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Brevity is the soul of wit. If you can’t explain things succinctly then it’s because you’re low iq. See example:
>fuck off retard
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>That's only true for amateur mma
Not according to my master, (and his wife...), because as I said in my post they both told me that rule of the height is in pro-level. The master of the team I train in (or formerly trained in, because honestly I literally didn't go to the class of yesterday because this thread kind of opened my eyes, that on pair with the fact that I was already getting real tired of BJJ and the enormous inclination they have toward it. BJJ class always has more students than MMA, similar to comparing kick-boxing or the insufferable muay-thai (which I suspect most of its public is underages and adult idiots that feel cool for doing it due to its reputation of being so dangerous, despite it's not even allowed to actually elbows and knees, for that reason)) is and has been long-life friends with and disciple of Marcelo Giudici, a brazilian pro MMA fighter specialized in BJJ. The guy is a beast though anyway, he knows how to actually throw a massively destructive punch or kick, not to mention so many wrestling techniques, Judo techniques to take the opponent to the ground (and apply his BJJ!) or just throw him away flying if we're talking about a street fight. The guy is kind of terrifying. And is involved (I don't know in what way, never understood) with the "Gracie clan".

>>The only martial art that works reliably against multiple opponents is gun fu
>*runs out of ammo* / *gun gets stuck and doesn't fire*
The only slam rule is the spiking (piledriver) ban. Your master may just be retarded.
slamming is illegal in bjj, not sure why people are talking about MMA
you don't see it anymore much in MMA because the fighters aren't retarded enough to try and do submissions from the bottom anymore, which in effect, not retarded enough to do BJJ anymore

Slamming should be legal as long as you aren't doing it on their head/neck

like getting picked up and dropped in bottom closed guard really isn't a big deal, i had someone do it to me I just tucked my head in so I didn't bounce it off the mat, no idea why that would be a DQ in a tournament as you can just open your guard just stand up lmao

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General


>Belt Checker

>Thread question
Thoughts on CJI vs ADCC?

Previous thread:
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migrate when ready
Blow Job Job is the only good belt system though
>White = Beginner
>Blue = Competent
>Purple = Proficient
>Brown = Advanced
>Black = Master

Compare this to every other belt system where Black is 'competent'. E.g. in TKD I would say 4th dan is the equivalent of 'Master'

Eventually the BJJ belts will get watered down like everything else but its done a good job so far of making sure a black belt is a legitimate master of the style and a good fighter. The concept of a 12yo black belt in BJJ is ridiculous but compare it to TKD where its the norm
Pop usually implies ACL

If it hasn't swollen up it means you probably didn't tear it but go to a doctor and/or physio just in case as something is fucked up there and the next time you do it you might fuck your shit up real bad

t. not a medical professional but have blown my knees out a few times
>every other belt system where Black is 'competent'
You could make an argument that in those styles where you have a set curriculum and requirements for each belt, earning a colored belt means that you can competently perform the prescribed techniques, not necessarily that you know how to practically apply them well.
Using math for comparison, colored belts would be like your elementary and high school classes where you learn addition, multiplication, geometry, trig etc. Then black belts are like college courses, where you start doing "real" math
Maybe this is a result of lack of full-contact sparring, where any technique you learn you are very quickly forced to apply against a resisting opponent, but it may just be a different way of thinking about what the belts mean
Yeah but BJJ belts mean you *can* apply the technique well

i.e. not just that you know how to a triangle against a compliant opponent, but that you can hit it in live sparring too

I get what you mean that it's not learn 'learn techniques X,Y,Z to get [belt]' but imo it's the best indicator of 'how good are you at this martial art' that exists currently, and the most standard

Though I predict in future it will go the way of other martial arts and have like 4th dan being the 'actual' black belt standard

I think Kudo does a better job of this where it allows you to rank up through competition. Imo this should more integrated to gradings, i.e. to rank up you need to win/place in a certain number of competitions, so you're objectively good in comparison to others rather than just in your club

But people would find a way to game that eventually so idk

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In my town there is only karate and it seems to be 90% kids. Not to mention how questionable the effectiveness of the art is outside of the sport. The only other option is boxing but that will take me half an hour drive. I am not sure how stressful the training would be and since the training is in the evening when I get home and go to sleep I would have like 6 hours of sleep max. Most likely 5 or 4. I could maybe make up for it the other day when I get back from work if I go to sleep super early or if I take 1-2 hour power naps before going to training. Even then I think I could only train twice a week.
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>got 'sashied
Karate is performative and that tiger was a paid actor.
>Just let niggers rape you and your love ones, bro
Are you in US? Get a gun.

Also 30 mins isn't that bad if it's a decent gym. I drive that much to mine 3 times a week
Baki Musashi was so much fun...I miss him
>In my town there is only karate
What style or organization? Post link if you can

Tall half white half mexican freak girl savagely beat me up in muay thai class today.
I'm 5'6 while she's easily 6' plus. My nose was bleeding earlier today, one tooth from my upper jaw is loose, while my sides are still hurting from her roundhouse kicks. She humiliated me in front of everyone. I couldn't do shit, just fucking overpowered. She kicked my ass while wearing the most girly clothes possible, a pink gym skirt barely covering her asscheeks, black top with visible sports bra straps, and pink gloves. Our instructor fucking hates me, and I think he intentionally paired me with her to give her a good practice punchbag. She looks sexy though, when she bends, her ass looks shapely.
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genuine skill issue i'm afraid
post a pic of her
what >>159099 said
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I wonder how a persons nose would look after an alleged incident like that. Nose-cherry’poppin
I read all of this. I appreciate the positivity you're spreading

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Insecure 5'9" dude here. If you could only pick one martial art as a manlet for self-defense on da streetz (like a rando walks up and wants to beat the shit out of you) what would it be? The only gym near me offers either Muay Thai or BJJ
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BJJ here. 250lb powerlifter prior. Fighting should be avoided at almost any scenario and a gun will do for the rest. Do Muay Thai? Get tackled and get kicked in the head while on the ground. Do BJJ? Skip to the second part of the prior outcome.
Literally mma or sambo and most importantly: learn how to close distance with footwork
you're opinion doesnt matter because you lift weights
im just using bjj logic
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I’m a fucking insecure autist so even if I know in my head that a 5’9” dude can be good at BJJ if they put the time in and work out, one anonymous retard on 4chan can say “only one BJJ move will work on me if you’re 5’9” because a 5’9” man is basically a 5’1” girl” and my ego would crumble as I cancel my BJJ classes IRL. I can watch hundreds of videos of short BJJ dudes taking on bigger untrained guys in da streetz but without 100% validation from strangers online I want to give up
Stop being so pathetic. 5'9" isn't short and it certainly isn't something you should have a complex over.

Hello, I'm a skydiver and I'm very interested in climbing wind turbines. Are there people who have already done so and have advice to give me
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i want to climb a windturbine by the ladder in it and jump from the top only for fun
but im not experienced in climbing it
Federal crime, don't do it.
Former tower climber here - these sites have door based alarms, do NOT try to jump off one of these unless your buddy can get yoou in during a work visit

Also don't jump with a skydiving rig you fucking donut get a proper BASE rig and get a mentor
I've climbed approximately 63% of the wind turbines in my country, and my number one piece of advice is to ignore anyone who says you shouldn't do it. They're also deceptively tall, so you can use your normal skydiving equipment for all except the inexplicably short ones - those can be easily spotted from ground level, as they have four blades instead of three. Have fun!
First off, learn to base jump, it's a whole additional skill set from regular parachuting. Second off, familiarize yourself with different types of wind turbine, and listen to this faggot >>200453. Third off, there is a giant fucking propellor that will fucking kill you if you do this, so make sure the wind is working in your favor; jumping off the back is generally the safest way to go about this.

Neck bridges
Good or dangerous?
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They are bad, that exercise just fuck your cervix.
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more dangerous than neck training needs to be, but not the worst if you do them right
I like this for neck training, a lot less risk and it's easy to scale with volume
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they're good for your neck I do them everyday wrestling

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What happened? Why aren't they releasing their last event on Youtube?
Because youtube is gay get on telegram.
Ruslan won, osru won, wasu won.
Plus their replays are PPV for a couple months after the fight usually

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where would i go online or irl? i have no mma gyms around me
just do the closest martial art, even if it's shotokan karate
unless you're rich like making 6 figures rich
they likely arent gonna let you do private classes.
If you dont pull up in a big ass truck or a mint brand new sports car they arent gonna give you privage lessons
Look up which professional fighters are closest to you. Contact them and ask them to train you. Usually they have a gym anyway
Pay me anon. I'm injured and have nothing to do anyway
who is this guy that this anon keeps posting

>is the most ineffective position for the hand to hit something bio-mechanically speaking
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Shouldn't you be napping for your fight tonight Tommy
What about the hammer fist? when you want to bang on the door you use that part of your hand and not your knuckles, because that would hurt.
>he doesn't wrap on the door with a flicking back fist
God intended humans to throw rocks and hit things with sticks. No caveman ever punched a mammoth to death.
Seconding this

E-Ride, Sur Ron, Talaria, or what else? The Pro SS model looks sweet but I got no clue what I'm on about.
ask /o/
Damn, can't delete the thread since its too old. Probably not gonna get a kind janitor man to move this to /o/ anytime soon...

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I used to love urban exploring so much, climbing up the side of abandoned buildings, exploring inside, chilling on the roof. I moved to a country which has a high amount of crack heads in a lot of these places, meaning I can't get that feeling of freedom through climbing since there's more to worry about than just falling. Because of this I resorted to doing stupid shit on my motorbike.

How else do you fuckers get this rush and freedom? Should I go to Eastern Europe to train hop, should I hike up a mountain, should I try shoplifting? Or maybe I should just get into drugs?
Train hopping is not something you do for the fun of it. It's a rejection of modern travel and living expectations and standards, hence why it is a staple of the travel punk community. You do it for the freedom and beauty of being unchained from the System. If anything, just hike up a mountain or go surfing if you want a thrill. Maybe cycle the 2024 Tour de France route in your free time if you really have that much pent-up energy inside to release
Just go and beat the crackheads, do the best with what you got man.
I fight
I like riding my bicycle very fast on MUP/bike trails.Going over 30mph on descents on 23mm tires at 100+psi is fun to me, even better with the bros.

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>spend 30-40% of time on practicing takedowns and 60-70% on practicing ground game intead of 10% on takedowns and 90% on ground game
>start sparring on foot rather than on knees
>give -2 points for guard pulling in competitions
>Legalize slams for brown and black belts. And if you're scared to do it, instead ban jumping guard.
>legalize heel hooks for brown and black belts in gi, just like you did in no gi
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my gym has a "beginner curriculum" that lasts a year where you only practice submissions once a week (out of 3 sessions)
The rest is focused on takedowns and positions
I feel like that's a good way not to develop guard pulling sissies
We have non-mandatory but highly encouraged beginners classes, the understanding is you're allowed to attend whatever class you want but if you're not going to the beginners classes don't expect to be helped and don't expect the other classes to slow down for you
I don't want to get slammed. I have a day job.
I'm assuming you mean "effective" in regards to da streetz?
You could apply the same retarded logic to pretty much any combat sport
>can't do submissions in wrestling
>can't do kick or do takedowns in boxing
>can't grab legs in judo
And that's ignoring the 1000 minor rules that have been implemented across all of these.

Despite some dumb rules, anyone who has dedicated serious time to any of these hobbies can probably beat the fuck out of someone
No I'm pretty sure he means in mma

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I see Defendo places around me, from their descriptions it seems like Krav Maga but with more focus on unarmed fighting, on their website it says their bases are taken from Muay Thai and catch wrestling.
How effective is this? Why would someone learn defendo over just going to a regular old MMA gym?
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This Attacko, no can Defendo
>Underwood had created Combato in 1910, at 15 years old
>Underwood was asked to modify the system to remove its lethal applications and instead focus on the Law Enforcement applications of self-defence, compliance and control tactics. He realized that he could not call this system Combato, so his daughter Pat Underwood proposed that he call the system "Defendo".
It makes sense after reading it's a twist on a name he came up with as a 15 year old.
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Combato is what happens when an unstoppable Attacko meets an unassailable Defendo.
>at 15 years old I created my own lethal combat system
This is Frank Dux tier

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What is your boxing style and stance? Why did you choose them?
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I'm a switch-hitting counterpuncher. My power isn't that great but I body punch a lot and string good combos. I use pressure and fight at angles. I don't like being cornered and had to develop better defense.
Peekaboo cause I'm unironically built like Mike, like almost exact same proportions.
What >>192049
>>191464 i don’t know really>>194919

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