making it more grindy to force people to keep playing
>But hey! let's burn more budget with another orchestra! or that UI nobody asked for!
>Every update was good
>What is the travesty that was the alternate raid mode

Compilation of s3 notes
Just a reminder that the Genshin water girl is raid, Coop and Thetis hero meta. She also kinda works for arena since her normal attack on it's own can't really be dodged.
Don't care lmao, still not pulling for ugly generic slop
Based. I'm skipping that ginger fairy (if she's the new girl) for that reason
dogshit update wtf. This game lost its sovl. Wouldn't be surprised if some korean incel do the funny in minecraft to kim bugang.
Anyone figured out if the level 100 dungeons are a scam or not yet?
They drop more stones. How would they be a scam?
I should skip banners until s3 right?
They drop as much as 2x event being up, you'd have to be stupid to think it's a scam.
The dragon water girl is meta, pull for her at least while mileage still allows use on new units.

New fairy. Don't think I'll be going for her.
>It's a brat
good bye jims ToT
So how is the chink dragon raid meta? Replaces Rey in water melee?
She's ranged. Replaces Orca I believe.
>uses sword
>is ranged
And nice to see that melee gets shafted as usual.
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How'd the summons go? I got fucked bad. Lost like 30,000 gems. 2 Ex weapons I didn't need or want and to top it off. I got Yuna in the first 10 on Yun's banner. Weapon banners really are a fucking scam. People thinking this new gacha system coming is great, are beyond delusional.
I did one 10 pull and then got scammed 3 times by weapon banner, and then I just mileaged her weapon. I sorta want to pull for Scintilla weapon too, but I'm not gonna bother until I see the fairy's kit.
Three 10-pulls to get Yun, then did two more on her weapon banner before just using mileage for it. Meme box got me a new EX I needed as well.
>half of team memebers are not even water
One 10 pull for the girl, mileage for the weapon
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Commander is weak to injury, so why isn't 1st corps the top pick? Is it just because the chain skill cycle allows him to use his WS during airborne from the others?
I'm not sure, but some older videos show Oghma lead coming out on top by about 3mil. damage (can't find a current comparison). Either should work fine though. The KR chart earlier in the thread has 1CC as lead.
Use the secret technique bro. It fucking works. Search serenity guardian tales on youtube. God bless that guy.
to add to this, i suggest only trying it on your FIRST summon of the game day. Buying the world clear pass for some controller is worth it.
Anyone done the calculation for average monthly gems without the co-op?
I don't think it's worth doing now since there will be a new way of getting gems.
Coop gems are going to coop expo though, and we now get more gems thanks to 3v3/FFA now giving gems based on rank as well if you bother to do it.
So do I just exchange all my rare hero stones now for HC?
I intend to cash in everything before the next update. I don't want any part of Kong's impending fuckup. Do what you feel is right.
Since Karina is the only unit with AI that uses ex weapon skill. Does this mean that best in slot cards are skill damage as opposed to the 14% attack?
What's happening to rare stones?
No, she still wants ATK% or dark% ince her heal is based off the damage, and it helps the skill too. Her skill damage without being leader is super low
Oh, they got rid of the season pass thingie, absolutely brillant Kong, exactly what everyone was asking for.
This new water chick any good or do I save for brat?
>reset Hana since Kamazone is dead
>reset Noxiunny since I don't use her in anything period

>Ameris autos with BagRue WS
>reset Hana
You fool! You have doomed us all!
Why are they stamina gating this tetis shit? Kamazone is so much better man
After re-reading, it's the 'stamina' for deploying units that's being removed. rip.
raid meta
>Make Tetis stamina based
>New hero upgrade system introduced
>Resources farmable through tetis only

It's literally a tactic to bait whales into spending money on coffee so they can stay ahead.
Not the art style for those characters I was expecting, but neat.
99% of me genuinely wants to believe this is fake. The other 1% knows the truth...
Wow, they finally gave faces to all the 1* characters?

Tetis replaces both kamazone and world exploration. In theory, allowing merch gain through stamina and not one daily ticket could help newfags. In practice, merch is too expensive for the miserable coin gain.

Next update. Bare in mind people are still begging for John Kong to either be fired or quit. General consensus on the new UI is, if it's not broke why fix it?. Make of this what you will. I personally feel we are fucked.
Tetis scam
this update is actually so bad man
hero blessing on top of engraving is so stupid
now the new content will scale with those upgrades
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Honestly I'm disappointed. I believe they're trying to use the new UI to cover up the many flaws this game has.

I can't say about the new UI, but let's not pretend the old one didn't have issues. The inability to change equipment in some instances was really annoying, like why the fuck do I need to go from raid back to team menu to switch equipment?
I agree. I just think what they're trying to implement is far too much. Anyone here speak moon?
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Old art is better
eh, the old simple armor is better but the downie face is definitely worse than the new one.
>but the downie face is definitely worse than the new one
No, the problem of the new art is precisely in the bad face.
That fairy looks shit. Also there's a rumour going around that ascended knights abilities lie mainly in story mode.Hope it's not true.
>That fairy looks shit.
The best chardesign.
holyshit we're finally ai-fied
unironically the only good thing about this update. I hope they actuall make some kind of ascension to 1 star heroes. I want to roleplay as school bully mina getting btfo'd in arena.
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People guessing Corne is raid. Still looks shit so I'll skip her.
Hold shit light is finally getting ranged raidcore units outside of cuckmonk
General DEF down means she takes the place of Andras in raid. So the light raid setup is probably going to be
Corne, Gabriel, Monk & Tinia + Light bow.
Corne + gabriel + shapira + valencia
Also looks like AI but at this point I'll fucking take it this was so overdue
>seems like there's paid gold pass and paid DIAMOND pass thing on top of that, probably why they delayed mileaging for new releases so they can push this shit instead
You can't make this shit up, it is quite literally all about money for them now.

Overall it looks shit, 1* getting portraits is actually pretty cool but everything else is just a load of ass. Real hand rubbing hours. When are the trucks being sent?
Dead game. Guardian Tales belongs to >>>/trash/

Ascended Knight's buffs are either 50% attack with the sword or 54% attack with the bow. Looking at this. 1:50 in.
Finally a light hero was released
I left the game
...Well one can't make this up
Light ranged is that shit., light melee is more than likely to still better even with the new fairy. I wouldn't be too pissed at it.
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>The new currency for blessing is 15 per week
>Consumes like 10k currency on that alone, not counting the awakening stuff
>Meaning you'd have to spread out stamina use on that shit mode to get a proper amount, meaning you have less to us for gold/items/evo stones
>The fucking stats you gain from a maxed out character with blessing is a whooping 25% on both ATK and HP, which is pretty much a full party buff on that unit alone
>Would take 4 resets to fully max out someone, since you apparently need 50 of the resource to fully bless a unit, leaving another 10 resources for the next one
>The weapon engravings are two fixed stats at 15% + a third stat that has a % chance of being higher the more hammers or dupes you spend on it
>The example shown has one weapon by 15% ATK with the lowest possible result being like 2,5%
>You need at least 4 hammers/dupes to guarantee it maxes out at 15%
>So 45% stats in total from the engraving alone if you bother to max it out
What the fuck is this?
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Balance destroyer + gulag everywhere
If this doesn't nuke the game nothing will
The random option on weapons with engraving are like

Vast majority = 15% ATK
1/4 of ATK, = 45% skill damage
1/4 of ATK, = 10% crit chance
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>Raidslaves have even more to min/max
>Arena goers have even more stat inflation to compete against
>Every single game mode ever can be further trivialized by the new stats
>Every single one is insanely substantial
I'm surprised there isn't a bigger outcry about it, or maybe the gooks are still sleeping.
Why do Kong keep giving out characters no one fucking wants. That fairy looks like ass. Everyone wants Lana, Cecil, Blacksmith, Police girl. Just release them for fuck sake.
Dead game dead balance
Fairy now my wife.
Maybe its due to the low player count?
Or maybe people here don't browse kong's social media as codes will be shared by their respective guilds
Also facebook probably deletes "negative feedback"

Fairy is fine kinda like elvira
Too bad like the newest art is pure AI
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Is this a good arena team?
Maybe change Kia for Parvati?
That's a perfectly good team. This map in particular isn't very kind to melee however, if you can't keep on top of the enemy.
looking at engagement outside of here I'm starting to think GT is literally being kept alive exclusively by third worlders in facebook groups
how does this even happen
I'd happily bet money this is the start of the end. Not the story reaching a conclusion, but actual eos.
this, Kong doesn't know its demographic. This changes will demotivate people from the gacha grinding. Invalidating people's effort is the last thing you want to do in a gacha game.
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Gooks just love being slaves.
what is the next booster event now that exploration gone?
None, boost = level 100 dungeons
so the booster event gone?
damn now my coffe definitely always sink it to evolution dungeon
Thirdies get free zuckternet to connect to zuckbook.
ñ here
few gacha have a spanish game and spanish support
Just finished with W13 Nightmare and I'm fighting these cyborgs guardians, since when did the knight get a greatsword? Or is this shit the new ascension kit?
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We're so fucking done guys. There's no way this update will save this game. Koreans want John out, everyone's complaining the ui looks shit. The new upgrade systems are literally p2w. I give it 2 maybe 3 years if we're lucky.
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anyon...plys styop...
Thanks anon
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Someone fully engraved + hero blessed Chrom and took a screen of before and after

Before: 298,464 DPS & 1,707,892 Toughness
After: 341,930 DPS & 2,212,694 Toughness

Bow knight:

Sword knight:


1* hero illustrations:

Coop expo shop has 250 gems 10 times (80 per purchase) every 10 days, the rest is 55 days.
>Coop expo shop

They could offer 10,000 gems a day for an entire month and I still wouldn't touch that god awful game mode.
Oh also, event missions from the types with an event dungeon + missions to clear now give Epic hammers, and they seemingly tripled the amount of points given, so it's not hard to complete.
And to finish off, knight ascension is trash, don't bother. It barely buffs them, the only good thing is making the sword attacks a little more fluid, but bow barely changes, the defense reduction on bow is still 20% so FK still wins the spot in raid instead of them.
lore appropriate weakest dumb face knight
What a shame. I was betting money Kong would fuck up Knight's ascension and it seems they have.
They just did emergency maintenance. Apparently they completely fucked up Colo defense, if you attacked anyone, the end side would be empty, the timer would run down and you'd get a loss, so attacking anyone gave the one being attacked a free win.
I saw Colo was closed in an S3 stream and was wondering what happened.
I can't see for the life of me, how these people are so incompetent. Every time something gets added, 10 other things get fucked up in the process.
this update surely will kill the game
Apparently there's not gonna be any more rate ups for anything that isn't the new unit also. So the only way to get anything old is the new general banner system, so you have eternal 1/5 chance to get what you want specifically from older characters, not counting mileage. Useful to empty out what you don't have, hell if you want a specific unit.
>missing 2 heroes and 6 EXs
From what I'm seeing, you'll get around 550 or so books from the new missions for clearing worlds, and other stuff as rewards at first, so you can probably get around 10 or more heroes fully blessed up.
GTSEASON3, coupon that gives one random epic weapon, will probably be available for us too next update.
> kong giving out random end game stuff and making mechanics to inflate its value while making it harder to get the "proper way".

Disturbingly clear as sky signs of EoS if I've ever seen one.

I've warned you all about this upcoming inflation of value being worrisome signs of bad things to come. You didin't listen and called me an autistic schizo. Well looks like I'm regretably correct.

Fuck, everytime I found a cool new escapism and start to be comfy in it, it just got fucking ruined. EVERY FUCKING TIME.
Take your meds schizo.
The books aren't endgame, you can bless any unit even if they're not MLB, it's more like another substantial upgrade alongside MLB.
its not, but its a completely unecessary addition that just inflate traditional grinding values. It isn't inherently bad, but adding such things at this stage of the game is subtle signs of EoS. Already seen it too many times.
I just wanna go as far as possible in Orbital Lift without investing on a shitload of units
Which 4-8 units(because of range/meele immunity) should i invest in to handle every "roadblock" floor?
Beth, Miya, Craig, Karina I believe.
Do what this one said

Bare in mind, you will need 3-4 ideally 4 maxed out Little Princess figures for this. Veronica is also a good fall back option if needed.
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All of the optional engravings in each unique's weapon.
The other two stats vary a lot depending on the unit, Euhna's guaranteed stats are 15%ATK and DEF I believe.

If you use one hammer on a weapon to engrave, the stats on pic related roll a varying %, and you can try 5 times per weapon, each time increasing the chance of rolling max, until the 5th one that guarantees it. If at any point before the 5th hammer you hit max roll on the random stat, the engraving on the weapon gets locked up.
As an example, the lowest possible ATK% you can get on random is 3%.
cute (and slightly tanky) Lahn!
Eunha can heal?
Eunha can heal and has heal stat(not amazing mind you). She's devs daughteru bro, she can do anything.
Apparently the final boss of W19 has 14 million freaking HP.
So is Plitvice gone if you don't unlock her before the update?
Here's one good news. Tetis hero mode removed the multi element shit, you only need to do one first clear of it to get all the rewards you'd have gotten before from doing first clear with all elements.

The bad news is that Tetis hero lasts 70 freaking days. No idea if first clear will ever trigger again during that time period, but I would assume no, so you'll need to spend stamina (around 67 currency on average per sweep maxed) to keep buyin awakening stones, crystals and the new books after 4 weeks or so.
>So is Plitvice gone if you don't unlock her before the update?

Top fucking kek. Plytbro will be fucking seething if this turns out to be true.
I've made my decision. I want no part in Tetis. The game mode is shit. I would rather go without than take part in that crap again. Nothing they can do will fix this game mode. It needs to be scrapped.
based kong???
Why would that be the case? They literally make official jokes on it.
>plit get locked out for new players
>gets reworked and buffed
>released for newbplayers again
>in-game story and event for iif onky
- 기존 로비에 건설되어 있는 시설들은 모두 새로운 로비의 시설들로 보존됩니다.

ㄴ 신비한/부유성 자판기, 수상한 나무, 봉인된 여신 또한 기사님들의 플레이 상황에 맞추어 보존됩니다
m8, you could have at least bothered to run it through a goodle translate or something

- All facilities built in the existing lobby will be preserved as facilities in the new lobby.
ㄴ Mysterious/Floating Vending Machines, Suspicious Trees, and Sealed Goddesses are also preserved according to the knights' play situation.
I don't see it in the new home screen. At least in the clips I've been seeing
This is what happens when people don't want to read patchnotes
Because the ones playing have already saved her.
>Started playing two months ago, kinda enjoying the game.

>Even ended up throwing a couple bucks into the game, for a more comfortable progression.

>New director kills my favorite non-story mode, kills crafting, going to kill co-op and add the most soulless and mid UI in the world.

>Also engraving and blessing, making game even more grindy when you already have to put most of your resources into upgrading collections

tfw just waste 2 months of life on a gachaslop that's going to die/became unplayable just in time when i finally begin get to the late game...
There's one mistake here, it's 4 weeks to mileage a new hero, with an extension in case there's some rerun collab or new collab banner in the middle.
Take it from an oldfag. Walk away. This game for new players is not worth the effort. The decline is sad to see. The old dev was lazy, the new one is just clueless.
Kanterburry has fallen. Billions must die.

100 coffee
50 gems
Tetis heroes no longer has the energy mechanic in it, you place units on the left side, and attack the ones on the right, pretty much like kamazone, and they come in waves, but you can't place 8 units at once anymore, now it's 4, but you can remove and place them on a CD and swap to another one mid fight.
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>wishlist spoils when you land a character
Same as watching the HC count in the current system, but way more apparent.
Supposedly rate up for the new heroes is not longer random either. If you hit a white box for the rate up, it's guaranteed to be that unit or the weapon.
>im the only one who logged in to do hits today
man, i shouldve switched to either softer or gtg instead of hoping
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gyatt damn
gtg has merged with softer, go there if you wish to apply
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>Allie is 22
with the way she acted, I would've expected anywhere from 13-17
you got the rest of them?
no, someone just happened to post that one
they'll probably go up on cafe daum at some point though
Just check the video on >>1483372
Season 1 is still a good experience thougheverbeit
People are right. This game should be single player now. With coop going, it's literally hanging on by a thread multiplayer wise. We'd be in /vg/ still if World releases were timed better. The game has (probably had now) a tone of potential, the devs just didn't know how to tap into.
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why does knight need a floatie when she has two on her chest
>le daughteru the corporation is le just like us again
BACK to twitter and reddit and never come back holy shit
nta, but low iq like you are the main reason 4chan is going to shit. I bet you're a seamonkey, probably an indog. Guy lterally is mocking the director for his soifaggotry retard.

t. high iq indog.
>Have 4 Pandra brooches with good stats
>Reroll at 4 Earth necklaces for at least 95% defence decrease negation on them all
>Stats drop a fair bit

Are the 4 Earth necklaces still the best option for colosseum even with the lost stats from not using the panda brooches?
I used to use Dusk Rings that have shit defense
But If you wear regular armor your def is -20% to -60% depending on the enemy team
So having negation to def reduction is priceless
Heyo, monthly meme box time, post your seethe.
I got Oghma gun dupe and rosseta gun dupe.
kamazon i miss you so much
i miss the monthly free awakening stone from kamazon shop
100 level awakening stone dungeon is your new kamazon, but yeah they only removed stuff to add trash
You guys talk as if Kamazon wasn't boring as fuck. I stopped doing it for months. Fuck it especially paired with seasonal achievements, and asking stupid shit like reaching floor +20.
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I only ever did it when I was running low on caps for the awakening stones. I almost didn't get all the prizes from the going away lottery.
Do training room units/weapon get the free blessing/engraving upgrade as well?
When exactly are you supposed to use crit over atk cards?
When your party buffs can take more advantage over one or the other.
So it's Kakao who's lawfare fucking with Tachiyomi. Just destroy gookrea already.
Had a nightmare last night
Got nightmare from meme box(dupe)
I get a dupe for Eleanor, is she worth anything?
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I've said it once, I'll say it again. This game will EOS before the story comes anywhere close to finishing.
Aiieeee what the fuck
Maybe they did need that whale pandering after all jesus
Fucking Noxia's ex. Don't need it either. Other 5 yellow boxes were shit as well. Aisha, Loraine, Elvira, baseball girl and Favi's.
Not much, mono light colo maybe.
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It's so over...
The state of the revenue income for the last year. World 19 will literally decide the fate of this game. And considering most are already begging for the director to either quit or be fired. I am not hopeful.

No. People are complaining about it however, so maybe they'll change that.

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