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swans destroy poort

bane v geelong tomorrow
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Are Geelong cursed for father sons?
>Hawkins no sons
>GAJ and Rohan's children keep dying
as if he didn't iron no. 26 on to his horse (and wife's arse cheek)
Lingy will save us
yes but clinton king
8am on a saturday and i'm sipping a monster. i wonder if i'll be productive today or just waste it like i wasted last weekend. i think i'll get a haircut, but i don't really have anything else planned

is the new format of ucl was made just to break ronaldo record

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I don't give a shit with what Ohtani achieves, because baseball is a meme sport, and he clearly chose the wrong one.
What’s far more valuable is that our national football team has finally reached its highest-ever FIFA ranking of 16th.
Japanese media should report on this more and help elevate our soccer culture.
It’s truly pathetic that, due to losing the war, we've been brainwashed by America and become obsessed with baseball, neglecting true sports like football.
If Ohtani had chosen football, he would have become an excellent defender or goalkeeper.
To break this situation, we must defeat our rivals, Saudi Arabia and Australia, in the next international match and secure our tickets to the World Cup, creating new history in North America WC and awakening the our people who are dominated by baseball.
Winning might be difficult, but we must at least reach the quarterfinals, if not the semifinals.
Making a football history in North America, the home of baseball, would be a truly symbolic moment for football to liberate our country from the dominance of baseball.
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OP isn’t wrong.
Since the JFA has set the goal of winning the World Cup by 2050, we don't have much time left.
It's unrealistic to dream of suddenly reaching the finals when our best result so far has been making it to the Round of 16.
Moreover, considering the declining popularity of soccer in Japan and the decrease in the number of players due to population decline, we need to achieve a significant result at this point to boost the popularity of soccer.
Bros...I might not be around to see this happen
I thought their plan was to get the world cup by 2090 and the plan was established in the 1990s, making it a century long plan.
The Centennial Plan is about to the J.League, not the World Cup.
>nips btfo

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i don't know what the fuck is this club, but it sure isn't the Saint-Étienne i knew once.

Delete this travesty of a club. NOW!
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>Nice Asse
PSG killed their pride with their ligue 1 amount now.
They unironically serve zero purpose now, they should kill themselves.
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not lille
i'm waiting for the ASSE - Brest derby

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>it's real
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2007 copa america semifinal.
With seconds to go and the match already decided with a 3-0 win, Messi hears a whistle from the public so he thinks that the game ended there and picks up the ball.
If anything, the ref asking for his shirt to not book him is the corrupt one and one disingenous mf imo.
so, its a nothing burger
That would have been a bullshit reason to miss a final to be fair
Riggi T-Shirtini
>he took that statement literally
messi is that you?

>Friday, 20th September 2024
18:30 Cagliari - Empoli
20:45 Verona - Torino

>Saturday, 21st September 2024
15:00 Venezia - Genoa
18:00 Juventus - Napoli
20:45 Lecce - Parma

>Sunday, 22nd September 2024
12:30 Fiorentina - Lazio
15:00 Monza - Bologna
18:00 Roma - Udinese
20:45 Inter - Milan

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I mentioned Marseille because they did, indeed, rig matches and get into gigantic financial scandals too, with the only difference being that they're shit and southern. It's called a comparaison.
Bernard Tapie was sovl, and do notice the DNA in the bottom right
The fact that this man changed the history of French economy is so funny to me
not even us from turin give a fuck about turdino, tbf not even turdino fans give a fuck about turdino based on their attendance figures
Has he been that bad for Udinese?

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Reminder that the bottom of the top 0,01% is still TOP
When you mock your Phils, your Maguires, your Onanas, you're mocking yourself
i mean yeah he got the money the little fame but as player career it was total embarrassment not his fault tho signing to united make you look stupide no matter what atleast he has his integrity

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I live in Charlotte. I should be able to go watch a real baseball team rather than "Chicago White Sox 2". Charlotte is plenty big enough to support an independent minor league team.

Imagine if every small city had a home town team the city could get behind rather than just some farm team that people watch to drink beer while the game happens in the background. Would be soul and peak Americana. Imagine people in Des Moines going out and supporting their local baseball team. There could be local rivalries, kind of like we have in college sports.

I know there are some independent leagues, but they seem to only be in very small markets passed up by the farm teams. The farm teams should all be in the suburbs of the main team, so the AAA Chicago White Sox affiliate should be the "Schaumberg White Sox" or something.
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Far less cringe than the way MLS names ape European club names.
>Real [reˈal] Salt Lake
i am aware of a team called the "trash pandas"
well yeah everything MLS does is cringe, it's soccer
American versions of things are always cringe
>flag cope
We stay on their minds, Americhads

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>refuses to hug coach
Aaron Rodgers literally a pissy little bitch.

He’s probably afraid of catching some new covid variant --
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I searched Google Lense for those two twunks and their names are Kelvin Miranda and Dustin Yu. You're welcome mate! Happy huntin!
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It’s because he’s autistic and doesn’t like bodily contact, which of course, is based
You guys are all misinterpreting it, Rodgers is on his Kobe arc. He's telling Salah "job ain't done yet" don't hug me.
Over Sexualization of society by faggot companies and "woke" media. End of the day, I don't want to touch you and I don't want you to touch me, simple as. Some people just don't like being touched, let alone a hug, I would never hug anyone.
billion of people have been raped thru history why is kevin nash little molesting story so popular
how could that even happened he is huge the only conclusion i can came up with that he allowed it and it was with his consent

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>We're playing a ball match, join us, anon
What do you say?
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Ask if Foden is playing, otherwise I will have to refuse the offer
thats not the sport itself
thats just a reflection of their culture
americans dont understand that soccer is the only true global sport
it is ten times more competitve than anything you have
You're acting as if /sp/ isn't one of the gayest boards
What has to match because mine are white?
I ask where can we shower afterwards

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Spiting the Irish who I thought was Italian at first due to the colour filter on my screen edition
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when they gave him that pen it decided his fate
had he missed his career was over
you know what we should do the same for nelli
Apparently, Gyokeres' clause is still active in the first half of january. So i'll cope that Arsenal saved some money in the summer to see how Gyokeres works in CL with Sporting, to then activate his clause in january if he's a real deal.
>talking shit about the guy who created literally every goal we have scored this season

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Shartetaball is going to click this sunday...surely
I won tickets to the Carabao cup match against Bolton. Are League cup matches worth going to or shall I skip it? I've already paid, I guess, but I don't really want to go if the stadium is mostly empty.

I dont see how it's possible to dislike our great sport.
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it's so fucking trash and it gets harder to watch every year. there are like 7 relevant games out of 400 before October.
No, it really doesn't. Idiots like you are doing nothing but shilling memes for corporations who profit from your braindead compliance and zero standards.
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This man does. He watches Uefalona playing the correct ''football'.
I'm from the Netherlands kek, massive self own
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In my opinion the playoffs are so physically demanding, that the playoffs is really like a new season and the winner is the one who has the most depth and can continue with injuries taking out a couple key pieces

pic related

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imagine if america cared about soccer
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>LeMickey got snubbed
JorGOAT would never
>black defender
not a real sport. that's why we let our women handle it.
can floyd(1,73 self reported so about 1,68) beat up a goalie(1,90+). also he's a boxer, not an MMA fighter. also keep in mind hugging the opponent and waiting for the referee to break you up is not a valid tactic

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>this was italy's top striker during the euros
italy what the fuck happened
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Too much SOUL, but damn they all look at least 10 years older than they are
still my boy. he has potential to become better. just believe in him guys...
my boy scamcaca just needs more time...
>that post about his scummy family and why he got kicked out of the Roma youth team
It’s easy to forgot that low class players come from low class parents

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>new ‘ones kino dropped
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In what universe is current era Sweden ever winning any international trophy? They're even worse than Denmark somehow.
he meant an european club title (champions league, europa, conference)
I meant both
what's wrong with him? most normal guy ever

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