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Bara ONLY, no filthy femboys bishitnen or women report all femboys bishitnen and women!
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Straggots get the FUCK out! Pozz
ugly as shit
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what the hell is that tumblr sexyman face lol, is that what fujos like nowadays?
it aint bara anyway.
>Not bara
I didn't know bara meant they fell down the ugly tree, colliding with every branch on the way down.
the pic that wasn’t bara is ugly >>3042862
it’s a body and face type
nevermind why am i even arguing with a mentally ill woman have fun in schizoland
foids think onceler is hot, they'll fuck anything as long as it isn't actually attractive to gay men
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Barafag here. Kill yourself fetfag troll.
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>unloved zoomer f*male pig raiding our board and calling traditional bara art ugly
Talk about pozzed, smfh bitch.
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Cope and seethe. Take your PReP fatass
I thought bara was about hypermasculine features, not massive woman boobs.
>reply with a straight twink
>twunk at best
Thanks for proving my point, good grief.
Cope with what? You're the one who's mad lol.
This. What is it with fujoshits and giving men tits?
>that anatomy

lol what the fuck
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Seething trannoid replying 3 times in a row
>fake drawthread fujoshit is actually back
>that projection

I had to look up what prep was. I'm not a degenerate who fucks meth addicts behind dumpsters so that's not something I have to worry about. Clearly you do though, my condolences.
Why do you keep posting twinkfaced men with oversized dicks and fucked up anatomy? These aren't bara.
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''''''''''She''''''''''' is one of those retards who thinks bara means fat feeder porn or some shit. Best to ignore xer and xim's schizoposting.
These are hot.
You're retarded and blind. Mentaiko draws "twinks" according to you and he's considered a king of bara. Pozzed faggots really think their gyno addled hyper shit is the only true bara.
i know you're a hrtaddled retard but learn to read
the latter is just funny because the only tranny posting hyper shit is you
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Bug chasers like you deserve to be called out. Tired of gyno hyper fatfags spamming their shit fetish in bara threads.
You're really obsessed with bugchasing, I'm sure it all comes from personal experience. At least you're posting something resembling bara now instead of your usual shit spam. Good girl.
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Schizophrenia, if left untreated, leads to shit taste.
>she says spamming babyfaced muscletwunks
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Not bara. Treat your schizophrenia and develop some taste.
what is this ugly korean looking shrunken head jawless woman drawn shit
Fujoshits are allergic to actual masculinity.
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>bara is when super hairy, fat, hyper, and gyno
>according to pozzed faggots
I'm sorry you have retarded taste and views on bara.
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I always post bara, pozziga.
>Verification not required.
Even 4chan supports me.
>back to posting her ugly fembrain shit
So close.
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>literally gay porn by a gay Asian man
The casual xenophobia of pozzed faggots is outstanding.
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Cope and seethe. You ftm fujoshits will never be ‘gay men’, even if you mutilate your scrawny bitch arms. Cower at masculinity like the pussy female you are.
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>my ass after taking that thing
>samefagging your hyper spam so you can reeee about pozzing
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You don't even know what masculinity is, pozziga.
You, as a female, definitely do. LMAO
anything that makes her bacteria infested taco leak fish grease
SEETHE more. Pozzigas deserve to be called out.
>more retarded roastie slang because she's incapable of arguing
sjw moment
how fucked up is your balding ftm asian hairline sis
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honestly youre killing threads spamming this board. youre worse than Patrick Fillion poster which hurts to say. please get a new hobby, this boards quality and lack of mods is already depressing enough
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>pozzigas still think I'm a woman
Sad little retarded faggots
You will NEVER be male. It’s in your DNA and shows in your posts.
no male cries about fetish porn or 'xenophobia'
you are so painfully female
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Stop posting men with HRT tits, Pozziga.
And the hideous sexless art she spams. Nothing interesting or sexual about any of these artful nudes.
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Call me a woman all you want, it still take away from the fact you pozzigas have horrible taste.
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Seething femboy/bishitnen trannoid
Nobody cares about a bara-hating woman's opinion on gay porn. Begone.
you're just projecting and sameposting. why ruin an entire board with your spamming?
Can you bitches stop posting women and actually post bara?
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Needs more hair.
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I love men.

oh hey it's the guy that does this nice
nice melty sister
so this is the fate of this board... no wonder its abandoned
based retards bumping it
Who cares? It was supposed to be deleted, bumping is the least of the problems, since it will exist at least make the most of this crap
>supposed to be deleted
no particular reason, as you can see its a very good thread filled with good content made with no ill intent whatsoever
you're failing to tell me the reason why a thread full of ugly fetish porn should be deleted when it never has been in the past
the artist is ftm
Sad that some people haven't learned what's required in a picture to have something be defined as Bara art.
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Hope this revives the place, it would be a shame if the thread needed to be remade.
not bara, retarded falseflagging fujo
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Why are fatshits like you so annoying? Bara doesn't mean obese hairy nigga.
Finally, you ugly tranny with roastbeef lips, you posted a real bara. If you’re going to try so hard to keep your falseflag threads alive, at least do a convincing job. You and your entire family should be raped and thrown to dogs to be eaten.
lol it made another thread after getting called out
Bara as defined by a blog from 2008 is the art of MatsuTake sensei and Tsukasa Matsuzaki. If gay anons survives the anonIB gayboard from the era of early y-gallery, he should know what bara is. Chris Redfield.
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>a blog from 2008
lmao genguroh defined bara with his mags in the 90s and it's not muscle babyfaces made for women
you period yourself over real bara
you will NEVER be a man and you will NEVER succeed in killing this board with your low effort shitty falseflags and ugly female art
Real men drawn by a real man for real men. This is what I like to see. Fujos would scream in agony,
Good post
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i love bara men
Some hair on his legs ass and pecs and this'd be perfect
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>post guys drawn by guys
>hairyfatfaggots scream tranny
The pozzed mind cannot comprehend different things.
>she's still seething and bumping her shitpost thread
even funnier is she posts mostly female artists
At least the dumb bitch started posting actual bara in her falseflag thread.
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>female artists
Pozzed schizo fags are disillusional.
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fyi, y'all are racist xenophobic bitches.
>she's still at it with the bugcatching fetish
why is she so mentally ill lol
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luv me bara men
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Sooo do we let this thread to die? Reading it just made more confused
the roastie wants it to stay up, you can make duplicate threads though she's just retarded
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idunno what yall expect desu, this entire board is called "yaoi", it sucks that theres a lot of fujosht drawing, but yeah bara threads should remain bara
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>yeah bara threads should remain bara
Should post more like that to drown out the hairless babyfaced fujoshit garbage like >>3048003
Hot gape
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>pozzed fags love nasty shit
Colored me surprised
>this isn't considered bara because he has a "babyface" and little to no body hairy even though it was drawn by a bara god
Yeah, pozzigers don't know shit.
That's not a babyface you blind troon
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uh oh someone angered the lolcow roastie ftm tranny again she’s spamming her own anti-bara falseflag thread and shlicking her clit to her new fetish word ‘pozziga’
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Is your pussy one of those dangly busted roast beef 400 mile cocked ones, and that’s why you seethe so hard at gay men for not liking your girl porn? I’d be mad too if I were you and we stole all the hot guys from touching your greasy meat flaps.
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>no body hair
>no facial hair
>masculine but soft face
>little to no body fat
By you pozzigas' definition it can't be bara.
SEETHE more, pozzed monkey. This is /y/, not /fathairyblobs/.
>no body hair
You could easily see the sideburns, the leg and pubic hair, and the masculine jawline if you weren't blind from fingering your cunt all day.
The twunky faggot you just posted? Not bara.
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>she's still here, seething about the bodytypes drawn by the man who coined the term bara
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god i love tagame art
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This is why I don't take you pozzigers seriously. You have an autistic and narrow definition of bara.
The only one SEETHING here are pozzigers.
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>definition doesn't matter autismo pozziga straggot I'm PMSing so hard brap brap brft!
spergy women sure love to destroy male spaces and ruin the definition of things to force themselves on us and then claim the opposite is true. damn
u got good taste then mate
you too mate, i love the way hitenmaru draws endeavor
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>more pozzed shit
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cope more
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And stay there.
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Seethe harder roastie
Glad I checked this thread today, very hot pics!
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np, glad to help with proper bara posting
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Pozzed gaps are the worst, but i guess faggots would be into them since it reminds them of themselves.
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I love horny slutty ojisans..
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as you should
Don't care if it's not "true bara", this is much more appealing than fat old geezers made out of flesh tumours.
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then make your own thread for hairless twunks, roastie
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Finally, someone with a brain.
How about you take a shower and shave your nasty snatch?
Fantastic posts.
Samefagging a little hard there.
Shame I don't care what a delusional foid thinks.
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ty anon, i miss barachan
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A shame pozzigers are this stupid.
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this is what a good (mostly) hairless pic looks like
just wanna rub my cock on those oiled bods
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indeed, it makes me want to have sex with them all day long
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Based thread..

Sucks being a twink and not getting access to topping dudes this hot.

Holy fuck I love bears.
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huge urge to eat that hairy fat ass
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Wtf is this, bara for little girls?
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just ignore them
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Pozzigers think their fat ugly old men are the only type of bara
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Nngh.. hairy sweaty men....
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mmmmmmmm hot
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Holy shit this is so hot I need a source ASAP...
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Pozzigers would look that this and say it isn't bara because it isn't a pic of fat ugly lardasses.
correct it's not bara/bear, it's a hunk
you're just retarded and can't comprehend that labels have meanings
which is fine but the argumentative trolling is why nobody likes you
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>hunky guys aren't bara
Pozzigers are insane and stupid.
I think she was molested as a child and that’s why she spends her time shitting up boards for men. It’s the only way her weak female body can get back at us.
Artist is YUNUKOPI. If you google "ehentai [YUNUKOPI] Bear and Daddy +GIF [Japanese]", you'll find it.
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>pizzigas projecting their daddy issues onto me
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>that's considered peak bara according to pozzigers
Laughing my ass off
Nobody cares, go finger yourself on crystal cafe you slut.
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God, I know Iroh would trear me well
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Archie would probably treat well too, or at least dick me down good
Handsome and a great personality.
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>Anon how could you join Team Aqua? They are going to destroy the world with their plans! Even a 2nd grader could see that!
>I have my reason
>the reason
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god i need a bara husband to ride my cock like this
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Don't you have some PreP to inject into your pus filled ass to get to?
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Not fat nor ugly enough to be called bara. Get that female gaze shit out of here.
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Not that schizo but I never knew there was different between hunks and baras, Noone in the Fujo scene called muscle dudes hunks, they just regarded as hot.
>Noone in the Fujo scene
surprise. bara isn't for women and fujoshits have no idea what bara is
stop spamming bara threads with off-topic garbage and being pests.
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Thank you for reminding me I had this one
At least the last few she posted were actually bara for once.
I'm not the boogeyman you guys been arguing with lmao, I'm just passing through. Like I said the term hunk' doesn't exist in fujo scene, so its weird that to see that you guys are aggressive about labels.
I never said you were, retard. I know you're ESL but at least try to read properly before you sperg.
>its weird that to see that you guys are aggressive about labels.
Yeah bitch let us go to your bishie/twunk/hunk/whatever threads and spam baras and see how you like it. Disingenuous fat slag.
bara is and always has been for men not fujoshits
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Exactly. It's so tiresome how the fujospergs always come here to sperg at men for being too old/fat/hairy/muscular/etc. Damn fujowhores... you have 50 threads go stay in those.
she probably flicks her smelly fishwound to trolling men
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Without a doubt, unhinged bitch.
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Hey. Didn't ask for your opinion, and don't care.
Vaginas are not allowed on /y/ either, fujoshit tranny. Learn to integrate when you try to troll bara threads with your ugly babyfaced bishitnen.
>told not to spam bara threads with off-topic twunk images
>she immediately melts down and posts cuntboys
True colours shown. We already knew you were a ‘pozzed’ dyke roastie with all the manhating.
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Yeah of course the roastie beef bitch calling gays 'pozzigas' is a ftm freak.
>Bara hating schizo is the futa spammer too
Lmao it just gets sadder and sadder.
I would laugh if she got raped, cut up into pieces, and dumped in a landfill at this point. She deserves it for harassing biological men for not wanting her filthy “masculine” vagina.
big shocker there
Hetero porn is against the rules, roastie.
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>>3042862 >>3042877 >>3042883
>>3042910 >>3042985 >>3048003
>>3048331 >>3048346 >>3048352
>>3048361 >>3048564 >>3048570
>>3048586 >>3048606 >>3048607
>>3048613 >>3049038 >>3049774
>>3049978 >>3049987 >>3049994
>>3050004 >>3050009 >>3050012
>>3050013 >>3050018 >>3050021
Not bara.
>>3042987 >>3048039
>>3048192 >>3048193
>>3048298 >>3048349
>>3049812 >>3049851
These are bara, but the absolute frothy yeasty pussypain induced to you dyke fujoshit(s) over men wanting real masculine men with penises is astounding. Go with your imaginary tail tucked between your legs back to crystal cafe or whatever other man-hate fujoshit board you crawled in from.
have you ever noticed how her spam never gets deleted but anything posted in her bishitnen threads gets instantly nuked
lol just saying
Literally not allowed, read the pin tranny. We will never want your smelly oozing pus-filled fishy bleeding vaginas.
Funny innit.
She sucks janny’s clit while they both roleplay as men and scree about ‘pozzigas’ not wanting their slits.
>another 3-4 comments of """"anons"""agreeing with themselves within 5mintues
U sure is mad today schizo tranny.
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>Not that schizo
>Both spam offtopic garbage and can barely write in legible English
Ok roastie.
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>she says, spamming her folder of tranny porn because gay men don't want her 'masculine' pussy
>trapschizo is barasperg
one woman autism army
Man what is it with women being completely psychopathic.
She's really stupid.
it’s in their dna
She wants a male to female tranny to fill her female to male tranny hole and force her porn on gays lmao
That's not even how 4chan pass works, newfag tourist. Keep your ugly tranny spam to yourself on lolcow/crystal cafe. You will NEVER be a man.
BRB vomiting at the thought
LOL gross.
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>>3050024 >>3050029 >>3050036
Not bara.
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she wouldn't know what bara was if one hit her with a truck
Another day another schizo woman getting mad at gay men for existing.
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>>305004If anyone has HIV/AIDS it’s the special little princess retard flooding gay porn threads with disgusting abomination fetish shit like this. Go play in traffic, little girl.
It’s being manually individually deleted so she’s not even getting banned. Wild, intentional.
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based, hot too.
dsharp my beloved <3
i need to eat that ass
king bara is based
ryu <3
this is such a classic old bara art
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When did pokemon get such hot manly dudes?..
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Imagine your hands and mouth wrapped around that cock as he gets pumped.
Sun & Moon has quite a few, most of the new games have some hot older/masc guys too.
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since gen 1
iam vividly imagining it rn
I haven’t touched anything after d&p, maybe it’s time..
Who? Bruno was, I remember. Idk if Prof. Oak and Brock were exactly hot.
lt. surge
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Good, me too.
Image related, and if you like clean shaven guys Lt. Surge is cute and masc too.
Forgot about him. Would go to town eating that ass out.
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I wish this artist would draw more anal penetration.
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>pozziggers go into a spamming frenzy calling each other out
Too funny. Anyways, bara is the best type of porn when done tastefully instead of pozzed prolapsed anal fatasses.
Not bara
Also stop ban-dodging, we know it was your ESL spam earlier
Just ignore and report her and sit happily with the knowledge that she’ll never have the penis she envies.
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Absolute schizos. I'm not violating any rules.
>that hunky masculine guy nude isn't bara
Holy shit. What mental illness is this?
>Verification not required.
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you all continue to give her attention is crazy
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I love this art style.
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it's great
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Dunno if this one is bara enough
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God this one is old
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i love men
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>little to no body hair
>baby face
>not fat
A fujo-dyke drew this.
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enough rambling and post more bara
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All bara is bara.
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It is.
>>3050256 is the same sperg poster spamming her mental illness around and you can safely ignore her.
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ryu's hairy butthole and musk are my life
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Thanks for the clarification!

PS: God Asuma looks so good in this pack, i lost count of how many times i've nutted to this one
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I'm just using the same definition of bara you pozzigers say. What's wrong with that?
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I really need to check the neo to know more about this hunk
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no fr cus why he's so hot and how does the artist do this
Not bara.
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I always post bara.
This thread is one person arguing with themselves isn't it?
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it's just dumb bitches arguing each other and giving the dumb bitch attention she needs
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although, i wouldnt be surprise if it the schizo ended up making posts to argue with themselves
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Just fat pozziggers thinking their version of bara is the only one. There's been evidence they samefag to prolonged the arguing.
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300th post and I declare all pozzigers are mentally ill idiots.
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And we declare you a seething smelly fat whore with a yeast infected beef flap cave who seethes at the men she can’t have.
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All I heard is the sound of pozzed fat globs called ass cheeks quaking.
nta(s) you normally sperg at
no; these ugly korean manhwa bl babyfaces still aren’t bara. the guy cut out of frame could feasibly be if he doesn’t look like the kpop shemales in frame.
>inb4 ur le racist for not liking feminine hairless gooks
masculine asians are hot post some good shit like >>3050292 next time you piss your little girl panties about gays being gay.
imagine the smell.. piff!
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I wouldn't be surprised if the weird anon spamming bishies and whatever pozigga means is arguing with themselves.
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lawl this thread
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Geez, the amount of disillusion here is outstanding.
>this is a shemale kpop according to pozzigers
Like I said, literal mental illness.
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Wait, is this where the confusion is stemming from...? Bara and bear aren't the same thing, they just overlap.
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I really like this artist but the stories they come up with are such a let down sometimes
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That's the problem. They would call the left guy a kpop tranny drawn by a fujo-dyke while the right one is the only type they consider bara. It's insane and disingenuous.
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>pozziggers so mindbroken by being tricked and coerced by trans-morphs that anything short of being hyper-masculinity is not a man
Or they're full of shit; whichever is true, I will enjoy bara.
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how so?

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