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>5'8 man vs 5'8 woman
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In that vid a girl is beating a healthy adult male tho
So your ancestor was the guy who legalized this?
>ricebug chink
>healthy adult man
kek. also women dont actually see through their eyes they only have an imaginary third person view of themselves like a video game, which is why they are athletically inferior. they are not at the reigns of their corporeal form, nature is, and everyone knows nature is a girl. and man was put on this Earth to rape nature.
T. Plays bibeogaymes all day
>Hurrrr let me tell you about what is alpha

Sit down

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Is this an extreme sport? WHat are some unusual sports i can get into besides skateboarding?
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I don't know about extreme but it's fun. Extremely dorky to most people though.

Camping/hiking/kayaking. Survival stuff. Primitive hunting

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/xs/! What is best in life?
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Nearly off the board with almost a month with no reply & your faggot ass basically necros this shit. Kys.
This thread will never die and there’s nothing you can do about it
He Is Risen

To the top of the catalog
420 blaze it
Late Cinco de Mayo celebrations hermanos

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nah i seen him walking bro
how u got thiago moises in here
where is he cunt. its just these other ATT dickheads
damn caseoh really fell off

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As a small but mighty board, /xs/ has their own Soccer (not an extreme sport, I know,) team that fights other boards. This is done by making a computer play pro evolution soccer. Most recently, our former boardmates over at /pw/ won. Our roster is largely unchanged from the early days of the board: so I'm putting it up here for people to give feedback on. If there is a meme or shitpost you like from your threads (especially you guys, fight bros,) please hit me with it and what you think no longer represents the board. This is all autistic as fuck, I know.
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Add "Gun" as a goalkeeper.
Turn Hakuho into PUNISHED Hakuho
Oh shit, didn't see this before, change Hakuho to Terunofuji and call it "Exploding Knees"
Yeah, I am not helping
Indeed, hakuho in a janny suit would be neat.

Something to represent the floor hugging sports would be nice

In any case, next ( possibly final) match is in around 1 hour vs /m/. Basically need a win and a r9k win afterward to go forward

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Is sailing extreme?

Introducing the sailing, boating, yachting, etc general.
Any sailors? I recently started as a skipper for a local crew and it's quite fun.
>Is sailing extreme?
>Introducing the sailing, boating, yachting, etc general.
I saw sailing thread one day here, it wasn't popular, too few people do it.
>Any sailors?
I was enjoying sailing at one point of my life, but I live in place where no seas, only small lakes. I travelled to Ladoga (it is a big lake actually), Canary Islands and White Sea to sail. I stopped doing this because where I live it is hard to do sailing.
I'm thinking is it possible to become a skipper and earn money with it somehow and what the job looks like. Is it always ride office workers along the sea during vacations?
It also would be cool to make ocean crossing one day.
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>I'm thinking is it possible to become a skipper and earn money with it somehow and what the job looks like. Is it always ride office workers along the sea during vacations?
Probably very poor money. I sail with a local yacht club as a skipper just for fun. Nobody pays anyone; they just needed more crew.

If 100 random men and 100 random women were chosen to fight in mixed sex mma with legal groin shots, how many women would win?
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Possibly 1 woman out of the 100, I would give that like a 2% chance or lower compared to 98+% chance of all 100 men winning.
They would wear a cup so not that many
Statistically speaking I would expect 5-10 women to win as I believe that is the overlap in the strength bell curves. If they're paired by weight class then I'd expect 0 or 1
You are aware that women can be kicked in the crotch as well and it hurts similarly badly, right anon? Or is this just another retarded inter-sex combat thread that you faggots are obsessed with for some reason? Surely not.
I expect a few women to win. There are some really beta and pacifist guys out there and some horrible and trashy women who don't mind throwing hands

I know nerds cope and say otherwise but fighting is massively a mindset and the ability to do damage without thinking about it. You put some tech funko pop onions up against a ghetto ass female and she will fuck him up

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soaping bros, we're home
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i love the 90s vibes these videos give off
I kind of want to buy a pair of these
I tried to get into rollerblading but I bought a pair that was somehow way too small and I don't wanna risk it on another pair
anyone else wanna buy grindshoes, link up, and travel the world to shoot a revolutionary grindshoe video and create a new extreme sports trend?

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>spend 30-40% of time on practicing takedowns and 60-70% on practicing ground game intead of 10% on takedowns and 90% on ground game
>start sparring on foot rather than on knees
>give -2 points for guard pulling in competitions
>Legalize slams for brown and black belts. And if you're scared to do it, instead ban jumping guard.
>legalize heel hooks for brown and black belts in gi, just like you did in no gi
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>spend 30-40% of time on practicing takedowns and 60-70% on practicing ground game intead of 10% on takedowns and 90% on ground game
>start sparring on foot rather than on knees
that's what we do in our school
>give -2 points for guard pulling in competitions
>Legalize slams for brown and black belts.
>And if you're scared to do it, instead ban jumping guard.
-6 points deduction
>legalize heel hooks for brown and black belts in gi
disagree, people need to understand that at this point no gi is a different sport altogether
t. no gi only leglocker
That's fine, but your position basically is let gi continue to be a fucking joke so it goes away like it deserves to
The lack of heel hooks is not the problem
I agree and I say this as someone who dabbled in Sambo because I lived nearby a heavily Russian area (judoka here).

Leglocks are the last submissions that people should learn and practice. It'll develop bad habits without learning guardwork, sweeps, rolls, control of positions.

The first submission that someone should learn is armlocks. Then chokes. Finally leglocks. All in that order, but you have to really master armlocks and chokes first because you'll have a good grasp on how to fight on top as well as on your back.

I don't like slams. In self-defense and street fights, I'd advocate that but not in competitive sport.

And you can't butt-scoot. You have to initiate some kind of action to engage instead of passively waiting for the other guy to come. Within 30 seconds of being on your back while the other is on their feet, you either get back into standing position, or you try to attack the opponent's legs.
Too many changes at once. They need to make butt scooting bad in some way and then see what shakes out. That's the biggest thing making the sport a joke.
Imo you should get a point deduction if you go to ground without maintaining control of the opponent.

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/xs/'s thoughts on the topic of professional slap flighting?

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I find it interesting how incompetent the body catchers in Powerslap are compared to the slav tournaments. In Powerslap they just allow people to drop on the floor and bang their head.
It's such a farce to do the bar minimum to appease the local atheltics commission. Dana clearly wants footage of people rolling around on the floor.
You've got nothing, go practice more Power Slap and get more CTE while you fantasize about Dana's jizz in your asshole
White power!
top quality slappage
Gayest shit i've ever seen

Is it possible to just never get good at a sport?

I always wanted to drift. I used to rip the e brake in snow and dirt but I just suck at it. I bought a simulator setup and been using it for years and I never get better.

I can barely drift around one wet corner. I just don’t think I can get good at it i never know where the cars gonna go until I hit the throttle and I’m already sliding out of control.
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just find an arcade version of Sega Daytona USA, the drift mechanics of that game is the best of all video games racers.
find a teacher dumbass
I love that game!
Do it for real on a dedicated track with a car set up for drift, doing it in a game even with FFB or with a FWD shitbox on a parking lot won't take you far
>yes, i know plenty of old men who get into mountain biking, have been doing it for years and still suck ass compared to the fearless 12 year old who started 7 days ago., having a risk tolerance, or atleast internal motivation is necessary. Do you just say you want to improve and then never do anything about it.
I don't even think it's a big issue, their ego is just bigger then their desire to do better.
I never really wanted to be the best (inb4 cope comment), and once I understood that I was happier.
Admittedly the best mtber I knew did dirt bikes, bmx, as a kid and had some nasty trips to the hospital.
Learn more. Somewhere there is a key to your problem, and I suspect learning+practice will solve it.

- What is ESSENTIAL to have and to understand regarding Self Defense?

- What is the best Martial Art or the combination of Martial Arts for Self Defense?
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100%, absolutely fair. Just to be clear, in no way am I saying "don't train" or "it's OK to be complacent if you're middle class". I'm just saying that managing lifestyle risk factors is way more effective than fightin' good.

In regards to road rage stuff specifically, have a quality vehicle with good suspension, good brakes, and plenty of power. Keep it maintained. Have a CCW and a high quality holster. Put a couple thousand rounds through it. Attend a Shivworks course. All this has a significant (but not insurmountable) economic barrier for entry.

I dunno, I guess my point is just, don't underestimate the scope of the problem. Learning to fight good and owning weapons is awesome and everyone should do it, but you're still gonna get got if you live near trouble. People buy a gun, drop in the glove box, and think they're safe. Or they train up to be a pretty good boxer or whatever and think "boom, done and dusted, I am un-victim-izable".
Most countries don't allow concealed carry. Tbh I wouldn't even worry about training half as much if I could just carry a small Glock or pepper spray/ shotgun for home defense

Yes a lot of it is situational awareness, de-escalate but don't look like a victim

Sometimes nicer areas tend to have more home invasions and burglaries. I read about several here where the victim was a meek family man and he got beaten up whilst his family were tied up. I've also seen footage of home invasions where a good 1-2 to the intruders coming through the door made them revaluate their decisions...

But at the end of the day if enough people want to hurt you, you're getting hurt. I don't care if you're MMA heavy weight champion with a concealed carry, two guys with baseball bats who sucker hit you, and it's bye-bye
Fast draw
Putting aside the obvious de-escalation/avoidance/awareness/street smarts stuff, you need:

>1 good striking art
>1 good grappling art

That's it for the average drunk or homeless guy who starts shit. Then you can add weapons stuff later.
In an unarmed situation my plan is to do everything I can to get a good liver punch in. I’m sure I will take damage and quite possibly lose but a solid liver punch will drop anyone. Follow up with a flurry of kidney punches and gtfo

A match beetween someone trained In BJJ, judo, Wrestling,... vs some nigga in plate armor without weapons.
how would it go?
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Believe or not the guy doing the throw ended up more injured. The guy who got dropped had the wind knocked out of him but the guy doing the throw was concussed by the pommel strikes to the head.
I wouldn't call the 17th century modern
Why would you lie? Those pummel strikes had no structure behind them and even then were hitting the mask.
It was never as clean as it is now though, most modern joint lock submissions are from late 1800s and on. In wrestling it was mainly just trying to pull something until it breaks, there was no technique to submissions. Even the toe hold which was probably one of the more common 1800s wrestling submissions was just pulling the foot in one direction when the opponent was turtled up. The armbar as we know it was only introduced to America around 1905 or something like that. So while submissions were around for thousands of years, they really weren't around to be used on battlefields, especially in Europe where there was superior weaponry and armor, they would mainly use a takedown to use their weapon to kill someone on the ground if they were armored, if they were unarmored then it doesn't even get to a grapple.
Parry this casual

Why do boxers have so much more fights than mma guys?
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And why does boxing not have greedy promotions?
They didn't know getting your face bashed in for 10 rounds was bad. The fighters weren't the only ones with CTE
Try 110 rounds
MMA is far more destructive to the body. Boxing is more dangerous to the brain, but you don't get leg kicked and elbowed.

Just look at the faces of boxers and MMA fighters after their fights.
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>Just look at the faces of boxers and MMA fighters after their fights.
Bad comparison. Gloves in boxing are literally designed to minimize chances of cuts. Look at the face of bareknuckle boxers and they look way worse than either MMA or boxers.

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Any hot woman, who do extreme sport
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Look i could not find a big boob
in order to be skinny i need to eat like 1200 calories a day, which is hard but doable. but anon imagine having to eat that little just to not be fat. Id rather eat a lot and workout a lot. You get used to eating little but its very hard to maintain
theres nothing wrong with her fucking brow bone tf is wrong with you

The fuck kinda name is Puck

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