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Here's a thread idea I haven't seen before

Post women with extremely altered or unusual bodies. Holes blown out beyond repair, excessive piercings, extreme body mods, unconventional growth, that kind of stuff. Bonus points if they're using their bodies to do unusual things as well.
Got one of those images sitting around that's too extreme or has too many fetishes crammed in to be appropriate for any other thread? This might be the place, Just don't break the rules.
I'll try to set the tone with my thread starter dump.
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How do Anons here feel about an "Ultimate Exhibitionist" story, about a girl who isn't satisfied enough with just exposing her completely naked body, she wants to go further, fully inside-out, tearing herself apart until every last crevice, organ and bone has been exposed for all to see.
How would that look in your opinion?
Waita Uziga 毒どくvol.18
https://www.hentai.name/g/378670/ (Chinese ver.)
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Permanent Prolapse is the best. Having to walk around everywhere with your ovaries dangling between your knees, always having to make sure they don't get caught in anything or suffer an explosively painful orgasm.
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I'm picturing the moisturize me lady from Dr. Who, where she's reduced to a sheet of skin stretched over a frame, but all her internals are still attached to the back or connected via tubes and wires.
That character disturbed the hell out of me, still creeps me out now. But now i'm curious for those with this fetish, Is it seeing the body ruined and deformed that you find arousing? Or is it more psychological? The idea of modding yourself to being unrecognizable as a human being or even living.
Like, would you find the idea of a girl ruining herself to the point that all that's left of her is a chip containing her consciousness arousing? Having destroyed herself to the point of having absolutely nothing left, becoming no more than a series of ones and zeroes.

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ie perky breasts or longboobs.
A thread for breasts that have a significant upward tilt, optionally very large or long.

Notable artists that draw in this style are Slugbox, Honjou Raita, Bansankan, etc
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Y'all know this is just the rare "fresh out of puberty giant tits" tits, right?

This is just how they look fresh out the gate before they get ruined with time or starvation diets or obesity. They'll defy gravity for about 5 years if the girl doesn't get pregnant.
Torpedo tits are long and pointy, but banana tits tend to specifically have a sloping shape. They're not exactly the same.
bobobo is the best at banana boobs.

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I want a very big, long nipples.
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Post bellies growing
-no male
-no futa belly
-yes cumflation or any other kind of non-standard inflation
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I remember when he got married and said he hoped it'd give him more time for his art, then he all but stopped putting out new content.
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Sir, you are a massive faggot, you ASKED for the flag.

>I'm requesting a VTuber named PinkPanik. She has a huge inflated butt and hips and is very tall like a giantess. An air hose is connected to her vagina through her cute panties, making her bigger. She has a pleasured face like she's enjoying it a lot. Please make her chest small. She is wearing her chest wrap and panties in the colours of the transgender flag.

Actually turn yourself into a chandelier you literal kidney stone. Done shitting up the thread? Good, now post big bitches.
Damn, motherfucker got caught in 4K?!
The best.
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>what happened to the last thread?
top channie jannies accidentally pressed the button that said "delete all boards, do not press" (lol) then, when they hit ctrl+z, it restored the boards but most threads on the entire site were permanently gone (lmao)

same rules as last time best I can remember them:
>post pictures of women growing bigger
that's it.

>how's this different than the main /size/ thread?
sometimes it's more about the journey than the destination amigo

other things are allowed (like breast expansion, feet, ass, etc) if female giantess growth is the primary point of the image.
>no dudes
>no girls that look like dudes
>no AI sloppa
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Women training Fems to be real women. Taking dildos, cocks, et al

o7 to previous threads
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You had me up until the cuckolding, forced bi is based af tho
It's not gay if it's pegging
ngl that's pretty vile
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Mods fucked up and managed to DFE, so we're starting over again.
Post blimps and balloons of all types.
Previous Thread: lol
There's another thread over here, but that one seems more belly-centric, so let's just say it's the Belly Inflation Thread >>11100156
Hopefully that's not too confusing, and if it is, hopefully the mods will delete this thread
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Thank you
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Post any content with modularity, body part detachements, headless girls, etc. No gore, preferably no futa, high-effort AI is passable.

Trying to revive the tread with the GOAT, あ. Still sad about them dissapearing from pixiv.
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Okay I agree with that, I thought you were the anon that was consistently complaining about anything that wasn't specifically head detachment in previous threads. Aesthetically I don't mind "clean" amputation like >>11121838 either, but it's much better when the body parts are still under control or at least reattachable.
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Girls that are too big to walk or move around easily.

Same do's and don'ts as the SSBBW / fat thread.
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bumping temporarily
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Based. I love the same thing.
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Focus on big gaping assholes of any gender. No scat.
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Quick searching guide:

Pixiv: use the 皮モノ tag for the overall catalog of skinsuit stuff, 男皮モノ for specifically male skinsuits (FtM, MtM) and 皮もの or 脱皮 for stragglers that might not be tagged with the main one.

On Deviantart: there are a lot of tags, with the main one being skinsuit, but you may also wanna search skinsuittf, skinsuittransformation, bodysuit, bodysuittf, bodysuittransformation, masking, maskingtf and maskingtransformation

Add to taste after: mtf, m2f, male_to_female, maletofemaletransformation, ftm, f2m, female_to_male, femaletomaletransformation, ftf, f2f, mtm, m2m

Pic source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/121741003
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That's probably it, this particular card has been active since last year. Guess I can kiss fanbox goodbye when it expires since it's only good for one year lol
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New iosis66 post.
>GoldShell45, LemonX and fokk3rs pixiv pages are no longer there anymore
And nothing of value was lost.
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more Majigawa

I think I'd like to hop into that doll for a bit...

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Haven’t seen this thread in awhile.
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The thread where boobs get bigger

>Hourglass expansion is ok
>Lactation is ok
>Other growth is ok if focused on BE
>No AI or AI talk of any kind please
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Holy fuck, where is that from??
i would love it so much if my stepmom's DDDs started getting bigger randomly
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Previous Thread: >>11119531

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups

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Can't it be normal sized natural tits? And very big yet natural and normal dick size?
Loved the black hair you did earlier. Love my mamas bigh and hairy
Can she have a dick?
unfortunately the tentacles are not bisexual
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