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oy vey
they know
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Inb4 thread moves again

I was at a bar that was playing some mainstream propoganda slop on the tv, must have mentioned israel or Iran when some orclike entity in ill fitted camo grunted out something about "weak men scared to fight for their country"
I out loud said people just aren't stupid enough to go die plinking sand monkeys for israeli interests while bean hordes piledrive our home country anymore. His souless gaze locked on me as he started espouting his service record like the McDonald's menu. I said that's quite impressive for a faggot droning brown kids from the safety of 2 countries over.
This must've set off his programming and fired off what little neurons he still had. Couldn't even tell you what the mystery meat monster was squeeling as he thrashed on that poor barstool's unbreakable will.
I scoffed at the spectacle which had to have activated his kill mode. The forthing mess lurched forward and all it took was mild reactive response of avoidance to sidestep and watch the golem trip on himself and come crashing down.
I sat on this beanbag's back and slapped it on the back of his head. He was already teary eyed and farting profusely in impotent rage. Once the whole bar was splitting their sides in laughter I got off and told him it's ok, no hard feelings. The creature scampered away in fright (I guess having to actually fight for once in it's life was too daunting).
Someone yelled out "Simper Fag!" as it barreled out the doors.
Anyway good luck to the homos and losers set up with recruitment duty. Hope you like the taste of Remington-brand pepper
>no answer
you really thought that was good enough to copy and paste?
I guess you have to be a white man to appreciate the humour rajesh.

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>more than a decade later
>still not a single photo after his "accident"
>no info, nothing
>could as well be a total vegetable

What did they do to him?
they are rebuilding him. bigger faster stronger.

expect Robo-Schumacher to be unveiled to the world in 2025
>Ferrari signed Newey to rebuild Schumi

maybe he's fine and just pranking everyone haha
Since investment loans can't be given out to companies with low ESG scores nowadays they'll also make him black in the process.

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this image speaks volumes
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Stretch it out a little
when sports become more a business than a sport this is what happens, the one with more money is the one that gets the best players and wins

you can also fuck up your money like barca or milan specially

Milan went from one of the best of europe to not even be in the champions league and they havent recoverd yet
Imagine if Napoli wins the Serie A, followed by Inter next year, followed by Genoa, Genoa again, Empoli and finally Roma
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Ligue 1 (McDonalds™) tier. Pathetic

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>Mfw City win the Prem league tomorrow
I have no face, I do not care, better than Arse or Liverpool winning it.
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emma cucktinni

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Be afraid /sp/
be very afraid
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Die Wampe
Die Walze vom Borussia Park
quintessential caveman Hans

She's right
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Yeah as >>140939525 >>140941453 say it's actually the other way around and Southerners need to get their own towns decent clubs instead of flocking to London teams
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>south shields is the northernmost one
Truro v Braintree won't be much better
>The name South Shields developed from the 'Schele' or 'Shield', which was a small dwelling used by fishermen.
And before you ask, yes there is a North Shields but their club is way down the pyramid.
>haha I'm a woman and I watch football, please like this stolen tweet

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france bans muslim soccer players from fasting
yay or nay
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they can do whatever they want, just no more special breaks for eating during a game.
you want to do it, do it while the game is going on, your problem.
>that ugly fat bitch having the gaull to reject a guy like that
that's it. take away the rights of women now.
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absolute state of online dating that a guy like this says "hey beautiful" to a girl like this

have some god damn standards dudes for FUCKS SAKE
this. beta males are the biggest threat to mankind, aside from the obvious.
>this is primarily anti muslim
oh no

Kek it do be like that
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my favorite nba factoid was kobr becoming #1 all time in missed shots while still ~10k off Kareem's point total. How is that even possible, dude spent his entire career getting Sternball Lakers FTAs
>Losing in the Finals is better than winning it all.
I personally don't give a shit about Jordan's undefeated record in the Finals, but they were a dominant team during his prime. They only lost once in seven seasons, and that loss was after Jordan took a season off. That's a pretty ridiculous run. Only the Celtics have done something similar (possibly better, but I didn't get to watch it). LeBron's teams have never maintained that kind of success, he just jumped ship when they started to go into a downturn.
AI is underrated at this point
Jewish propaganda, also Jokic is a unskilled unathletic plumber.
>plumber Era
This is the goto talking point when you don't have an actual arguement.

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is this true??
or you flop in italy and are afraid to fly so settle for arseanal
Weird how many people find they belong in a place full of trophies, hundreds of miles from where they live. What are the chances?

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.
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jesus those are some black fucking monkeys
wow, that's really racist. like that's going even further than usual.
sorry mate but Mbappé will be on the bench
if they wanted a good player from the PSG they should've taken Matuidi 7 years ago

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Well deserved, he's been absolutely brilliant
So many clutch goals in the league this season created out of thin air
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>nooooo not the heckerino penalty against luton
If only he was a high-IQ player like Isak and Wilson and refused to score against Luton
>fa cup doesn't count
ok hans christian andersen
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Literally no one gives a fuck about the FA Cup, correct
the media thinks he's the second coming of christ
it's really sad because it diminishes all the other norwegian players, and haaland is becoming worse each year under pep it seems like

Are you ready?
this retard will fit right in
just fucking kill me already
Please let this happen
Would be better than Ferran and Raphinha
talent (crossed out) aint enough

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From today and onwards you can call us:

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>the ungassables
I'll call you the trannies.
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>Buyer Levercucksen
Sorry not sorry, I’ll never rate the Blundesliga.

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This image speaks VOLUMES
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And we'll do this all again after tonight's draw?
afraid so
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Thought that was Morrissey from the thumbnail

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Tyson is THE quintessential can crusher, fighting style that's perfect against drunkards in a pub but proved garbage against the actual elite

And now he is old-old and his stye a meme
are you also aware that jake paul has fought ONE boxer in his career, that boxer is average at best, and paul still lost
yes tyson is an old man, but he's fighting a washed up influencer who has never won a boxing match
It's not just that Tyson is old but that he was inactive for long periods and had a lifestyle of drugs and overworking his body

Jake just needs to be quicker to wint his, which he will be
Pretty sure Jake is the favorite.
People actually discussing this meme trash and planning to watch it is actually the proof that we live in a post-IQ society
This. kek! Tyson was terrible in his last few fights. Hes almost 60 years old. He hasn't gotten any better.

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