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Girls having their bodies being taken over by all sorts of entities (e.g. ghost, slime, parasite, monster, alien, robot, etc.)
Previous Thread: >>10935410
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Truly an underrated niche in this genre, I wish there was more of it. There was one hentai I read where a guy's sister body swapped with his gf which was pretty hot, can't remember the name.
Anyone has the English translation of hyouik about 2b possessed by a parasite
I posted it in a previous thread, look up the archive

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Been a while, so time to revive a thread dedicated to one of my favourite fetishes: women dealing with a far greater milk output than they'd prefer. Lactation through clothes a plus, copious amounts of milk preferred but any amount is fine as long as they're visibly uncomfortable with it.
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Old thread >>10862048 has hit the bump limit. Time for a new one.
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But yeah you need to use like adetailer and inpainting. I need to make a new lora of this one. It didn't come out the best.
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I thought the LoRA you made was already pretty damn good. I'll try your suggestions, thanks again.
I just downloaded a drawing app on my old tablet. Gonna start drawing autistic minigirl shit and share it

Trophy Edition

Previous Thread: >>10971105

Discuss lewd games, share your projects, and have others critique them.
Post pictures (/d/ related, preferably) to inspire developers and keep the thread alive.
Check the archives before posting requests:

>/dgg/ Game Catalog:
Password: lewd
>New thread guide & template:
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If quantity is your only concern TiTS has at least 3x the content of CoC1 and even CoC2 has probably surpassed it by now.
Trying to mess around with Twine/SugarCube for the first time. Put some simple inventory logic in the 'Story Javascript' section, tried to call a function defined there from a passage (inside script tags) and it just tells me the function is not defined (presumably out of scope). Is the 'Story JS' section not equivalent to JS in a <head> tag, as in global scope? How am I suppose to handle it?
I doubt either game can rival CoC1 for content simply because of the sandbox transformation mechanics in CoC1. CoC2 doesn't really have any of that, has fewer contributors, and a much narrower range of permitted fetish content.
Anyone remember this tower defence game? It was 3D and you were like some evil wizard or something and could carve out the path the enemies come at you from and you add monsters to it that attack the enemies in lewd ways.
Pretty Warrior May Cry

ITT: We post girls or futas in tentacle pits
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From centaur horsecock to lamia hemipenes, we got it all.
No NTR, Mpreg, or MGE girl yuri. Everything else is fair game.

Previous thread>>10902767
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>Senpai...you promised you'd take the whole thing, remember~
Can you make one of her cumming on a plate of food anon? please
That might be a bit too complicated for AI. Sorry. You'll have to imagine it manually.
Can you make one of her filling a condom then please?
Thanks so much so much anon, I'll blow a load once just for you

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looking for any and all 4-legged human content where they are built like a centaur
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Another banger from 4armedbandit
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God wish fat-bottomed humantaurs were a thing.
This is the only one I've seen so far, it' such a good design.
Artist is @UC91776165 on Twitter, drawn for LC. on FA.
Dang, these are pretty good, what lora or whatever does 4armedbandit use?
god that’s so hot, the second ass being way bigger needs to be more common
where do they post their stuff, if anywhere?

what server?

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"Born this way edition"

Barbie Doll Anatomy, aka Featureless, Nullification, Smoothing, Modest Nudity, Bandwidth Conservation, The Super Wholesome Space, etc. Share art, edits, stories, greentext
People whose physical anatomy completely lacks any kind of 'private parts', be it nipples, genitals or an anus.

Physically they not only cannot perform the functions of those missing parts, but they also have absolutely no physical need to do so. Their health is unaffected despite only having uninterrupted skin and flesh where those parts should otherwise be.

Mentally they may be unable to feel sexual arousal or pleasure, or have no instinctive idea of what things like sex, breastfeeding or excretion are. They may also be entirely oblivious to exploitation, having no concept of nudity taboos or inappropriate touching.
Alternatively they may know all about such things in others, but be unable to feel or do them themselves.

They may have once been normal but became like this, and either feel relieved or regretful regarding their new bodies. Alternatively, they might have been born this way and have never known any other kind of life.

Or it could all just be completely unexplained.

Previous Threads:

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Hot. I'd love to do the same to a boy as well, and put them in a room together and make them examine each other to prove that there's no difference between them now. Maybe I'll take them out into public and have people bet guessing their original genders.
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Having them rub and kiss eachother and there's nothing else they can do with their bodies together.
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This thread is my reason for leaving Christianity in a nutshell.

Theme questions:

What women are used to appease low status males?
What role do women and their submission play in religions?
How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
How does the system of social status/class play out between men?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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>Nothing necessarily wrong with brutal, gotta have some dark parts of a setting
It's Dark/brutal for Certain women in a Certain part of the empire (Malthusians).
Could be more of a Caste system for women, many have lives of menial work with the occasional rape.
The women in the middle ranks are used mostly for sex but are kept on birth control as they're not deemed worthy to breed.
And at the top of the hierarchy are the breeders/women in positions of "power".

It's useful to gate keep women's "power" only for women with maternal investment in society.
As this fits in perfectly with the whole Malthusian idea of restricted reproduction and this sort of thing works well with a system of familial punishment/reward.
Like women might be breed simply to keep the population of menial slaves up, but there's always a chance for these women to move up in life.
AND to pass that status onto her female descendants.
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really liking this idea.
Indeed, it really speaks to how ingrained the patriarchal norm actually is. If the women have no concept of working for their own benefit, only that of her Master, it will be difficult to escape that mindset.

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neet Ange edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread >>10917174
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no starving
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Is this the year of the rabbit? Not complaining tho
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Could well be
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Damn, Squish is out for blood

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Boys who have had their balls, cock or foreskin cut off. Futas allowed.

Last thread: >>>10933818

Less talking more porn this time around ok? I was hoping that by combining the various fetishes that more content would be posted but I guess I was wrong.

Would it be worth making a male/female thread for partial/complete genital removal fetishes?
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ofcourse testosterone is the action molecule
If only somebody could translate all the moonrunes and upload the pics to one of the image sites.
As someone who blocks their tesosterone completely and is in chastity a lot, having it shrink away is super hot and scary, getting hard now really hurts and cumming is really difficult if not impossible sometimes. Rubbing it feels awful as the skin is too tight. It leaves me feeling wonderfully helpless and frustrated. Half the time it doesn't even get hard even when im maddeningly horny. The only thing that reliably gets me hard is prostate play.

I consider cutting it off a lot and honestly I feel like it would just be a relief. No more getting painful errections and futilely trying to pleasure it like it has tesosterone. It honestly just makes focusing on prostate pleasure harder. Anyway. Hope that gives you some insight.

I think it's Gon (name) rather than gomu. As in:

"It's your turn today, Gon. I wonder if you'll use a lot :)"

Well, first of all, sorry if my English is bad, I'm using an online translator.

This is a drawing that I commissioned a long time ago, due to a communication error it ended in this where a woman ends up putting her own tits in her own pussy to fuck herself, what I originally wanted was a woman who would use a pair of those tits sex toys to use as a dildo but I liked this mistake so much that I even paid for this drawing to be finished apart from the other one.

I put it here because I would like to know your opinion about this new pose or fetish and if by chance I have seen more images similar to this one, I feel that it has some potential to be something more popular or at least something new.
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hard to see this one, you gotta zoom in real close
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and that's the last of my collection
thanks , i like more the first one, the other i feel some one exagerated exept for the furry one.

that make me think... what is a good story for a dounjin with a woman doing that? i want in the future comiss a doujin with that stuff and if have sugestions I would appreciate it very much.
I miss this old art style

Hololive Production (Japanese: ホロライブプロダクション) (stylized in lowercase) is a virtual YouTuber agency owned by Japanese tech entertainment company Cover Corporation. In addition to acting as a multi-channel network, Hololive Production also handles licensing, merchandising, music production and concert organization. As of January 2024, the agency manages 78 VTubers in three target languages (Japanese, Indonesian and English), totalling over 50 million subscribers, including several of the most subscribed VTubers on YouTube and some of the most watched female streamers in the world.

Upon passing auditions, Hololive members agree to be in an exclusive life-long polyamorous relationship with the rest of Hololive's talents. To facilitate this before their debut stream, the talent must pass an initiation test consisting of being gangbanged by the entirety of the previous talents before her, one generation at a time. She must succesfully make all of them cum before her scheduled debut stream. Each generation has one pure girl as the generation's designated hole with no futanari features whose job is to sexually satsify her generation members as a form of stress relief. All hololive talents are free to have sex with each other and frequently do so across generations during collabs.
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>and for my next trick, lamy will help me make my cock disappear!
Big laugh, but you seem to have misidentified her assistant.
AYE AYE Senchou!

Been a while since the last.
Post displays of physical strength. Be it lifting, bending, crushing, outrunning or any other form of physical prowess.
Both female & male are fine, but preferably post petite slender girls destroying the notion of what strong should look like.
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>"there. i'll be back at the end of the day to let you out," she says, giving me another one of her sweet smiles. "i hope you've cooled off by then."
>i genuinely don't know what to do, so i just nod
>get home that night, after being let out from the earth by the only woman strong enough to bend it
>dad asks how school was
>tell him how i lost a fight for the first time in my life
>he smiles
>"sounds like dave's daughter," he says

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Good job. Loved the twist at the end.
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thanks, i tried my best with it
if anybody has any other ideas i'm still in the mood to write
I got a couple
>Young demon lord is smugly proud about his achievements such as his wide kingdom and powerful army. One day, alarms starts sounding and he hears that his army got wrecked by one woman. To his cheer horror, when he goes to the scene, he discovers it's his superstrong mother who's now bawling and making a scene because her son hasn't visited her in years. Demon lord tries to appease her and is afraid his generals will think badly of him for being soft, in reality they think badly of him for being a bad son
>Giant alien woman visits earth and declares herself its ruler. Gets ragdolled around by regular housewives who are mad at her because her massive body is blocking the sun and not letting the clothes dry. Has to flee for her life when she accidently steps on the playground and causes the kids of those housewives to cry

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Rectifying the lack of a proper inflation thread. No males, no spheres.
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I love the idea of a inflation livestream, especially the idea of it going "wrong" near the end.
Larger Lily

>Chat wait I can't take anymore!
>I'm gonna-

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