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/sp/ humour thread

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I have a bunch of graphic BBC posts lined up for the Euros and Olympics this summer. Those tourists from /pol/ and /int/ will be seething so hard.
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Does it hurt when the poles think you're Arab
do they get confused when you say you're Argentinian?
Does it hurt when you have to say it's next to Brazil?
Have You ever had to just say you're Brazilian?
My older bro told me he was in a pub in Boston and they were collecting for the 'Ra. So much for the "War On Terror."
I think it was the guardian actually
TikTok realized America is evil and was linking an old article about Osama and why he did it
as bastions of free speech america made you take it down
Pretty sure the m82a1 rifles that the "sniper at work" guy(s) had were directly sourced from America

They're evil and you should refuse to extradite assange
especially after that diplomats wife killed people with her car and fled
at this point I think making English people go through humiliation rituals is a hobby of the yank elite

they are vile creatures

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>Previous thread:

>Thread theme:

>FantasyGP.com /f1/ League Formula Autism:
Passcode: 12481614

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Not a fucking chance.
Shut up, pagpag

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They sure feed em well in Dortmund
unbelievably based
Will he et vini in a Sopa do macaco?
A true American at heart
the baron of bratwursts
the hogger of hamburgers
the sultan of schnitzel

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Compare the touch. Mbappé keeps making this mistake while I can't recall haaland making it once
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He isn't a striker. He can't link-up, hold-up, or do a header at all. He is at his best under Deschamp as a wingers. Ideally you need a high workrate left midfielders, a defensive left back to cover for him on the left, and a Target-man that's great at those three Mbappe's weakness. PSG is just retarded they never really build a team around Mbappe until around this season, and they still half-ass it.
>Compare the touch
compare the passes first
you can see that haaland fucks up his touch, he's saved by the ball rebounding on his knee after the heavy touch

you /int/ animal
>why can't an average player do what a great player does
fuck I dunno man you got me stumped there
Mbobi is 25, he has at best 2 more years before he becomes too slow to do anything and his career is over. It's the fate of all pacey ngubus, and he's already in visible decline. He'll be remembered as Hazard 2 in Real

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Who will realistically win all the balon d'ors between this three for the next next 3 years?
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total ebussy death
lol mono wins this year
>will lel liga shitters win the lel liga marketing award
hard to say
What's the use case of a golden balloon

Who wins this rivalry matchup?
Slightly over and a half months until first kickoff, but the offseason is providing plenty of entertainment.
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The break down of financial responsibility for paying off the proposed settlement with pre-NIL players:
40% NCAA
40% P4 Conferences
17% G5 Conference
2% FCS
1% Misc and rounding
The NCAA gets almost all their funding from the men's basketball tournament, so in essence, March Madness will end up paying the majority of the settlement once conference funds are included as those too are partially (even if not majority) funded by men's basketball.
Schools will also pay $21 million per year into a revenue sharing fund for current athletes. Due to Title IX, women's lacrosse players will get the same amount as football players.
No idea how this impacts the PAC02 and independents. Wild guess is that the PAC02 and ND get treated like P4 while the other independents are either treated like G5.
It happened while Oregon State and Washington State were in the Pac 8/10/12 so they'll be treated as P4. IIRC they along with all the departing Pac 12 teams each put a few million into a fund specifically for this lawsuit, though I don't think it's nearly enough to cover the Pac 12's liability. If Notre Dame tries to claim G5 status for this lawsuit they should be told they will no longer be treated like a separate conference with their own vote when the sport is discussing structural issues and they are no longer eligible for the CFP as an independent.

I'm interested to see if Army, Navy and Air Force have any liability. Their players can't receive NIL deals because they are classified as federal employees. There's some law saying NIL is considered bribery of a government employee, meaning none of their past players have a claim to lost NILbux. That should get them off the hook but who knows.
The settlement from what I heard is pre-2021. So WSU and OSU are considered P4, Notre Dame will basically be forced (or on their own whim since they easily can afford it) to be P4, the recent four Big 12 additions from G5 won't directly be but might indirectly
Might help WSU and OSU if they can play and pay off this settlement like the rest of them be seen as a tier above G5 and expansion worthy
Yes, I think it's from the start of NIL and going backwards. I do wonder just how far back it goes because if it goes back into the BCS era when the Big East was considered a major conference, schools who were members of it, such as South Florida and Temple, could be considered "P4" during that era.
There are already ADs and fans of G5 schools whining that they can't afford to pay and it should be the P4 that pays everything. The issue is that this isn't about affordability as it's players versus the schools and NCAA. The players at G5 schools don't lose their legal claims just because those schools can't afford to pay. The proposal gets the G5 off the hook for far less than the original $20+ billion that could have been divided equally over all players, which would mean the smallest Division I program paying the same per player as wealthy programs like Texas and Ohio State.
These types of deals usually have a clause that permits individual entities to opt-out and deal with the suit individually. Bet no one does that because this deal is much less expensive ($2.6ish billion split unevenly) than that original ruling.
Even if the service academies were on the hook, Congress would appropriate funds to cover the cost. No politician is going to support harming the service academies. Even the most DEI loving commie politician knows better than to do that.
ND's membership in the ACC and earlier the Big East for all sports except football almost guarantees them being considered a P4. This settlement is for all Division I athletes, not just football players.

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whale edition
bws v western
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Basedipedia still has it as Fraser island. Abos on suicide watch.
friend's parents used to work in an aboriginal town back in the 80s and said there was this old abo that would just sit at the top of the water tower with a rifle all day taking potshots at people going in and out of the supermarket

whether the story is true or not still makes me lol
based sarajevonup sniper alley
163-44. Hi Port fans :D

Early predictions edition

>Group Barbarians
Huns, Picts, Saxons, Mountain Jews

>Group Swarthy Meds
Dalmatians, Lombards, Visigoths, Illyrians

>Group Tall Whites

>Group Core EU

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imagine if the finals is Germany vs. Turkey.
It is leaps and bounds better than the travesty of the world cup change. That one is irredeemable
Yeah but the format is the same as the euros now but with 48. They scraped the 15x3 groups because well, it was retarded
>They scraped the 15x3 groups
Thank heavens
As a yank I am so worried they are going to expand March madness. It's already bad enough with the play in first four but I know it's inevitable
Yeah after the last world cup they realised you need groups of four. But they kept the 48 and it's now the same as euros with the third place finish.

Mark my words. They'll want 64 soon and then euros will be 32. It keeps the same amount of ko stages so teams play the same amount of games, but obviously more groups. I can't see it being expanded further after that but you never know.

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Pillow biting IPL chase edition.
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it'll just get saged by seething sebastian after he wakes up from his diabetic coma
based gooner
'chabin bla x

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Never thought I would see maui on espee
>me imagining alex posting here
>1 Michael Jordan
>2 Bill Russell
>3 Kareem
>4 Kobe
>5 Magic
is Brink good enough to warrant being the number 2 pick?
Well, they've played twice since then and they were both very tight games, 1 possession and 2 possession. I think it would be a very good series. The teams match up well in a way that is exciting, not just defensive slogs. Jokic does pretty good scoring on the Celtics and Brown has historically lit them up in the paint. It would be fun to watch.

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It's not fair that CR7 isn't the GOAT
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Holy shit did you fly from Brazil to Canada between these posts?
He's the GOAT (gayest of all time) though.
MADE FOR BCC (big conquistador cock)
Anon owns a private jet

/hoc/vious: >>140926735

2nd Period
Florida Panthers - 0
Boston Bruins - 1

10:00 PM ET
Dallas Stars @
Colorado Avalanche
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Battle Mage edition

Gold Coast Titans v Newcastle Knights
3:00pm AEST on Fox and Kayo
Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
>Super Saturday begins with a matchup between big improvers over the past 3 games. Who continues their 2024 resurgence, Titans or Knights?

Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks v Sydney Roosters
5:30pm AEST on Fox and Kayo
Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane

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more like captain morgan spided rum lol
Life is in absolute shambles lads
he'll never talk shit about badger again

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What's your opinion on MLS salaries?
I don't care
Pretty grim for the guys who aren't European washouts. Bench players in the MLB make the kind of money these top dogs are earning. They went into the wrong racket. Soccer truly is a low IQ sport
>$1mi+ to play against u15 level defense
Sign me up
I have no way to gauge the level of play in MLS unless they go against real teams in Europe. Is the defense really as shit as /sp/ keeps saying it is
>way to gauge the level of play in MLS unless they go ag

Unfortunately MLS defenses are not that good anon. They are not tactically good (lack of concentration and positionning)

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