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Do you think the rising average age of female gymnasts has effected the expected skill level?
Are people expecting higher skilled but less physically demanding performances now? Or has the change in training resulted in the peak performance for women reaching a later age?
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At least when it comes to some of the events, like rhythmic, there's quite a few 20+ year olds that take the Olympics and the world championships.
Both Russians in rythmic in 2016 and 2020 were 20+, for example.
And Sanne won the balance beam at 26 years old, and Jade won the 2020 at 20.

Overall the winners are getting older too it would seem.
she's a fake blonde with doodoo eyes just like my mother
all I know is russian gym and balet coach is swimming in underage pussy.
GOD i fucking love women so much
Yea, she doesn't give a shit about the sport, she only does it for the ass compliments.

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Fat fuck edition

Can't link the last thread because the archive doesn't allow searching for some reason
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I once got to try a nice marker, it was really light and it had some retarded LED shit on the side like a CSGO gun. It had an extended trigger for both fingers but I couldn't fire it faster than the shitty and heavy tipman 98 rental markers for some reason.
My dad also gave me a really nice pair of paintball pants as a birthday gift and then asked to borrow them and I never got them back.
I once got shot in the knuckle and that's the only time it hurt. And once in grill of the mask and the ball exploded into my mouth which was really funny and I thought it was great fun. Tasted like dishsoap.
Apart from that my only other experience with paintball was the demo for pic related.
You boys going back on the fields? it’s warmer?
What’s that rig? I like the charger holders
It’s an old Unique sporting stockclass harness

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Does anyone else think that this was fake? There's a 0% chance that Johnson actually beat this dude. The only possible explanations are that they aren't truly the same belts and are on different levels. Otherwise, the only other explanation is that it was faked/big guy didn't try.
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DJ just got his black belt btw
he literally has 20 years or more of wrestling experience. then probably 15 years of jiu jitsu experience. also why would anyone fake a jiu jitsu match? he got 2nd anyway so why would he fake just to get silver?
isnt purple before black and brown before purple
Unironically size doesnt mean everything. Its only useful if you can use it. Especially when dj has freak athleticism and better skills. He moves like lightning which makes it very hard to react properly to and he pushed the pace. He doesnt play into the fat man's game

Reminder the bigger you are the slower you are the less conditioning you have. Conditioning makes coward of any man.
DJ is literally the exception in a lot of imagined scenarios. The guy is just unbelievably good.

What the fuck is her problem?
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But I am biased she was the first thing I JO too.
>She does not believe that she's supposed to lose.
Unironically based mindset.
God I want to kiss her ugly face
>entire identity tied to winning thanks to her mom
>probably has undiagnosed mental illness
This exactly.
Absolutely based post, this is what I wanted to say but you articulated it better than I could've.

Based mindset for high achievement at the bleeding edge of hyper-competitive extreme performance, not based mindset for longterm health and happiness. Up to you to decide which you want more.
she is just not very pretty at all

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I have 5 months of nothing starting today.
How can I become the best fighter possible with, say, $1400 USD a month in my pocket.
Mot of the fight camps seem to be in Thailand.
Do they have any good grappling camps there or outside?
I like grappling more, ESPECIALLY nogi
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If I were you I'd just head on over to Thailand. You'll be close enough to other countries and have enough exposure to all different types of gyms and people to train with. I think it should still be cheap enough to get by but I am not to sure.
try bali
Why do you need to go to Thailand

Just go to a regular gym in your country
>I'd go to california to train at 10th planet HQ
You said you wanted to get good
It's cheap but yeah. Thailand is fine but overrated. Yes your conditioning and toughness will be good but you can do that anywhere. It's getting much better but the grappling is noticeably weaker and that muay thai style is definitely flawed in the head movement.

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>nobody would die of dehydratation (so far it hasn't happened in the UFC though)
>no fights would be called off because of too harsh dehydration (it has actually happened)
>performance of fighters would be slightly better
>more fighters might be unable to make weight and some fights might be called off because of it

Also, it may require changes in weightclasses. Current LHWs wouldn't be able to cut to LHW so they would need additional 225 lbs class to avoid fighting much bigger guys. Giants like Derrick Lewis wouldn't be able to make 265 so the limit in HW should be abolished or moved up. Same with current woman's featherweights who might need a 155 class.
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They should do the weight in the day of the fight, everything else is a bullshit
Dude, every competitor in every sport that I have EVER known, in either fighting or even in wrestling, makes weight with serious dehydration. On weight day, you can't do shit, you feel weak as fuck. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
This. But they would pretty much have to completely redefine weight classes.
That's no one's problem but their own.
You're pathetic and you lack self control. It's extremely easy to meet weight without excuses and if you think professional fighters can't do that, you lack the brain of an adult.
>or even in wrestling,
fuck off you faggot, we weighted in right before the matches started

Ich wäre gerne Boxer in Nürnberg

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What do you do?
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Emasculated society
bjj with penetration as submission. this is the origin of only 30% of pegging cases, despite what you might hear from a sensationalist.
Divorce law duh.
>Step 1: Beat your husband
>Step 2: When he attempts to fight back threaten to call the police should he strike you
>Step 3: Taunt that nobody would believe him even if he did report it
Domestic violence is literally that easy.
That was cringe, and I enjoy watching halfthor do strongman.

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>motocross is so dead there isn't even a thread for it on /xs/
its so over
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so true

I legit forgot this board even exist, they don't even show a single banner or anything

anyway thought on this nigga?
are his long vid worth the time?
Literally who?
Sarcastic member berry storytelling is ok at first, but the bit gets stale quick. Especially when there's an entire market of cunts doing it in the comedy/mma retarded crossover world.
i think he's quite funny but also comes off as a bit of a fag
This is a hard r board sir

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what is the sport to this?
I would argue it's more similar to chess in the sense that yeah it's not physically demanding, but it's more about the mental aspect and needing a solid clarity to not fuck up and even once or you die
Mental clarity and having a dysfunctional amygdala are two separate things.
Rooftopping is largely safe if you take standard routes, pretty much anyone can do rooftopping regardless of fitness. The pic you've shown pretty much has them climbing a ladder, they're just high up.

The real kings of extreme sports are free soloing and wingsuiting which have high mortality rates and require a high level of physical and mental ability. The majority of people will never wingsuit or free solo in their life. Whereas people are rooftopping every day, for work. This does not make it extreme.
Want a job?
Way too retarded to not be having some basejumping parachute with you just in case you fuck up so you can kick off the building for some speed and get the chute prepared and off you safely go somewhere.

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A place to discuss zorbing and zorbing accessories. A misunderstood but globular extreme sport. Limp Bizkit once wrote a song about this
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Feels so crazy that they're actually bringing back zorbing at the Olympics, it's been so long. Did anybody honestly think they'd do it?
No fucking way... Zorb bros, we are going home, at last.
zorb bump
zorbGODS how we livin?
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I'm still hyped for the Olympics. Can't wait to see these classic contests back, like the king of the hill one

Before anyone here says anything about the potential match up between Merab and Suga Sean at UFC 306 just remember that Merab beat Yan (bantamweight goat) with ease while Suga won by a commonly disputed decision

Strikingfags: Your rainbow twink doesn't stand a chance against the Georgian Machine

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Just finished rereading Teppu and All-Rounder Meguru after remembering a storytime on /a/ 2(?) years ago where some Brazilian dude got me into martial arts. If you browse this board, thank you you bastard, soon I'll be participating in my first competition.

Anyway, I'm looking for more stuff like this, I already read Ippo btw. Also, movies and other media are also cool
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Mou Ippon!! and Yawara! cover female judo.
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Others have already said it but Baki, the Anime and the Manga are both good
Yeah Mou Ippon is good.
It doesn't have flashy moves and secret techniques but does a great job at showing what judo looks like for most people.
The only problem with Mou Ippon is that english language translations are dead.
It did get an anime though.

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Insecure 5'9" dude here. If you could only pick one martial art as a manlet for self-defense on da streetz (like a rando walks up and wants to beat the shit out of you) what would it be? The only gym near me offers either Muay Thai or BJJ
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You can learn kickboxing and boxing at any age really. Grappling is Hella worse for your spine etc
>you're not allowed to resort to lethal force over fist fights
Depends entirely on the jurisdiction.

>Grappling is Hella worse for your spine etc
There seem to be a fair number of old men doing judo.
>There seem to be a fair number of old men doing judo
Personally, I feel that getting thrown is often the least painful part of grappling when your partner isn't a retard and you know how to break a fall. In contrast, getting the life squeezed out of me in bottom half guard or nay pin always leaves me feeling like someone took a sledgehammer to my chest and back afterwards, and I'm hardly a geezer at 21
buy a gun
then train a striking and a grappling art
as well as start lifting
Bulk up to 180lbs of muscle and start doing Muay Thai. After 6 months of training you'll be able to beat up 90% of random guys on the street. After a couple of years you'll be able to pretty much beat up anybody who has trained less than you and isn't a 6'4 linebacker in the NFL.

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