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167 replies and 141 images omitted. Click here to view.
a calorie deficit is the only way to lose fat. The method you use to achieve said deficit varies; standard CICO, keto, OMAD, etc etc etc. At the end of the day you gotta eat less for a few months-to-a-year.
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Something I'm working on c;

Back again
Show girls being protected at all costs
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description meant for pic related in this post.
I see no reason why it wouldn't count

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Women excreting their personality through bodily fluids, jelly, or onaholes
discord: SfPAXmtwE2
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Would having sex with a person who excreted their personality count as necrophilia...?
I adore the ones where they come out as the generic colorful slime but then get like, molded into a sex toy. The best of both versions of this shit
Technically, no
The body is still a living breathing human, but a shell
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What, no slimegirls/boys thread? There is now. Slime has no gender so I don't care what's in or on it.
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Oblimo himself pops in here from time to time.
thank you for mentioning oblimo's name. I've been trying to remember their stuff for a while now. Their website still has the story up. http://oblimo.pbworks.com/w/page/5537548/FrontPage
It wound up being full novel length smut.

When I can work out the Captcha, yep.
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Ever since the reboot of the series she's softened, I believe she'd love it.
thanks a bunch for the fun novel

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“Mayday” edition
Post dudes with boobs or in the process of growing them. Previous threads:
Also, please try to follow the rules this time so this thread doesn’t get shadow-anchored or whatever
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Yeah, tits and ass go together like chocolate and peanut butter, so it's a bit hard to find true busty boys without the voluptuousness. Which is good too, but feminization is a step too far.
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I love these.
I like my busty boys voluptuous, but still in like, guy clothing
like if you removed the big titties (and the optional big ass), he would look like an average guy
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Girls being used as livestock.

Whether that be for breeding, for milk, or something else entirely, post your human farm animals here!
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Yeah that's a big reason why I am really into slaves but use the word livestock to refer to them not being human, just property, sitting at the feed lot for your entire life isn't great for the slave or her owner who needs his house and cock cleaned.

Maybe the whole thing about making her young for eternal service could tie into it though. The milking machine is ancient tech or something, aliens left it behind and we just hook up our prized girls to it for 3 months and they're good to not age for another 20 years or so. So when its time this slave that's been passed through my family for generations has to be hooked up I guess we've got some good milk to sell and maybe the machine makes her calm down a bit after being hooked up or something. 3 months is a long time, but I don't give a shit about your mental health since you're here to serve until the end of time, slave.
That image is neat though. Not only are the girls drawn in a way I like, but they're very visibly not having fun with what's going on. Makes me think it's a punishment, bad slaves get sent to the bitch hole, and after they get out they are likely to be good slaves, at least for a while. And you've made me some money selling the milk to people who are into that, so you're already a bit of a good girl, keep it that way.
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I assume this one's sort of a niche, but heck, if anybody else has art to add to the collection, lemme know!
Idea isn't like, simply eating general meat.
Rules: No gore, obviously.
That's about it though.
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That Kei Guy is awesome for this kind of stuff.

Previous: >>10915360
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Unfathomly based. Artist?
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Speaking of cow boys.
I nutted so many times just with this pic

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Unshaven women showing their hairy armpits, pubic hair, hairy legs... etc.
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bigfoot version, maybe?
I wasn't planning on doing it...but I may try to make a bigfoot version.

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A thread for huge nipples,hyper nipples, long nipples, nipple expansion, puffy nipples and puffy areola.
Previous thread: >>10934076
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Miku with long saggy sock nipples could work, will attempt to draw before the thread dies.
awesome. really appreciate you taking our request
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how's this looking so far anons?
will try to get some color on this before the weekend is over
was thinking thicc like the example before, but looks nice.
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Damn, I thought about making her thicc too.
Anyway here's a colored one.

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Women enjoying some external manipulation
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>womb massage
>if you're a guy
that's not how it works anon
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Ladypot are much more numerous but boys and futa are also welcome.
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op doesn't forget the title this time edition

>What's explicitly allowed here?
The picture/story/video's primary focus should be that of an adult woman growing into a giantess. How big she gets is up to you.

>What's explicitly disallowed, regardless of subject?
No solo male giant growth, futa, shrink, lolis, furries, or AI slop

>What about muscle content?
Assuming the girl is growing taller AND getting more muscley, you can probably post it but hyper muscle growth is a no-no. Make a FMG thread if there isn't already.

>What about a guy growing along with his gf/wife/etc i.e. "couples growth"?
Sure, why not. It's got a girl growing, it'll be ok.

>Why no futa?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Hmmm, I guess I can add a bit more to it...

The twin-tailed giantess softly laughed to herself, as she heard the panicked cries and popping bra of her first blessing, hugging her boyfriend in her growing mass.

"Poor girl, she'll learn to like it in time. Now then~" she purred, walking the lane with a confident step among the cars, who swerved around her humongous feet, and stopped to look at this surreal sight. "Oh don't be shy now, there is plenty to look at ! I won't be mad, hu hu hu~ And..."

Her eyes fell on a small company car, driven by a nervous little office lady, very recently promoted. The giantess smiled at her, and winked sparkfully. "I certainly won't be alone~"

A shriek echoed from the car, before rattling more and more erratically. Two legs plowed throught he windshield, covered in stockings being ripped apart and shattered heels. The roof creaked and bent until the amazonian office lady bursted out of it, swelling out of her everything with her minuscule wheel in hand. Her bare form started to push cars around, and she could only cry about the shame of it.

"Oh my, don't be alarmed. It's a blessing ! You'll be bigger than your workplace soon !" promised the giantess, no matter how much the office lady begged her to turn her back to normal.

(To be continued...)
It's a premise with decent potential. I'd expand on it and see where it goes.
Thanks for the food.
I wanna read story in perspective of the jealous 31 y/o womanlet who doesn't grow and views the giantesses with envy
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I hate how rare it is, the only stuff that exists is shitty 3d renders or the RARE piece by like one of 3 artists
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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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Granted! Alchemy, magic, witchcraft, and yes, sexy sorceresses, witches, and monster folk now exist, including you. A slime-goat girl related to Baphomet, an important figure in magic and alchemy.

The world is similar to how you remember it, but some people will be monsterfolk now, with some comically unexpected forms, like a goth barista becoming a motherly figured cowgirl, a haughty popular girl becoming a twink elf boy, or a male fitness trainer becoming a shortstack goblin girl (who still works in a gym, doing her best). They will more or less be the same people deep down, but report having dreams of being someone else, and some "seers" may tell them who they were in a previous life if they seek them out, which they all react to differently. "Everyday" potions and scrolls are sold just about everywhere. Healing potions at pharmacies, gender bending and body swap scrolls at sex shops, mending scrolls at hardware stores, revival potions in hospitals... but no fireball scrolls or poisons in places like that.

YOU are needed in this new society. While not Baphomet herself... you are one of her descendants, crossed with a slime. You have a knack for basic magic and alchemy, but... this comes at a cost. One that'll keep you from using "harmful" spells, but perhaps be a mixed blessing for helpful spells... Baphomet is a being of duality, symbolized by being human and beast, male and female (you may become futa at will), and even in their signature pose, as above, as below. You are also related to the horned god in witchcraft, and follow the same "threefold aspect", which is to say, whatever you do comes back to you three times as strong.

So putting this in practice, your slime makes for GREAT potion bases, but you'll always end up with a second potion that somehow creates a duality with the first. Now, this won't always be "Healing potion also creates a poison". but rather, "A potion that mends wounds comes with another that gives someone fangs or talons"
Though a breast expansion potion may very well come with a breast reduction potion. The same goes with spells. A futafication spell may "backfire" and create a milfification spell at the same time as femininity to balance the new dick, or maybe it'll come with a cuntboy spell to mirror the genitals not matching the person they are attached to.

Here's the kicker: If you do not find a second target for your spells and potions, it will default to you... and if you want to make a living with potions and spellcraft? You'll rarely have the luxury of having a willing "dummy" for the mirror spells. If the secondary potion is not used within 24 hours, the effects are applied to you. The spell effects immediately apply to you if there is no second target, and if the spell would, say, give someone a bimbo body... your slime shapeshifting will be suppressed for the duration of it, so no futa cock until it expires. Likewise, if you end up having a dick, you won't be able to get rid of it. Now your magic won't ever hurt you. Like I said, healing potions won't default to creating poisons (though I'd avoid playing with fireballs and lightning bolts), and subconscious magical instincts of yours will see to it that the duality of the magic doesn't hurt you or be "boring"... but it can and will still be embarrassing and lewd. Say you make a stamina potion for sex. You may end up EXTREMELY sensitive and easy to make cum instead of having no libido. Or maybe you made cosmetics? Instead of turning ugly, you'll gain the opposite of the "masking" effect, making your slime easier to see through, so people can see your womb and such. Duality doesn't always mean opposites, so if you make a fucknugget spell, you might get trapped in a ladypot right after. They both scratch the same fetish after all, just in different ways...

You won't know what to expect, but you'll always have a hunch of "how bad" it'll be. Oh, right, and the threefold aspect?
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The secondary effect will be three times as strong when it applies to you. This can either apply to the duration, or intensity of the effect. You get to choose which, but you won't always know the outcome of your "side effect", so it's a bit of a shot in the dark. Did you cast a spell to make someone submissive, and make it three times stronger in hopes of being some kind of super dom? Well... the duality here could be the TYPE of submissive, not the sub/dom dynamic itself. The person you cast the spell on became a human servant, while you ended up becoming a slime PET submissive, and with the threefold aspect... you can only crawl on all fours and make animal noises, embodying petplay.

Or perhaps you think increasing a duration would be better than intensifying a spell. You're gender bending someone, it'd be better to have a normal sized cock for three days instead of a hyper cock for one, I mean, you have places to be and a 3 foot cock would be humiliating, especially with your slime magic unable to hide it... but perhaps in this case... the side effect of ALTERING genitals is DUPLICATING genitals, leaving you with six tits and two pussies, something you may have wanted to have for LESS time... it's certainly going to give you more strange looks than the three foot cock you expected...

Your hunches will get better over time, but you'll never TRULY know what to expect from your magic. And yes, you can cast spells on yourself... but you'll have to have a willing target to absorb the secondary effects, and they're just as unpredictable, in ways that can backfire on you just as spectacularly. Did you want to make yourself more alluring? Your friend is now FAR hornier and more dominant, and you're going to be theirs for the duration of the spell. And if that friend was a witch... expect magic play in the bedroom.

Good luck...

>I wish I was a cute, stretchy and durable shortstack with female, futa, and monster futa friends
*Three pussies if it's duplicating, the effect will always be THREE times as strong
Wish bump

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Girls getting glorped. Futa preferred but not required.
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I'll take what I can get at this point anon, can you recommend any stories with it?
I actually kind of like it. It's just weird because of the overlap between fat, stuffied, and pregnant belly types.
Fuck you
I guess it wasn’t the right one
sounds based. what don't you like, the fact that it's anal instead of oral, or the fact that it's so much weight gain so fast? just curious, I rarely see anyone with the same fetish.

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