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File: Rei's smile.webm (1.45 MB, 984x720)
1.45 MB
1.45 MB WEBM
Post your best webms related to evangelion.
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3.89 MB
3.89 MB WEBM
File: EHHH!.webm (3.6 MB, 1280x720)
3.6 MB
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5.73 MB
5.73 MB WEBM
Asuka posting to the max
File: I Like You .webm (3.04 MB, 1280x720)
3.04 MB
3.04 MB WEBM
>two teenage boys,
>in a bath
>holding hands
>one says he likes the other.

People think they took the gayness out?
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3.28 MB
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3.87 MB GIF
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File: Baloney Pony.webm (345 KB, 480x360)
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5.54 MB WEBM
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1.63 MB
1.63 MB WEBM
I've been laughing and reposing this penis joke for 30 years
File: Rei Lipstick Ad.webm (2.47 MB, 1280x720)
2.47 MB
2.47 MB WEBM
File: Schick x Evangelion.webm (5.69 MB, 1280x720)
5.69 MB
5.69 MB WEBM
File: Rei Ayanami falls.webm (2.65 MB, 1280x592)
2.65 MB
2.65 MB WEBM
This webm makes you realize how rare old women actually are in media
what is this audio for ants?
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3.67 MB
3.67 MB WEBM
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2.41 MB
2.41 MB WEBM
File: 1690387065333315.webm (3.93 MB, 1280x720)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB WEBM
I'm going to have nightmares about female Gendo and SEELE now.
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4.39 MB
4.39 MB WEBM
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1.22 MB
1.22 MB WEBM
File: Asuka’s Grindset.webm (5.58 MB, 958x720)
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463 KB
File: SHINJI GO.webm (5.71 MB, 1280x720)
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File: symphony.webm (5.91 MB, 640x480)
5.91 MB
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1.63 MB
1.63 MB WEBM
File: EoE.gif (2.32 MB, 498x280)
2.32 MB
2.32 MB GIF
What makes EVA so special and unique, bros?
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5.2 MB
File: Giant Stroke Entry.webm (3.04 MB, 480x360)
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File: Congratulations!.webm (2.49 MB, 528x360)
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2.49 MB WEBM
The word love was super important to Shinji's character in this moment, as no one in his life had ever told him that they truly loved him. People liked him, but that wasn't the same as loving him.
It must be surreal living in Japan and seeing cosmetic commercials that feature anime characters instead of real models.
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4.96 MB WEBM
File: 0418.webm (5.49 MB, 640x360)
5.49 MB
5.49 MB WEBM
Sauce on this webm?
which one am I supposed to find sovlless?
File: neon gen.webm (3.91 MB, 320x240)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
File: 1713392019839101.webm (2.2 MB, 360x640)
2.2 MB
sry meant to post this
the bottom one of course
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5.18 MB
5.18 MB WEBM
File: propane-evengelion.webm (5.61 MB, 960x720)
5.61 MB
5.61 MB WEBM
>Shinji Ikari
>(wild cheering)
gets me every time
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5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
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5.8 MB
Damn all the women turned into pretty boys while all the men turned into Karens. This is very eye opening.
wheres kaworu
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913 KB GIF
File: godbhsof.webm (3.43 MB, 960x720)
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3.43 MB WEBM
Shinji is a whining faggot and whomever says otherwise love sucking dick.
Funny if you are joking, poor media literacy if you are not.
when does misato kiss shinji it wasn't in the 26 episodes
It was in the end of evangelion movie, it wasn't in the TV show doofus.
>t. never been to a water hole with other guys
its just bromance
File: 1690037370443564.webm (2.2 MB, 852x480)
2.2 MB
File: shinji.webm (5.27 MB, 854x480)
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Gonna show this to people when explaining why the rebuilds are a complete downgrade in animation quality
shinji's hair doesn't even look the right color. Lol his movements are so stiff too
File: uno.webm (1.9 MB, 960x720)
1.9 MB
my personal favorite edit of this scene
This feels like an old AMV only with higher quality of pictures
>poor media literacy if you are not.
Has only one fucking job. Decides to start crying since he is "depressed".
>Funny if you are joking
is it? the joke has been going for nearly 30 years and has seeped into and torpedoed actual discussion of the show for years. like the red vs blue shit, funny in 1995, but im not laughing anymore.
Yes yes, you are so awesome because you proved you are better than a fourteen-year-old boy estranged from his family. We're all very impressed.
File: NGEAMV1.webm (5.87 MB, 480x266)
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File: AlexJonesEva.webm (5.78 MB, 640x480)
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5.78 MB WEBM
Do girls hate penises?
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832 KB
if anyone knows the song please let me know
she's german or something so obviously she only like black
Can we get more mecha action?
He had morning wood
I always found it weird how Shinji is blamed for making Asuka cry when Rei is the one who upstaged her and Misato suggests replacing her
She's a 14 year old rape victim, of course she hates penises
Holy shit this dub is fucking terrible. The Netflix dub is immeasurably better, which is crazy since Netflix tends to fuck everything up.
>hey Beavis quit spanking your monkey I'm trying to score with this redheaded chick uhuhuhuhu
>no way butthead, she's not even listening to you, she's sleeping or something
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File: A-strangers-form.webm (3.99 MB, 640x360)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
fuckin' saved
good thread
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File: I Miss The Old Asuka.webm (5.75 MB, 1280x720)
5.75 MB
5.75 MB WEBM
File: evangelion 2.webm (3.66 MB, 640x450)
3.66 MB
3.66 MB WEBM
this one was good
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5.82 MB
5.82 MB WEBM
File: combustem.webm (1.91 MB, 360x360)
1.91 MB
1.91 MB WEBM
just made this
File: 1669428591099996.webm (2.54 MB, 1920x1080)
2.54 MB
2.54 MB WEBM
>barely visible due to art style
i dream of the day when i shave and have a group of people congratulate me
This feels like the most 90's music to advertise Evangelion with
File: NGE Extended Ending.webm (5.91 MB, 320x240)
5.91 MB
5.91 MB WEBM
Rei is just low budget Yui.
File: 1681491611631428.webm (6 MB, 600x450)
6 MB
File: cruel-angles-thesis.webm (3.66 MB, 640x360)
3.66 MB
3.66 MB WEBM
File: Asuka's-lab.webm (3.28 MB, 360x360)
3.28 MB
3.28 MB WEBM
File: eva sigma.webm (3.19 MB, 854x480)
3.19 MB
3.19 MB WEBM
File: sigma-female.webm (2.8 MB, 958x720)
2.8 MB
File: StrangeLiving.webm (2.59 MB, 480x260)
2.59 MB
2.59 MB WEBM
File: eva-drive thru.webm (224 KB, 426x238)
224 KB
I mean the West has costume superheroes advertising shit all the time which is in the same vein. I saw a McDonalds add with Captain America in it just the other day
he's the only human pilot one is a clone other is some soulless gaijin whore
File: Eva-annoyed-bird.webm (3.82 MB, 900x600)
3.82 MB
3.82 MB WEBM
Strange living -Danger:Rock Science -Menthol
File: cruel-commies-thesis.webm (2.05 MB, 480x360)
2.05 MB
2.05 MB WEBM
File: eva-reference.webm (3.5 MB, 460x478)
3.5 MB
thank you
File: eva-god-only-knows.webm (4.15 MB, 853x480)
4.15 MB
4.15 MB WEBM
no prah brah
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2.71 MB WEBM
File: 1 9.webm (2.32 MB, 576x576)
2.32 MB
2.32 MB WEBM
high budget you mean, shit bankrupted like three nations of and took the soul of an elder god
i like the low poly eva units
>eva pilots where are they now
>asuka still milking her fame wearing a school dress at age 30
File: eva-peta.webm (498 KB, 744x480)
498 KB
Wouldn't Asuka be in her mid forties?
Show came out in '95 and she was like 15 then.
Or if I remember correctly the show takes place in the mid '10s meaning she'd be in her twenties.
Guess I need to watch again, I'm slipping on the autistic details.
File: end-of-batmangelion.webm (2.26 MB, 480x360)
2.26 MB
2.26 MB WEBM
You mean to tell me they were planning to introduce another (worst) girl all the way back in the early 2000's?
if its too visible it's whore tier
Anyone got the Shinji cup gif?
anybody got shinji listening to gay rap?
File: Shinji's-walkman.webm (4.76 MB, 1280x720)
4.76 MB
4.76 MB WEBM
here you go senpai
File: feliz-jueves.webm (892 KB, 864x1080)
892 KB
God bless you anon
File: eva candice.webm (468 KB, 640x640)
468 KB
Thanks for the blessings desu senpai
glad to be in the position to help other anons out.
darude sandstorm
File: eva-chldren.webm (942 KB, 418x270)
942 KB
I don't think the gayness is vastly altered, but the writing itself is a step down in quality. And as >>5533214 said, the concept of being loved in any sense of the word is a huge departure for Shinji.
Was this removed from his channel? I've never seen this, and it's incredible
I've never understood it either. Maybe because he didn't stick up for her and didn't seem to care that she'd be replaced? Seems like a stretch though.
They use characters for a lot of stuff, like inventing little mascots for all sorts of stuff. It's not strange there to see the local "do your part to keep the town clean and recycle!" mascot on signs around town and stuff like that. In the west it's often a game for me to watch a commercial and see if I can even figure out what the ad is related to before the company name shows up at the end. They're often totally abstract and bizarre. At least the lipstick or razor examples are related to the products.
This is one of my favorite AMVs, it's called "Evangelion Overture" by animekid9000
They usually have a poor grasp of male physiology. She assumes that if he has a boner it's because he was just thinking of something perverted, and what's really annoying her is that because she only just entered the room there's a solid chance it wasn't her he was thinking about.
It's really inconsistent. It's usually worse than the original audio, but some of the casting is better, and I think the high points are better than the corresponding Japanese scenes. On average though, yeah, it's worse. I haven't lisened to the Netflix dub yet, but I need to try it. I think trying to show Eva to someone new in English is easier, because the show is dense and full of dialogue and visual hints, so having to read stacked subtitles all the time would probably make a first-timer miss a lot of stuff.
File: 1711633779708066.webm (2.32 MB, 1920x1080)
2.32 MB
2.32 MB WEBM
Nice, also one of my favorite AMVs, Knucklehead McSpazatron by Nellogs. Song is Two Door Cinema Club – Undercover Martyn.
Wow, a lot of effort went into this webm
Nevermind, it's on the channel
Reifags always have to cope with Asuka's renowned superiority and fame by making anti-Asuka content. You don't see Asukafags being this obsessed with Rei.
If you've ever read Shinji Ikari Raising Project this version of Gendo is nothing new.
This dub is so fucking bad holy shit
File: Rei Mewing.webm (2.94 MB, 960x720)
2.94 MB
2.94 MB WEBM
File: Rei mewing 2.webm (2.57 MB, 1280x720)
2.57 MB
2.57 MB WEBM
Not a fan of the voice actress in this scene. She sounds like a flat version of Tiffany Grant, and with poor delivery. Sounding more like an actual 14 year old is not worth losing emotion.
Rei's, however, is knocking it out of the park, and I'd say she's on par with the original and first English dubs.
This is a fantastic dub, so soulful and full of character.
This scene is not as presented. It is split by Ritsuko saying it's ok; making the breath holding longer.
Short answer, Women. long answer, she's a groupie for Asuka and veneers her just because she's beautiful, which's why she hates it that Asuka cares for Shinji does or thinks. maybe because she's jealous of him, maybe because she thinks Shinji isn't good enough for Asuka.

Plus she knew she'd have no luck scolding Rei and it would seriously backfire if she dared to try with Misato, so nagging on Shinji to do her work for her was her only option. nagging on a guy to fix their mess is a tactic as old as time for women. and I'm sure she's already in the habit of picking on fragile guys seeing she's in the position of leader, how else would she get anything done?
File: yoshihikoeva.webm (5.3 MB, 640x360)
5.3 MB
based meme
The premise of this show sounds pretty good, but is a spoof like that really funny over 3 seasons?
File: 1701616736812423.webm (5.96 MB, 960x408)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
I grew up with the original series but this AMV got me into the rebuilds.
File: evangelionedit1.webm (5.21 MB, 1280x720)
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5.21 MB WEBM
File: TO THE GROUND.webm (3.63 MB, 1280x720)
3.63 MB
3.63 MB WEBM
wtf disgusting
if anyone knows where to find the original. tell us this is too good to be forgotten.
I'll take the Misato Ending please
just found out the name of the song its called "society" by pathetic
Only took about 4 hours
That's even more impressive, then
File: Rei-the-superiour.webm (3.05 MB, 720x720)
3.05 MB
3.05 MB WEBM
someone should make a dog vs cat edit of askua vs rei
i-is there one?
in another universe maybe. the good ending that will never happen. so close to getting the misato ending but failed
It's a meme, retard.
File: Filler.webm (3.32 MB, 1280x720)
3.32 MB
3.32 MB WEBM
File: cruel-reactors-thesis.webm (3.73 MB, 1280x720)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB WEBM
it's a chinese company
File: 1653679654196 (1).webm (1.48 MB, 1280x720)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB WEBM
File: eva-wasted.webm (4.97 MB, 720x406)
4.97 MB
4.97 MB WEBM
had literally no problems with this dub.
File: YukoMiyamura.webm (5.67 MB, 640x360)
5.67 MB
5.67 MB WEBM
Can't believe I've never seen an NGE YTP before
File: neko-eva.webm (4.67 MB, 426x240)
4.67 MB
4.67 MB WEBM
>if you give men female faces they look like girls, and if you give women male faces they look ugly
this is so deep
The people who still give a shit about or fuck with lulcows are just as bad if not worse
File: Shinji-the-soljaboi.webm (2.41 MB, 1280x720)
2.41 MB
2.41 MB WEBM
>who still
You just grew up. Truth is it was always cringe, you just don't know how to have fun anymore.
I always thought it was creepy
File: 1667954882766856.webm (5.18 MB, 1280x720)
5.18 MB
5.18 MB WEBM
File: 1667954945365668.webm (1.94 MB, 480x270)
1.94 MB
1.94 MB WEBM
cant find the asuka darkage mix. anyone got it?
Still holding out for my own Misato. GOTYAY.
>Misato version has clips of the gorgeous and irreplaceable Misato from the original series
>Rei version is stuffed with secondary art and Rebuild shots
Pretty much sums up the whole situation.
File: 1687855753779174.webm (5.65 MB, 782x576)
5.65 MB
5.65 MB WEBM
live laugh love asuka
Asuka is one of the best characters written in fiction. It's a shame 99% of the Evangelion fandom are pedophiles who mostly only just talk about how cute/hot she is.
I know now what it feels to have an edit you made being post by the other cause they appreciate it.
File: Autism.webm (4.17 MB, 854x480)
4.17 MB
4.17 MB WEBM
>Asuka is one of the best characters written in fiction.
>just talk about how cute/hot she is.
She is the two.
this dub has given me cancer. it's terminal, you've killed me.
File: 1711228196703963.webm (3.7 MB, 480x203)
3.7 MB
File: 1695019936872182.webm (5.77 MB, 1280x720)
5.77 MB
5.77 MB WEBM
4.0 was good.
"Ausländer Raus! Ausländer Raus! Deutschland Den Deutschen Ausländer Raus!"
>Asuka is one of the best characters written in fiction.
Lol, I've seen you around. Sorry anon but you're retarded. Try reading a book.
I've almost certainly been here longer than you.
The end got me good

Does anyone know what is the original source of the video thats used for this webm?
DVD rip?
File: Rei Cries.webm (642 KB, 480x360)
642 KB
I don't know why but this has always been my favorite scene
>one of the best characters written in fiction
From someone who has never read the works of Shakespeare and Dante
Rei battling Armisael and self destructing as an angel has to be one of my favorite all time moments in film. The angel forcing the pregnancy, collapsing in on it's self, and 00 transforming into a a pure light representation of Rei as it reaches for the unseen and fucking explodes is next level shit due.
I'm so often surprised it doesn't get talked about more.
It is an amazing scene, as is the rest of the episode around it.
>Are these... my tears? Am *I* the one crying?
That line often comes into my head out of nowhere. It feels very matched to Rei, being inhumanly weird, mysterious, and yet existentially depressing and pitiable.
This show will never stop blowing me away. It's been almost 30 years and I can still try a new anime and wonder how things are being made that can't even pull off basic storytelling techniques in their critical first episodes.
is naruto bad or is bateman coping because paul allen mogs him again in anime taste
It's bad. Source: Never seen it.
File: paula-misato.webm (1.89 MB, 958x720)
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4.04 MB
4.04 MB WEBM
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5.63 MB WEBM
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2.54 MB
2.54 MB WEBM
File: 1686882482611275.webm (3.8 MB, 480x360)
3.8 MB
Gay anime
well, you oughta know sweetie
Straight anime
Post straight/homo debate anime.
See y'all fellas in the next thread.

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